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Friedrich Schiller on republican virtue and the tragic exemplar

by Church, J.
In: European Journal of Political Theory. (European Journal of Political Theory, January 2014, 13(1:!"#
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The (iberty of the -ncient+/ &rie0rich Schiller an0 -e+thetic Republicanism
by %ch1i0t, -le2an0er
Schiller's political thou3ht ha+ been +ub4ect to conflictin3 interpretation+. Ta)in3 Schiller's hi+torical
e++ay 5The (e3i+lation of (ycur3u+ an0 %olon5 a+ a point of 0eparture, thi+ article locate+ hi1 1ore
preci+ely 6ithin the conte2t of ei3hteenth#century 0ebate+ on republicanism an0 1oral philo+ophy. 7ne
of Schiller's central criteria in the e,aluation of 0ifferent republic+ i+ the 8ue+tion of ho6 they co1ply
6ith 1an5+ +en+ual an0 pa++ionate nature. 9y attac)in3 %parta5+ con+titution a+ 0e+potic an0 unfit to
1eet hu1an +elf#reali:ation, he 0i++ociate0 hi1+elf fro1 *ou++eau an0 repu0iate0 cla++ical republican
1o0el+. In+tea0, Schiller +i0e0 6ith 1o0e+t proponent+ of lu2ury an0 pro3re++ by 0efen0in3 -then+5
abun0ant an0 polite life+tyle. In re+pon+e to the &rench re,olution, Schiller0e,elope0 hi+ o6n ae+thetic
1o0el of culti,atin3 +en+e+ an0 pa++ion+ to achie,e a free +ociety. .e+pite +i3nificant liberal ele1ent+,
he thereby re1aine0 true to the republican principle that free0o1 an0 +elf#reali:ation can only be
achie,e0 in the political co11unity.
Subjects: &*EE.7;, (I9E*T<, P7(ITIC-( P=I(7%7P=<, *EP>9(IC-?I%;, %E(&#*E-(I@-TI7?
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Schiller's -e+thetic Republicanism
by ;o33ach, .ou3la+
The paper e2a1ine+ the political i1plication+ of Schiller's 57n the -e+thetic E0ucation of ;an5
(1A!".Schiller's thou3ht ha+ fre8uently been 0epicte0 a+ a fli3ht fro1 conte1porary con0ition+ of
re,olution an0 6ar, but hi+ ae+thetic i0ea+ are clo+ely connecte0 to hi+ a++e++1ent of political
e1ancipation an0 they contribute to a ne6 )in0 of republican thou3ht. Bhile earlier ei3hteenth#
centuryrepublicanisms ha0 pre+uppo+e0, or atte1pte0 to enforce, ho1o3eneity of intere+t a1on3 the
citi:en bo0y, Schiller ac)no6le03e+ 1o0ern 0i,er+ity, re+ultin3 fro1 ne6 relation+hip+ in ci,il +ociety
an0 the 0i,i+ion of labour. =e a0,ocate+ a politic+ of 1utual reco3nition, co1patible 6ith 1o0ern
in0i,i0uality an0 it+ 0ifferentiate0 for1+. =i+ ae+thetic approach +ee)+ har1ony throu3h reciprocal
interaction an0 1utual a04u+t1ent, 6ithout pro0ucin3 unifor1ity or +uppre++in3 +pontaneity. Thi+
approach repre+ent+ an i1portant inno,ation in the republican an0 Cantian tra0ition+.
Subjects: -E%T=ETIC E.>C-TI7?, CIDI( %7CIET<, .IDE*%IT<, P7(ITIC-(
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Schiller's ae+thetic republicanism (Schiller's 57n the -e+thetic E0ucation of ;an5 (1A!"
by ;o33ach, .
HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHTE &-(, 200A, 2$ 3, p"20#p"41, 22p.
