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Make your own wine is brought to you by

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Wine making: starting, utencils, fermentation
Fresh fruit wine, methords, recipes.
Ribena wine, stages.
Extracts, citrus fruits.
Flower wines, miscel. recipes.
Dried herbs, recipes.
Dried fruits, grain, recipes.
Grapes, recipes.
i!ueurs, recipes.
"art# specials, recipes.
Wine for ladies.
Wines from extracts, recipes.
$ppendix, sugars.
$t one time or another #ou must ha%e sent awa# for something.
$ &do it #ourself kit,& of some sort. 'omething that ga%e
#ou instructions on how to make, build, or create something.
'omething that #ou seen, was important to #ou, so, #ou sent
awa# for it, and (ust had to do it for #ourself. )hat*s what
this electronic book is about. &)he +omplete Guide )o ,aking
-our .wn Wine& is a computer book, an instructional on how to
make wine. ,ade simple, with eas#/to/understand instructions, on
how to get the (ob done.
0t re!uires %er# little mone#, and %er# little effort. 0t
does re!uire a bit of time, but this is due to the fermenting
process. When #ou get right down to it, e%er#thing re!uires
time. When was the last time #ou went to the bank to make a
simple withdrawl. )hat*s time1 We all know that #ou can*t
rush aging, of an# kind1
)he supplies re!uired for making wine, will be the biggest
obstacle. 0 ha%e disco%ered that most kitchens ha%e enough
utensils to more than &get the (ob done. 2owe%er, there are
%er# few supplies that are speciciali3ed. 0 ha%e unco%ered
se%eral places that speciali3e in this field. )he# cater to
the wine makers all o%er the 4nited 'tates, and e%en ship
supplies abroad. 'o #ou are co%ered, and %er# well 0 might
ad1 5o wine maker has to scrounge, as in the past.
0 should sa# that making wine is one of the most satisf#ing
things that #ou will e%er achie%e. 'impl# because its reall#
simple, and because time does all the grunt work for #ou1
')$R)05G 05F.R,$)0.5
)he simple methods described here are designed for beginners
who do not know where to begin and for those with some
experience who fre!uentl# run into difficulties and
)he making of top/!ualit# wines is absurdl# simple, #et not
!uite so simple that we can be careless about it. )oo man#
people are still following Grann#*s fruit mixtures to ferment
of their own accord, lea%ing bottles of fermenting wines
corked loosel# 6the three main causes of ruined wines7, while
others are still preparing their fruits and other ingredients
in a manner which nine times out of ten produces cloud#, acid
wines that more often than not find their wa# down the drain.
0f #our pre%ious attempts ha%e not been up to expectations
there is a reason. )his will be found with in these pages as
well as the essential, #et simple, information that ensures
success in making what is, surel#, the finest home product on
0 repeatedl# make it clear that 0 am an ad%ocate of
simplicit#. )here are man# highl# complicated scientific and
chemical aspects underl#ing amateur wine/making. $ few home
operators begin to dabble in these, so that, to them,
wine/making becomes a gruelling test of knowledge and skill.
Expensi%e laborator# e!uipment becomes necessar# as does some
experience in laborator# techni!ues and from then on all
pleasures are lost in a worr#ing ma3e of technicalities. $nd
all for no reason at all, because their wines are no better
than those turned out b# the simple methods and recipes here.
2owe%er, so that readers understand the reason for wines
being spoiled, 0 ha%e included a few chemical details so that
the %er# beginner not onl# knows what to do and how to do it,
but also wh# he is doing it in one particular wa#. 'uccess
is thus assured. 5e%ertheless, he will need no knowledge of
chemistr# and no more in the wa# of utensils than is alread#
a%ailable in most homes.
4'05G 4)E5'0'
For making wines with the recipes and ingredients here all
one needs is a gallon/si3e glass bottle, an unchipped enamel
saucepan and a pol#thene pail. ,ake certain to use pol#thene
as some plastics are not suitable. Do not use aluminum or
copper %essels and do not use an enamel %essel not ordinaril#
intended for cooking purposes as these often contain lead in
the gla3e, and this could render wines poisonous.
Fermentation will not be carried out in an open %essel such
as a crock or pol#thene pail in all these recipes unless #ou
want it to8 it is best to ferment the li!uors in a
gallon/si3e glass bottle/this point will be co%ered again
later on. $ pol#thene pail is necessar# for onl# a few of
the recipes and ma# be disregarded for the time being.
)2E $R) .F FER,E5)$)0.5
)his is the process b# which the li!uors we prepare are
turned into wine, and we ha%e nothing to do with it. $ll we
do when making wine is to prepare a li!uid containing
substances that will gi%e a pleasant fla%our to what will
e%entuall# become a finished wine. )he #east we add turns
the li!uid into wine for us.
.rdinaril#, baker*s #east and white granulated sugar are used
b# the a%erage home wine maker. 2owe%er, o%er the past few
#ears wine/making has taken such a hold that suppliers of
e!uipment and ingredients offer a wide range of #easts
speciall# imported from the wine/producing areas of France,
0tal# and German#. )hese #easts make the finest wines
because the# are true wine #easts whereas bakers* #east in
onl# bread #east and should not be expected to make good
wine/though of course it does, but not to be compared with
the results following the use of wine #easts.
Wine #east is capable of producing eighteen per cent of
alcohol b# %olume 69: proof7, against the fourteen per cent
of bakers* #east.
,ore and more people are using these wine #easts together
with in%ert sugar instead of household sugar.
5ow let us understand what happens when we add #east to a
prepared li!uor containing sugar.
-east is obtainable in the form of a compressed cake, dried
tablet, pellet or in power form as a li!uid culture, and all
are inacti%e 6dormant7 at the time of purchase.
When making our wines fermentation is seen as a slight
frothing during the earl# stages and this soon settles down
to a gentle ferment that ma# last as long as six months. ;ut
if warmth is gi%en/as we shall see later on/fermentation
should be o%er and done with in half that time.
$ll the time fermentation is going on8 that is, all the time
the #east continues to reproduce itself, the amount of
alcohol in the wine increases. ;ut it cannot go on for e%er
because when what we call the maximum alcohol tolerance of
the #east is reached, the alcohol formed kills the #east. 0t
will be seen then that from the tin# amount of #east we add
at the start masses of new #east is made and all this helps
to make alcohol until the last sur%i%ing generation of the
original #east is finall# destro#ed b# the alcohol it and all
the other generations put together ha%e formed since we
began. When this happens, fermentation ceases and no more
alcohol is made. )hus the old tale that the longer wine is
kept the stronger it becomes is pro%en a fallac#/or old
wi%es* tale.
$s alread# mentioned, bakers* #east can make up to fourteen
per cent of alcohol b# %olume, while wine #east makes from
fifteen per cent to eighteen per cent b# %olume.
)o get the maximum alcohol and to get fermentation o%er
without undue waste of time we must keep the fermenting wine
warm. )he ideal temperature at which to keep a *must* is
between <= degrees F. and >? degrees F. 2owe%er, few can
manage this, but if fermenting wines are kept warm throughout
fermentation time, this will do. ,ost people use an airing
cupboard for this and it works well. .thers use all sorts of
ingenious de%ices and these are described under he heading
*$ids to Fermentation*. Do not be tempted to keep a *must*
hot during fermentation8 during the warmer weather almost an#
warm spot in the kitchen will do, but during cold weather and
especiall# during %er# cold nights it is alwa#s best if a
little added warmth can be gi%en.
When a ferment is allowed to become cold the #east ceases to
work. )his means that at some time later, if the weather
turns warm, fermentation begins again. 0f the wine has been
bottled in the belief that fermentation has ceased for good,
the result is a popping under the stairs and corks fl#ing in
all directions and the loss of %aluable wine.
FER,E5)$)0.5 $0DE'
,ost beginners will be content to keep their fermenting wines
warm in an airing cupboard or near the boiler in the kitchen.
.thers will want to know how the# can make a special
fermenting cupboard.
0f onl# two or three (ars of wine are fermenting at one time,
a small cupboard with a small electric heater installed will
be ideal. $lternati%el#, an electric light bulb hanging in a
cupboard and the (ars grouped round this will ser%e the
purpose (ust as well, especiall# if the cupboard is (ust
large enough to accommodate the (ars and not so big that a
lot of warmth is lost. 0 know of people who group se%eral
(ars round a small safet# paraffin lamp, but this would onl#
be satisfactor# when the wine is under a fermentation lock
otherwise the wine might become tainted b# fumes.
.ther aids to satisfactor# fermentation are good nutrients.
-east nutrients, as the# are called, are carefull# balanced
#east foods which assist the #east to reproduce and therefore
make the largest possible amount of alcohol. 'ufficient
nutrient speeds fermentation so much that, once #ou ha%e used
a good one, #ou will alwa#s do so. 0 know from m# %ast
experience that warmth, a good #east and good nutrient will
together make wines ten times better than an# old #east, no
nutrient and a warm atmosphere one da# and a chill# one the
next. We want the best8 %er# well, let us take (ust that
little extra care and spend those few extra coppers which
will make such an immense difference to the finished product.
'uppliers of special ingredients offer a %ariet# of nutrients
are accompanied b# directions how to prepare. 0n most cases
it is (ust a matter of mixing the nutrient with some of the
prepared li!uor and then adding it to the brew with the
5ow, a word about *in%ert* sugar. ,ost of #ou will be
content to use household sugar and it is household sugar that
0 include in the recipes. 2owe%er, 0 ha%e pro%ed be#ond
doubt that in%ert sugar gi%es better results. this is also
obtainable from the same fires.
$ summar# of the foregoing is this: the inexperienced wine
maker who uses bakers* #east, no nutrient, household sugar
and who allows the wine to ferment an#where cannot possibl#
expect the results which can be achie%ed b# following m#
ad%ice. ;# doing so an#one, including beginner who do not
ha%e to endure #ears of apprenticeship, with the aid of a
fermentation lock, b# keeping the wine warm during the whole
of the fermenting period, using the appropriate wine #east,
in%ert sugar and nutrient will obtain wines with a strength,
clarit#, fla%our and bou!uet of which the# will be (ustl#
When bakers* #east is used it is crumbled into the prepared
li!uor. When wine #east is used the directions supplied b#
the dealer must be followed. )his in%ol%es starting what is
called a *nucleus ferment*. $ half/pint mild bottle will do
for this. $bout a !uarter/pint of water and a teaspoonful of
sugar are boiled together for a minute and then allowed to
cool. )his is then put into the milk bottle/sterili3ed as
directed later on/ and the #east then added in whate%er form
it is obtained.
)he neck of the bottle is then plugged with cotton wool and
put into a warm place. Within a few da#s/usuall# three/this
little lot is fermenting merril# read# for adding to a batch
of wine that #ou will be waiting to make.
0f #ou prepare the li!uor for wine/making and then add the
wine #east it will take three or four da#s to begin to
ferment. ;etter therefore to get the nucleus fermenting
read# to add to the li!uor when #ou ha%e prepared it so that
the whole lot is !uickl# in a state of %igorous fermentation.
0t is most important that the #east is not added to hot
because a temperature well below boiling will destro# the
#east. et the little drop of sugar/water cool well before
adding the #east and later let the prepared li!uor cool well
before adding the nucleus or *starter bottle* as we call it.
0n the recipes 0 shall refer to adding the #east as *adding
the nucleus* on the assumption that #ou will ha%e taken m#
ad%ice and will be using wine #easts prepared as directed,
but if #ou must use bakers* #east merel# crumble this into
the li!uor at the time #ou would add the nucleus.
0t will be seen in the recipes that all the sugar is not used
at once, this is because #east ferments much better if the
sugar is fed to it in stages. )oo much sugar at the outset
might cause the #east to stop fermenting at around ten
percent of alcohol. 0nexperienced operators might think
fermentation has finished naturall# and put their wine in a
cool place to clear/ which, of course it would do. ;ut it
would be an o%er/sweet wine likel# to start fermenting again
at an# time.
For a simple re/statement8 ha%ing prepared the li!uor as the
recipes ad%ise, the #east or nucleus is added together with
the nutrient and the wine put in a warm place until all
fermentation has ceased.
0n some of the recipes 6chiefl# those calling for fla%oring
to be added at a late stage of production7, directions read:
*lea%e until fermentation has nearl# ceased*. )his is rather
a broad term to beginners, but where fermentation locks are
in use the# will know when this stage is reached because the
water will remain pushed up to one side of the lock and a
bubble (ust manages to push through e%er# two or three
Where fermentation locks are not in use, but where
clear/glass (ars are being used, beginners will be able to
see the bubbles of gas rising. $ll the time there is !uite a
mass of them rising steadil#, fermentation is !uite %igorous.
;ut when there is onl# the faintest trace of a line of
bubbles round the perimeter of the wine and where onl# a few
bubbles are seen rising slowl# to the surface the# ma# sa#,
for all intents and purposes, that fermentation has nearl#
ceased/though it ma# go on for se%eral more weeks.
)2E +E$R05G "R.+E''
With the recipes and methods described here there is no need
to use isinglass or an# other aids to clarif#ing. )hese
wines clear themsel%es usuall# before fermentation has
ceased. 0ndeed, it is usual to ha%e a brilliantl# clear wine
a month before fermentation has ceased. 0f one or two lots
of wine appear to be slow to clear, do not worr#, a week or
two after fermentation has finall# stopped clarif#ing will
take place %er# !uickl#. 0t is important to bear in mind
that a clear wine usuall# has a little deposit to throw, so
that it is alwa#s best to lea%e the wine for at least a month
after it has become cr#stal clear in order that the last of
the impurities an perhaps some unseen #east cloud has time to
settle out. 0f this is not done, a slight sediment might
form in the bottles and when #ou begin to pour the wine into
a glass the sediment is churned up so that it clouds the
wine. 'uch a happening is not a calamit# as the cloud will
settle again, probabl# o%ernight, but it means putting the
bottle awa#.
0t is best when all fermentation has ceased, to siphon the
clear wine 6if not #et cr#stal clear7 into another (ar
lea%ing the deposit behind. )hen when the wine is finall#
cr#stal clear it should be siphoned into bottles. )his
racking, as we call it, helps to get the slight cloudiness to
settle out !uickl#.
5$)4R$ E5E,0E'
)he enemies of successful wine/making are wild #easts and
acetic bacteria. )he acetic bacteria which con%erts alcohol
into acetic acid thereb# turning wine to %inegar is e%er
present in the air.
'imilarl#, the #easts and spores of fungi which turn wine
insipid and flat or turn it sour are also in the air. When
using fresh fruit and other ingredients from the garden or
from shops these bacteria and #easts and fungi are alread# on
them, but the# are easil# destro#ed so that the# do no harm.
)he ingredients we shall be using will be supplied in sealed
containers so that the# will not alread# be contaminated b#
the causes of spoilage/as we call them.
2owe%er, the water we use might contain harmful bacteria that
can spoil the wine or possibl# wild #east which can cause
what we call *undesirable* ferments. )hese ferments gi%e
*off* fla%ors to put it politel#/otherwise sour fla%ors as we
refer to sourness in milk/not acid fla%ors.
$n#wa#, the methods described here ensure the destruction of
all harmful #easts and bacteria at the outset so the# need
not worr# #ou.
5ow, if wild #easts and bacteria are in the air the# must be
on corks, inside bottles and (ars8 indeed, the# are on
e%er#thing we use. ;ut the# are easil# destro#ed so that
success is assured.
0t is not generall# known that the molds on cheese,
half/empt# pots of meat paste and (am are often #easts
growing there, and it is this kind of #east floating about in
the air that ruins our wines if we allow it to settle. )o
defeat this souring #east we must keep our fermenting wines
and finished wines co%ered closel#. )reatment of finished
wines is co%ered under the heading *storing*. +o%ering
fermenting wines in (ars is %er# simple, but most important.
$d soon as the prepared #east has been added to the prepared
li!uid the top of the (ar should be co%ered with a piece of
pol#thene. )his should be pressed down all around b# hand
and strong string tied tightl# around. )his will keep
airborne diseases awa# from the wine because the gas
generated during fermentation will find an outlet for itself
and keep up a constant outgoing stream, thus pre%enting the
diseases air contains from gaining access. Far better than
this pol#thene co%ering is a FER,E5)$)0.5 .+@.
