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Mayank Jain

Roll No. 410

Mr. S.L. Chajjerh
Faculty Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
1.$ C%NO&LE'(MEN" ))))))))))))))*
+.$ ,S"RC"))))))))))))))))))).4
a. In1erro2a1ion 3y !oli4e an5 Confessions)))0
3. Role of "he Hon63le S78re9e Co7r1 of In5ia ):
4.$ CONFESSION .N'ER !O" ; "')))))..10
a. Co7n1er "erroris9 La<s an5 1he S78re9e Co7r1 of
3. Cons1i171ionali1y of C7s1o5ial Confessions)11
4. Coolin2 "i9e))))))))))))))1*
5. Confession 7n5er !O" ; "'))))).14
e. 19os8here for re4or5in2 ; lan27a2e of Confession.10
f. Re4or5in2 of S799ons)))))))))))..1=
2. 59issi3ili1y> Corro3ora1ion an5 Con?i41ion of
:.$ CONCL.SION))))))))))))))))).*1
I here3y 1ake 1he o88or17ni1y 1o 1hank Mr. S.L. Chajjerh> Fa47l1y of La<> for his 4ons1an1
27i5an4e an5 1he ins8ira1ion 1ha1 he ra5ia1es. His jo?ial 3eha?ior an5 ease 9akin2
a11i175e ease5 9y 1ension an5 1he ini1ial 5o731s I ha5 a3o71 9y 8o1en1iali1ies. I feel
o3li2e5 1o 9en1ion his 7n9a14ha3le role in hel8in2 9e realiBe 9y 8o1en1iali1ies. "his
8roje41 is a 9ere eChi3i1ion of 1he sa9e.
"hank /o7 Sir> I 3elie?e 1he in5eli3le i98a41 1ha1 yo7 ha?e on 9e shall 2o 3eyon5 1he
8a2es of 1his 8roje41 an5 refle41 in all 9y en5ea?ors of life.
Ho8in2 44e81an4e ; 88re4ia1ion fro9 yo7> I here3y s739i1 1his 8roje41 479 8a8er.
Mayank Jain
Roll No. 410
Confession of <i1nesses an5 1he a447se5 is a ?ery i98or1an1 5e1er9inan1 in 1he
8rono7n4e9en1 of 27il1 in a Cri9inal J7s1i4e "rial. "he s4o8e an5 1he 8ara9e1ers of
DConfession6 an5 1he 4onfessional s1a1e9en1s ha?e 1ra?ele5 3eyon5 1he 3o7n5aries of 1he
1ra5i1ional Se41ions +4> +0> +@ an5 Se41ions 1=1> 1=4> 1=@ in 1he In5ian E?i5en4e 41>
1:@+ an5 1he Co5e of Cri9inal !ro4e57re Co5e> 1E@* res8e41i?ely. &i1h 1he e9er2en4e
of ne< s4ien1ifi4 1e4hniF7es like ,rain Fin2er8rin1in2> ,rain Ma88in2> Nar4o- nalysis>
Lie 5e1e41ors> e14. for 1ra4in2 1he eCa41 infor9a1ion for 87r8oses of 4orro3ora1ion of
infor9a1ion an5 a59issi3ili1y as 8ie4e of e?i5en4e in 1he 4ases> a nee5 for 3rin2in2
4han2es in 3o1h 1he 8ro?isions of !ro4e57ral Co5es a3o?e 9en1ione5 is an e9er2in2
1ho72h1. F7r1her D Confession6 is a 4on4e81 4losely in1errela1e5 1o 1he 4on4erns of !ar1
III ri2h1s enshrine5 in 1he Cons1i171ion of In5ia> 7n5er r1i4le +0G*$> +1 e14. "he 2ross
9is7se of 1he 8o<ers of 1he in?es1i2a1in2 a2en4ies G8oli4e$ an5 1he a37se of 4o7n1er-
1erroris9 la<s in 1he 4o7n1ry like 1he Gre8eale5$ !O" an5 "' <hi4h are no< s1r74k
for 1he 2ross ?iola1ion of F7n5a9en1al Ri2h1s 7n5er r1i4le 14 an5 +1 57e 1o 1heir
inheren1 ?a2aries GSe4. *+ of !O" an5 Se4. 10 of "'$ fro9 1he ri2h1s of a447se5
7n5er 1he In5ian E?i5en4e 41> 1:@+. "he Hon63le S78re9e Co7r1 of In5ia has a44e81e5
fa41 1ha1 DConfessional S1a1e9en1s6 57e effe41 1he en1ire fin5in2s an5 5e4isions of 1he
Cri9inal "rials. "h7s in ?ario7s 4ase la<s 1he Co7r1s in In5ia 1he i98or1an4e of
Hol7n1ary Confessions> !re?en1ion of Re1ra41ion fro9 Confessions> a?oi5in2 57ress an5
7se of *
5e2ree for4e 3y 1he 8oli4e <hile 1he a447se5 is in 47s1o5y. "he i98or1an4e of
4onfessional s1a1e9en1 3y 1he <i1nesses is refle41e5 in 1he S78re9e Co7r1s 4on4ern 1o
3rin2 in &i1ness !ro1e41ion Me4hanis9 for 87r8oses of 1he 4ri9inal j7s1i4e sys1e9.
