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Title of the article
The Effects of Pre-task, On-line, and both Pre-task and On-line Planning
on Fluency, Complexity, and Accuracy The Case of !ranian EF"
"earners# $ritten Production
!ession "."." #osition $udience
!ummaries (%&&'%(& words)
The results of the study indicated that pre-task planning impacted the fluency %i&e&
syllables per minute'
of the EF" learner#s (ritten production significantly) ho(e*er, it did not ha*e significant effect
on the complexity
and accuracy of the (ritten performance& The findings of this study are partially in line (ith the
findings of the
studies %$endel, +,,-) Ortega, +,,,) .uan, /00+) .uan and Ellis, /001) and Ellis and .uan)
/002' (hich re*ealed that the opportunity for pre-task planning results in significantly more
fluent and complex language& !n addition the findings are in total agreement (ith 3ahimpour 4
5afarie %/0++'& They found that pre-task planning had a significant effect on fluency, but no
effect on complexity and accuracy& As Ellis and .uan, /002 argued, the greater fluency in the
case of PTP group is because pre-task planning makes content and organi6ation planning easier&
!t may also help increase "/ (riters# confidence to (rite clearly and effecti*ely possibly
reducing their need to get in*ol*ed in extensi*e monitoring& This (as indicated in the
participants# ans(ers to post-task 7uestionnaire in (hich 8,1 reported that they focused on
content and rhetorical planning& Furthermore, Ortega %+,,,' argues, (hen the task is not
challenging the learners may not find pre-task planning of much *alue& Thus, it can be surmised
that !ranian EF" learners did not find the task challenging and therefore pre-task planning (as
not so much helpful to them in producing a complex text& Another possibility is that !ranian EF"
learners (ere not familiar (ith planning strategies (hich in turn resulted in no impro*ement in
their (riting in terms of complexity&
Pre-task planning group also had less dysfluent language compared to the other planning groups
but it (as not
statistically significant& 9immerman %/000' found that (riters ha*e more re*isions (hen they
(rite in their "/ than in their "+) thus, one of the effects of allo(ing time for pre-task planning
may be to reduce the number of re*isions undertaken in "/ (riting, resulting in more
resemblance to "+ (riting&
)omment (%%('%(& words)
!n this study, planning (as operationali6ed at three le*els: pre-task planning %PTP',
on-line planning %O"P', and pre-task planning plus on-line planning %PTP;O"P'& The
participants performed the task in their normal classroom setting& !n the PTP condition,
participants (ere re7uired to (rite the story (ithin +< minutes and to produce at least /00 (ords&
!n this (ay, the participants (ere pressured to perform the task (ith limited chances for on-line
planning& A pilot study (ith similar number of participants had been carried out to determine the
time to be permitted to (rite the story& !n the pilot study, there (as no time limit, and the
participants# different times (ere noted& The results of the pilot study indicated that the fastest
(riter completed the story in +< minutes, (hereas the slo(est took /0 minutes to finish the task&
The +<-minute time (as selected for (riting the main task in order to a*oid extensi*e on-line
planning on the part of the participants&
The participants (ere gi*en a sheet of paper to (rite notes but (ere told not to (rite out the
complete story& The
notes (ere taken a(ay before they started (riting the task& According to Ellis 4 .uan %/002, p&
-0', =remo*ing the
notes ensured that the language elicited by all the tasks (as produced (ithin the specified time
As for the O"P condition, the participants (ere told they could take as much time as needed to
(rite do(n the story and the researcher ensured that they began (riting immediately& The
researcher noted the time the participants spent on the task to check that this (as actually longer
than the time taken by the other t(o groups& ?nlike the other t(o groups, ho(e*er, the
participants (ere not re7uired to (rite a minimum of /00 (ords, @as this may ha*e been
interpreted as re7uiring them to (rite 7uickly> Ellis 4 .uan %/002, p& -0 '& Therefore, the
participants in this condition (ere gi*en no time for pre-task planning but ample time for on-line
Dwifatma *a+hmat !uminta ,,,&&,",%,&-&

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