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Name: ____________________________________

Chapter 4 Study Guide

Section 1

atman: _______________________________________ moksha: ___________________________________

reincarnation: ___________________________________ karma: ______________________________

dharma: _______________________________________ ahimsa: _____________________________

_______________________________________ sect:

Section 2

dissent: _______________________________________ missionary: ___________________________

golden age: ____________________________________ decimal system: ____________________________

stupa: ________________________________________ mural: _______________________________

Section 3

Joint family: __________________________________________ dowry: ____________________________________

Section 4

philosophy: ____________________________________ filial piety: ____________________________

Section 5

monopoly: _____________________________________ expansionism: ___________________________

warlord: ______________________________________ acupuncture: ___________________________

• Why did India enjoy a golden age during the Gupta dynasty? ____________________________
• How did Hindus believe a caste could be changed? ____________________________________
• Who administered the government of Indian villages? _________________________________
• Which philosophy taught that government should pass strict laws and enforce them with harsh
punishments? ________________________________________________________________
• Whose teaching influenced Han rulers? ___________________________________________
• What was the trade route that linked China with the west referred to as? ____________________
• What belief did both Hindus and Buddhists share? _____________________________________
• What was the purpose of caste rules? _______________________________________________
• Who was the head of the family in an Indian household? ______________________________
• Who ruled Indian villages? _____________________________________________________
• What did Confucius believe was the most important duty? ____________________________
• Under whose rule did China become the most technologically advanced civilization in the
world? ________________________________

Short answer: Choose 2

• List three ways that Buddhism differed from Hinduism

• Describe three ways that Chandragupta Maurya maintained order in Gupta India
• Describe advances in mathematics and medicine that took place in Gupta India
• Identify the characteristics of family life in India
• Describe advances in technology and medicine that took place in Han China

Essay – Choose One

• Explain why Confucianism never became a religion as Hinduism or Buddhism did

• How did Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism help create orderly societies?
• How were Gupta India and Han China alike?
• Explain how the caste system ensured a stable social order in India
• Explain how the teachings of Confucius promoted social harmony in China

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