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C Sharp (programming language)

C#(pronounced / si rp/ see sharp) is a multi-paradigm programming language
encompassing imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based),
and component-oriented programming disciplines. It was developed by Microsoft within
the .!" initiative and later approved as a standard by !cma (!#M$-%%&) and I'(
(I'(/I!# )%)*+). #, is one of the programming languages designed for the #ommon
-anguage Infrastructure.
#, is intended to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming
language. Its development team is led by $nders .ejlsberg. "he most recent version is
#, &.+, which was released on $pril /), )+/+.
Design goals
"he !#M$ standard lists these design goals for #,0
#, language is intended to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented
programming language.
"he language, and implementations thereof, should provide support for software
engineering principles such as strong type chec1ing, array bounds chec1ing,
detection of attempts to use uninitiali2ed variables, and automatic garbage
collection. 'oftware robustness, durability, and programmer productivity are
"he language is intended for use in developing software components suitable for
deployment in distributed environments.
'ource code portability is very important, as is programmer portability, especially
for those programmers already familiar with # and #33.
'upport for internationali2ation is very important.
#, is intended to be suitable for writing applications for both hosted and
embedded systems, ranging from the very large that use sophisticated operating
systems, down to the very small having dedicated functions.
$lthough #, applications are intended to be economical with regard to memory
and processing power re4uirements, the language was not intended to compete
directly on performance and si2e with # or assembly language.
"he name 5# sharp5 was inspired by musical notation where a sharp indicates that the
written note should be made a semitone higher in pitch. "his is similar to the language
name of #33, where 5335 indicates that a variable should be incremented by /.
6ue to technical limitations of display (standard fonts, browsers, etc.) and the fact that
the sharp symbol (73)889 M7'I# '.$:; 'I< (."M-0 =,>?%>@)) is not present on
the standard 1eyboard, the number sign (73++)% , 7MA!: 'I< (."M-0 =,%B@)) was
chosen to represent the sharp symbol in the written name of the programming language.
"his convention is reflected in the !#M$-%%& #, -anguage 'pecification. .owever,
when it is practical to do so (for eCample, in advertising or in boC art)@ Microsoft uses the
intended musical symbol.
"he 5sharp5 suffiC has been used by a number of other .!" languages that are variants
of eCisting languages, including D, (a .!" language also designed by Microsoft which is
derived from Dava /./), $, (from $da), and the functional 9,. "he original
implementation of !iffel for .!" was called !iffel,, a name since retired since the full
!iffel language is now supported. "he suffiC has also been used for libraries, such as
<t1, (a .!" wrapper for <"E3 and other <(M! libraries), #ocoa, (a wrapper for
#ocoa) and Ft, (a .!" language binding for the Ft tool1it).
6uring the development of the .!" 9ramewor1, the class libraries were originally
written using a managed code compiler system called Simple Managed C ('M#).In
Danuary />>>, $nders .ejlsberg formed a team to build a new language at the time called
#ool, which stood for 5#-li1e (bject (riented -anguageG. Microsoft had considered
1eeping the name 5#ool5 as the final name of the language, but chose not to do so for
trademar1 reasons. Ay the time the .!" project was publicly announced at the Duly )+++
;rofessional 6evelopers #onference, the language had been renamed #,, and the class
libraries and $';.!" runtime had been ported to #,.
#,Hs principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is $nders .ejlsberg, who was
previously involved with the design of "urbo ;ascal, !mbarcadero 6elphi (formerly
#ode<ear 6elphi and Aorland 6elphi), and Iisual D33. In interviews and technical
papers he has stated that flaws in most major programming languages (e.g. #33, Dava,
6elphi, and 'malltal1) drove the fundamentals of the #ommon -anguage :untime
(#-:), which, in turn, drove the design of the #, language itself.
Dames <osling, who created the Dava programming language in />>&, and Aill Doy, a co-
founder of 'un Microsystems, the originator of Dava, called #, an 5imitation5 of Dava@
<osling further claimed that 5J#, isK sort of Dava with reliability, productivity and
security deleted. LElaus Ereft and $ngeli1a -anger (authors of a #33 streams boo1)
stated in a blog post that 5Dava and #, are almost identical programming languages.
Aoring repetition that lac1s innovation,5 5.ardly anybody will claim that Dava or #, are
revolutionary programming languages that changed the way we write programs,5 and 5#,
borrowed a lot from Dava - and vice versa. ow that #, supports boCing and unboCing,
weHll have a very similar feature in Dava.5 $nders .ejlsberg has argued that #, is 5not a
Dava clone5 and is 5much closer to #335 in its design.
'ince the release of #, ).+ in ovember of )++B, the #, and Dava languages have
evolved on increasingly divergent trajectories, becoming somewhat less similar. (ne of
the first major departures came with the addition of generics to both languages, with
vastly different implementations. #, ma1es use of reification to provide 5first-class5
generic objects that can be used li1e any other class, with code generation performed at
class-load time. Ay contrast, DavaHs generics are essentially a language syntaC feature, and
they do not affect the generated byte code because the compiler performs type erasure on
the generic type information after it has verified its correctness.
9urthermore, #, has added several major features to accommodate functional-style
programming, culminating in their -IF eCtensions released with #, %.+ and its
supporting framewor1 of -ambda !Cpressions, !Ctension Methods, and anonymous
classes. "hese features enable #, programmers to use functional programming
techni4ues, such as closures, when it is advantageous to their application. "he -IF
eCtensions and the functional imports help developers reduce the amount of 5boilerplate5
code that is included in common tas1s li1e 4uerying a database, parsing an Cml file, or
searching through a data structure, shifting the emphasis onto the actual program logic to
help improve readability and maintainability.
#, used to have a mascot called $ndy (named after $nders .ejlsberg). It was retired on
)> Dan )++&.
Ay design, #, is the programming language that most directly reflects the underlying
#ommon -anguage Infrastructure (#-I). Most of its intrinsic types correspond to value-
types implemented by the #-I framewor1. .owever, the language specification does not
state the code generation re4uirements of the compiler0 that is, it does not state that a #,
compiler must target a #ommon -anguage :untime, or generate #ommon Intermediate
-anguage (#I-), or generate any other specific format. "heoretically, a #, compiler
could generate machine code li1e traditional compilers of #33 or 9ortran.
'ome notable distinguishing features of #, are0
"here are no global variables or functions. $ll methods and members must be
declared within classes. 'tatic members of public classes can substitute for global
variables and functions.
-ocal variables cannot shadow variables of the enclosing bloc1, unli1e # and #3
3. Iariable shadowing is often considered confusing by #33 teCts.
#, supports a strict Aoolean datatype, bool. 'tatements that ta1e conditions, such