)he whole idea of fitting a fermentation lock is to pre%ent
air and airborne diseases reaching the wine. Firstl#, the
lock is fitted to a drilled cork and the cork then fitted to
the (ar. Water is then poured into the le%el shown. )he gas
formed during fermentation pushes through the water in the
form of bubbles, but air/borne diseases are kept out. ;etter
than water in the lock is a little of the sterili3ing
solution described latter, or a crushed and dissol%ed +ampden
tablet. )his is best because if as sometimes happens a
%acuum forms in the (ar the air drawn in is purified b# the
sterili3ing solution. When a %acuum forms inside the (ar the
lock works in re%erse for a while and this often happens when
warm wine is put into a (ar and the lock fitted at once. ;ut
don*t worr# if this happens, because as soon as gas has been
generated the lock will begin working properl#.
$nother ad%antage of ha%ing a fermentation lock in use is
that it indicates when the fermentation has ceased.
$ll the time the bubbles are passing through, and all the
time the water in the lock remains pushed up to one side, it
means that there is pressure in the (ar and that this
pressure is gas being formed b# the act of fermentation.
When the fermentation ceases for good, the water returns to
normal. During the earl# stages of fermentation, bubbles are
running through the water at a rate of one a second or e%en
faster than this. ;ut as fermentation slows down the# become
far less fre!uent. ater on, the water remains pushed to one
side and it ma# take fi%e or e%en ten minutes for sufficient
gas to make one bubble. During the %er# last stages of
fermentation, it ma# take a week for one bubble to push
through. +learl#, then, all the time the water remains
pushed up to one side the wine should be left, as it is safe
to sa# that fermentation is still going on.
When the water returns to normal, gi%e the (ar a %igorous
twist and the chances are that #ou will get fermentation on
the go again for a da# or two longer. 0f the whole idea in
using locks is to keep airborne diseases from contaminating
the wine we must ensure that the bung and lock are airtight.
0f the# are not, the gas leaking will pre%ent air reaching
the wine during the earl# stages, but as it slows down the
outgoing stream of gas through the leakage holes would not be
strong enough for this so that airborne diseases could easil#
reach the wine.
2a%ing fitted the lock to the bung and (ar, run a little
sealing wax round where the bungs enter the far and where the
lock enters the bung. )his precaution ma# not be necessar#,
but is is better to be on the safe side. When fermentation
has ceased the lock and bung are remo%ed in one piece and a
new bung inserted. )he wine is then put awa# to clear/as
mentioned before.
5.)E: 0 ha%e ad%ised sealing wax abo%e, but candle wax does
(ust as well.
Where fermentation is carried on in a pol#thene pail or
similar fermenting %essel during the earl# stages of
production, the top of the %essel should be pulled down all
around and then secured with thin strong string or a tightl#
fitting elastic band. )he gas generated during this earl#
%igorous ferment will find an outlet for itself and keep up a
constant outgoing stream so that airborne diseases cannot
gain access.
$s mentioned, wild #east and bacteria are likel# to be inside
bottles, (ars and on corks, etc. )herefore, if we are to
pre%ent them damaging our wines the# must be destro#ed.
;itter than boiling bottles, etc., in a pail of water or
baking them in an o%en is to use a sterili3ing solution that
does the (ob in a batter of seconds. )his ma# be made up as
Get : o3s. of sodium metabosulpite 6or potassium
metabisulphite7, there being two forms. 5earl# fill a
half/gallon bottle with warm water and then add the cr#stals
6or powder7 and re%ol%e the far until all is dissol%ed. )r#
to use a glass stoppered (ar or bottle for this.
)o sterili3e bottles and (ars with this, pour a pint into the
first bottle and shake it up so that all the inside is
wetted. )hen pour it into the next bottle and so on and then
back to the bulk again. 2a%ing treated the bottles, it is
best to rinse them out with boiled water that has cooled
well. )his will rid the bottles of the rather pungent odor
of the sterili3ing solution. ;ut don*t worr# id a slight
whiff remains in the bottles, because it will do no harm.
2a%ing rinsed the bottles, let them drain for a minute or two
and the# are now read# for use.
+orks. ,ore wine has been ruined through using unsterili3ed
corks than through an# other cause. )he cre%ices of corksB
teem with all sorts of harmful bacteria and spoilage #easts.
)he best wa# to sterili3e them is to put them in a small
basin with something hea%# on top to keep them submerged/a
hea%# cup will do/and then co%er with the sterili3ing
solution. ea%e this for about ten minutes and during the
time #ou are bottling a batch of wine. $s each cork is
re!uired, take it, dip it in boiled water and then wipe it
dr# with a cloth dipped in the sterili3ing solution/which,
incidentall#, is known as sulphur dioxide or sulphite
)he dr#ing of corks is necessar# to pre%ent the weight of the
wine pushing our the corks when the bottles are put awa# on
their sides.
'0"2.5, ;.))05G C 2.W ). ').RE
0t is almost impossible to pour clear wine from one bottle to
another without stirring up the lees 6deposit7. the best
method is to siphon the clear wine at bottling time.
First, put the bottle or (ar of wine on a table and the empt#
bottles on a box or stool on the floor. )hen, using a #ard
and a half of surgical rubber or plastic tubing, siphoning is
!uite a simple operation. "ut one end of the tubing in the
full (ar 6or the first of the full bottles7 and suck the
other end until the wine comes. $s soon as this happens,
pinch the tube at #our lips and, while holding on tightl#,
put this end in the first empt# bottle and let the wine flow.
$s the empt# bottle nearl# fills, slowl# press the tube
between finger and thumb in order to cur off the flow slowl#
rather than with a (erk. 'udden stoppage often stirs up the
deposit. When the bottle has filled to the shoulders pinch
the tube at the neck of the bottle being filled and put this
end into the next bottle and let the wine flow again.
$s the le%el in the full (ar falls, lower the tube into the
wine. ;ut be careful not to lower so far that the deposit
begins to be sucked into the tubing. $ good wa# of a%oiding
this is to ask a chemist to let #ou ha%e fifteen inches of
!uarter/inch tubing and get him to bend the last inch of one
end upwards. )hen fit the straight end to the rubber tubing
#ou ha%e. $t siphoning time, insert the glass tube to the
bottom of the full (ar of wine. )he bend in the tube will
rest on the bottom of the (ar, but the opening of the end
bent upwards will remain abo%e the lees.
5ow let me gi%e the impatient wine/maker a warning. 0 know
how nice it is to build up a stock and build it !uickl#, but
don*t be in such a hurr# that #ou put wines awa# that are not
#et perfectl# clear. )his results in disappointment upon
opening if, as often happens, #ou decide to tr# a bottle of
the oldest and the best #ou ha%e for some special friend and
find that #ou ha%e stirred up a deposit and clouded what #ou
imagined to be a perfectl# clear wine. $ reliable test to
decide whether a wine is perfectl# clear or not/and one 0
alwa#s carr# out before bottling for storage purposes/is to
hold a high/powered torch against the bottle. 0f there is no
suggestion of a beam passing through a hase, then the wine is
as clear as #ou will get it8 but if there is a slight beam of
light, lea%e the wine to clear perfectl#. -ou will soon get
used to this little test and be sa%ed from what might be a
most embarrassing position.
Finall#, when the clear wine has been bottled and the corks
ha%e been rammed home the# should be sliced off le%el with
the rim of the bottles. 'ealing wax should then be run o%er
the whole surface and the bottles stored on their sides.
'ealing and storing in this fashion is important because it
allows for the wine to keep the cork moist and so pre%ent
shrinkage. 'hrinkage would cause cracking in the sealing wax
with the result that tin# air holes would appear through
which wild #east and bacteria can attack the wine.
0n the ordinar# wa# a well/made wine/that is one made with
good #east and nutrient/is strong enough in alcohol to
preser%e itself. $ goodl# percentage of alcohol acts as its
own preser%ati%e and that of the wine itself. ;ut poorl#
made wines are low in alcohol and can be spoiled in the
bottles if air reaches them. .ur wine, made b# the recipes
and directions here, will contain enough alcohol to destro#
an# wild #east or bacteria that might reach it owing to
shrinkage of corks. 5e%ertheless, it is still important that
air is not allowed to reach the wine, because if it did so
for prolonged periods the !ualit# would deteriorate, the
fla%or suffer and much of the bou!uet be lost.
Experienced wine makers // m#self included // use the new
plastic seals which when fitted to a bottle of wine shrink
tightl#, effecting a perfect airtight seal. 0 expect #ou
ha%e come across these often enough on bottles of cordial.
)he )*5oirot extracts described in later chapters are fitted
with these. When these capsules 6as the# are called7 are
used the bottles ma# be stored upright. 'toring bottles
hori3ontall# often presents a problem for some people, but
friends of mine with a small cupboard to spare ha%e lined it
with orange boxes. 0n each partition the# ha%e fitted
soft/drink cardboard crates so that each orange box holds
twent#/four bottles on their sides. 2a%ing heard that wines
must be stored at a temperature which should remain constant
throughout the #ear, people are going to all sorts of trouble
and thinking up all sorts of ingenious de%ices to achie%e
that end. .pinion is di%ided as to the ideal temperature in
which to store wines/probabl# because wines, like human
beings, prefer what suits them indi%iduall#. )he temperature
suitable for one wine is not necessaril# best for another.
Rapid changes of temperature are certainl# best a%oided, so
if #ou can store #our wines on a stone floor or in a cupboard
which has a stone floor, so much the better. 0f #ou cannot
do this, store #our wines where #ou can and don*t worr#.
0 am afraid 0 alwa#s ha%e to suppress a grin when people ask
me how long a wine needs to mature because 0 know that all
the# reall# want to know is how soon the# can drink it. 0t
is surprising the number of people who simpl# will not
belie%e that wines impro%e with age. )he# set about making
wines possessed of urgenc# which should not exist and an
impatience that is hard to belie%e. )he# reall# belie%e that
wine can be made, matured and drunk in six or se%en weeks.
With luck, #ou might get fermentation o%er and done with and
#our wines clear and bottled in that time, and trul# the# are
drinkable e%en so #oung, but/and it is an enormous *but*/wine
tasted at that tender age cannot be compared with the same
wine tasted a #ear later. 0t is impossible to describe the
changes that take place, but take place the# do. +hemical
changes are taking place constantl#, so that one batch of
wine does not taste the same when sampled at inter%als of six
0 know full well that #ou will be itching to get #our teeth
into these wines and 0 cannot blame #ou for that // 0*m the
same m#self, alwa#s anxious to sample the latest batch to be
bottled off. $nd it is a waste of time for me to tell #ou to
keep it at least a #ear before drinking because 0 know #ou*ll
ne%er manage it8 especiall# after #ou had a taste of it when
siphoning it into bottles.
;ut please do this for #our own sake. $t bottling time, put,
sa#, two bottles in the attic or some place where the# cannot
be reached easil#/send them to me if #ou like. 'eriousl#,
those two bottles of each lot made will soon amount up to a
nice little stock. )he remaining four bottles from each
gallon ma# be used as re!uired.
)he whole secret of building up a stock is to make se%eral
lots at the same time and when a (ar is emptied at bottling
time, start again with another lot. 0n this wa# #ou will
alwa#s ha%e a few gallons fermenting, se%eral do3en bottles
for use as re!uired and a do3en or so slowl# growing into a
nice reser%e. )hen, when the first two bottles put awa# are
a #ear or two old #ou ma# sample them. )hese will ha%e
become such magnificent wines in that time that #our lesson
will ha%e been well and trul# learned and the %ow taken that
hence forth half of all that is bottled is going to the
attic. 0 hope it does, and 0 hope e%en more that #ou will be
able to keep some of it for fi%e #ears at least. For at fi%e
#ears it is better than age four and at three #ears old it is
better than age two. 0 ha%e pro%ed all this to m#self and
ha%e a few bottles of wine that 0 made o%er fifteen #ears
;R0EF, ;4) 0,".R)$5)
FER,E5)$)0.5 .+@':
)here is no substitute for the fermentation lock, although
man# people use a balloon stretched o%er the (ar instead of a
fermentation lock, and pro%ided this is a tight fit, it will
certainl# protect the wine. ;ut this cannot gi%e an#
indication as to when fermentation has ceased. )he ;alloon
is fitted o%er the neck and, as gas escapes into it, slight
inflation takes place and as pressure grows the gas forced
out round the neck of the (ar.
$nother substitute for the lock is a three/inch piece of
!uarter/inch bore glass tubing stuffed with cotton wool and
fitted in the same wa# as the lock. ;ut, as with a balloon
this can gi%e no indication as to when fermentation has
-E$')/$5D $DD05G 0):
0t will be seen in the recipes that 0 gi%e *#east* without
mentioning an# kind. )his is because some of #ou will be
using bakers* #east and others one of the man# %arieties of
wine #east. 0n the directions which accompan# the recipes
the time to add the #east is clearl# stated. 0f bakers*
#east is used, use half an ounce and crumble this into the
(ar at the time ad%ised. Experienced wine makers and those
using wine #easts for the first time will ha%e their little
nucleus ferments read# and these will be added at the time
ad%ised in the directions gi%en with each recipe.
'4G$R W$)ER 6'#rup7:
0n the recipes and directions it will be seen that the sugar
and water are added to the mixtures as a s#rup. ,ake sure
the sugar has dissol%ed before the water comes to the boil.
$nd so that mistakes do not occur, label the (ar so that #ou
know how much sugar has to be added at each stage. )here is
no need to be exact when adding *one third* or whate%er the
direction happens to be, but it is a good plan to ha%e the
total amount of sugar to be used at the outset put aside8 in
this wa#, when all has been added #ou will know there is noB
more to go in and #ou will not be left wondering if #ou ha%e
used as much as #ou should ha%e done.
G$.5 D$R':
'omeone is sure to ask before the# begin: 2ow can 0 get a
gallon of water, the fla%oring, and all that sugar into a
one/gallon (arE )he fact is that, in the wa# we shall be
doing it, it is !uite a simple mater. Gallon (ars hold half
a pint more than a gallon when full, and because we shall be
adding the sugar in stages, most of each lot of sugar will be
used up before the next is added. ;efore the last lot of
sugar and water is added, the wine is transferred to another
(ar and the deposit thrown awa#. )his will lea%e space for
the last lot of s#rup to be added. 0f, through some
misfortune, this is not !uite the case, put the little
remaining s#rup in a freshl# sterili3ed screw/stoppered
bottle and screw down tightl#. )his will keep it sa%e for
the few da#s necessar# for fermentation to reduce the li!uor
in the (ar and so make room for that little drop of
0f at the time called for in the recipes #ou do not ha%e a
second (ar in which to put the fermenting wine 6at the time
gi%en for disposing of the deposit7 #ou ma# pour the wine
into an# suitable container, then throw awa# the deposit,
clean out the (ar, sterili3e it and then return the wine to
0f it happens that #our saucepans are not !uite large enough
to hold the sugar and fi%e pints of water that is to be
boiled at the first stage of making the wine, boil the sugar
in a !uart of water and the remaining three pints of water in
another saucepan then mix.
FRE'2 FR40) W05E'
)here is no need for me to mention the enormous popularit#
this branch of home wine/making en(o#s, or that countless
thousands of people all o%er the world embark with tremendous
enthusiasm each summer upon turning wild fruits and surplus
garden fruits into wines fit to grace the tables of a
ban!ueting hall. Dust let me sa# that, no matter how
ad%anced methods become and how easil# obtainable special
ingredients for wine making are, there will alwa#s be in the
hearts of e%er#one a place for the true countr# wines, for
the# ha%e that indefinable *something* which sets them apart
from all others, a uni!ueness that cannot be found in an#
other wine either commercial or home produced.
)he methods 0 use m#self are described here, and although
the# are the simplest and the surest e%er e%ol%ed, it is
necessar# to point out the complications that arise if these
methods are not used.
-ears ago/and, 0 am %er# sorr# to sa#, e%en toda#/man#
thousands of unfortunate home wine makers are following
methods which ad%ocate: *crush the fruit, add the water and
lea%e to ferment*. .ther methods ad%ise boiling the fruits.
0n both cases disappointment is almost a certaint#, and the
reason for this is eas# enough to understand.
)he gra#/white bloom that forms on grapes and other fruits is
#east put there b# nature and it ma# be said that the first
wine known to earl# man was the result of this #east
fermenting fruits crushed for a purpose other than
wine/making. 0n the ordinar# wa#, this #east might well make
good wine if allowed to ferment alone. 4nfortunatel# with
this #east comes what we term *undersiable* #east 6wild
#east7, and se%eral kinds of bacteria/each of which can ruin
our wines. )he# bring about what we call *undersiable*
ferments that usuall# take place at the same time as the
ferment we want to take place so that instead of a wine of
!ualit# the result is one tasting of flat beer or cloud#
e%il/smelling li!uid fit onl# for disposal. $nother
bacterium, known as the %inegar bacterium, will turn wines
into %inegar.
'ince there is nothing we can do when an# of these calamities
has occurred, the# must be pre%ented from happening.