The paper e2a1ine+ the political i1plication+ of Schiller's 7n the -e+thetic E0ucation of ;an
(1A!".Schiller's thou3ht ha+ fre8uently been 0epicte0 a+ a fli3ht fro1 conte1porary con0ition+ of
re,olution an0 6ar, but hi+ ae+thetic i0ea+ are clo+ely connecte0 to hi+ a++e++1ent of political
e1ancipation an0 they contribute to a ne6 )in0 of republican thou3ht. Bhile earlier ei3hteenth#
centuryrepublicanisms ha0 pre+uppo+e0, or atte1pte0 to enforce, ho1o3eneity of intere+t a1on3 the
citi:en bo0y, Schiller ac)no6le03e+ 1o0ern 0i,er+ity, re+ultin3 fro1 ne6 relation+hip+ in ci,il +ociety
an0 the 0i,i+ion of labour. =e a0,ocate+ a politic+ of 1utual reco3nition, co1patible 6ith 1o0ern
in0i,i0uality an0 it+ 0ifferentiate0 for1+. =i+ ae+thetic approach +ee)+ har1ony throu3h reciprocal
interaction an0 1utual a04u+t1ent, 6ithout pro0ucin3 unifor1ity or +uppre++in3 +pontaneity. Thi+
approach repre+ent+ an i1portant inno,ation in the republican an0 Cantian tra0ition+.
Subjects: =I%T7*<
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Schiller, %cot+ an0 Fer1an+: &ree0o1 an0 .i,er+ity in 5The -e+thetic E0ucation of ;an5
by ;o33ach, .ou3la+
Thi+ paper e2a1ine+ t6o +et+ of 0ebate+ 6hich +hape Schiller's political reflection+, an0
hi+republicanism: the %cotti+h 0ebate about the relation of ,irtue an0 the 1ar)et, an0 the Fer1an
0ebate o,er the herita3e of (eibni:, that i+, o,er the relation bet6een perfection or happine++, an0
free0o1. The for1er 0ebate in,ol,e+ the reco3nition of 0i,er+ity characteri+tic of 1o0ern ci,il +ociety,
an0 the nee0 for a re0efine0 +en+e of ci,ic ,irtue. The latter 0ebate, con0ucte0 by Chri+tian Bolff, Carl
,on .alber3, Cant, an0 =u1bol0t, focu+e+ on the oppo+ition bet6een the tutelary an0 republican
+tate.Schiller's critical inter,ention+ in the+e t6o 0ebate+ 0efine hi+ republican pro4ect.
Subjects: -E%T=ETIC E.>C-TI7?, .IDE*%IT<, &*EE.7;, =-PPI?E%%, P7(ITIC-(
P=I(7%7P=<, *EP>9(IC-?I%;, DI*T>E
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5Schiller -+ Philo+opher5: - *eply to ;y Critic+
by 9ei+er, &re0eric)
Subjects: -E%T=ETIC%, P=I(7%7P=<, P7(ITIC-( P=I(7%7P=<, *EP>9(IC-?I%;
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&reun0+chaft un0 Politi): &rie0rich Schillers republi)ani+che+ I0eal
by %chrH0er, Peter
Ca+tru1 Pere3rini (CPe 2003E "2 (2G0: 2A#3$. IJournal .etailJ
Subjects: treat1ent of frien0+hipE i0eal+E of republicanism
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.e+ @u+chauer+ %eele a1 @K3el: .ie L+theti+che Der1ittlun3 0e+ *epubli)ani+1u+
inSchillers .ie Der+ch6Hrun3 0e+ &ie+)o :u Fenua
by ;eier, -lbert
Jahrbuch 0er .eut+chen %chiller3e+ell+chaft (J.%F 1!$AE 31: 11A#13G. IJournal .etailJ
Subjects: treat1ent of republicanismE relation+hip to theatrical pro0uctionE 1A$4E in ;annhei1E
byPlK1ic)e, Carl ;artin (1A4!#1$33
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9lac) Denice: Con+piracy an0 ?arrati,e ;a+8uera0e in Schiller, @+cho))e, (e6i+ an0
by %a3e, Dictor1 v.sage@eea.ac.uk
Fothic %tu0ie+. ;ay200G, Dol. $ I++ue 1, p"2#A2. A2p.
