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How to Set Up a Hadoop Cluster Using Oracle Solaris
Hands-On Labs of the System Admin and Developer Community of OTN
by Orgad Kimchi
How to set up a Hadoop cluster using the Oracle Solaris Zones, ZFS, and network virtualization technologies.
Publ i shed October 2013
Table of Contents
Lab Introducti on
Prerequi si tes
System Requi rements
Summary of Lab Exerci ses
The Case for Hadoop
Exerci se 1: Instal l Hadoop
Exerci se 2: Edi t the Hadoop Confi gurati on Fi l es
Exerci se 3: Confi gure the Network Ti me Protocol
Exerci se 4: Create the Vi rtual Network Interfaces
Exerci se 5: Create the NameNode and Secondary NameNode Zones
Exerci se 6: Set Up the DataNode Zones
Exerci se 7: Confi gure the NameNode
Exerci se 8: Set Up SSH
Exerci se 9: Format HDFS from the NameNode
Exerci se 10: Start the Hadoop Cl uster
Exerci se 11: Run a MapReduce Job
Exerci se 12: Use ZFS Encrypti on
Exerci se 13: Use Oracl e Sol ari s DTrace for Performance Moni tori ng
See Al so
About the Author
Expected duration: 180 minutes
Lab Introduction
This hands-on lab presents exercises that demonstrate how to set up an Apache Hadoop cluster using Oracle Solaris 11 technologies such as
Oracle Solaris Zones, ZFS, and network virtualization. Key topics include the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and the Hadoop MapReduce
programming model.
We will also cover the Hadoop installation process and the cluster building blocks: NameNode, a secondary NameNode, and DataNodes. In
addition, you will see how you can combine the Oracle Solaris 11 technologies for better scalability and data security, and you will learn how to
load data into the Hadoop cluster and run a MapReduce job.
This hands-on lab is appropriate for system administrators who will be setting up or maintaining a Hadoop cluster in production or development
environments. Basic Linux or Oracle Solaris system administration experience is a prerequisite. Prior knowledge of Hadoop is not required.
System Requirements
This hands-on lab is run on Oracle Solaris 11 in Oracle VM VirtualBox. The lab is self-contained. All you need is in the Oracle VM VirtualBox
For those attending the lab at Oracle OpenWorld, your laptops are already preloaded with the correct Oracle VM VirtualBox image.
If you want to try this lab outside of Oracle OpenWorld, you will need an Oracle Solaris 11 system. Do the following to set up your machine:
If you do not have Oracle Solaris 11, download it here.
Download the Oracle Solaris 11.1 VirtualBox Template (file size 1.7GB).
Install the template as described here. (Note: On step 4 of Exercise 2 for installing the template, set the RAM size to 4 GB in order to get good
Notes for Oracle Open World Attendees
Each attendee will have his or her own laptop for the lab.
The login name and password for this lab are provided in a "one pager."
Oracle Solaris 11 uses the GNOME desktop. If you have used the desktops on Linux or other UNIX operating systems, the interface should be
familiar. Here are some quick basics in case the interface is new for you.
In order to open a terminal window in the GNOME desktop system, right-click the background of the desktop, and select Open Terminal in the
pop-up menu.
The following source code editors are provided on the lab machines: vi (type vi in a terminal window) and emacs (type emacs in a terminal
Summary of Lab Exercises
This hands-on lab consists of 13 exercises covering various Oracle Solaris and Apache Hadoop technologies:
Install Hadoop.
Edit the Hadoop configuration files.
Configure the Network Time Protocol.
Create the virtual network interfaces (VNICs).
Create the NameNode and the secondary NameNode zones.
Set up the DataNode zones.
Configure the NameNode.
Set up SSH.
Format HDFS from the NameNode.
Start the Hadoop cluster.
Run a MapReduce job.
Secure data at rest using ZFS encryption.
Use Oracle Solaris DTrace for performance monitoring.
The Case for Hadoop
The Apache Hadoop software is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using
simple programming models.
To store data, Hadoop uses the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), which provides high-throughput access to application data and is
suitable for applications that have large data sets.
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Welcome Vikas
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For more information about Hadoop and HDFS, see http://hadoop.apache.org/.
The Hadoop cluster building blocks are as follows:
NameNode: The centerpiece of HDFS, which stores file system metadata, directs the slave DataNode daemons to perform the low-level I/O tasks,
and also runs the JobTracker process.
Secondary NameNode: Performs internal checks of the NameNode transaction log.
DataNodes: Nodes that store the data in HDFS, which are also known as slaves and run the TaskTracker process.
In the example presented in this lab, all the Hadoop cluster building blocks will be installed using the Oracle Solaris Zones, ZFS, and network
virtualization technologies. Figure 1 shows the architecture:
Figure 1
Exercise 1: Install Hadoop
In Oracle VM VirtualBox, enable a bidirectional "shared clipboard" between the host and the guest in order to enable copying and pasting text from
this file.
Figure 2
Open a terminal window by right-clicking any point in the background of the desktop and selecting Open Terminal in the pop-up menu.
Figure 3
Next, switch to the root user using the following command.
Note: For Oracle OpenWorld attendees, the root password has been provided in the one-pager associated with this lab. For those running this lab
outside of Oracle OpenWorld, enter the root password you entered when you followed the steps in the "System Requirements" section.
root@global_zone:~# su -
Oracle Corporation SunOS 5.11 11.1 September 2012
Set up the virtual network interface card (VNIC) in order to enable network access to the global zone from the non-global zones.
Note: Oracle OpenWorld attendees can skip this step (because the preloaded Oracle VM VirtualBox image already provides configured VNICs)
and go directly to step 16, "Browse the lab supplement materials."
root@global_zone:~# dladm create-vnic -l net0 vnic0
root@global_zone:~# ipadm create-ip vnic0
root@global_zone:~# ipadm create-addr -T static -a local= vnic0/addr
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Verify the VNIC creation:
root@global_zone:~# ipadm show-addr vnic0
vnic0/addr static ok
Create the hadoophol directory; we will use it to store the lab supplement materials associated with this lab, such as scripts and input files.
root@global_zone:~# mkdir -p /usr/local/hadoophol
Create the Bin directory; we will put the Hadoop binary file there.
root@global_zone:~# mkdir /usr/local/hadoophol/Bin
In this lab, we will use the Apache Hadoop "23-Jul-2013, 2013: Release 1.2.1 " release. You can download the Hadoop binary file using a web
browser. Open the Firefox web browser from the desktop and download the file.
Figure 4
Copy the Hadoop tarball to /usr/local/hadoophol/Bin.
root@global_zone:~# cp /export/home/oracle/Downloads/hadoop-1.2.1.tar.gz /usr/local/hadoophol/Bin/
Note: By default, the file is downloaded to the user's Downloads directory.
