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Perform Salah
Compiled by:
Fakhrul Islam
284 !
Street" #rooklyn
$% &&2&8" 'S(
How to perform Salah for women
How to say 0akbeer in Salah for Women:
Corre-t way of raisin, hands for 0akbeer 1Front
Position Notes:
1. Arms close to body
2. Fingers in natural state. Not too tight and not too
. Palms parallel to each other
!. Palms towards "ibla.
#. $o the best you can to face your palms towards
"ibla but do not force it too much
%. &emember to 'eep hands under shawl at all
(. Hands are e)posed in these images for
instructional purpose only.
*. +he girl in the pictures is not an adult
,. Please also watch the -ideo from our ./ean Now.
Corre-t way of raisin, hands for 0akbeer 14eft Side
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How to perform Salah for women
Corre-t way of raisin, hands for 0akbeer 15i,ht Side
Corre-t way of raisin, hands for 0akbeer 6 #a-k
Standin, 78ayam9 in Salah for Women
Corre-t position of feet for 8iyam in Salah:
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How to perform Salah for women
Feet Position $otes:
1. Fingers towards "ibla.
2. Feet parallel to each other
. Space of about to ! inches between feet.
Corre-t way of pla-in, hands in 8iyam 1Front 2iew3:
Hands Position $otes:
1. Hands will be placed abo-e chest0 not on chest
2. &ight hand on top of left hand
. Fingers in natural state. Not too tight and not too
!. 1yesight towards the place of Sa2dah. 3here you
will place your face in Sa2dah
#. &emember to 'eep your body co-ered and hands
under shawl at all times.
%. Hands are e)posed in these images for
instructional purpose only.
(. +he girl in the pictures is not an adult.
*. Please see the front -iew at the bottom of this
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How to perform Salah for women
Corre-t way of pla-in, hands in 8ayam 1Side 2iew3:
Corre-t way of standin, in 8iyam 1Front 2iew3:
Corre-t way of standin, in 8iyam 1Side 2iew3:
5uku 7bowin, down9 position in Salah for Women:
Corre-t way of 5uku 1Front 2iew3:
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How to perform Salah for women
Position $otes:
1. 4end your bac' only far enough to touch their
'nees0 li'e a bow
2. Palms placed on 5nees in natural position.
. Space of about to ! inches between feet.
!. 1yesight towards in between feet
#. &emember to 'eep hands under shawl at all
times. Hands are e)posed in these images for
instructional purpose only. +he girl in these
pictures is not an adult
%. Please also watch the -ideo from our ./ean Now.
Corre-t way of 5uku 1Side :iew3:
Sa;dah 7Prostration9 position in Salah for Women:
Corre-t way of Sa;dah 6 Front 2iew:
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How to perform Salah for women
Position $otes:
1. 6ather yourself in a way so that all your body
parts are close together and abdomen placed
o-er your thighs
2. 4oth feet and an'les stic'ing out to the right
. Hips touching the ground
!. Palms placed on mat in natural position as
discussed in other postures.
#. &emember to 'eep your body co-ered and hands
under shawl at all times. Hands and legs are
e)posed in these images for instructional purpose
only. +he girl in the pictures is not an adult.
Please see the other -iews below
%. Please also watch the -ideo from our ./ean Now.
Corre-t way of Sa;dah 14eft Side 2iew3:
Corre-t way of Sa;dah 15i,ht Side 2iew3:
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How to perform Salah for women
Hands Position $otes:
1. Fingers towards "ibla.
2. Feet parallel to each other
. Space of about 2 to inches between feet.
Corre-t way of Sa;dah 1#a-k 2iew3:
Sittin, 7<alsa = 8a>da9 position in Salah for Women:
Corre-t positon for <alsa = 8a>ada in Salah:
Position Notes
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How to perform Salah for women
1. 4oth legs stic'ing out to the right
2. 7n this position most of your body weight will be
on left hip
. 4oth palms on 'nees
!. 4ac' in strait position
#. 1yesight on your lap
%. Foot of right leg e)tended and touching floor 8See
image below9
(. &emember to 'eep your body co-ered and hands
under shawl at all times. Hands and legs are
e)posed in these images for instructional purpose
only. +he girl in the pictures is not an adult.
Please see the other -iews below.
*. Please also watch the -ideo from our ./ean Now.
:ore ;eiws:

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How to perform Salah for women
5i,h foot poistion in <alsa = 8a>da:
How to Perform Salah 7For Women9:
+he following is the complete method of performing a 2
&a'a<ah Salah. &ead the =Note> at the end to 'now how
to pray a or ! &a'a<a Salah.
1. Stand upright facing the "ibla
2. :a'e the intention =7 intend to perform the Fa2r
prayer 8say the name of the Salah90 with 2
&a'aah Fardh 8say the number of &a'aahs of
any prayer ? Sunnah or Fardh90 for the sa'e of
Allah0 7 am facing the Holy 5aaba.> 7ntention need
not be said out loud. Saying it in the heart is
. &aise hands to the shoulders with palms facing
the "ibla say =Allahu A'bar>. +he hands should
be within the cloth sheet. +hey should not be
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How to perform Salah for women
$o the "iyam by lowering the hands down and folding
them on the chest. Placing the right palms on the bac' of
the left palm does this.
5ead the sanaa:
=Subhana'a@Allah humma wa bihamdi'a watabara@
'asmu'a wata aala 2addu'a wa laailaha ghairu'ah>
8All 6lory be to Aou B AllahC Praise is to AouD
4lessed is Aour Name and 1)alted is Aour :a2estyD
there is none worthy of worship e)cept Aou9
5ead the 0a?awu):
=AooEu billahi minash Shaitaanir@ra2eem>
7 see' protection with Allah from the cursed Shaitan.
5ead the 0asmiyyah:
=4ismillahir rahmanir@raheem>
7n the Name of Allah0 :ost 5ind0 :ost :erciful
&ecite Surah Fatiha:
=Al@hamdu lillahi rabbil@aalameen0 ar@rahma nir@raheem0
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How to perform Salah for women
maali'i yawmiddeen0 iyyaa'a na<budu wa iyyaa'a
nastaeen0 ihdinas@siraatal mustaFeem0 siraatallaEeena
anamta alaihim0 ghairil maghdoobi alahim wa
ladhaaleen. Ameen.>
All praise is due to Allah0 the /ord of the Gni-erse0 the
:ost 5ind0 :ost :erciful0 :aster of the $ay of
Hudgement. Aou alone we worship and from Aou alone
we as' for help. 6uide us on the straight path0 the path
of those who Aou ha-e fa-oured0 not the path of those
who earned Aour anger0 nor the path of those who went
astray. Ameen 8So let it be B Allah9.
&ecite any Surah or -erses from the "ur<an. For
="ul huwallahu ahad0 Allahus@samad0 lam yalid0 wa lam
yoolad0 wa lam ya'ullahu 'ufuwan ahad>.
Say0 He is Allah0 +he Bne. Allah is abo-e and all things
depend on Allah. He does not beget0 nor is He begotten.
And there is none li'e Him.
Say =Allahu A'bar> and go into &u'u 8bowing9. 7n ru'u
fingers of both hands should be together and placed on
the 'nees. +he arms should be well 2oined to the sides
and the an'les of both the feet should be together. A
woman should only bow to the e)tend that their hands
reach the 'nees.
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How to perform Salah for women
7n &u'u recite the following times:
Subhaana &abbiyal IAEeem
86lory be to my /ord0 +he 6reatest9
Afterwards0 stand up in "awmah position while reciting
the +asbeeh:
Sami Allahu liman hamidah
8Allah listens to him who has praised Him9
After +asbeeh recite +ahmeed:
&abbana /a'al Hamd
8B our SustainerC All prayer is due to Aou alone9
+hen say =Allahu A'bar> and go into Sa2dah.
First the 'nees should touch the ground0 thereafter the
hands should be placed in line with the ears and the
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How to perform Salah for women
fingers should be close together. +hen place head in
between both the hands. 4oth the forehead and the nose
should touch the ground. +he fingers and toes should
face the Fibla but the feet should not be upright 83omen
are not reFuired to place both feet standing on toes9.
+hey should be ta'en out towards the right side. +he
woman should draw herself closely together and press
herself firmly while in Sa2dah. +he stomach should be
2oined to both the thighs0 the arms should be 2oined to
the sides and both arms should be placed on the ground.
7n Sa2dah recite times:
Subhaana &abbiyal a<ala
86lory to my /ord :ost High9
Afterwards sit upright while saying =Allahu A'bar>.
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How to perform Salah for women
$o the Sa2dah again while saying =Allahu A'bar> and in
Sa2dah recite =Subhaana &abbiyal a<ala> times.
Stand up erect while reciting =Allahu A'bar>. +his
position will be "iyam 8same as step J !9.
&epeat steps J( to J1(. Note: 7n step J, recite
some other Surah or -erses. +hen after J 1( go
to step J 2K.
After the second Sa2dah0 go into Halsah while
saying =Allahu A'bar>. +he woman should sit on
her left buttoc' and ta'e out both her feet towards
the right side. 4oth her hands should be on the
thighs and fingers 2oined together.
3hile seated recite +ashahhud:
Attahiyyaatu lillahi wass@salawaatu wath@thayyibaatu0
assalamu alai'a ayyuhannabiyyu wa rahamtullahi wa
bara'aatuhu0 as@salaamu alainaa wa alaa ibaadilla hiss@
saaliheen0 ash@hadu al la ilaha illallahu wa ash@hadu
anna :uhammadan abduhu wa rasooluh.
8All respect0 worship and all glory is due to Allah alone.
Peace be upon you0 B Prophet0 and the :ercy and
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How to perform Salah for women
4lessings of Allah be upon you. Peace be on us and on
those who are the righteous ser-ants of Allah. 7 testify
that there is no one worthy of worship e)cept Allah0 and 7
testify that :uhammad is His Ser-ant and :essenger9.
7n this when reciting the word =la ilaha>0 2oin the little
finger and the ring finger and form a ring with the thumb
and middle finger and raise the inde) finger towards the
s'y. /ower the inde) finger when you reach =illallahu>.
0hen re-ite #lessin,s on the Prophet @uhammad
Allahumma salli alaa :uhammadin wa alaa aali
:uhammadin 'amaa sallaita alaa 7braheema wa alaa
aali 7braheema inna'a hameedun ma2eed=Allahumma
baari' alaa :uhammadin wa alaa aali :uhammadin0
'amaa baara'ta alaa 7braheema wa alaa aali 7braheema
inna'a hameedun ma2eed>.
B AllahC Shower Aour 4lessings on :uhammad and the
family of :uhammad 2ust as Aou showered Aour
4lessings on 7braheem and the family of 7braheem.
Lertainly0 Aou alone are worthy of praise and are
6lorious.B AllahC 4less :uhammad and the family of
:uhammad 2ust as Aou 4lessed 7braheem and the family
of 7braheem. Lertainly0 Aou alone are worthy of praise
and are 6lorious.
After this recite read the following du<a:Allahumma inni
Ealamtu nafsi Eulman 'athiran wala yaghfirudh@dhunuba
illa anta0 Faghfirli maghfiratan min indi'a war@hamni0
inna'a antal6hafur@&ahim.M
As the last step do +asleem. +urn your head to the right
and say =As salamu Ialay'um wa rahmatullah>
:ay the Peace and :ercy of Allah be upon you.
+hen turn your head to the left and say =As salamu
Ialay'um wa rahmatullah>.
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How to perform Salah for women
:ay the Peace and :ercy of Allah be upon you.
Salam is to be said with the intention of ma'ing salam to
the angels.
NB+1:@ For ra'a<at Salah
After step J21 recite =Allahu A'bar> while standing up
bac' into "iyam position 8step J!9. +hen do steps J( to
Bmit step J, and J1* N J1,
For ! ra'a<at Salah
After step J21 recite =Allahu A'bar> while standing up
bac' into "iyam position 8step J!9. +hen do steps J( to
J1*. Bmit step J,.
After step J1* follow instructions from step J1,. Bmit
step J,.
7slamic prayer guide step by step for the beginner.
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How to perform Salah for women
1nglish translation and Arabic 1nglish transliteration

