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File: degeneracy.jpg (212 KB, 1584x1224)
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)22:08:53 No.12148056 >>12148083 >>12148185
>>12148458 >>12148470 >>12148853
What do you look for in a gf or a bf?
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)22:12:00 No.12148083
File: Wizard2.jpg (1.27 MB, 1403x2000)
>>12148056 (OP)
1. They exist.
2. We'll talk about 2 after we
accomplish 1.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)22:16:25 No.12148113 >>12148573
I'm a guy
>physical attraction
>enough intelligence to not be boring or for things to seem unequal
>not crazy/manipulative
>not a bitch
>doesn't seem like the type to cheat
They don't sound like high standards but in practice they are
/r9k/ - What do you look for in a gf or a bf?
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Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)22:24:27 No.12148185
>>12148056 (OP)
>someone open with what she feels
>listens to what I feel
>is genuinely interested in me
>sense of humour similar to mine
>do not take herself too seriously
>isn't too negative
>is willing to compromise/make efforts
>is fine with travelling
>is fine with having a rather ordinary life otherwise
>similar interests as me
>want kids
>has a job or at least can handle herself
>is very open minded and/or has experience in life
>is submissive in the bedroom
>isn't an asshole outside of the bedroom
>lives within 2 hours of me by plane
>is kinky (more than me is a plus)
>likes any kind of food (I'd make an effort for vegetarians)
>accepts me fully
That's all I can think of at the moment. Am I too picky?
I didn't mention anything regarding her body because unless an extremely skinny/fat girl, I don't give a shit.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)22:35:00 No.12148276
>fucking intelligent. yes, even more intelligent than me. that's fucking hot.
>interesting, a bit pretentious but not really.
>she wants to fuck me.
>i want to fuck her.
>loves music, movies and reading.
>follows her dreams, helps me follow mine.
>doesn't give a shit about society.
>interesting dressing choices.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)22:48:59 No.12148422
>not be a landwhale
That's about it. I can't really afford any other criteria at the moment, considering that I'm 26, live with my parents,
have no job, and do nothing but sit on my computer.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)22:52:58 No.12148458 >>12148472
>>12148056 (OP)
Isn't Turkey Islamic? I don't understand...
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)22:54:21 No.12148470
File: bqDCvu4.png (1.63 MB, 1920x1080)
>>12148056 (OP)
/r9k/ - What do you look for in a gf or a bf?
file:///C|/Users/User/Desktop/HTML/_r9k_%20-%20What%20do%20you%20look%20for%20in%20a%20gf%20or%20a%20bf.htm[6/17/2014 6:07:54 AM]
>sort of quiet and reserved, but a little more extroverted than me
>Tall (5' 8"+, I'm 5' 9" and really can't see myself with a short girl)
>thin to average, I guess just don't be fat (this is apparently harder than I thought)
>sort of fashionable, but not overly so
>my size so we can share clothes because it's really cute
>flat chest a plus, boyish figure is hot
>likes history and politics so I have someone to talk about that stuff with all the time
>weeaboo as long as she isn't throwing butchered J apanese into her speech
>smart or smarter than me
>will let me cook for her
>really, really invested in a relationship
>Isn't tumblr trash, this is way harder than you think
>willing to be a bit more dominant in the relationship, but not overly so
>doesn't mind how clingy I am, it's a plus if she's even more clingy back. Like "will threaten to die if you leave her"
clingy after a while
>is willing to put up with me in all respects
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)22:54:40 No.12148472 >>12148484
Oh, anon.
>multiple wives
>hit and split
Welcome to the muslim world.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)22:56:35 No.12148484
Don't be a retard, that's not what Turkey is like at all.
The source for the graph is dubious, and Turkey is pretty Westernized. It's a lot like Mexico, actually
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:05:04 No.12148551
>talks to me
>toilet trained
pretty much it
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:09:13 No.12148573
Basically this and I'd also add "someone that doesn't need me to think and decide for them and someone who will
let me be human," but I guess that's why I'm a beta.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:10:24 No.12148588 >>12148609
I'd be more interested in a thread where men post their picture and then femanons (timestamp or gtfo) tell each
guy what he would need to have in order for her to actually want to be with him.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:13:39 No.12148609 >>12148631 >>12148636
That wouldn't work though because
/r9k/ - What do you look for in a gf or a bf?
