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07 Alternative energy sowee (geottwmal enetgjj

QWO603 Anwrobk digoatlon of sllk industry wrrtro %ml610 A now catrlyat for the catalytk gulfkatlon of -.
V&wa+h, P. and Nand, K- Bioresource Tcchnolo& 1994, 49, (3),
- .
In order to determine biogas potential of defatted silk worm pupae waste,
anaerobic batch digestion was carried out in a l-l bioreactor and, based on
the results, further experiments were conducted in a 20-l KVIC (Khadi and
Villa c Industries Commission) type digester under semi-continuous feed-
e effect of seven loading rates was studied. The maximum yield of
biogas (0.53 m kg- volatile solids (VS) added) and methane
0.38 m3 kg
TS added) was accomplished at a loading rate of 1 kg total so ids m- day -
. The methane content was as htgh as 70%. The hydraulrc retentton ttme
of 30&y digestion exhibited maximum yield of btogas and methane.
Arauxo, 3. et al., Energy&Fuels, Nov.-Dec. 1994,8, (6), 1192-11%.
Various kinds of catalysts are being developed and tested for the pyrolytic
gasification of biomass using the Waterloo Fast Pyrolyisis Process technol-
ogy. The present report describes gasification tests with wood in a continu-
ous bench scale fluidixed bed reactor but with no added air or oxygen in
the region of SOO-700C and at short gas contact times, using a crystalline
nickel aluminate catalyst. The objective was to determine the most appro-
~~~&6?ir@t!#s~~lt&& @h~&!I?$e&~~&f?~ &
with this catalyst in both inert and reactive gasification media, but without
any oxygen or air addition.
Fairchild, C.
Around the world on soy and ?? unrhlne
Solar T&y, Jan.-Feb. 1995, 9, (l), 18-20.
Describes how soybean-based biodiesel proves to be a dependable alterna-
tive fuel, even to a man alone at sea. Bryan Peterson left San Francisco
Bay on 4 July 1992 to begin a trip around the world in a 24-foot Zodiac
Hurricane rescue boat powered by 100% so
particularly appropriate for the marine E
-based biodiesel. Biodiesel is
mar et because it is nontoxic and
biodegradable and because it produces fewer haxarous emissions than
petroleum diesel.
rgrofore8try In Chlni
Wang, X. and Feng, 2
Atmorpherk carbon requestratlon through
Energy, Feb. 1995, 20, (2), 117-121.
%I01 611
the mzymatk hydrolysk
Pretrwtmrnt of bagaue by nonlonk surfrctant for
Kurakakc, M. et aL, Bioresource Technolo
Enzymatic hydrolysis of bagasse was
1994, 49, (3), 2472.51.
acce erated by pretreatment with ff
3.33% wt nonionic surfactant (Tween 29; polyoxyethy!ene. sorbitan mono-
laurate) at 170-19oOC. The amount of the bgnm remammg m the pretreated
bagasse decreased by about 22-2796 and the enxymattc hydrolysis rate
increased, because of an increase in the surface area of cellulose accessible
to enzyme, compared to those pretreated with water. The effect is based on
the fact that surfactant makes hydrophobic degradation roducts extracta-
ble to water. The pretreatment effect varied with the &t (hydrophile-
lipophile balance) values of surfactant.
%/ol!j2_ @cycling and morgy utllkation of warto from the
Agrofomstry is an important alternative to modem agriculture and forestry.
It 1s useful m ameliorating environmental degradation, such as desertttica-
tion and land erosion. D * this
anroforestrv svstems in the 7
study on biomass and productivity of
orth Chma Plain the authors found that
ahfore& his a greater potential for storing and absorbing carbon from
the atmos here than had land cultivation. Furthermore, agroforestry Sp-
I O&? terns p uce timber and firewood that will bring profit to peasants and
rexiuce the release of CO, into the atmosphere.
wood Indurtrle8
ISWA, BremerholmI, DK-1069 Copnhagen V, Denmark, DKr54.
(Europe) DKri34 (others).
%/01613 Surtalnabk fonatty mmagemont in devekplng
countrlrr. Experkncer horn Ask
DSilva, E. et al., Natural Resources Forum, Nov. 1994,18, (S), 251-262.