as while and if, re4uire an eCpression of a type that implements the true
operator, such as the boolean type. Mhile #33 also has a boolean type, it can be
freely converted to and from integers, and eCpressions such as if(a) re4uire only
that a is convertible to bool, allowing a to be an int, or a pointer. #, disallows this
5integer meaning true or false5 approach on the grounds that forcing programmers
to use eCpressions that return eCactly bool can prevent certain types of common
programming mista1es in # or #33 such as if (a = b) (use of assignment =
instead of e4uality ==).
In #,, memory address pointers can only be used within bloc1s specifically
mar1ed as unsafe, and programs with unsafe code need appropriate permissions to
run. Most object access is done through safe object references, which always
either point to a 5live5 object or have the well-defined null value@ it is impossible
to obtain a reference to a 5dead5 object (one which has been garbage collected), or
to a random bloc1 of memory. $n unsafe pointer can point to an instance of a
value-type, array, string, or a bloc1 of memory allocated on a stac1. #ode that is
not mar1ed as unsafe can still store and manipulate pointers through the
System.IntPtr type, but it cannot dereference them.
Managed memory cannot be eCplicitly freed@ instead, it is automatically garbage
collected. <arbage collection addresses the problem of memory lea1s by freeing
the programmer of responsibility for releasing memory which is no longer
In addition to the try...catch construct to handle eCceptions, #, has a
try...finally construct to guarantee eCecution of the code in the finally
Multiple inheritance is not supported, although a class can implement any number
of interfaces. "his was a design decision by the languageHs lead architect to avoid
complication and simplify architectural re4uirements throughout #-I.
#, is more type safe than #33. "he only implicit conversions by default are those
which are considered safe, such as widening of integers. "his is enforced at
compile-time, during DI", and, in some cases, at runtime. "here are no implicit
conversions between booleans and integers, nor between enumeration members
and integers (eCcept for literal +, which can be implicitly converted to any
enumerated type). $ny user-defined conversion must be eCplicitly mar1ed as
eCplicit or implicit, unli1e #33 copy constructors and conversion operators,
which are both implicit by default. 'tarting with version &.+, #, supports a
5dynamic5 data type that enforces type chec1ing at runtime only.
!numeration members are placed in their own scope.
#, provides properties as syntactic sugar for a common pattern in which a pair of
methods, accessor (getter) and mutator (setter) encapsulate operations on a single
attribute of a class.
9ull type reflection and discovery is available.
#, currently (as of version &.+) has ** reserved words.
#hec1ed eCceptions are not present in #, (in contrast to Dava). "his has been a
conscious decision based on the issues of scalability and versionability.
Common Type System (CTS)
#, has a unified type system. "his unified type system is called #ommon "ype 'ystem
$ unified type system implies that all types, including primitives such as integers, are
subclasses of the System.Object class. 9or eCample, every type inherits a ToString()
method. 9or performance reasons, primitive types (and value types in general) are
internally allocated on the stac1.
Categories of datatypes
#"' separates datatypes into two categories0
/. Ialue types
). :eference types
Ialue types are plain aggregations of data. Instances of value types do not have
referential identity nor a referential comparison semantics - e4uality and ine4uality
comparisons for value types compare the actual data values within the instances, unless
the corresponding operators are overloaded. Ialue types are derived from
System.ValueType, always have a default value, and can always be created and copied.
'ome other limitations on value types are that they cannot derive from each other (but
can implement interfaces) and cannot have an eCplicit default (parameterless)
constructor. !Camples of value types are all primitive types, such as int (a signed %)-bit
integer), float (a %)-bit I!!! floating-point number), char (a /8-bit 7nicode code unit),
and System.ateTime (identifies a specific point in time with nanosecond precision).
(ther eCamples are enum (enumerations) and struct (user defined structures).
In contrast, reference types have the notion of referential identity - each instance of a
reference type is inherently distinct from every other instance, even if the data within
both instances is the same. "his is reflected in default e4uality and ine4uality
comparisons for reference types, which test for referential rather than structural e4uality,
unless the corresponding operators are overloaded (such as the case for System.String).
In general, it is not always possible to create an instance of a reference type, nor to copy
an eCisting instance, or perform a value comparison on two eCisting instances, though
specific reference types can provide such services by eCposing a public constructor or
implementing a corresponding interface (such as I!loneable or I!omparable).
!Camples of reference types are object (the ultimate base class for all other #, classes),
System.String (a string of 7nicode characters), and System."rray (a base class for all
#, arrays).
ADONET is a set of computer software components that programmers can use to access
data and data services. It is a part of the base class library that is included with the
Microsoft .!" 9ramewor1. It is commonly used by programmers to access and modify
data stored in relational database systems, though it can also access data in non-relational
sources. $6(.!" is sometimes considered an evolution of $ctiveN 6ata (bjects
($6() technology, but was changed so eCtensively that it can be considered an entirely
new product.
$6(.!" is conceptually divided into consumers and data providers. "he consumers
are the applications that need access to the data, and the providers are the software
components that implement the interface and thereby provides the data to the consumer.
ADO.NET and isual Studio
9unctionality eCists in the Iisual 'tudio I6! to create speciali2ed subclasses of the
6ata'et classes for a particular database schema, allowing convenient access to each field
through strongly typed properties. "his helps catch more programming errors at compile-
time and ma1es the I6!Hs Intellisense feature more beneficial.
Entity Framework
"he ADONET En!i!" Frame#or$ is a set of data-access $;Is for the Microsoft .!"
9ramewor1, similar to the Dava ;ersistence $;I, targeting the version of $6(.!" that
ships with .!" 9ramewor1 &.+. $6(.!" !ntity 9ramewor1 is included with .!"
9ramewor1 &.+ and Iisual 'tudio )+/+, released in $pril )+/+. $n !ntity 9ramewor1
Entity is an object which has a 1ey representing the primary 1ey of a logical datastore
entity. $ conceptual Entity Data Model (!ntity-relationship model) is mapped to a
datastore schema model. 7sing the !ntity 6ata Model, the !ntity 9ramewor1 allows data
to be treated as entities independently of their underlying datastore representations.
Entity SQL, a 'F--li1e language, serves for 4uerying the !ntity 6ata Model (instead of
the underlying datastore). 'imilarly, -IF eCtension LINQ to Entities provides typed
4uerying on the !ntity 6ata Model. !ntity 'F- and -IF to !ntities 4ueries are
converted internally into a Canonical Query Tree which is then converted into a 4uery
understandable to the underlying datastore (e.g. into 'F- in the case of a relational
database). "he entities can use their relationships, with their changes committed bac1 to