Ari,ins of Salah:
All muslims ta'e after the Prophet of 7slam Prophet
:ohamed 8pbuh9. Prophet :ohamed 8pbuh9 taught all
muslims how to pray. /oo'ing into things e-en further we
see that this style of prayer is e-en older.
:any early Lhristians prayed in the :uslim style. Hesus
8pbuh9 was reported to ha-e prayed in this way 6oing on
a little farther0 he fell on his face and prayed0
M6oing on a little farther0 he fell on his face and prayedM
@:atthew 2%:, +hus it can be said that Hesus was the
first Prophet recorded to pray in the muslim style.
+he story of the Night Horuney was when Prophet
:ohamed 8pbuh9 -isited hea-en0 met the Prophets0 and
Allah. Allah tells Prophet :ohamed 8pbuh9 that each
:uslim should pray #K times a day. Prophet :ohamed
8pbuh9 meets :oses 8pbuh9 on the way bac' and :oses
8pbuh90 in his -ery outspo'en style0 tells him that the
number is far too high for his followers. Prophet
:ohamed 8pbuh9 goes bac' to Allah and as's for mercy.
Allah tells him ten prayers. Prophet :ohamed 8pbuh9 told
:oses 8pbuh9 but :oses 8pbuh9 said it was still to much.
Prophet :ohamed 8pbuh9 then returned to Allah and
Allah cut it to fi-e. +his was still to much for :oses
8pbuh9 but Prophet :ohamed 8pbuh9 was too embrassed
to as' Allah yet again0 thus we ha-e # prayers a day.

How to Perform Salah
Salah is performed fi-e times a day at set times. +hese
times change with the seasons and are different for each
city in the world. Please refer to this city prayer time
guide to find the right times for your city.
Fa2r @ before sunrise
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How to perform Salah for women
$huhr @ noon
Asr @afternoon
:aghrib @ sunset
7sha @ e-ening
1. +ry and pray ontime as you cannot s'ip prayers.
:a'e up missed prayers before doing current
2. Pray in the direction of :a''ah0 a'a :ecca. +his
is different for e-ery city in the world.
. Bnly perform Salah in a state of 3adu

Also called the abolution0 wadu is the ritual of cleaning
ones self before prayer. 3adu must be performed before
each prayer. 7f you sleep or pass gas you lose your wadu
and must do it again0 otherwise it is possible to be in a
state of wadu inbetween prayers and not ha-e to repeat
1. Say M4ismillah al@&ahman al@&aheemM @ 7n the
name of Allah0 the most 5ind0 the most :erciful
2. 3ash your Face with your right hand three times
. 3ash your hands up to the elbows three times
each. Start with your right hand
!. 3ash your feet up to the an'les three times each.
Start with your right foot.