Re4en1 5e?elo89en1s in 1he 5o9ain of IConfessionJ are 9anyK 1he fa9o7s Mali9a1h
Co99i11ee refle41s 1he 1ho72h1f7l 4on4erns on 1he sa9e in 1he re8or1 on Cri9inal
"his a3o?e hi2hli2h1e5 rea41ionis1 a88roa4h of 1he ?ario7s la< 9akin2> la< enfor4in2
an5 la< in1er8re1in2 a2en4ies is 1ri22ere5 3y 1he 4r74ial fa41 1ha1 no< 3o1h 1he 1erroris1
as <ell as 1he 4ri9inals ha?e 3e4o9e 974h s9ar1er an5 1ri4kier <here3y 1hey 5e?elo8in2
s1rin2 i997ni1ies 1o 1he 1a41i4s of 1he in?es1i2a1in2 a2en4ies. "his nee5 of 1he ho7r for 1he
in?es1i2a1in2 an5 la< enfor4in2 a2en4ies 4an 3e el74i5a1e5 3y ?ery re4en1 eCa98les of
4ri9inals like 1ha1 of 1he 11a4k on 1he !arlia9en1> 1he 9as1er- ser?an1 57o in Ni1hari
%illin2s> 1he fBan (7r7 Cri9inal 1rials. E14.
CONFESSON! "#$%"ON$& ' S"$"("O#) %*ENSONS
Police interro+ation con,titute, a -ery im.ortant .art of t/e e0i,tin+ criminal
1u,tice ,y,tem. $lt/ou+/ E?i5en4in2 la< "/e ndian E-idence $ct 1272 and Criminal
Procedure Code 1973 do not ca,t muc/ 3ei+/t on any ,tatement comin+ out of an
accu,ed .er,on 3/ile interro+ated 4y t/e .olice 3/ic/ in le+al term, i, not con,idered a,
an admi,,i4le .art of e-idence a, .er Section 25
of t/e ndian E-idence $ct, 1272.
Ne-ert/ele,, .olice .er,onal, are a..lyin+ t/ird de+ree met/od to e0tract ,tatement
3/ic/ may /el. t/e in-e,ti+ation. n ndia ,uc/ alle+ation, are fre6uent t/at t/ey torture
accu,ed under cu,tody to elicit confe,,ional ,tatement, t/ou+/ it i, made to a ma+i,trate
and t/at 1udicial officer /a, to maintain ,ome ci-ility and follo3 t/e ,et order +i-en under
Cr.P.C. 3/en recordin+ confe,,ional ,tatement of any indi-idual
Interrogation by Police and Confessions
"/e ,tatement, made to t/e .olice are not admitted for t/e .ur.o,e, of admi,,i4le
.iece, of e-idence a, can 4e traced from readin+ Section 172
of Cr. P.C 3it/ Section 25
Section 25 reads as! Confession 1o 8oli4e offi4er no1 1o 3e 8ro?e5. No 4onfession 9a5e 1o a 8oli4e offi4er
shall 3e 8ro?e5 as a2ains1 a 8erson a447se5 of any offen4e.
Section 161 reads as! ECa9ina1ion of <i1nesses 3y 8oli4e. G1$ ny 8oli4e offi4er 9akin2 an in?es1i2a1ion
7n5er 1his Cha81er> or any 8oli4e offi4er no1 3elo< s74h rank as 1he S1a1e (o?ern9en1 9ay> 3y 2eneral or
s8e4ial or5er> 8res4ri3e in 1his 3ehalf> a41in2 on 1he reF7isi1ion of s74h
Offi4er 9ay eCa9ine orally any 8erson s788ose5 1o 3e a4F7ain1e5 <i1h 1he fa41s an5 4ir479s1an4es of 1he
G+$S74h 8erson shall 3e 3o7n5 1o ans<er 1r7ly all F7es1ions rela1in2 1o s74h 4ase 871 1o hi9 3y s74h offi4er>
o1her 1han F7es1ions 1he ans<ers 1o <hi4h <o7l5 ha?e a 1en5en4y 1o eC8ose hi9 1o a 4ri9inal 4har2e or 1o
a 8enal1y or forfei17re.
