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Why Ms sherrycheryl should not have been in the US

Google "Tufts Kevin Maguire freshman dropout" and "Sgt. Tilton downright
manipulative and devious"
von n13315 @ 2014-04-30 20:41:13
Sent to Tufts' "top cop".

>Mr. Kevin Maguire,
>When you Tufts University terminated Ms. "sherrycheryl" by 1/2013, you were made to surrender files pertaining to this case to a federal agency in tact.
Among those files, evidence was found that prior to my any "harassment" to her which you first alleged as began on or about 8/9/2010 but later alleged as
began in 10/2010, she had already knowingly, willfully and purposefully "saved evidence" of my alleged "stranger sexual harassment", with intent to
"maximize personal profits in a divorce" during the days she later confessed I was actually made to date her with trust and obsession (exactly in 8/2010
between (before) the 8/13-14/2010 intimate encounters and the 8/30/2010 abrupt breakup due to her such insult being found). In other words, you left
evidence in federal hands that you knew she had both such an intent to frame and entrap and overt acts in its furtherance (save "evidence"), which covered
the entire period of this matter, constituted a constant threat, and immunized my everything in response. In yet other words, FROM THE BEGINNING,
>Then you were found violating a federal law and made to expel her. Still, you hid this truth from Homeland Security, failing to report her lifelong
inadmissibility as an alien to the US, to the immigration authorities as you should.
>You know what I'm talking about, right? Now, in front of these Boston media agencies, you are given a chance to apologize to me like a man, and not a
freshman dropout whose only feat is to go behind a once straight A student's back and ruin him with this chivalrous slander.
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Dan Markingson again: What is the best use of your boyfriend? Molest him with forced
self-incrimination by Minnesota psychiatry, procured by court-bribing Chinese officials on
US visas awarded for "cooperating with American law enforcement"
von n13315 @ 2014-04-15 22:36:43
With intent to procure a fast green card, my trusted ex-girlfriend procured the University of Minnesota to suspend me and make me choose between
admitting sexual offense and admitting "delusion of persecution". After being expelled by her then attending Tufts University, she came back to China and
had her parents bribe her local courts so that they would not investigate her for immigration fraud. She married another F1 student to get back to the United
States. Minnesota's psychiatric retaliation was also in response to my disclosing other instances of their systematic torture like this (see
http://whistleblowerumn.blog.de ). By 4/3/2014 disciplinary proceedings against the judges over my civil defamation suit against "sherrycheryl" (I'll go by
her alias) have commenced upon evidences of Nanjing courts' caught unethical conducts, downloadable from links in xici.net/d200188855.htm and the
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updated n13315.blog.de (this blog you're reading, next entry). In fact, the Nanjing civil ruling itself also has self-defeating problems - it rules out both the
alleged sexual offense and the alleged "delusion of persecution" (referring to my counterclaim) with the defendant's affirmive answer on appeal, but still
maintains there's no fault on her part (rather, it shifts much of the blame on the US government). Last week, upon further audio and documentary evidences
downloadable from xici.net/d201101814.htm (this post was later censored by Nanjing, but duplicates are still allowed by Beijing to exist on sites out of
Nanjing's control, e.g. http://bbs.tianya.cn/post-no06-240530-1.shtml ) have motivated a Nanjing newspaper to investigate, who soon reported overwhelming
local threats of reprisal and quit. Xinhua, China's flagship state media, also that Nanjing media's parent agency, reports reviewing the matter. Hong Kong
and European media are also tipped off.
By today, 4/15/2014, this woman, the beneficiary of this intercontinental corruption, is still seen residing in Pittsburgh, PA, on a valid F2 visa through
Carnegie Mellon University, and expresses desires of becoming an undeportable mother of a US citizen child expected this July. Homeland Security and
Carnegie Mellon University Police Department are in receipt of this and all previous complaining emails, including the ones explicitly naming an FCPA
violation, which has become a known fact to each media alerted.
Author of all these blogs, emails and complaints is in receipt of zero relief or award. My mother and loved one have been aggrieved for years with no relief,
similar to what you heard about Mary Weiss (Dan Markingson's exploited and devastated single mother).
On the rise of this corruption probe, defendant's parents, two governmental employees of China, are also applying for US visas. In her civil defense, her
father calls this a "legitimate" reward for their cooperation with US law enforcement (").
Evidence: http://forums.huaren4us.com/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1597107&onlyauthor=2&posterid=260497
The motivations behind each of the four compromised jurisdictions are different and not serially dependent. My ex does not dispute she wants a fast green
card. Massachusetts (Tufts) had a pecuniary liberal (feminist) bias so they turned a blind eye on her side of problems until made to terminate her.
Minnesota had psychiatric corruption, and a loud and controversial whistleblower is surely a liability. Nanjing is under her (and her later husband's) extended
families' control. Obama administration wants no criticism domestic or international. (If Carnegie Mellon counts, they certainly want no liability from this so
they'd rather stay out) My cause will appear too thin in front of these, unless my "trouble" is sufficiently serious and each of those four gets friendly fire
from each other. This could be extremely EASY - for example, knowingly harboring Chinese corruption will at least drag Carnegie and federal authorities
into liability, since she as the beneficiary lives on benefits from both of them. Hence your public scrutiny and substantiation requested. Scrutinizing
corruption is always a heartwinning move, regardless of party or nation affiliations.
In sum I wish to achieve 3 goals asap,
1), expose the UMN's psychiatric/student affairs corruption;
2), expose Nanjing police/judicial corruption in my case, this can be easily done by pushing down their commenced internal investigation with public
scrutiny; (an instant police forgery is evidently explained in the next entry of this blog, in Chinese - in a phone recording which can be easily verified by the
media ( http://www.files.de/set/532c5e9682385 ), Nanjing police inspection squad (+86-025-84420111, their number found online), echoing the Nanjing
courts in favor of defendant sherrycheryl's resourceful family, concluded that all my calls made to the police were motivated to "prove she is a fraud so that
[I] could be back in the US with her in a romantic relationship". This is where you note the stupidity of the power that be - either I successfully prove she's
a fraud so that she's sent back to China and I'm back in the States, or I fail to prove she's a fraud so she remains in the US while I remain in China, but
either way, she and I will be in different countries so the hypothesized romantic relationship is NOT in my mind, and hence only a police forgery in a
continued effort to portray me as a sexual offender with that psychology. Other than police corruption and her bribery, no other reasonable explanation
exists, and this alone indicates her diffidence in proving the underlying sexual offense she alleged with intent to procure legal residency and a fast green
card in the United States. )
3), expose my ex' forgery - note that I do not need to prove we had consensual relations, she already judicially confessed it if you could read Chinese and
see/substantiate the scanned court documents in n13315.blog.de; I need to prove she kept a constant threat of forging non-consent (for example,
statements like "I never thought of being in a romantic relationship" etc.) so that I can rid myself from the "delusion of persecution" she firmly alleges.
I can be reached at 15601023212@163.com.
This case is about a defenseless Chinese student whistleblower's persistent "harassment" on an as persistent immigration fraud, "invasion of
privacy" into foreign corrupt practices (Chinese), and "disruption" of the University of Minnesota's series of psychiatric torture (forced self-
incrimination). His ex-girlfriend relies on all 3 to maintain a visa in the United States so he had to work towards her deportation. Once these are
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vindicated, he personally can resume his studies from the University's retaliatory suspension and recover his personal injuries sustained during
the 2012 psychiatric reprisal.
Being back in China with an oblivious husband in the US, a child to raise by herself, an unfinished master's education at Tufts, an as oblivious ex-boyfriend
whose next partner is bcc'ed in this email, and probably a criminal conviction for fraud and corruption, is NOT the end of the world for Ms. "sherrycheryl".
She still holds the most prestigious college degree in China (better than me, no degree so far), and she won't have a problem going back there to resume
her graduate studies, making her Tufts credits count. My wife and I will be happy to fund her research (if we recover that blood money from Minnesota, of
course) into the legal deficiencies in the US so that China's already vulnerable judiciary can learn to avoid such massive legal abuses. If she has a
marriage that lasts only till deportation doth them apart, that probably means she chose a wrong guy. She wounded too many people and it's time she
starts healing them. I find my own happiness out of nowhere, exactly that way.
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von n13315 @ 2014-04-11 06:28:54


