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What is Auto Urine Therapy

1. Visit Perfect Medicine
2. Visit Properties of human urine
3. Visit Human body is made up of Five Great Elements
. Visit !ature Heals not Physician
". Visit #hole person treatment
$. Visit %ynamic balance is Health
&. Visit 'dentify and treat the cause
(. Visit )ymptoms are not the cause of illness
*. Visit Violation of la+s of !ature
1,. Visit %eto-ification enhances the 'mmunity
11. Visit )hivambu and .ife )tyle
/uto01rine 2herapy 3/124 is an ancient practice as it finds references in many olden
traditions. 't is 5no+n as )hivambu 6hi5ista in 2antra )hastra 7 /yurveda and is also called
as /mroli 8riya in ancient 9o:a. 2he +ord ;)hiva< in )ans5rit means holy or pure or
auspicious and the +ord ;/mbu< means +ater= that means )hivambu is auspicious +ater or
+ater of life.
Former Prime Minister of 'ndia Morar>i %esai? +ho lived up to the a:e of **? has been the
most +ell 5no+n proponent of this therapy. He claimed that 'ndia +ould have been better off
if more people used this e-tremely ine-pensive and effective +ay of treatment. He also
attributed to /12 the credit for his lon:evity. 'n this century it +as the En:lishman @ohn
/rmstron: +ho +as the urine therapy pioneer +ith his +or5 and +ith his boo5 02he #ater of
.ife? famous both in #est and East.
Principles of Auto Urine Therapy
)hivambu 8alpa is a +ay of life as its ori:in can be traced bac5 in to 9o:ic 2antra. 'ts
techniAues and subtle e-periential +isdom is evolved discovered by ancient scientists0our
Bishi? 9o:is and )aints of 'ndia0the researchers of +ithinC 2herefore )hivambu 8alpa is a
certain +ay and best resort to attain natural homeostasis and perfection at physical?
emotional? social and spiritual planes of human bein:.
1. Urine is not waste but is a Prefect Medicine
)hivabmu D 3)hiva D Holy? /mbu D #ater4 the urine of self? is a product of body? flo+s out
because it is e-cess.
Human 1rine is an antidote to poisons.
)ushrut )amhita 3" E 22(4
2here e-ists nothin: in this +orld +hich cannot be used as medicine
Hence )hivambu is neither harmful nor unless. D Va:bhatt
2. Properties of human urine
)hivambu has sharp? subtle and liAuid properties.
)hivambu has Vyavayi property.
Vyavayi substances are those +hich :et absorbed 7 transported all over the body
easily via body fluids.
)hivambu also has Vi5asi property. 2hese substances cause brea5do+n of
combination of dosa 7 dusa )hivambu have both la-ative 7 emetic properties.
/part from these? follo+in: references are found in ancient te-ts of 'ndian Medicine
about properties of human 1rine.
Human 1rine is basic? bitter and li:ht. 't destroys diseases of the eyes? ma5es the body
stron:? improves di:estion and destroys cou:hs and colds.
0 Harit 31st 6hapter on 1rine4
Human urine destroys position? property used it :ives ne+ life? purifies blood?
clears s5in troubles? is sharp in taste 7 contains many salts.
Fhava Pra5asha
Human urine controls bile in the blood? destroys +orms? cleans intestine?
control cou:h 7 calms the nerves. 't is sharp in taste? destroys laGiness 7 is an antidote to
09o:a Batna5ar HMutrashta5am V. '' I
Here one may note that? above references commonly emphasiGe? )hivambu preliminary
deto-ifies and purifies the body and elimination.
3. uman body is made up of !i"e #reat $lements
Every cell in our body is composed of one or other five :reat elements D earth? +ater? fire? air
and either. 2herefore any attrition in this ori:inal frame can only be repaired by usin: these
five :reat elements in same are modified forms.
%. &ature eals not Physician
2he human body has the inherent ability to restore health. Healin: is an ordered process
+hich includes the :eneration of symptoms that are part of mechanism of the biolo:ical
system attemptin: to heal itself. 2he physician<s role is to facilitate and au:ment this process
+ith therapeutic actions complementary to and syner:istic +ith this healin: process. /12
stren:thens this !atural Healin: Po+er by purification and deto-ification of +hole person.
'. Whole person treatment
Health 7 disease result from a comple- interaction of physical? mental? emotional? :enetic?
social? environmental? spiritual and other factors. 2he harmonious functionin: of all aspects
of the individual is the essential to health. 'n body all the systems are intimately interlin5ed?
interdependent and dynamically balanced. Hence %isease or imbalance in one part directly
affects the ones other parts of that +hole. 2here is never a sin:le cause for disease. /ll the
pieces must be inte:rated in order to create a +hole picture of an individual and hisEher
illness. 2herapy can then be directed for underlyin: as +ell as immediate causative factor?
thus treatin: the +hole person.
(. )ynamic balance is ealth
2he +orld health or:aniGation H#HJI in draftin: its constitution sou:ht a definition for
health? +hich conveys the need of every person en>oy the ability to ta5e advanta:e of their
potential for vi:or and happiness. Health accordin: to the #HJ is a state of complete
physical? mental 7 social +ell bein: and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
)till more closer to Holistic attitude %r. Henry .indlahr has defined Health as normal 7
harmonious vibration of the elements and forces composin: the human entity on the physical?
mental and moral planes of bein: in conformity +ith constructive principles of !ature
applied to individual life. 'deal characteristics of Healthy person accordin: to te-t boo5s of
'ndian medicine areK
Healthy person is and +ho follo+s re:ulated life re:ulated diet 7 conduct? one +ho +ould be
able to face the dual situations +ith balance? one +ho could detach the himself from the
+orldly thin:s? one +ho is 5ind and donates a portion of his income for the +ea5er sections?
one +ho consider others eAual to him 31niversal brotherhood4 and one serves the sufferin:
*. Identify and treat the cause
/ disease does not occur +ithout cause. 2he main cause for most of the illnesses is
Violations of !ature<s .a+s.