Next, we are going to create the lab scripts, so create a directory for them:
root@global_zone:~# mkdir /usr/local/hadoophol/Scripts
Create the createzone script using your favorite editor, as shown in Listing 1. We will use this script to set up the Oracle Solaris Zones.
root@global_zone:~# vi /usr/local/hadoophol/Scripts/createzone
Listing 1
# FILENAME: createzone
# Create a zone with a VNIC
# Usage:
# createzone <zone name> <VNIC>
if [ $# != 2 ]
echo "Usage: createzone <zone name> <VNIC>"
exit 1
zonecfg -z $ZONENAME > /dev/null 2>&1 << EOF
set autoboot=true
set limitpriv=default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user,sys_time
set zonepath=/zones/$ZONENAME
add fs
set dir=/usr/local
set special=/usr/local
set type=lofs
set options=[ro,nodevices]
add net
set physical=$VNICNAME
if [ $? == 0 ] ; then
echo "Successfully created the $ZONENAME zone"
echo "Error: unable to create the $ZONENAME zone"
exit 1
Create the verifycluster script using your favorite editor, as shown in Listing 2. We will use this script to verify the Hadoop cluster setup.
root@global_zone:~# vi /usr/local/hadoophol/Scripts/verifycluster
Listing 2
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# FILENAME: verifycluster
# Verify the hadoop cluster configuration
# Usage:
# verifycluster
for transaction in _; do
for i in name-node sec-name-node data-node1 data-node2 data-node3
cmd="zlogin $i ls /usr/local > /dev/null 2>&1 "
eval $cmd || break 2
for i in name-node sec-name-node data-node1 data-node2 data-node3
cmd="zlogin $i ping name-node > /dev/null 2>&1"
eval $cmd || break 2
for i in name-node sec-name-node data-node1 data-node2 data-node3
cmd="zlogin $i ping sec-name-node > /dev/null 2>&1"
eval $cmd || break 2
for i in name-node sec-name-node data-node1 data-node2 data-node3
cmd="zlogin $i ping data-node1 > /dev/null 2>&1"
eval $cmd || break 2
for i in name-node sec-name-node data-node1 data-node2 data-node3
cmd="zlogin $i ping data-node2 > /dev/null 2>&1"
eval $cmd || break 2
for i in name-node sec-name-node data-node1 data-node2 data-node3
cmd="zlogin $i ping data-node3 > /dev/null 2>&1"
eval $cmd || break 2
if [ $RET == 0 ] ; then
echo "The cluster is verified"
echo "Error: unable to verify the cluster"
exit $RET
Create the Doc directory; we will put the Hadoop input files there.
root@global_zone:~# mkdir /usr/local/hadoophol/Doc
Download the following eBook from Project Gutenberg as a plain-text file with UTF-8 encoding: The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) by J. Arthur
Copy the downloaded file (pg20417.txt) into the /usr/local/hadoophol/Doc directory.
root@global_zone:~# cp ~oracle/Downloads/pg20417.txt /usr/local/hadoophol/Doc/
Browse the lab supplement materials by typing the following on the command line:
root@global_zone:~# cd /usr/local/hadoophol
On the command line, type ls -l to see the content of the directory:
root@global_zone:~# ls -l
total 9
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 2 Jul 8 15:11 Bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 2 Jul 8 15:11 Doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 2 Jul 8 15:12 Scripts
You can see the following directory structure:
BinThe Hadoop binary location
DocThe Hadoop input files
ScriptsThe lab scripts
In this lab we will use the Apache Hadoop "23-Jul-2013, 2013: Release 1.2.1" release. Copy the Hadoop tarball into /usr/local:
root@global_zone:~# cp /usr/local/hadoophol/Bin/hadoop-1.2.1.tar.gz /usr/local
Unpack the tarball:
root@global_zone:~# cd /usr/local
root@global_zone:~# tar -xvfz /usr/local/hadoop-1.2.1.tar.gz
Create the hadoop group:
root@global_zone:~# groupadd hadoop
Add the hadoop user:
root@global_zone:~# useradd -m -g hadoop hadoop
Set the user's Hadoop password. You can use whatever password that you want, but be sure you remember the password.
root@global_zone:~# passwd hadoop
Create a symlink for the Hadoop binaries:
root@global_zone:~# ln -s /usr/local/hadoop-1.2.1 /usr/local/hadoop
Give ownership to the hadoop user:
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root@global_zone:~# chown -R hadoop:hadoop /usr/local/hadoop*
Change the permissions:
root@global_zone:~# chmod -R 755 /usr/local/hadoop*
Exercise 2: Edit the Hadoop Configuration Files
In this exercise, we will edit the Hadoop configuration files, which are shown in Table 1:
Table 1. Hadoop Configuration Files
File Name Description
hadoop-env.sh Specifies environment variable settings used by Hadoop.
core-site.xml Specifies parameters relevant to all Hadoop daemons and clients.
Specifies parameters used by the MapReduce daemons and clients.
masters Contains a list of machines that run the Secondary NameNode.
Contains a list of machine names that run the DataNode and TaskTracker pair of
To learn more about how the Hadoop framework is controlled by these configuration files, see
Run the following command to change to the conf directory:
root@global_zone:~# cd /usr/local/hadoop/conf
Run the following commands to change the hadoop-env.sh script:
Note: The cluster configuration will share the Hadoop directory structure (/usr/local/hadoop) across the zones as a read-only file system.
Every Hadoop cluster node needs to be able to write its logs to an individual directory. The directory /var/log/hadoop is a best-practice directory
for every Oracle Solaris Zone.
root@global_zone:~# echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java" >> hadoop-env.sh
root@global_zone:~# echo "export HADOOP_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hadoop" >> hadoop-env.sh
Edit the masters file to replace the localhost entry with the line shown in Listing 3:
root@global_zone:~# vi masters
Listing 3
Edit the slaves file to replace the localhost entry with the lines shown in Listing 4:
root@global_zone:~# vi slaves
Listing 4
Edit the core-site.xml file so it looks like Listing 5:
root@global_zone:~# vi core-site.xml
Note: fs.default.name is the URI that describes the NameNode address (protocol specifier, hostname, and port) for the cluster. Each
DataNode instance will register with this NameNode and make its data available through it. In addition, the DataNodes send heartbeats to the
NameNode to confirm that each DataNode is operating and the block replicas it hosts are available.