the datastore.
AS%NET is a web application framewor1 developed and mar1eted by Microsoft to
allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. It
was first released in Danuary )++) with version /.+ of the .!" 9ramewor1, and is the
successor to MicrosoftHs $ctive 'erver ;ages ($';) technology. $';.!" is built on the
#ommon -anguage :untime (#-:), allowing programmers to write $';.!" code
using any supported .!" language. "he $';.!" '($; eCtension framewor1 allows
$';.!" components to process '($; messages.
$fter the release of Internet Information 'ervices &.+ in />>*, Microsoft began
researching possibilities for a new web application model that would solve common
complaints about $';, especially with regard to separation of presentation and content
and being able to write 5clean5 code.Mar1 $nders, a manager on the II' team, and 'cott
<uthrie, who had joined Microsoft in />>* after graduating from 6u1e 7niversity, were
tas1ed with determining what that model would loo1 li1e. "he initial design was
developed over the course of two months by $nders and <uthrie, and <uthrie coded the
initial prototypes during the #hristmas holidays in />>*.
"he initial prototype was called 5N';5@ <uthrie eCplained in a )++* interview that,
5;eople would always as1 what the N stood for. $t the time it really didnHt stand for
anything. NM- started with that@ N'-" started with that. !verything cool seemed to start
with an N, so thatHs what we originally named it.5 "he initial prototype of N'; was done
using Dava, but it was soon decided to build the new platform on top of the #ommon
-anguage :untime (#-:), as it offered an object-oriented programming environment,
garbage collection and other features that were seen as desirable features that MicrosoftHs
#omponent (bject Model platform did not support. <uthrie described this decision as a
5huge ris15, as the success of their new web development platform would be tied to the
success of the #-:, which, li1e N';, was still in the early stages of development, so
much so that the N'; team was the first team at Microsoft to target the #-:.
Mith the move to the #ommon -anguage :untime, N'; was re-implemented in #,
(1nown internally as 5;roject #ool5 but 1ept secret from the public), and the name
changed to $';3, as by this point the new platform was seen as being the successor to
$ctive 'erver ;ages, and the intention was to provide an easy migration path for $';
Mar1 $nders first demonstrated $';3 at the $'; #onnections conference in ;hoeniC,
$ri2ona on May ), )+++. 6emonstrations to the wide public and initial beta release of
$';3 (and the rest of the .!" 9ramewor1) came at the )+++ ;rofessional 6evelopers
#onference on Duly //, )+++ in (rlando, 9lorida. 6uring Aill <atesH 1eynote
presentation, 9ujitsu demonstrated $';3 being used in conjunction with #(A(-,
support for a variety of other languages was announced, including MicrosoftHs new Iisual
Aasic .!" and #, languages, as well as ;ython and ;erl support by way of
interoperability tools created by $ctive'tate.
(nce the 5.!"5 branding was decided on in the second half of )+++, it was decided to
rename $';3 to $';.!". Mar1 $nders eCplained on an appearance on The MSDN
Show that year that, 5"he .!" initiative is really about a number of factors, itHs about
delivering software as a service, itHs about NM- and web services and really enhancing
the Internet in terms of what it can do ... we really wanted to bring its name more in line
with the rest of the platform pieces that ma1e up the .!" framewor1.5
$fter four years of development, and a series of beta releases in )+++ and )++/,
$';.!" /.+ was released on Danuary B, )++) as part of version /.+ of the .!"
9ramewor1. !ven prior to the release, do2ens of boo1s had been written about $';.!",
and Microsoft promoted it heavily as part of their platform for web services. <uthrie
became the product unit manager for $';.!", and development continued apace, with
version /./ being released on $pril )&, )++% as a part of Mindows 'erver )++%. "his
release focused on improving $';.!"Hs support for mobile devices.
$';.!" web pages or webpage, 1nown officially as 5web forms5, are the main building
bloc1 for application development. Meb forms are contained in files with an 5.aspC5
eCtension@ these files typically contain static (N)."M- mar1up, as well as mar1up
defining server-side Meb #ontrols and 7ser #ontrols where the developers place all the
re4uired static and dynamic content for the web page. $dditionally, dynamic code which
runs on the server can be placed in a page within a bloc1 #$ %% &ynamic co&e %% $',
which is similar to other web development technologies such as ;.;, D';, and $';.
Mith $';.!" 9ramewor1 ).+, Microsoft introduced a new code-behind model which
allows static teCt to remain on the .aspC page, while dynamic code remains in an .aspC.vb
or .aspC.cs file (depending on the programming language used).
Code-behind model
Microsoft recommends dealing with dynamic program code by using the code-behind
model, which places this code in a separate file or in a specially designated script tag.
#ode-behind files typically have names li1e Myage!asp"!cs or Myage!asp"!v# while
the page file is Myage!asp" (same filename as the page file ($';N), but with the final
eCtension denoting the page language). "his practice is automatic in Microsoft Iisual
'tudio and other I6!s. Mhen using this style of programming, the developer writes code
to respond to different events, li1e the page being loaded, or a control being clic1ed,
rather than a procedural wal1 through of the document.
$S!NET%s code-behind model mar1s a departure from #lassic $'; in that it encourages
developers to build applications with separation of presentation and content in mind. In
theory, this would allow a web designer, for eCample, to focus on the design mar1up with
less potential for disturbing the programming code that drives it. "his is similar to the
separation of the controller from the view in ModelOIiewO#ontroller (MI#)
$ directive is special instructions on how $';.!" should process the page. "he most
common directive is PQR ;age QS which can specify many things, such as which
programming language is used for the server-side code.
User controls
&ser controls are encapsulations of sections of pages which are registered and used as
controls in $';.!". 7ser controls are created as $'#N mar1up files. "hese files
usually contain static (N)."M- mar1up, as well as mar1up defining server-side web
controls. "hese are the locations where the developer can place the re4uired static and
dynamic content. $ user control is compiled when its containing page is re4uested and is
stored in memory for subse4uent re4uests. 7ser controls have their own events which are
handled during the life of $';.!" re4uests. $n event bubbling mechanism provides the
ability to pass an event fired by a user control up to its containing page. 7nli1e an
$';.!" page, a user control cannot be re4uested independently@ one of its containing
pages is re4uested instead.
Custom controls
;rogrammers can also build custom controls for $';.!" applications. 7nli1e user
controls, these controls do not have an $'#N mar1up file, having all their code compiled
into a dynamic lin1 library (6--) file. 'uch custom controls can be used across multiple
web applications and Iisual 'tudio projects
Rendering techniue
$';.!" uses a visited composites rendering techni4ue. 6uring compilation, the
template (.aspC) file is compiled into initiali2ation code which builds a control tree (the
composite) representing the original template. -iteral teCt goes into instances of the
-iteral control class, and server controls are represented by instances of a specific control
