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Minnesotans For David Carlson

For Immediate Release: Contact: Theodore Wallace

Deputy Campaign Manager
June 18
, 2014 press@davidcarlsonusa.com
SHOCK POLL: David vs. Goliath Teacher and USMC Combat Veteran Carlson Tied in Dead
Heat with McFadden for MNGOP U.S. Senate Primary Lead Carlson Challenges for Debate...
Woodbury, MN- Despite taking on one of the wealthiest candidates in American politics, East
Saint Paul native David Carlson finds himself in the middle of what amounts to a modern day
David vs. Goliath political race that could change the balance of the U.S. Senate. The once
forgotten MNGOP U.S. Senate Primary has now been thrust back onto the front page. Outspent
and against all odds, Carlson has pulled himself into a statistical dead heat, tied at 38% against
the heavily favored GOP establishment candidate McFadden in a poll released today by Public
Policy Polling of North Carolina. (http://bit.ly/1l0SvVn!
Carlson, who aired his campaigns first TV ad of the year on Monday, #OneNation, has shook the
foundations of Minnesota Republican politics by airing a pro-LGBT, pro-anti-bully amendment,
and rare bipartisanship olive branch to Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) to form the most
effective, Republican Democrat team in Washington. Carlson, the first Minnesota Republican
pro-marriage equality and pro-choice candidate to be on a statewide ballot in state history, is
drawing on his broad appeal to build a new tent of support that is independent of stereotypical
Republican politicians--and the Republican Party itself.
Carlson, the 2012 Minnesota U.S. Senate GOP Primary Runner-up, averaged 20 cents a vote-- or
5 votes per dollar, performing the strongest for a runner-up in Minnesota since 1948. Carlson,
32, is a single-dad of twin seven-year-old daughters, and the youngest U.S. Senate candidate in
America. If elected in November, he would be the first Senator born after 1973, and the first
Iraq-Afghanistan War Veteran ever elected to the United States Senate. When asked about the
chance at breaking that glass ceiling, Carlson replied, it would be a tremendous honor to
continue my service to America in the U.S. Senate, and to possibly be the first Iraq-Afghanistan
veteran ever elected would be one of the greatest privileges of my life. I would fight to the bitter
end for this nation, our veterans, & their familiestheyll never have to question where my
loyalty stands.

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