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Country lndustry Forecast

Report 5ervice
The lndian ChenicaI lndustry
1996 - 2006
The |nolan Chemlcal |noustry
AvaiIabIe as part of ClF
ChenicaI 5ubscription 9910-H1
Country lndustry Forecast {ClF) ~
your tooI to gauge how a country's
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Report 4537 - 90
The |nolan economy ls tlrmly on the path ot steaoy growth. Lven ourlng the last oecaoe when
other countrles were ln the grlp ot a masslve slowoown, |nola contlnueo to enjoy a
comtortable economlc posltlon. Thls recent spurt ln growth ls propelleo by raolcal retorms
such as the removal ot restrlctlons on torelgn lnvestment ano lnoustrlal oellcenslng. Tallorlng
the LX|M pollcy to promote eports ano allgnlng the lmport outles to meet WTO
commltments turther contrlbuteo to thls oevelopment. Thls treno ls epecteo to contlnue
over the net tlve years, orlven by a tavorable buslness pollcy envlronment ln terms ot ta
cuts, broaoenlng ta base, ano reouceo lnterest rates on borrowlngs.
The prevalllng mooo ot economlc contloence ls llkely to be retlecteo ln the |nolan chemlcal
lnoustry, whlch grew at a raplo pace ln the nlnetles. The llberallzatlon ot the economy has
openeo new wlnoows ot opportunlty tor chemlcal companles. |n a slgnltlcant move, a number
ot torelgn companles have entereo segments such as pharmaceutlcals, petrochemlcals, ano
agrochemlcals. The entry ot prlvate tlrms lnto new sectors, motlvateo by changes ln orug
regulatlons, has resulteo ln a greater level ot market competltlveness. However, thls lnoustry
neeos to lncrease lnvestment ln research ano oevelopment to benchmark ltselt agalnst lts
counterparts ln other oevelopeo countrles. Prlvate companles are epecteo to allocate
more resources to thls eno.
The Country |noustry Forecast tor the |nolan chemlcal lnoustry stuoles the country-specltlc
tactors such as polltlcs, buslness pollcy, ano macroeconomlc lnolcators that have an lmpact
on the chemlcal lnoustry ano lts maln segments. Thls report provloes lnclslve analysls ot the
lnoustry tor 19962001 as well as torecasts tor 20022006.
The recent accesslon to the WTO by Chlna ano Talwan ls llkely to lntenslty competltlon ln
the Aslan market, whlch mlght splll over to the |nolan market as well. Accorolng to the
analyst, Peouceo outles tor chemlcal prooucts ano the oecllnlng echange rates are tactors
that are llkely to have a posltlve lmpact on lmports. Thls ls because chemlcal lnoustrles
woulo preter to source thelr prooucts trom countrles that otter lower prlces. Companles
wlll, theretore, have to lncrease thelr competltlveness ano proouce at lower costs to
counter the threat poseo by rlslng lmports.''
|ncentlves that are belng glven to manutacturers to promote eports lncluoe outy
eemptlons ano speclal outy-tree zones to set up manutacturlng unlts. The report
states, LPZs (eport promotlon zones) are belng oevelopeo to provloe eport-orlenteo
unlts wlth lntrastructure tacllltles at reasonable rates. The Aovanceo Llcenslng Scheme
protects the oomestlc manutacturers trom tluctuatlons ln the lnternatlonal prlces by
provlolng aovance procurement ot raw materlals at pre-oetermlneo prlces.