class. "he initiali2ation code is combined with user-written code (usually by the assembly
of multiple partial classes) and results in a class specific for the page. "he page doubles
as the root of the control tree.
$ctual re4uests for the page are processed through a number of steps. 9irst, during the
initiali2ation steps, an instance of the page class is created and the initiali2ation code is
eCecuted. "his produces the initial control tree which is now typically manipulated by the
methods of the page in the following steps. $s each node in the tree is a control
represented as an instance of a class, the code may change the tree structure as well as
manipulate the properties/methods of the individual nodes. 9inally, during the rendering
step a visitor is used to visit every node in the tree, as1ing each node to render itself using
the methods of the visitor. "he resulting ."M- output is sent to the client.
$fter the re4uest has been processed, the instance of the page class is discarded and with
it the entire control tree. "his is a source of confusion among novice $';.!"
programmers who rely on class instance members that are lost with every page
re4uest/response cycle.
!tate management
$';.!" applications are hosted by a web server and are accessed using the stateless
.""; protocol. $s such, if an application uses stateful interaction, it has to implement
state management on its own. $';.!" provides various functions for state
management. #onceptually, Microsoft treats 5state5 as <7I state. ;roblems may arise if
an application needs to 1eep trac1 of 5data state5@ for eCample, a finite state machine
which may be in a transient state between re4uests (la2y evaluation) or which ta1es a
long time to initiali2e. 'tate management in $';.!" pages with authentication can
ma1e Meb scraping difficult or impossible.
Appli&a!ion S!a!e
$pplication state is held by a collection of shared user-defined variables. "hese are set
and initiali2ed when the "pplication(OnStart event fires on the loading of the first
instance of the application and are available until the last instance eCits. $pplication state
variables are accessed using the "pplications collection, which provides a wrapper for
the application state variables. $pplication state variables are identified by name.
Se''ion '!a!e
'erver-side session state is held by a collection of user-defined session variables that are
persistent during a user session. "hese variables, accessed using the Session collection,
are uni4ue to each session instance. "he variables can be set to be automatically
destroyed after a defined time of inactivity even if the session does not end. #lient-side
user session is maintained by either a coo1ie or by encoding the session I6 in the 7:-
$';.!" supports three modes of persistence for server-side session variables0
In-;rocess Mode
"he session variables are maintained within the $';.!" process. "his is the
fastest way@ however, in this mode the variables are destroyed when the $';.!"
process is recycled or shut down.
$';'tate Mode
$';.!" runs a separate Mindows service that maintains the state variables.
Aecause state management happens outside the $';.!" process, and because
the $';.!" engine accesses data using .!" :emoting, $';'tate is slower
than In-;rocess. "his mode allows an $';.!" application to be load-balanced
and scaled across multiple servers. Aecause the state management service runs
independently of $';.!", the session variables can persist across $';.!"
process shutdowns. .owever, since session state server runs as one instance, it is
still one point of failure for session state. "he session-state service cannot be load-
balanced, and there are restrictions on types that can be stored in a session
'4l'erver Mode
'tate variables are stored in a database, allowing session variables to be persisted
across $';.!" process shutdowns. "he main advantage of this mode is that it
allows the application to balance load on a server cluster, sharing sessions
between servers. "his is the slowest method of session state management in
Vie# '!a!e
Iiew state refers to the page-level state management mechanism, utili2ed by the ."M-
pages emitted by $';.!" applications to maintain the state of the web form controls
and widgets. "he state of the controls is encoded and sent to the server at every form
submission in a hidden field 1nown as ((VI)*ST"T). "he server sends bac1 the variable
so that when the page is re-rendered, the controls render at their last state. $t the server
side, the application may change the viewstate, if the processing re4uires a change of
state of any control. "he states of individual controls are decoded at the server, and are
available for use in $';.!" pages using the ViewState collection.
"he main use for this is to preserve form information across postbac1s. Iiew state is
turned on by default and normally seriali2es the data in every control on the page
regardless of whether it is actually used during a postbac1. "his behavior can (and
should) be modified, however, as Iiew state can be disabled on a per-control, per-page,
or server-wide basis.
6evelopers need to be wary of storing sensitive or private information in the Iiew state
of a page or control, as the base8& string containing the view state data can easily be de-
seriali2ed. Ay default, Iiew state does not encrypt the ((VI)*ST"T) value. !ncryption
can be enabled on a server-wide (and server-specific) basis, allowing for a certain level of
security to be maintained.
Ser(er)'i*e &a&hing
$';.!" offers a 5#ache5 object that is shared across the application and can also be
used to store various objects. "he 5#ache5 object holds the data only for a specified
amount of time and is automatically cleaned after the session time-limit elapses.
(ther means of state management that are supported by AS%NET are coo'ies( caching,
and using the 4uery string.
"emplate engine
Mhen first released, $';.!" lac1ed a template engine. Aecause the .!" 9ramewor1 is
object-oriented and allows for inheritance, many developers would define a new base
class that inherits from 5'ystem.Meb.7I.;age5, write methods there that render ."M-,
and then ma1e the pages in their application inherit from this new class. Mhile this allows
for common elements to be reused across a site, it adds compleCity and miCes source
code with mar1up. 9urthermore, this method can only be visually tested by running the
application - not while designing it. (ther developers have used include files and other
tric1s to avoid having to implement the same navigation and other elements in every
$';.!" ).+ introduced the concept of 5master pages5, which allow for template-based
page development. $ web application can have one or more master pages, which,
beginning with $';.!" ).+, can be nested. Master templates have place-holder
controls, called Contentlace)olders to denote where the dynamic content goes, as well
as ."M- and Dava'cript shared across child pages.
#hild pages use those #ontent;lace.older controls, which must be mapped to the place-
holder of the master page that the content page is populating. "he rest of the page is
defined by the shared parts of the master page, much li1e a mail merge in a word
processor. $ll mar1up and server controls in the content page must be placed within the
#ontent;lace.older control.
Mhen a re4uest is made for a content page, $';.!" merges the output of the content
page with the output of the master page, and sends the output to the user.
"he master page remains fully accessible to the content page. "his means that the content
page may still manipulate headers, change title, configure caching etc. If the master page
eCposes public properties or methods (e.g. for setting copyright notices) the content page
can use these as well.
-) .ogin Form,