+learl#, we must destro# all these enemies before beginning.
)he simplest method is of course/at first thought an#wa#/is
to boil the fruits. ;ut here rises another problem. $ll
fruits contain pectin, a glutinous substance which causes
(ams to *set*. ;oiling fruit releases pectin. )his pectin
holds itself and minute solids in suspension. Gi%ing the
wine a cloudiness that is impossible to clarif# or e%en
filter out. We ma# put the crushed fruit through a (ell#/bag
to remo%e e%er# particle of pectin/bearing fruit and then
boil the (uice onl#, but this is a mess#, tedious (ob that
takes hours and eliminates all the pleasure from wine/making.
.b%iousl#, what we need is a method which will destro# the
wild #east and bacteria on the fruits 6as boiling does7
without actuall# boiling, and, indeed, without heating our
fruits at all because it needs %er# little heat to bring out
the pectin.
.ur method, known as the *sulphiting* method, does (ust this
and produces full/bodied, cr#stal/clear wines easil# and
!uickl# without fuss or bother. $ll that is necessar# to
achie%e this are tablets costing (ust pennies. +ampden
fruit/preser%ing tablets are a%ailable in bottles of twent#
from most chemist. 0n the ordinar# wa#/and pro%ided the
fruit is not too hea%il# affected with wild #east and
bacteria/one tablet will destro# the undesirable element
contained in one gallon of crushed bruit pulp, but we cannot
be sure of this. 5ow, two tablets will surel# do this, but
being a comparati%el# hea%# dose this might also destro# the
#east we shall be adding so that the ferment we desire does
not take place. ,# method takes care of both these risks,
not onl# destro#ing the wild #east and bacteria on the
fruits, but also allowing the #east we add to ferment alone
and unhindered to produce wines of clarit# and !ualit# the
like of which cannot be produced b# an# other method. ;#
adding one +ampden tablet to a good deal less than one gallon
of fruit pulp 6*must*7 this will represent a rough e!ui%alent
to two tablets per gallon. ;ut before we add our #easts we
shall ha%e increased the amount of li!uid or pulp to nearl#
twice the amount, conse!uentl# reducing the amount of
sterili3ing solution to half or the e!ui%alent of one +ampden
tablet per gallon. 0n this wa# we achie%e our o%erall aim.
Each +ampden fruit/preser%ing tablet contains four grains of
sodium metabisulphite8 therefore, an# readers finding +ampden
tablets in short suppl# ma# ask their chemist for four grains
of sodium metabisluphite 6or potassium metabisulphite/there
being two forms7, and use this. ;ut because a chemist would
find a single order of four grains rather tri%ial, it would
be best to ask for sa#, six or ten packets each containing
four grains. 0f #ou are making two/gallon lots of wine the
amount to use would be eight grains. Do not be tempted to
bu# b# the ounce and measure out a grain as this is
impossible unless #ou ha%e the appropriate scales.
Dust in case #ou happen to be one of those people who, e%enB
in these enlightened da#s, abhors the use of chemicals, let
me assure #ou that sulphur dioxide 6the solution which
results when +ampden tablets are dissol%ed7 is !uite harmless
to humans when used in the proportions recommended. 0ndeed,
as man# as eight tablets 6thirt# two grains7 ma# be used with
safet#, but such hea%# dosing would pre%ent a *must*
)he sulphiting method is used b# the trade, so we shall be
following a method well tried and pro%ed.
2ea%en knows how man# hundreds of gallons of wines 0 ha%e
made b# this method and all with the same unfailing success.
,ethod F makes wines of the hea%er t#pe8 their fla%ors are
more pronounced and their color more full than those produced
b# method :. )hose wishing for lighter wines more suitable
for ser%ing with meals should use method :. )he main
difference in the two methods is that we ferment the fruit
pulp itself in method F, and the (uice onl# in method :. 0t
will be appreciated that when fermenting the pulp we must as
a matter of course get far more from our fruits. ;ut we do
not want too much in a light wine otherwise the subtle
difference between a hea%ier wine and the popular lighter
wines is lost.
)he short pulp ferment of method F ensures that we get all
the fla%our and desirable chemical matter from our fruits in
the right proportion.
)he best method to use for each t#pe of fruit is gi%en with
each recipe. 0t should be taken into account that %aried
amounts of fruit and sugar with the use of proper method
produce distinctl# different t#pes of wine.
,E)2.D F:
+rush the fruit b# hand in a pol#thene pail and pour on one
!uart of boiled water that has cooled. ,ix well. +rush one
campden tablet and dissol%e the power in about half an egg
cupful of warm water and mix this with the fruit pulp. ea%e
the mixture for one or two hours. $ little bleaching will
take place but this is nothing to worr# about.
$fter this, take one/third of the sugar to be used 6or
approximatel# one/third7 and boil this for one minute in
three pints of water. $llow this s#rup to cool and then stir
into the pulp. )hen add the #east 6or nucleus7 and ferment
for se%en da#s.
$fter se%en da#s, strain the pulp through fine muslin or
other similar material and wring out as dr# as #ou can. "ut
the strained wine into a gallon (ar and throw the pulp awa#.
)hen boil another one/third of the sugar in one pint of water
for one minute and when this has cooled add it to the rest.
"lug the neck of the (ar with cotton wool or fit a
fermentation lock and continue to ferment in a warm place for
a further ten da#s.
$t this stage, if #ou ha%e not a spare (ar, pour the wine
into a pol#thene pail lea%ing as much of the deposit in the
(ar as #ou can. +lean out the (ar, sterili3e it and return
the wine to this.
)he remaining one/third of the sugar ma# now be boiled for
one minute in the remaining pint of water. When this has
cooled, add it to the rest. Refit the lock or plug the neck
of the (ar with fresh cotton wool. $fter this, the wine
should be left in a warm place until all fermentation has
5.)E: 0f there is not !uite enough space for all of this last
lot of s#rup, put the remainder in a sterili3ed
screw/top bottle and store for a few da#s in a cool
place. )his ma# be added when fermentation has reduced
the le%el of the li!uid in the (ar. 0f #ou ha%e to do
this, don*t forget to refit the lock.
,E)2.D ::
+rush the fruit in a pol#thene pail and add one !uart of
boiled water that has cooled. ,ix well.
+rush one +ampden tablet and dissol%e the powder in about
half an egg cupful of warm water and mix this with the fruit
pulp. ea%e the mixture in a cool place for twent#/four
hours, stirring twice during that time. 'train through fine
muslin or other similar material and s!uee3e gentl# but not
too hard. Discard the fruit pulp.
)hen boil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water
for one minute and allow to cool. ,ix this with the (uice
and return the lot to the pol#thene pail. )hen add the #east
6or nucleus7, and ferment for ten da#s.
$fter this, pour the top wine into a gallon (ar lea%ing as
much of the deposit behind as #ou can. ;oil another
one/third of the sugar in half a pint of water for one minute
and when it is cool add it to the rest. "lug the neck of the
(ar with cotton wool or fit a fermentation lock and ferment
in a warm place for fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the remaining sugar in the remaining
half/pint of water for one minute and when cool add it to the
rest. refit the lock or plug the neck of the (ar with fresh
cotton wool and lea%e in a warm place until all fermentation
has ceased.
)he recipes are designed to make one gallon of wine, it two
gallons are being made at once twice the amount of each
ingredient must be used 6including +ampden tablets7 and the
sugar and water added in double !uantities. )his principle
applies where three or four gallons are being made and it is
eas# enough to work out. Dust to be sure that mistakes do
not occur when adding the s#rup/sugar and water/stick a label
on the (ar and note on this the amount added.
Readers will be !uick to appreciate that certain fruits are
more suitable than others for making certain t#pes of wine.
+learl#, it would be as hopeless to tr# to make port from
rhubarb as it would be to tr# to grow potatoes on a pear
tree, and 0 think it is in this respect that man# people go
astra#8 the# make wines from the cheapest and most readil#
a%ailable fruits 6naturall# enough7 but the# do not gi%e the
slightest thought to what the result will be or whether the#
will like it or not. ;efore #ou begin decide on the t#pe of
wine #ou are most likel# to prefer and then use the fruit and
the method which will make this t#pe of wine.
Elderberries make an excellent port/st#le wine and man#
%ariations, each with the basic port st#le underl#ing them,
so that from this lowl# wild fruit we ma# obtain not onl# a
full/bodied port/st#le wine, but also a ;urgund# st#le, a
claret and others according to the whim of the operator.
;lackberries make similar wines, as do certain %arieties of
plumbs, damsons and black currants. )he (uice from
lighter/colored fruit such as raspberries, loganberries, red
and white currants and others make excellent table wines.
;ut there is no need to co%er this aspect full# here because
e%er# recipe is preceded b# the name of the t#pe or st#le of
wine that can be expected from each recipe. 0 sa# *expected*
because to guarantee that the wine will be identical to the
one expected would be unwise, but onl# because the amounts of
sugar and acid present in the fruits %ar# from season to
season/indeed, the# %ar# with the t#pe of tree, soil,
situation and with the sort of summer we ha%e had while the
fruits ha%e been growing. $ hot summer produces fruits
containing more sugar and less acid than a wet sunless
summer, when the effect is the re%erse.
0n each recipe appears the name of the best #east to use and
this is best added as a nucleus as alread# described. 0f #ou
must *use bakers* #east or a dried #east, merel# sprinkle it
o%er the surface of the *must* at the time gi%en in the
method #ou are using.
$ final word. ,ake sure all fruits are ripe. )his is far
more important than most people imagine. 2alf/ripe fruits or
those with green patches on them should be discarded as it
needs onl# one or two of these to gi%e a gallon of wine an
acid bite. Full# ripe fruit is essential if we hope to make
the best wine.
When we ha%e decided that our garden fruits are ripe enough
or those #ou ha%e #our e#e on in the hedgerows, lea%e them
for another three or four da#s before gathering.
RE+0"E' F / 9: 6;ERR- W05E'7
F. ;$+@;ERR- W05E 6"ort 't#le7:
Glb. blackberries, Glb. sugar 6or =lb. in%ert7, >pts.
water, port #east, nutrient.
4se method F. Ferment the pulp.
:. ;$+@;ERR- $5D EDER;ERR- W05E 6"ort 't#le7:
: FH:lb. elderberries, : FH:lb. blackberries, >pts. water,
9 FH:lb. sugar 6or Glb. in%ert7, port #east, nutrient.
4se method F. Ferment the pulp after crushing and mixing
9. ;$+@;ERR- W05E 6;urgund# 't#le7:
G/=lb. blackberries, 9 9HIlb. sugar 6or Glb. in%ert7,
burgund# #east, nutrient, >pts water.
4se method F. Ferment the pulp.
G. ;$+@;ERR- W05E 6;eau(olais 't#le7:
)his recipe was passed on to me b# a friend. 0t won Fst
pri3e among <?? entries on the occasion of the :nd
5ational +onference and 'how for $mateur Wine/,akers at
;ournemouth. 4nfortunatel# it wasn*t m# orginial recipe,
or 0 could ha%e won that pri3e1
G FH:lb. blackberries, : FH:lb. sugar 6or 9lb. :o3.
in%ert7, burgund# #east, nutrient, >pts. water.
,ethod F was used. )he wine was, of course, dr#.
=. ;$+@;ERR- W05E 6ight )able Wine7:
9lb. blackberries, 9lb. sugar 69 9HGlb. in%ert7, >pts.
water, burgund# #east, nutrient.
4se method :. Ferment the diluted (uice.
<. ;$+@+4RR$5) W05E 6"ort 't#le7:
Glb. blackcurrants, Flb. raisins, 9lb. sugar 6or 9 9HGlb.
in%ert7, port #east, nutrient.
4se method F. Ferment the pulp with the raisins.
>. ;$+@+4RR$5) W05E 6"ort 't#le7:
Glb. blackcurrants, >pts. water, 9 FH:lb. sugar 6or Glb.
in%ert7, port #east, nutrient.
4se method F. Ferment the pulp.
I. ;$+@+4RR$5) +$RE):
9lb. blackcurrants, : FH:lb. sugar 6or 9lb. in%ert7, >pts.
water, all purpose wine #east, nutrient.
4se method :. Ferment the diluted (uice.
J. ;$+@+4RR$5) W05E 6$ ight, 'weet Wine7:
9 9HGlb. blackcurrants, 9 FH:lb. sugar 6or Glb. in%ert7,
>pts. water, al/purpose wine #east, nutrient.
4se method :. Ferment the diluted (uice.
F?. +2ERR- W05E 6$ Delightful 'weet Wine7:
Ilb. black cherries, >pts. water, 9 FH:lb. sugar 6or Glb.
in%ert7, all/purpose wine #east or ;ordeaux #east,
4se method F Weight with stones and ferment the pulp.
FF. +2ERR- W05E 6$ ight Dr# Wine7:
Ilb. black cherries, >pts. water, : FH:lb. sugar 6or 9
FHGlb. in%ert7, sherr# #east is best, otherwise
all/purpose wine #east, nutrient.
4se method :. Ferment the strained diluted (uice.
F:. RED+4RR$5) W05E 6ight )able Wine7:
9lb. redcurrants, >pts. water, 9lb. sugar, 6or 9 9HGlb.
in%ert7, all/purpose wine #east, nutrient.
4se method :. Ferment the strained diluted (uice.
F9. RED+4RR$5) W05E 6$ ight ,edium/'weet Wine7:
Glb. redcurrants, >pts. water, 9 FH:lb. sugar 6or Glb.
in%ert7, all/purpose wine #east, nutrient.
4se method :. Ferment the strained diluted (uice.
FG. D$,'.5 W05E 6"ort 't#le7:
Ilb. damsons, >pts. water, Glb. sugar, 6or =lb. in%ert7,
port #east, nutrient.
4se method F. Weight with the stones and ferment the
F=. D$,'.5 W05E:
'uitable for making into Damson Gin/'ee *Recent
=lb. damsons, >pts. water, 9lb. sugar 6or 9 9HGlb.
in%ert7, all/purpose wine #east, nutrient.
4se method F. Weight with the stones. Ferment the pulp.
F<. D$,'.5 $5D EDER;ERR- W05E 6"ort 't#le7:
9lb. damsons, F FH:lb. elderberries, 9 FH:lb. sugar 6or
Glb. in%ert7, port #east, nutrient, >pts. water.
4se method F. Ferment the pulp.
F>. D$,'.5 $5D DR0ED "R45E W05E 6;urgund# 't#le7:
"runes should be soaked o%ernight, the water discarded
and the prunes added in the crushed state to the crushed
Glb. damsons, :lb. dried prunes, >pts. water, 9lb. sugar,
6or 9 9HGlb. in%ert7, burgund# #east, nutrient.
4se method F. Ferment the crushed pulp.
FI. R$';ERR- W05E 6ight, Dr#7:
Glb. rasberries, : FH:lb. sugar, 6or 9lb. :o3. in%ert7,
>pts. water, sherr# #east or all/purpose wine #east,
4se method :. Ferment the strained diluted (uice.
FJ. R$';ERR- W05E 6'weet Dessert7:
Glb. rasberries, Flb. raisins, >pts. water, 9 FH:lb.
sugar, 6or Glb. in%ert7, all/purpose wine #east and
4se method :. Ferment the strained diluted (uice but with
the chopped raisins for the first se%en da#s.
:?. EDER;ERR- W05E 6"ort 't#le7:
Glb. elderberries, >pts. water, Glb. sugar 6or =lb.
in%ert7, port #east, nutrient.
4se method F. Ferment the crushed pulp.
:F. EDER;ERR- W05E 6,edium Dr#7:
9 FH:lb. elderberries, 9lb. sugar 6or 9 9HGlb. in%ert7,
>pts water, sherr# #east or all/purpose wine #east,
4se method :. Ferment the strained diluted (uice.
::. EDER;ERR- +$RE) 6Dr#, of course7:
9lb. elderberries, : FH:lb. sugar 6or 9lb. in%ert7, >pts.
water, sherr# #east or all purpose wine #east, nutrient.
4se method :. Ferment the strained diluted (uice.
:9. "4, W05E 6;urgund# 't#le7:
Ilb. plums, an# full# ripe %ariet# is suitable, >pts.
water, 9lb. sugar 6or 9 9HGlb. in%ert7, burgund# #east,
4se method F. Weight with the stones and ferment the
crushed pulp.