Listing 5
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->
Edit the hdfs-site.xml file so it looks like Listing 6:
root@global_zone:~# vi hdfs-site.xml
dfs.data.dir is the path on the local file system in which the DataNode instance should store its data.
dfs.name.dir is the path on the local file system of the NameNode instance where the NameNode metadata is stored. It is only used by the
NameNode instance to find its information.
dfs.replication is the default replication factor for each block of data in the file system. (For a production cluster, this should usually be left at
its default value of 3.)
Listing 6
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->
Edit the mapred-site.xml file so it looks like Listing 7:
root@global_zone:~# vi mapred-site.xml
Note: mapred.job.tracker is a host:port string specifying the JobTracker's RPC address.
Listing 7
<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
Exercise 3: Configure the Network Time Protocol
We should ensure that the system clock on the Hadoop zones is synchronized by using the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
Note: It is best to select an NTP server that can be a dedicated time synchronization source so that other services are not negatively affected if the
machine is brought down for planned maintenance.
In the following example, the global zone is configured as an NTP server.
Configure an NTP server:
root@global_zone:~# cd /etc/inet
root@global_zone:~# cp ntp.server ntp.conf
root@global_zone:~# chmod +w /etc/inet/ntp.conf
root@global_zone:~# touch /var/ntp/ntp.drift
Edit the NTP server configuration file, as shown in Listing 8:
root@global_zone:~# vi /etc/inet/ntp.conf
Listing 8
server prefer
broadcast ttl 4
enable auth monitor
driftfile /var/ntp/ntp.drift
statsdir /var/ntp/ntpstats/
filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable
keys /etc/inet/ntp.keys
trustedkey 0
requestkey 0
controlkey 0
Enable the NTP server service:
root@global_zone:~# svcadm enable ntp
Verify that the NTP server is online by using the following command:
root@global_zone:~# svcs -a | grep ntp
online 16:04:15 svc:/network/ntp:default
Exercise 4: Create the Virtual Network Interfaces
Concept Break: Oracle Solaris 11 Networking Virtualization Technology
Oracle Solaris provides a reliable, secure, and scalable infrastructure to meet the growing needs of data center implementations. Its powerful
network stack architecture, also known as Project Crossbow, provides the following.
Network virtualization with virtual NICs (VNICs) and virtual switching
Tight integration with Oracle Solaris Zones and Oracle Solaris 10 Zones
Network resource management, which provides an efficient and easy way to manage integrated QoS to enforce bandwidth limits on VNICs and
traffic flows
An optimized network stack that reacts to network load levels
The ability to build a "data center in a box"
Oracle Solaris Zones on the same system can benefit from very high network I/O throughput (up to four times faster) with very low latency
compared to systems with, say, 1 Gb physical network connections. For a Hadoop cluster, this means that the DataNodes can replicate the HDFS
blocks much faster.
For more information about network virtualization benchmarks, see "How to Control Your Application's Network Bandwidth."
Create a series of virtual network interfaces (VNICs) for the different zones:
root@global_zone:~# dladm create-vnic -l net0 name_node1
root@global_zone:~# dladm create-vnic -l net0 secondary_name1
root@global_zone:~# dladm create-vnic -l net0 data_node1
root@global_zone:~# dladm create-vnic -l net0 data_node2
root@global_zone:~# dladm create-vnic -l net0 data_node3
Verify the VNICs creation:
root@global_zone:~# dladm show-vnic
name_node1 net0 1000 2:8:20:c6:3e:f1 random 0
secondary_name1 net0 1000 2:8:20:b9:80:45 random 0
data_node1 net0 1000 2:8:20:30:1c:3a random 0
data_node2 net0 1000 2:8:20:a8:b1:16 random 0
data_node3 net0 1000 2:8:20:df:89:81 random 0
We can see that we have five VNICs now. Figure 5 shows the architecture layout:
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Figure 5
Exercise 5: Create the NameNode and Secondary NameNode Zones
Concept Break: Oracle Solaris Zones
Oracle Solaris Zones let you isolate one application from others on the same OS, allowing you to create an isolated environment in which users
can log in and do what they want from inside an Oracle Solaris Zone without affecting anything outside that zone. In addition, Oracle Solaris Zones
are secure from external attacks and internal malicious programs. Each Oracle Solaris Zone contains a complete resource-controlled
environment that allows you to allocate resources such as CPU, memory, networking, and storage.
If you are the administrator who owns the system, you can choose to closely manage all the Oracle Solaris Zones or you can assign rights to
other administrators for specific Oracle Solaris Zones. This flexibility lets you tailor an entire computing environment to the needs of a particular
application, all within the same OS.
For more information about Oracle Solaris Zones, see "How to Get Started Creating Oracle Solaris Zones in Oracle Solaris 11."
All the Hadoop nodes for this lab will be installed using Oracle Solaris Zones.
If you don't already have a file system for the NameNode and Secondary NameNode zones, run the following command:
root@global_zone:~# zfs create -o mountpoint=/zones rpool/zones
Verify the ZFS file system creation:
root@global_zone:~# zfs list rpool/zones
rpool/zones 31K 51.4G 31K /zones
Create the name-node zone:
root@global_zone:~# zonecfg -z name-node
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
Zonecfg:name-node> create
create: Using system default template 'SYSdefault'
zonecfg:name-node> set autoboot=true
zonecfg:name-node> set limitpriv=default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user,sys_time
zonecfg:name-node> set zonepath=/zones/name-node
zonecfg:name-node> add fs
zonecfg:name-node:fs> set dir=/usr/local
zonecfg:name-node:fs> set special=/usr/local
zonecfg:name-node:fs> set type=lofs
zonecfg:name-node:fs> set options=[ro,nodevices]
zonecfg:name-node:fs> end
zonecfg:name-node> add net
zonecfg:name-node:net> set physical=name_node1
zonecfg:name-node:net> end
zonecfg:name-node> verify
zonecfg:name-node> exit
(Optional) You can create the name-node zone using the following script, which will create the zone configuration file. For arguments, the script
needs the zone name and VNIC name, for example: createzone <zone name> <VNIC name>.
root@global_zone:~# /usr/local/hadoophol/Scripts/createzone name-node name_node1
Create the sec-name-node zone:
root@global_zone:~# zonecfg -z sec-name-node
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
Zonecfg:sec-name-node> create
create: Using system default template 'SYSdefault'
zonecfg:sec-name-node> set autoboot=true
zonecfg:sec-name-node> set limitpriv=default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user,sys_time
zonecfg:sec-name-node> set zonepath=/zones/sec-name-node
zonecfg:sec-name-node> add fs
zonecfg:sec-name-node:fs> set dir=/usr/local
zonecfg:sec-name-node:fs> set special=/usr/local
zonecfg:sec-name-node:fs> set type=lofs
zonecfg:sec-name-node:fs> set options=[ro,nodevices]
zonecfg:sec-name-node:fs> end
zonecfg:sec-name-node> add net
zonecfg:sec-name-node:net> set physical=secondary_name1
zonecfg:sec-name-node:net> end
zonecfg:sec-name-node> verify
zonecfg:sec-name-node> exit
(Optional) You can create the sec-name-node zone using the following script, which will create the zone configuration file. For arguments, the
script needs the zone name and VNIC name, for example: createzone <zone name> <VNIC name>.
root@global_zone:~: /usr/local/hadoophol/Scripts/createzone sec-name-node secondary_name1
Exercise 6: Set Up the DataNode Zones
In this exercise, we will leverage the integration between Oracle Solaris Zones virtualization technology and the ZFS file system that is built into
Oracle Solaris.