Thi+ e++ay brin3+ to3ether the popularity of Denice in the late ei3hteenth an0 early nineteenth century a+
a +ettin3 for horror, terror an0 fanta+y, an0 the narrati,e con,ention+ of the Fothic. &ocu+in3 onSchiller,
@+cho))e, (e6i+ an0 =off1ann, the article +tu0ie+ the repre+entation of Denice a+ a Fothic labyrinth, in
the conte2t of the city5+ chan3in3 reputation a+ a political +tructure. MDeniceN i+ treate0 a+ a co11on +et
of +i3n+ 6hich o,erlap bet6een the literary fiel0 an0 the fiel0 of cultural politic+: Mplot+N are both political
con+piracie+ an0 (carni,ali+e0: 0ouble0 an0 0i+3ui+e0 narrati,e for1+. -ll i+ 3i,en o,er to the 0yna1ic+
of 1a+8uera0e. The topo3raphy of the Denetian *epublic i+ it+elf a political te2t, 6hich carni,ali+e+ the
M+eparation of po6er+N, 6hile the te2t+ of the Fothic 6riter+ are narrati,e 1a+8uera0e+ 6hich choo+e
popular hybri0 for1+ of co1e0y, fol)tale an0 horror, rather than Tra3e0y or *eali+1, to re+pon0 to
Denice5+ ten+ion bet6een la6 an0 anarchy an0 the conflictin3 pre++ure+ of
Enli3hten1ent, Republicanism an0 E1pire. I-9%T*-CT &*7; ->T=7*J
Subjects: OF7T=IC fiction ((iterary 3enre, O&-?T-%<, O=7**7* tale+
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5?one can lo,e free0o1 heartily, but 3oo0 1en5: ;ilton5+ reli3iou+ republicani+11
by Dan0erbe)e, ..1,2
In: Per+pecti,e+ on En3li+h *e,olutionary Republicanism. (Per+pecti,e+ on En3li+h
*e,olutionaryRepublicanism, -pril 2014, :13"#14A
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Conci+e *outle03e Encyclope0ia of Philo+ophy
by *outle03e (&ir1
Subjects: Philo+ophy##Encyclope0ia+
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-ttitu0e+ to6ar0+ the ;onarchy in -u+tralia an0 ?e6 @ealan0 Co1pare0.
by Cull1ann, Clau0io1
Co11on6ealth P Co1parati,e Politic+. ?o,200$, Dol. 4G I++ue 4, p442#4G3. 22p. 4 Fraph+.
Thi+ article ai1+ to e2plain a hitherto ne3lecte0 pheno1enon: 6herea+ in -u+tralia poll+ +ho6
6i0e+prea0 +upport for republicanism, 1o+t ?e6 @ealan0er+ +till prefer to retain the 1onarchy. The
1ain ar3u1ent of thi+ article i+ that thi+ 0ifference can only in part be attribute0 to the politie+ of the t6o
+tate+ or the 4u+t +li3htly ,aryin3 political culture+. *ather, there are 3oo0 rea+on+ to a++u1e that the
republican +hift in -u+tralia 6a+ 1ainly brou3ht about by an inten+e an0 la+tin3 public 0ebate on the
future of the 1onarchy 50o6n un0er5 throu3hout the 1!!0+. I-9%T*-CT &*7; ->T=7*J
Subjects: O;7?-*C=<, OREPUBLICANISM, OCITI@E?%, OP7(ITIC-( +cience, ->%T*-(I- ## Politic+
P 3o,ern1ent ## 1!4"#, ?EB @ealan0 ## Politic+ P 3o,ern1ent ## 1!A2#
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Johann &rie0rich *eichar0t un0 0ie (iteratur: Co1ponieren, Corre+pon0ieren, Publi:ieren
by %al1en, Balter (E0. -n0 Intro.