/ccordin: to /yurveda? Bishis say that a man betrays his o+n conscience 3!ature4?
overindul:es in physical pleasures li5e eatin: and :ets indi:estion +hich is the root cause of
all diseases.
Mahatma Gandhi said? L%ue to i:norance? carelessness? violatin: eatin: and leavin: limits?
disease is caused.M
+. ,ymptoms are not the cause of illness
)ymptoms are si:nals that the body is out of balance? and are the e-pressions of the body<s
attempt to heal itself. 6auses ori:inate on many levels? but are often found in patient<s life0
style? diet0habits or emotional state. #hen only symptoms are treated the underlyin: cause
remains and the patients may develop a more serious chronic condition. /ll treatments in
/12 are directed to root cause and are not for >ust symptomatic relief. 2he basic cause for all
diseases is the violation of la+s of !ature at physical? mental and social levels. 't could be in
thin5in:? livin:? breathin:? eatin: or e-cretin:. 2his is the main cause for all illness althou:h
disease may manifest in various form? in different de:rees of severity at different levels.
-. .iolation of laws of &ature
/ll diseases are result of the violation of la+s of !ature at physical? mental and social levels.
2hese may includeK
N )tress? tensions and mental a:itation.
N Bunnin: behind +orldly pleasures.
N Eatin: un+holesome food D inadeAuate or e-cessive inta5e of nutritive food.
N .ivin: in unhealthy? unhy:ienic d+ellin:s.
N .ac5 of e-ercise? inadeAuate or too much rest and sleep
N %oin: thin:s untimely hours.
N )uppression of !atural calls and instincts.
N /ssociation +ith +ic5ed and ne:ative thou:hts.
N Much of sophistication and fashion. 1se of various stimulants and dru:s.
N Pro:ressively spoilin: surplus surroundin: and bad environmental sanitation.
2hose +ho al+ays live accordin: to the la+s of %harma 3!ature of one<s o+n self4 +ho
respect and re:ard God 3true consciences4? +ho al+ays ta5e )at+i5 food? conAuer senses
3'ndrias4? +ho possess noble character? the life of such person +ill be prolon:ed liberally D
says )hastra.
/ healin: crisis is an acute reaction? resultin: from the ascendancy of !atures healin: forces
over disease condition. 'ts tendency is to+ards recovery and in reality in the result of
cleansin: and healin: efforts of !ature.
1/. )eto0ification enhances the Immunity
/ll microbial a:ents are secondary cause for disease? primary cause is deposition or stasis of
morbid substances. 2his disposition of morbid 7 to-ic substances occurs only due to
violation of !atural la+s 7 hereditary tendencies.
Patholo:y can only occur +here there is morbid stasis 7 deposition? leadin: to lo+ered
resistance. !o infection can occur? unless there is already fertile soil? in +hich the :erms can
thrive. 2hese morbid to-ic substances could be endo:enous or e-o:enous unutiliGed?
unassimilated products or end products of metabolism or any forei:n or e-cessive substances
in the body.
Modern science reco:niGes these morbid substances as ;Free radicals<. 2hese are solitary
radicals attach themselves to stable biolo:ical molecules and cause brea5do+n of cell
membranes. 'n /yurveda these are considered as e-cessive dosa. 2he main abode of these
morbid to-ic substances are alimentary tract but deposition? stasis occurs all over the body. 't
inhabits and hinders various physiolo:ical 7 biochemical process in the body leadin: to
diminished immune resistance? abnormal composition of blood 7 lymph. 'n Panch08arma it
is said? that effect of vatta cause spreadin: of morbid to-ins all over the body. 2he modalities
of /12 li5e urine fast and urine massa:e first help to reduce the vatta and then brin:s all

accumulated to-ins in its abode for elimination. )hivambu 6hi5itsa is an eliminative line of
therapy helps to attain balanced purification and re>uvenation 3)amya5 )hudhi4.
11. ,hi"ambu and 1ife ,tyle
2he comple- biochemical processes and physiolo:ical functions in the body are directly or
indirectly influenced by certain internal and e-ternal factors of the or:anism. )hivambu is the
product of such +idely e-posed? but still dynamically balanced human or:anism. Hence
contents and in:redients of )hivambu are dependent on internal and e-ternal environment of
the or:anism. /nd it is because of this reason in modern medicine= urine is tested and
chemically analyGed for dia:nostic investi:ations.
Human or:anism is dynamic and in continuously chan:in:. Fecause of this? the taste of
mornin: 1rine is different from afternoon or evenin:? the contents of the urine are different
from disease conditions. Every human bein: is uniAue in his or her physical and mental
constitution? hence the urine. 2hat is? the in:redients of urine vary from person to person.
2hus the contents of 1rine are also dynamic. 2herefore if urine has to be used and produced
as therapeutic a:ent or tool from pharmaceutical factory of human or:anism? 9o:ic +ay of
livin:? thin5in: and )at+ic5 food described in ancient te-ts is essential? mandatory.
II. Practice of Auto Urine Therapy
1. Visit 1rine Massa:e
2. Visit )hivambu Mud Pac5s
3. Visit )hivambu 8riya
Auto Urine !astin23't is complete voluntary abstinences from food e-pect +ater and
)hivambu. 2herefore it demands total physiolo:ical and psycholo:ical rest. Emphasis is
:iven on total urine and adeAuate +ater drin5in:. /uto0urine enema 3or co+ urine drin5in:4
is very useful to clean the intestine. Generally fastin: is continued until complete body
purification is sou:ht. 2he purification is confirmed by clean uncoated ton:ue? disappearance
of foul breath and clean +atery motions. 'nterestin:ly durin: )hivambu fastin: appetite is not
Urine massa2e3 'n %amar02antra the urine is as5ed to a boil and ma5e it concentrated to its
one fourth Auantity in earthen pot and then matured urine is recommended for massa:e.