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How to perform Salah for women
4efore a person can say his prayer0 he must be clean
and pure. +he "ur.an says: M+ruly Allah lo-es those who
turn to Him and those who care for cleanlinessM.
Lleanliness of mind0 of body0 and of clothes is called
+aharah or purification. 7t is only in such a condition of
purification that a :uslim may perform the Salah.
Purification of the body is attained by partial or total
washing with clean water. +he partial wash is 'nown as
Al@3udu or the ablution0 and the total wash is called Al@
6husl or the washing 8bath9 of the whole body.
7f they are remo-ed0 it is necessary to re@wash the feet
for 3udu. +he process ends with the recitation of the
(SH6H(B' (44( I4(H( I44(44(H' W(6(SH6H(B'
($6$( @'H(@@(B($ >(#B'H'6W(65(S'4'H
A fresh performance of 3udu is necessary if one brea's
wind0 touches genitals0 or becomes se)ually e)cited0 or
pays a -isit to the la-atory0 or falls into sleep lying down0
or -omits -iolently0 or incurs a flow of blood from an
in2ury0 or a flow of impure fluid.
(46CH'S4 70H W(SHI$C A5 #(0H9
+he greater purification0 6husl0 is obligatory when one is
defiled as a result of nocturnal emission 8or a wet
dream90 marital intercourse0 child birth0 or when entering
into the fold of 7slam.
+he procedure is as follows:
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How to perform Salah for women
4egin with the name of Allah as for 3udu. 3ash the
hands and the affected parts of the body with water to
remo-e any impurity. Perform 3udu as abo-e. +hen
wash the whole body three times0 using clean water for
each wash.
0(%(@@'@ 7B5% (#4'0IA$9
Bn certain occasions0 it may become either impossible
8eg. when water cannot be found or 2ust enough for
drin'ing is a-ailable90 or it is dangerous0 because of
illness0 to use water for 3udu or 6husl. 7n such
situations0 +ayammum 8dry ablution9 is perform ed. +he
4egin with the name of Allah. Stri'e both palms on sand0
or anything containing sand or dust0 li'e a wall or a stone
etc. Pass the palms of the hands o-er the face once.
Stri'e the sand etc.0 again with the palms. &ub the right
hand with the left palm from the wrist to the elbow and
similarly for the left hand with the right palm. Finish with
the 5alimatus@Shahadah as for 3udu.
&* 0I@
1ach of the Salah must be offered at or during its proper
time. No Salah can be said before its time. +here are fi-e
obligatory prayers in a day.
Fa2r............... @ the morning prayer.
Ruhr.............. @ the early afternoon prayer.
.Asr............... @ the late afternoon prayer.
:aghrib......... @ the sun@set prayer.
.7sha............. @ the night prayer.
2* B5SS
4efore offering your Salah ma'e sure that you are
properly dressed. For men and boys0 the dress should be
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How to perform Salah for women
such that it co-ers their bodies from the na-el to the
'nees at least.
3omen are reFuired to co-er themsel-es from head to
foot0 lea-ing only the face and hands unco-ered. +he
dress for Salah must be clean and free from all filth.
$uring the monthly period women are free from
obligation of Salah.
!* P4(C
3here-er a man might be0 he can turn towards Allah in
Salah and in de-otion. +he prophet has said0 M+he
8whole of the9 earth has been rendered for me a mosFue:
pure and cleanM. Preferably Salah is to be offered in
2ama.at 8congregation9. 3hene-er possible0 one should
pray facing the 5a.bah0 :a''ah.
F(5D A5 $(FI4(H
Salah is composed of the FarE 8obligatory9 and the
Nafilah 8superogatory9 prayers.
+he FarE Salah are fi-e in a day. Failure to perform any
one of them is a blameable sin. +he Nafilah includes the
Sunnah0 which the Prophet 8S.A.3.9 used to perform
regularly before or after each FarE Salah.
0H CA$0$0S AF S(4(H
Salah in 7slam is a uniFue institution. 7t brings man closer
to Allah by harmonising his mental attitude with physical
posture. 7n Salah0 a :uslim submits himself completely
to his Lreator.
3hen you are sure that you ha-e fulfilled all the
necessary conditions for Salah0 you ready to offer Salah.
A detailed account of how to say Salah is gi-en below:
Say to yourself that you intend to offer this Salah8Fa2r0
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How to perform Salah for women
Ruhr0 .Asr0 :aghrib or .7sha9 FarE or Sunnah. +hen raise
your hands to your ears 8as in figure9
(44(H' (E#(5
(llah is the ,reatest*
NB+1: +he hand is in line with ear lobe
$A0: /adies lift their hands up to their shoulders only
as shown abo-e.
Now placing your right hand on the left0 2ust below0 abo-e
or on the na-el 8as shown in figure and ladies placing
their hands on their chest as shown in figure9 recite the
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How to perform Salah for women
S'#H($(6E(44(H6H'@@( W( #I6H(@B(E(
A (llah" Clorified" praise worthy*
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How to perform Salah for women
W(0(#(5(E(S6@'E( W(0(F(4( <(BB'E(
and blessed is 0hey $ame and eGalted 0hy @a;esty
W(64( I4(H( CH(I5'E
and there is no deity worthy of worship eG-ept 0hee*
(F'60H'6#I464(6HI @I$(SH(I0($I5 5(<@
I seek refu,e in (llah from the re;e-ted Satan
#IS@I4(HI5 5(H@($I5 5(HI@
In the $ame of (llah" the #enefi-ent" the @er-iful*
After this recite the opening Surah0 Al@Fatihaha:
(4H(@B' 4I464(HI 5(#6#I4 F(4(@I$
Praise be to (llah" 4ord of the worlds*
(565(H@($6$I5 5(HI@
the #enefi-ent" ther @er-iful
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How to perform Salah for women
@(4IEI %(W6@IB6BI$
@aster of the Bay of <ud,ement
I%%(6E( $F(#'B' W(6I%%(E( $(S0(FI$
0hee alone we worship and to 0hee alone we turn for
IHBI6$(B6SI5( 0(4 @'S0(8I@
Cuide us in the strai,ht path*
SI5( 0(464(0HI$( ($6F(@0( F(4I(HI@
the path of those whom %ou fa:oured
CH(I5I4 @(CHB'#I F(4(I$HI@
and who did not deser:e 0hy an,er
W(4(B6H(44I$ 7(@$9
or went astray*
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How to perform Salah for women
Now recite the following or any other passage from the
Holy "urSan:
#IS@I4(6HI5 5(H@(6$I5 5(HI@
In the $ame of (llah" the #enefi-ent" ther @er-iful
8'4 H'6W(464(HA (H(B
Say: (llah is one and the only Cod
(llah" upon whom all depend
4(@ %(4IB W(4(@ %'4(B
He be,ots not" nor is He be,otten"
W(4(@ %(E'464(H' E'F'6W($ (H(B
and there is nothin, whi-h -an be -ompared to Him*
Now bow down saying:
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How to perform Salah for women
(44(H' (E#(5
(llah is the ,reatest*
Place your hands on your 'nees and in this inclined
position 8&u'uS as shown in figure9 recite these words
S'#H($( 5(#6#I6%(4 (0HI@
Clory to my 4ord the ,reat*
Postrure for ladies in &u'uS is slighty different to that of a
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How to perform Salah for women
S'#H($( 5(#6#I6%(4 (0HI@
Clory to my 4ord the ,reat*
+hen come to the standing position 8both figures9 saying:
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How to perform Salah for women
S(@I F(44(H' 4I@($ H(@IB(H
(llah has heard all who praise Him*
5(#6#($( 4(E(4 H(@B
Aur 4ord: Praise be to 0hee
Now saying MAllahu A'barM prostrate on the ground with
your forehead0 the 'nees the nose and palms of both
hands touching the ground. 7n this position sa2dah @ as
shwon in figures9 repeat these words three times at least:
S'#H($( 5(#6#I6%(4 (F(4(
Clory to my 4ord the most hi,h
S'#H($( 5(#6#I6%(4 (F(4(
Clory to my 4ord the most hi,h
NB+1: Aour nose N forehead in with carpet
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How to perform Salah for women
Sit upright with 'nees still on the ground after a moments
rest perform the second Sa2dah saying:
(44(H' (E#(5
(llah is the Createst
7n the second Sa2dah as before recite the following words
S'#H($( 5(#6#I6%(4 (>(4(
Clory to my 4ord the most hi,h*
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How to perform Salah for women
+his completes one ra'a.at of Salah. +he second ra'a.at
is. said in the same way e)cept that after the second
Sa2dah you sit bac'0 with the left foot bent towards the
right0 which should be placed -ertical to the mat with the
toes touching the mat. +he palms should be lifted from
the mat and placed on the 'nees.
7n this position 8".adahas shown in figures silently say
these words 8+ashahhud9:
(060(HI6%(0' 4I464(HI W(S6S(4(W(0' W(060(%6
(ll prayers and worship throu,h words" a-tion and
san-tity are for (llah only*
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How to perform Salah for women
(S6S(4(@' F(4(IE( (%6%'H($6$(#I%6%'
Pea-e be on you" A Prophet
W(5(H@(0'464(HI W(#(5(E(0'H
and @er-y of (llah and His blessin,s*
(S6S(4(@' F(4(I$( W(F(4( FI#(BI464(HIS6
Pea-e be on us and on those who are ri,hteous
ser:ants of (llah*
(SH6H(B' (464( I4(H( I464(464(H'
I bear witness to the fa-t that there is no deity but
W(6(SH6H(B' ($6$( @'H(@@(B($ F(#B'H'
Page 33 of 77
How to perform Salah for women
I bear witness taht @uhammad is His sla:e and
7n a three ra'aSat 8i.e. :aghrib9 or four ra'aSat 8li'e Ruhr0
SAsr and S7sha9 Salah you stand up for the remaining
ra'aSat after +ashahhud. Bn the other hand if it is a two
ra'aSat 8Fa2r9 Salah0 'eep sitting and after this recite
$arud 8blessing for the Prophet9 in these words:
(464(H'@6@( S(464IF(4( @'H(@@(B6I$ W( F(4(
(4I @'H(@@(BI$
A (llah" eGalt @uhammad and the followers of
(464(H'@6@( S(4(I0( F(4( I#5(HI@( W(F(4(
(4I I#5(HI@(
(s 0hou,h did eGalt Ibrahim and his followers*
I$6$(E( H(@IB'@ @(<B
0hou art the praised" the Clorious*
(464(H'@6@( #(5IE @'H(@@(B6I$
A (llah" eGalt @uhammad
Page 34 of 77
How to perform Salah for women
W( >(4( (4I @'H(@@(BI$
and his followers
E(@(#(5(E0( >(4( I#5(HI@( W( >(4( (4I
as 0hou has blest Ibrahim and his followers*
I$6$(E( H(@IB'@6@(<B
0hou art the Praised" the Clorious*
0hen say silently:
5(#6#I<6>(4$I @'8I@(S6S(4(0I W(@I$ BH'565I%6
A 4ordH @ake me and my -hildren steadfast in
5(#6#($( W(0(8(#6#(4 B'>(> 5(#6#ICH FI54I
W( 4IW(4IB(%6%( W(4I46@'>@I$I$( %('@(
%(8'@6'4 HIS(#
4ordH (--ept the prayer* Aur 4ordH for,i:e me* and
my parents and belie:ers on the Bay of <ud,ement*
Now turn your face to the right 8as in figure9 sayingD
Page 35 of 77
How to perform Salah for women
(S6S(4(@' >(4(IE'@ W(65(H@(0'464(H
Pea-e be on you and (llah>s blessin,s*
+hen turn your face to the left 8as in figure9 and repeat
the abo-e words 8aloud9.
+his completes your two ra'a.at Salah. +he four ra'a.at
of Ruhr0 .Asr and .7sha are said in an identical manner
with the only difference that in the first two &a'a.at of
Ruhr and .Asr0 Al@Fatihah is said silently while in .7sha
prayer it is recited aloud.
7f you are performing a three ra'a.at 8li'e :aghrib9 or four
ra'a.at 8li'e Ruhr0 .Asr and .7sha9 Salah stand up after
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How to perform Salah for women
+ashahhud saying A//AHG A54A& and recite Al@
Fatihah. Aou must remember that Al@Fatihah is always
recited silently in the third and fourth ra'a.at of e-ery
Salah. 3hen you are offering FarE Salah do not recite
any additional passage from the Holy "ur.an after Al@
Fatihah in the last two ra'a.at. After the second Sa2dah in
the fourth ra'a.at say the +ashahhud0 $arud and end
with MAS@SA/A:G .A/A75G: 3A@&AH:A+G/@/AHM to
each side 8first right0 then left as shown in the abo-e
pictures9. +his mar's the end of Salah.
+he three ra'a.at prayers said after the FarE and Sunnah
of the .7sha is called Salat@ul@3itr. 7t is strongly
recommended in the practice of the Holy Prophet 8peace
be upon him9 and is 3a2ib 8necessary9 according to one
section of :uslims. Bthers regard it a mere Sunnah
+he first two ra'a.at of this Salat@ul@3itr are said li'e the
first two ra'a.at of the :aghrib prayers. 7n the third
ra'a.at after Al@Fatihah0 recite some additional Surah or
-erses of the "uran.
+hen0 saying A//AHG A54A& raise your hands abo-e
your shoulders0 fold your hands0 and recite the following
or any other similar $u.a silently. +his is called $ua@al@
"unut or the prayer of submission:
(44(H'@6@( I$6$( $(S0(>I$'E(
A (llah" we seek 0hy help"
Page 37 of 77
How to perform Salah for women
and ask 0hy for,i:eness"
W($'>@I$' #IE( W($(0(W(E6E(4' >(4(IE(
and belie:e in 0hee and trust in 0hee"
W($'0H$I >(4(IE(46EH(I5( W( $(SHE'5'E(
and we praise 0hee in the best manner and we thank
W(4($(EF'5'E( W($(EH4(>' W($(05'E'
and we are not unJrateful and we -ast off and
forsake him
@(%6%(F <'5'E (44(H'@6@( I%6%(E( $>(#'B'
also disobeys 0hee* A (llah" 0hee alone do we
W(4(E( $'S(I 64I W(6$(S<'B' W(6I4(IE( $(S>(
and to 0hee we pray" and beforo 0hee do we
Page 38 of 77
How to perform Salah for women
prostrate" to 0hee do we turn to
W($(HFIB' W($(5<' 5(H@(0(E( W($(EHSH(
in haste" and hope for 0hy mer-y" and we fear 0hy
I$6$( >(BH(#(E( #I4 E'F6F(5I @'4HI8
0hy punishment surely o:ertakes the unbelie:ers*
<'@'>(H 7or Friday9 Prayer
4eside the daily Salah0 the Friday prayer is also
obligatory upon :uslim men. For :uslim women it is not
obligatory0 but is desirable if they are able to do so
without upsetting their household wor'.
+he Friday Salah is offered in congregation on Friday at
Ruhr time. First the 7mam deli-ers a sermon 85hutabh9.
+hen he leads the congregation in a two ra'a.at Salah.
After this two or more ra'a.at of Sunnah or Nafilah
prayers are offered indi-idually.
0(5(WIH 7or 5amadan9 P5(%5
+hese prayers are offered during the month of &amadan
after .7sha Salah. +hese consist of eight0 twel-e or twenty
ra'a.at0 and are offered two by two with a short rest
between e-ery four ra'a.at. +hey may be said alone but
! collecti-e prayers are recommended. +hese are
additional ! Sunnah prayers.
+H1 S7$ P&AA1&S 8Salatul@Sldayu9
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How to perform Salah for women
+here are two .7d or occasions of great festi-ity for the
:uslims. +he first is called ldul@Fitr or the festi-al of
fastbrea'ing. 7t is celebrated on the first day of the tenth
7slamic month 8Shawwal9 following &amadan0 the month
of fasting. 7t mar's great than's@gi-ing for the :uslims all
o-er the world.
+he second .7d is the S7dul@Adha or the festi-al of great
sacrifice0 which is obser-ed on the tenth of $hul@Hi22ah0
the last 7slamic month. +he animals are sacrificed to
celebrate the great sacrifice of the Prophet 7brahim
8peace be upon him9.
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How to perform Salah for women
Salah 8Prayers9 Step by Step with 7llustrations and Audio
Lompiled by Sh. Saleh As@Saleh Source:
&e-iewed by: Bsama Bmara 87slamhouse.com9
1!1 @ 2K1K