839"/e .olice officer may reduce into 3ritin+ any ,tatement made to /im in t/e cour,e of an e0amination
under t/i, ,ection: and if /e doe, ,o, /e ,/all ma;e a ,e.arate and true record of t/e ,tatement of eac/ ,uc/
.er,on 3/o,e ,tatement /e record,.
Section 162: S1a1e9en1s 1o 8oli4e no1 1o 3e si2ne5- .se of s1a1e9en1s in e?i5en4e.
819 No ,tatement made 4y any .er,on to a .olice officer in t/e cour,e of an in-e,ti+ation under t/i,
C/a.ter, ,/all, if reduced to 3ritin+, 4e ,i+ned 4y t/e .er,on ma;in+ it: nor ,/all any ,uc/ ,tatement or any
record t/ereof, 3/et/er in a .olice diary or ot/er3i,e, or any .art of ,uc/ ,tatement or record, 4e u,ed for
of t/e ndian E-idence $ct. Statement, to .olice not to 4e ,i+ned! (,e of ,tatement, in
$ .lain readin+ of ,ection, 71 and 177 of t/e Cr.P.C. re-eal, t/at t/e .olice
in-e,ti+ation of t/e offence in t/e ca,e of a .er,on arre,ted 3it/out 3arrant ,/ould 4e
com.leted in t/e fir,t in,tance 3it/in 24 /our, under ,ection 71 or if not t/en 3it/in 15
day, under ,ection 177. $ny .olice officer ma;in+ an in-e,ti+ation may eCa9ine orally
any 8erson s788ose5 1o 3e a4F7ain1e5 <i1h 1he fa41s an5 4ir479s1an4es of 1he 4ase> 1he
fin5in2 4an 1hereaf1er 3e a5574e5 in <ri1in2 371 1hese s1atement, aren<t to 4e ,i+ned 4y
t/e ma;er of ,uc/ ,tatement, under Se41ion 1=+ G+$. Se41ion 1=1 G+$ 8ro?i5es <ha1
4i?ili1ies sho7l5 3e follo<e5 3y 8oli4e offi4er <hen 9akin2 oral eCa9ina1ion. $ .er,on
durin+ oral e0amination ,/all 4e 4ound to an,3er all 6ue,tion, relatin+ to t/e ca,e .ut to
/im 4y t/e concerned .olice officer, ot/er t/an 6ue,tion, t/e an,3er, to 3/ic/ 3ould
/a-e a tendency to e0.o,e /im=/er to a criminal c/ar+e or to a .enalty or forfeiture. $ny
,tatement made to a .olice officer cannot 4e u,ed for any .ur.o,e of any in6uiry or trial
in re,.ect of any offence under in-e,ti+ation. "/i, ,tatement may 4e u,ed to contradict
,uc/ 3itne,,. >Section 172 of t/e Cr.P.C.?
any .ur.o,e, ,a-e a, /ereinafter .ro-ided, at any in6uiry or trial in re,.ect of any offence under
in-e,ti+ation at t/e time 3/en ,uc/ ,tatement 3a, made!
Pro-ided t/at 3/en any 3itne,, i, called for t/e .ro,ecution in ,uc/ in6uiry or trial 3/o,e ,tatement /a,
4een reduced into 3ritin+ a, afore,aid, any .art of /i, ,tatement, if duly .ro-ed, may 4e u,ed 4y t/e
accu,ed, and 3it/ t/e .ermi,,ion of t/e Court, 4y t/e .ro,ecution, to contradict ,uc/ 3itne,, in t/e manner
.ro-ided 4y ,ection 145 of
"/e ndian E-idence $ct, 1272 81 of 12729: and 3/en any .art of ,uc/ ,tatement i, ,o u,ed, any .art
t/ereof may al,o 4e u,ed in t/e ree0amination of ,uc/ 3itne,,, 4ut for t/e .ur.o,e only of e0.lainin+ any
matter referred to in /i, cro,,@e0amination.
829 Not/in+ in t/i, ,ection ,/all 4e deemed to a..ly to any ,tatement fallin+ 3it/in t/e .ro-i,ion, of clau,e
819 of ,ection 32 of t/e ndian E-idence $ct, 1272 81 of 12729, or to affect t/e .ro-i,ion, of ,ection 27 of
t/at $ct.
E0.lanation.@$n omi,,ion to ,tate a fact or circum,tance in t/e ,tatement referred to in ,u4@,ection 819 may
amount to contradiction if t/e ,ame a..ear, to 4e ,i+nificant and ot/er3i,e rele-ant /a-in+ re+ard to t/e
conte0t in 3/ic/ ,uc/ omi,,ion occur, and 3/et/er any omi,,ion amount, to a contradiction in t/e
.articular conte0t ,/all 4e a 6ue,tion of fact.