8eepin: these :uidelines in mind at )9!6 1rine is commonly stored and reduced to its Oth
Auantity by char:in: it under different color rays 3blue? :reen? yello+? oran:e 7 red4 n solar
coo5er for several days 3 21 or ( or 1,( days4 2he urine is stored in earthen or copper pots.
.ater this char:ed matured urine is filtered by line fold cotton cloth and then used for
massa:e. For lubrication certain medicated oils are also mi-ed. Generally massa:e solutions
are prepared in follo+in: proportionsK
'n Hot )eason Jld 1rine &"P )esame Jil 2"P 6amphor 203 pieces
'n 6old )eason Jld 1rine &,P Mustard Jil 3,P 6amphor 203 Pieces
'n )5in /ilments Jld 1rine &,P !eem Jil 3,P 6amphor 203
'n certain disorders the matured urine is mi-ed +ith e-tracts of some herbs in specific
2he massa:e movements and manipulations 3friction? stro5in:? 5neadin:? hac5in: etc.4 are
performed in such a +ay that peripheral systemic circulation is stimulated and venous and
lymphatic draina:e is improved. Massa:e is a passive e-ercise hence in chronic patients +ith
lo+ered vitality= massa:e should be done very smoothly.
,hi"ambu Mud Pac4s3
mud0pac5s/nt hill soil and urine is mi-ed and mud pac5s of *Q - 12Q - 1Q siGe are prepared.
%urin: fastin: these cold mud pac5s are applied over the lo+er abdomen 3coverin: hypo
:astric and pelvic area4 )imilar mud pac5s of small siGe 32Q - Q -1Q4 are applied over the
forehead. 'deal timin: for application of these pac5s is early mornin: and afternoon. 2he
application is applied for 2, D 3, min. %urin: ni:ht in some patients hot mud pac5 of similar
siGe is applied over the abdomen or affected part of body.
,hi"ambu 5riya3
8riya form an important component of )hivambu 8alpa. 2he flo+ of Prana 3.ife Ener:y4 to
all vital or:ans of the body is re:ulated in an orderly manner by practicin: these 5riyas.
8riya help to purify the nadis? balance and channeliGe the Prana at subtler levels. 6ommonly
practiced 5riyas are )hivambu !asya? !eti? Vamana? Fasti? 8apalbhanti? !auli? 7 2rata5a.
/mroli 8riya is an advanced techniAue to be performed by spiritual sadha5as. 'n mornin:
after cleanin: the mouth and doin: certain 5riyas? drin5in: the fresh 1rine. /ll the diseases
from birth +ill disappear. /mroli is the drin5in: of midstream? leavin: the first for it is too
pun:ent and the last +hich is useless. He +ho drin5s /mri? suffs it daily and practices
Va>roli 39o:ic 8riya4 is said to be practicin: /mroli.
'n mornin: after cleanin: the mouth and doin: certain 5riyas? drin5in: the fresh 1rine. /ll
the diseases from birth +ill disappear. /mroli is the drin5in: of midstream? leavin: the first
for it is too pun:ent and the last +hich is useless. He +ho drin5s /mri? suffs it daily and
practices Va>roli 39o:ic 8riya4 is said to be practicin: /mroli.
III. Modern 6esearch $"idences
1. Vie+ General Jvervie+
2. Vie+ )pecified )ummery
3. Vie+ 1seful Products in 1rine
Jver the years 1rine therapy has proved to be an effective
tool for healin:. /uto 1rine 2herapy has been evolved by its practitioners in the clinical
situation rather than in the academic establishment? lar:ely by their observation of human
condition in health and disease= and its therapeutic methods have been established by
practical e-perience. 2herefor it is not al+ays possible to e-plain ho+ it +or5s? althou:h
most 1ropathic procedures do have sound physiolo:ical basis. 2here may ho+ever be some
statements of 1ropahtic belief +hich +e can<t support +ith scientific evidence? but it +ould
be a far :reater mista5e to disre:ard these phenomena simply because +e can<t yet e-plain
them. 2he history of science is full of hypothesis? +hich could only later be substantiated.
78MP8,ITI8& 8! UMA& U6I&$3
/ :eneral overvie+ and a specified summary of a number of important substances usually
found in urine follo+ belo+. 2he substances :iven in the specified summary have been
research? either in relation to urine therapy or in other conte-ts.
#eneral 8"er"iew
Inor2anic substances in urine3 Ficarbonate? chloride phosphor sulfur bromide
fluoride >odide? rhodanide? 5alium natrium? calcium ma:nesium iron copper? Ginc
cobalt? selenium? arsenium lead? mercury.
&itro2en containin2 substances in urine3 !itro:en 3as totality4? urea? creatine?
creatinine :uanidine? cholinecarnitine? piperidine? spermidine? spermine?
dopamine? adrenaline? nor0adrenaline? serotonin? tryptamine? amino0levulinic acid
prophyrin? bilirubin? and others.
Amino acids in urine3 /lanine? carnosine? :lycine? histidine? leucine? lysine?
methionine? phenylaanine? serine? tyrosine? valine? hyfro-yproline?
:alactosylhydro-lysine -ylosylserine and others.
Proteins in urine3 /lbumin? hepto:lobin? transferrin ':G? ':/? ':M? and others.
$n9ymes in urine3 .actatdehydro:enase? :amma0:lutamyltransferase? alpha0
amylase? uropesino:en? lysoGyme? beta0!0acetyl:ucosaminidase? uro5inase? protease?
and others.
7arbohydrates in urine3 /rabinos? -ylose? ribose? fucose? rhamnose? 5etopentose?