Fol:, Jochen (Preface
En3li+h: The conference, or3ani:e0 by the Foethe#Fe+ell+chaft in Bei1ar an0 0e0icate0 to the literary
an0 1u+ical talent+ of Johann &rie0rich *eichar0t (1A"2Q1$14 on the occa+ion of the 2"0th anni,er+ary
of hi+ birth, too) place fro1 22 until 24 ?o,e1ber 2002 at the Foethe#?ational1u+eu1 in Bei1ar. The
follo6in3 contribution+ are cite0 +eparately in *I(;: -n0rea+ -?F(ET, (eben 0e+ berKh1ten
Ton)Kn+tler+ =einrich Bilhel1 Ful0en: *eichar0t+ *o1an eine+ 1u+i)ali+chen 5Bun0ertiere+5 I(eben
0e+ berKh1ten Ton)Kn+tler+ =einrich Bilhel1 Ful0en: *eichar0t5+ no,el of a 1u+ical 51iracle ani1al5J
(*I(; 2003#1!"2GE -chi1 ->*?=-;;E*, Johann &rie0rich *eichar0t+ Teilhabe a1 :6eiten
Petrar)i+1u+ IJohann &rie0rich *eichar0t5+ participation in the +econ0 Petrarch 1o,e1entJ (*I(; 2003#
1!"34E &ran) 9->.-C=, 5;ir 3efLllt 0och 0ie 9erKhri3)eit 0e+ ;en+chen5: Johann =einrich DoR un0
*eichar0t I5<et I li)e the +en+iti,ity of people5: Johann =einrich DoR an0 *eichar0tJ (*I(; 2003#1!"4"E
%tephan 9I-(-%, 5-poll unter 0en =irten5: 9riefe ,on %chrift+tellern an Johann &rie0rich *eichar0t i1
9e+tan0 0er >ni,er+itLt+# un0 (an0e+bibliothe) ;Kn+ter I5-pollo a1on3 the 0eer5: (etter+ by 6riter+ to
Johann &rie0rich *eichar0t in the file+ of the >ni,er+itLt+# un0 (an0e+bibliothe) ;Kn+terJ (*I(; 2003#
1!"30E Dol)1ar 9*->?9E=*E?%, J.&. *eichar0t+ =aupt# un0 %taat++itten+pie3el IJ.&. *eichar0t5+
=aupt# un0 %taat++itten+pie3elJ (*I(; 2003#1!"2AE &rie0hel1 9*>%?I-C, @ur -0aption ,on Johann
&rie0rich *eichar0t+ (ie0er fKr Cin0er 0urch 0en %chnepfenthaler Philantropi+ten Chri+tian Carl -n0rS
I7n the a0aptation of Johann &rie0rich *eichar0t5+ (ie0er fKr Cin0er by the philantropi+t Chri+tian Carl
-n0rS fro1 %chnepfenthalJ (*I(;2003#1!"44E Fu0run 9>%C=, %puren au+ 0e1 Die6e3+chen
9riefarchi,: Johann &rie0rich *eichar0t, Joachi1 =einrich Ca1pe un0 Carl &rie0rich Cra1er :6i+chen
;u+i), pL0a3o3i+cher -uf)lLrun3 un0 *e,olution+be3ei+terun3 ITrac)+ fro1 the Die6e3#
corre+pon0ence archi,e: Johann &rie0rich *eichar0t, Joachi1 =einrich Ca1pe, an0 Carl &rie0rich
Cra1er bet6een 1u+ic, pe0a3o3ical enli3hten1ent, an0 re,olutionary fer,orJ (*I(; 2003#1!"31E
Fabriele 9>%C=#%-(;E?, 5.a+ er+te hHhere 9e0Krfni+...6ar nach ;u+i)5: Foethe+ 9rief6ech+el 1it
*eichar0t i1 Conte2t +einer Kbri3en ;u+i)er)orre+pon0en: I5The fir+t hi3her nee0...6a+ for 1u+ic5:
Foethe5+ corre+pon0ence 6ith *eichar0t in the conte2t of hi+ corre+pon0ence+ 6ith other 1u+ician+J
(*I(; 2003#1!"2$E ;ar)u+ &-=(9>%C=, *eichar0t un0 Cant: Per+pe)ti,en un0 Fren:en einer
Ein6ir)un3 I*eichar0t un0 Cant: Per+pecti,e+ an0 li1it+ of an influenceJ (*I(; 2003#1!"3AE Fer0a
=EI?*IC=, .ie @eit+chrift .eut+chlan0 i1 Conte2t ,on *eichar0t+ Publi:i+ti) IThe 4ournal .eut+chlan0
in the conte2t of *eichar0t5+ publication+J (*I(; 2003#1!"32E Chri+toph =E?@E(, *eichar0t+