Structurcl Re(orms to Accelercte conomc Growth
Rse n Chemccl lmports Ioreccst
Concessoncl Schemes to Boost Chemccl xports
TabIe of Contents
1. Executive 5unnary
1.1. |ntroouctlon
A. |noustry Overvlew
8. Scope ano Detlnltlons
1.2. Summary ot Major Flnolngs
A. Country Trenos ano Forecasts
8. |noustry Trenos ano Forecasts
2. lndustry Overview
2.1. |noustry Detlnltlon ano
Global Overvlew
A. |ntroouctlon
8. Global Overvlew
2.2. Peglonal Overvlew ano
Lconomlc |mportance ot the
A. Peglonal Overvlew
8. Lconomlc |mportance ot the
3. lndustry 5tructure and Key Paran-
3.1. Structure ot the |noustry ano
|noustry Segments
A. Structure ot the |noustry ano
|noustry Segments
8. Key |noustry Parameters
3.2. Growth Determlnants ano
Lconomlc Llnkage
A. Chemlcal Usage Across
8. Growth Determlnants
4. PoIiticaI AnaIysis and its lnpIications
4.1. Polltlcal Scenarlo
A. Polltlcal System
8. Government Agenoa
4.2. Forelgn Pollcy ano |nterna-
tlonal Pelatlons
A. Forelgn Pollcy
8. |nternatlonal Pelatlons
4.3. Stance on Global |ssues
A. Cllmate Change ano Global
8. Global Terrorlsm
4.4. Summary ot the |mpllcatlons
tor the Lconomy ano |noustry
A. |mpllcatlons tor the economy
8. |mpllcatlons tor the lnoustry
5. Business PoIicy AnaIysis and its
5.1. 8uslness Pollcles ln |nola
A. Domestlc Pollcles. Flscal ano
Monetary Pollcy
8. Lternal Pollcles. Traoe ano
|nvestment Pollcy
C. |noustry Pegulatlons
5.2. Summary ot the |mpllcatlons
on the Lconomy ano |noustry
A. |mpllcatlons on the economy
8. |mpllcatlons on the lnoustry
6. Econonic AnaIysis Forecast and its
inpIications for the lndustry
6.1. Trenos ano Forecast tor the
Lconomlc |nolcators. Consump
tlon ano |nvestment
A. Consumptlon ano Savlngs
8. |nvestment
6.2. Trenos ano Forecast tor the
Lconomlc |nolcators.Lternal
Markets ano Forelgn |nvestment
A. Lports ano |mports
8. Current Account 8alance ano
Forelgn Lchange Peserves
C. Lchange Pate ano |nterest
D. Forelgn |nvestment
6.3. Trenos ano Forecast tor the
Lconomlc |nolcators . Labor
A. Populatlon ano Lmployment
8. Larnlngs ano Labor Laws
6.4. Trenos ano Forecast tor the
Lconomlc |nolcators. Prlces ano GDP
A. Prlces
8. GDP
6.5. Summary ot the |mpllcatlons tor
the |noustry
A. |mpllcatlons tor the Growth
8. |mpllcatlons tor the |noustry
7. lndustry Trends and Forecast
7.1. Trenos ano Forecast tor the
|noustry Segments
A. 8aslc Chemlcals Segment
8. Petrochemlcals
C. Fertlllzers
D. Pharmaceutlcals
L. Palnts
7.2. Trenos ano Forecast tor the
|noustry Parameters
A. Cost 8 Lmployment
8. |nvestment
C. value ot Outputs
D. Chemlcal Lports
L. Chemlcal |mports
F. |noustry Challenges
8. lndustry Progression lndex
8.1. Methooology tor the |noustry
Progresslon |noe
A. Methooology
8. Welghts tor the |noe
8.2. |noustry Progresslon |noe
A. Segment Contrlbutlon to the
8. Progresslon |noe tor the
Chemlcal |noustry
List of Figures
Fact 5heet
1. Country Fact Sheet
A. Geography Demography ano
8. Lconomlc |nolcators
2. Peglonal ano |noustry Fact Sheets
A. Asla Pacltlc. Peglonal Fact
8. |nola. Chemlcal |noustry
Fact Sheet
1. Appenol tor the |nolan
Chemlcal |noustry
2. Appenolces tor the Chemlcal
|noustry Segments
1. Peterences tor |nolan Lconomy
2. Peterences tor |nolan Chemlcal |noustry
Trenos ano Forecasts tor the Key
Lconomlc |nolcators (|nola), 1996-2006
Trenos ano Forecasts tor the Chemlcal
|noustry Parameters (|nola), 1996-2006
Share ot Major Chemlcal Proouclng
Peglons, 2000
Major Chemlcal Prooucers (Asla), 2000
Contrlbutlon ot the Chemlcal |noustry to
the Lconomy (|nola), 1997-2001
Share ot the Segments ot the Chemlcal
|noustry (|nola), 2000
Components ot the Major Segments ot the
Chemlcal |noustry (|nola)
Growth Determlnants tor the Chemlcal
|noustry Segments (|nola), 2001
Pertormance ot the Major User |noustrles
(|nola), 1996-2001
Agrlcultural Proouctlon ano Area unoer
Crop Cultlvatlon (|nola), 1997-2001
Composltlon ano Growth ot Populatlon
(|nola), 1991-2001
Summary ot the Key Features ot the
Parllament (|nola)
Posltlon ot the Polltlcal Partles ln the
Parllament (|nola), 2002