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dan markingsonjane doe v

ummc fairview http://whistleblowerumn.blog.de



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when her lie is officially your paranoia
von n13315 @ 2014-02-10 06:51:10
Summary of requested relief:
1), For the University of Minnesota, restore my life back to a point in 1/2012, so that this matter would not officially exist in my life;
2), for the US government, restore sherrycheryl's life back to a point in 5/2011, so that the United States would not officially exist in her life;
3), for the Chinese government, render sherrycheryl and her family's passports invalid, so that the official condition for their incentive (immigration fraud)
would not exist in their lives.
All my losses in the United States, and all her gains in the United States, are the debts and revenues of a crime that should not have been there. Back in
early 2011, when her attempts in furtherance of this crime became overt, she should have never been let in the United States, and I should have never
been let out.
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Had there not been such an incentive in her mind, this matter indeed would not have been there. To deter recurrence of these repercussions, you are urged
to sever her personal incentive and set a precedent.
Crime doesn't pay, so pay it back.

Asking for help, related to sherrycheryl (not her real name, but her internet ID). I am kept from going back to school in the US due to her presence there. I
tried to find a more gentle way to say this but I couldn't - She is a disproved accuser of sexual offense with other instances of immigration benefit fraud, all
visibly evident online not requiring a close-door investigation, but it's just weird that the US government still allows her to remain despite being advised of

A lie will not succeed without a cover-up. As an educated psychologist (evidence: an audio clip referenced below, 58'00"), sherrycheryl conveniently uses
political psychiatry to silence doubt, at the cost of these two countries' integrity and my blood out of both heart and liver. She would rather you don't read
this article from the start and that's why she keeps telling people I'm mentally ill.

It takes only two elements to send a person to a mental ward - a threat, and a paranoia. You may be abhorred at what you read next - given sherrycheryl's
psychological expertise, if she accuses you as a threat, your denial of that intent will be exactly a paranoia. Viewers' thinking capacity is limited, this
layered implicit premise that you are a threat or a bad guy will somehow seem more likely than not to the audiences, and you'll look awful.


The most visible ground for her deportation is she should have never been allowed in the United States. In her DS-160 form used to gain her first admission
to the US in 2011, when asked "Do you seek to engage in espionage, sabotage, export control violations, or any other illegal activity while in the United
States?" and "Have you ever committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in torture?", she should have answered "yes". She started
making overt attempts for that in 2010.
At least three jurisdictions have been compromised by this fraud - Tufts University ("corrective actions" taken from previously siding with her), University of
Minnesota (said they're unsure about who's truthful), and a Nanjing judge (who arguably after receiving bribery ruled "false rape allegations is free speech
not slander"). Any authority siding with this uncoverable fraud is either negligent or (upon knowledge of it) corrupt, and no alien beneficiary of corruption
may stay in the United States and statutorily needs to be deported.


She is not just a false rape framer, but a mastermind of torture, beneficiary of corruption, and a 1-million-$ healthcare fraud. Any of these should bar an
alien from the US for life.

No infringement of privacy here, because she publicized everything already. In fact, this statement is entirely based on the information she has publicized,
for example, Chinese court records or online posts. This case statement is not a result of my alleged obsession with her; to exactly the contrary, all I did in
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this matter was to get rid of her
Googlesherrycheryl restraining ordersherrycheryl

It is undisputed that sherrycheryl appears to view me in a particularly negative way, and behind my back she wants you to all adopt this attitude as well,
which exactly gives me a standing to write this statement and request your awareness and relief against her. However, audio evidence
(http://www.files.de/set/52b985bd0b0b7) suggests it wasn't like this in the beginning, and who started this negativity is the really vital question.

Her strategy works like this (narrated in first person):

If I plead my fear of someone else and ask for your help, will you help me? (e.g. coerced by her family to touch a dead body: audio 29'20")
If you don't, you will be accused of neglect.

If you do, you will be buttered up when you are of good use. I will "help" you with sufficient sincerity to appear sincere in front of others.

If better option emerges, however, you will be abandoned and accused of harassing me with unwanted help, due to your grandiosity and delusion of love.
Down from mutual "help", you are suddenly accused of hurting me despite my help for you. All it takes is my shift of attitude.

You will be accused of harassment (or if you were offered sex, rape), hurting my interests, will you admit that?

If you admit, I will gain a victim status and receive benefits.

If you deny and accuse me of insult, then "I do believe [you] need some Psychological treatments because [you] seems live in the delusion of
persecution" and I'll spread that you are dumped exactly because of this psychosis, and you will be sent to a psychiatric hospital so that your words
against mine will be discredited. From there, my victim status and associated benefits will stay in tact.

All for me as a victim and you as an offender, and my gains at your losses. You will be left in ruins with "neglect", "harassment", "grandiosity", "rape",
"slander", etc. which you may never have thought would be involved in your life.

At this arbitrarily made gap between what's promised and what's given, you will be enraged and be made to fight back at your own risk and cost.

From there I will claim I "fear" you, use this "fear" to con the next (and usually stronger) prey(s), and use an "us versus him" mentality to persuade him (or
them) to fend off your any counter-attack. To third parties, I will claim I am recovering from your offense and am thankful for the support of my family and
friends - all on the implied premise that you did have an offense which not just me but my family and friends as supplemental cons view as worth
"recovering" from, and all help fending off your and law enforcement's doubts because you don't want to be accused of disturbing my "recovery".

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Normally, Karma will repeat on the new target, too. In 2010 I (back then a US-based student) was the "good guy" she appeared to intend to rely on against
a "bad guy" (audio 47'54") - that is, exactly, who would later become her current husband (back then had no plans to come to the United States) and cast
the "good guy" over me four years later. The really interesting question is why there is always some good guy vs. bad guy in sherrycheryl's life? No
substantial change can happen before one occurs on sherrycheryl's side.

Of course, this cycle of manipulation will not succeed without covering up certain facts. If the con artist tells the *whole* truth, she will appear self-
inconsistent and be unfounded. She needs to always present some of these allegations while keeping the rest in reserve, which is why her story is ever-
changing. Routinely, evidence of certain facts must be destroyed, concealed, or covered up.