Table 2 shows a summary of the Hadoop zones configuration we will create:
Table 2. Zone Summary
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Function Zone Name ZFS Mount Point VNIC Name IP Address
NameNode name-node /zones/name-node name_node1
Secondary NameNode sec-name-node /zones/sec-name-node secondary_name1
DataNode data-node1 /zones/data-node1 data_node1
DataNode data-node2 /zones/data-node2 data_node2
DataNode data-node3 /zones/data-node3 data_node3
Create the data-node1 zone:
root@global_zone:~# zonecfg -z data-node1
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecfg:data-node1> create
create: Using system default template 'SYSdefault'
zonecfg:data-node1> set autoboot=true
zonecfg:data-node1> set limitpriv=default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user,sys_time
zonecfg:data-node1> set zonepath=/zones/data-node1
zonecfg:data-node1> add fs
zonecfg:data-node1:fs> set dir=/usr/local
zonecfg:data-node1:fs> set special=/usr/local
zonecfg:data-node1:fs> set type=lofs
zonecfg:data-node1:fs> set options=[ro,nodevices]
zonecfg:data-node1:fs> end
zonecfg:data-node1> add net
zonecfg:data-node1:net> set physical=data_node1
zonecfg:data-node1:net> end
zonecfg:data-node1> verify
zonecfg:data-node1> commit
zonecfg:data-node1> exit
(Optional) You can create the data-node1 zone using the following script:
root@global_zone:~# /usr/local/hadoophol/Scripts/createzone data-node1 data_node1
Create the data-node2 zone:
root@global_zone:~# zonecfg -z data-node2
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecfg:data-node2> create
create: Using system default template 'SYSdefault'
zonecfg:data-node2> set autoboot=true
zonecfg:data-node2> set limitpriv=default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user,sys_time
zonecfg:data-node2> set zonepath=/zones/data-node2
zonecfg:data-node2> add fs
zonecfg:data-node2:fs> set dir=/usr/local
zonecfg:data-node2:fs> set special=/usr/local
zonecfg:data-node2:fs> set type=lofs
zonecfg:data-node2:fs> set options=[ro,nodevices]
zonecfg:data-node2:fs> end
zonecfg:data-node2> add net
zonecfg:data-node2:net> set physical=data_node2
zonecfg:data-node2:net> end
zonecfg:data-node2> verify
zonecfg:data-node2> commit
zonecfg:data-node2> exit
(Optional) You can create the data-node2 zone using the following script:
root@global_zone:~# /usr/local/hadoophol/Scripts/createzone data-node2 data_node2
Create the data-node3 zone:
root@global_zone:~# zonecfg -z data-node3
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecfg:data-node3> create
create: Using system default template 'SYSdefault'
zonecfg:data-node3> set autoboot=true
zonecfg:data-node3> set limitpriv=default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user,sys_time
zonecfg:data-node3> set zonepath=/zones/data-node3
zonecfg:data-node3> add fs
zonecfg:data-node3:fs> set dir=/usr/local
zonecfg:data-node3:fs> set special=/usr/local
zonecfg:data-node3:fs> set type=lofs
zonecfg:data-node3:fs> set options=[ro,nodevices]
zonecfg:data-node3:fs> end
zonecfg:data-node3> add net
zonecfg:data-node3:net> set physical=data_node3
zonecfg:data-node3:net> end
zonecfg:data-node3> verify
zonecfg:data-node3> commit
zonecfg:data-node3> exit
(Optional) You can create the data-node3 zone using the following script:
root@global_zone:~# /usr/local/hadoophol/Scripts/createzone data-node3 data_node3
Exercise 7: Configure the NameNode
Now, install the name-node zone; later we will clone it in order to accelerate zone creation time.
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z name-node install
The following ZFS file system(s) have been created:
Progress being logged to /var/log/zones/zoneadm.20130106T134835Z.name-node.install
Image: Preparing at /zones/name-node/root.
Boot the name-node zone:
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z name-node boot
Check the status of the zones we've created:
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm list -cv
0 global running / solaris shared
1 name-node running /zones/name-node solaris excl
- sec-name-node configured /zones/sec-name-node solaris excl
- data-node1 configured /zones/data-node1 solaris excl
- data-node2 configured /zones/data-node2 solaris excl
- data-node3 configured /zones/data-node3 solaris excl
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Log in to the name-node zone:
root@global_zone:~# zlogin -C name-node
Provide the zone host information by using the following configuration for the name-node zone:
For the host name, use name-node.
Select manual network configuration.
Ensure the network interface name_node1 has an IP address of and a netmask of
Ensure the name service is based on your network configuration. In this lab, we will use /etc/hosts for name resolution, so we won't set up
DNS for host name resolution. Select Do not configure DNS.
For Alternate Name Service, select None.
For Time Zone Region, select Americas.
For Time Zone Location, select United States.
For Time Zone, select Pacific Time.
Enter your root password.
After finishing the zone setup, you will get the login prompt. Log in to the zone as user root.
name-node console login: root
Developing for Hadoop requires a Java programming environment. You can install Java Development Kit (JDK) 6 using the following command:
root@name-node:~# pkg install jdk-6
Verify the Java installation:
root@name-node:~# which java
root@name-node:~# java -version
java version "1.6.0_35"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_35-b10)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.10-b01, mixed mode)
Create a Hadoop user inside the name-node zone:
root@name-node:~# groupadd hadoop
root@name-node:~# useradd -m -g hadoop hadoop
root@name-node:~# passwd hadoop
Note: The password should be the same password as you entered in Step 22 of Exercise 1 when you set the user's Hadoop password.
