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PRESENT: R Dickey (Chair), J Auld, P Taylor, S Holgate, G May, O Forbes, S Wither, P Eason, C
Harrex, D Shaw, S Benington and J Lyders (arrived 5:47).

IN ATTENDANCE: M Cummings and S McTavish

S Wither / D Shaw

ANNUAL CURRICULUM REVIEW: Susan tabled her Individual Needs report. Twice yearly
teachers complete a form in which they identify students achieving below the curriculum levels.
Teacher judgements are based on formal and informal assessment information and students are
rated from 1 (just below), to 3 (well below), the extent to which they fall below the levels. Once
complete these are handed to SENCO, who then meets with the Principal and Deputy Principal in
order to analyse the results and allocate and organize resources and support. Teacher Aide time gets
allocated to all category three and most category two students. Students receive one-on-one and
small group support with reading written language, oral language and numeracy. Years one to six
students attend a numeracy acceleration programme called Bump It. Students with category one
needs are usually catered for through the use of differentiated learning programmes within the
classroom. Three category three students have been referred to outside agencies. Staff and parents
meet regularly at school with these agencies and develop ongoing plans with these students.

Sally tabled her Reading Recovery report. All students who have been through the reading recovery
programme in the last year have been successfully discontinued from the programme and are being
closely monitored within their classroom programme. Of 4 students who received reading recovery in
2013, 2 of these students have since left. It is indicative of our transient population who often
require extra teaching assistance. In 2014 we currently have 2 students going through the
programme with another 2 due to start in Term 3. Sally attends 6 half day sessions throughout the
year in Dunedin. We are fortunate that the Board generously help fund the programme which
ensures no child who is identified misses out. Funding received from the Ministry equates to 2.5
hours per week. Sallys recommendation to help meet the identified goals would be for the Board to
continue to fund the shortfall as Ministry contribution is beyond our control.

Susan and Pauline tabled their English reports. In the Junior School teachers develop programmes
based on evidence of individual needs and interests. All parts of the reading programme are
centered on developing the ability to read for meaning and enjoyment. For writing the teacher is
data-driven and based on the student needs, interests and cross-curricular learning opportunities.
Students are grouped according to their needs. The classroom programme is organised in a way so
students have time to be listened to, think and plan, talk, write, share and publish. In the senior
school, Year 9 and 10 students are taught units of work from a variety of literature including novels,
short stories, films and static images. Years 11, 12 and 13 students complete a range of internal and
external standards which count toward NCEA. The selection of standards reflect a number of factors
which include: needs and interest, strand/mode balance, teacher strength and information contained
in the moderator reports and NCEA assessment report. Review of the Years Goals in the Junior
School in reading the overall percentage of students achieving at or above the standard was 75%,
the next should goal should be to increase this to 90%. In writing the overall percentage achieving
at or above the national standard was 63%. These results are satisfactory and a reward for teachers
who implemented successful classroom programmes. The overall results for the junior school have
been affected by the rather large group of students who came into the school during the latter part
of 2013. NCEA Level One results 47 standards, of the 48 entered in total were passed. Of these 47
standards 68.7% were at Achieved, 27% at Merit and 2% at Excellence. Maori students passed
87.5% to their standards. Boys passed 93.7% of their standards. NCEA Level Two results 28
standards of the 30 entered in total, were passed. Of the 28 standards passed, 66.6% were at the
Achieved level and 23.35 were at the Merit level and 3.3% were at the Excellence Level. Boys
passed were 83% of their standard. NCEA Level Three 14 standards of the 15 entered in total were
passed. Of the 14 standards passed, 73.3% were at the Achieved level 20.0% were at the Merit

It was resolved that the minutes from the previous meeting held on the 29
April are confirmed as
true and correct.

S Wither / P Eason

School Blazers; Debbie has ordered the Blazers.
Chairs; John has ordered the chairs for Room 7.
Van; Application has been sent for funding for a new van.
YR13 Dress Code; This was discussed and it was decided that the senior staff are to access this over
the next month and come back to the BOT with any issues. The dress code should be smart/causal.
School Visits; Gillian has investigated schools that have made the renovations within their school
regarding the break-out spaces and it was decided to visit Milton Primary and Rosebank for a start
and then visit other schools if needed. Roxburgh School could also be option to view their veranda.