To this end, she will claim your evidence is false or irrelevant, raising it would infringe her privacy (which is indeed an issue in intimate matters), or set fire
on your side planting your "paranoia" thereby discrediting your words and diverting attention from her own discrepancies. This comes especially handy
when the arbitrator can be compromised by corruption or fraud, or become confused at your sentiment and her serenity.

This summarizes the secret of sherrycheryl as to how she can plant an offense on anybody and make it stick.
However, this con trick can be diffused at stunning ease. Because she was the one that turned everything off and all later repercussions are just negations
back and forth, you just need to prove she at some point falsely accused as unwanted something she asked for, to undermine her entire scheme.

Mind directs conduct, no mind no conduct. In my personal experience with sherrycheryl, all the dispute about her mental dislike of me can be driven away
by proving she physically wanted me at some point which she does not want you to know. From there, the existence of a dating relationship will be
automatically evident (unless she's a sociopath or philanderer, which she certainly denies), so will be her using that relationship for some unflattering
purpose. Therefore, this case statement focuses on proving the existence of a sexual assault allegation and its falsity per se, which did precede every
dispute at issue.


Every predicate in this statement is based on records confirmed by a Chinese court or by a US police force. Currently, in both jurisdictions, sherrycheryl is
identified as a suspect, and me as the victim. My merit is instantly shown in the key evidence analysis (personal identities redacted) in the 3rd part of this

I dated sherrycheryl in 8/2010, but this matter does not involve drama. Back then she was a senior college student in China appearing eager to develop a
"deep understanding" with me, then on a short trip back to China. I thought she just wanted me to help her and wasn't aware that she would stigmatize my
life with a compromising slander of a fictitious crime, and her overt attempts to enjoin my life from a bachelor's degree or a marriage. Her purpose is to
suppress my counter-argument and protect her proffered victim status and eligibility for associated benefits such as a fast green card.
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sherrycherylGoogle sherrycheryl

Google sherrycheryl ~~~~~

As for the relationship itself, all it meant to her was to frame me up this way. It started as a con trick, and it wasn't long before I broke off. Of course, she
will claim it was my psychosis being found that drove her away - as long as you subconsciouly adopt her implied premise that she is always right and my
disagreement is the very psychosis. I thought she's like crazy... If, as she said, we never dated, we never got laid, meanwhile she had so many problems
in my eyes, then by what reason would I be obsessed with her? There you go - she conveniently tells people I'm too handicapped to attract any woman
(nothing could be further from the truth) so that I kept chasing her, and I'd better take care of my mental illness first; meanwhile, she's virtuous, she's kind,
she's simple (audio 1:09'50"), she's goddess... This grandiosity of hers exactly summarized the entire problem.

From 2010 through 2013, despite her threatened or overt slander and torture, I was strongly opposed to any adversary on sherrycheryl, simply because we
were from the same country, and we had a relationship which I thought could turn swords into plowshares. In 2014 however, I have recovered from this
illusion because I've been negatively reinforced enough.

In 1/2013, at the heat of the moment, the US Dept. of Education intervened and sherrycheryl appeared to be expelled from her then-attending Tufts
University. In later 2013, she re-entered the US on an F-2 visa (sponsored by Carnegie Mellon University) and with a purported intent to cause no harm.
However, despite I established myself as a civil plaintiff in China, I still have yet to receive a declaratory relief from the "sexual assault" and the "delusion
of persecution" she theorized (my insisting she's a fraud is exactly that "delusion of persecution"), and I'm still on a "mandated medical leave" due to this.
In 11/2013, the US Dept. of Homeland Security resumed their investigation on sherrycheryl, after I advised them the "persecution" on me (their own word)

In 1/2014, after four years of unthanked efforts to avoid official impact on her life, I started publishing relevant evidence and legal reasoning on the web,
with intent to cause public scrutiny on the two countries' governments, to compel them to help me out of this situation. Statutorily, after a criminal
allegation is made and has caused consequences between two aliens, only one of the accuser and the accused may stay in the US. Therefore, in my
defense and as mandated by my university, it would also be inevitable that sherrycheryl be repatriated.

More meaningful to the reviewers of this statement, is that each of you needs to have a precedent that what she does doesn't pay in the end, so that future
conspirators will be discouraged from victimizing you or your loved ones. Based on this interest, I call on you to urge the US government to render a timely
and accountable response.

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Here is a brief sample of her discrepancies.

goo.gl/KEwIMl is an email I sent her in 2011, quoting a 12:52 PM 8/14/2010 email (4 hours after my plane back to the US took off) she sent to me (original
Chinese version: scribd.com/doc/196846532), accusing her of framing me up, and pleading her with our intimate past to let her stop doing this (she was
single back then). She picked this email from my emails and forwarded to Tufts University Police Department, alleging this was harassment from a failed
rapist, and requesting emergent actions to be done on me. At Tufts' request, I ceased contact to her and empathetically denied any malice. Not so
surprisingly, she was dissatisfied with the outcome and urged my school to expel me, spreading her emails wanting me sent to a mental ward. Under this
stigma and my school's indifference, I complained about my school and was sent to a mental ward (8/2012).
http://goo.gl/KEwIMl 2011201081412:52
Google sherrycheryl

However, that goo.gl/KEwIMl quoted email of hers was itself inconsistent. According to her police deposition, her theory was she kindly offered me her lab
to deposit my luggage that night, to catch my next morning's flight back to the US, but despite we never were dating, I unexpectedly coerced her,
"overwhelmed" her, and drugged her that night, making her "afraid", "hurt", and "brain fuzzy" as that night "concluded", so that I engaged her in involuntary
relations; the next morning, "passively dependant", she brought me to the airport and "seen off at departure", before taking "a taxi back to school", "talked
to mom", and sent me this email alleging she had changed her mind and felt awful about that night.
goo.gl/KEwIMl ^
(: http://zh.scribd.com/doc/131578643 )

Her story appeals to pity not logic. First, if I assaulted her that "afternoon and evening" and that afternoon already made her "shudder", why would she let
me in her lab that night, unaware of what would happen? Anywhere outside had surveillance and police presence, inside her lab there was a police-handy
phone. If she was conscious to open the door she must be as conscious to call the police, which she was free to but chose not to.

Second, who was moving my luggage, from her 3rd-floor office downstairs where no elevator was there, then out of her university's guarded campus gate,
all the way to the airport? Delta Air says my luggage was sizeable (two suitcases, one big one small), and therefore two people were required to exert
strength to move the luggage downstairs, each without any feasibility to lay a hand on the other. This indicates that from her office to the airport, both she
and I were walking on our own feet, without any physical support or compulsion between us. This indicates that she was neither "brain fuzzy", nor
"overwhelmed", nor "scared". She knowingly lied on all three elements constituting rape, turning this case from a rape question to a perjury question.