Create a directory for the Hadoop log files:
root@name-node:~# mkdir /var/log/hadoop
root@name-node:~# chown hadoop:hadoop /var/log/hadoop
Configure an NTP client, as shown in the following example:
Install the NTP package:
root@name-node:~# pkg install ntp
Create the NTP client configuration files:
root@name-node:~# cd /etc/inet
root@name-node:~# cp ntp.client ntp.conf
root@name-node:~# chmod +w /etc/inet/ntp.conf
root@name-node:~# touch /var/ntp/ntp.drift
Edit the NTP client configuration file, as shown in Listing 9:
root@name-node:~# vi /etc/inet/ntp.conf
Note: In this lab, we are using the global zone as a time server so we add its name (for example, global-zone) to /etc/inet/ntp.conf.
Listing 9
server global-zone prefer
driftfile /var/ntp/ntp.drift
statsdir /var/ntp/ntpstats/
filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
Add the Hadoop cluster members' host names and IP addresses to /etc/hosts, as shown in Listing 10:
root@name-node:~# vi /etc/hosts
Listing 10
::1 localhost localhost loghost name-node sec-name-node data-node1 data-node2 data-node3 global-zone
Enable the NTP client service:
root@name-node:~# svcadm enable ntp
Verify the NTP client status:
root@name-node:~# svcs ntp
online 11:15:59 svc:/network/ntp:default
Check whether the NTP client can synchronize its clock with the NTP server:
root@name-node:~# ntpq -p
Exercise 8: Set Up SSH
Set up SSH key-based authentication for the Hadoop user on the name_node zone in order to enable password-less login to the Secondary
DataNode and the DataNodes:
root@name-node:~# su - hadoop
hadoop@name-node $ ssh-keygen -t dsa -P "" -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa
hadoop@name-node $ cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Edit $HOME/.profile to append to the end of the file the lines shown in Listing 11:
hadoop@name-node $ vi $HOME/.profile
Listing 11
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export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java
# Add Hadoop bin/ directory to PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/hadoop/bin
Then run the following command:
hadoop@name-node $ source $HOME/.profile
Check that Hadoop runs by typing the following command:
hadoop@name-node:~$ hadoop version
Hadoop 1.2.1
Subversion https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common/branches/branch-1.2 -r 1503152
Compiled by mattf on Mon Jul 22 15:23:09 PDT 2013
From source with checksum 6923c86528809c4e7e6f493b6b413a9a
Note: Press ~. to exit from the name-node console and return to the global zone.
You can verify that you are in the global zone using the zonename command:
root@global_zone:~# zonename
From the global zone, run the following command to create the sec-name-node zone as a clone of name-node:
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z name-node shutdown
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z sec-name-node clone name-node
Boot the sec-name-node zone:
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z sec-name-node boot
root@global_zone:~# zlogin -C sec-name-node
As we experienced previously, the system configuration tool is launched (see Figure 6), so do the final configuration for sec-name-node zone:
Note: All the zones must have the same time zone configuration and the same root password.
Figure 6
For the host name, use sec-name-node.
Select manual network configuration and for the network interface, use secondary_name1.
Use an IP address of and a netmask of
Select Do not configure DNS in the DNS name service window.
Ensure Alternate Name Service is set to None.
For Time Zone Region, select Americas.
For Time Zone Location, select United States.
For Time Zone, select Pacific Time.
Enter your root password.
Note: Press ~. to exit from the sec-name-node console and return to the global zone.
Perform similar steps for data-node1, data-node2, and data-node3:
Do the following for data-node1:
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z data-node1 clone name-node
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z data-node1 boot
root@global_zone:~# zlogin -C data-node1
For the host name, use data-node1.
Select manual network configuration and for the network interface, use data_node1.
Use an IP address of and a netmask of
Select Do not configure DNS in the DNS name service window.
Ensure Alternate Name Service is set to None.
For Time Zone Region, select Americas.
For Time Zone Location, select United States.
For Time Zone, select Pacific Time.
Enter your root password.
Do the following for data-node2:
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z data-node2 clone name-node
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z data-node2 boot
root@global_zone:~# zlogin -C data-node2
For the host name, use data-node2.
For the network interface, use data_node2.
Use an IP address of and a netmask of
Select Do not configure DNS in the DNS name service window.
Ensure Alternate Name Service is set to None.
For Time Zone Region, select Americas.
For Time Zone Location, select United States.
For Time Zone, select Pacific Time.
Enter your root password.
Do the following for data-node3:
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root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z data-node3 clone name-node
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z data-node3 boot
root@global_zone:~# zlogin -C data-node3
For the host name, use data-node3.
For the network interface, use data_node3.
Use an IP address of and a netmask of
Select Do not configure DNS in the DNS name service window.
Ensure Alternate Name Service is set to None.
For Time Zone Region, select Americas.
For Time Zone Location, select United States.
For Time Zone, select Pacific Time.
Enter your root password.
Boot the name_node zone:
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm -z name-node boot
Verify that all the zones are up and running:
root@global_zone:~# zoneadm list -cv
0 global running / solaris shared
10 sec-name-node running /zones/sec-name-node solaris excl
12 data-node1 running /zones/data-node1 solaris excl
14 data-node2 running /zones/data-node2 solaris excl
16 data-node3 running /zones/data-node3 solaris excl
17 name-node running /zones/name-node solaris excl
To verify your SSH access without using a password for the Hadoop user, do the following.
From name_node, log in via SSH into name-node (that is, to itself):
root@global_zone:~# zlogin name-node
root@name-node:~# su - hadoop
hadoop@name-node $ ssh name-node
The authenticity of host 'name-node (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 04:93:a9:e0:b7:8c:d7:8b:51:b8:42:d7:9f:e1:80:ca.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'name-node,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Now, try to log in to sec-name-node and the DataNodes (data-node1, data-node2, and data-node3).
Try logging in to the hosts again using SSH. You shouldn't get a prompt to add the host to the known keys list.
Edit the /etc/hosts files inside sec-name-node and the DataNodes in order to add the name-node entry:
root@global_zone:~# zlogin sec-name-node 'echo " name-node" >> /etc/hosts'
root@global_zone:~# zlogin data-node1 'echo " name-node" >> /etc/hosts'
root@global_zone:~# zlogin data-node2 'echo " name-node" >> /etc/hosts'
root@global_zone:~# zlogin data-node3 'echo " name-node" >> /etc/hosts'
Verify name resolution by ensuring that the global zone and all the Hadoop zones have the host entries shown in Listing 12 in /etc/hosts:
# cat /etc/hosts
Listing 12
::1 localhost localhost loghost name-node sec-name-node data-node1 data-node2 data-node3 global-zone
Note: If you are using the global zone as an NTP server, you must also add its host name and IP address to /etc/hosts.
Verify the cluster using the verifycluster script:
root@global_zone:~# /usr/local/hadoophol/Scripts/verifycluster
If the cluster setup is fine, you will get a cluster is verified message.