"/e E-idence $ct .ro-ide, ,ome ,afe+uard, a, to t/e time 3/en a .er,on i,
interro+ated 4y .olice. A/ile interro+atin+ a ,u,.ect t/e 6ue,tionin+ mu,t not 4e coerci-e
or too intimidatin+. "/e .olice ,/ould not e0tract admi,,ion or confe,,ion 4y t/ird de+ree
met/od. >Section 25 of t/e E-idence $ct
.? S1a1e9en1 9a5e 1o 8oli4e offi4er 3y 1he
a447se5 is no1 a59issi3le in e?i5en4e eC4e81 1ha1 8ar1 of 1he s1a1e9en1 <hi4h lea5s 1o
5is4o?ery of in4ri9ina1in2 9a1erial
. "/e caution a, to t/e admi,,i4ility of confe,,ion
made to a .olice officer i, intended to .rotect t/e accu,ed .er,on a+ain,t t/ird de+ree
met/od 4y t/e .olice. "/e e-idencin+ la3 i, -ery clear in t/at a confe,,ion made to a
.olice officer i, not admi,,i4le, 4ut it can 4e u,ed in e-idence of t/e t/in+ reco-ered a, a
re,ult of t/e confe,,ion made to a .olice officer 4y t/e accu,ed
. "/u, if a 3ea.on u,ed in
a num4er of ca,e, i, reco-ered 4y t/e .olice a, a re,ult of confe,,ion made 4y an accu,ed
.er,on, t/e reco-ery i, a rele-ant .iece of e-idence
. "/u, it 3ould nor 4e 3ron+ to ,ay
t/at t/e .ro-i,ion, of t/e E-idence $ct clearly mali+n t/e .olice and do not ;ee. tru,t on
t/em. f 3e read to+et/er t/e .ro-i,ion, of t/e Con,titution and t/e E-idence $ct, t/e
me,,a+e i, -ery clear. "/ere i, no mandate under t/e ,c/eme of t/e Con,titution
E-idence $ct 1ha1 a 8erson 4an 3e 1hrea1ene5> 1or17re5 or any <ay 9ani87la1e5 for 1he
87r8ose of eC1ra41in2 any kin5 of s1a1e9en1 <hi4h has in4ri9ina1in2 i98a41 on 1he
arres1e5 or a447se5 8erson.
But t/e ,ad and t/e 4ad .art of t/e ,tory i, t/at in ,.ite of t/e .ro-i,ion, of t/e
Con,titution and E-idence $ct, Police i, a..lyin+ t/ird de+ree met/od, 3/ic/ render, t/e
aut/entication of a true and +enuine confe,,ion 4y t/e accu,ed, t/e 3itne,,e, under
,;e.tici,m and t/e entire criminal .roceedin+, under 1udicial ,.ectacle,. "/e .racticality
of ndian Pri,on, and Police cu,todial torture /a, 4ecome ,o endemic t/at e-ery year
many .eo.le died of or ,e-erely in1ured of .olice torture. Becau,e of -ariou, rea,on,
t/ird de+ree met/od i, in .ractice. n t/e fir,t .lace /ardened criminal, /a-e ,ome
S78ra Foo1no1e 1.
S1a1e of .. !. -. 'eo9an .8a5hyaya $# 197C SC 1125
$, 4ein+ -iolati-e of t/e .ro-i,ion, of t/e Part ri+/t, under $rticle 2C839, $rticle 21 and $rticle 14 of
t/e Con,titution of ndia.
trainin+ to ,ur-i-e tou+/ treatment ,o, .olice cannot e0tract information from t/em
3it/out t/e aid of t/ird de+ree met/od. "/i, mean, t/at a lar+e .ercenta+e of
confe,,ional ,tatement, t/at are made are made in-oluntary out of t/e e0treme .re,,ure
t/at i, im.o,ed 4e/ind t/e 4ar, or 3/ile in .olice cu,tody. Be,ide, t/i, confe,,ion, of t/e
3itne,,e, al,o ;ee. c/an+in+ 4y t/e influence and t/e indirect .re,,ure t/at t/e criminal,
or accu,ed in t/e /i+/ .rofile ca,e, can e0erci,e 4y -irtue of t/eir /i+/ ,ocial ,tatu,.
Se4on5ly, .olice arre,t, ,ome .er,on, and t/reaten, to torture or torture t/em
4ecau,e of elicitin+ money and many innocent .eo.le on 4a,i, of forced Confe,,ion, are
arre,ted 4y .olice and .uni,/ed 4y t/e court,. "/i, ty.e of alle+ation /a, 4een fre6uently
le-eled a+ain,t .olice. "/irdly, commoner, /a-e ,ome ty.ical et/o, a, to /o3 criminal,
,/ould 4e treated 4y t/e .olice.