Then look at the reaction from her mother. Dubious as it was, when the daughter called to claim she was drugged and raped, the mother advised her not to
contact the police or take medical samples of drug or bruise, but to contact the alleged abuser for his "confession". This means they had no physical
evidence and there was no physical offense. They did want it, though. She did write this incendiary letter to me, which means she was actually not afraid of
me. Her asking me to "confess" to the non-existent drugging or physically hurting her, indicates her conscious intent to entrap and falsify everything she

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I could write on, but you get the picture. More discrepancies, which require more evidence to show, can be viewed from a Google search of .
When this fraud was inevitably poked out, she resorted to using psychiatry to silence the doubts. This is exactly what she's doing today.

You may doubt her ability to achieve this, because a psychiatric diagnosis must be made by a professional examiner, authorized to practice psychiatry by
the government.

This summarizes the problem, because first and foremost, she is herself an educated psychologist, vigorously trained in (romantically) inducing sentiment
and portraying psychosis. Next, note that her father is a governmental official and her mother works in her hometown's medical system (audio 21'30"),
which basically smooths out any barrier to customize psychiatric evaluations on you in certain areas of China.


In the United States, where people are generally unaware of possible psychiatric corruption, this fraud and medical torture can be dramatically easily done
as long as there is a pecuniary interest. (for more healthcare fraud like this, view my http://whistleblowerumn.blog.de ) Otherwise, Dan Markingson would
not have been killed. Google it.
Dan Markingson

Once a governmental entity is lured or deceived into siding with her, you will hardly find a recourse from within that entity's sphere of influence. Meanwhile,
she will claim her allegations made to law enforcement are immune from your allegations of defamation, and get away with it, and go on with her life as if
your misery did not exist.

She will have a complete arsenal of psychiatric glossary, to label anything you do or don't do as an offense. If you claim you had her intimate consent, you
will be diagnosed with "delusion of love"; if you claim she breached your trust, you will be diagnosed with "delusion of persecution"; your sentimental pleads
will be "harassment", your condescending messages trusting her and reminding her of you guys' intimate past will be posted and made sticky on your
school profile as your "obscenity" (under a different premise than yours, memories of a sexual assault are said to be bitter, not sweet); then desirably, you
will make indignant remarks at this abasing and that will unfortunately be "threats" and used against you; under these allegations, your inaction will be
"acquiescence"; your sadness will be suicidal or homicidal "depression"; under her such intricacy and your such stress, you will panic, and your ineffective
communication will be your "tangential thinking", and "difficult to follow" to anyone wanting you psychiatrically; and lastly, to any authority destined to side
with her, your physical evidence will be "paranoia" as if it did not exist, and "irrelevant" too, because your evidence is only relevant to her fault and
irrelevant to your psychosis, your psychosis will be the only thing at issue... These elements are more than sufficient to send you to a mental ward. Out of
nowhere, you now face a case of "delusional rapist harasses after a miss".
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when her lie is officially your paranoia
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von n13315 @ 2014-02-10 06:51:01


On her side, before she ever stepped on the soil of the United States, she knew how to exploit the vulnerabilities of this country. She know how to avoid
cross-examination based on claimed "fear" of you (as a "rapist"), how to let the police "cease and desist" your contact (using a restraining order, thereby
preventing you from viewing her side of evidence or raising doubts on her discrepancies which you hardly know), and how to make a sad face to convince a
school psychologist to produce diagnoses of her alleged trauma under your alleged offense (which is healthcare fraud again). Your initial assumption that
she doesn't have a case because she doesn't have physical evidence, will stop functioning here, because this psychologist (as well as the police) will
serve as "witnesses", even if the alleged assault occurred on the different hemisphere. More compromising is the lower evidentiary standard used in
disciplinary or psychiatric proceedings, which are currently being used to circumvent the constitutional protections to more easily "convict" sexual
offenders in the United States. In such proceedings, reasonable doubts are fine, as long as she "appears" more convincing than you. You are 100% guilty
as long as she's sufficiently articulate.

just know it

She will also claim she has no further contact with you and no contact means no harm. Normally, even conscientious law enforcement will subconsciously
adopt this notion. She married her similarly saddened ex-boyfriend before me (saddened exactly due to her involvement with me) and places me at serious
disadvantage, because my any further presence in her life would be conveniently attributed to an intruding incentive.

All are based on the premise of her absolute justifiability.

What if she isn't that justified? What if I did have a point to make, in all my "harassment" all along? That would turn her every "defense" against my
"harassment", into an offense of witness tampering. She still denies to just admit no assault happened and legally stay out of my life, because this would
invalidate all she did to become a professional victim, and drive away all her "rights" arising under this status. Meanwhile, her harmless-looking effort to
stop my contact exactly serves to strengthen, not doing away with, that 8/14/2010 allegation, because what it ceases is my effort to vindicate and what it
hints is the allged rape rather existed than not. Isn't it? If rape was false, then her silence is rather a true threat, which actually did result in damage.


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As a Chinese lady who "had plans to settle in the United States" back when she first met me, she certainly would need a permanent residence in the US. If
she sticked to her F student (or dependent) visa and followed the normal path for foreign students, studied and worked hard (like I did), it would take her
two years to be granted a work permit, and many more years for a green card. If she were able to establish herself as a victim, she could get a U visa,
instant work auth, and green card in three years.

Once she silences me, has her case intact, and gets her U visa, her husband will have an as quick access to work auth and green card. She thus helps
him "excel" over other husbands.


This year, back in the United States, she would conceive a child as quick as possible, to turn herself into the mother of a US citizen so that any offense
which may impair her stay in the US will be overriden by this humanitarian ground. Further, she will engage in positive activities such as stem cell donation,
so that she will appear as a moral and law-abiding resident, distancing herself from the image of a deportable alien. With due respect to her intended
contribution to this country, I must say that came a bit dubious, though, because when she applied for stem cell donation (Google "sherrycheryl stem cell")
she managed to get knocked up at the same time (Google "sherrycheryl "). The mobilization agent to be injected prior to stem cell donation would
result in a miscarriage. One instance of such a pretense, on sight, can differentiate yourself from normal people.

(Google "sherrycheryl stem cell")(Google "sherrycheryl ")

But anyway, a happy and meaningful family will thus find home in the land of the free and home of the brave, if I don't insist on my dissent.

One man's vulgarity is another's lyric.

First off, as an at-request and trusting ex-boyfriend, I feel used and saddened. According to her own account made to the police, I started weeping exactly
in the 8/13/2010 night she said she was assaulted. Intuitively you know what that was for.

A broken heart can find relief from a new relationship, but this was made unavailable for me due to my trust in and from others having been severed by this
compromising allegation. Later, I further incurred irreparable damage financially and bodily, unable to resume my studies in the US unless and until I clarify
the facts above. This unexcapable situation, strangely, gave me a bonding to her which fueled my "harassment". Each time I wrote to her (until last June),
I felt delusionally a bit closer to relief. All I want is some comfort, but to no avail.

More disheartening is a crashing fantasy about this country I once so piously believed in, the extent of which can be easily seen from my English skills. If
her dicrepancy does exist, which appears to be the case judging from her loss of visa in 2013, then this discrepancy surviving so many rounds of checks
and balances and still functioning today to enable her stay in the United States, suggests an alerting absence of government accountability. Worse still,
she thinks this stuff works ... I do believe this is what's truly psychotic. Overall, this kind of destructive fraud is a race to the bottom and soon can make
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this country leg behind.

If you leave her unattended, my today will be your tomorrow.