SGboodiyyah is a comprehensi-e term
that asserts the meaning of the ;erse 8Aayah9:
=Aou Alone do we worship and Aou Alone do we see' for
Help.> 8"ur.an 1: #9
7t comprises the sla-ery of the heart0 tongue and limbs to
Allaah taSaala. +he sla-ery of the heart includes both the
Fawl 8saying of the heart9 and Samaal 8actions of the
heart9. +he Fawl of the heart is the belief 8iStiFaad9 in
what Allaah has informed about His Self0 His Names and
Attributes0 His Action0 His Angels0 and that which He
re-ealed in His 4oo' and sent upon the tongue of His
:essenger :uhammad sallallahu Salayhi wa sallam 8i.e.
peace and blessings of Allah be upon him9
+he Samaal of the heart include lo-e for Allaah0 reliance
upon Him0 turning to Him in repentance0 fearing Him0
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ha-ing hope in Him0 de-oting the $een sincerely to Him0
ha-ing patience in what He orders and forbids0 ha-ing
patience with His decrees and being pleased with them0
ha-ing allegiance for His pleasure0 ha-ing humility for
Him and humbling oneself in front of Him0 and becoming
tranFuil with Him.
+he Fawl 8saying9 of the tongue is to con-ey what Allah
has re-ealed 8in the "ur.an and authentic Sunnah9
regarding Himself0 His Names and Attributes0 His
Actions0 His Lommands0 His Prohibitions0 and all that is
related to this $een90 to call to it0 defend it0 to e)pose the
false inno-ations which oppose it0 and to establish its
remembrance and to con-ey what it orders. +he Samaal
8actions9 of the limbs include the Salaat 8prayers90 2ihaad0
attending the HumuSah prayers and the rest of the
2amaaSaat 8congregational prayers90 assisting those who
are unable0 and acting with goodness and 'indness to
creation0 and other such acts.
+his comprehensi-e meaning of the SGboodiyyah
pertains to its specific type. +he people who fall under
this type of SGboodiyyah are the belie-ers who obey0
lo-e0 and sincerely follow the deen of Allaah taSaala.
+he second type of SGboodiyyah is the general one in
which all creatures in the hea-ens and in the earth are
subdued to Allaah.s so-ereign Authority and PowerD
e-erything is subser-ient to His 3ill0 and AuthorityD
nothing occurs or ceases to occur e)cept by His lea-eD
His is the 5ingdom and He disposes the affairs as He
pleases. +his type of SGboodiyyah is 'nown as the
SGboodiyyah of Fahr 8Subduing9 and :ul' 8So-ereignty0
5ingship0 Possession0 :astership0 etc.9.
So0 the part of the Aayah signifying0 =Aou do we worship>
asserts the adherence to the four principles of
SGboodiyyah: +he sayings of the heart0 the actions of the
heart0 the sayings of the tongue0 and the actions of the
+he other part0 =Aou Alone do we see' for Help0>
stresses the fact that the belie-er must as' Allaah alone
to help him establish the SGboodiyyah and succeed in
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How to perform Salah for women
e)ecuting all what it reFuires.
From a footnote in =+he $ispraise of Al@Hawaa 8$esire9>
by 7bnul@"ayyem Al@HawEiyyah 8published by $ar Al@
4u'haari in 1,,*9.
4etween these two brac'ets is by
the re-iewer.

1@ :eaning of Salah 8Prayers9 As@Salah: 7n the Arabic
language it means du<aa< 8in-ocation9.
As@Salah: 7slamically it means to worship Allaah through
certain 'nown and prescribed sayings and actions
starting with ta'beer 8saying Allaahu A'bar i.e. Allaah is
the 6reater90 and ending with tasleem 8saying: as@
salaamu Ialay'um wa rahmatul@lahi wa bara'aatuh i.e.
may Allaah<s Peace0 :ercy0 and 4lessings be upon you9.
2@ +he :erits of As@Salah
1. Pre-ents from al@Fahshaa< 8great sins of e-ery 'ind0
unlawful se)ual intercourse0 etc.9 and al@:un'ar
8disbelief0 polytheism0 and e-ery 'ind of e-il wic'ed
deed0 etc.9. 8See "uran L: 2,0 ;: !#9.
2. +he best of deeds after the +estimony of Faith 8laa
ilaaha illal@laah0 :uhammad rasoulul@laah9. 8See hadeeth
of IAbdullaah ibn :as<oud 8radiyallaahu .anhu9 in 4u'hari
8-. ,0 p. %2#9 N :uslim9
. 3ashes out sins. 8See hadeeth of Haabir 8radiyallaahu
.anhu9 in :uslim 8-. 10 p. 1!1K9 !. 1)piates sins. 8See
hadeeth of Abu Hurairah 8radiyallaahu .anhu9 in :uslim
8-. 10 p.
!#K9#. A light for its adherent in this /ife and in the
Hereafter. 8See hadeeth of 7bn IGmar
8radiyallaahu .anhuma9 in :usnad Ahmad 8-. 20 p. 1%,9
with good chain of narraton9 %. &aises in ran' and
remo-es sins. 8See hadeeth of +hawbaan 8radiyallaahu
.anhu9 in
:uslim 8-. 10 p. ,*,9
(. Bne of the greatest causes to enter Paradise with the
company of the Prophet
Page 43 of 77
How to perform Salah for women
8sallallaahu .alayhi wa sallam

9. 8See hadeeth of
&abee<ah Al@Aslami 8radiyallaahu .anhu9 in :uslim 8-. 10
p. ,,K9
*. 4etween each performance of salaah and the ne)t
performance0 sins are pardoned. 8See hadeeth IGthmaan
8radiyallaahu .anhu9 in :uslim 8-. 10 p. !*9
,. +he angels will as' Allaah for 4lessings and
Forgi-eness upon the adherent in his place of prayers.
8See hadeeth of Abu Hurairah 8radiyallaahu .anhu9 in
4u'hari 8-. 0 p. K9 and in :uslim9
1K. 3aiting for the ne)t prayer after performing a prayer
is ribaat 8'eeping oneself adhering and firm on acts of
obedience9. 8See hadeeth of Abu Hurairah 8radiyallaahu
.anhu9 in :uslim no. 2#19

7.e. peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

&&* +he one who goes to the :osFue to perform the

prayer is in prayer until he returns. 8See hadeeth of Abu
Hurairah 8radiyallaahu .anhu9 in Saheeh ibn 5huEaimahD
authenticated by Al@Albani9
@ +he Fi-e Bbligatory 8Bbl.9 Prayers W &egular 8&eg.9 W
Bptional Prayers 8Bpt.9
Allah0 the :ost High0 Says:
=;erily0 Salah 8Prayers9 is en2oined on the belie-ers @ to
be performed @ at fi)ed times.> 8"ur.an !:1K9
+he Prayers are

&egX or BptXX 8before the
Bbligatory9 Gnits
Page 44 of 77
How to perform Salah for women
Fa2r 8early morning9D 2
Bbligatory units
$awn @ sunrise 2X
$huhr 8noonday9D ! obligatory
Rawaal 8sun passing its Eenith9
? time of ne)t prayer 8.Asr9
2X N 2X
.Asr 8late afernoon90 !
obligatory units.
+ime when shadow of a -ertical
stic' eFuals its length @ sunset

8sunset9D obligatory units.
Sunset ? disappearance of red
twilight 8glow9 in the s'y.

7shaa. 8night9D ! obligatory

$isappearance of the red glow
? midnight
Bne Gnit of Prayer 8&a'.ah9 constitutes certain actions:
standing0 bowing0 prostrating0 sitting0 and prostrating.
7f one misses an obligatory prayer due to sleep or
forgetfulness0 then the person must perform it a s soon
as heOshe wa'es up or when heOshe remembers it.
3hat 7s +o 4e $one 4efore Performing Salah 1. &itual
Purity 8wudu. or ghusl depending on the state of impurity9
2. Llean place.. :en to perform obligatory salah at the
mosFue 8e)cept for a legal e)cuseD illness0 etc.9D rest
of prayers at home.
!. 3omen to perform salah in the innermost places at
home 8they are allowed to pray at the mosFues0 but not
#. 3earing loose clothes that does not shape the pri-ate
parts for men 8and e)tend down until abo-e the an'le90
while women co-er their entire bodies e)cept face and
%. Standing close to a sutrah in front of the musallee
8person in prayer9. YSutrah: an ob2ect li'e a pillar0 stic'ing
or laying down on the ground0 set so that no human or
animal can wal' in front of the person performing salahZ.
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How to perform Salah for women
6eneral 6uidelines:1. /earn direction of "iblah N times
of prayer in your location 8contact closest Sunni :osFue9
2. /earn the mo-ements and shorter sentences. Practice
what is to be said in prayers.. 3or' to learn the
&ecitation of the Bpening Lhapter in the "ur.an 8the
Performance of Salah1. 7ntention 8it is a determination in
the heart that you are performing a particular salahD
not to be uttered9.
2. Face the direction of the Fiblah 8Sacred House in
:a''ah 5nown as 5a.bah9. &aise your hands to the le-el
of the shoulders0 or earlobes0 and say:
=A//AHG A54A&>
Standing Facing "iblah and :a'ing +a'beer with &aised
;oice. Place the right hand o-er the left on the chest.
/oo' at the place of prostration without
Page 46 of 77
How to perform Salah for women
lowering your head.
Hands on the LhestD &ight Hand o-er the /eft
!. &ecite the Bpening 7n-ocation 8du.aa9 for salah:
=Subhana'a Allaahumma wa bihamdi'a tabaara'as
mu'a wa ta.aalaa 2addu'a wa laa ilaaha ghairu'>
8B AllaahC 7 declare Aou far remo-ed from abo-e all
imperfection0 and that Aou deser-e all Praise. 4lessed is
Aour Name. Aour :a2esty 86lory and :ight9 is 1)alted0
and there is no true 6od 3orthy of 3orship 1)cept Aou.9