$ lar+e ,ection of .olice /ea-ily con,ider t/at .olice cannot 4e effecti-e if t/ey
do not ta;e re,ort to tou+/ treatment a+ain,t /ardened criminal,.
Fourt/ly, criminal 1u,tice ,y,tem of t/e ndian ,u4@continent i, 4a,ed on t/e
$n+lo@Sa0on accu,atorial ,y,tem under 3/ic/ t/e focu, of t/e 1udiciary i, not on trut/,
4ut on e-idence and t/i, ma;e, t/e DConfessionary S1a1e9en1s6 to 4e admitted a,
e-idence a, e0tremely im.ortant in Criminal $d1udication.
Role of the Supreme Court of India
n t/e conte0t of 3ide cu,todial -iolence for .ur.o,e, of ma;in+ t/e accu,ed
commit /i, +uilt in ndia /a, de-elo.ed con,titutional tort. n Nila3a1i ,ehra -. S1a1e of
, t/e court ordered t/at t/e +o-ernment of Ori,,a to +i-e #,. 1,5C,CCC a,
com.en,ation to decea,edD, mot/er. n t/i, ca,e one Suman Be/ra 8229 died 3/en /e 3a,
under t/e cu,tody of .olice in t/e %i,trict of Sunder+ar/ in Ori,,a. $fter t/e deat/
Nila4ati Be/ra, mot/er of Suman Be/ra, ,ent a letter addre,,in+ t/e Su.reme Court of
8$# 1993 SC 197C9
n SHELI -. Co99issioner of !oli4e
court directed .ayment of com.en,ation
3/en a nine@year old c/ild 3a, died of torture 3/ile under cu,tody of $nand Pra4/at
Police ,tation in %el/i. n Nan5ini Sa18a1i - !.L. 'hani
t/e Su.reme Court o4,er-ed
t/at, if .olice a..lied any mode of .re,,ure 3/ic/ i, ,u4tle or crude, mental or ./y,ical,
direct or indirect, t/at i, not a matter to 4e con,idered, 4ut if it i, ,ufficiently ,u4,tantial
in o4tainin+ information from t/e accu,ed, it 4ecome, a ca,e of cu,todial torture.
Su.reme Court clearly declared t/at cu,todial torture i, -iolati-e of ri+/t a+ain,t ,elf@
incrimination and an arre,ted .er,on cannot 4e 4ound to an,3er ,elf@incriminatory
n Niranjan Sin2h -. !ra3hakar Rajara9
t/e Su.reme Court em./atically
o4,er-ed t/at, E"he 8oli4e ins1ea5 of 3ein2 8ro1e41or of la<> ha?e 3e4o9e en2ineer of
1error an5 8ani4 8711in2 8eo8le in1o fear.E "/e Su.reme Court a+ain e0.re,,ed it,
concern in %ishore Sin2h -. S1a1e of Rajas1han
and o4,er-ed t/at, ENo1hin2 is 9ore
4o<ar5ly an5 7n4ons4iona3le 1han a 8erson in 8oli4e 47s1o5y 3ein2 3ea1en 78 an5
no1hin2 infli41s 5ee8er <o7n5 on o7r 4ons1i171ional 47l17re 1han a s1a1e offi4ial r7nnin2
3erserk re2ar5less of h79an ri2h1s.L
Furt/er t/e court /eld t/at "he !73li4 !rose471or is a88oin1e5 3y 1he S1a1e or
Cen1ral (o?ern9en1 an5 1he 8rose471ion 9a4hinery is 1o 3e 4o98le1ely se8ara1e5 fro9
1he in?es1i2a1ion a2en4y G1he 8oli4e$
. n 1995, t/e Su.reme Court ordered in t/at t/e
.ro,ecution a+ency 4e autonomou,, /a-in+ a re+ular cadre of .ro,ecutin+ officer,. $l,o
on earlier occa,ion, t/e Court /a, cate+orically laid do3n t/at t/e Pu4lic Pro,ecutor i,
not a .art of t/e in-e,ti+atin+ a+ency, 4ut i, an inde.endent ,tatutory aut/ority and t/at
t/e duty of a Pu4lic Pro,ecutor i, to re.re,ent not t/e .olice, 4ut t/e State.
In?es1i2a1ion of 4ri9inal 4ases and in1erro2a1ion of a447se5 an5 <i1nesses 3y
8oli4e are ine?i1a3le an5 i98or1an1 8ar1 of 4ri9inal j7s1i4e sys1e9. Ait/out t/i,
8199C9 1SCC 422
8$# 1972 SC 1C759
8$# 192C SC 7259
8$# 1921 SC 7259
S, Sahane -. S1a1e of Maharash1ra 8$# 1995 SC 17229
mec/ani,m .olice cannot detect criminal ca,e, and cannot 4rin+ 3ron+doer, 4efore a
court of la3. "/ey mu,t /a-e t/e aut/ority to in-e,ti+ate and interro+ate, 4ut at t/e ,ame
time con,titutional re6uirement, ,/ould 4e fulfilled. &e+al, con,titutional and ,tate
di,.en,ation ,/ould 4e arran+ed in a 3ay not to let any innocent .er,on to 4e /ara,,ed or
tortured 4y la3 enforcin+ ,taff,, for t/e .ur.o,e, of trac;in+ confe,,ion out of t/em.