WHEREFORE, having been advised of this information, many people will wish that she becomes neither a spouse nor a parent of a US citizen, so that she
will have no ties with this country and be made to leave. No ties, no contact; "no contact means no harm". The US Department of Homeland Security is
exactly urged to best implement this consensus. I also told the US government to not lock her up for longer than my 68 days of medically forced self-
incrimination, but just send her home, so that she will have no time under physical pain but enough time to reflect on her citizenship.

When our trust dissolved four years ago, I used to tell her the story of Moses and Exodus. He went through a long series of tribulations to finally envision
the promised land, but he didn't make it. Each of those saddened days, I would see my religious landlords come to comfort a weeping me saying, if you
hold firmly your belief, you will see Moses came back to life and was let in that land. I'm not sure if they went paranoid or metaphorical about Isreal's rise,
but what I do understand, is as long as I stay true, I'll get my life back. The aggrieved mothers of Dan Markingson and me are still yearning the least
justice and relief for their (nearly) killed sons, and this would require the US government to not only take a timely and accountable position regarding
sherrycheryl, but honestly face their own problems as well.

Dan Markingson

It starts off at your public scrutiny, and I wish it won't be long. Anyone with a legal background will know that this case will be rested with just a
governmental confirmation of her identity in these evidences above - her alias sherrycheryl on the web, her voice in that files.de audio clip, and her
authorship in that goo.gl/KEwIMl quoted 8/14/2010 letter. All other evidences are circumstantial. Because her email address used to register this
"sherrycheryl" username at huaren.us is the same one she listed on her Peking University lab page and used to receive my emails, law enforcement only
need to give her a call (to know she is the person in that audio clip above) and check her authorship in that 8/14/2010 letter. If she confirms, all the above
holds; if she denies, I'll rid this letter from my life and she'll have additional perjury problems once you check with Tufts.

This information has been submitted via HSI Tipline.

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von n13315 @ 2014-03-13 03:11:52


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facial challenge (cont.)
von n13315 @ 2014-03-11 14:34:38
-------- Forwarding messages --------
From: "last victim" <lastvictim@163.com>
Date: 2014-03-08 12:20:52
To: oig.hotline@ed.gov
Cc: "Davis; Sharon D. (OCR)" <Sharon.D.Davis@ed.gov>,"Stuart; Sonja" <Sonja.Stuart@ed.gov>,"Truelove; Amy" <Amy.Truelove@ed.gov>,"OCR
Chicago" <OCR.Chicago@ed.gov>,"Ann.Cook-Graver@ed.gov" <ann.cook-
<miguel.figueras@ed.gov>,ocr@ed.gov,political_usa@mofa.go.kr,"Richard.B.Berger@ice.dhs.gov" <richard.b.berger@ice.dhs.gov>,urgent-
action@ohchr.org,qzxx <qzxx@npc.gov.cn>
Subject: legislative re n13315.blog.de, whistleblowerumn.blog.de

US government:

As said, if you enjoy being complimented like this in front of so many foreign authorities, I am pleased to go ahead. Today I discuss your renowned
problem of judicial inaccuracies in domestic violence, to put these foreigners on notice before your revolution is exported.

Domestic violence is despicable. It reduces the welfare and dignity of a human being twice as much as does violence otherwise, because it simultaneously
alienates the familial affections and causes injuries incidental to the abuse per se, adding insult to injury.

Such abuse shall be triply despicable if combined with yet another element, that is, color of law. By the undisputed legal standards of both countries, color
of law is an aggravating factor, not a mitigating factor, in determining the severity of an offense. And, as is practically the case, virtually every officious
abuser has more or less some legal skills to cast her abuse in a false light of being justified. This brings up an interesting and counterintuitive conclusion,
fraud is violent.

By lowering the evidentiary standard to convict domestic violence from 99% sure (criminal justice standard) to 50% sure (civil justice standard, used in
restraining orders and campus disciplinary trials), in other words, by making your judicial system 50 times more vulnerable to fraud (from 1% to 50%), you
are placing your citizens 50 times more vulnerable to the triple victimization of abuse per se, alienation of affections, and tyranny.

A predictable and evident outcome is your country's world-leading prison population, divorce rate, and continued decline of global competence. All these
come at the benefit of a merely billion-$ industry of law enforcement and lawyers, and the ballot victories of a political party whose known campaigning
strategy is to deceive or lure the under-educated voters, which is, again counterintuitively, a step down from the rule of law, not a step up from it.

Every student taking Econ 101 knows that raising supply has the same effect as raising demand, because the equilibrium is positively correlated to both.
Your tax-funded police subordination to fraud (as analyzed above), by all means, is the increased supply to the demand of violent fraudsters. The result is,
more police, more violence.

If you want out of this problem, there is a way. Follow your existing rules, and feel justified in enthusiastically prosecuting those who knowingly (hence
liably) procure 1) domestic 2) violence 3) in the color of law. It's a compelling governmental interest, cut and dry.
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As a so far undisputed victim of a 4-year-long triple injury of officious domestic violence, I have clarified to you that the least restrictive means to preserve
this compelling governmental interest, is to make this crime not pay in the end. Deporting or convicting (with minimal harshness) all who profiteered through
a known fraud, is a minimal action narrowly tailored to your compelling governmental interest to reduce violence and promote trust.

I've yet to see it done in my case, which inevitably casts doubt on your own complicity in this violent fraud I suffered, which indicates a theoretical lack of
recourse from within your governmental system, and which justifies the international humiliation commenced on you.

Hope this clarifies, and effectuates.

-------- Forwarding messages --------
From: "last victim" <lastvictim@163.com>
Date: 2014-03-07 01:03:49
To: "last victim" <lastvictim@163.com>
Cc: "Davis; Sharon D. (OCR)" <Sharon.D.Davis@ed.gov>,"Stuart; Sonja" <Sonja.Stuart@ed.gov>,"Truelove; Amy" <Amy.Truelove@ed.gov>,"OCR
Chicago" <OCR.Chicago@ed.gov>,"Ann.Cook-Graver@ed.gov" <ann.cook-
Subject: too big to fail Re:Last Victim University of Minnesota in Minneapolis

The inventor of chess was allegedly killed by the king, because awarding him became out of the king's affordability. Iraq invaded Kuwait to default on its
debt owed to Kuwait during the Iraq-Iran war. Whenever the US government needs to deal with its public debt, its first instinct is never to repay it out, but to
make regular congressional bills to raise the debt ceiling. Similarly, in my case, all these named violent fraudsters go at large while the messenger was