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How to perform Salah for women
#. &ecitation of Soorat Al@Faatiha 8Bpening Lhapter of
the "ur.an9: :ust be recited in e-ery unit of prayer
8&a'.ah9. 4egin by utter the following with a low -oice:
=A.oodthu billahi minash@shaitanir@ra2eem. 4ismillaahir@
&ahmannir@&aheem>87 see' &efuge with Allaah from
Satan0 the outcast. 7n the Name of Allaah0 the :ost
4eneficent0 the :ost :erciful0 7 begin9+hen you :ust
recite the Faatihah in e-ery ra'.ah0 pausing after each
-erse 8aayah9:
=All the praises and than's be to Allaah0 the /ord of the
.Alam[n 8man'ind0 2inn and all that e)ists9. +he :ost
6racious0 the :ost :erciful. +he Bnly Bwner 8and the
Bnly &uling Hudge9 of the $ay of &ecompense 8i.e. the
$ay of &esurrection9. Aou 8Alone9 we worship0 and Aou
8Alone9 we as' for help 8for each and e-erything9. 6uide
us to the Straight 3ay. +he 3ay of those on whom Aou
ha-e bestowed Aour 6race0 not 8the way9 of those who
earned Aour Anger 8such as the Hews90 nor of those who
went astray 8such as the Lhristians9.>
At the end0 you must say =Aameen.>
+hose who cannot recite the Faatihah may say instead0
=subhanah Allah0 al@hamdulillah0 and la illaah illallaah0
Allaahu a'bar0 and laa hawlah wa laa Fuwata illaa bil@
laah> which means: 7 declare Allaah far remo-ed from all
imperfection0 and deser-ing all the Praise0 and that there
is no true 6od other than Allaah.
%. &u'oo. 84owing $own98i9
is the 6reater9 while going into the bowing position.
8ii9 7n bowing posture0 put the hands on the 'nees and
grab them with your elbows away from your sides0 and
your bac' straightened with the head le-eled with your
bac' 8see below9:
Page 48 of 77
How to perform Salah for women

4owing 8ru'oo.9 Position in Salah 8iii9 3hile in bowing
position one says:
=Subhanna rabbiyal .adheem> 8 tmes9 8Far remo-ed
from e-ery imperfection is my &abb 8/ord90 the 6reat9
Page 49 of 77
How to perform Salah for women
(. Standing 1rect 8"iyaam9 after &u'oo.:8i9 &ise from
bowing0 raising you hands to the le-els of the shoulders0
or earlobes0
=Sami.Allahu li man hamdidah> 8Allaah hears the one
who praises Him9
8ii9 Stand upright until one.s -ery parts ta'e their positions
and say:
=&abbana wala'al@hamd>8B our &abb 8/ord9C All the
praise is due to Aou9
*. +he su2ood 8prostration9 N 2uloos 8sitting9:
8i9 &each the ground with the hand.s first and then the
'nees while saying A//AAHG A54A& 8Allaah is the
6reater90 and rest on your palm.s and place your
forehead0 nose0 'nees0 and feet on the floor with your
belly away from your thighs. +oes should be erected and
directed to the "iblah. Aour arms should be away from
the ground0 as bellow0 saying:

=Subhaana &abiyyal@.Alaa> 8 tmes98Far remo-ed is my
&abb0 the :ost High0 from any 7mperfection9
Prostration Position
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How to perform Salah for women
8iii9 +hen you raise your head while saying0 =A//AAHG
A54A&> 8sometimes raising one.s hands90 sit on your left
leg while 'eeping your right foot upright with its fingers to
the Fiblah. Put your hands on your 'nees 8see below90
and supplicate saying:
=&abbigh@fir lee>
8B my &abbC Forgi-e me9
Sitting Position
+he left and right foot in 7F+7&ASH

Page 51 of 77
How to perform Salah for women

+his position of 7F+7&ASH is done in the last ra'.ah of
Fa2r and :aghrib Prayer and in all &egular or optional
8i-9 Following the sitting position0 you come up with a
second prostration as you did before. Bnce done you
ha-e completed one full unit 8ra'.ah9. Say0 =Allaahu
A'bar> and stand up for the second ra'.ah. $o it in the
same manner as you did the first one0 but without reciting
the opening supplication.
,. Sitting for tashahhud 8testification of Faith9: First
8i9 Bnce you finish the second &a'.ah0 follow the same
way of sitting as abo-e. Hold your right hand closed with
its thumb and middle finger touching each other li'e in a
circle while pointing the inde) finger straight in the
direction of the Fiblah and mo-ing it through the
recitation of the tashahhud:
=Attahiyyaatu lillaahi wassalawaatu wattayyibatu.
Assalaamu .alay'a ayyuhan@Nabiyyi warahmatullaahi
wabara'aatuh. Assalaamu .alyna wa .ala .ibaadillaahis
saaliheen. Ash@ hadu an laa ilaaha illallaah wa ash@hadu
anna :uhammadan .abduhu wa rasooluh.>
Page 52 of 77
How to perform Salah for women
8All compliments YAllaah is free of all imperfection0 His is
the dominion0 :agnificence0 1ndless e)istence belongs
to HimZ0 prayers0 and pure words and deeds0 are due to
Allaah. :ay Allaah grant the Prophet safety from all
defects and imperfections and 'eep his message safe
from all e-ilD Ymay Allaah grant himZ mercy and honor.
:ay safety and security be granted to us and to all the
righteous sla-es of Allaah. 7 bear witness that none has
the right to be worshipped e)cept Allaah0 and 7 bear
witness that :uhammad is His sla-e and :essenger.9

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How to perform Salah for women

Full +ashahhud
8i9 At the end of the last ra'.ah0 recite the first tashahhud
and follow it with the following recitation 'nown as As@
Salaatul 7braaheemiyyah:
=Allaahumma salli .ala :uhammad wa .ala aali
:uhammad 'ama sallaita .ala 7braaheem wa .ala aali
7braaheem inna'a Hameedun :a2eed0 wabaari' .ala
:uhammad wa .ala aali :uhamaad 'ama baara'ta .ala
7braaheem wa .ala aali 7braaheem inna'a Hameedun
8B AllaahC Praise :uhammad0 and on the family of
:uhammad0 as Aou Praised 7braaheem0 and the family
of 7braaheemD Aou are indeed 3orthy of Praise0 Full of
6lory. And send blessings on :uhammad0 and on the
family of :uhammad0 as you sent blessings on
7braaheem0 and the family of 7braaheemD Aou are indeed
3orthy of Praise0 Full of 6lory.9
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How to perform Salah for women
3hat to do when going for the final &a'.ah in SalahP
7n the prayers of the three or four ra'.ah type0 after
finishing the second ra'.ah and the first tashahhud0 stand
up raising your hands 8as described earlier9 and say0
=A//AAHG A54A&.> 3hen you reach the straight
standing position0 recite the Faatihah and go for the
prostrations as done earlier. 7f you are praying the three
ra'.ah prayer of :aghrib sit with your body resting on
your left thigh0 your left leg under your right0 while
'eeping your right foot upright. +his position is called

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How to perform Salah for women
+awarru' Position
For the four ra'.ah prayers0 stand up at the end of the
third ra'.ah and bring fourth the fourth and final ra'.ah.
&ecite full tashahhud in the tawarru' position. After
recitation of the tashahhud0 you can supplicate Allaah
with the following in-ocation 8du.aa<9:
=Allaahumma 7nni a.oodthu bi'a min adthabil Fabr0 wa
a.oodthu bi'a min fitnatil@:aseeh ad@$a22al0 wa a.oodthu
bi'a min fitnatil mahya wal mamat. Allaahumma inni
a.oodthu bi'a minal@ma.tham walmaghram.>
8B AllaahC 7 see' refuge with Aou from the Punishment of
the gra-e and from the Fitnah 8trail or affliction9 of Ad@
$a22aal 8pseudo :essiah90 and from the Fitnah of life and
Fitnah of death. B AllaahC 7 see' refuge with Aou from
the sins and from being in debt.9
Aou may also as' Allaah to bestow upon you from the
good things for this life and for the hereafter.
1K. Loncluding salah by tasleem:After you recite the
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How to perform Salah for women
tashahhud and ma'e the supplications0 turn your head to
the right
and say:
=Assalaammu .alay'um warahmatul@lahi wabara'atuh>
8:ay Allaah.s Peace0 :ercy and 4lessings be upon you9
+hen turn your head left and say:
=Assalaammu .alay'um warahmatul@laah>
Prayer 7s Loncluded
Londition0 Pillars0 Bbligatory acts0 and Sunan of salah
are detailed on the site http:Owww.understand@islam.net
audio library.

&eferences and Ac'nowledgment
1. Summaries of prayers 8Arabic9 by the three great
7maams of our time: Sh. 7bn 4aaE0 Sh. Al@ Albani0 and
Sh. 7bn .Gthaimeen 8may Allah.s :ercy be upon them
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How to perform Salah for women
2. +he Prophet.s prayer described 81nglish9 by Sh. Al@
Albani. +ranslated by Gsama 7bn Suhaib Hasan
81!1O1,, ed.9
. +he 7slamic digest of AFeedah N FiFh0 by br.
:ahmoud &. :urad 81,,* ed.9
!. 7llustration adapted from
http:OOislam.groub.comOmodulesOw@s@groubO 8Prayers
#. Sister Gmm Ahmad Al@5anadiyyah for her
encouragement and support to produce reliable
information for new :uslims trying to learn salah.
&* WA@$ = @$ P5(%I$C BIFF5$C
8uestion :
7s there any e-idence that woman.s manner of
performing the Prayer is somehow different from that of