:G. "4, W05E 6"ort 't#le7:
Dark red, full# ripe fruits must be used. F?lb. plums,
>pts. water, 9 FH:lb. sugar 6or Glb. in%ert7, port #east,
Weight with the stones. 4se method F. Ferment the crushed
:=. R24;$R; W05E:
)his wine is best made on the dr# side and used as an
appeti3er. 0f #ou tr# to make it sweet, it would ha%e to
be rather too sweet. Four pounds of sugar will make it a
medium sweet wine, but e%en this will not reduce the
acidit# which gi%es this wine its character which,
unfortunatel#, is causing it to lose its popularit#. 0t
is possible to remo%e the acid b# using precipitated
chalk, but this is hardl# for beginners and a practice
which, in an# case, alters the whole fla%our of the
resulting wine.
=lb. rhubarb, 9lb. sugar 6or 9 9HGlb. in%ert7, >pts.
water, sherr# #east or all purpose wine #east, nutrient.
+rush the rhubarb with a rolling pin, starting in the
middle of each stick. 'oak for fi%e da#s in three pints
of water 6boiled7, and in which one +ampden tablet has
been dissol%ed.
)hen strain, wring out dr# and warm (ust enough to
dissol%e half the sugar.
2a%ing done this, ferment for ten da#s and then proceed
as #ou would with an# other recipe here, adding the rest
of the sugar and water in stages.
:<. .G$5;ERR- W05E:
9 to Glb. loganberries, 9lb. sugar 6or 9 9HGlb. in%ert7,
burgund# #east, nutrient, >pts water.
4se method F. Ferment the crushed pulp.
:>. G..'E;ERR- W05E 6)able Wine:7
<lb. gooseberries, 9 FH:lb. sugar 6or G FHGlb. in%ert7,
>pts. water, toka# #east or all purpose wine #east,
4se method F. ;ut ferment pulp for three da#s.
:I. G..'E;ERR- W05E 6'herr# 't#le7:
)he best gooseberries for this wine are those that ha%e
been left on the bushes to turn red or #ellow, according
to %ariet#. )he# should be firm but soft and at the sameB
time not damaged. $n# damaged ones and an# with a
suggestion of mould or mildew on them must be discarded.
For a dr# sherr# st#le use : FH:lb. sugar, for a medium
dr# use 9lb., and for a medium sweet use 9 FH:lb., or the
corresponding amounts of in%ert sugar.
=lb. gooseberries, >pts. water, sugar 6as abo%e7, sherr#
#east or all purpose wine #east, nutrient.
4se method F. ;ut ferment the pulp for fi%e da#s onl#.
:J. W2.R)E;ERR- W05E 6;urgund# 't#le7:
Whortleberries are a small wild fruit which man# people
come to the countr# to pick8 the# make excellent (ams and
(ellies/and %er# good wines, otherwise known as *herts*.
<pts whortleberries, >pts. water, 9lb. sugar6or 9 9HGlb.
in%ert7, burgund# #east, nutrient.
4se method F. Ferment the pulp.
9?. W2.R)E;ERR- W05E 6"ort 't#le7:
Ipts. whortleberries, >pts. water Glb. sugar 6or =lb.
in%ert7, port #east, nutrient.
4se method F. Ferment the pulp.
9F. W2.R)E;ERR- W05E 6)able Wine7:
=pts. whortleberries, >pts. water, : FH:lb. sugar 6or
9lb. :o3. in%ert7, all purpose wine #east, nutrient.
4se method :. Ferment the strained diluted (uice.
9:. '.E W05E:
'loes make a delightful wine which is %er# popular with
those li%ing in the countr#, and is particularl# suitable
for turning into sloe gin. 5ot more than G lb. should be
used owing to their astringenc#.
Glb. sloes, 9lb. sugar 6or 9 9HGlb in%ert7, >pts. water,
all purpose wine #east, nutrient.
4se method F. ;ut ferment pulp for three da#s onl#.
R0;E5$ W05E )4).R0$
;efore 0 explain how eas# it is to make wine with ribena let
me point out that this famous s#rup of excellent !ualit#
could well be added to fermenting *musts* made up from of the
fruits to get special results. )he rate to add it would be
one to two bottles per gallon.
When making wines from dried fruits the addition of one or
two bottles of Ribena per gallon would make a %ast
impro%ement to the fla%our and !ualit# of the wine.
'imilarl#, when making wines from fresh fruits that gi%e a
red wine, one or two bottles or Ribena could well be added to
make up for other fruits in this w#, #ou mar disregard the
'.: preser%ati%e 6more about this later7 because the amount
in the Ribena will not be enough to stop fermentation, but it
would be best to add it at the %igorous fermentation
stage/during the first ten da#s.
0f #ou propose to use Ribena in this wa#, bear in mid that
each bottle contains approximatel# eight ounces of sugar, so
#ou should reduce accordingl# the amount of sugar in
whiche%er recipes #ou are using.
4ndiluted Ribena is not readil# fermentable, because it
contains (ust o%er se%en pounds of sugar per gallon and is
preser%ed with 9=? parts per million '.:/either of which is
capable of pre%enting fermentation.
.b%iousl#, our aim when making wine with Ribena will be to
reduce the amount of sugar to about three and a half pounds
per gallon, b# using half Ribena and half water. 0n doing
this, we shall reduce the '.: preser%ati%e to around F>=
parts per million. )his amount is unlikel# to pre%ent
fermentation, though it could do so.
,# trials with ribena were carried out with the abo%e point
borne in mind and it will be seen that 0 began with a good
deal less than e!ual parts or Ribena and water, graduall#
bringing them up to e!ual parts.
;ecause 0 did not want to o%erwork the #east b# gi%ing it too
much sugar to work on at the start, and because 0 wanted to
reduce the '.: content to below F>= parts per million
6without heating with the risk of spoiling the fla%or of the
s#rup7, 0 decided to work to the following method. )he
method, incidentall#, met with the appro%al of K. . '.
+harle#, ;.;+., "2.D., technical director of the Ro#al
Forest# factor# of the ;eecham group and one/time director of
the ong $shton Research 'tation, ;risto.
$ll water used in the process was first boiled and allowed to
cool naturall#.
')$GE F:
)wo bottles of Ribena were diluted with twice the amount of
water 6four Ribena bottles full7. -east in the form of a
nucleus was added and the mixture allowed to ferment for ten
')$GE ::
$fter ten da#s* fermentation, two bottles of ribena and one
Ribena bottle of water were added and the mixture allowed to
ferment for a further ten da#s.
')$GE 9:
$fter a total of twent# da#s* fermentation, two bottles of
Ribena and one more bottle of water were added. Fermentation
was then allowed to carr# on to completion, taking, in all,
three months.
)he result was a good, round wine fla%ored delightfull# but
not too strongl# of fresh blackcurrants.
$t stage 9 it was borne in mind that, while most of the '.:
would ha%e been dri%en off during fermentation b# adding
those last two bottles, 0 was, in effect, bringing the total
'.: content up to F>= parts per million. fearing that the
#east might be (ust a little weakened at this stage 0 decided
to dri%e off the '.: in the last two bottles b# raising the
temperature of the to >? deg. +. 0f #ou want to do this and
ha%e no suitable thermometer, stand the bottles in a saucepan
of water and slowl# raise the temperature until the Ribena in
the bottles has increased in %olume enough to reach the rims
of the bottles. )he temperature is high enough to dri%e off
the '.: and the heat should be cut off at once. )he caps of
the bottles must be remo%ed before heating. )he whole of
fermentation was carried out in narrow/necked bottles plugged
with cotton wool, fermentation locks being fitted after ten
da#s. Racking was not carried out until one month after the
last addition. ,onthl# racking followed until fermentation
ceased. E%en at this earl# stage the wine was nice to drink,
but it had impro%ed %astl# at the age of six months.
$t first it might seem expensi%e to make wine with Ribena,
but against the cost one should set the fact that no sugar
need be added and that one has a top/!ualit# product all
read# for the (ob in hand. $part from this, there is no
expensi%e fruit to bu#, no mess# crushing/in fact nothing
much to do at all. $nd, most important of all, Ribena has
been treated with a pectin/destro#ing en3#me, which means
that #ou could boil it if #ou wished without fear of pectin
clouding the finished wines. 'uch boiling would, of course,
dri%e off the '.: and gi%e #ou a wine fla%ored slightl# to
cooked blackcurrants.
0t will be seen that a sweeter wine ma# be made b# using one
bottle more of Ribena or one less of water, while a dr# wine
would result if less Ribena were used. $ dr# wine would lack
the fuller fla%our, but this would be offset to some extent
b# to dr#ness.
0f eight bottles of Ribena are made into one gallon b# adding
water, the gallon will contain roughl# four pounds of sugar
and the e!ui%alent of four pounds of blackcurrants. )his
amount of fruit is ample for a gallon of wine and, pro%ided
one likes a fairl# sweet wine, this proportion of sugar to
fruit is not too much. .n the whole, 0 feel that se%en
bottles of Ribena would be the limit #ou could use to make a
gallon of wine without it being too sweet.
0t will be clear that m# trials with Ribena, using six
bottles to make (ust under a gallon of wine, ha%e been most
successful and 0 do urge readers to ha%e a go.
$ point to bear in mind is that a good light wine is often
made with as little as two pounds of blackcurrants to the
gallon, therefore, if #ou made four bottles of Ribena into a
gallon of *must*, #ou would ha%e used the e!ui%alent of two
pounds of blackcurrants and two pounds of sugar. )his would
gi%e #ou a wine of about twel%e percent of alcohol b# %olume.
'uch a wine would be dr#, but b# adding half a pound of sugar
during the process #ou would get a sweeter wine of one or two
percent more alcohol.
EL)R$+) )4).R0$
)his chapter shows how easil# wines the fla%or of world
famous li!ueurs and other commercial products ma# be added
with the minimum of utensils and labor8 indeed, this is
probabl#, if not decidedl#, the simplest the least
troublesome and the most rewarding of all ad%entures into
0n what are known as )*5oirot Extracts we ha%e a readil#
prepared ingredient and, as will be seen in the recipes, no
preparation is needed, the stuff is read# to use.
-ou might get a decent imported wine or ;ritish wine at se%en
and six a bottle, but #ou will ne%er be able to bu# wines
with the fla%our of these world/famous li!ueurs at an# price,
and certainl# not for thirt# cents a bottle/all the# will
cost #ou to make. 5or will #ou e%er bu# Kermouth at less
than fift# cents a bottle8 the Kermouth recipe alone,
then, must be worth a fortune to an#bod# who likes Kermouth.
When making these wines do please use good #east and
nutrient, for the results obtained in this wa# will surpass
an# #ou can hope to achie%e b# using bakers* #east and no
0t will be seen in the recipes that 0 ha%e included in%ert
sugar because this gi%es the best results here. 0n%ert sugar
contains a little acid and this is essential in wine/making
as we ha%e alread# seen. 0f #ou use household sugar, #ou
will ha%e to add the (uice of one lemon or one/eighth ounce
of citric acid to gi%e (ust the tin# amount of acid re!uired.
When adding the extract to the prepared s#rup 6sugar/water7,
make sure #ou get all of it out of the bottles.
When deciding which extract to use, #ou must first decide on
which #ou are likel# to prefer 6unless #ou know in ad%ance
and from experience that #ou like Kermouth or @irsh or cherr#
brand#7 and then choose that one. 0n this wa# #ou will make
a wine that might disappoint #ou/after all, not all tastes
are the same.
KER- 0,".R)$5): )he method we shall be using calls for adding
these %er# highl# concentrated fla%orings to
a %er# small amount of li!uid to begin with.
)he fla%or will be %er#, %er# strong, so do
not sample it, and the odor gi%en off might
strike people as not !uite pleasant. )his is
!uite natural, so do not be put off using
them because of this. $nd don*t take a
*sniff* of the wine during the earl# stages,
for the same reason.
)*5.0R.) EL)R$+)' $5D W2$) )2E- $RE ,$DE .F
)he following list contains the names of most of the )*5oirot
Extracts that we shall be using in this chapter and beside
each appears details of their contents. )he extracts are
scientificall# blended to gi%e fla%ors identical to the
world/famous li!ueurs of the same names. )hus #ou are
assured of the real thing and not a s#nthetic substitute.
)hese fla%orings are highl# concentrated and should not,
therefore, be (udged b# their odor. $n#one smelling the raw
undiluted material or sampling the wines made from the
extracts is likel# to imagine that something is not !uite
right. Do not pa# an# attention to the strength or pungenc#
of the odor and do not sample an# wines being made from the
extract until fermentation has almost ceased. E%en at this
stage it is not wise to tr# to (udge the wine. Wait, 0
implore #ou, until fermentation has ceased altogether and the
wine has been clear for at least a month. $s with all other
wines, the fla%or impro%es immensel# with age. 0 am able to
speak from first/hand experience because 0 ha%e been making
wines with these extracts, and 0 can assure #ou in absolute
sincerit# that each extract makes a wine identical in fla%or
to the world/famous commercial li!ueur the name of which it
$nd let me (ust add that the oil of (uniper mentioned in
other parts of this book is an extract of (uniper
berries/(uniper being an ornamental shrub grown a good deal
in this countr#.
0M4E4R GREE5 +.5KE5)
0M4E4R -E.W +.5KE5)
;oth distilled from plants growing in the high mountain
regions. )hese two established the now world/wide reputation
of )*5oirot.
+4R$+$., RED
+4R$+$., W20)E
)wo li!ueurs of Dutch origin distilled from small green
+2ERR- ;R$5D-
,ade from unfermented cherries.
$ li!ueur of German origin.
.f continental origin, extracted from carawa# seed. Wine
made from this extract would act as a stimulant of the
digesti%e organs.
Distilled from the famous orraine plum.
Distilled from the wild plum.
,an# of the extracts contain blends of bitter and aromatic
plants/Kermouth being a good example of this. We are all
well aware of the delicate fla%ors of the French and 0talian
Kermouths and will thus be enabled to appreciate the %alue of
all the )*5oirot Extracts, for the# bring us something !uite
uni!ue when it comes to making wines from them.
)hese extracts were not intended for the purpose to which 0
put them. ,aking wines from them instead of fruit or other
ingredients is m# own idea entirel# and 0 am proud to be the
originator of both the idea and of the recipes herein. 0 am
also proud to pass them on to m# readers all o%er the world.
$s will be seen in the recipes, 0 ha%e ad%ised carr#ing out
the entire fermentation in the gallon (ar, but if #ou would
prefer to ferment for the first ten da#s in a pol#thene pail
b# all means do so, but make certain it is co%ered as
directed earlier. 0f #ou do this, gi%e the li!uor a good
stir before putting it into the (ar otherwise some of the
deposit and a lot of fla%oring ma# be lost. Do not on an#
account di%ide the li!uor, sa#, into two half/gallon lots
because half/gallon (ars happen to be a%ailable. @eep it as
one until all fermentation has ceased. When this has
happened the clearer wine ma# be siphoned off the deposit
into another (ar and put awa# to clear. When clear, it
should be bottled.
W05E' FR., +0)R4' FR40)'
6,ake these Wines with ;akers* -east/Fresh7
<F. .R$5GE W05E:
)his is a delightful wine that de%elops a fla%or that can
readil# be likened to an orange/fla%ored whisk#.
F: large oranges, or their e!ui%alent, G lb. sugar, FH:
o3. #east, F gal. water, nutrient.
Drop the whole oranges into boiling water, and push each
one under the surface. )hen take them out and throw the
water awa#.
+ut the oranges into small pieces and pour o%er them half
a gallon of boiled water that has cooled. +o%er well,
and lea%e to soak for fort#/eight hours, crushing and
pressing the peel between the fingers to extract the oil
which gi%es a %er# special fla%our. )hen boil half the
sugar in a !uart of water for two minutes and when cooled
add this to the orange pulp. )hen add the #east and
nutrient. Ferment this in a warm place for fi%e da#s.
)hen crush, strain through fine muslin or other suitable
material and wring out dr#. Discard the pulp and return
the fermenting li!uor to the fermenting %essel, and allow
to ferment for a further ten da#s. +arefull# pour off
into a gallon (ar, lea%ing as much of the deposit behind
as #ou can.
)hen boil the rest of the water and sugar together and
when cool add to the rest. )hen fit fermentation lock or
co%er as directed and continue to ferment in a warm place
until all fermentation has ceased.
<:. E,.5 W05E:
)his wine is not ordinaril# mad to drink as a wine. 0t
is often made b# experienced wine makers for blending
with dried fruit wines which sometimes fall short of acid
re!uirement. ;ut more often it is made as a no%elt#. 0t
is particularl# suitable for making into lemon gin wine.
4se the abo%e directions for making orange wine/using
eight lemons instead of using oranges.
<9. GR$"EFR40) W05E:
)his is another acid wine, but man# people like it,
especiall# where a pound of raisins or dates are
fermented with the grapefruits.