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femanons that post timestamp get spammed with replies, so they don't post often
women supposedly don't actually care much about looks and so would be reluctant to be so shallow as to give a
guy a judgment based on his looks
the actual women on this board are smart enough to realize that the men on this board hate them
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:16:45 No.12148631 >>12148644
Women are generally the common culprits of social desirability bias. They care about looks but say they don't.
They care about sex but say they don't. Sure you have your outliers, but this is the general consensus.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:17:20 No.12148636 >>12148644
But I don't hate women, and when I post a wall of text they're usually answering it and are happy to talk (some of
them even share a throw away email to discuss further).
I would just be interested to see if I could reach the same point by going at it the other way. Would they be able to
tell that this guy can be the one on that picture?
And not everyone here hates women, quite the opposite in my case.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:18:55 No.12148644 >>12148673
Right, I'm just generalizing
Why don't you go ahead and make that thread?
Right. But that means they are going to post what they say and not what they actually think
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:21:59 No.12148673
Maybe I will one day, let me get some courage first.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:28:29 No.12148719 >>12148783 >>12148952 >>12148969
for a bf
>makes it clear that he likes me and wants to be close to me
>is older than me
>is bigger than me, weight wise
>likes chubby girls
>is nice and sincere
>is groomed a little I guess
>finds me attractive, I find him attractive
>isn't obsessed with sex
>wants love
>doesn't hate women
>if he lives near me a car would be nice, mainly because I haven't got one and we have to be together somehow
>a LDR would be nice though too
>have something in common, liking anime or comic book or video games or something
>a direction in life or a desire for a direction in life would be nice even if it's not figured out right now
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:37:26 No.12148783 >>12148836
>landwhale detected
/r9k/ - What do you look for in a gf or a bf?
file:///C|/Users/User/Desktop/HTML/_r9k_%20-%20What%20do%20you%20look%20for%20in%20a%20gf%20or%20a%20bf.htm[6/17/2014 6:07:54 AM]
You're fat, but he must be attractive and still weigh more than you?
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:43:40 No.12148836 >>12148852
File: 9064af14-cbe6-4d80-bb99-0(...).jpg (67 KB, 786x442)
>asking to be attracted to someone is too
fucking much
J esus Christ whatever.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:45:52 No.12148852
File: 1398592278240.jpg (44 KB, 880x850)
Holy shit, what the fuck went wrong with that woman?
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:43:40 No.12148836 >>12148852
File: 9064af14-cbe6-4d80-bb99-0(...).jpg (67 KB, 786x442)
>asking to be attracted to someone is too fucking much
J esus Christ whatever.
06/16/14(Mon)23:37:26 No.12148783
>landwhale detected
You're fat, but he must
be attractive and still
weigh more than you?
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:46:24 No.12148853 >>12148865
>>12148056 (OP)
I just don't want her to be a slut
my standards are far too high, I'm told
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:47:34 No.12148861 >>12149001
Unless you are attracted to fat guys, you're pretty fucked.
Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:47:54 No.12148865 >>12148889
Depends on your definition of slut.
/r9k/ - What do you look for in a gf or a bf?
file:///C|/Users/User/Desktop/HTML/_r9k_%20-%20What%20do%20you%20look%20for%20in%20a%20gf%20or%20a%20bf.htm[6/17/2014 6:07:54 AM]
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Anonymous 06/16/14(Mon)23:51:25 No.12148889
this one will do
Anonymous 06/17/14(Tue)00:01:33 No.12148952 >>12148986 >>12149001
Can you elaborate on the older thing? It's something I see a lot but I don't understand it. Does it really matter if
the guy isn't older than you?
kurowten 06/17/14(Tue)00:04:05 No.12148969
>isn't obsessed with sex
>a car
Other than that, I fit everything. Added skype if you want to.
Anonymous 06/17/14(Tue)00:06:06 No.12148981
Dependable character, emotional stability and maturity, pleasing disposition, good health, desire for home and
children, refinement and neatness, being a good cook and housekeeper, religious and chaste.
Anonymous 06/17/14(Tue)00:06:58 No.12148986
Not her but older guys have more money and experience so they can act like her daddy and be the dominant
Anonymous 06/17/14(Tue)00:09:18 No.12149001
Yes. I don't know, but it really does. As soon as I find out a guy is younger than me, it's just horrible. I think it
might be because it makes women feel old?
Sorry that I can find fat guys attractive, I guess.
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