Answering your Fuestion0 Sheikh @* S* (l6@una;;id0 a
prominent Saudi :uslim lecturer and author0 states:
=+he general principle is that women are eFual to men in
all religious rulings0 because of the Hadith: M3omen are
counterparts of men.M 8&eported by Ahmad90 e)cept
when there is e-idence of a specific ruling which applies
only to women. Bne of the cases in which the scholars
mention specific rules for women in Prayer0 as follows:
19 3omen do not ha-e to gi-e Adhan 8call to
Prayer9 or Iqamah 8second call to Prayer9. 7bn
"udamah0 may Allah ha-e mercy on him0 said:
M3e don<t 'now any difference between :uslim
scholars 8on this point9.M 8Al-Mughni ma`a Ash-
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How to perform Salah for women
Sharh Al-Kabir0 1O!*9.
29 All of the woman<s body must be co-ered during
Prayer0 e)cept for her face and hands0
because the Prophet0 peace and blessings be
upon him0 said: MNo prayer will be accepted
from an adult woman unless she wears a
Khimar.> 8&eported by Al@4u'hari9 +here is
some dispute as to whether her heels and feet
should be co-ered.
9 +he woman should 'eep her limbs close to her
body during bowing and prostration0 and not
spread them out0 because this is more modest
and co-ering. 8Al-Mughni0 2O2#*9
!9 Al@Nawawi said: M7n his Al-Mukhtasar0 Ash@ShafiSi
said that there is no difference between men
and women in Prayer0 e)cept that women
should 'eep the parts of their bodies close to
one another0 and they should ma'e their
stomachs touch their thighs during prostration.
+his is more co-ering and preferable in bowing
and the rest of the Prayer as well.M 8Al-Majmu`0
#9 7t is preferable for women to pray in
congregation0 led by another woman0 because
the Prophet0 peace and blessings be upon him0
told Gmm 3araFah to lead the women of her
household in Prayer. +here is some difference
among scholars on this matter. 8See Al-
Mughni0 2O2K2 and Al-Majmu`0 !O*!@*#9 +he
woman leading the Prayer should read aloud
as long as no non@mahram man can hear her.
7t is permissible for women to go out and pray
in the mosFue with men0 although their Prayer
at home is better0 because the Prophet0 peace
and blessings be upon him0 said: M$o not
pre-ent the women from going out to the
mosFues0 e-en though their homes are better
for them.M
7mam An@Nawawi0 may Allah ha-e mercy on him0
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said: M3omen differ from men in congregational
Prayer in some ways:
a9 Longregational Prayer is not reFuired of them in
the same way as it is of men.
b9 7n case a woman leads a group of women in
Prayer0 she stands in the middle of the 8first9
c9 7f one woman led by a man0 she should stand
behind him0 not ne)t to him.
d9 7f women are praying in rows behind men0 the
bac' rows are better for them than the front
rows.> 8Al-Majmu`0 O!##9
1)cerpted0 with slight modifications0 from:
:oreo-er0 the following are some other differences:
1. 3hen the 7mam ma'es a mista'e in a
congregational Prayer0 men would correct him
by saying0 =Subhanallah>0 while women would
correct him by clapping 8some describe it as
clapping the palm of one hand against the bac'
of the other9. +his is confirmed in a well@'nown
2. +he Friday Prayer is not obligatory upon women.
7f a woman performs the Friday Prayer0 then
she doesn.t ha-e to pray the Ruhr Prayer.
2* WA@$ 4(BI$C @IKB C(0H5I$C <'@@(
&ecently0 7 heard $r. Amina 3adud leading a group of
women at the first public0 mi)ed@gender :uslim prayer
ser-ice that was held in New Aor' Lity on :arch 1*0
2KK#. 3hat is the 7slamic reason behind not allowing
women to lead prayer 8in the presence of men9P
(nswer: +han's for this interesting Fuestion0 which
reflects part of the misconceptions that some people
ha-e about 7slam and the way it deals with women. 3e
really commend your efforts in pursuit of truth. +his is
what is reFuired of all people0 to see' truth and not to
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How to perform Salah for women
gi-e in to anything that may cloud their minds with fa'e
ideas about 7slam. 7n fact0 the status of woman in 7slam
constitutes no problem. +he attitude of the "ur.an and
the early :uslims bear witness to the fact that woman is
as -ital to life as man himself0 and that she is not inferior
to him nor is she one of the lower species. Had it not
been for the impact of foreign cultures and alien
influences0 this Fuestion would ha-e ne-er arisen among
the :uslims. +he status of woman was ta'en for granted
to be eFual to that of man. 7t was0 of course0 a matter of
fact0 and no one then considered it as a problem at all.
As for the Sibadat 8acts of worship90 we ha-e to carry out
them in the same and e)act way prescribed by Allah
Almighty and taught by the Prophet 8peace and blessings
be upon him9. +here are some slight differences in
carrying out some acts of worship between men and
women0 in a way that best suits their different natures.
For e)ample0 in Ha22 women are allowed to wear their
normal clothes or attire regardless of whether they are
with seams or not0 while men are not allowed wear
clothes with seams. +his is0 of course0 in fa-or of
women.s nature and need to co-er their entire body with
the e)ception of the face and hands.
Focusing more on the Fuestion at hand0 $r. :uEammil H.
SiddiFi0 former president of the 7slamic Society of North
America0 states:
7slam places no restriction on women to teach0 preach0
and guide both women and men. +he "ur.an says0
"Men and women are supporters of each other. They
command what is right and forbid what is wrong..."
8At@+awbah ,:(19.
+here are many women today who are fully Fualified to
be 2urists 8faFihah9 and gi-e religious opinions 8fatwas9.
+hey do issue fatwas and teach "ur<an and Hadith in
schools0 colleges0 and uni-ersities all o-er the world.
:any 7slamic organiEations0 7slamic centers0 and
mosFues in America also ha-e -ery learned and
'nowledgeable sisters who participate in their mas2ids<
boards and in-ol-e themsel-es in administration0
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How to perform Salah for women
teaching0 preaching0 and counseling. :uslims should
gi-e them more opportunities0 allow them and encourage
them to become full partners in 7slamic wor'. /eading
salah 8Prayer90 howe-er0 is restricted to male imams only
when the congregation consists of men and women0
whether the Prayer is performed in the mosFues or
outside mosFues0 whether they are daily Prayers or
Friday and S1id Prayers. 3omen are not allowed to lead
such Prayers. +his has also been the practice of
:uslims all o-er the world since the time of the Prophet
8peace and blessings be upon him9. +his SharSi ruling is
not because of any notion of spiritual deficiency among
women. :en and women both are eFual in the sight of
Allah and both of them must be fully respected and
honored. 3omen are allowed to lead the Prayer when
the congregation is all women. +hey are also allowed to
lead the Prayer in their homes among their family
members0 if they are more 'nowledgeable of the "ur<an
and 7slamic rules. &ecently some people ha-e started a
contro-ersy about this matter of ShariSah. "uestions are
being as'ed about the 7slamic reasons why women are
barred from leading the Prayers of men and women both.
7n order to understand the rules and wisdom of ShariSah
in this matter0 following points are in order:
1. +here is a difference between salah and duSaa.
8supplication9 in 7slam. Salah is a fi)ed and formaliEed
form of prayer. 7ts timings0 positions0 postures0 style
including the wording and recitations were all fi)ed by the
Prophet 8peace and blessings be upon him9. 7t is not
permissible to introduce any new style or liturgy in salah.
$uSaa.0 howe-er0 is another form of 7slamic prayer that is
informal and there is no restriction as to who performs it
and how and when it is performed. 7t can be performed in
any language. 7t can be done indi-idually or collecti-ely.
7t can be led by males or females. 7n salah we are
supposed to follow the Sunnah. 3e cannot add or delete
anything from the salah if we want our salah to be -alid
and acceptable to Allah. About duSaa. one can say that
since we are not forbidden to do our duSa. in a particular
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manner0 we are allowed to do it the way we want itD but in
salah e-erything is forbidden unless it is allowed. For
e)ample0 the Prophet 8peace and blessings be upon him9
did not say that salah can be performed in 1nglish. He
did not say that you can ha-e salah in congregation si)
times a day. Now0 based on this argument0 we cannot
start ha-ing our salah in 1nglish or si) times e-ery day.
2. 7n our salah0 we stand -ery close to each other or as
we say =shoulder to shoulder and an'le to an'le> almost
touching each other. 3e stand in straight lines. 3e ma'e
ru'uS and su2ud. 3e are supposed to pray with sincerity
and de-otion concentrating our heart and mind towards
the Prayer. For this reason the Prophet 8peace and
blessings be upon him9 told us that men and women
should ha-e separate lines. +he lines of men should be
in the front area0 then the lines of children and then
women. +he imam should stand in front of the
congregation and should ma'e ru'uS and sa2dah before
the congregation and they should follow the imam. +he
ideal way in this structure of Prayer ser-ice is to separate
men from women and not allow a woman to be ahead of
all men and bow and prostrate in front of them. Haya<
8modesty9 is a special character of 7slam. 7t is
emphasiEed that men and women both must obser-e
haya< always and especially in their places of worship.
+he Prophet<s wife SA.ishah and his Lompanion 7bn
SAbbas are reported to ha-e said that a woman leading
other women in Prayer should not stand in front of them
li'e a male imam0 but in their midst. . Some people
refer to the hadith of Gmm 3araFah who was allowed by
the Prophet 8peace and blessings be upon him9 to lead
the salah. According to the Sunan of Abu $awud0 the
hadith says: =Gmm 3araFah wanted to accompany the
Prophet 8peace and blessings be upon him9 to the battle
of 4adr0 but the Prophet told her to stay in her home.>
Further in this hadith it is said that the Prophet 8peace
and blessings be upon him9 used to -isit her in her home.
He appointed a person to gi-e the Adhan 8call for Prayer9
for her and he told her to lead the Prayer for the people
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of her house. SAbdur@&ahman ibn 5hallad 8the reporter of
this hadith9 said0 =7 saw her mueEEin who was a -ery old
man> 8Abu $awud #KK9. 7n other reports of this hadith it
is said that the Prophet told her to lead the Prayers of the
women of her house 8Ad@$arFutni9. +his hadith does
not gi-e permission to women to lead the salah of men in
the mas2idD it is restricted to home and according to some
-ersions only for the women of the home. :ost of the
scholars of Hadith and fiFh did not use this as a general
permission of the Prophet for women to be imams of the
mosFues and lead men and women in Prayers. 7f this
would ha-e been the general case0 then many other -ery
able and Fualified women in the time of the Prophet and
after him would ha-e been leading salah in the mosFue.
Shei'h :uhammad Nur Abdullah0 President of the
7slamic Society of North American 87SNA9 and member of
the FiFh Louncil of North America0 states the following:
1. 7slamic teachings are based on two things: belief
and submission. 3hen it comes to Sibadat 8acts
of worship90 the Prophet 8peace and blessings be
upon him9 taught us to follow his e)ample and not
someone else<s. Salah 8ritual Prayer9 is
unanimously agreed to be an act of Sibadah0 and
the Prophet 8peace and blessings be upon him9 is
reported to ha-e said =Pray as you see me
praying.> So the e)ample of the Prophet 8peace
and blessings be upon him9 and the Lompanions
and the generations that came after them ha-e to
be followed.
2. +he rules of salah should be 'nown from scholars
because they 'now how to interpret the sayings
of the Prophet 8peace and blessings be upon
him9. Among those great scholars are SA<ishah
8may Allah be pleased with her9. Among the rules
of salah are the reFuirements and prereFuisites
for how to perform it0 who can lead the people in
salah0 and so on.

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. Scholars ha-e put certain conditions for someone to
be Fualified to lead the people in Prayer. +he
imam must be a :uslim0 sane0 adolescent0 male0
and pure0 i.e.0 ha-e wudu< 8ablution9. 3omen
leading men in Prayer is wrong0 whether in fard
8obligatory9 or nafl 8supererogatory9 Prayers. 4ut
if the followers are only women0 it is allowed for a
woman to lead the Prayer. According to ShafiSis
and Hanbalis0 a woman can lead other women in
Prayer while standing in the middle of the line.
According to :ali'is0 women cannot lead other
women in Prayer at all0 while the Hanafis say it is
ma'ruh or blameworthy.