4se eight large grapefruits following the orange wine
recipe abo%e. 0f #ou wish to add a pound of raisins or
dates do so as soon as #ou ha%e cutup the grapefruits and
ferment them with the rest for the first few da#s/until
straining time.
5.)E: 0f raisins or dates are used, use half a pound less
of sugar, because dried fruits contain approximatel#
fift# percent sugar.
<G. )$5GER05E W05E:
)his makes a reall# delightful wine and a man# tangerines
ma# be used as suits #ou/but do not use less than fifteen
or more then thirt#.
Dates or raisins ma# be used with this as well as in the
grapefruit recipe and the notes about this should be
followed if #ou want to add them. 2owe%er, 0 feel that
#ou would find the raw fruits more to #our liking.
Follow the directions for orange wine when making
tangerine wine.
F.WER W05E' $5D ,0'+E$5E.4' RE+0"E'
et me begin this chapter b# assuring #ou that one of the
lo%eliest wines 0 ha%e e%er tasted was made with gorse
flowers b# a member of the ;ourneouth Wine/,akers* +ircle.
)his 0 sampled while lecturing at the )own 2all there on the
occasion of the $mateur Wine/,akers* 'econd $nnual +onference
and 'how.
Flower wines, cannot, of course, be likened to an# other
homemade wine/or commercial wine/because their fla%ors are
uni!ue8 the# can onl# be described as delicatel# aromatic,
their bou!uet cannot be found in an# other wine.
)heir popularit# is lessened onl# b# the labor of collecting
the flowers8 but b# choosing a spot where the# abound, enough
for a gallon or two ma# be gathered in an hour.
+are is needed if we are to get the best from our
ingredients. When gathering the flowers it is best to use a
basket of ample si3e because crushing will damage the flowers
and we shall not get such a delightful wine.
$ll flowers should be gathered on a dr# da# but not
necessaril# on a sunn# one8 though it must be sunn# when
collecting dandelions otherwise the# are either closed or
half/closed and difficult to find. 0n their closed state
the# teem with insects which would get into the wine and
spoil it. Dandelions close when gathered but this does notB
matter. 0n fact it is a great help because we should use
onl# the petals of dandelions, and when the# are closed the
petals ma# be pulled out all together merel# b# holding the
head of the flower and pulling on the petals grouped
$lthough onl# petals should be used man# people make !uite
good dandelion wine b# using the whole heads, but 0 use
petals onl#.
)o achie%e the best result a wine #east should be used and
this ma# be an all/purpose wine #east. 0n%ert sugar should
not be used in these recipes because it is inclined to
slightl# alter the aroma of the flower and change the
delicate color of the wines made from recipes in this
;akers* #east is included in the recipe together with
household sugar8 those preferring to use a wine #east
*started* as directed ma#, of course, do so.
<=. G.R'E W05E:
= pts. gorse flowers, 9 lb. sugar, F gal. water, F o3.
#east, Fi%e pints is the minimum amount of gorse flowers
to use, #ou ma# use more if #ou wish/up to one gallon if
#ou can get them. .ther ingredients would remain the
"ut the flowers in the fermenting %essel and pour on half
a gallon of boiling water. +o%er and lea%e to soak for
three da#s, stirring each da# and co%ering again at once.
;oil half the sugar in a !uart of water for two minutes
and when this is cool add the flower mixture. )hen add
the #east and ferment for three da#s.
'train out the flowers and continue to ferment the li!uor
in the fermenting %essel for a further se%en da#s.
)hen pour into a gallon (ar, lea%ing as much of the
deposit behind as #ou can. ;oil the rest of the sugar in
the remaining water for two minutes and when cool add to
the rest. +o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock andB
continue to ferment until all fermentation has ceased.
5.)E: ,an# people prefer this when the (uice of one lemon
is added at the same time as the #east.
<<. +.KER W05E 64se onl# ,au%e +lo%er7:
9 !ts. clo%er heads, : lemons, 9 lb. sugar, F gal. water,
F o3. #east.
"ull off the petals b# gathering them between the fingers
whilst holding the base of the flower head. "ut the
petals in the fermenting %essel and pour on half a gallon
of boiling water. ea%e well co%ered for twel%e hours.
;oil half the sugar in a !uart of water for two minutes
and when cool add this to the rest. )hen add the #east
and ferment the mixture for se%en da#s.
'train our the flowers, but do not s!uee3e to hard, and
put the li!uor into a gallon (ar. )hen boil the rest of
the sugar in the remaining water and when cool add this
to the rest. +o%er or fit fermentation lock and lea%e
until all fermentation has ceased.
<>. D$5DE0.5 W05E:
F gal. flower heads with the tiniest piece of stalk, 9
lb. sugar, F o3. #east, F gal. water, : lemons.
Remo%e petals as directed for clo%er wine. "ut the
petals in the fermenting %essel and pour on three !uarts
of water/boiling and lea%e to soak for se%en da#s, well
'tir dail#, and co%er again at once. 'tain and wring out
fairl# tightl# and return the li!uor to the fermenting
%essel. ;oil half the sugar in a pint of water and when
cool add to the li!uor, then add the #east and the (uice
of two lemons.
+o%er as directed and ferment for se%en da#s. )hen pour
carefull# into a gallon (ar, lea%ing as mush deposit
behind as #ou can. $fter this, boil the rest of the
sugar in the remaining pint of water and when cool add to
the rest. +o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and
lea%e until all fermentation has ceased.
<I. +.)'F..) W05E:
F gal. coltsfoot flower, 9 lb. sugar, F gal. water, F o3.
"ull the petals off in the same wa# as for dandelions.
)he method for making this wine is identical to the
recipe for making dandelion wine.
<J. 2$W)2.R5 ;.''., W05E:
: !ts. of the flower, 9 FH: lb. sugar, F o3. #east and F
gal. water.
Gathered when the are about to drop the# ma# be shaken
off into the fermenting %essel.
)he method for making this wine is identical to the
recipe for making dandelion wine.
>?. EDER F.WER W05E:
F gal. flower, F gal. water, 9 FH: lb. sugar, F o3.
#east, : lemons.
;oil half the sugar in half a gallon of water and while
boiling pour o%er the flowers in the fermenting %essel.
$dd the (uice of the lemons and when the mixture is cool
add the #east. +o%er as directed and ferment for se%en
'train out the flowers and wring out well, but not too
dr#. "ut the strained li!uor in a gallon (ar.
;oil the rest of the sugar and water for two minutes and
when cool add to the rest. +o%er as directed or fit
fermentation lock and lea%e until all fermentation has
$nother %er# good elder flower wine ma# be made in
exactl# the same wa# as the abo%e using onl# fi%e pints
of the flowers with three pounds of sugar, two lemons, F
o3. #east and one gallon water.
>F. R.'E "E)$ W05E:
.ne of the most delightful of all flower wines. )he
petals of roses of %arious colors ma# be used in one lot
of wine, but if #ou ha%e enough of, sa#, both red and
#ellow for a separate lot of each, do keep them separate.
9 !ts. rose petals 6strongl# scented if possible7, F gal.
water, 9 lb. sugar, F o3. #east, : lemons.
"our half a gallon of boiling water o%er the petals in
the fermenting %essel, co%er well and lea%e for
fort#/eight hours, stirring often.
;oil half the sugar in a !uart of water for two minutes
and when this is cool add to the petal mixture and
ferment for three da#s.
'train and wring out well, and return the li!uor to the
fermenting %essel and let it ferment for a further ten
"our the li!uor into a gallon (ar, lea%ing as much of the
deposit behind as #ou can. )hen boil the rest of the
sugar and water as before and when cool add to the rest
together with the (uice of the lemons. +o%er again as
directed or fit fermentation lock and lea%e until all
fermentation has ceased.
>:. )E$ W05E:
,an# wine/makers sa%e left/o%ers from the teapot until
the# ha%e enough to make a gallon of wine, but 0 find
that the fla%our of the wine is somewhat impaired when
this is done. ;etter to make a gallon of weak tea and to
start straight off. Don*t be tempted to make strong tea
for this purpose otherwise #ou will ha%e too much tannin
in the wine.
I teaspoonsful of tea, F gal. water, F lb. raisins, (uice
of : lemons, 9 lb. sugar, F o3. #east.
,ake tea in the ordinar# wa# using eight teaspoonfuls and
a !uart of water. et it stand undisturbed for ten
minutes, and then strain into the fermenting %essel.
;oil half the sugar in half a gallon of water for two
minutes and when cool add this to the tea. )hen add the
raisins and finel# sliced lemons and their (uice. $dd
the #east and ferment for ten da#s, stirring dail#.
'train into a gallon (ar. )hen boil the rest of the
sugar in the remainder of the water for two minutes and
when cool add this to the rest. +o%er as directed or fit
fermentation lock and lea%e to ferment in a warm place
until all fermentation has ceased.B
>9. 0,0)$)0.5 )0$ ,$R0$:
0 am not fond of this m#self, but 0 know of a good man#
people who are and who make this wine !uite regularl#.
)he best plan is to make either eas# potato wine or eas#B
parsnip wine, and when this has ceased fermenting fla%or
it with freshl# made coffee or one of the proprietar#
brands of essence. ;ut do this %er# carefull# as it is
eas# to o%erdo it, thus spoiling the fla%our.
>G. R.'E 20" W05E:
.ne of the finest of all home/made wines8 its fla%our is
uni!ue and it has bod# and bou!uet that take a lot of
matching. Rose hips abound in earl# autumn and it
matters not whether the# are gathered from #our own rose
trees or from the hedgerows. )he# should not be used
until the# ha%e taken on their winter coat or red or
orange according to the t#pe.
G lb. rose hips, 9 lb. sugar, F gal. water, F o3. #east.
Wash the hips well in half a gallon of water in which one
+ampden tablet has been dissol%ed. +rush the hips with a
mallet or chop them. "ut them in the fermenting %essel
and pour on half a gallon of boiling water. ;oil half
the sugar in a !uart of water for two minutes and when
cooled a little add to the rest. $dd the #east and
ferment the pulp for se%en da#s.
)hen strain out the solids and put the strained li!uor
into a gallon (ar. ;oil the rest of the sugar in the
remaining water for two minutes and allow to cool well
before adding to the rest. +o%er as directed or fit
fermentation lock and lea%e to ferment in a warm place
until all fermentation has ceased.
W05E' FR., DR0ED 2ER;'
0n case the ad%antages of making wines from dried herbs do
not immediatel# become e%ident, let me explain that the town
and cit# dweller 6and countr#man, too, for that matter7 ma#
make all the old fa%ourite wines of Grann#*s da# for next to
nothing. "racticall# no work is in%ol%ed because, unlike
fresh fruits which ha%e to be gathered and roots that ha%e to
be scrubbed, grated and boiled, suitable packets of herbs are
a%ailable read# to use. 0n cases, man# town and cit#
dwellers might well know of the old countr# wines and wish
that the# could make them/ indeed, the# ma# well ha%e li%ed
in the countr# and tasted the wines made from the fresh
herbs8 dandelion, sage, coltsfoot, mint, balm, #arrow, and
countless others.
"eople li%ing in large towns like +o%entr# and ;irmingham
ha%e written to me asking about this field of winemaking, for
the# recall their earl# da#s when *,um* used to make what
the# now describe as *reall# wonderful wines form lea%es she
used to collect from the fields all round where we used to
Dried herbs normall# cost less than twent# cents per packet
and such a packet is usuall# more than enough for a gallon of
wine. )he actual amount of the dried article ma# be %aried
according to personal tastes, but usuall# two ounces is
enough for one gallon, and this amount rarel# costs %er#
much. 0 ha%e found that the packets of herbs supplied b#
2eath and 2eather td., of 't. $lbans, 2ertfordshire
6branches in man# towns7, are usuall# suitable for one gallon
of wine/though the amount in each packet %aries slightl# with
the %ariet# of herb.
)hose who know their herbs well enough to gather them fresh
from the garden or field or hedgerow ma# do so, of course,
but it must be borne in mind that one needs at least one
pound of the fresh plant to get the e!ui%alent of two ounces
of the dried. 0t is most important on should be expert at
identification because man# health/gi%ing herbs bear a
striking resemblance to others which ha%e pro%ed themsel%es
to be deadl# poisonous. ;# bu#ing read# packeted herbs such
risks are done awa# with, and 2ealth and 2eather td. will
send to an#one free on application their book of herbs.
0n some of the recipes which follow the addition of raisins
or wheat, or both, is recommended, while 0 would stress that
their use is !uite optional, 0 do strongl# ad%ise readers to
use them where the# are specified unless the# know in ad%ance
that the# prefer wines made without them. )he use of raisins
or wheat, or both, adds bod# and bou!uet where these
properties ma# be lacking. $s #ou will ha%e guessed, theB
herb gi%es onl# fla%our/apart from its known medicinal
properties/and some aroma, but does not gi%e the same amount
of bou!uet as a full# fla%ored fruit8 wheat and raisins help
in this respect. $s with root wines, the addition of acid is
necessar# an this wa# ma# be added as citric acid at the rate
of a !uarter/ounce per gallon or as the (uice of two large
lemons/whiche%er suits #ou best.
$ nutrient is also necessar# for the same reasons as ha%e
alread# been described earl# in this book.
)he amounts of sugar in the recipes are those generall# used,
but readers now know that the# make their herb wines dr#
merel# b# reducing the amount of sugar according to their
0t should be borne in mind that while we use a gallon of
water, and while the sugar, occupies space at the rate of a
!uart to e%er# four pounds, we shall arri%e back at the
gallon of wine aimed at because there will be some loss
during boiling, lost of most of the sugar which will be
fermented out and some small wastage when transferring to
other bottles. $ little less sugar is use in these recipes
as compared with fresh fruit wines8 this is because there is
no acidit# or astringenc# to balance, as is often the case
where fruit wines are made.
)he amount of herbs gi%en in the recipes are the amounts
usuall# used and 0 ad%ise readers to use them to begin with.
ater, sa# when fermentation has nearl# ceased, the# ma#
sample for strength of fla%our8 if the# feel the# would like
it stronger, a little more of the herb ma# be added, but this
should not be necessar#.
.n the other hand, if the fla%our happens to be a little too
strong a pint or two or boiled and cooled water ma# be added
to dilute the strength or fla%or. )his will increase the
o%erall amount of wine so that the amount of sugar added will
not be enough for the increased amount. )herefore, when
boiling the additional water, with it three to four ounces of
sugar to each pint and then add this s#rup slowl#, taking
samples until the strength of fla%our is right. )he recipes
in this chapter ha%e been gi%en to me b# friends. )he trials
0 ha%e carried out with them ha%e pro%en most satisfactor#
and 0 know readers will be pleased with the results. $s will
be seen most recipes call for two ounces of herb, but it will
be found that the one/and/sixpenn# packets of dried herbs
from 2ealth and 2eather will suffice in all but exceptional
cases, where, for example, a %er# strong fla%our is re!uired.
Where @ola nuts are used, a tenpenn# packet is enough.
$ll dried herbs ma# be obtained from most chemists, but
sometimes their stock is likel# to be a little old. 2ealth
and 2eather deal in this field to such a large extent that
their herbs can be relied upon to gi%e the best results.
$lternati%el# get them from a reliable herbalist if #ou ha%e
one in #our localit#.
)he following method is suitable for all recipes in this
emons and oranges should be peeled, the fruit broken up and
added and the peel discarded.
,E)2.D: "ut all the ingredients 6except sugar and #east7 in a
pol#thene pail and pour on half a gallon of boiling
water, lea%e for two or three hours co%ered as
directed. )hen boil half the sugar in a !uart or
water or two minutes and add this to the rest while
still boiling. ,ix well, and when cool enough add
the #east and nutrient. +o%er again and ferment in a
pail in a warm place for ten da#s, stirring dail# and
co%ering again at once.
$fter ten da#s, strain out the solids and wring out
as dr# as #ou can, and put the strained li!uor into a
gallon glass bottle. ;oil the other half of the
sugar in the remaining !uart of water for two
minutes. When cool add this to the rest. +o%er as
directed or fit with a fermentation lock and continue
to ferment in a warm place until all fermentation has
>=. ;$, W05E:
: o3. dried balm lea%es, : lemons, 9 lb. sugar, F gal.
water, #east and nutrient.
><. "$R'E- W05E:
: o3. dried parsle#, F o3. dried mint, 6or FH: o3., fresh
mint7, FH: o3. dried sage 6red7, F gal. water, : oranges,
: lemons, 9 lb. sugar, 6or 9 9HG lb. in%ert7, #east and
>>. ;R.., W05E:
: o3. dried broom flowers, : lemons, F lb. raisins, : FH:
lb. sugar 6or 9 FHG lb. in%ert7, #east and nutrient.