D Shaw / J Auld

Additional correspondence was tabled at the meeting as follows; STA News, Mats for playground
under equipment.

It was resolved that the inwards correspondence is received.
J Lyders / S Wither


CHAIRPERSONS REPORT: Russell mentioned that the recent Teachers Only Day could have
coincided with the Otago Netball Champs, next time a Teachers Only Day is to be planned see if this
could be organised with any up and coming days that the seniors are needing leave. The principals
house is now vacant. It would be a good time to do the alterations that are needed. A quote for the
expol is to be done as this is to be a fundraising job for the students that are attending the National
Area Schools Tournament in Nelson.

The school houses were discussed and it was moved that the Board of Trustees look into taking over
the management of the Core housing with the possibility of selling one or more of these houses to
upgrade the others.

S Wither / P Eason

PRINCIPALS REPORT: John tabled his Principals Report.

Whole staff had PD with the focus being ICT. Friday sports programme have focused on preparation
for the tournaments coming up.

Lyall Shanks is covering Technology. Gillian May release in Room 7.

Painting fix-up has been completed, much time and effort gone into this. Spouting finally approved
to be fixed.

The influx of new students in Room 6 and Room 7 was discussed and it was moved that John and
Pauline sort the arrangement of staffing for this and report to the board when resolved.

S Wither / J Lyders

The Financial report was tabled. Steve mentioned that he would like the report to be sent to him
earlier so he can prepare for the meeting.


STAFF REPORT: Gillian presented the Google Doc file that she has created for the Board members
after the day she had spent in PD. Files (minutes, agenda, principals reports and curriculum reports)
can be loaded on to this and the board will be able to download this prior to, or during the meeting
to discuss. Teachers are currently working on mid-year reports.

STUDENT REPORT: Tournament in Roxburgh was a great success with a good number of students
qualifying for nationals. Tertiary day was held at Otago University and Otago Polytechnic, this could
also be open for YR 12s in the future. Mufti day has been discussed as a fundraiser for the students
attending Nationals. The Formal theme has been changed and everything is running smoothly.

PERSONNEL; New Technology teacher will be starting in Term 3.
GROUNDS AND BULIDINGS; Painting in the toilet blocks has been completed and look good. The
gardens out the front and around the school will done with the help of Mandy Eason and anyone else
who is willing to help, this will be tidied in time for the 150
. Jason has been looking at the boiler to
try and get it to run more effectively. Need to sort out what other alterations need to be to done
with the Principals house while it is empty. A second hand kitchen could be installed as well as a log

POLICY REVIEW: Student Sporting/Cultural Contract changes have been made.

GENERAL: A written report to be done from those who attended the Area Conference in Nelson.
Christine mentioned that parents of new entrant pupils are having difficulty at sourcing uniforms from
the warehouse. The Warehouse to be contacted and see if they are stocking all our uniform. Gillian
also mentioned if the uniform policy could be looked at and discussed now that it has been in place in
the junior school. Jason had been talking to the Rugby Club about hiring their van, but it was
discussed and decided to keep ownership of two vans as they both get enough usage to justify this.

The next meeting will be held 1
July at 5:30pm.

Russell declared the meeting closed at 8:14pm

Chairperson Date

Garden at the bottom car park before winter.

Jason Contact Telecom regarding cables depth.

John Contact power board regarding cables

John Peta Dowle Mural

Jason Flag Pole been taken down and undercoat done.

Paul Gym Roller Door.

Debbie YR 13 dress code teachers to let board know if any problems

Gillian Organise a trip Milton and Rosebank to look at set-up of
classrooms with the break-out spaces and Information

Russell Old Computers need numbers that are in storage

Chairs in Library Take one of the chairs to Golds.

Russell/John Investigate Wifi

Lease agreements on P.C/Chrome books.

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