!. According to the hadith of Gmm 3araFah reported in
the Sunan of Abu $awud0 the Prophet 8peace
and blessings be upon him9 appointed a mueEEin
for her0 and ordered her to lead her family
members in Prayer.

#. +he ma2ority of :uslim 2urists say that there is no
single incident where a woman led a mi)ed
Prayer outside her family members.
Ha-ing said that0 we cannot find one single proof that
women can lead men outside their family
members in salah0 and going with the hadith
=pray as you see me praying>0 we cannot
inno-ate a way of performing salah.
!* WA@$ 4(BI$C A$4% WA@$ P5(%5
8uestion :
Lan a woman lead other women in congregational
prayerP Should the imam recite loudly or in a low -oiceP
(nswer :
Here0 we would li'e to cite for you the fatwa issued by
Sheikh F(tiyyah SaJr0 former head of Al@AEhar Fatwa
=7t is well 'nown that congregational prayer 8Salatul-
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Jama`ah9 far e)ceeds indi-idual prayer in reward0 and
there are many hadiths that support this. 7t is reported
that the Prophet 8peace and blessings be upon him9 said:
M+he congregational prayer e)ceeds that of indi-idual
prayer 8Salatul-Fard9 by twenty fi-e or twenty se-en
A woman is allowed to 2oin the congregational prayer at
mosFues. +he same rule applies to a woman who wants
to 2oin a congregational prayer in her house along with
her family0 as well as at her wor' or e-en at school
where she studies or teaches.
7mam :ali' states that a woman0 under any
circumstances0 is not allowed to lead other women in
congregational prayer.
+he ma2ority of 2urists0 howe-er0 maintain that a woman
is allowed to lead her fellow sisters in congregational
prayer if there is no man to lead the congregation. +hey
cite an occasion to support their -iew. +he Prophet
8peace and blessings be upon him9 is reported to ha-e
appointed a mueEEin to Gmm 3araFah 8may Allah be
pleased with her9 and allowed her to lead other women in
her household. Also0 it is reported that SA<ishah 8may
Allah be pleased with her9 used to lead women in
congregational prayer and she would stand along with
them in the row. So did Gmm Salamah 8may Allah be
pleased with her9. 7n this case0 she can recite loudly if it
is either of the loudly offered prayer.
Some 2urists maintain that when a woman leads other
women in congregational prayer0 she should stand with
them in the same row and she is not allowed to stand in
front of them.
Bthers say that e-en if the woman leads other women in
congregational prayer0 then her prayer as long as the
prayer of women praying behind her is -alid as there is
no clear e-idence which states otherwise.>
4* @$S05'(0IA$: P5(%5
7 ha-e recently started praying prayer # times and a
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How to perform Salah for women
wee' before my due period0 7 noticed a discharge on my
shalwar. :y Fuestion is: 7s it necessary for me to do
6hussal before 7 pray or touch anything holy0 or is the
cleaning of that area0 only sufficient to continue prayingP
7 await your answer eagerly. +han's0 Aour fellow :uslim
$uring menstruation0 a woman may not pray0 fast or
ha-e se)ual intercourse with her husband. :u.aEhah
said0 M7 as'ed .Aishah0 .3hy must we ma'e up the fasts
missed due to our menstruation0 and not the prayersP.
She said0 .+hat was what the :essenger of Allah told us
to do. 3e were ordered to ma'e up the fasts0 and we
were ordered not to ma'e up the prayers.M 8&elated by
Mthe group.M9
/ate Shai'h Syed SabiF states: MLoncerning
menstruation and childbirth bleeding0 Allah says in the
"ur.an0 "...Do not approach them until they become
pure. When they are pure, go to them in the manner
that Allah has prescribed for you..." 8Al@4aFarah
+he :essenger of Allah0 upon whom be peace0 said to
Fatimah bint Abu Habish0 M$o not pray during your
period. After it has ended0 perform ghusl and pray.M
8&elated by al@4u'hari and :uslim9
Shai'h 7bn 4aaE states: +here is no harm in a
menstruating or post@partum bleeding woman reading
the boo's of supplications. 7n fact0 there is nothing wrong
with her reciting the "uraan according to the correct
opinion. +here is no authentic0 clear te)t prohibiting a
menstruating or post@partum bleeding woman from
reciting the "uraan.
Howe-er0 she may recite from her memory without
touching the "uran. 7t is also so they may learn the laws
of the Sharee.ah from the 4oo' of Allah. +herefore it is
e-en more so permissible for her to read the boo's of
supplications that ha-e -erses and hadeeth intermi)ed
with them. +his is the correct -iew and is the correct
opinion of the scholars0 may Allah ha-e mercy on them@
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How to perform Salah for women
on that point.
L* @$S05'(0IA$ WA@$ (00$BI$C @AS8'
8uestion :
3e hold regular classes or circles for teaching the
"ur<an in our mosFue. Are women who are in a state of
hayd 8menstruation9 allowed to attend such classes in
order to enhance their 7slamic 'nowledgeP Are they
allowed to attend HumuSah and `Eid sermons in such a
stateP 7hsan0 $ate KONo-O2KK#
(nswer : Name of :ufti: Ahmad 5utty
$ear Fuestioner0 we would li'e to than' you for the great
confidence you place in us0 and we implore Allah
Almighty to help us ser-e His cause and render our wor'
for His Sa'e.
First of all0 we would li'e to stress that menstruating
women are allowed to attend the S1id prayer without
participating in the prayer but 2ust to witness it. +he
significance of this is meant for encouraging :uslims to
gather at one time and share the blessings of this day
and get to feel happy in the broader sense.
&esponding to the Fuestion0 Sheikh (hmad Eutty0 a
senior lecturer and 7slamic scholar at the 7slamic 7nstitute
of +oronto0 Bntario0 Lanada0 states the following:
+raditionally0 most of the 7slamic scholars and 2urists are
of the opinion that women in a state of hayd
8menstruation9 are not permitted to enter or stay in the
Howe-er0 on a closer loo' at the issue from within the
sources and e-idence presented0 it can be clearly seen
that such an absolute ban is not based on any
incontro-ertible te)ts or proofs. &eports that are cited to
2ustify such ban are considered either wea' or dubious0
or at best Fuestionable as well as contradicted by other
reports and ascertainable facts.
3hen faced with such ambiguities and doubts0 we
always ha-e recourse to the original rule of permission0
which can only be re-o'ed in case of a categorical
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7t should also be pointed out that e-en some of the most
prominent scholars\who0 otherwise prohibit women in
state of menstruation from staying in the mosFue\allow
them to do so in case of a genuine necessity. Attending
classes for gaining essential 7slamic 'nowledge
undoubtedly falls in this category0 especially in a
predominantly non@:uslim society li'e ours in North
America0 where in many cities mosFues are the only
places where such education is imparted.
4y barring women from attending such classes or
lectures in mosFues0 we will be depri-ing them of the
only opportunity they may ha-e for gaining essential
religious 'nowledge0 which is the life@blood of a -ibrant
7slamic community.
+he opinion that women in case of necessity\not
necessarily a dire necessity 8darurah9\can enter and
stay in the mosFue is the -iew held by such authentic
scholars and thin'ers as 7bn +aymiyyah and others.
Bn the other hand0 the -iew that women in a state of
menstruation are permitted to enter and stay in the
mosFue is held by scholars such as al@:uEani0 $awud
aE@Rahiri0 7bn HaEm and others.
+he last mentioned -iew is based on the report from
SA.ishah that the Prophet 8peace and blessings be upon
him9 allowed a woman who had con-erted to 7slam\who
apparently had no place go\to stay inside the mosFue0
where she set up a little tent for that purpose. 7t is
common 'nowledge that women do menstruate0 and if it
had been prohibited for women to enter or stay in the
mosFue in a state of menstruation0 the Prophet 8peace
and blessings be upon him9 certainly would not ha-e
allowed her to stay inside the mosFue.
+hose who hold the -iew that the women in state of
menstruation are not permitted to enter and stay in the
mosFue compare menstruation with janabah 8post@
se)ual impurity9 as a ma2or defilement. Howe-er0 it is an
established fact that the Prophet 8peace and blessings
be upon him9 lodged the poor emigrants in the mosFue.
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+hey were 'nown as the people of as@Suffah. :en may
occasionally e)perience nocturnal emissions. Aet0 we are
not told anywhere that the Prophet 8peace and blessings
be upon him9 e-er told them to get out of the mosFue in
such a state.
7t is well 'nown principle of 7slamic 2urisprudence that
failure to e)plain something when it is needed shall be
deemed as an indication of permission. How could the
Prophet 8peace and blessings be upon him9 fail to
communicate to the people of as@Suffah and to the
woman he had lodged inside the mosFue that they
should lea-e the mosFue when they are in a state of
janabah or haydP
Ha-ing said this0 we must still urge the mosFue
authorities to arrange such classes or circles in areas of
the mosFue other than the prayer hall0 such as basement
or ad2acent class rooms0 etc.0 or pro-ide special facilities
for women to hear and see the spea'er there. 4y doing
so we remain within the consensus of scholars0 as no
one would e-er ob2ect to that. 7f this is not practical
because of constraints of space0 then at least a small
area in the main hall should be earmar'ed or cordoned
off for women to sit behind or on the side of the regular
prayer lines or musalla 8prayer hall9.
3hen such conditions are obser-ed0 it is perfectly
acceptable for women in a state of menstruation to
attend `Eid and HumuSah sermons according to scholarly
7n conclusion0 let me state: 3e must ne-er compromise
the greater maslahah 8welfare9 of see'ing essential
7slamic education0 which must ta'e precedence o-er our
pre@occupation with fiqh minutiae that are not based on
any e)plicit te)tual proofs.
1)cerpted0 with some modifications
M* 4IPS0ICE A5 @(E6'P