:lucose? :alactose mannose? frutose? lactose? saccharose? fucosyl:lucose? raffinose?
and others.
.itamins in urine3 2hiamine 3vitamin F14? riboflavin 3vitaminF24? vitamin F$? 0
pyrido-ic acid? nicotinic acid? vitamin F012? biopterine? asorbic acid and others.
ormones in urine3 Gonadotropin? corticotropin? prolactin? lacto:enic hormones?
o-ytocin vasopressin? thyro-ine cathecaolamin 3adrenaline? noradrenaline? dopamine4
insulin? erythropoietin? coricosteriods 3aldosterone? corticosterone? cortisone4?
testosterone? pro:esterone? oestro:en and others.
,pecified ,ummary3
A22lutinins and precipitins D have a neutraliGin: effect on polio and other viruses.
Antineoplaston D prevents selectively the :ro+th of cancer cells +ithout harmin: the
:ro+th of healthy cells.
Allantoin D a nitro:enous crystal substance? +hich helps? +ound healin:. 't is an
o-idation product of uric acid. 2his substance can be found in man s5in cream
)$A0 3dehydroepiandrosterone or dhydroisoandrosterome4 D a steroid secreted by
the adrenal :land +hich can be found in lar:e amount in male urine. 2his substance
prevents obesity? prolon:s the life span of animals and offers a possible treatment for
anaemia? diabetes and breast cancer in +omen. %HE/ stimulates the :ro+th of bone
marro+ and increases the production of substances manufactured by bone marro+
such as red blood cells? monocytes? macropha:es and lymphocytes. / lo+ %HE/
level seems to be lin5ed to a:ein:.
#astric secretory depressants D combat the :ro+th of stomach ulcers.
#lucuronic acid D is created in the liver? 5idneys and intestinal canal and has an
important secretion function.
:11 D inhibits the :ro+th of cancer cells and reduces already e-istin: tumours?
+ithout disturbin: the recovery process.
U) 3Human<s 1rine %erivative4 D urine derivative sho+n on helper cells and
inhibitin: substances. 't can si:nal the hypothalamus to produce a fever.
3: Methyl:2ly0al D destroys cancer cells.
Prosta2landin D is an hormonal substance +hich dilates the blood vessels and lo+ers
blood pressure? rela-es the bronchial muscles stimulates labour contractions? and has
a number of other functions relatin: to the metabolism.
Protein 2lobulins D contain antibodies a:ainst specific aller:ens= identical to proteins
in the immuno:lobulins of serum 3blood4.
Proteoses D immunolo:ically active products of aller:ic reactions.
6etine D anti0cancer element e-tracted from urine.
Urine peptide 3or polypeptide4 D sho+s tuberculostatic activity +hich has been
isolated in chemically pure form.
Uric acid D helps 5eep free radical scaven:ers 3molecules +hich can cause cancer4
under control combats old a:e and even has a tuberculostatic effect.
1i4e this many useful products ha"e been found in urine. The functions of the main
ones are described below3
1rea is the ma>or component found in urine and is the end product of protein
metabolism. 't dissolves fats and other body secretions and is finally dischar:ed into
urine. 't is a stron: antibacterial a:ent and specifically prevents the :ro+th of the
tubercle bacillus. 't is said that a lar:e Auantity of vitamin 6 inta5e enhances it effect.
1ric acid is similar in action to urea and has stron: antibacterial properties. 'n
addition it helps to control cancer0causin: substances.
!itrates present in the urine? if they come in contact +ith the s5in or s+eat? react +ith
the acid producin: nitrous o-ide? +hich is antibacterial.
Minerals from urine can be very easily absorbs if re0in:ested and are more efficient
compared to those derived from food. 1rine contains different 5inds of useful mineral
compounds than those derived from food. /ll the minerals in the biolo:ical
substances +ere once absorbed from food? processed and then dischar:ed as surplus.
1rine becomes turbid if let alone for a +hile. 2his is because +hen enGymes in urine
chan:e urea into ammonia? urine becomes unstable and stron:ly al5aline. 2herefore
old urine loo5s turbid. 1rine +ith hi:her ammonia content +hen applied to the s5in.
Plays an important role in beautifyin: it.
Minerals in urine purify and activate body tissues? +hich +ere not ta5en care of by
the blood. 'n addition? they mobiliGe the to-ins facilitatin: their e-cretion. Minerals
also help rebuild tissues.
6ortisone detected in urine counteracts inflammatory conditions? aller:ies and other
s5in diseases.
Melatonin present in the mornin: urine has stress reducin: effect. 't boosts the
immune system? inhibits cancer and reduces heart disease. 't is also claimed to have a
re>uvenatin: effect.
1ro5inase detected in urine dissolves blood clots? helps cure heart disease and
improves blood circulation.
Epithelium Gro+th Factor 3EGF4 helps repair and re:enerate dama:ed tissues and
6olony )timulatin: Factor 36)F4 is necessary for cell division and multiplication.
Gro+th Hormone 3GH4 sho+s different bio0active effects? such as promotion of
protein production? cartila:e :ro+th and fat decomposition.
Erythropoietin promotes production of red blood cells.
Gonadotropin normalises the menstrual cycle and sperm production.
8alli5rein releases 5allidin +hich e-pands peripheral veins and reduces blood
2rypsin 'nhibitor is effective for prevention and healin: of mucosal tumours
/lantin heals +ounds and tumours 3neoplasms4
Prosta:landins lo+er blood pressure and act as oral contraceptives.
/drenocorticotrophic Hormone 3/62H4 stimulates adrenal corte- to ma5e cortisone.
2hyrotrophin 32)H4 stimulates thyroid :land and controls ener:y turnover in the
.eutenisin: Hormone 3.H4 stimulates es- hormone production.