The central message of tbis pa
and multiple users. The paper 8
r is that natural forests have multiple uses
escribes tbe crisis in Asian forestry and four
failures which lie bebind tbe crisis. The first failute is related to economic
policy wbicb has consistently underpriced timber, not accounting for the
true cost of replacing the felled trees or the value of non-timber goods and
services (including environmental services). One is tbeir role as a source of
fuelwood, which accounts for four-fifths of Asias timber demand.
%Al1006 Charactorlutlon and onumontlon of mkroorga-
nlsmr auoclated with ?? naorobk dlgwtlon of tomato-procrrr-
Ing wart0
SaIad& R. and Joseph. R. Bioresource Technology, 1994, 49, (3),
- .
Different physiological groups of microorg~ cellulolytics, xyla-
nolytica, pectinolyttcs, proteolytica, lipolytica and metbanogens were enu-
merated and monitored during the anaerobic digestion of tomato-
processing waste.
%I01014 Swolllng khrvlour of kmft bkck liquor and k
organk condltuonta
Alert, R. Bioresource Technology, 1994.49, (2). 99-103.
The swelling bebaviour of pine and birch kraft black liquors and their main
orxanic comnonents (limun and hydroxy carboxylic acids) was studied ____
98iO1607 Flnlta ?? kment anrly8lr of coupled hoot, mar,, and
prouura tranrhr In porour blomatrrlrlr
budayaraj, J. and Wu, y. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Sep. 1994,
26, (3), 337-350.
transfer model showed a marked difference from the results obtained by
tbc heat and mass transfer model.
d&g heat&g treatmetit under a -stag&t inert ~atmosphem. Tbe black
liquors began to swell considerably in .tbe tempe+re range of 180-
27OCNo marked dtffemnces m tbe swell~&~~;pe~v~r$;~
were found. On tbe basts of a comparison o
organic components of the black liquors to tbat of the whole li uors, it was
concluded tbat the aliphatic acid fraction is the main soutce o? tbe volatile _.__
while the lignin fraction has
95/01616 Thormochemkal convonlon d bkmau to chrr-
cork colkctkn and characterkatlon of byproduct
Kandpal, J. B. and Maheshwari, R. C. Fuel Sci. TechnoL Ink, 1994,12.
1) iS-83.
e paper descriis the tbennocbemical conversion of biomass which was
carried out using a laboratory pyrolyxcr at temperatures of 280-500. The
charcoal yield v&d from 72 m-4046, respectively, and the tar yield at the
above temperatures varied from 2.0 to 4.2%. Upon increasing the reaction
temperature, tbe heating value and fixed carbon content of the fuel
increased, whereas volatiles content and moistum content decreased, The
structures of charcoal and tar were determined by IR and NMR.
%I01 606 Qmn onorgy m&ton report No. 8. Blofuok
Economatters, 82 Rivington St., London EC2A 3AY, fiO.00.
A report on the use, hading cbaracteristica, technologies and benefits of
biofuels defined as forestry and agricultural wastes and by-products as well
ascropsgmwnasfuel. _
9SlO1808 A low-coot bloroactor for cyanobacterkl blomaro
Geothermal Energy
Sathiyamoorthy, P. and Shanmugasundaram, S. Bioresource Technology,
1994, 49, (3). 279-280.
A simple, inexpensive, adaptable system for growing autotrophs has been
R could
d. The culture vessel was made up of a polypropylene bag which
old 2040 litres of medium. The cyanobactenal biomass produced
by this bioreactor was comparable to that from large volume, open-air
systems. The unique advantage in using the bioreactor was the ability to
produce contamination-free cultures at an affordable cost. Experiments
with various diameters (30,45,60 and 70 cm) of photobioreactor showed
that column hei ht and diameter of culture vessel played an important role
in biomass pm d uction of photoautorophic organisms.
Aerial thermal Infrared mapplng of the Walmmgu-
!$&!fi geothermal region, Now Zuland
Man llo, M. A.
Geothcrmicr, On-Dec. 1994.23, Q, 511-526.
A G SCAn MkII aerial multispectml scanner was used to acquire night-
ime thermal infrared (TIR) imagery over an area extending from southern
Lake Tarawera to northern Repoma as
of a surface geothermal featw:
mapping and monitoring project. This ta, which covers a 180 km2 area at
a ground spatial resolution of about 3m, was obtained in stx contiguous
channels spanning the wavelen
range 8.4-11.6 microns. Results from
the preliminary analysis of ban 20 are presented in the paper.
110 Fuel and Energy Abstracts March I%5

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