No wonder I would resort to disseminating these diplomatically, to test the reserve of your sovereign credibility in an international bankrun. This appears to
be the only way that theoretically can work.
2014-03-06 23:00:40"last victim" <lastvictim@163.com>
>idk what else i can do to help everyone beware of the peril here, so just sending these emails. the problem with the russlynn ali 4/2011 DCL is that in any
A vs B situation, if government (or public university, which is part of government) as party C sides with A in the name of affirmative action, there is A + C
vs B (2 v 1, or even much more) so B has no theoretical chance to reach that 50.01% preponderance of evidence and get out clean. if A is incentivized,
her mere existence will make the initiation and continuation of such process (psychiatric or disciplinary) unstoppable.
>this presumption of guilt is *mathematically unescapeable*, thereby constituting torture under UN definition. the only reason it isn't bursting out as a major
scandal is because each victim is well gagged by the stigma and threats of reprisal (called "treatment" on your "recurring psychosis").
>do any of you have a confidence that you wont someday be targeted by the U's incentivized Sharon Dzik and put into this theoretical impasse? if not, act
out to prevent. rally, spam, spread.
>clear and convincing standard requires 80% "more likely than not" evidence to convict, beyond a reasonable doubt standard, 98%. government (and
incentivized fraudsters) has to be many times stronger than you (as opposed to mere existence) to do you wrong. that gives you at least a chance to put
up a fight.
>dont tell me to get a lawyer and sue this in court. the law itself is wrong. you dont get the correct measure with a wrong ruler.
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Complaint on OCR Chicago
von n13315 @ 2014-03-02 20:53:22

Today I write on the visible corruption of your ED OCR Chicago. As the implicated Ms. Laura Knudson of the University of Minnesota pointed out (see
forwarded), it would be sufficient to vindicate myself on everything as long as I prove that an 8/14/2010 letter I received from a terminated Tufts University
student constituted in slander. While both Chinese and American non-lawyers who have seen this 8/14/2010 letter have pointed out its discrepancies
(Chinese: http://www.xici.net/d196031383.htm ; US:
http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1rrvmp/do_you_agree_that_this_text_is_alleging_a_crime/ ) and concluded that it would likely cause a finding
of defamation per se, still, spectacular as it is, both Chinese and American trial-level fact-finders (Judge (GAO Hongwei) of Qinhuai District Court,
and Ann Cook-Graver/Miguel Figueras of ED OCR Chicago) claim they have seen no falsity in this file and therefore my claim of being slandered by that
former Tufts student will be based on insufficient evidence.
Laura Knudson2010814
http://www.xici.net/d196031383.htm http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1rrvmp/do_you_agree_that_this_text_is_alleging_a_crime/
Ann Cook-GraverMiguel

As far as I can tell, Mr. Gao has been investigated by the Chinese authorities. I don't see a reason if you don't do Ms. Cook-Graver and Mr. Figueras a
comparable favor. Adding insult to injury on your constituency (myself not counted) is extremely unwise, but it's just dubious that law enforcement in both
countries can be soooooo freaking ridiculous. You are causing too much horror on your citizens because this corruption, if allowed to go at large, will be a
precedent threatening everybody in your jurisdiction - that is, the entire United States.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 1:00 AM, Laura Knudson <nyrex001@umn.edu> wrote:
Dear [Complainant],
Last weekend, I received an e-mail in which you indicated that I was helpful to you in the past. I would like to be helpful now, too.

If your goal is to return to the U.S. and complete a degree, then your best option is to adhere to the agreement on October 19, 2012 [a self-incriminatory
"agreement" the Complainant signed under psychiatric detainment and daily injections], and be able to address the concerns outlined in that agreement. If
it is to address the issue that you have been slandered by the Tufts student, then you will need to do that on your own.

Please consider the discontinuation of your e-mails as these e-mails are not helping you. If you continue harassing people with large volumes of e-mails,
they are less likely to respond to your concerns.


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Laura Knudson
Associate Director
Office for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
University of Minnesota,Twin Cities
211 Appleby Hall
128 Pleasant Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455

FAX: 612-626-2298

Strengthsquest: Learner, Achiever, Arranger, Communication, Input

This complaint was published on n13315.blog.de and pqin.livejournal.com, and submitted via HSI Tipline.
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facial challenge
von n13315 @ 2014-02-16 13:14:16
Dear ED OIG Hotline staff:

Besides the psychiatry side of the matters I reported, this email discusses the sexual offense side of my allegations on not just the University of
Minnesota, but your Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights as well. As you are aware of, my allegations on the psychiatry side involve facial
challenges on Minnesota laws and university policies which fail to meet the standards of the UN Convention against Torture - but the UN CAT is your Law
of the Land and overrides any state law or statute to the contrary, hence the intervention requested. My allegations on your OCR policy, specifically, former
Assistant Secretary Russlynn Ali's 4/2011 "Dear Colleague" Letter, is a facial challenge as well, which if successful will affect the entire United States.
You, the OIG, do have sufficient jurisdiction to evaluate and at times necessary invalidate OCR's mandates. In my and many others' opinion, you have
sufficient reasons on the merit to invalidate that DCL as well.

Russlynn Ali20114

Currently, it was reported that all but 6 universities in the United States are receiving federal funding from your Department, a condition of which is to
adjudicate campus disciplinary hearings on alleged sexual offenses by a "preponderance of evidence" standard, meaning, if the accused appears to be (to
the untrained and incentivized university staff) 50.01% more "likely" to be a sexual offender, he would be penalized and stigmatized the same way real
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rapists get from a criminal trial with all constitutional protections afforded. This DCL, since its inception, has drawn fierce criticism from across your country
(for example, http://thefire.org/case/862 ) because it simply contradicts everything your country makes out to be, like an unmentionable disease of a
beauty who is otherwise lovely on all counts. In my case, for example, the status quo is 1) I have never been criminally charged because the officer
admitted "there is insufficient evidence"; 2) I have been medically (psychiatrically) forced to incriminate myself on acts constituting a sexual offense (threat
for sex); and 3) there was no threat for sex, but there was threat against threat to accuse me of threat for sex. We know that the threat to accuse one of
making a threat for sex should be discouraged when the accused made no threat for sex, but the reality at the University of Minnesota - under both their
greedy state psych laws and your as dubious DCL - is that because in "there was threat against threat to accuse him of threat for sex" there were two
threats allegedly made by him while only one threat made by her, 2 "threats" are "more likely than not" than 1 threat and therefore enough to convict him of
making threats for sex. If the accused male further argues (for rape accusers, counter-argument is conveniently a "threat"), there will also be further
disciplinary or psychiatric threats backfiring on himself and there will be "threat against threat to accuse him of threat against threat to accuse him of threat
for sex" and 3:2 still makes the case, and 4:3, 5:4, and so forth, so there will always be a preponderance of evidence stacked up against the actually not
liable male, after an initial allegation of threat for sex is made on him. This summarizes the problem of your DCL and the bogus cases under it we've seen
in these three years.

http://thefire.org/case/862 "

As an unprecedented variant of this judicial virus, the woman in my case - a psychologist educated in China's best university - invented a novel method to
make her initial allegation count, that is, to portray my perpetrator psychology to depict my threat allegedly aimed at procuring her alleged beauty, and
again portray her victim psychology - and, accuse me "as a person who is mentally ill" - to discredit my words and to deter any cross-examination, so that
this installed initial "threat for sex" will somehow avoid oversight and stay there underlying the entire case.