Follice )timulatin: Hormone 3F)H4 plays an important role in re:ulatin: menstrual
cycle and pre:nancy.
2hyro-in ad>usts levels in the body.
Parathyroid Hormone re:ulates calcium metabolism.
/nti0cancer substances li5e anti0aneoplaston H011? beta0indol0acetic directin? 30
menthy :lyo-al differ from chemotherapeutic dru:s +hich 5ill or in>ure all 5inds of
cells. 2hey stron:ly prevent the multiplication of carcino:enic cells and help return
them to normal.
'n addition to the above substances 1rine is an e-cellent ;<io:feedbac4=. 't contains the
brea5do+n products of the metabolism of each cell. 2hese carry up to date information of the
e-act status of the health of each individual cell at any :iven period of time. 't also contains
other products manufactured by the body to counteract the ailment. 1rine is a perfect ;tell0
tale< and e-cellent dia:nostic a:ent. 2hus for instance vitamin / is not normally e-creted in
the urine but in0patients of cancer and tuberculosis lar:e Auantities of vitamin0/ can be
detected. 2he composition of urine chan:es from season to season? in fact? moment to
moment. .ac5 of sleep? :rief and happy? moments each influence the composition of urine. 'f
+e had sophisticated instruments to detect each and every product present in the urine +e
+ould :et a perfect scan of the functionin: of the billions of cells present in the body and
perhaps 5no+ the comple- role played by the body to restore health.
!re>uently As4ed ?uestions
1. 'sn<t urine a +aste product? +hich the body e-cretes because it is poisonousR
2. /ren<t there harmful and patho:enic bacteria in urineR
3. 'f urine is so useful and :ood for the body +hy does the body e-crete itR
. 'f drin5in: our o+n urine is so natural and useful? +hy hasn<t nature eAuipped us +ith an
instinct to do this automaticallyR
". 'sn<t it true that urine therapy seems to be effective? but that simultaneous chan:e of
dietary habits is actually the healin: factorR
$. 6an<t the effects of urine therapy be attributed to su::estion or beliefR
&. %oesn<t urine taste dis:ustin:R
(. 'f urine therapy +as so popular in the past? as is maintained? +hy are people no lon:er
interested in it? and +hy don<t they 5no+ it can be usefulR
*. Ho+ do acAuaintances and friends react +hen you tell them that you drin5 your urineR 's it
not better to 5eep Auiet about itR
1,. For +hich illnesses is urine therapy effective and for +hich is it ineffectiveR /re there
11. #hy is it particularly recommended to drin5 the mornin: urineR
12. )hould you only use your o+n urineR
13. #hat about usin: nutritional supplements such as vitamins etc.? +hen practicin: urine
1. #hat do you do? if you can<t :et over the tasteR
1@ Isn=t urine a waste productA which the body e0cretes because it is poisonousB
2he idea that urine is poisonous +aste product is not based upon fact. 't has been
scientifically proven that? besides +ater? urine consists mainly of minerals? hormones and
enGymes? +hich are not harmful to the body. 2he body can re0use many of these substances.
1rine is simply a healthy liAuid? +hich is filtered out of the bloodstream. #hat at one
moment +as part of the blood can be found in urine a split second later. 6ertain substances
are then filtered by the 5idneys and secreted as ra+ materials? +hich can be directly absorbed
by the body upon rene+ed inta5e by +ay of drin5in: or massa:in:.
2he 5idneys filter hundreds of liters of blood per day 3appro-imately 1&,, liters4. 2he
:reatest part of the filtered urine? the so0called ;pre0urine< is directly re0absorbed into the
blood. E-cess substances and the end products of nitro:en and protein metabolism to:ether
+ith +ater from the one to t+o liters of e-creted urine.
/ctually 5idneys are not e-cretory or:ans but they are re:ulatory systems. 2he 5idneys are
not intended to remove poisonous substances from the body D the liver? intestines? s5in and
e-halation ta5e care of this. Jbviously? the food you consume finds its +ay into the blood?
and therefore into the urine? +hich is +hy it is important to follo+ a healthy diet. 2his in
itself has nothin: to do +ith therapy? but is important if you practice urine therapy.
Even if +e assume that poisonous substances can be found in urine? this does not necessarily
mean that they are harmful to the body +hen in:ested. 'f these bodily +aste products are
natural 3i.e.? not chemical due to the use of medication? etc.4 they can be used to manufacture
antibodies +hich restore balance to the body. 'n fact? a homeopathic or isopathic effect ta5es
place. 1rine is a sort of information card? +hich re:isters the condition of the blood. #hen
that information is carried bac5 to the body? the body can conseAuently react accordin: to
this feedbac5 and it +ill normally do this in an appropriate and precise +ay. 'n this respect?
the body is an e-tremely advanced and intelli:ent system. #e see ho+ precisely this system
+or5s in animalsS animals are not in dan:er of their o+n poison? as they lic5 their +ounds
+ithout any problems. 2hey do not do that >ust to clean their +ounds but also to feed the
;+ound information< bac5 into body so that it can appropriately.
Furthermore? the intestines do not absorb all the substances +e consume and they are able to
ma5e a selection. 2o a certain e-tent? they select +hat is useful to the body and e-crete the
rest throu:h defecation. 6ertain substances are converted by the bacteria in the intestines into
other substances? +hich the body can use or absorb better in that form. )uch is the case +ith
9ou mi:ht as5 if urea not cause any poisonin: symptoms +hen ta5en in a:ain. /lthou:h urea
is poisonous +hen present in very lar:e amounts in the blood? only relatively small amounts
of urea are in:ested +hen you drin5 urine. 2his does not end up directly in the blood? but
rather in the intestines? and primarily has a purifyin:? cleansin: effect. 2he bul5 of it does not
sho+ up as urea in the blood? but is converted into the hi:hly useful substance :lutamine.