Chronology ot Governments (|nola),
Unlon 8uoget. Pevenue ano Lpenolture
(|nola), 1996 2001
Central Plan Lpenolture by the Govern-
ment (|nola), 1996-2001
Peak Tarltt Pate (|nola), August 1, 1998
FD| Pollcy ln Selecteo Sectors (|nola), 2001
Sector-Wlse Share ot FD| (|nola),
Summary ot Government Pollcles tor the
Chemlcal |noustry (|nola), 2001
Trenos ano Forecasts tor Consumptlon
Lpenolture ano |ts Components (|nola),
Trenos ano Forecasts tor Gross Savlngs
ano |ts Components ano Householo
Savlngs Pates (|nola), 1996-2001
Trenos ano Forecasts tor Gross Domestlc
|nvestment ano lts Components (|nola),
Wholesale Prlce |noe, Consumer Prlce
|noe, ano |ntlatlon (|nola), 1996-2006
Populatlon ano Unemployment (|nola),
Trenos ano Forecasts tor Forelgn Dlrect
|nvestment ano Forelgn Porttollo
|nvestment (|nola), 1996-2006
8ank Pate ot the Peserve 8ank (|nola),
Treno ano Forecasts tor Lports ano
|mports (|nola), 1996-2006
Trenos ano Forecasts tor Current Account
Detlclt ano Forelgn Lchange Peserves
(|nola), 1996-2006
|nolan Pupee agalnst the Dollar, 1996-2000
|mpact ot |mportant Macroeconomlc
|nolcators on the Future Course ot the
|nolan Lconomy (GDP), 2002-2006
Trenos ano Forecasts tor GDP (|nola),
Trenos ano Forecasts tor the Growth
Determlnants ot the Chemlcal |noustry
(|nola), 1996-2006
Categor y of user- groups
Chemlcal Lqulpment Manutacturers
Senlor Lecutlves
COO s ano CLOs
Presloents ano vlce Presloents
Traoe ano 8uslness Assoclatlons
|noustry ano Manutacturers Assoclatlons
8anks ano Multl-Natlonal Corporatlons
Trans-Natlonal Corporatlons
Flnanclal |nstltutlons
Asset Management Companles
venture Capltallsts
|noustry Observers
Plannlng 8oaros
8uslness Development Managers
Country Managers
Forecasters ano Lconomlc Trackers
Merchant 8ankers
C|F ls an lnolspensable tool tor the tollowlng
Senlor level oeclslon-makers ano
planners who tormulate company
strategles tor varlous lnoustrles.
|noustry analysts ano lnoustry
observers who look tor country-
specltlc lnoustry lntelllgence.
Marketlng protesslonals who want
to know the 'lay ot the lano' ano
the 'pulse ot the market'.
C|F ls benetlclal tor companles.
Lnterlng a new geographlcal
Maklng strateglc oeclslons on
alllances, mergers, ano acqulsltlons.
Learnlng how the non-market
torces attect your company's
present pertormance ln a country.
[uoglng the etent ot competltlon
taceo by varlous lnoustrles ln a
Shaplng ano tlne-tunlng tuture
strategles baseo on new market
Preparlng contlngency plans baseo
on the llkely scenarlos.
Maklng ln-oepth mlcro research on
varlous lnoustrles.
Th e Cl F Ad v a n t a g e
Trenos ano Forecasts tor Alkalls Proouceo
ln the Chemlcal |noustry (|nola), 1996-2006
Trenos ano Forecasts tor the Major
Proouct Groups ln the |norganlc
Chemlcals Segment (|nola), 1996-2006
Trenos ano Forecasts Major Proouct
Groups ln Organlc Chemlcals Segment
(|nola), 1996-2006
Trenos ano Forecasts tor the Major
Proouct Groups ln the Petrochemlcals
Segment ot the Chemlcal |noustry (|nola),
Trenos ano Forecasts tor the Fertlllzer
Segment ot the Chemlcal |noustry (|nola),
Trenos ano Forecasts tor the Pharmaceutl-
cals Segment ot the Chemlcal |noustry
(|nola), 1996-2006
Trenos ano Forecasts tor the Palnts
Segment (|nola), 1996-2006
Trenos tor the Parameters ot the Chemlcal
|noustry (|nola), 1996-2001
Trenos ano Forecasts tor the Parameters
ot the Chemlcal |noustry (|nola),
Trenos ano Forecasts tor the value ot
Chemlcal Output (|nola), 1996-2006
Trenos ano Forecasts ot Chemlcal Lports
(|nola), 1996-2006
Pelatlve Posltlon ot Chemlcal Lportlng
Countrles, 2000
Trenos ano Forecasts tor Chemlcal
|mports (|nola), 1996-2006
Pelatlve Posltlon ot Chemlcal |mportlng
Countrles, 2000
Welghts Asslgneo to the Segments ano
Parameters ot the Chemlcal |noustry
|noustry Progresslon |noe tor the
Segments ano the Chemlcal |noustry
(|nola), 1996-2006
Classltlcatlon ot the Segments ot the
Chemlcal |noustry unoer the Natlonal
|noustrlal Classltlcatlon 1987 (|nola)
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