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;Program: Poole_assignment4

;Course: CSC 210 001

;Author: Bryan Poole
;Date: 4/2/14
;Description: prints a string x times and orders three numbers

[SECTION .text] ;Section containing code
extern printf ;tells the compiler to reference the C function library for printf
extern scanf ;tells the compiler to reference the C function library for scanf
extern getchar ;tells the compiler to reference the C function library for getchar
global main ;Required so linker can find the entry point

push ebp ;push value in base pointer to stack
mov ebp, esp ;move the stack pointer value into the base pointer register

push ebx ;push the value in the base address reg to the stack
push esi ;push the value in the source index reg to the stack
push edi ;push the value in the destination index reg to the stack

push dword name ;pushes the address of the string name
call printf ;prints the string name to the screen
add esp, 4 ;adds the value of 4 to the stack pointer

push dword prompt1 ;pushes the address of the string
call printf ;prints the string name to the screen
add esp, 4 ;adds the value of 4 to the stack pointer

push dword word1 ;pushes address of the string buffer word
push dword inputstr ;pushes the address of the input format string input
call scanf ;scans in an integer value from the keyboard
add esp, 8 ;adds 8 to stack pointer

call getchar ;cleans up input string

push dword prompt2 ;pushes the address of the string
call printf ;prints the string name to the screen
add esp, 4 ;adds the value of 4 to the stack pointer

push dword num1 ;pushes address of the integer buffer num1
push dword input ;pushes the address of the input format string input
call scanf ;scans in an integer value from the keyboard
add esp, 8 ;adds 8 to stack pointer

call getchar ;cleans up input string

mov ecx, [num1] ;move value of num1 to ecx

push ecx ;push counter

push dword word1 ;push word
push dword out1 ;push output
call printf ;print
add esp, 8 ;add 8 to esp

pop ecx ;pop counter
loop loop_start ;loop

push dword blank ;push address of string
call printf ;print string
add esp, 4 ;add 4 to stack pointer

push dword prompt3 ;pushes the address of the string
call printf ;prints the string name to the screen
add esp, 4 ;adds the value of 4 to the stack pointer

push dword num4 ;pushes address of the integer buffer num1
push dword num2 ;pushes address of the integer buffer num1
push dword num3 ;pushes address of the integer buffer num1
push dword input2 ;pushes the address of the input format string input
call scanf ;scans in an integer value from the keyboard
add esp, 12 ;adds 16 to stack pointer

call getchar ;cleans up input string

mov eax, [num2] ;moves first num
mov ebx, [num3] ;moves second num
mov ecx, [num4] ;moves third num

cmp eax, ebx ;compare num2 and num3
jge then ;if true
cmp eax, ecx ;else compare num2 and num4
jge else ;if true
cmp ecx, ebx ;else compare num4 and num3
jge else2 ;if true
push ebx ;push num3
push ecx ;push num4
push eax ;push num2
jmp endj ;end if statement

cmp eax, ecx ;compare num2 and num4
jge then2 ;if true
push ecx ;push num4
push eax ;push num2
push ebx ;push num3
jmp endj ;end if statement
push eax ;push num2
cmp ebx, ecx ;compare num3 and num4
jge then3 ;if true
push ecx ;push num4
push ebx ;push num3
jmp endj ;end if statement
push ebx ;push num3
push ecx ;push num4
jmp endj ;end if statement

push ebx ;push num3
push eax ;push num2
push ecx ;push num4
jmp endj ;end if statement

push ecx ;push num4
push ebx ;push num3
push eax ;push num2

push dword out2 ;pushes the address of the string
call printf ;prints the string name to the screen
add esp, 16 ;adds the value of 4 to the stack pointer

push dword success ;push the address of string
call printf ;prints string
add esp, 4 ;adds 4 to the stack pointer

pop edi ;now we restore the original values
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp

[SECTION .data] ;section containing initialized data

name db "Bryan Poole",10,0 ;defines name to be the string "Bryan"
prompt1 db "Please enter a word: ",0 ;string to ask for a word
prompt2 db "Please enter number: ",0 ;string to ask for number
blank db "",10,0 ;blank line
prompt3 db "Please enter three more numbers: ",0 ;string to ask for number
input db "%d\n" ;end of line needed to advance cursor in scanf
input2 db "%d%d%d\n" ;end of line needed to advance cursor in scanf
inputstr db "%s\n" ;end of line needed to advance cursor in scanf
out1 db "%s",10,0 ;string to out put word
out2 db "Your numbers in ascending order are: %d, %d, %d:",10,0 ;prints numbers

success db "***Succesful Program Termination***",10,0 ;string to output end

[SECTION .bss] ;section containing uninitialized data

num1 resd 1 ;reserves space for number value from input
num2 resd 1 ;reserves space for number value from input
num3 resd 1 ;reserves space for number value from input
num4 resd 1 ;reserves space for number value from input
word1 resd 1 ;reserves space for string value from input

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