Page 70 of 77
How to perform Salah for women
7 ha-e read that you ha-e to remo-e lipstic' or ma'e@up
before ma'ing wudu.. 7 ha-e also read and heard that if
your ma'e@up is the type that water can penetrate
through then you can ma'e wudu. right o-er the ma'e@
up0 because it is not li'e nail polish which need a special
remo-er to remo-e it. 3hat is the correct -iewP
7f you ha-e applied lipstic' and then made wudu<0 then of
course it will be gone by washing the face and lips. As for
the ma'e@up0 you should remo-e it first and then ma'e
wudu. because it might bloc' the water from penetrating
1)cerpted0 with slight modifications0 from:
N* W'B' 7(#4'0IA$9 WI0H $(I4 PA4ISH
A woman was away from the city0 and did not 'now that
the nail polish must be remo-ed to ma'e wudu< and pray.
3hen she 'new she must remo-e it0 she tried to find a
nail -arnish remo-er to use but she could not find it. She
could not go to the city to buy it either. She was ma'ing
ablution and praying with it on for one wee'. 3hat is the
ruling on thisP. (nswer: Praise be to Allah.
Bne of the conditions of tahaarah 8purification9 being
-alid is that the water must touch the s'in. 7f there is any
barrier such as grease0 paint0 wa) or glue that pre-ents
water reaching the s'in0 then the tahaarah is not -alid
and prayers offered in that case are not -alid.
+he e-idence for that is the words of the Prophet 8peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him9 to Abu $harr 8may
Allah be pleased with him9: =7f you find water0 then let it
touch your s'in0 for that is good.> Narrated by Abu
$awood 829D classed as saheeh by al@Albaani in
Saheeh Abi a!""d.
7mam al@Shaafa<i 8may Allah ha-e mercy on him9 said:
7f there is on him any mastic or anything thic' that will
pre-ent the water from reaching the s'in0 his washing of
that part for wudoo< is not -alid0 unless he remo-es it or
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How to perform Salah for women
remo-es enough so that he 'nows that there is no barrier
to the water touching the s'in. 1nd Fuote.
Al-#mm 81O!!9.
Al@Nawawi 8may Allah ha-e mercy on him9 said:
7f there is wa)0 dough0 henna and the li'e on one of his
limbs0 which pre-ents water from reaching any part of it0
then his tahaarah is not -alid0 whether the amount is
large or small. 7f there are traces of henna and its colour
left on the hand0 without there being any solid material
left0 or elsewhere0 or traces of liFuid grease whereby
water flows o-er the limb but does not stay there0 his
tahaarah is -alid. 1nd Fuote.
Al-Majm""$ 81O#2,9.
7t says in Fataa!a al-%ajnah al-aa$imah 8#O21*9:
7f the colour is impermeable0 then wudoo< is not -alid
unless it is remo-ed before doing wudoo<. 7f it is not
impermeable0 then wudoo< is -alid0 as is the case with
henna. 1nd Fuote.
Hence this woman should ha-e tried to find something to
remo-e this nail polish0 e-en if she had to go far away to
find a place that sold it. She could also ha-e remo-ed it
by using a strong 'itchen cleaning agent or by rubbing it
with a cloth dampened with liFuid fuel0 and so on.
3e do not thin' that this woman has any e)cuse for
praying with wudoo< that was in-alid because of this nail
polish. 7gnorance may mean that she is free of sin but it
does not ma'e the prayer -alid.
She has to repeat the prayers that she offered with
wudoo< that was in-alid because of this nail polish.
3e as' Allah to forgi-e us and her. And Allah 'nows

8* WA@$: (00$BI$C P5(%5S I$ 0H @AS8'
7 want to 'now what 7slam says about women to go to
mosFue and say prayer. Should it be mandatoryP
7t is permissible for :uslim women to attend the prayer in
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How to perform Salah for women
the mosFue because prophet :uhammad 8pbuh9
ordered the :uslim men not to forbid the women from
attending the mosFues. Howe-er0 there are conditions to
be met for this permission which are:
1@ +he woman should not go to the mosFue if she has
put perfume.

2@ Her clothes should be modest meeting the 7slamic
dress code 8such as not being tight0 and modestly

@ +hey should be separate and on bac' rows. 7t is
recommended that they must be screened by a
wall or separate room from men.
+han' you for as'ing and 6od 'nows best.
O* WA@$: P5A4A$CB BISCH(5C ($B P5(%5
Lould you please e)plain the position with regard to
e)emption from prayer for women during their period0
especially if it is prolongedP
Some scholars mention a number of days for the
minimum duration of a woman.s period and they also
Fuote a figure to indicate the ma)imum days of such a
period. +here is no Hadith to indicate a minimum span of
time when a woman is in menstruation. 3hat we can say
is that the minimum is a single flow. Nor is there a
ma)imum period for menstruation. 3e do not ha-e any
reliable report to estimate its duration. 7 say this 'nowing
that some scholars mention one full day0 i.e. twenty@four
hours0 for the minimum period of menstruation and ten or
fifteen days for its ma)imum. None of these figures relies
on a specific and authentic Hadith.
:enses is recogniEed by its color. +he Prophet is Fuoted
to ha-e said: M+he blood of menses is dar'0 easily
recogniEed.M $uring a woman.s period0 her discharge
may ha-e different colors0 ranging from almost blac'0 to
red0 to yellow or a dar' color between white and blac'.
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How to perform Salah for women
Normally0 a woman can distinguish whether her
discharge is menses or not. Some women may ha-e a
prolonged discharge0 but that does not mean that they
ha-e a prolonged menstruation. 7f a woman has such a
prolonged discharge0 then she has to distinguish
between her menses and a discharge that does not stop
her from offering prayers or fasting. +here are three
i9 A woman with a regular period. +his is the case of a
woman who used to ha-e her menstruation
lasting for si)0 se-en or eight days on a regular
basis. 7f she happens to ha-e prolonged
discharges afterward0 then she should ta'e count
of her normal period0 then she ta'es a bath and
begins prayer. +his is understood from a Hadith
when0 Gmm Salamah0 one of the Prophet.s wi-es0
as'ed him about a woman who was ha-ing a
continuous discharge. He said: M/et her consider
the number of days and nights for which she used
to ha-e her period e-ery month. She need not
pray during those days. Afterward0 she should
ta'e a bath0 use a piece of cloth or cotton0 and
offer her prayers.M 8&elated by Al@4u'hari0 :uslim
and others9. +his Hadith applies to a woman who
used to ha-e a regular period before she
de-eloped this disorder.

ii9 A woman who does not ha-e a regular period and
cannot distinguish her menses from ordinary
bleeding. +he Prophet.s sister@in@law0 a young
woman0 had this trouble when she had 2ust
attained puberty. She told the Prophet that her
discharge had pre-ented her from praying and
fasting. +he Prophet said to her: M7 suggest that
you use cotton because it absorbs blood.M She
told him that her discharge was too strong for
that. He suggested that she should tie herself
properly0 but she again said that her discharge
was too strong. He said to her: M7 will describe to
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How to perform Salah for women
you two courses of action and you may choose
either of them.M He then e)plained her condition
and told her: MAou count your period si) or se-en
days0 as 6od 'nows0 then ha-e a bath until you
feel that you ha-e purified and cleansed yourself.
Aou offer your prayers for twenty@four or twenty@
three days and nights0 and fast as usual. Aour
action is sufficient for that. Aou may repeat this
e-ery month as other women ha-e their normal
periods and cleanse themsel-es in accordance
with their regular time of menses and cleanliness.
Alternati-ely0 you may choose to delay offering
$huhr prayer and bring Asr prayer forward: Aou
ha-e a shower then pray $huhr and Asr togetherD
then you delay :aghrib and bring 7sha forward
and combine the two prayers together. +hen you
ha-e another shower for Fa2r prayer and offer it.
Aou may do li'e this and fast and pray if you
can.M +he Prophet then added: M+his last course
is the one 7 would prefer.M 8&elated by Ahmad0
Abu $awood and At@+irmithi9. Al@4u'hari
commented that this is an authentic Hadith.

iii9 7f she does not ha-e a regular period but can
distinguish menses from other discharge. 7n this
case0 she relies on distinguishing one from the
other. +he Prophet said to a woman named
Fatimah who had the trouble of prolonged
discharge: M:enses is dar' and can be
distinguished. 7f your discharge is such0 then
refrain from praying. 7f it is of the other type0 then
ha-e ablution and offer prayer.M
&P* P'5I0%: WA@$ P5IAB
Are women e)empt from prayers during their
menstruation periodP Please gi-e reference
(nswer: :enstrual Periods @ @ @ @
Narrated Aiyub: Hafsa said0 .3e used to forbid our young
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How to perform Salah for women
women to go out for the two .7d prayers. A woman came
and stayed at the palace of 4ani 5halaf and she narrated
about her sister whose husband too' part in twel-e holy
battles along with the Prophet and her sister was with her
husband in si) 8out of these twel-e9.
She 8the woman.s sister9 said0 M3e used to treat the
wounded0 loo' after the patients and once 7 as'ed the
Prophet0 .7s there any harm for any of us to stay at home
if she doesn.t ha-e a -eilP. He said0 .She should co-er
herself with the -eil of her companion and should
participate in the good deeds and in the religious
gathering of the :uslims.. 3hen Gm .Atiya came 7 as'ed
her whether she had heard it from the Prophet. She
replied0 MAes. :ay my father be sacrificed for him 8the
Prophet9C 83hene-er she mentioned the Prophet she
used to say0 .:ay my father be sacrificed for him9 7 ha-e
heard the Prophet saying0 .+he unmarried young -irgins
and the mature girl who stay often screened or the young
unmarried -irgins who often stay screened and the
menstruating women should come out and participate in
the good deeds as well as the religious gathering of the
faithful belie-ers but the menstruating women should
'eep away from the :usalla 8praying place9..
M Hafsa as'ed Gm .Atiya surprisingly0 M$o you say the
menstruating womenPM She replied0 M$oesn.t a
menstruating woman attend .Arafat 8Ha229 and such and
such 8other deeds9PM
&&* P5(%I$C WI0HA'0 H(B CA25I$C
As@Salamu Salay'um0 is it possible to pray without
co-ering the hair0 or the prayer would be in-alid. 7.m
as'ing as the -eil is not allowed in my place of wor'.
+han' youC
4efore dealing with the issue of prayer without hi2ab0 or
head@co-ering0 we li'e to say that hi2ab is a well@
established duty upon all :uslim women. +his obligation
is clearly stated in the "ur.an and the Prophet.s Sunnah.
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How to perform Salah for women
+herefore0 it is your right\as a :uslim woman\and
your duty to wear hi2ab at e-ery public place: wor'0
shops0 etc. Aou should not obey your bossOmanager at
the e)pense of disobeying Allah. See' your right to wear
hi2ab through all legal and acceptable channels and
ne-er accept any compromise in this regard. As for
prayer without co-ering the head0 it is 'nown that
co-ering the `a!rah0 which for women the whole entire
body with the e)cept of the face and hands0 is one of the
prereFuisites of the -alidity of Prayer. +herefore0 a
:uslim woman. prayer cannot be accepted if she don.t
co-er her `a!rah.
Finally0 we do ad-ise you0 dear sister0 to be strong in
your religion. Always consult the 7mam of the mosFue
regarding the difficult problems that you face which may
affect your religion. Also0 we do ad-ise the :uslim
communities to defend their rights by all possible legal
and acceptable channels.
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