9rom "his form the :egistered user enters his 7ser ame and ;assword and clic1s on
the 'ign in button from where he will reach to the InboC page where all the received
mails can be viewed by him/her.
.owever for the on-:egistered 7sers they will have to fill up the :egistration 9orm
Ay clic1ing on the T#reate an accountU -in1 and complete their registration.(nly after
"his they will be able to 'ign in from the -ogin ;age.
If any :egistered 7ser forgets his/her password then they can clic1 on the TcanUt access
Vour accountU -in1 from where they can 1now their respective passwords and then can
'ign in.
T$bout #ipherMailU -in1 gives you the general description of the #ipher Mailing
'ystem in detail.
0) In1o/ Form,
9rom this page the signin user can view all the received mails from which he can add
them in the T'pamU option from the T:eport 'pamU Autton or delete them from the
T6eleteU Autton and add them in the T"rashU option .if the user clic1s on any mail
subject the completed message will be visible to him/her according to how the sender
.as forwarded the mail in normal or encrypted form in the TIiew MessageU 9orm.
$ -in1 of T#hange ;asswordU is available on this form from where the user can
change his eCisting password to a new one according to his/her wish.
2) Vie#Me''age Form,

If the message was send in normal form then normal teCt message will be visible to
the recipient of the mail.
(n the other hand if the message was send in encrypted form then it will also be
visible to the recipient of the mail in encrypted form. "o view it in normal form the
user will firstly have to enter the Eey re4uired for 6ecryption and finally clic1 on
the T6ecrypt thisU -in1. $s soon as the user clic1s on this -in1 the teCt message
would be visible to him/her in normal form.