Under a used for decades and widely wanted back "clear and convincing" standard, or the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard used in my native China,
however, you won't have such repercussions because people simply start by substantiating facts on physical evidence, not by going paranoid to presume
guilt. I don't think it's just coincidental that your country has an incarceration rate 6 times, a divorce rate 3 times, and a growth rate 0.2 times, of those of
my native country. If you want out of a problem, stop being the problem. It is high time you reflect on your practice of commercializing law enforcement,
and it's just a bit weird that your OCR would rather sacrifice your country's trillion-$ human rights ploy against China for its premature DCL supported by
your billion-$ feminist industry. Even by your own standard of greed, this doesn't make sense. In my paranoid opinion, you'd rather have only two choices
at this point - either, you abandon that DCL before a widespread Chinese discussion ensues, or, you abandon that DCL after a widespread Chinese
discussion ensues. Ask your Accounting for more calculations on this.

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This message was sent to the Chinese government and various NGOs that celebrated the termination of Russlynn Ali's job in 2012. Also published on my
personal n13315.blog.de involving a case prosecution summary, to be time-stamped by Google so that your constituency can toll the time it takes for you
to do a right thing.
Russlynn AliNGO(n13315.blog.de)Google

From: "last victim" <lastvictim@163.com>
Date: 2014-02-23 14:13:37
To: lss10@mfa.gov.cn,nyrex001@umn.edu,ocr@ed.gov,oig.hotline@ed.gov,urgent-action@ohchr.org,"political_usa@mofa.go.kr" <political_usa@mofa.go.kr>,"consular_usa@mofa.go.kr"
Subject: n13315.blog.com, n13315.blog.de, pqin.livejournal.com

Apparently you are not responding to my any inquiry. I made four inquiries to your office so far:
1) I asked OCR Chicago to confirm their receipt of my 2/2014 complaint (filed de novo because the University of Minnesota's retaliatory suspension is ongoing and renders time limitations
irrelevant), no response.
2) I asked OCR Chicago to confirm their receipt of my 1/2014 appeal from their 11/2013 finding of "insufficient evidence" to establish the University engaged in discrimination against asians
(including identified Korean and Chinese victims) and males, no response.
3) I asked your office to look into the University of Minnesota's psychiatric corruption because it also involves other conditions of federal educational funding not related to civil rights laws, no
4) I asked your office to repeal Russlynn Ali's 4/2011 Dear Colleague Letter for reasons outlined in n13315.blog.de, no response.

By the University of Minnesota's (and Hennepin County's) standard, your failure to follow up on questions asked would be considered to be a lack of normal human response, "lack of insight", a
basis that you "might harm somebody", a rationale for "time might be ripe" that you would act out violently, and a justification that "it would be unwise" to not raid your office building, invade your
privacy, or drag you to a mental ward for injections before anything hypothesized happens. I'm sorry this county never had the power to give you this Equal Protection, but would you give them
one please? As you may wish to note, my ex, who started this whole war, had made a famous speech online (, google it) attributing "one's every discrepancy caught
is but bad luck" (and not her own fault). This seems to apply to all these agencies under your jurisdiction, and please note that sociopathy is a mental illness that does warrant inpatient treatment.

Again, please contact to confirm receipt. Thank you.

Cc: United Nations Human Rights Commissioner, Chinese government, Korean government
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von n13315 @ 2014-02-12 02:56:56
The relationship between this personal case you are about to read (in which I was a victim: n13315.blog.de) and the University of Minnesota's general problems (in which I was a whistleblower: whistleblowerumn.blog.de) is
two-fold. Metaphysically, the woman's success making her immigration fraud officially your paranoia will mean this stuff works in this country (thanks to the U's procedural flaws), and that will be a dangerous
precedent for each of you because you are not differently situated than what I started off as, trusting and defenseless; and incidentally, the woman's success will effectively subdue a whistleblower under this exile (enabling the
University to base their adversaries on me based on "honest errors" adopting anything the woman says) and prevent me from vindicating not just myself but more identified victims under torture. The complexity of both the
woman's and the University's fraud was intentionally made to exceed unalerted people's ability to identify, which is why the fraud lasted so long before it was identified. All happen at the cost of American lives to the
benefit of a terminated visa holder's regain of immigrant status, procured through visible fraud and reported corruption. Please note that this is not a "you should retain a good lawyer" question, because if you do read the rest
of information here you will see on the legal side it's already sufficient. What we need is action not speculation, because if the US government is - rather than this ongoing "looking into it" forever - pressured into giving a
response on the merits (on which the woman herself admittedly panicked online), that response will be certain and unique. Therefore, if you still care, please start by contacting Pittsburgh immigrations office and let your
voice be heard.


Update. As of today, 2/24/2014, the 38th day of the woman being reported to law enforcement, she is still seen in the United States endorsed by its
government and consuming its benefits.
Any corroboration from an uninvolved third party (for example, a 2003 Peking University badger game for green card similar to mine -
http://club.kdnet.net/dispbbs.asp?boardid=6&id=464039 - and a 2007 University of Minnesota psychiatric reprisal similar to mine -
http://zh.scribd.com/doc/159341004 - both victims published their stories online way before I ever was involved with either university), any such third-
party corroboration, with idiosyncratic distinctions pointing to a particular color-of-law abuser, can and will immediately shift the doubt from my "paranoia",
to my adversaries' corruption. Paranoia don't coincide on so many narrated events from two individual cases 10 years apart. Rather, this high number of
coincidence suggests a systematic defect on the officious side, because official practices from "equal opportunity" authorities tend to treat everybody
equally. Equally good, or equally abusive. No such abusive authority, under such fierce and effective scrutiny, may last long. It will rather collapse so fast
like Penn State at the outburst of the Jerry Sandusky scandal.

Jerry Sandusky
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This email was sent to the governments of China, Korea, and the United States, as well as various NGOs whose stated missions appear to involve my cause. Ad hominem attacks on either me or my opposition is low, ad
hoc resolutions to these matters appear trivial, but the clash of ideas and your choice of right and wrong in this precedent will by extension affect your own lives and that's of real interest to each of you. Further, as
governments, the three countries' authorities have a duty to address the bodily and property harm sustained by their citizens or likely sustained by their citizens, and I believe it's both a civil right and a civic duty of mine to
remind them of these issues.

Korean government please note the North Korean student likely persecuted in 2012 (see the 2/2014 update in whistleblowerumn.blog.de), whose eventual fate may seriously concern you after you figure out what it is.
Dear reader:

From my experiences with reasonable people whom I consulted with about my matters, I can see your doubts and hesitation to intervene from numerous aspects. However, since I wish to ease your doubts and persuade you
into keeping an eye on the authorities' disposal of these matters, I surely wish that you could read my emails with a calm, rational attitude and evaluate their resonance with your interests.

What's manifest to each of you, is my objective distraught and subjective stress. Objectively, I am being suspended on a "mandated medical leave" by my University of Minnesota, for being "delusional" in believing there's
a "vast conspiracy" involving a woman's alleged immigration fraud and their alleged corruption; subjectively, I am in serious pain, emotionally, for if my claims are true, then the experience of being used and abused in a
relationship (which she psychiatrically denies) and in a series of what I believe is malicious or negligent unfair treatments at the hands of my University (which they psychiatrically deny) is traumatizing beyond what a
reasonable person could bear. I wish my words could appear even milder to minimize your impression of my sentiment and therefore "psychosis", but there's no choice in the matter.