2@ Aren=t there harmful and patho2enic bacteria in urineB
't is indisputable that the urine from ninety percent of the population is almost entirely free
of all bacteria 3sterile4. %octors and patholo:ists confirm this. 2his is simply because urine
does not come into contact +ith anythin: until it is e-creted? and furthermore contains
substances +hich 5ill bacteria. 'n the other ten percent? microor:anisms can be found? +hich
can be caused by a latent illness or infection of the 5idneys or urinary passa:es.
%rin5in: urine? +hich contains a certain amount of microor:anisms? can nevertheless be
considered harmless. #e constantly eat? drin5 and inhale bacteria. / lar:e number of bacteria
permanently e-ist in our body? and they :enerally do not ma5e us sic5.
)ome caution is su::ested +ith infections of the 5idneys? bladder or urinary passa:es. 2he
number of bacteria can be Auite hi:h in these cases and sometimes0even pus can be seen in
the urine. Even then? some urine therapists? such as +e recommend drin5in: everythin:
E-ternally applied? urine is an e-cellent antiseptic remedy. Fresh urine is sterile and therefore
e-cellent for cleanin: +ounds. Jld urine contains ammonia and other substances? +hich
ensure that the infection and decay are combated.
3@ If urine is so useful and 2ood for the body why does the body e0crete itB
#e can ma5e the comparison here to a dam in a river. 'f +ater rises above a certain level? the
surplus flo+s a+ay throu:h the flood:ates. Ho+ever? this does not mean that the surplus
+ater is useless. 'n the same +ay? a surplus of +ater and salts can leave the body at any
moment throu:h the 5idneys. 'f you drin5 more +ater? more urine is produced and if you
drin5 less +ater? less urine is produced. Everybody 5no+s this from personal e-perience.
!ature +or5s in cycles allo+in: matter to return to its ori:inal substance and be re0used for
construction. Many substances still floatin: throu:h the blood in compounded form are
filtered by the 5idneys and return to their ori:inal substances. 'n this +ay they can easily be
re0absorbed by the body.
Here it may be pointed out that +e have all e-perienced this urine cycle as a fetus in the
+omb. For almost nine months? +e dran5 our o+n urine in the form of /mniotic fluid. 2his
liAuid +as an important contribution to the development of our bodies. %rin5in: urine is
certainly not stran:e. Jn the contrary? it is foundation of our e-istence.
%@ If drin4in2 our own urine is so natural and usefulA why hasn=t nature e>uipped us
with an instinct to do this automaticallyB
Bational thin5in: has completely suppressed many natural human instincts. For e-ample? all
animals avoid eatin: if they are sic5. Many illnesses can be Auic5ly cured in this +ay? since
di:estin: food reAuires a :reat deal of ener:y. Fy not eatin:? +e can direct much more
ener:y to+ards the healin: process.
Human bein:s? ho+ever? often continue eatin: +hen they are sic5. Jn top of that? the patient
is often advised to eat especially +ell? even if he or she is absolutely not hun:ry.
)ic5 or +ounded animals instinctively use their o+n bodily fluids. Fy lic5in: their +ounds?
for e-ample? they not only 5eep the +ound clean? but also send a si:nal to the body? +hich
reacts? to this ;self0in>ection<. Goats sometimes urinate directly into their o+n mouths? and
many other animals 3e.:. do:s? ca+s4 lic5 the urine from others of their species.
#e have obviously strayed Auite far from our instinctual to li:ht a ci:arette or consume
alcohol. 't is therefore safer to assume that nature has eAuipped us +ith a number of instincts?
but that +e? as people? have lar:ely lost contact +ith them.
'@ Isn=t it true that urine therapy seems to be effecti"eA but that simultaneous chan2e of
dietary habits is actually the healin2 factorB
Jf course dietary habits :reatly influence your health. 1rine therapy and health dietary habits
:o to:ether. /s already mentioned? no substance +hich has not earlier been consumed +ill
appear in the urine. / chan:e in dietary habits as part of urine therapy undoubtedly plays an
important role in a possible healin: process.
/ctually? urine therapy is also effective for those +ho already have healthy dietary habits and
yet for one or another reason :et sic5. Furthermore? the rate at +hich symptoms improve
+hen urine therapy employed is remar5ably hi:her than +hen e-clusively dietary habits are
chan:ed. 1rine therapy also has an e-traordinarily positive effect if you fast e-clusively on
+ater and urine? in +hich case you completely refrain? from eatin:. Furthermore the same
results are achieved +ith a urine and +ater fast in one +ee5 as +ith a >uice or +ater fast in
t+o to three +ee5s.
2he fact remains the substances you eat? drin5 or other+ise in:est are indeed important?
especially re:ardin: lon:0term health. /pplyin: urine therapy +hile maintainin: unhealthy
dietary habits is li5e li:htin: a candle to the sun. /s a closin: remar5? there are no
uneAuivocal rules re:ardin: a healthy diet and lifestyle. 2his is very personal and
e-periential? deep do+n= you 5no+ best +hat is best for you.
(@ 7an=t the effects of urine therapy be attributed to su22estion or beliefB
2hose +ho see5 refu:e in urine therapy as a last resort< have often already made the rounds
by every other method of treatment? from allopathy to homeopathy? /yurveda? etc. 2hey
hoped and believed these other therapies +ould +or5. 9et it seems that many +ho did not
achieve results +ith other methods of treatment have been cured by urine therapy. 2his is
remar5able +hen you consider that the nature and obscurity of urine therapy initially evo5e a
s5eptical reaction.
'n 'ndia? it +as observed +ith a urine therapist +ho in his role as supervisor at a national par5
also successfully treated animals +ith urine therapy. Here? there is no Auestion of the treatin:
animal under the influence of su::estion or belief. Ho+ever? it is :enerally important to
believe in the method of treatment you choose. 2his is also true if you choose another
*@ )oesn=t urine taste dis2ustin2B
Jur aversion to urine is the result of preconceptions and conditionin:. #e have been tau:ht
that urine is dirty. 'n reality? urine usually does not taste dirty. Many +ho have been drin5in:
it for some time even thin5 it taste and smells pleasant.