Note: If the verifycluster script fails with an error message, check that the /etc/hosts file in every zone includes all the zones names as
described in the Step 12, and then rerun the verifiability script again.
Exercise 9: Format HDFS from the NameNode
Concept Break: Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
HDFS is a distributed, scalable file system. HDFS stores metadata on the NameNode. Application data is stored on the DataNodes, and each
DataNode serves up blocks of data over the network using a block protocol specific to HDFS. The file system uses the TCP/IP layer for
communication. Clients use Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to communicate with each other.
The DataNodes do not rely on data protection mechanisms, such as RAID, to make the data durable. Instead, the file content is replicated on
multiple DataNodes for reliability.
With the default replication value (3), which is set up in the hdfs-site.xml file, data is stored on three nodes. DataNodes can talk to each other
in order to rebalance data, to move copies around, and to keep the replication of data high. In Figure 7, we can see that every data block is
replicated across three data nodes based on the replication value.
An advantage of using HDFS is data awareness between the JobTracker and TaskTracker. The JobTracker schedules map or reduce jobs to
TaskTracker with an awareness of the data location. An example of this would be if node A contained data (x,y,z) and node B contained data
(a,b,c). Then the JobTracker will schedule node B to perform map or reduce tasks on (a,b,c) and node A would be scheduled to perform map or
reduce tasks on (x,y,z). This reduces the amount of traffic that goes over the network and prevents unnecessary data transfer.. This data
awareness can have a significant impact on job-completion times, which has been demonstrated when running data-intensive jobs.
For more information about Hadoop HDFS see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadoop.
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Figure 7
To format HDFS, run the following commands and answer Y at the prompt:
root@global_zone:~# zlogin name-node
root@name-node:~# mkdir -p /hdfs/name
root@name-node:~# chown -R hadoop:hadoop /hdfs
root@name-node:~# su - hadoop
hadoop@name-node:$ /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop namenode -format
13/10/13 09:10:52 INFO namenode.NameNode: STARTUP_MSG:
STARTUP_MSG: Starting NameNode
STARTUP_MSG: host = name-node/
STARTUP_MSG: args = [-format]
STARTUP_MSG: version = 1.2.1
STARTUP_MSG: build = https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common/branches/branch-1.2 -r 1503152; compiled by 'mattf' on Mon Jul 22 15:23:09 PDT 2013
STARTUP_MSG: java = 1.6.0_35
hadoop@name-node:$ Re-format filesystem in /hdfs/name ? (Y or N) Y
On every DataNode (data-node1, data-node2, and data-node3), create a Hadoop data directory to store the HDFS blocks:
root@global_zone:~# zlogin data-node1
root@data-node1:~# mkdir -p /hdfs/data
root@data-node1:~# chown -R hadoop:hadoop /hdfs
root@global_zone:~# zlogin data-node2
root@data-node2:~# mkdir -p /hdfs/data
root@data-node2:~# chown -R hadoop:hadoop /hdfs
root@global_zone:~# zlogin data-node3
root@data-node3:~# mkdir -p /hdfs/data
root@data-node3:~# chown -R hadoop:hadoop /hdfs
Exercise 10: Start the Hadoop Cluster
Table 3 describes the startup scripts.
Table 3. Startup Scripts
File Name Description
Starts the HDFS daemons, the NameNode, and the DataNodes. Use this before
stop-dfs.sh Stops the Hadoop DFS daemons.
Starts the Hadoop MapReduce daemons, the JobTracker, and the TaskTrackers.
Stops the Hadoop MapReduce daemons.
From the name-node zone, start the Hadoop DFS daemons, the NameNode, and the DataNodes using the following commands:
root@global_zone:~# zlogin name-node
root@name-node:~# su - hadoop
hadoop@name-node:$ start-dfs.sh
starting namenode, logging to /var/log/hadoop/hadoop--namenode-name-node.out
data-node2: starting datanode, logging to /var/log/hadoop/hadoop-hadoop-datanode-data-node2.out
data-node1: starting datanode, logging to /var/log/hadoop/hadoop-hadoop-datanode-data-node1.out
data-node3: starting datanode, logging to /var/log/hadoop/hadoop-hadoop-datanode-data-node3.out
sec-name-node: starting secondarynamenode, logging to
Start the Hadoop Map/Reduce daemons, the JobTracker, and the TaskTrackers using the following command:
hadoop@name-node:$ start-mapred.sh
starting jobtracker, logging to /var/log/hadoop/hadoop--jobtracker-name-node.out
data-node1: starting tasktracker, logging to /var/log/hadoop/hadoop-hadoop-tasktracker-data-node1.out
data-node3: starting tasktracker, logging to /var/log/hadoop/hadoop-hadoop-tasktracker-data-node3.out
data-node2: starting tasktracker, logging to /var/log/hadoop/hadoop-hadoop-tasktracker-data-node2.out
To view a comprehensive status report, execute the following command to check the cluster status. The command will output basic statistics
about the cluster health, such as NameNode details, the status of each DataNode, and disk capacity amounts.
hadoop@name-node:$ hadoop dfsadmin -report
Configured Capacity: 171455269888 (159.68 GB)
Present Capacity: 169711053357 (158.06 GB)
DFS Remaining: 169711028736 (158.06 GB)
DFS Used: 24621 (24.04 KB)
DFS Used%: 0%
Under replicated blocks: 0
Blocks with corrupt replicas: 0
Missing blocks: 0
Datanodes available: 3 (3 total, 0 dead)
You should see that three DataNodes are available.
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Note: You can find the same information on the NameNode web status page (shown in Figure 8) at http://<NameNode IP
address>:50070/dfshealth.jsp. The name node IP address is
Figure 8
Exercise 11: Run a MapReduce Job
Concept Break: MapReduce
MapReduce is a framework for processing parallelizable problems across huge data sets using a cluster of computers.
The essential idea of MapReduce is using two functions to grab data from a source: using the Map() function and then processing the data
across a cluster of computers using the Reduce() function. Specifically, Map() will apply a function to all the members of a data set and post a
result set, which Reduce() will then collate and resolve.
Map() and Reduce() can be run in parallel and across multiple systems.
For more information about MapReduce, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MapReduce.