3) Compo'e Mail Form0
9rom this page the sign in user can send the mails to all the other users either in
normal form from the T'endU Autton or in !ncrypted 9orm from the T"( '!6
!#:V;"!6 M!''$<!U -in1. If the user does not want to send the mail right now
he/she will clic1 (n the T'ave owU Autton rather than T'endU by which his/her to
be sent mail will <et saved in the 6rafts option to be used in the nearby future.
If the user wants to send the mail in encrypted form then he/she will clic1 on the
T"('!6 !#:V;"!6 M!''$<!U lin1 which will forward the user to the neCt page.
4) En&r"p!Me''age Form
9rom this page the user will enter the teCt message which he/she wants to encrypt and
the specified 1ey for encrypting the message and then clic1 on the T!ncryptU Autton
from where a new form gets opened.
5) Vie#6Sen*En&r"p!Me''age Form,

(n this page the user can view the message to be send in encrypted form. "hen if
he/she wants view that message in normal or decrypted form clic1 on the T6ecrypt
thisU -in1. $fter that a new 9orm Iiew6ecryptedMessage gets opened.
7) Vie#De&r"p!e*Me''age Form,

(r else if the user wants to send the encrypted message to another then he/she will
have to clic1 on the T'endU -in1 from the Iiew='end!ncryptMessage 9orm from
where a new 9orm as 'end!ncryptedMessage gets opened.
8) Sen*En&r"p!e*Me''age Form,
9rom this page the user will enter the name of the recipient of the encrypted mail along
with the subject and clic1 on the T'endU Autton.
9) Me''ageSen! Form,