2he taste of urine partly depends on +hat you have eaten and drun5 the previous day. 'f you
eat a :reat deal of animal proteins? use a lot of spice or drin5 stron: herbal tea? your urine
+ill probably have a stron: taste. /lso? +hen your body is out of balance? i.e. you are sic5?
urine often tastes stron:er than normal. #hile applyin: urine therapy it is +ise to reduce the
inta5e of especially animal proteins and stron: herbs and spices.
'f you +ish to :radually become accustomed to the taste? mi- urine +ith +ater or mi- a
spoonful of honey into the urine.
'n :eneral? taste is sub>ective. #hat is delicious to one person is dis:ustin: to another.
Furthermore? your taste can chan:e +ith time. Most people +ho drin5 beer or +ine for the
first time in their life thin5 it tastes dis:ustin:? but after some time they :et used to the taste
and actually en>oy it. 2he same is true for olives? blue cheese? etc.
Be:ardin: medicine? it is interestin: to note that people are +illin: to in:est the most
dis:ustin: tastin: drin5 and pills as lon: as a doctor prescribes it. .i5e+ise? if you are sic5?
you mi:ht also try to overcome your resistance to the taste of urine. Fut do it +ith love.
+@ If urine therapy was so popular in the pastA as is maintainedA why are people no
lon2er interested in itA and why don=t they 4now it can be usefulB
#ith the development of culture and technolo:ical pro:ress? +e have strayed further and
further from nature. Jur interest in natural medicines? includin: urine therapy? has therefore
decreased. Furthermore in many respects +e have turned a+ay from our o+n bodies. 2his
has made urine therapy psycholo:ically inaccessible to us= in other +ords? +e thin5 our o+n
bodily products are dis:ustin:.
Jur economic system is based upon scarcity and scarcity is related to dependence. 1rine
therapy provides patients +ith so much independence that the remedy? urine is not lucrative.
1rine is free and al+ays available for those +ho need it. 'n a +orld in +hich money tal5s?
urine therapy can appear to be threatenin: to those +ho earn their livin: by manufacturin: or
prescribin: medicine. 'n short? urine therapy does not fit in the current economic picture of
Many people believe +e are healthier no+adays than5s to advances in medical science. 2his
is partly true. 2he flip side of the coin is that +e have had to :ive up a :reat deal of freedom
and independence. 2he enormous efforts of medical science are partly based upon the failure
to really cure illnesses. Fi:htin: symptoms is considered to be crucial? but this does not ta5e
care of the cause. 1rine therapy? bein: a real nature cure? not only reduces the symptoms? but
also deals +ith the cause of the illness.
8eep in mind that urine therapy is not a ;+onder dru:< that relieves all symptoms. 'llness
al+ays has several causes and is usually not only physical. Feelin:s? thou:hts and the
environment also play a role. 'f you apply urine therapy in order to :et rid of a symptom? but
after improvement continue to treat yourself and your body carelessly? the symptoms mi:ht
reappear. 't is therefore important to also pay attention to other factors playin: a role in the
healin: process.
-@ ow do ac>uaintances and friends react when you tell them that you drin4 your
urineB Is it not better to 4eep >uiet about itB
!o+adays? the taboos surroundin: bodily e-cretions are :reat. #e consider many thin:s to
be dirty as soon as they leave our body? and for:et that those same substances >ust a fe+
minutes before +ere an inte:ral part of our body. Everybody 5no+s that the best +ay to :et a
lau:h is by tellin: >o5es about peein: and shittin:. #e :et the +hole ran:e of reactions
+henever +e tal5 about our e-periences. 2his is ho+ +e have been brou:ht up? and althou:h
+e ta5e urine therapy seriously? +e :enerally prefer an approach +ith a healthy dose of
Ho+ever? if you feel uncomfortable about tellin: it to those around you? but still +ant to
e-periment +ith urine therapy? feel free to do this +ithout mentionin: it to others. #hen you
are convinced it +or5s for you? the reluctance to tal5 about it +ill :radually subside? and may
be even disappear. Perhaps you +ill start to en>oy tal5in: about it? as ' do. 9ou can be sure
that you +ill be surrounded by plenty of lau:hter? +hich in fact can be rather pleasant of
lau:hter? +hich in fact can be rather pleasant. /n old sayin: maintains that it is :ood to
combine +hat is useful +ith +hat is pleasurable= you can be sure of that +ith urine therapyC
't is a different matter if you have difficulties e-plainin: urine therapy to your immediate
family or partner. )upport from those closest to you is essential. 2horou:h e-planation can
+or5 +onders. .et them visit this site. Fefore you 5no+ it? their interest in urine therapy +ill
out+ei:h their aversion.
/s for smell? it is not as stron: as one +ould e-pect. #ith a little bit of care? those closest to
you +ill not notice a thin:. 2he odor of urine is much less repulsive than most people thin5
since most associate urine +ith public toilets. /ctually? it often smells rather pleasant +hen
applied fresh on the s5in. Many people re:ularly use pure urine as after0shave and hair lotion.
2here +ill al+ays be people +ho thin5 it is biGarre or dirty. 't is up to you to decide +hat is
more important to youS your o+n :ood health or other people<s opinions.