We will use the WordCount example, which reads text files and counts how often words occur. The input and output consist of text files, each line
of which contains a word and the number of times the word occurred, separated by a tab. For more information about WordCount, see
Create the input data directory; we will put the input files there.
hadoop@name-node:$ hadoop fs -mkdir /input-data
Verify the directory creation:
hadoop@name-node:$ hadoop dfs -ls /
Found 1 items
drwxr-xr-x - hadoop supergroup 0 2013-10-13 23:45 /input-data
Copy the pg20417.txt file you downloaded earlier to HDFS using the following command:
Note: Oracle OpenWorld attendees can find the pg20417.txt file in the /usr/local/hadoophol/Doc directory.
hadoop@name-node:$ hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /usr/local/hadoophol/Doc/pg20417.txt /input-data
Verify that the file is located on HDFS:
hadoop@name-node:$ hadoop dfs -ls /input-data
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 674570 2013-10-13 10:20 /input-data/pg20417.txt
Create the output directory; the MapReduce job will put its outputs in this directory:
hadoop@name-node:$ hadoop fs -mkdir /output-data
Start the MapReduce job using the following command:
hadoop@name-node:$ hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/hadoop-examples-1.2.1.jar
wordcount /input-data/pg20417.txt /output-data/output1
13/10/13 10:23:08 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1
13/10/13 10:23:08 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library
for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
13/10/13 10:23:08 WARN snappy.LoadSnappy: Snappy native library not loaded
13/10/13 10:23:09 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201310130918_0010
13/10/13 10:23:10 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 0% reduce 0%
13/10/13 10:23:19 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 100% reduce 0%
13/10/13 10:23:29 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 100% reduce 33%
13/10/13 10:23:31 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 100% reduce 100%
13/10/13 10:23:34 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201310130918_0010
13/10/13 10:23:34 INFO mapred.JobClient: Counters: 26
The program takes about 60 seconds to execute on the cluster.
All of the files in the input directory (input-data in the command line shown above) are read and the counts for the words in the input are written
to the output directory (called output-data/output1).
Verify the output data:
hadoop@name-node:$ hadoop dfs -ls /output-data/output1
Found 3 items
-rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 0 2013-10-13 10:30 /output-data/output1/_SUCCESS
drwxr-xr-x - hadoop supergroup 0 2013-10-13 10:30 /output-data/output1/_logs
-rw-r--r-- 3 hadoop supergroup 196192 2013-10-13 10:30 /output-data/output1/part-r-00000
Exercise 12: Use ZFS Encryption
Concept Break: ZFS Encryption
Oracle Solaris 11 adds transparent data encryption functionality to ZFS. All data and file system metadata (such as ownership, access control
lists, quota information, and so on) is encrypted when stored persistently in the ZFS pool.
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A ZFS pool can support a mix of encrypted and unencrypted ZFS data sets (file systems and ZVOLs). Data encryption is completely transparent to
applications and other Oracle Solaris file services, such as NFS or CIFS. Since encryption is a first-class feature of ZFS, we are able to support
compression, encryption, and deduplication together. Encryption key management for encrypted data sets can be delegated to users, Oracle
Solaris Zones, or both. Oracle Solaris with ZFS encryption provides a very flexible system for securing data at rest, and it doesn't require any
application changes or qualification.
For more information about ZFS encryption, see "How to Manage ZFS Data Encryption."
The output data can contain sensitive information, so use ZFS encryption to protect the output data.
Create the encrypted ZFS data set:
Note: You need to provide the passphrase; it must be at least eight characters.
root@name-node:~# zfs create -o encryption=on rpool/export/output
Enter passphrase for 'rpool/export/output':
Enter again:
Verify that the ZFS data set is encrypted:
root@name-node:~# zfs get all rpool/export/output | grep encry
rpool/export/output encryption on local
Change the ownership:
root@name-node:~# chown hadoop:hadoop /export/output
Copy the output file from HDFS into ZFS:
root@name-node:~# su - hadoop
Oracle Corporation SunOS 5.11 11.1 September 2012
hadoop@name-node:$ hadoop dfs -getmerge /output-data/output1 /export/output
Analyze the output text file. Each line contains a word and the number of times the word occurred, separated by a tab.
hadoop@name-node:$ head /export/output/output1
"A 2
"Alpha 1
"Alpha," 1
"An 2
"And 1
"Batesian" 1
"Beta 2
Protect the output text file by unmounting the ZFS data set, and then unload the wrapping key for an encrypted data set using the following
root@name-node:~# zfs key -u rpool/export/output
If the command is successful, the data set is not accessible and it is unmounted.
If you want to mount this ZFS file system, you need to provide the passphrase:
root@name-node:~# zfs mount rpool/export/output
Enter passphrase for 'rpool/export/output':
By using a passphrase, you ensure that only those who know the passphrase can observe the output file.
Exercise 13: Use Oracle Solaris DTrace for Performance Monitoring
Concept Break: Oracle Solaris DTrace
Oracle Solaris DTrace is a comprehensive, advanced tracing tool for troubleshooting systematic problems in real time. Administrators,
integrators, and developers can use DTrace to dynamically and safely observe live production systems, including both applications and the
operating system itself, for performance issues.
DTrace allows you to explore a system to understand how it works, track down problems across many layers of software, and locate the cause of
any aberrant behavior. Whether it's at a high-level global overview, such memory consumption or CPU time, or at a much finer-grained level, such
as what specific function calls are being made, DTrace can provide operational insights that have been missing in the data center by enabling you
to do the following:
Insert 80,000+ probe points across all facets of the operating system.
Instrument user and system level software.
Use a powerful and easy-to-use scripting language and command line interfaces.
For more information about DTrace, see http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solaris11/technologies/dtrace-1930301.html.
Open another terminal window and log in into name-node as user hadoop.
Run the following MapReduce job:
hadoop@name-node:$ hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/hadoop-examples-1.2.1.jar
wordcount /input-data/pg20417.txt /output-data/output2
When the Hadoop job is run, determine what processes are executed on the NameNode.
In the terminal window, run the following DTrace command:
root@global-zone:~# dtrace -n 'proc:::exec-success/strstr(zonename,"name-node")>0/ { trace(curpsinfo->pr_psargs); }'
dtrace: description 'proc:::exec-success' matched 1 probe
0 4473 exec_common:exec-success /usr/bin/env bash /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/hadoop-exa
0 4473 exec_common:exec-success bash /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/hadoop-examples-1.1.2.j
0 4473 exec_common:exec-success dirname /usr/local/hadoop-1.1.2/libexec/--
0 4473 exec_common:exec-success dirname /usr/local/hadoop-1.1.2/libexec/--
0 4473 exec_common:exec-success sed -e s/ /_/g
1 4473 exec_common:exec-success dirname /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop
1 4473 exec_common:exec-success dirname -- /usr/local/hadoop/bin/../libexec/hadoop-config.sh
1 4473 exec_common:exec-success basename -- /usr/local/hadoop/bin/../libexec/hadoop-config.sh
1 4473 exec_common:exec-success basename /usr/local/hadoop-1.1.2/libexec/--
1 4473 exec_common:exec-success uname
1 4473 exec_common:exec-success /usr/java/bin/java -Xmx32m org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformName
1 4473 exec_common:exec-success /usr/java/bin/java -Xmx32m org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformName
0 4473 exec_common:exec-success /usr/java/bin/java -Dproc_jar -Xmx1000m -Dhadoop.log.dir=/var/log/hadoop -Dhado
0 4473 exec_common:exec-success /usr/java/bin/java -Dproc_jar -Xmx1000m -Dhadoop.log.dir=/var/log/hadoop -Dhado
Note: Press Ctrl-c in order to see the DTrace output.
