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... through Bertha Dudde

Peoples low spiritual state
necessitates an end ....
Once soeone has penetrated spiritual !nowledge he is also
entitled to a!e a "udgent in regards to huanit#s spiritual
state$ and he will realise that spiritual progress on this earth is
not possi%le an#ore ....
&e will %e a%le to o%ser'e that the coandents o( lo'e (or
God and ones neigh%our are onl# 'er# rarel# li'ed up to and that
the disregard o( these coandents results in e'er greater
dar!ness .... &e will also !now that peoples will itsel( is the
decisi'e (actor and that this is also isused$ since it is turning
increasingl# ore towards the ad'ersar# which e)plains wh#
people are under his control.
*al'ation would certainl# %e possi%le i( onl# people were willing
to accept the Word o( God$ which &e &isel( con'e#s to earth
and which trul# has the strength to lead to a change in huan
thin!ing. +et precisel# this willingness is issing and thus
huanit# is irre'oca%l# approaching the end$
so that the unspiritual state will %e %rought to a halt and a new
phase o( redeption will start which will ipede the endless (all
into the a%#ss$ and the %eing which had (ailed as a huan %eing
will %e integrated into the process o( return once again$ in
accordance with di'ine will.
,n#one who has penetrated spiritual !nowledge will also
understand e'er#thing that is happening .... he will !now that
one period o( *al'ation is coing to an end and that a new one is
%eginning$ %ecause he !nows the reason (or peoples unspiritual
state and also that Gods lo'e !eeps creating e'er new
possi%ilities to lead the %eings$ which had once eerged (ro
&i$ to their goal.
,nd onl# those people who penetrated spiritual !nowledge can
o((er a little help %# passing their !nowledge on to their (ellow
huan %eings .... %ut then (ree will has to %e prepared again to
accept such !nowledge.
,nd peoples will is e)traordinaril# wea!ened .... , person could
certainl# place hisel( into a state o( strength and also attain a
stronger will$ %ut this re-uires hi to li'e in lo'e hisel( and to
ta!e the path to .esus /hrist Who$ through &is cruci(i)ion$
ac-uired uneasured %lessings$ thus also the strengthening o(
will ....
Deeds o( lo'e will alwa#s grant strength to a person$ and a call
upon .esus will (orti(# the will$ (or then the will is no longer
copletel# a'erted (ro God$ (or an#one who is lo'ingl# acti'e
also esta%lishes contact with God$ the 0ternal 1o'e. ,nd an#one
who calls upon .esus /hrist ac!nowledges &i as the Redeeer
o( the world and thus also as God &isel($ Who %ecae a huan
%eing in .esus /hrist ....
&ence #ou all can escape this state o( wea!ness$ #ou are not le(t
to #our own de'ices in #our helplessness$ %ut strength is at #our
disposal at all ties i( onl# #ou desire it .... ,nd those who
possess this !nowledge will alwa#s pro'ide #ou with clari(ication$
%ut as long as #our heart and ears are unrecepti'e to it their
words will reain ine((ecti'e$ #ou will reain wea! and
unenlightened and wont li'e up to #our purpose o( li(e.
&owe'er$ (orce will ne'er %e e)erted on #ou on Gods part$ it will
%e entirel# le(t up to #our will as to how #ou deal with #our (ellow
huan %eings instructions$ #et the# will %e con'e#ed to #ou so
that #ou can also a!e this decision #oursel'es. 2($ howe'er$
#our own will re"ects it and #ou cannot (ind #our wa# out o( the
state o( dar!ness then #ou are entangled in a net o( lies and
errors which #ou can no longer tear apart #oursel'es$ since it
!eeps #ou constrained and was cast upon #ou %# the ad'ersar#
,nd then the onl# option le(t is to %rea! the ad'ersar#s power$
that is$ to reo'e the opportunit# (or hi to harass people on
earth$ which eans the dissolution o( earth with all its creations
as well as all li'ing creatures up to the huan %eing .... hence an
end (or #ou huans with a su%se-uent %anishent into hard
atter and a reshaping o( all aterial creations (or the purpose
o( sheltering the still %ound spiritual su%stances$ which li!ewise
shall attain higher de'elopent on this earth ....
, spiritual change on this earth is ipossi%le %ecause people (ail
to uster the will (or it ....
+et that which will (ollow later will also deonstrate a spiritual
change$ (or a(ter the deise o( the old earth a new earth will
arise with incopara%l# %eauti(ul creations$ with spirituall#
ature people who had passed their test o( (aith and will on this
old earth and who shall %e returned to the new earth as the root
o( the new huan generation .... For the# will %e spirituall#
awa!ened$ the# will !now a%out Gods lo'e and &is reign and
acti'it# throughout the uni'erse
and the# will also !now that all creations onl# ser'e the once
(allen spiritual %eings to attain (ull aturit#$ the# will !now that
di'ine order ust %e o%ser'ed and that e'er#thing which lea'es
this order will re-uire endless tie in order to reach the goal
again one da#$ to integrate with the law o( eternal order and to
li'e a li(e o( sel(less lo'e ....
,nd at the end o( an earthl# period lo'e will ha'e grown
copletel# cold aongst people$ thus pro(ound dar!ness will %e
on earth$ (or onl# lo'e is the light which penetrates the
dar!ness ....
,nd onl# the one who li'es in lo'e will also penetrate spiritual
!nowledge$ he will ignite the light within hisel( and all the
terrors o( dar!ness will %e o'er (or hi .... ,nd this %right light
will illuinate the new earth$ and all people will %e (ull#
enlightened (or the# will li'e in lo'e and wal! with God$ Who is
1o'e &isel( and the 1ight o( eternit# ....
Pu%lished %# (riends o( new re'elations o( God 32n(oration$
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