1/@ !or which illnesses is urine therapy effecti"e and for which is it ineffecti"eB Are
there any contra:indicationsB
'n theory? urine therapy is effective for every illness. /ctually? a dia:nosis is unnecessary
prior to applyin: urine therapy. 2his therapy is total treatment aimed at stren:thenin: or
recoverin: the balance in the body. Fecause there are countless +ays in +hich the balance
can be upset? there are also countless illnesses. Medical science has conveniently cate:oriGed
and named these illnesses. 1rine therapy is a very personal treatment and can be applied in
many +ays. .i5e+ise? an imbalance in the body can occur in countless +ays and on different
levels. Fecause the application of urine therapy does not reAuire medication? +hich :oes +ith
a certain symptom? a dia:nosis is also unnecessary.
!evertheless? because +e are so accustomed to receivin: a dia:nosis it is for most of us
reassurin: to 5no+ +hich label is attached to our illness. Furthermore this can also help us in
choosin: other natural remedies? and these can certainly be used simultaneously +ith urine
therapy. 2he treatments often support each other. 'n the %amar 2antra? of +hich the entire
document can be found on this site? combinations of herbal mi-tures and urine are often
1rine therapy can be applied at all times and for every illness? althou:h in a number of cases
e-tra attention. Furthermore pay attention to the de:ree of acidity of the blood and urine. 'f
the blood is too acidic? the urine mi:ht also be rather acidic? +hich may cause irritations
durin: application. Beduce the de:ree of acidity by fastin:? tal5in: natural medicines and
follo+in: an appropriate diet 3lo+ in protein and ve:etarian4. )o? there are no contra0
indications but there are certainly conditions under +hich urine therapy can best applied.
Jnce a:ain one very important condition is the Auality and combination of your diet.
11@ Why is it particularly recommended to drin4 the mornin2 urineB
2he ma>ority of useful? vital substances are found in the mornin: urine. 2his is because at
ni:ht? +hile you sleep? your body is totally rela-ed. 2his deep rela-ation :ives the body the
chance to carry out its ;recovery activities<. 2he decomposition products partly end up in the
urine and can be re0absorbed and used for ne+ build0up processes. 2his process of filterin:
by the 5idneys returns the so0called ra+ decomposition products to their ori:inal substances?
+hich can subseAuently be re0absorbed and re0used by the body.
6ertain hormones are also released durin: sleep? a number of? +hich are intended to brin:
about the above0mentioned deep rela-ation. Be0absorbin: these hormones ensures that +e
are more rested durin: the +a5in: hours. Moreover? it saves the body ener:y because it does
not have to manufacture these hormones a:ain.
Furthermore? in:estion of the mornin: urine? +hich is full of hormones? re:ulates the entire
hormonal process. )ome of these hormones have the particular function of maintainin:
hormonal balance.
12@ ,hould you only use your own urineB
'n theory? it is best to use e-clusively your o+n urine? especially if internally applied.
Ho+ever? if you are in a state of shoc5 and cannot urinate? the urine from somebody else can
safely be administered. 'f possible? use the urine from somebody of the same se-. %ifferent
hormones can be in the urine from a male than in that of a female.
For certain illnesses? it seems to be beneficial to in:est the urine from children. 2he urine
from a child is often very pure? especially if the child follo+s a healthy diet. 'n some cases?
the urine from a child can also be used in the e-ternal massa:e application for the seriously
ill +ho cannot produce enou:h of their o+n urine.
't is certainly possible to use the urine from other person for massa:e. 2he urine from
pre:nant +omen is also recommended by some urine therapists in the treatment of certain
diseases li5e infertility? but further research is necessary before +e can more about this.
/ccordin: to the latest reports it is almost certain that? H'V cannot be transmitted throu:h
urine. 1rine from different people usually does not differ much in its in:redients? +hich is
+hy the urine from one person +ill also to some e-tent +or5 for somebody else. Ho+ever?
your o+n urine contains personal? characteristic substances and provides the particular
information the body needs order to carry out the healin: process as effectively as possible.
13@ What about usin2 nutritional supplements such as "itamins etc.A when practicin2
urine therapyB
'n :eneral it is no problem to combine urine therapy +ith any other form of natural treatment.
2his also applies to the use of nutritional supplements as lon: as they are natural. Jn should
refrain from any chemically manufactured supplements.
E-perience has sho+n that the use of vitamin supplements in combination +ith the practice
of urine therapy can considerably cut do+n the amount of supplements you need to ta5e?
because of the recyclin: effect. Many substances? such as vitamins and enGymes? act as
carriers for other substances and after havin: fulfilled their tas5 they leave the body
unaltered. 2hus they can be used and ta5en in a:ain to carry out the same >ob.
)ome vitamin supplements contain very hi:h doses of specific vitamins. 2his can ma5e the
urine loo5 very dar5 and taste and smell very stron:. Ho+ever this is not a problem? althou:h
it mi:ht be some+hat unpleasant to drin5.
1%@ What do you doA if you can=t 2et o"er the tasteB
#hen it is not possible for you to :et used to the taste there are several other +ays in +hich
you can ta5e urine into your body. Massa:in: +ith urine allo+s urine to be absorbed into the
body throu:h the s5in. /s far as ta5in: urine in throu:h the mouth? one could dilute it +ith a
lot of +ater. 'nitially one could ta5e >ust a fe+ drops of urine mi-ed in fruit >uice or other
fluids. /lso one could ma5e use of a homeopathic tincture or an in>ection.
2o help ma5e the taste of your urine more acceptable it is +ise to e-periment +ith your diet.
't is recommended to eat lost of fruits and fresh ve:etables and avoid meat? spices? dairy
products and carbohydrates. Fruits and ve:etables from a healthy diet any+ay? and they
normally ma5e the urine taste milder and more +atery 't is then usually easier to drin5 your
For people +ho feel either occasionally or permanently a stron: dis:ust bloc5in: them from
drin5in: their o+n urine? +e +ould su::est that it may be +orth first tryin: to discover their
personal? psycholo:ical relation to urine. 6learin: up some deeper issues surroundin: body
secretions mi:ht help to overcome the aversion.

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