What you can see on her and their sides, is uniformly a facial serenity and a deep panic. Serenity manifests itself in their professional and calm statements of their side of story, panic manifests itself in their fierce reactions
on my body and property which appear somewhat disproportionate and abnormal. There is another item worth your notice on their side - when they face my questions, they don't answer and they'd rather you don't see my
questions at all (they officiously call it "harassment" on you) so that you don't ask them the same questions, calling their *substantive* merit into question.

However, the questions do deserve an answer. According widespread news found online, death has been resultant from essentially the same treatments that happened to me. Death must be answered for, and prevented.

Once you note my likely merit in making these claims against my color-of-law and powerful adversaries, you will also note the distinction between how I should have been treated, and how I am being treated. That
reasonably gives rise to my stress, trauma, and my every questioned speech (no conduct ever, but purely speech) not rising to the level of their offensiveness but were intelligently used by them to portray my "paranoia" and
rationalize their cause. You see I wrote so much, while they expressed so little, but it would be just too lucky for me to find so many independent sources whose experiences with my opposition corroborate mine, while my
opposition have yet to prove a single instance of my knowing misrepresentation and had to resort to accusing my tone instead. Still, when their word failed themselves, they resorted to physical injections to "help" me
change my mind, which summarized their knowledge of their odds of eventual success on the merit.

Paranoia don't coincide on the events of others' lives, others who reported victimizations similar to mine. Too many instances as such, have been observed and cited in my blogs and posts online (some in English, some
with English translations), which rather suggests something went systematically wrong on the opposite (and official) side. The one improvement I made ever since the start of these matters, and also a regret I have regarding
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my past efforts in dealing with these matters, is my historical stress, anger, and epithets used on purportedly innocent and vulnerable individuals my speech was directed at, for example, a woman. That was severely
politically incorrect and turned out unhelpful to my actually kindly motivated and strongly justified cause.

Note that in this email, I've yet to touch a single issue involving substantive merit, but I've already given you an intuitive idea of who's right and who's wrong. This psychological approach somehow coincides with the fact
that my opposition consists of an educated psychologist (the woman) who stirred this matter up simply with what she allegedly likes or dislikes (portraying me as a man always disrespecting a woman's will), and later, an
army of educated psychologists (the University of Minnesota) who turned this verbal matter physical on a "he 'might be' wrong and psychotic" basis. Admittedly, they are good at using mental judgments to rationalize
physical assault and battery. This practice was, however, flatly wrong.

The same weird stuff at the University of Minnesota happened, happens, and will happen on your brethren, if you don't cause public scrutiny and official intervention on this University, who carried out the physical (and
deadly) part on me at gunpoint. The same weird stuff by the woman happened, happens, and will happen on men and women across the United States, if you don't figure out her intricacy and how to dissociate official
sympathy from her claims, for part of her claims were simply divorced from the rest of her claims. Deterrent effect is what you should seek in this situation.

At the core of this University administration's such operations, is their need, intent, and acts to plant a nonexistent but offensive intent on the student's mind, his denial of which (usually quite vehement under this apparent
insult) would be further portrayed as "lack of insight" and used to exaggerate that offensive intent, to rationalize their subsequent psychiatric attack. It's like a leopard hunting: irritate, entrap, bite.

More technically advanced is my psychologist ex's trinity of sentiment management. She would come and date you - let's say a man who allegedly sexually offended her earlier, on an offered condition of your gentlemanish
"confession" in email (not verbally), to 1) induce your romantic expression (later to be used against you as your "sexual harassment"), 2) entrap your "confession" to her criminal allegation, and 3) provoke your anger at being
cheated, used, and free-loved (later to be used against you as your "sexual threats"). Had there not been circumstantial evidences that failed her initial underlying allegation of sexual assault on the merits, and uncovered her
criminal malice which preceded and outweighed all later repercussions, this true cause of your every sentiment - her abuse - will be looked over, and a false nexus between your expressed anger (a "threat") and your expressed
romantic interest will be presumed by unsuspecting fact-finders, and retrospectively cast you "in a particularly negative light" when the earliest sexual offense alleged is up for debate. This would also appear especially handy
if she were able to convince the fact-finder that you guys "never thought of being in a romantic relationship", which is standard half-truthing in that she indeed never intended to love you and make you happy, because all she
wanted was to use you. If you assert you were made to believe you were dating her, you will be accused of "paranoia of love" with a subtle substitution between your alleged obsession with her and her malicious entrapping
you into this.



A leak will be visible, though, if the entrapper is knowingly falsifying her "abuser's" abusive psychology - there could be angry emails from you, there could be intimate emails, but there was not a single email that looked
simultaneously angry and intimate, leaving the question open as to whether there existed a "threat *for* sex" nexus as she firmly asserts. In fact, this lack of evidence of your romantic interest under anger exactly indicates
her lack of merit in insisting you had a mentality to rape, while her efforts trying to procure such "evidence" indicates her malicious intent to frame a crime.

Her and their diligent efforts to keep you from clarifying these delicate false lights, further, served to socially (and officially) isolate you and corner you, so that you would either submit to their power, or continue to fight
("threaten") or plead ("harass"), and be "cast in a particularly negative light".
The only way out, as they point out, is to find a "licenced" psychiatrist to "adequately explore" your alleged psychosis. It's not so coincidental that they are the ones with that license, not you. At best, you are not psychotic,
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at worst, you are; either case, it's all about the existence of your fault, not theirs.

The most terrible thing that keeps you awake at night, is they (including that woman) don't dispute it was wrong from the start (no one disputes that sexual assault allegation was false, not even herself and family, check),
while doing things upon that wrong allegation like it's right, spreading and citing it to tell people "protect yourself" when I tried to transfer away, while telling my sympathizers (Chinese diplomats in 9/2012) they are not
spreading it so my claim to the contrary was a paranoia. They are like, "if doing this were wrong I don't wanna be right". This confidence in their corruption causes widespread panic. No panic spreads out until public
disclosure occurs, which is why they want me silenced, leveraging on what I care about. Again, no one disputes these behaviors of theirs.


There does exist another way out, which they'd rather no one knew. Do not get involved with them from the beginning, so that there's no chance for them to bite you upon your weaknesses such as sympathy and careless
trust. Such is the very basis for me to call on the US governmnt, to sever their funding, license, visa, or liberty, which would be necessary to stop and deter what they are doing with a materialistic incentive and a
psychopathic delight. The only thing evidenced in this scheme, is her Peking University and my University of Minnesota's technical training in their departments of psychology. They respectively rank No.1 in their

Psychologically, this summarizes my case; incidentally, please review the two blogs named, make your own judgments on the substantive merits, and take your actions to help render true justice. Over the years, I've erected
too many enemies, but this per se does not necessarily suggest I'm wrong - in fact, if my opposition's tactic was exactly to exploit the compromising weaknesses of as many parties as possible, thereby implicating them and
threatening them out of helping me, then these problems posed to me and to each of you, if they are eventually to be addressed, cannot and will not be addressed until each of these weaknesses is properly circumvented or
tackled so that it does not undermine the entire case. There is a solution to this situation, which is perhaps as spectacular, and which I am exactly doing - to attack on whatever number of parties that appear to have some sort
of flawed prowess, because eventually, if they are wrong, then their power will tend to be atrophic not expanding.

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