>I. D$,0@.$ W05E:
: o3. dried damiana lea%es, F o3. kola nuts, FH: o3.
dried red sage, F lb. raisins, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG lb.
in%ert7, : lemons, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
>J. '$GE W05E:
9 o3. dried sage, F lb.raisins, F o3. dried mint, F lb.
wheat, : lemons, : FH: lb. sugar 6or 9 FHG lb. in%ert7,
#east and nutrient, F gal. water.
I?. -$RR.W W05E:
: to 9 o3. of dried #arrow flowers, : lemons, : oranges,
9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG lb. in%ert7, F gal. water, #east
IF. +$R- W05E:
9 to G o3. clar# flowers, F lb. raisins, : lemons, 9 lb.
sugar 6or 9 9HG lb. in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and
I:. ;4R5E) W05E:
9 o3. burnet herb, F lb. raisins, F lb. wheat, : oranges,
: lemons, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG lb. in%ert7, F gal.
water, #east and nutrient.
0 do strongl# ad%ise #ou to experiment with half gallon lots
of these and to add tin# amounts of aniseed or li!uorice as
fermentation nears completion. 0f #ou do this with %ar#ing
amounts of herbs #ou must not let the total weight of the
herbs exceed four ounces to the gallon of wine being made. 0
reali3e, of course, that a beginner cannot ha%e an# definite
plan for blending because he will not be familiar with the
fla%ors gi%en to the wines b# the %arious herbs. 0f #ou
accidentall# spoil the fla%our of a wine b# tr#ing to impro%e
it, #ou ma# dilute with sugar/water, and while fermentation
is still going on, add other herbs to the the fla%our #ou are
aiming at. 0f #ou happen to find that the fla%our is notB
!uite strong enough #ou ma# suspend a bag of herbs in the
fermenting *must* until #ou get the strength of fla%our #ou
want. $nd this ma# be tested at few/da# inter%als b#
5o matter how man# #ears #ou ma# ha%e been making wines and
no matter how man# different %arieties #ou ha%e made, it will
be clear from the number of recipes in this book that there
are plent# #ou ha%e not tried #our hand at. 2owe%er, do not
be tempted to make thirt# or fort# different %arieties on a
grand scale. ,ake, sa#, half a do3en build lots with recipes
and fruit #ou are familiar with, and experiment with half
gallon lots. 0n this wa# #ou will alwa#s ha%e a nice stock
and if an# particular experiment goes wrong or perhaps does
not turn out !uite as hoped, little will be lost.
W05E' FR., DR0ED FR40)' $5D GR$05
)he making of wines from grain and dried fruits is a boom to
the townsman who finds these ingredients easil# obtainable
and the# make good wines. ,ixtures of dried fruit and grains
make for strong, full# fla%ored, but not too full# fla%ored
wines which, when not made too sweet, are often likened to
whiske#s and brandies. )he# need time to mature or reach
their best/two #ears is not too long, though at one #ear old
the# are %er# excellent wines. $s with root wines the
addition of some acid is necessar# here 6see root wines7, and
this is put into the *must* in the form of oranges and
,ost dried fruit is hea%il# sulphited to pre%ent
fermentation, and most wheat or other grain has been in
contact with all sorts of dirt, dust and bacteria. )herefore
the# must be well cleansed before use. ;reak up the raisins
and drop them into boiling water. $s soon as the water boils
again cut off the heat, strain the raisins and throw the
water awa#. )he raisins are then read# to use. Do the same
with wheat or other grain, but use a separate saucepan8 the#
are then read# to use.
,ost recipes for fruit wines allow for tannin in the fruits
to be gi%en into the *must*. )his tannin forms an important
part of the fla%our of the wine/though few people reali3e it.
;ut the# soon know when there is too much because the wine
takes on the fla%our or *tang* of strong unsweetened tea.
)he little tannin gi%en to fruit wines is usuall# (ust the
right amount.
0n the ordinar# wa# there is no tannin present in dried
fruitwines. )herefore it is as well to add one tablespoonful
of freshl# made tea/not too strong/to make good this
deficienc#. 'pecial grape tannin is a%ailable, but tea is a
cheap and hand# source of which we might as well make use.
)he addition of tea is included in the recipes.
I9. +$5$D0$5 W20'@-:
: lb. wheat, : lb. raisins, F lemon, G oranges, 9 lb.
sugar, F o3. #east, = !ts. water, F tablespoonful of
freshl# made tea.
;oil half the water with half the sugar for one minute
and then pour on the wheat and raisins. "ut the lot into
the fermenting %essel and s!uee3e in the (uice of the
lemon. +ut up the oranges and their peel and put these
with the rest. Work the orange peel between the fingers
to press out the oil/much fla%our is obtained form this.
When cool add the #east and ferment for ten da#s. )hen
strain out the solids and wring out as dr# as #ou can andB
put the strained li!uor into a gallon (ar with a
tablespoonful of freshl# made tea.
;oil the rest of the sugar and water of one minute and
when this is cool add to the rest. +o%er as directed or
fit fermentation lock and lea%e until all fermentation
has ceased.
IG. ;R$KER-*' .W5 '+.)+2:
)his is another recipe that has become well known amongst
wine makers throughout the countr#.
F FH: lb. wheat, F FH: lb. raisins, G oranges, 9 FH: lb.
sugar, F o3. #east, J pts. water, and F tablespoonful of
freshl# made strong tea.
"repare the wheat raisins as alread# ad%ised and put them
in the fermenting %essel with the sliced oranges and
their peel.
;oil half the sugar in three !uarts of water for two
minutes and pour this o%er the material in the fermenting
%essel. ,ix well and when cool add the #east. +o%er as
directed and ferment for se%en da#s, stirring well each
da# and co%ering again at once. 'train and wring out dr#
and put the strained li!uor into a gallon (ar with the
tea. )hen boil the rest of the sugar in the remaining
three pints of water for two minutes and when cool add to
the rest. +o%er again as directed or fit fermentation
lock and lea%e until all fermentation has ceased.
I=. R$0'05 W05E:
9 lb. raisins, 9 lemons, : lb. sugar, J pts. water, F o3.
#east, F tablespoonful of freshl# made tea.
ess sugar than usual is re!uired here because the large
amount of raisins will gi%e a lot of sugar to the
wine // which will not be dr#. For a dr# raisin wine use
onl# one and a !uarter pound of sugar.
"ut the raisins and the sliced lemons and the tea in the
fermenting %essel. ;oil all the sugar in all the water
6or half the water at a time if #our saucepan is on the
small side7, and add the rest while boiling. When cool,
add the #east and ferment for fourteen da#s, stirring
dail# and co%ering again at once.
'train and wring out as dr# as #ou can and put the
strained li!uor into a gallon (ar. +o%er as directed or
fit fermentation lock and lea%e until all fermentation
has ceased.
I<. "R45E ".R):
< lb. prunes, : lemons, 9 FH: lb. sugar, J pts. water, F
o3. #east. 6no tea in this one.7
Wash the prunes in water in which one +ampden tablet has
been dissol%ed and put them in the fermenting %essel.
;oil two pounds sugar in se%en pints water and pour o%er
the fruit while boiling. $llow to cool and add the
#east. +o%er and ferment for ten da#s, crushing well
each da# as soon as the fruit has become soft.
$fter ten da#s, crush well and strain out the solids.
Wring out as dr# as #ou can and put the strained li!uor
in a gallon (ar.
;oil the rest of the sugar in the remaining two pints of
water and when cool add the the rest. +o%er as directed
or fit fermentation lock and lea%e until all fermentation
has ceased.
I>. +4RR$5) W05E:
5o lemons are re!uired here as currants contain
sufficient acid, neither is tea re!uired.
G lb. currants, F lb. raisins, : 9HG lb. sugar, F o3.
#east, J pts. water.
"repare the currants b# the method gi%en for prunes in
the pre%ious recipe, and put in the fermenting %essel.
;oil half the sugar 6or roughl# half7 in se%en pints
water for two minutes and pour on to the currants at
once. $llow to cool and add the #east. +o%er as
directed and ferment for twel%e da#s, crushing and
co%ering again each da#.
$fter twel%e da#s, strain out the solids and wring out as
dr# as #ou can and put the strained li!uor into a gallon
;oil the rest of the sugar in the remaining two pints of
water for two minutes and when cool add to the rest.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and lea%e
until all fermentation has ceased.
II. DR0ED $"R0+.) W05E:
)his is a reall# delightful pale gold wine that most
people like as a dr# wine. 'ee *ow/$lcohol Wines for
the adies*.
< lb. dried apricots, w oranges, 9 FH: lb. sugar, J pts.
water, F o3. #east, F tablespoonful of freshl# made tea.
"ut the apricots in the fermenting %essel with the cut/up
oranges and their peel. Fold the orange peel and s!uee3e
to get as much oil out of it as #ou can.B
;oil two pounds of sugar in se%en pints of water for two
minutes and pour o%er the fruits while still boiling.
$llow to cool and add the #east. +o%er as directed and
ferment for ten da#s, crushing b# hand each da# and
co%ering again at once.
$fter ten da#s, strain and wring out as dr# as #ou can an
put the strained li!uor in the gallon (ar. ;oil the
remaining sugar in the last two pints of water for two
minutes and when cool add to the rest, and then add the
tea. +o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and
lea%e until all fermentation has ceased.
IJ. D$)E W05E:
)his wine has %er# little fla%our of its own, therefore
lemons and oranges must be added to gi%e a nice fla%our,
and the amount of oranges here will make it into a lo%el#
2owe%er, if #ou want a wine of little fla%our for some
special purpose, sa#, blending with one that has too much
fla%or or for fla%oring as #ou wish with an extract or
whate%er #ou ma# ha%e in mind, use no oranges at all.
9 lb. of packeted or loose dates, F lemons, < oranges
6see note7, : lb. sugar, J pts. water, F o3. #east F
tablespoonful of freshl# made tea.
)he method of preparing ingredients and for making this
wine is identical to that gi%en in the recipe for making
dried apricot wine.
J?. "R45E $5D R$0'05 K05)$GE:
9 lb. prunes, F lb. raisins, F lb. wheat, : lemons, :
oranges, 9 lb. sugar, J pts. water, F o3. #east.
"repare the raisins, prunes and wheat as has alread# been
ad%ised and put them with the sliced oranges and lemons
in the fermenting %essel.
;oil half the sugar in se%en pints water for two minutes
and pour o%er the ingredients while still boiling. $llow
to cool and add the #east.
+o%er as directed and ferment the mixture for ten da#s,
crushing well each da# and stirring up the wheat andB
co%ering again at once.
$fter ten da#s, strain out the solids, and wring out as
dr# as #ou can and put the strained li!uor in a gallon
(ar. ;oil the rest of the sugar in the remaining two
pints of water and when cool add to the rest. +o%er as
directed or fit fermentation lock and lea%e until all
fermentation has ceased.
JF. 0R0'2 W20'@E-:
: lb. wheat, F lb. raisins, F lb. potatoes, : lemons, G
oranges, F o3. #east, 9 lb. sugar, J pts. water.
"repare the wheat and raisins as has alread# been
directed and put them in the fermenting %essel with the
sliced lemons and oranges.
'crub, grate and boil the potatoes in fi%e pints of water
for not more than ten minutes, taking off all scum that
rises. ;oil gentl# for a little longer if scum still
rises at the end of ten minutes until no more scum
rises/taking off e%er# bit of it.
'train this hot li!uid o%er the ingredients in the
fermenting %essel and throw the potatoes awa#. )hen boil
half the sugar in two pints of water for two minutes and
add to the rest. $llow to cool, add the #east and
ferment the mixture ten da#s co%ered as directed.
$fter ten da#s, strain and wring out dr# and put the
strained li!uor into a gallon glass (ar. ;oil the rest
of the sugar in the remaining two pints of water and when
cool add this to the rest. +o%er as directed or fit
fermentation lock and lea%e until all fermentation has
5.)E: 0maginati%e readers will be !uick to notice that %aried
amounts of ingredients make %er# different t#pes of
wines and the# ma# wonder whether the# can in%ent a
recipe to suit themsel%es. )he# can. $lmost an#
recipe in this chapter ma# be %aried to suit indi%idual
tastes, or it ma# be modified and other ingredients or
fla%orings added. )ake care when altering recipes not
to use too much of an# particular kind so that #our
o%erall amount of ingredients would exceed six pounds,
otherwise the wine will be spoiled.
W05E' FR., GR$"E'
0n the ordinar# wa#, recipes for wines made entirel# from
grapes are not a practicable proposition. )his is because
grapes are merel# crushed and fermented without either sugar
or water being added. "ro%ided #ou ha%e enough grapes,
making wines from them is the simplest winemaking of all/that
is, of course, pro%ided the# are full# ripe. 'mall unpruned
bunches often contain a lot of small unde%eloped fruits
between the large (uic# ones and these must be remo%ed
before the bunches are crushed. )he whole bunches, stalk as
well, are used as these add something to the wine. )he #east
forming the bloom on #our grapes ma# be the kind that will
make excellent wine, but we cannot be sure of this owing to
the near/certaint# that wild #east and bacteria are present
with it. $s we ha%e seen in pre%ious chapters, we must
destro# these #easts and bacteria and add #easts of our
choice to make the wine for us.
-ou will need at least twent# pounds of grapes to be assured
of a gallon of wine/and this amount ma# not make one gallon
of wine, though it make make one gallon of strained *must*.
)herefore the more grapes #ou ha%e the better.
0f enough grapes are a%ailable, the process is as follows:
,E)2.D: "ut all grapes in a suitable %essel and crush them,
making sure each grape is crushed. ,easure as near
as #ou can or (udge as accuratel# as possible the
amount of pulp #ou ha%e and to each gallon allow one
+ampden tablet or four grains of sodium
metabisulphite. Dissol%e this in an eggcupful of
warm water and stir into the pulp and lea%e forB
twent#/four hours.
$fter this, gi%e the mixture a thorough mixing and
churning and then add the #east. )he mixture should
then be left to ferment for fi%e da#s.
Following this, the pulp should be strained through a
strong coarse cloth to pre%ent bursting and wrung out
as dr# as #ou can. )he li!uor should then be put
into (ars and fermented the same wa#s as other wines.
$ good plan when doing this is to mix a !uart of water with
grape pulp and to crush this well to get as much from the
skins as #ou can. 0f #ou do this, #ou must add one pound of
sugar and dissol%e it b# warming the (uice (ust enough for
this purpose. )his thinner (uice ma# be mixed with the rest
but before the better !ualit# (uice is put into (ars.
Where grapes onl# are used with water 6as suggested abo%e7 it
must be borne in mind that to get enough alcohol for a stable
wine we must ha%e between two and two and a half pounds of
sugar to the gallon. Duice crushed from grapes rarel#
contains this much, therefore it would be wise to add one
pound when the fruit is crushed and before the (uice is put
into (ars. 0f the wine turns out dr#, it ma# be sweetened.
We ma# use a h#drometer to find the sugar content so that we
know how much to add to gi%e the amount of alcohol we need,
but this is not for beginners without pre%ious experiences in
this sort of thing. )he better plan is to follow m#
suggestions abo%e, and if the wine is dr# to sweeten it and
then preser%e it with +ampden tablets or metabisulphite as
directed in chapter six.
'ince the color comes from the skins, if we want a red wine
from black grapes we ferment the skins as directed earlier in
this chapter. $ white wine from black grapes is made b#
crushing the grapes and pressing out the (uice and fermenting
the (uice onl#. )he difference in the process alread#
described is that instead of fermenting the skin for fi%e
da#s, the (uice is pressed out after it has been allowed to
soak for twent#/four hours.
0f #ou happen to be making some of the fruit wine such as
elderberr#, plum, blackberr# or damson, at the same time as
making grape wine, it would be a good idea to put the
strained fruit pulp which would otherwise be discarded into
the *must* of the other fruit and let it ferment there. ;ut
do not alter the fermentation times of the other recipe that
#ou are using for the other fruit.
0f an abundance of grapes is not a%ailable the following
recipes will be found especiall# %aluable. )he methods to
use are those gi%en for making the %arious fresh fruit wines
in chapter two. ;ear in mind that the grapes must be
fermented when a red wine is re!uired whilst the (uice onl#
is fermented when a white wine is re!uired. )his applies to
black grapes, of course8 #ou can do an#thing #ou like with
those called amber or the green ones.
J:. W05E' FR., GR$"E':
RE+0"E F
J to F: lb. grapes, : lb. raisins, : !ts water, /lb.
sugar, port #east or burgund# #east.
RE+0"E :
I to F? lb. grapes, : lb. prunes, : !ts. water, : lb.
sugar, port or burgund# #east.
