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Top facts

The potato cod is identified by the large, potato-like dark blotches on its body. The potato cod
gets its scientific name Epinephelus from the Latin word meaning clouded over, and tukula for
maneater, which refers to its ferocity. In captivity, the potato cod is capable of changing
colour, appearing to turn its spots on and off, according to the colour of its surroundings. Not
afraid to approach people, the potato cod is a bold fish, often becoming a nuisance by tampering
with divers kit
Potato cod description
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Perciformes
Family Serranidae
Genus Epinephelus (1)
A large and robust fish species (3), the potato cod (Epinephelus tukula) has a light brownish-grey
body, with dark brown to black widely-spaced blotches (2). Small dark spots are present on its
head, as well as irregular streaks that mainly radiate from its eyes (2) (4). The fins have
prominent spines and small dark spots (3), and the caudal fin is more rounded in young than in
adults. The potato cod has 11 spines running along its back (2), as well as 3 spines on its rear (4).
Its large mouth contains canines and several rows of backward-folding teeth (3).
In the water, the potato cods body appears lighter and the dark blotches more conspicuous.
When captured, this species takes on a darker colouration and the blotches become far less
obvious (5).
Also known asgrouper, potato bass, potato grouper, potato rockcod, sumeyn. FrenchMerou
Patate.SpanishMero Patata.SizeLength: up to 1.5 m (2)

Potato cod biology
Relatively little is known about the major life history characteristics of the potato cod (3) (7),
also known as the potato grouper (1). However, grouper fish in general share many life history
traits that may be relevant to this species. Grouper fish habitually spawn offshore, on sea shelves
approximately 30 metres deep, or up to 70 metres deep at the edge of coral reefs. Pelagic larvae
are transported from spawning sites to inshore nursery grounds where they then settle as
juveniles. Later in the life cycle juveniles join adult populations offshore where they move
between different habitats (8).

Grouper fish are slow to mature, spawn in groups and exhibit irreversible sex change under
certain conditions (8). Potato cods reach maturity at lengths of around 90 centimetres (3) (6), and
although most adult fish are solitary, courtship displays and pairing occur during the breeding
season (3).

The potato cods diet consists of a variety of reef fish, crabs, crayfish and skates. This species
ambushes its prey, which it generally then captures following a short chase. It is an aggressive
and territorial species that is known for its highly inquisitive behaviour. The potato cod is often a
nuisance to divers due to its tendency to approach and tamper with their gear and catch. Its large
size and behaviour make this species a dominant predator within its habitat (3).

Potato cod often encourage cleaner wrasse (Labroides species) to feed on parasites that become
attached to their scales (9).

Top Potato cod range
The potato cod is widely distributed across the Indo-Pacific (1), from the Red Sea and East
Africa, southern Oman, Pakistan, and the Gulf of Aden to southwest India, Australia, Taiwan
and southern Japan (4). Within Australia, the potato cod is found on and to the north of the
Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia, as well as throughout the Great Barrier Reef to Queensland
Potato cod habitat
Inhabiting rocky and coral reefs (3), juvenile potato cod survive in tidal pools, whereas the adult
fish are found at depths of 10 to 105 metres (6).
Potato cod threats
Due to its inquisitive nature and the fact that it inhabits shallow water, the potato cod is
vulnerable to over-exploitation, particularly from spear fishing. Potato cod were once seen as
trophy catch for divers, and although this is no longer the case this species is still often caught by
anglers despite its protection by law (3).
Potato cod conservation
The potato cod is a protected species throughout most of its range in Australia (5), and has
responded well to marine park protection (3). Offshore coral reefs are essential to the survival of
the species, and therefore it is important that the proposed regulations of the Queensland
Fisheries Service are enforced to maintain wild stocks of the potato cod. These enforcements
include a cap on the number of fish that can be caught and restrictions on the size of fish
authorised for capture, with minimum and maximum size limits in place (10). Spear fishing of
potato cod is illegal in South Africa (11).
Find out more

Find out more about the potato cod:
Queensland Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Potato rockcod:
The Australian Museum - Potato rockcod:
Fishbase - Epinephelus tukula:
This information is awaiting authentication by a species expert, and will be updated as soon as
possible. If you are able to help please contact:


Caudal fin
The tail fin of a fish.
Immature stage in an animals lifecycle, after it hatches from an egg and before it changes into
the adult form. Larvae are typically very different in appearance to adults; they are able to feed
and move around but are usually unable to reproduce.
An organism that derives its food from, and lives in or on, another living organism at the hosts
Relating to or inhabiting the open ocean.
The production or depositing of eggs in water.
Describes an animal, a pair of animals or a group that occupies and defends an area.