"his form shows the user that his sent mails whether in normal or encrypted form has
been sent successfully to the other user which he/she can view in the 'ent Mail (ption.
-:) Sen!Mail Form,
"his page gives the complete information to the user about all the sent mails by
him/her from which he can add them in the T'pamU option from the T:eport 'pamU
Autton or delete them from the T6eleteU Autton and add them in the T"rashU option.
--) Dra;!' Form,
.ere all the mails will be visible to the user which he/she has saved from the T'ave
owU Autton in #ompose Mail form to which he/she can remove permanently by
selecting the mail and clic1ing on the T6iscard 6raftsU Autton if it is no longer
necessary to be sent.
-0) Spam Form,
.ere all the mails will be visible to the user which he/she has sent from the T:eport
'pamU Autton in InboC and 'entMail form to which he/she can remove permanently
by selecting the mail and clic1ing on the T6elete 9oreverU Autton if it is no longer
-2) Tra'h Form,

.ere all the mails will be visible to the user which he/she has sent from the T6eleteU
Autton in InboC and 'entMail form to which he/she can remove permanently by
selecting the mail and clic1ing on the T6elete 9oreverU Autton if it is no longer
-3) Regi'!ra!ion Form,
"his form gets opened when any user clic1s on the T#reate an $ccountU -in1 from
the -ogin page ..ere the user will have to mention all the details after that he/she
will clic1 (n the 'ubmit Autton and a conformation message of 'uccessful
:egistration will be visible once the registration process is completed.
-4) Forgo!%a''#or* Form,
"his form gets opened when any user clic1s on the TcanUt access your accountU -in1
from the -ogin page ..ere the user will have to mention details such as his user id
$fter that he/she will clic1 on the T'how 'ecurity FuestionU which will show their
:espective security 4uestion entered at the time of their registration and enter the
$nswer corresponding to that particular 4uestion. 9inally he/she will clic1 on the
'ubmit Autton and their password will be generated to them.
-5) A1ou!u' Form,
"his form tells about the features been implemented in the #ipher Mail Mailing
'ystem to any user who is viewing the site for their general information.
-7) Change%a''#or* Form,
"his form gets opened when the signed in user clic1s on the T#hange ;asswordU -in1
from the InboC page ..ere the user will have to mention details such as his old
;assword, new password and then retype or confirm new password. 9inally he/she
will clic1 on the 'ubmit Autton and a conformation message as TVour ;assword
#hanged successfullyU will be shown on the screen. ow the user has been assigned
a new password for -ogin in the Mailing Mebsite.
S!ore* %ro&e*ure',
-) a**'pammail'

0) &he&$pa''#or*

2) *ele!e'ele&!e*mail'

3) 'ho#*ra;!mail'

4) 'ho#re&ei(e*mail'
5) 'ho#'en!mail'

T"pe' o; <oin' ='e*,
inner >oin, inner join is used to combine the data from different tables having common
values in a single result set.
Da!a1a'e u'e*, mailing'"'!em
-) Sign in
0) 'ignup
2) MailDe!ail'

3) Dra;!Mail'

4) SpamMail'

5) Tra'hMail'