RE+0"E 9
F? lb. black grapes, F lb. prunes, : lb. raisins, F FH:
lb. sugar, G !ts. water, port or burgund# #east.
RE+0"E G
F? lb. grapes, : lb. elderberries, G pts water, : lb.
sugar, port or burgund# #east.
RE+0"E =
I lb. grapes, < lb. damsons or red plums, : lb. sugar, :
!ts. water, port or burgund# #east.
5.)E: .wing to the difficult# in getting (uice from plums
and damsons, the pulp must be fermented for a time,
so it is not practicable to ferment the (uice onl#
in this recipe.
RE+0"E <
I to F? lb. grapes, : lb. blackberries, G pts. water,
port or burgund# #east, : lb. sugar.
5.)E: 5utrient is not needed because the grape (uice
pro%ides sufficient.
0n m# grandmother*s da# brand# cost about fift# cents a
bottle 6now we know what is meant b# &the good old da#s&7 and
her recipes call for gallons of the stuff as casuall# as
toda#*s call for one measl# bottle.
5e%ertheless, one bottle of gin, whisk# or brand# will gi%e
two bottles of the finished product with a high precentage of
alcohol to half the cost of the commercial product.
;efore going on to the recipes, let me explain that a
homemade wine usuall# has alcohol content of fourteen percent
b# %olume 6approximatel# :G proof7. 'uch a wine will keep
well because this amount of alcohol is usuall# high enough to
destro# souring #east and the bacteria which causes
%inegariness immediatel# when it comes in contact with them.
)hus it will be seen that a nice precentage of alcohol acts
as its own preser%ati%e.
)he alcohol content of commercial wines rarel# exceeds twent#
percent b# %olume 6approximatel# 9= proof78 more often the#
range between fourteen percent b# %olume 6approximatel# :G
proof7 and nineteen percent 6approximatel# 99 proof7, which
is a high percentage of alcohol. +learl#, then, we could
%er# well dilute the >? proof gin 6fort# percent b# %olume7
to 9= proof 6twent# percent b# %olume7 b# making one bottle
into two bottles and still ha%e a %er# strong sloe gin.
Whisk# and rum could be similarl# treated, while brand# might
well be diluted e%en more owing to its higher spirit content.
;ear in mind that it would be unwise to reduce the proof toB
below 9?. )he best plan to start with is to make one bottle
into two as the recipes ad%ise or make half a bottle into a
whole bottle b# using half of e%er#thing in the recipes.
-ou could make three or four bottles from one bottle of the
spirit if #ou were proposing to use it up fairl# !uickl#,
such as at a part# or o%er the three da# +hristmas.
5aturall#, we shall be diluting the fla%ors of the spirits we
are using, but we shall be adding the fla%ors of our choice
to counter/balance this. 0n an# case, the commercial spirits
mentioned abo%e are rarel# drunk meat. Whisk# is usuall#
diluted with water 6which in m# opinion is nigh on a crime7
or ginger of soda, while run is often diluted with peppermint
or orange cordial. Gin is usuall# diluted with lemon or
orange cordial to make the popular gin and orange, etc. $nd
in most cases the spirit is diluted to one/third of its
%olume. )herefore, the proof spirit content of the whisk#
and soda or gin and orange ser%ed o%er the bar has been
reduced to about :9 proof. the sloe gin we shall be making
with these recipes will be 9= proof while the cherr# brand#
will be G? proof. ;ear in this in mind while drinking them
other wise #ou will finish up under the table in double!uick
0f #ou happen to ha%e some home/made sloe wine, damson wine,
orange wine, cherr# wine or some other sort of home/made
wine, #ou ma# emplo# one bottle of the spirits to make more
than two bottles of cherr# brand#, sloe gin or whiche%er #ou
ha%e in mind. )his point is co%ered full# further on in this chapter.
)he following recipes produces wines which are neither sweet
nor dr#8 if #ou like a slightl# sweet wine increase the
amount of sugar b# half that gi%en in the recipes. .n the
other hand, if #ou like wines drier than a%erage reduce the
amount of sugar b# half.
0n the recipes called li!ueurs, the amount of sugar should
remain as in the recipes.
5.)E: $s we shall be using bottles as our means of measuring
our materials, bear in mind that a bottle is a bottle
and half a bottle is half a bottle. $ bottle/the
recogni3ed standard wine bottle or the bottles
containing spirits/hold fi%e gills8 this is one gill
more than a pint. ,an# bottles containing imported
wines hold one pint. ;ecause we shall be making
exactl# two bottles from on bottle of the spirit we are
using, be sure to at the second bottle #ou use holds
the same amount as the bottle of spirit #ou are using.
0f #ou are using White 2orse whisk# or ;ooth*s gin, tr#
to use a similar second bottle.
J9. +2ERR- ;R$5D- 0M4E4R:
F FH: lb. black cherries, I o3. white sugar, F bottle
brand#, I blanched almonds 6these are usuall# added, but
personal tastes must decide.7
Wash the cherries and let the drain. "our the brand#
into a four/pound @ilner (ar 6these are best7, then stone
and hal%e the cherries carefull# and add them to the
brand#. $dd the almonds if #ou like them.
'crew down tightl# and put in a cool, preferabl# dark,
place for six to eight weeks. Gi%e the (ar a good
shaking twice a week.
'train and s!uee3e and put the li!uid into a smaller (ar
then put awa# as before and lea%e to clear. )hen pour or
siphon into two wine bottles/putting exactl# half into
each. )hen boil the sugar in one pint of water for two
minutes. When this is cool, fill the bottles to within
one inch of where the cork will reach. 'hake well to
ensure thorough mixing. 'eal and keep for one month.
JG. D$,'.5 G05:
F lb. damsons, 9 o3. sugar, F bottle gin.
Wash, dr#, stone and hal%e the damsons carefull# and put
them in a four/pound @ilner (ar. 'prinkle the sugar o%er
them and then pour in the gin.
'crew down tightl# and lea%e in a cool dark place for
three months 6or two months if #ou are in a hurr# to use
the product7, gi%ing a good shaking once or twice a week.
'train and s!uee3e and put the strained damson gin into a
smaller (ar, screw down again and put it awa# to clear.
)hen pour carefull# 6or siphon7 the clear gin off the
deposit putting exactl# half into two bottles. )hen fill
the bottles to within one inch of where the corks will
reach with boiled water that has cooled naturall#. +ork
hard, seal and keep for one month.
J=. '.E G05:
F lb. sloes, = o3. sugar, F bottle gin.
Wash the sloes and let them drain. "rick the sloes all
o%er with a sil%er, or stainless/steel fork or large
darning needle and put them in a four/pound @ilner (ar.
'prinkle the sugar o%er them and then pour in the gin.
'crew down tightl# and put in a cool dark place for six
weeks. gi%e the gar a good shaking once a week.
'train and s!uee3e and put the strained sloe gin into a
smaller (ar, screw down tightl# again and put awa# until
"our carefull# 6or siphon7 the clear sloe gin off the
deposit and put exactl# half into each of two bottles.
Fill the bottles to within one inch of where the corks
will reach with boiled water that has cooled naturall#.
,ix well b# shaking, cork seal and keep for one month.
J<. .R$5GE W20'@-:
G oranges, : lemons, : se%ille oranges 6or an extra
ordinar# orange and lemon7, G o3. sugar, F bottle whisk#.
"eel the fruits and remo%e all the white pith. +rush
well and put the pulp in a four pound @ilner (ar. Grate
the rind of one orange 6not a se%ille7, a%oiding an#
white pith, and add this to the pulp. 'prinkle in the
sugar and pour on the whisk#. 'crew down tightl# and put
the (ar in a cool dark place for a week/gi%ing it a shake
e%er# da#.
'train into another (ar and s!uee3e the screw down again
tightl#. then put it awa# to clear.
"our or siphon the clear whisk# into bottles, putting
exactl# half into each. )hen fill the bottles to within
an inch of where the corks will reach with boiled water
that has cooled naturall#. +ork hark, seal and keep for
at least two months.
J>. .R$5GE G05:
< oranges, F lemon, : se%ille oranges 6or an extra
ordinar# orange and lemon7, = o3. sugar, F bottle gin.
"roceed as for orange whisk#.
JI. FR40) 0M4E4R':
)here is no need to gi%e separate recipes for each fruit
because the same process ma# be used for all suitable
fresh fruit of #our choice. )he following lists the most
suitable fruits for li!ueur/making and the amounts gi%en
usuall# produce sufficient fla%our/though not enough
(uice/to make two bottles of li!ueur when using one
bottle of brand#. 0f not enough (uice is produced from
the amounts of fruit gi%en, make up the amount re!uired
with boiled water, bearing in mind that half a pound of
sugar occupies the space of a !uarter/pint while one
pound occupies half a pint space and so on.
$ll these li!ueurs will ha%e a spirit content of G?
proof/which, as we ha%e seen, is a high spirit content.
$s we shall be using spirit of I? proof, we could make two
and a half bottles b# using a little more (uice, a little
more water and an ounce or two more sugar and still ha%e a
product of 9: proof/which is a nice spirit content.
0f at part# time econom# is essential, three or e%en four
bottles of a li!ueur/t#pe wine could be made from one bottle
of brand# or, sa#, cherr# brand#, sloe gin or whate%er #ou
ha%e in mind, if it were intended to use them up o%er a
weekend or o%er a three da# +hristmas. 'ee making li!ueurs
from wines and making li!ueurs from extracts.
.ne bottle of li!ueur ma# be made b# using exactl# half the
amounts listed below and a little water.
FRE'2 FR40) M4$5)0)- 6lb.7 '4G$R 6o3.7 ;R$5D-
;lackcurrants F G F bottle
Redcurrants F FH: = F bottle
'trawberries F FH: 9 F bottle
+herries : G F bottle
Raspberries F = F bottle
oganberries F G F bottle
;lackberries F = F bottle
+rush the fruit b# hand, put in a basin and keep in a %er#
warm place for twel%e hours, well co%ered. 'train carefull#
through se%eral thicknesses of fine muslin or other suitable
material. $llow to drain rather than s!uee3e.
"ut the strained (uice into a bottle of the same si3e as the
brand# bottle and fill with boiled water that has been
allowed to cool. ,ix well b# shaking, cork hard and put in a
cool place for one hour. ;# this time a deposit will ha%e
formed. "our the clear (uice off this deposit, lea%ing a
little (uice rather than allowing an# deposit through. )he
deposit ma# cause permanent cloudiness if boiled with the
clear (uice.
"ut the clear (uice in a small unchipped enamel saucepan with
sugar and boil gentl# for two minutes. When cool put exactl#
half into two bottles of the same si3e as the brand# bottle
and then fill up with brand#. $dd a few drops of boiled
water if the li!uid does not reach to within one inch of
where the corks will reach. )hen cork hard and seal after
gi%ing a good shaking to ensure thorough mixing and keep for
a month at least. 0f a film of deposit forms at the bottom
of the bottles, decant before ser%ing.
0M4E4R' $5D "$R)- '"E+0$'
6FR., 2.,E/,$DE W05E'7
,ost of us ha%e stocks of home/made wine and, at part# time
or at +hristmas, we often wonder how we can turn them into
*part# specials* and do so inexpensi%el#. )he main !uestion
alwa#s is: 2ow much spirit to add to get a gi%en percentage
of alcohol.
Firstl#, and in the ordinar# wa#, a well/made wine will not
need doctoring of this sort because if fermentation was
satisfactor# the alcohol content will be in the region of
fourteen percent b# %olume 6:G to :< proof7. )his is the
alcohol content of most commercial wines8 indeed, some are
lower in alcohol than this while others are, of course,
+ome part# time the !uestion is often one of econom#/how to
make that one bottle of 'cotch, or gin or rum, go farther
without the econom# being noticeable. $s alread# mentioned,
spirits are hardl# drunk meat8 additions of some sort are
usuall# emplo#ed, such as ginger, orange or lemon cordial,
and these reduce the alcohol content to about a !uarter. For
those who want to experiment a bit on their own accord, the
table shows the relation between alcohol b# %olume and proof
spirit, and the range co%ered b# this allows for the limits
within which the# will be working.
)hose not wishing to start from scratch will find the
following guidance useful.
et me begin with whisk#, gin or rum of >? proof. Wines made
with the following fruits are ideal for mixing with gin,
either sweetened or unsweetened/damson, sloe, lemon, orange.
We ha%e a bottle of one or the other of these wines and a
bottle of gin hand#. )he gin contains fort# percent alcohol
b# %olume and a bottle of wine fourteen percent. ,ix the two
and #ou ha%e 6for the sake of simplicit#7 twice as much of
both. )herefore #ou ha%e twent# percent b# %olume 6the gin7
and se%en percent b# %olume 6the wine7, total of twent#/se%en
percent b# %olume.
)o make it simpler:
)he gin G? percent b# %olume
)he wine FG percent b# %olume
=G percent
;ut because the %olume 6amount7 has been doubled, the alcohol
content has been reduced b# half/twent# se%en percent b#
%olume. $s we can get fift#/four percent of alcohol in this
wa# we could use two bottles of wine and one of gin and get
three bottles of a product containing eighteen percent.
5.)E: 0t is important to understand that when two bottles of
wine at FGN of alcohol are put together #ou ha%e twice
as much wine still at FGN. ;ut when #ou do this for
the purpose of fortif#ing, the alcohol in each bottle
must be accounted for. )herefore, three bottles of
wine each containing FGN e!uals G:N, plus one bottle of
gin at G?N O I:N. Di%ide this figure b# the number of
resulting bottles/in this case four bottles/and each
will contain (ust o%er :?N.
Going further/= bottles at FGN O >?N
F bottle gin at G?N
)otal FF?N
0n this case six bottles result, therefore FF? di%ided b# < O
FIN approximatel#. )he same would appl# when whisk# or rum
are used.
Wines more suitable for mixing with whisk# are:
Root wines 6not beetroot7.
Root wines made with cereals such as wheat, and with raisins,
or both, or with wheat or raisins alone added.
Grain wines // those made mainl# with wheat or mai3e, etc.
Wines more suitable for mixing with rum:
Root wines with a rather higher than a%erage acid content.
.ther more acid wines such as rhubarb.
Wines more suitable for mixing with port and other high
alcohol red wines:
Elderberr# and all of the red wines whether made from one
fruit or a mixture of fruits, or mixtures of fruits and
grains such as wheat or mai3e.
White wines or the paler/color ones made from such fruits as
raisins, raspberries, loganberries, red or white currants,
etc., ma# be mixed with the higher/alcohol white *ports* or
high/alcohol white wines.
5.)E: .wing to the lower alcohol content of port as compared
with spirits, the mixing should be confined to one
bottle of wine to the bottle of port if the# are
re!uired for keeping. )wo to one mixing ma# be
practiced where it is intended to use up the product
within, sa#, three or four da#s.
W05E' F.R )2E $D0E'
6"reser%ed, 'weet or Dr# Wines of ow $lcohol +ontent7
0t is mostl# men who want their wines to be knock/out drops
and usuall# the# take care to get them as strong as possible.
;ut a high percentage of alcohol is not e%er#thing.
,an#/indeed, 0 would sa# most/continental wines are in the
region of eight to ele%en percent of alcohol. .urs, made
with the recipes in this book, will be a good deal stronger
than this as has alread# been explained. 0t is the ladies
who like the milder/fla%ored, low/alcohol, dr# to medium/dr#
or medium/dr# to sweet wines, so let me explain how an#
recipe here ma# be !uite easil# turned into a *wine for the
,entioned in earlier chapters is the fact that a good
percentage of alcohol ensures that wines keep well, and that
the lower/alcohol wines // those under twel%e percent/might
begin ferment again at an# time. )his is because a stra#
#east spore, either left in the wine or one reaching it at
some later stage, will begin to reproduce and li%e on an#
sugar present. .nl# the %er# driest of low/alcohol wines
will keep and these must be so dr# that no unfermented sugar
remains at all.
2owe%er, not e%er#bod# likes bone/dr# wines8 most people
prefer them medium dr# to medium sweet or e%en sweet.
)he wines made with the recipes in this book will keep well
pro%ided the maximum alcohol has been reached, an if all
directions ha%e been followed this will ha%e been achie%ed.
the# will keep because the# contain enough alcohol to destro#
an# #east or bacteria that ma# reach them.
.ur aim when making low/alcohol wines is to add (ust enough
sugar to make the amount of alcohol re!uired and to allow the
wine to ferment right out, and this will do of its own
accord. the wine will be dr# if less than two and a !uarter
pounds of sugar are used for one gallon.