CONFESSON (N%E# PO"$ ' "$%$!
Counter-terrorism a!s " #he Supreme Court on Confessions
"he 8ri9ary 4on4ern in 1he en5s of j7s1i4e in a 4ri9inal 9a11er is 1ha1 a 27il1y 9an 5oes
no1 es4a8e 371 also no inno4en1 9an is 87nishe5
"/e lac; of a con,i,tent .olicy 4ac;ed 4y ,eriou, re,earc/ and .u4lic de4ate remain, a
crucial dra34ac; 3it/ counter@terrori,m le+i,lation, li;e PO"$ ' "$%$ in ndia.
Political e0.ediency and t/e fulfillment of .o.uli,t .re@election .romi,e, and .o,ture,,
and not 3ell@con,idered ,ecurity concern,, a..ear to 4e t/e only and o-er3/elmin+
rea,on, for ,uc/ enactment,. "/i, i, .reci,ely t/e rea,on and .ur.o,e 4e/ind t/e
acce.tance of t/e (nla3ful $cti-itie, 8Pre-ention9 $mendment Ordinance, 2CC4,4y
Parliament a, an $ct 3it/out muc/ de4ate and no di,cu,,ion 3/at,oe-er on t/e content,
of it, .redece,,or, PO"$
Constitutionality of Custodial Confessions
One of t/e mo,t contro-er,ial a,.ect, of .a,t counterterrori,m la3, 4ot/ "$%$
and PO"$ /a, 4een 1he a59issi3ili1y of a 4onfession 9a5e 1o a 8oli4e offi4er. "/e
$, Per Fi,count Simon in S1irlan5 - 'ire41or of !73li4 !rose471ion> 819449 2 $ll E# 13 6uoted in S1a1e
of .! - nil Sin2h> 819229 Su.. SCC 727, 792.
"/e Pre-ention of "errori,m $ct, 2CC2 8$ct no. 15 of 2CC29 referred to a, PO"$.
rele-ant .art of Sec. 32 819 of PO"$
and Sec. 15 of "$%$ 3ere deli4erate de.arture,
from t/e ordinary e-idence la3, in ndia. "/i, ,/o3ed /o3 t/e,e la3, /ad a ,elf@
contained ,c/eme for recordin+ t/e confe,,ion of an accu,ed and it, admi,,i4ility in /i,
"/e,e -ery conflictin+ .ro-i,ion, of t/e E-idence $ct and t/e Code
, 3/ic/
Section 32 of PO"$ aimed to o-erride or .reclude 3a, t/e 4a,i, for it, con,titutional
c/allen+e of t/e,e anti@ terrori,t la3,. Section 172 of t/e Code furt/er reinforce, t/e,e
.ro/i4ition,. t relate, to any ,tatement recorded durin+ an in-e,ti+ation and mandate,
t/at no ,tatement, ,o recorded 4y a .olice officer, if reduced in 3ritin+, 4e ,i+ned 4y t/e
.er,on ma;in+ it, and t/at t/e ,tatement ,/all not 4e u,ed for any .ur.o,e ,a-e a,
.ro-ided in t/e Code and t/e E-idence $ct. "/e 4an im.o,ed 4y Section 172 a..lie, to
all ,tatement, 3/et/er confe,,ional or ot/er3i,e, made to a .olice officer, 3/et/er 4y an
accu,ed or not durin+ t/e cour,e of an in-e,ti+ation
n %ar1ar Sin2h it <as ar27e5 t/at ,uc/ a .rocedure 8in t/i, ca,e, a, .re,cri4ed 4y t/e
"$%$ $ct, 19279!
1. Lea5s 1o in?i5io7s 5is4ri9ina1ion G3e1<een "' an5 non-"' offen5ers$ an5
1h7s s74h a 4lassifi4a1ion is ar3i1rary an5 7nreasona3le an5 <i1ho71 any
Not3it/,tandin+ anyt/in+ in t/e Code
or in t/e ndian E-idence $ct, 1272 81 of 12729, 4ut ,u41ect to
t/e .ro-i,ion, of t/i, ,ection, a confe,,ion made 4y a .er,on 4efore a .olice officer not lo3er in ran; t/an a
Su.erintendent of Police G ,/all 4e admi,,i4le in t/e trial of ,uc/ .er,onG.<
S1a1e - Nalini, 819999 5 SCC .. 253, ... 4C4@4C5, .. 575
Section 25 ' Section 27 of "/e ndian E-idence $ct, 1272.
