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ABAP Data Dictionary
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ABAP Statement Key words and Data Types in SAP
Tags: ABAP Dictionary , ERP , SAP ERP - Categories: ABAP Data Dictionary, ERP, SAP
ABAP/4 Advanced Business Application Programming Language.
4 4
Generation Language.
It is Not Case Sensitive.
Is Event Driven Programming Language.
This overview describing applications programming in the R/3 System. All applications programs,
along with parts of the R/3 Basis system, are written in the ABAP Workbench using ABAP,
SAPs programming Language. The individual components of application programs are stored in a
special section of the database called the R/3 Repository. The R/3 Repository serves as a central store
for all of the development objects in the R/3 System. The following sections of this documentation
cover the basics and characteristics of application programming.
A - Advanced
B - Business
A - Application(s)
P - Programming
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Program :
A Program Is Group Of Meaningful Instructions.
An Instruction is Group of
Keywords + Variables + Operators + Data Types
Keywords :
Syntax : Each ABAP statement Should begin with a keyword and ends with a period.
Since Each Statement Should Start with a Keyword. It is Difficult to give the exact no. of Keywords
So that Keywords are Divided into Different Types Depends On the Functionality Of the Keywords.

Types Of Keywords :
Declarative Key words : To Declare Variables.
Syntax for Variables : DATA < Var. Name> TYPE <Data Types>.
Database Keywords : To Work With Database Operations Such as
SELECT - To Select Data
INSERT - To Insert Data
UPDATE - To Change Data
DELETE - To Delete Data etc.
Control Keywords :
Statements are used to control the flow of an ABAP program within a processing block according to
certain conditions.
Ex :
Definition Keywords are used to define Re-usable Modules (Blocks)
Ex :
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Calling Keywords :
Are used to call Re-usable Modules (Blocks) that are already defined.
Operational Key Words :
To Process the data that you have defined using declarative statements.
Event Keywords :
Statements containing these keywords are used to define event blocks.
Ex : TOP-OF-PAGE To Print the Same Heading On the TOP Of Every Page.
END-OF-PAGE To Print the Same FOOTER for every Page on the Output List.
Date Types and Objects (Variables)
The physical units with which ABAP statements work at routine are called internal program data
objects. The contents of a data occupy memory space in the program. ABAP statements access these
contents by addressing the name of the data object. Each ABAP data objects has a set of technical
attributes which are fully defined at all times when an ABAP program is running. The technical
attributes of a data object are : Data Type, Field Length and Number of Decimal Places.
ABAP Contains the following Pre-defined Data Types :
Non-Numeric Data Types :
Character String (C)
Numeric Character String (N)
Date (D)
Time (T)
Numeric Types :
Integer (I)
Floating-point number (F)
Packed Number (P)
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The Field Length for data types D, F, I and T is fixed. The field length determines the number of
bytes that the data object occupies in memory. In types C, N, X and P, the length is not part of the
type definition. Instead, you define it when you declare the data object in your program.
Data Type P is particularly useful for exact calculations in a business context. When you define an
object with type P, you also specify a number of decimal places.
You can also define your own elementary data types in ABAP using the TYPES statements. You
base these on the predefined data types. This determines all of the technical attributes of the new data
type. For example, you could define a data type P_2 with two decimal places on the predefined data
type P. You could then use the new type in your data declarations.
Predefine Elementary ABAP Types : All field lengths are specified in bytes.
Data Types Initial Field Length Valid Field Length Initial Value Meaning
Numerica Types
I 4 4 0 Integer (Whole Number)
F 8 8 0 Floating Point Number
P 8 1
0 Packed Number
Character (Non-Numeric) Types
C 1 1
.. Text Field
(Alphanumeric Characters)
D 8 8 00000000 Date Field
(Format : YYYYMMDD)
N 1 1
0 0 Numeric Text Fields
(Numeric Characters)
T 6 6 000000 Time Field
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(Format : HHMMSS)
Note : Data Type N is not a numeric type. Type N objects can only contain number characters
(0.9) but are not represented internally as numbers. Typical type N fields are account numbers
and zip codes.
Integers Type 1
The value range of type 1 numbers is -2**31 to 2**31-1 and includes only whole numbers. Non-
integer results of arithmetic operations (e.g. fractions) are rounded, not truncated.
You can use type 1 data for counters, number of items, indexes, time periods, and so on.
Packed Numbers Type P
Type P data allows digits after the decimal point. The number of decimal places is generic, and is
determined in the program. The value range of type P data depends on its size and number of digits
after the decimal point. The valid size can by any value from 1 to 16 bytes. Two decimal digits are
packed into one byte, while the last byte contains one digit and the sign. When working with type P
data, it is a good idea to set the program attributes Fixed point arithmetic. Otherwise, type P
numbers are treated as integers.
Note : You can use type P data for such values as distances, weights, amounts of money, and so on.
Floating Point Numbers Type F
The value ranges of type F numbers is 110**-307 to 110**308 for positive and negative numbers,
including 0 (zero). The accuracy range is approximately 15 decimals, depending on the floating point
arithmetic of the hardware platform. Since type F data is internally converted to a binary system,
rounding errors can occur. Although the ABAP processor tries to minimize these effects, you should
not use type F data if high accuracy is required. Instead, use type P data.
You use type F fields when you need to cope with very large ranges and rounding errors are not

Using I and F fields for Calculations is quicker than using P fields.
Operations using I and F fields are very similar to the actual machine code operations, while P fields
requires more support from the software. Nevertheless, you have to use type P data to meet accuracy
or value range requirements.

Character (Non-Numeric) Types :
Of the five non-numeric types, the four types C,D, N and T are characters types. Fields with these
types are known as character field. Each position in one of these fields talks up enough space for the
code of the character. Currently, ABAP only works with single-byte codes such as ASCII and
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EBCDI. However, an adaptation to UNICODE is in preparation. Under UNICODE, each character
occupies two or four bytes.
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