5ow take a look at the short table. )his shows the amount of
sugar needed to produce the amount of alcohol re!uired in one
gallon of wine8 if two gallons are being made the amount of
sugar re!uired would ha%e to be doubled.
et us suppose we ha%e decided on making a wine of ten
percent of alcohol: )he amount of sugar to add is
approximatel# one pound fourteen ounces per gallon.
Ker# well then, take an# recipe in this book 6but not those
containing dried fruit as these contain !uite a lot of sugar7
and instead of using the amount of sugar gi%en in that
recipe, use one pound and fourteen ounces instead.
$s alread# mentioned, the resulting wine will be bone dr#/to
dr# e%en for those fond of the drier wines. )o reduce this
dr#ness we ma# sweeten to taste either b# adding dissol%ed
in%ert sugar 6which dissol%es !uite readil#7 or b# dissol%ing
household sugar in some of the wine in the following manner.
+are must be taken here to ensure that the wine does not come
into contact with metals. .ne pint of wine from one gallon
will do. "ut this into a china (ug or similar %essel and
stand this in a saucepan of water. $dd, sa#, one teaspoonful
of sugar for each bottle 6one per gallon, six bottles7 and
warm the water until the sugar in the wine is dissol%ed. ,ix
this with the bulk and sample. 0f this is not !uite sweet
enough, #ou will know that the ma# be repeated. 0f #ou are
using in%ert sugar, the sugar itself ma# be dissol%ed in an
enamel sauce pan and the resulting s#rup stirred into the
Ker# well, we now ha%e a low/alcohol wine with sugar in it.
)o pre%ent it fermenting or some later date we ma# preser%e
it without harming it in an# wa#.
2ere again, +ampden tablets pla# their part, but if the wine
is cr#stal clear, +ampden tablets might cloud it slightl#.
)his should settle our, but it would mean that rebottling
might be necessar# when this had happened. 0t is better
therefore to use four grains of potassium metabisulphite in
place of one +ampden tablet. )his should be enough to
preser%e one gallon of wine.
+rush the bisulphite cr#stals, and dissol%e them in a little
warmed wine and stir this into the bulk immediatel# after
sweetening. ,ake sure the cr#stals are !uite dissol%ed. 0
ha%e written that one +ampden tablet 6or four grains of
bisulpite cr#stals7 should preser%e a gallon of wine/and so
it should, but under exceptional circumstances it might not.
.ne more tablet 6or four more grains of bisulphite cr#stals7
ma# be added without harmful effects, except that it might
gi%e (ust a hint of fla%our to the most delicatel# fla%ored
wines/through it will not affect those with a good all/round
fla%or. Fortunatel#, there is a simple test that we ma#
carr# out to decide whether a second tablet is needed or not.
First, pour a little of the treated wine into a wine/glass
and bung down the remainder. co%er the glass with a small
piece of cloth and lea%e in a warm room 6not a hot place7,
o%ernight or for eight to twel%e hours. 5ote carefull# the
color when setting it out again the following morning 6or
compare this sample with a sample freshl# drawn from the
bulk7. 0f darkening of the sample left o%ernight has
occurred, then an extra tablet is needed. 0f darkening has
not occurred, one tablet 6four grains metabisulphite7 has
done the (ob, and #ou ha%e a low/alcohol wine of re!uired
dr#ness or sweetness that will keep well.
4p to G=? parts '.: are allowed b# law in F,???,??? parts
wine, and this is represented b# approximatel# eight +ampden
tablets 6or thirt#/two grains potassium metabisulphite7. )wo
tablets 6eight grains7 represents (ust o%er one hundred parts
per million8 so it will be seen that we are not, after all,
using %er# much.
Dr# wines finish fermenting sooner than wines of a higher
alcoholic content because there is less sugar to be fermented
)his preser%ing of wines ma# be carried out with all wines if
#ou wish, whether the# be high/alcohol wines or not.
'4G$R ".)E5)0$ $+.2.
lb. o3. per cent
F G >.<
F I J.:
: ? F:.9
)he abo%e figures refer to the use of household sugar. 0f
in%ert sugar is being used, it must be borne in mind that
this contains some moisture, so that for e%er# pound of
household sugar one must use use one and a !uarter pounds of
in%ert sugar. 'o that mistakes do not occur, 0 ha%e included
the amounts of each sugar to use so that #ou ma# choose for
#ourself which to use and know how much of either/not both.
0n%ert sugar is usuall# supplied in tins containing se%en
pounds or in blocks b# whate%er weight is ordered. 0f
weighing this pro%es awkward, dissol%e it and measure it b#
the pint, bearing in mind that one pint represents two pounds
of sugar.
W05E FR., EL)R$+)'
GF. +2ERR- ;R$5D- W05E:
< bottles of cherr# brand# extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG
in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes, allow to cool and pour into the gallon (ar.
)hen add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed of fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s. )hen boil another third of
the sugar in a further !uart of water for two minutes and
when cool add this to the rest. +o%er again as before or
refit the lock and continue to ferment in a warm place
for a further fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the rest of the sugar in the remaining
!uart of water as before and when cool add the the rest.
+o%er again or refit the lock and lea%e in a cool place
until all fermentation has ceased.
G:. KER,.4)2 60)$0$57:
< bottles of 0talian Kermouth extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9
9HG lb. in%ert7, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in a half/gallon of water for
two minutes. $llow to cool and pour into a gallon (ar.
)hen add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s. )he boil another one/third of
the sugar in a further !uart of water and when this is
cool add it to the rest. +o%er again or refit the lock
and continue to ferment in a warm place for a further
fourteen da#s. $fter this, boil the remaining sugar in
the remaining !uart of water as before, when add to the
rest. +o%er again or refit the lock and lea%e in a warm
place until all fermentation has ceased.
G9. KER,.4)2 6FRE5+27:
< bottles of French Kermouth extract, 9 FHG lb. sugar 6or
G lb. in%ert7, F gal. water, #east nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon (ar. )hen
add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s. )hen boil another one/one
third of the sugar in a !uart of water for two minutes
and when cool add this to the rest. $llow to ferment in
a warm place for a further fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the remaining water and sugar as before
and when cool add to the rest.
+o%er again or refit the lock and continue to ferment in
a warm place until all fermentation has ceased.
GG. +RE$, .F $"R0+.) W05E:
= bottles of apricot extract, 9 lb. sugar, 6or 9 9HG lb.
in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes, allow to cool and pour into a gallon (ar.
)hen add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s. )he boil another third of the
sugar in a !uart of the water for two minutes and when
this is cool add it to the rest. +o%er again as directed
or refit fermentation lock and continue to ferment in a
warm place for a further fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the rest of the sugar in the remaining
water as before and when cool add to the rest. +o%er
again or refit lock and continue to ferment in a warm
place until all fermentation has ceased.
G=. +RE$, .F "E$+2 W05E:
< bottles of cream of peach, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG lb.
in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half/gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon/si3e glass
(ar. )hen add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s.
)hen boil another one/third of the sugar in a !uart or
water and when cool add this to the rest. +o%er again as
directed or refit the lock and continue to ferment in a
warm place for a further fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the rest of the sugar in the remaining
water as before and when cool add to the rest. +o%er
again as directed or refit the lock and continue to
ferment in a warm place until all fermentation has
G<. '.E G05 W05E:
< bottles of sloe gin extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG lb.
in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one third of the sugar in a half gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon (ar. )hen
add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s. )hen boil another one/third
of the sugar in a !uart of water as be fore and when this
is cool add to the rest. +o%er again or refit lock and
continue to ferment in a warm place for a further
fourteen da#s.
)hen boil the rest of the sugar in the remaining water as
before and then cool add to the rest. +o%er again refit
the lock and continue to ferment in a warm place until
all fermentation has ceased.
G>. R$)$F0$ W05E:
< bottles of Ratafia extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG lb.
in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in a half gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon glass (ar.
)hen add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s. )he boil another one/third of
the sugar in a !uart of water as before and when this is
cool add it to the rest. +o%er again or refit lock and
continue to ferment in a warm place for a further
fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the rest of the sugar in the remaining
water as before and when cool add to the rest.
+o%er again as directed or fit fermentation lock and
continue to ferment in a warm place until all
fermentation has ceased.
GI. @0R'+2 W05E:
< bottles of @irsch extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG lb.
in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon glass (ar.
)hen add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s.
)hen boil another one/third of the sugar in a !uart of
water as before and when this is cool add it to the rest.
+o%er as directed or refit lock and continue to ferment
in a warm place for a further fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the remaining sugar in the rest of the
water as before and when cool add to the rest. +o%er
again as directed or refit the lock and continue to
ferment in a warm place until all fermentation has
GJ. ,0R$;EE W05E:
< bottles of ,irabelle extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG lb.
in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in a half gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon glass (ar.
)hen add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s. )he boil another one/third of
the sugar in a !uart of water as before and when it is
cool add to the rest. +o%er again or refit the lock and
ferment in a warm place for another fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the remaining sugar in the rest of the
water as before and when cool add to the rest.
+o%er again as directed or refit the lock and continue to
ferment in a warm place until all fermentation has
=?. "R45EE W05E:
< bottles of "runelle extract, 9 lb. sugar, 6or 9 9HG
in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon (ar. )hen
add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s. )hen boil another one/third
of the sugar in a !uart of water as before and when this
is cool add it to the rest. +o%er again or refit the
lock and continue to ferment in a warm place for a
further fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the remaining sugar in the rest of the
water as before and when cool add to the rest.
+o%er again or refit the lock and continue to ferment in
a warm place until all fermentation has ceased.
=F. ,$R$'M405 W05E:
< bottles of ,arass!uin extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG
lb. in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of sugar in a half gallon of water for two
minutes and when cool pour into gallon glass (ar. )hen
pour in the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s. )hen boil another one/third
of the sugar in a !uart of water for two minutes and when
cool add this to the rest. +o%er again or refit lock and
continue to ferment in a warm place for another fourteen
$fter this, boil the remaining sugar in the rest of the
water as before and when cool add to the rest. +o%er
again or refit the lock and continue to ferment in a warm
place until all fermentation has ceased.
=:. ,$5D$R05E W05E:
< bottles of ,andarine extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG lb.
in%ert7, a gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of sugar in a gallon of water for two
minutes and when cool pour into a gallon glass (ar. )hen
add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in
a warm place for ten da#s. )hen boil another one/third
of the sugar in a !uart of water as before and when cool
add this to the rest. co%er again or refit lock and
continue to ferment in a warm place for a further
fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the remaining sugar in the rest of the
water as before and when cool add to the rest.
+o%er again or refit the lock and continue to ferment in
a warm place until all fermentation has ceased.
=9. GREE5 +.5KE5) W05E:
= bottles of Green +on%ent extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG
lb. in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon glass (ar.
)hen add the extract, #east and nutrient. +o%er as
directed or fit fermentation lock and ferment in a warm
place for ten da#s. )hen boil another one/third of the
sugar in a !uart of water as before and when cool add
this to the rest. +o%er again and continue to ferment
for another fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the remaining sugar in the rest of the
water as before and when cool add to the rest. +o%er
again and continue to ferment until all fermentation has
=G. -E.W +.5KE5) W05E:
= bottles of -ellow +on%ent extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9
9HG lb. in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon glass (ar.
)hen pour in the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er and ferment for ten da#s. )hen boil another
one/third of the sugar and when cool add it to the rest.
+o%er again and continue to ferment in a warm place for
another fourteen da#s.
)hen boil the remaining sugar in the rest of the water as
before and when cool add to the rest. +o%er again and
ferment in a warm place until all fermentation has
==. REKERE5D05E W05E:
< bottles of Re%erendine extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG
lb. in%ert7, F gal. water, #east nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon glass (ar.
)hen pour in the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er and ferment in a warm place for ten da#s. )hen
boil another one/third of the sugar as before and when
cool add it to the rest.
+o%er again and continue to ferment in a warm place for a
further fourteen da#s.B
$fter this, boil the remaining sugar in the rest of the
water as before and when cool add it to the rest. +o%er
again and continue to ferment in a warm place until all
fermentation has ceased.
=<. RED +4R$+$. W05E:
< bottles of Red +uracao extract, 9 lb. sugar, 6or 9 9HG
lb. in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a glass (ar. )hen
add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er and ferment in a warm place for ten da#s. )hen
boil another one/third of the sugar as before and when
cool add it to the rest. +o%er again and ferment in a
warm place for another fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the remaining sugar in the rest of the
water as before and when cool add it to the rest. +o%er
again and continue to ferment until all fermentation has
=>. W20)E +4R$+$. W05E:
< bottles of White +uracao extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG
lb. in%ert7 F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water and
when this is cool pour into a gallon glass (ar. then
pour in the extract, and add the #east and nutrient.
+o%er the (ar and ferment in a warm place for ten da#s.
)hen boil another one/third of the sugar in a !uart of
water as before and when cool add to the rest. +o%er
again and continue to ferment for another fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the remaining sugar in the rest of the
water as before and when cool add to the rest. +o%er
again and ferment in a warm place until all fermentation
has ceased.
=I. @4,,E W05E:
< bottles of @ummel extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG lb.
in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon glass
bottle. )hen add the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er and fermentation for ten da#s. )hen boil another
one/third of the sugar in a !uart of water as before and
when this is cool add it to the rest.
+o%er again and ferment in a warm place for another
fourteen da#s. $fter this, boil the remaining sugar in
the rest of the water as before and when cool add it to
the rest. +o%er again and continue to ferment in a warm
place until all fermentation has ceased.
=J. D$5A0G W05E:
< bottles of Dan3ig extract, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG lb.
in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon glass (ar.
)hen pour in the extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er and ferment in a warm place for ten da#s. )hen
boil another one/third of the sugar in a !uart of water
as before and when cool add this to the rest. +o%er
again and continue to ferment in a warm place for another
fourteen da#s.
$fter this, boil the remaining sugar in the rest of the
water as before and when it is cool add it to the rest.
+o%er again and ferment in a warm place until all
fermentation has ceased.
<?. E$4/DE/K0E W05E:
< bottles of extract of Eau/de/Kie, 9 lb. sugar 6or 9 9HG
lb. in%ert7, F gal. water, #east and nutrient.
;oil one/third of the sugar in half a gallon of water for
two minutes and when cool pour into a gallon glass (ar.
)hen add extract, #east and nutrient.
+o%er as directed and ferment in a warm place for ten
da#s. )hen boil another one/third of the sugar in a
!uart of water as before and when cool add this to the
rest. +o%er again and ferment in a warm place for
another fourteen da#s. $fter this, boil the remaining
sugar in the rest of the water as before and when cool
add to the rest.
+o%er again as directed and continue to ferment in a warm
place until all fermentation has ceased.
'4GGE')0.5' F.R RE$DER' W2. 2$KE D0FF0+4)- .;)$0505G '.,E
.F )2E '4""0E' ,E5)0.5ED.
05KER) '4G$R // )his can be made at home b# the reader
if he has difficult# obtaining same: "ut
I lb. of ordinar# household sugar 6white
sugar7 in a suitable pan with : pints of
water and FH: ounce of citric acid
6obtainable in drug stores7, or use the
(uice of four lemons. ;ring slowl# to a
boil, stirring all the time so that all
sugar dissol%es.
When all sugar is dissol%ed, allow to
boil for half an hour %er# gentl#
without stirring // or stirring onl#
occasionall#. $llow this to cool
somewhat and then make up to exactl# F
gallon b# adding boiled water.
-ou now ha%e 05KER) '4G$R/the in%ersion
being caused b# the acid. )o measure,
use F pint to each lb. sugar called for
in the recipe // F pint is e!ual to F
lb. sugar.
'tore in suitable (ars, tightl# corked.
-E$') 54)R0E5)' // )hese are blends of chemicals which
stimulate #east reproduction, thereb#
helping the #east to make as much
alcohol as it is capable of making.
)here are no actual substitutes.,
+$,"DE5 )$;E)' // $ substitute is gi%en in the book. Four
grains of sodium metabisulphite is
e!ui%alent to one +ampden tablet. -our
druggist will probabl# think four grains
too small an order, so ask him for an
order of, sa#, ten packs of four grains
each, and use one four/grain pack for
each +ampden tablet called for in the
recipe. Do not bu# b# the ounce and tr#
to measure four grains #ourself.
R0;E5$ // 0f #ou cannot obtain this, tr# to
substitute black/currant s#rup instead.
2owe%er, it is best to use R0;E5$
+.5)$05ER' // Good !ualit# tin or stainless steel
containers ma# be used !uite safel#, but
do not use %essels specificall# not
recommended b# the author, and do not
use gal%ani3ed containers.
5.W ,$@E '.,E W05E111

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