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When the Hadoop job is run, determine what files are written to the NameNode.
Note: If the MapReduce job is finished, you can run another job with a different output directory (for example, /output-data/output3).
For example:
hadoop@name-node:$ hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/hadoop-examples-1.2.1.jar
wordcount /input-data/pg20417.txt /output-data/output3
root@global-zone:~# dtrace -n 'syscall::write:entry/strstr(zonename,"name-node")>0/ {@write[fds[arg0].fi_pathname]=count();}'
dtrace: description 'syscall::write:entry' matched 1 probe
/zones/name-node/root/tmp/hadoop-hadoop/mapred/local/jobTracker/.job_201307181457_0007.xml.crc 1
/zones/name-node/root/var/log/hadoop/history/.job_201307181457_0007_conf.xml.crc 1
/zones/name-node/root/dev/pts/3 5
/zones/name-node/root/var/log/hadoop/job_201307181457_0007_conf.xml 6
/zones/name-node/root/tmp/hadoop-hadoop/mapred/local/jobTracker/job_201307181457_0007.xml 8
/zones/name-node/root/var/log/hadoop/history/job_201307181457_0007_conf.xml 11
/zones/name-node/root/var/log/hadoop/hadoop--jobtracker-name-node.log 13
/zones/name-node/root/hdfs/name/current/edits.new 25
/zones/name-node/root/var/log/hadoop/hadoop--namenode-name-node.log 45
/zones/name-node/root/dev/poll 207
<unknown> 3131655
Note: Press Ctrl-c in order to see the DTrace output.
When the Hadoop job is run, determine what processes are executed on the DataNode:
root@global-zone:~# dtrace -n 'proc:::exec-success/strstr(zonename,"data-node1")>0/ { trace(curpsinfo->pr_psargs); }'
dtrace: description 'proc:::exec-success' matched 1 probe
0 8833 exec_common:exec-success dirname /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop
0 8833 exec_common:exec-success dirname /usr/local/hadoop/libexec/--
0 8833 exec_common:exec-success sed -e s/ /_/g
1 8833 exec_common:exec-success dirname -- /usr/local/hadoop/bin/../libexec/hadoop-config.sh
2 8833 exec_common:exec-success basename /usr/local/hadoop/libexec/--
2 8833 exec_common:exec-success /usr/java/bin/java -Xmx32m org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformName
2 8833 exec_common:exec-success /usr/java/bin/java -Xmx32m org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformName
3 8833 exec_common:exec-success /usr/bin/env bash /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/hadoop-exa
3 8833 exec_common:exec-success bash /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/hadoop-examples-1.0.4.j
3 8833 exec_common:exec-success basename -- /usr/local/hadoop/bin/../libexec/hadoop-config.sh
3 8833 exec_common:exec-success dirname /usr/local/hadoop/libexec/--
3 8833 exec_common:exec-success uname
3 8833 exec_common:exec-success /usr/java/bin/java -Dproc_jar -Xmx1000m -Dhadoop.log.dir=/var/log/hadoop -Dhado
3 8833 exec_common:exec-success /usr/java/bin/java -Dproc_jar -Xmx1000m -Dhadoop.log.dir=/var/log/hadoop -Dhado
When the Hadoop job is run, determine what files are written on the DataNode:
(There were 222 lines of output, which were reduced for readability.)
root@global-zone:~# dtrace -n 'syscall::write:entry/strstr(zonename,"data-node1")>0/ {@write[fds[arg0].fi_pathname]=count();}'
dtrace: description 'syscall::write:entry' matched 1 probe
/zones/data-node1/root/hdfs/data/blocksBeingWritten/blk_-5404946161781239203 1
/zones/data-node1/root/hdfs/data/blocksBeingWritten/blk_-5404946161781239203_1103.meta 1
/zones/data-node1/root/hdfs/data/blocksBeingWritten/blk_-6136035696057459536 1
/zones/data-node1/root/hdfs/data/blocksBeingWritten/blk_-6136035696057459536_1102.meta 1
/zones/data-node1/root/hdfs/data/blocksBeingWritten/blk_-8420966433041064066 1
/zones/data-node1/root/hdfs/data/blocksBeingWritten/blk_-8420966433041064066_1105.meta 1
/zones/data-node1/root/hdfs/data/blocksBeingWritten/blk_1792925233420187481 1
/zones/data-node1/root/hdfs/data/blocksBeingWritten/blk_1792925233420187481_1101.meta 1
/zones/data-node1/root/hdfs/data/blocksBeingWritten/blk_4108435250688953064 1
/zones/data-node1/root/hdfs/data/blocksBeingWritten/blk_4108435250688953064_1106.meta 1
Determine the total amount of HDFS data written for the DataNodes:
root@global-zone:~# dtrace -n 'syscall::write:entry /
( strstr(zonename,"data-node1")!=0 || strstr(zonename,"data-node2")!=0 ||
strstr(zonename,"data-node3")!=0 ) && strstr(fds[arg0].fi_pathname,"hdfs")!=0
&& strstr(fds[arg0].fi_pathname,"blocksBeingWritten")>0/
{ @write[fds[arg0].fi_pathname]=sum(arg2); }'
In this lab, we learned how to set up a Hadoop cluster using Oracle Solaris 11 technologies such as Oracle Solaris Zones, ZFS, and network
virtualization and DTrace.
See Also
Hadoop and HDFS
Hadoop framework
"How to Control Your Application's Network Bandwidth"
"How to Get Started Creating Oracle Solaris Zones in Oracle Solaris 11"
"How to Set Up a Hadoop Cluster Using Oracle Solaris Zones"
"How to Build Native Hadoop Libraries for Oracle Solaris 11"
"How to Manage ZFS Data Encryption"
About the Author
Orgad Kimchi is a principal software engineer on the ISV Engineering team at Oracle (formerly Sun Microsystems). For 6 years he has specialized
in virtualization, big data, and cloud computing technologies.
Revision 1.0, 10/21/2013
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