*ehabilitierun3 I*eichar0t5+ rehabilitationJ (*I(; 2003#1!"2!E -chi1 =T(TE*, .ie )reati,e 9e:iehun3
*eichar0t+ :u (u06i3 Tiec) IThe creati,e relation+hip of *eichar0t 6ith (u06i3 Tiec)J (*I(; 2003#
1!""0E =an+ Joachi1 CE*T%C=E*, (iterari+che+ (eben in =alle u1 1$00 I(iterary life in =alle aroun0
1$00J (*I(; 2003#1!"4!E =an+ -lbrecht C7C=, 5%ie 6ir0 3ute 3leich3e+innte &reun0e fin0en5: Ein 9rief
Johann &rie0rich *eichar0t+ :u1 To0 ,on .ortchen Fri11UEine ;itteilun3 I5%he 6il fin0 3oo0 li)e#
1in0e0 frien0+5: - letter of Johann &rie0rich *eichar0 on the 0eath of .ortchen Fri11U-J (*I(;2003#
1!""2E >r+ula C*-;E*, *eichar0t un0 %ha)e+peare: Der+uch einer -nnLherun3 I*eichar0t an0
%ha)e+peare: -tte1pt at an approachJ (*I(; 2003#1!"3"E Fu0run (7%TE*#%C=?EI.E*, 5(aR 1ir
noch 1anch )leine+ (ie0chen 3lKc)en, 0a+ 6eiche %ch6e+ter+eelen ein+t an ihren 9u+en 0rKc)en5: @ur
(yri) 0er 5Er:ieherin5 Caroline *u0olphi I5(et 1e re,el in 1ore little +on3+, pre++in3 the 6ea) +i+ter#+oul
to your brea+t5: 7n the lyrici+1 of the 5teacher5 Caroline *u0olphiJ (*I(; 2003#1!"40E -n0rea+ ;EIE*,
*o1anti+cher *epubli)ani+1u+: Eine ;i+:elle :ur .i+)u++ion u1 *eichar0t un0 ?o,ali+
I*o1antic republicanism: - +hort contribution to the 0i+cu++ion on *eichar0t an0 ?o,ali+J (*I(; 2003#
1!"33E *einhart ;E<E*, ;eta+ta+io un0 *eichar0t I;eta+ta+io an0 *eichar0tJ (*I(; 2003#1!"3GE
Chri+toph ;IC=E(, 5Cun+tbrK0er5: *eichar0t un0 (a,ater I59rother+ in art5: *eichar0t an0 (a,aterJ
(*I(; 2003#1!"3!E *enate ;7E*I?F, Ca+tor un0 Pollu2: -rni1 un0 9rentano in ihren Pro4e)ten 1it
*eichar0t ICa+tor un0 Pollu2: -rni1 an0 9rentano in theor pro4ect+ 6ith *eichar0tJ (*I(; 2003#1!""1E
=er1ann P-T%C=, 5.ie (eute au+ 0er 3roRen Belt haben ih1 ein %eil 3e0reht5: ;atthia+ Clau0iu+ un0
*eichar0t I5People fro1 the bi3 6orl0 ha,e turne0 hi1 a rope5: ;atthia+ Clau0iu+ an0 *eichar0tJ
(*I(; 2003#1!"42E 9o0o P(-C=T-, 5...0a er un+ auf un+ere1 le3iti1en 9o0en 0en Crie3
1achte5: Schillers Fuerre ou,erte 3e3en Johann &rie0rich *eichar0t I5...that he 1a0e 6ar a3ain+t u+ on
our le3iti1ate 3roun05: Schiller's 3uerre ou,erte a3ain+t Johann &rie0rich *eichar0tJ (*I(; 2003#
1!"4$E Balter %-(;E?, 5(iebe, ;u+i) un0 Philo+ophie5: =er0er+ 9e:iehun3en :u *eichar0t I5(o,e,
1u+ic, an0 philo+ophy5: =er0er5+ relation+ 6ith *eichar0tJ (*I(;2003#1!"3$.
Subjects: con3re++e+, conference+, +y1po+ia ## Germany ## Weimar ## Reicar!" an! #i"era"ure$
%&&%, *eichar0t, Johann &rie0rich ## 'es"iva#s an!
c(n'erences ## Germany ## Weimar ## %&&%,literature ## Reicar!"$ ).F. ## c(n'erence$ %&&%
%&' (in) *e+ol,er &T a,ailable for -PI
=T;( full te2t
;etaro1antici+1: -e+thetic+, (iterature, Theory
by =a1ilton, Paul
Chica3o, I(E > of Chica3o PE 2003. (,iii, 31G pp.
Subjects: relation+hip to *o1antici+1E +elf#con+ciou+ne++E ae+thetic+E co1pare0 to En3li+h literature
%&' (in) *e+ol,er &T a,ailable for -PI
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