Sec. 162! S1a1e9en1s 1o 8oli4e no1 1o 3e si2ne5- .se of s1a1e9en1s in e?i5en4e. 819 No ,tatement made
4y any .er,on to a .olice officer in t/e cour,e of an in-e,ti+ation under t/i, C/a.ter, ,/all, if reduced to
3ritin+, 4e ,i+ned 4y t/e .er,on ma;in+ it: nor ,/all any ,uc/ ,tatement or any record t/ereof, 3/et/er in a
.olice diary or ot/er3i,e, or any .art of ,uc/ ,tatement or record, 4e u,ed for any .ur.o,e, ,a-e a,
/ereinafter .ro-ided, at any in6uiry or trial in re,.ect of any offence under in-e,ti+ation at t/e time 3/en
,uc/ ,tatement 3a, madeG
s73s1an1ial 3asis> an5 3ein2 so> falls fo7l of 1he DeF7al 8ro1e41ion of la<s6 4la7se
of r1i4le 14 of 1he Cons1i171ion
+. Is o88ressi?e an5 ?iola1es 1he 8rin4i8le of j7s1 an5 fair 1rial offen5in2 r1i4le +1
of 1he Cons1i171ion
$ clear ,tand 3a, ta;en, t/at .re,um.tion a+ain,t t/e -alidity of cu,todial
confe,,ion, ,tand, re4utted only in e0treme and +ra-e time,: only 3/en e0i,tin+ la3, fail
to effecti-ely tac;le or ,ucce,,fully addre,, .re,,in+ dan+er, to ,ociety and t/e nation.
E?en 7n5er s74h eC1raor5inary 4ir479s1an4es> 1his is no1 1o ar27e 1ha1 47s1o5ial
4onfessions 3e 1rea1e5 on 8ar <i1h non-47s1o5ial 4onfessions> 371 ra1her> 1o a4kno<le52e
1he Ds7s8e416 na17re of 1he for9er> an5 ens7re 1ha1 s1rin2en1 safe27ar5s 3e 9a5e an
in1rinsi4 8ar1 of 1he s4he9e of s74h la<s> an5 1ha1 s74h safe27ar5s 3e s4r787lo7sly
o3ser?e5 so as 1o 8re?en1 1he 8ossi3ili1y of 1he eC1or1ion of any false 4onfession.
"/u, $rticle 2C839 of t/e Con,titution mandate, t/e fir,t and foremo,t
.recondition for any -alid confe,,ion! ENo 8erson a447se5 of any offen4e shall 3e
4o98elle5 1o 3e a <i1ness a2ains1 hi9selfL. n addition, Section 24 of t/e E-idence $ct
Comin+ to t/e di,tinction made in "$%$ $ct, +rou.in+ t/e terrori,t and di,ru.tioni,t, a, a ,e.arate cla,,
of offender, from ordinary criminal, under t/e normal la3, and t/e cla,,ification of offence, under "$%$
$ct a, a++ra-ated form of crime, di,tin+ui,/a4le from t/e ordinary crime, /a-e to 4e te,ted and
determined a, to 3/et/er t/i, di,tinction and cla,,ification are rea,ona4le and -alid 3it/in t/e term of $rt
14 of t/e Con,titution.