IUCN Red List (November, 2012)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1996) The Living Marine Resources
of Somalia. Food and Agricultural Organization, Rome.
Van der Elst, R. and Borchert, P. (1993) A Guide to the Common Sea Fishes of Southern Africa.
Struik Publishers, Cape Town.
Randall, J. (1995) Coastal Fishes of Oman. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Prokop, F. (2006) Australian Fish Guide. Australian Fishing Network, Bayswater, Australia.
Yeh, S.L. et al. (2003) Induced sex change, spawning and larviculture of potato grouper,
Epinephelus tukula. Aquaculture, 228: 371-381.
Grandcourt, E. (2005) Demographic characteristics of selected Epinepheline groupers (family:
Serranidae; subfamily: Epinephelinae) from Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles. Atoll Research Bulletin,
539: 199-216.
The Florida State University Coleman and Koenig Laboratory - Grouper Ecology (November,
Cooke, F. and Bruce, J. (2004) The Encyclopedia of Animals: A Complete Visual Guide.
University of California Press, Berkeley.
Pogonoski, J., Pollard, D. and Paxton, J. (2002) Conservation Overview and Action Plan for
Australian Threatened and Potentially Threatened Marine and Estuarine Fishes. Environment
Australia, Canberra, Australia.
Heemstra, P. and Heemstra, E. (2004) Coastal Fishes of Southern Africa. NISC, Grahamstown,
South Africa.

Potato Grouper Epinephelus tukula
Groupers are large and important predators on coral reefs. They help to maintain the health of a
reef by picking off weak fish. They also eat crabs and spiny lobsters. The potato grouper inhabits
deeper reef channels and seamounts. It has a large head and heavy body with a single long, spiny
dorsal fin. Irregular dark blotches cover the potato grouper's body and dark streaks radiate from
the eyes. These fish are territorial, and in some areas, individuals are hand-fed by divers.
However, one diver drowned after being rammed in the chest by a large potato grouper. The
large size of these fish makes them an easy target for spearfishermen.

Order Perciformes
Length Up to 7 ft (2 m)
Weight Up to 240 lb (110 kg)
Depth 33500 ft (10150 m)
Distribution Tropical waters of Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and western Pacific

Potato cod

What is a potato cod? As it is very large, has distinctive markings and is quite friendly, the
potato cod is a favourite with divers. As this species has been fished out from most other parts of
the world, we are very lucky in Western Australia that divers can still come face to face with
them in places such as the Rowley Shoals Marine Park. Named after the large potato-shaped
markings on its body, the potato cod (Epinephelus tukula) is one of the biggest members of the
groper family.

What do they look like? Potato cods can reach 2 metres long and weigh approximately 100
kilograms. The average adult is 1.5 metres long, weighing about 90 kilograms. Potato cods are a
pale bluish-grey colour and covered with large dark brown or black blotches. There are dark
spots and streaks on their head. Very large adults are reported to be almost entirely black.

Where do they live? Potato cods are found mainly in the tropical and subtropical waters of the
Indian and Pacific oceans. Potato cods like to live among coral reefs and move around the
bottom of the reefs looking for food. Juveniles will be found in the shallow water of reef tide
pools, while adults occur in depths of 10 to 150 metres. Most large potato cods live by
themselves in the same reef area, often for years. In WA, potato cods can be found around the
north-west coast, from Ningaloo Marine Park to Wyndham, although the fish may occasionally
be encountered further south. As well as at Ningaloo, you can find potato cods in the Montebello
Islands Marine Park, the proposed Dampier Archipelago Marine Park and they love to hang out
at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park.

What they eat and how: Potato cods eat small rays, crabs, fish, squid, octopuses and western
rock lobsters. They like to ambush their prey by hiding behind lumps of coral until their food
swims past. They then lunge quickly to grab their meal. The potato cod's head and mouth are so
large that it can pull in its prey in one huge gulp!

Threats: As potato cods live in the same area throughout their entire lives and show little fear of
people, they are easy targets for spearfishers. This is one reason why the potato cod is completely
protected in WA.

Behaviour: Although there are no records of potato cods being aggressive towards people,
divers still need to be careful as these massive fish have powerful jaws that could potentially
inflict serious injuries.

Breeding and caring for young: One fascinating characteristic of the groper family is that its
members are 'protogynous hermaphrodites'. This means that when they become sexually mature
(at about 90 centimetres long), gropers start out as females, but undergo a sex change during
their lives to become males! They get together in groups when they are ready to spawn. Each fish
might swim several kilometres to get to the spawning site. This is a long distance for potato cods
as they don't usually swim too far.

Conservation status: These fish are one of our marine wonders and should not be molested or
speared. They may live for decades and there are very few in any given location, so large
animals would take many years to be replaced. This species is totally protected in Western
Australian waters and may not be taken.