"esting presents an interesting anomaly for the software engineer. "he
engineer creates of test cases that are intended to LdemolishG the software that has been
built. 6uring earlier software engineering activities, the engineer attempts to build
software from an abstract concept to a tangible product. In fact, testing is the one step in
the software process that could be viewed (psychologically at least) as destructive rather
than constructive.
'oftware engineers are by their nature constructive people. "esting re4uires
that the developer discard preconceived notions of the LcorrectnessG of software just
developed and overcome a conflict of interest that occurs when errors are uncovered.
"he design of tests for software and other engineered products can be as
challenging as the initial design of the product itself. $ system should always be tested
thoroughly before implementing it, as regards its individual programs, the system as a
whole, user acceptance, etc., this is because implementing a new system is a major job,
which re4uires lot of man-hours and lot of other resources. 'o an error not detected
before implementation may cost a lot. !ffective testing early in process translates directly
into long term cost savings from a reduced numbers of errors.
"esting is the process f eCecuting the programs with the intention of finding
errors. 6uring testing the problem is eCecuted with a set of test cases and output of the
program for the test cases is evaluated to determine the efficacy of the program to see that
it fulfills the eCpected re4uirements, which will lead to an error free system.
"he following rules that can serve well as testing objectives-
"esting is a process of eCecuting a program with the intent of finding an error.
$ good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as O yet O
undiscovered error.
$ successful test is one that uncovers an as O yet O undiscovered error.
"hese objectives imply a dramatic change in viewpoint. "hey move counter
to the commonly held view get a successful test is one in which no errors are found. (ur
objective is to design tests that systematically uncover different classes of errors and to
do so with a minimum amount to time and effort.
If testing is conducted successfully, it will uncover errors in the software. $s
a secondary benefit, testing demonstrates that software functions appear to be
performance re4uirements appear to have been met.
"he following are the attributes of a good test O
$ good test has a high probability of finding an error.
$ good test is non redundant.
$ good test should be Lbest of breedG.
$ good test should be neither too simple nor too compleC.
"he design of tests for software and other engineered products can be as
challenging as the initial design of the product itself yet, for reasons that we have
already discussed, software engineers often treat testing as an afterthought,
developing test cases that may Lfeel rightG but have little assurance of being
$ rich variety of test case design methods have evolved for software. "hese
methods provide the developer with a systematic approach to testing. More important,
methods provide a mechanism that can help to ensure the completeness of tests and
provide the highest li1elihood for uncovering errors in software.
$ny engineered product can be tested in one of two ways0-
/. Enowing the specified function that a product has been designed to perform,
tests can be conducted that demonstrate each function is fully operational
while at the same time searching for errors in each functions.
). Enowing the internal wor1ings of a product, tests can be conducted to ensure
that Lall gears mesh, Lthat is, internal operations are performed according to
specifications and all internal components have been ade4uately eCercised.
"he first test approach is called 1la&$ B 1o/ B !e'!ing and the second, #hi!e B
1o/ !e'!ing
Mhite O boC testing, sometimes called gla'' B 1o/ !e'!ing is a test case
design method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases.
7sing white O boC testing methods, the software engineer can derive test cases that O
/. <uarantee that al independent paths within a module have been eCercised at least
). !Cercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides.
%. !Cecute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bound, and
&. !Cercise internal data structures to ensure their validity.
$ reasonable 4uestion might be posed at this juncture0
LMhy spend time and energy worrying about (and testing) logical minutiae when we
might better eCpend effort ensuring that program re4uirements have been metW L'tated
another way, why donUt we spend all of our energy blac1 O boC testingW "he answer lies
in the nature of software defects0
Logical errors and incorrect assumptions are inversely proportional to the
pro#a#ility that a program path will #e e"ecuted! !rrors tend to creep in to
your wor1 when we design and implement function, conditions of controls
that are out of the mainstream. !veryday processing tends to be well
understood, while Lspecial caseG processing tends to fail in to the crac1s.
*e often #elieve that a logical path is not li'ely to #e e"ecuted when( in fact(
it may #e e"ecuted on a regular #asis! "he logical flow of program is
sometimes counterintuitive, meaning that our conscious assumptions about
flow of control and data may lead us to ma1e design errors that are uncovered
only once path testing commences.
Typographical errors are random! Mhen a program is translated into
programming language source code, it is li1ely that some typing errors will
occur. Many will be uncovered by syntaC chec1ing mechanisms, but others
will go undetected until testing begins. It is li1ely that a typo will eCist on an
obscure logical path as on a mainstream path.
!ach of these reasons provides an argument for conducting white O boC test.

Alac1 O boC testing, also called 1eha(ioral !e'!ing, focuses on the functional
re4uirements of the software. "hat is, blac1 O boC testing enables the software engineer to
derive sets of input conditions that will fully eCercise all functional re4uirements for a
program. Alac1 O boC techni4ues. :ather, it is a complementary approach that is li1ely to
uncover a different class of errors than white O boC methods.
Alac1 O boC testing attempts to find errors in the following categories0
Incorrect of missing functions.
Interface errors.
!rrors in data structures of eCternal database access.
Aehavior or performance errors, and
Initiali2ation and termination errors.
7nli1e white O boC testing, which is performed early in the testing process,
blac1 O boC testing tends to be applied during latter stages of testing. Aecause blac1 O boC
testing purposely disregards control structure, attention is focused on the information
Mainly there are three types of testing processes O
=ni! !e'!ing B the testing of individual modules (unit module) was completed
during the development itself. #reating some test data at time of coding tested
each module and necessary change was made thereon to ma1e sure that a module
is wor1ing satisfactorily. 9or the unit testing we had tested each and every line of
our main program individually for the errors. 'o each unit of the whole project
has been debugged.
In!egra!ion !e'!ing B on completely developing and testing individual module
(unit module), we start adding unit modules, each time on adding those unit
module we chec1 system for errors and recover them if any error found. $bove
steps successfully runs for throughout process.
"he object is to ta1e unit tested components and build a program structure
that has been dictated by design or as specified in system re4uirement specification.
S"'!em !e'!ing Bafter a successful testing of individual programs the system runs
through a series of test to ensure the wor1ing of the system as a whole. "he
objective of testing the entire system is to verify that the programs meet the
original programming specification. 'ystem testing is done with the original data
of national (natural) resources information system.
6uring the development of the project we have consulted the following boo1s0
/) Aeginning $';.et /./, MroC publication.
)) ;rofessional $';. et /./, MroC publication.
%) Aeginning 'F- 'erver )+++, MroC publication.
&) ;rofessional 'F- 'erver )+++, MroC publication.
Meb 'ites consulted0
/) www.p)p.wroC.com
)) www.dotnetuncle.com

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