How you can protect the potato cod: If you should accidentally catch one while fishing, return
it to the water immediately. If you are ever lucky enough to encounter one in the water, look at it
but don't touch and keep a safe distance from it.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan cod kentang? Karena sangat besar, memiliki tanda-tanda yang khas
dan cukup ramah, cod kentang adalah favorit dengan penyelam. Sebagai spesies ini telah
memancing keluar dari sebagian besar bagian lain dunia, kami sangat beruntung di Australia
Barat yang penyelam masih bisa berhadapan dengan mereka di tempat-tempat seperti Rowley
Shoals Marine Park. Dinamakan setelah tanda kentang berbentuk besar pada tubuhnya, cod
kentang (Epinephelus tukula) adalah salah satu anggota terbesar dari keluarga Groper.

Apa yang mereka terlihat seperti? Cods kentang bisa mencapai 2 meter dan beratnya sekitar 100
kilogram. Rata-rata orang dewasa adalah panjang 1,5 meter, dengan berat sekitar 90 kilogram.
Cods Kentang adalah warna abu-abu kebiruan pucat dan ditutupi dengan gelap bercak cokelat
atau hitam besar. Ada bintik-bintik gelap dan garis-garis di kepala mereka. Dewasa sangat besar
dilaporkan hampir seluruhnya hitam.

Di mana mereka tinggal? Cods Kentang ditemukan terutama di perairan tropis dan subtropis dari
Samudera Hindia dan Pasifik. Cods Kentang ingin hidup di antara terumbu karang dan bergerak
di sekitar bagian bawah terumbu mencari makanan. Remaja akan ditemukan di air dangkal dari
kolam pasang karang, sementara orang dewasa terjadi pada kedalaman 10 sampai 150 meter.
Kebanyakan cods kentang besar hidup sendiri di daerah karang yang sama, sering selama
bertahun-tahun. Di WA, cods kentang dapat ditemukan di sekitar pantai utara-barat, dari
Ningaloo Marine Park ke Wyndham, meskipun ikan kadang-kadang dapat ditemui lebih jauh ke
selatan. Serta di Ningaloo, Anda dapat menemukan cods kentang di Montebello Islands Marine
Park, Dampier Archipelago Marine Park yang diusulkan dan mereka senang nongkrong di
Rowley Shoals Marine Park.

Apa yang mereka makan dan bagaimana: cods Kentang makan sinar kecil, kepiting, ikan, cumi-
cumi, gurita dan lobster batu barat. Mereka suka untuk menyergap mangsa mereka dengan
bersembunyi di balik gumpalan karang sampai makanan mereka berenang masa lalu. Mereka
kemudian merangsek cepat untuk mengambil makanan mereka. Kepala kentang cod dan mulut
yang begitu besar sehingga dapat menarik mangsanya dalam satu tegukan besar!

Ancaman: Sebagai cods kentang tinggal di daerah yang sama sepanjang kehidupan mereka dan
menunjukkan sedikit takut orang, mereka adalah sasaran empuk bagi spearfishers. Inilah salah
satu alasan mengapa cod kentang benar-benar dilindungi di WA.

Perilaku: Meskipun tidak ada catatan cods kentang menjadi agresif terhadap orang, penyelam
masih harus berhati-hati karena ini ikan besar memiliki rahang kuat yang berpotensi
menimbulkan cedera serius.

Pemuliaan dan merawat muda: Salah satu ciri menarik dari keluarga Groper adalah bahwa
anggotanya adalah 'hermafrodit protogynous'. Ini berarti bahwa ketika mereka menjadi dewasa
secara seksual (sekitar 90 cm panjang), gropers mulai keluar sebagai perempuan, tetapi
mengalami perubahan seks selama hidup mereka untuk menjadi laki-laki! Mereka berkumpul
dalam kelompok ketika mereka siap untuk bertelur. Setiap ikan mungkin berenang beberapa
kilometer untuk sampai ke lokasi pemijahan. Ini adalah jarak jauh untuk cods kentang karena
mereka biasanya tidak berenang terlalu jauh.
Status konservasi: Ikan ini adalah salah satu keajaiban laut kita dan tidak boleh diganggu atau
menusuk. Mereka mungkin hidup selama puluhan tahun dan ada sangat sedikit dalam satu lokasi,
sehingga hewan besar akan membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk diganti. Spesies ini
benar-benar dilindungi di perairan Australia Barat dan tidak dapat diambil.

Bagaimana Anda dapat melindungi cod kentang: Jika Anda harus sengaja menangkap satu saat
memancing, kembali ke air segera. Jika Anda pernah cukup beruntung untuk menemukan satu di
air, melihat itu tapi jangan sentuh dan menjaga jarak yang aman dari itu

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