H"/e contention 4a,ed on $rticle 21 3a, lin;ed to t/e fact t/at t/e "$%$ .rocedure allo3ed confe,,ion,
made to a .olice officer admi,,i4le in total contradi,tinction to t/e e0i,tin+ criminal .rocedure under t/e
E-idence $ct and t/e Code, and t/u, .leaded t/at t/i, 3a, unfair and un1u,t a, a+ain,t t/e E.rocedure
e,ta4li,/ed 4y la3< clau,e of $rticle 21 of t/e Con,titution. "/i, 3ould e0.o,e t/e accu,ed under .olice
cu,tody ,u41ected to cea,ele,, and da,tard coercion and ./y,ical and .,yc/olo+ical in/uman treatment 4y
in-e,ti+atin+ a+encie,.<
Sec. 2$: Confession 4a7se5 3y in574e9en1> 1hrea1 or 8ro9ise> <hen irrele?an1 in 4ri9inal 8ro4ee5in2.-
$ confe,,ion made 4y an accu,ed .er,on i, irrele-ant in a criminal .roceedin+, if t/e ma;in+ of t/e
confe,,ion a..ear, to t/e Court to /a-e 4een cau,ed 4y any inducement, t/reat or .romi,e, /a-in+
,.ecifically 4ar, confe,,ion, t/at may 4e t/e re,ult of any inducement, t/reat or .romi,e,
from t/e court,< con,ideration. "/u, any 4onfession, 4e it cu,todial or non@cu,todial, to
4e acce.ted 4y a court of la3, ,/ould not 4e Hcom.elled<, in ot/er 3ord,, mu,t 4e
H-oluntary<, meanin+ t/ere4y t/at counterterrori,m la3, /a-e to .rimarily ,afe+uard t/e
-oluntary nature of a confe,,ion and ,ee to it t/at no form of com.ul,ion i, u,ed a+ain,t
t/e accu,ed 3/ile e0tractin+ a confe,,ion
Cooling #ime
"/i, i, a 1udicial conce.t introduced in ,ome deci,ion, 4ut ,tand, unreco+niIed
4y PO"$, or it, .redece,,or, "$%$. "/e court,, too, /a-e not 4een -ery clear on t/i,
i,,ue. t rai,e, t/e i,,ue <he1her 1here sho7l5 3e a 1i9e 2a8 3e1<een 1he a59inis1ra1ion of
1he 4a71ion an5 1he re4or5in2 of 1he 4onfession. Moreo?er> if so> <ha1 sho7l5 3e 1he
8erio5 or len21h of s74h a 1i9e 2a8J "/e conce.t ,eem, to /a-e ari,en from t/e 4elief
t/at t/e accu,ed ,/ould 4e +ranted ,ome time Eto coolly t/in; o-er 3/et/er /e 3anted to
-oluntarily ma;e a confe,,ional ,tatement de,.ite ;no3in+ t/e con,e6uence, t/ereof.E
n ot/er 3ord,, once +ranted, t/e coolin+ time /a, to 4e rea,ona4le. t i, for t/e
officer to decide 3/at 3ould 4e rea,ona4le, de.endin+ on t/e fact, and circum,tance, of
t/e ca,e 4ut Eit cannot 4e mere farce for t/e ,a;e of +rantin+ time
n t/e ,ame ca,e, t/e Court /eld Ein t/e fact, and circum,tance,E t/at t/e +rant of
/alf an /our a, coolin+ time 3a, unrea,ona4le
. n anot/er ca,e 3/ere t/e accu,ed 3a,
reference to t/e c/ar+e a+ain,t t/e accu,ed .er,on, .roceedin+ from a .er,on in aut/ority and ,ufficient, in
t/e o.inion of t/e Court, to +i-e t/e accu,ed .er,on +round,, 3/ic/ 3ould a..ear to /im rea,ona4le, for
,u..o,in+ t/at 4y ma;in+ it /e 3ould +ain any ad-anta+e or a-oid any e-il of a tem.oral nature in
reference to t/e .roceedin+, a+ain,t /im.
'e?en5er !al Sin2h - S1a1e of NC" of 'elhi, 82CC29 5 SCC, .. 234.
%e-ender Pal Sin+/ - State of NC" of %el/i, 82CC29 5 SCC, .. 234.
(7r5ee8 Sin2h - S1a1e G'elhi 59n.$, $# 1999 SC 3747, 3752@3753: Moh5. %hali5 - S1a1e of &es1
,en2al, 82CC29 7 SCC .. 334 ' 357: NaBir %han - S1a1e of 'elhi, 82CC39 2 SCC, .. 471, ... 421@2.
+ranted L1i9e no1 eC4ee5in2 4: ho7rsE t/e Court, 3it/out commentin+ on rea,ona4lene,,
or ot/er3i,e of t/e time +ranted, acce.ted t/e ,tatement, to 4e admi,,i4le. A/ere an
officer de.o,ed in court t/at, a, a matter of .ractice, /e +ranted fi-e minute, to any
accu,ed .roduced 4efore /im and after e0.iry of t/e,e minute, if t/e accu,ed ,till 3anted
to ma;e a confe,,ion /e u,ed to .roceed and record t/e ,tatement, t/e Court declared t/e
.ractice ado.ted 4y t/e officer to 4e ille+al
. S7ffi4ien1 1i9e 3ein2 2i?en 1o 1he a447se5
for refle41ion 3efore 9akin2 a 4onfession> 9erely 3e4a7se i1 <as re4or5e5 a 5ay or so
3efore 1he 8oli4e re9an5 <as 1o eC8ire <o7l5 no1 9ake i1 in?ol7n1ary
Confession under P%#& " #&'&
l1ho72h Se41ion 10 of "' an5 Se41ion *+ of !O" 5eal1 <i1h 4onfessions>
no<here in 1he 41s is 1he 1er9 D4onfession6 5efine5> nei1her 5oes 1he E?i5en4e 41 offer
a 5efini1ion. I1 has> ho<e?er> 3een hel5 3y 1he Co7r1 1ha1 1he j75i4ial 8rin4i8les
en7n4ia1e5 3y 1he 4o7r1s 4on4ernin2 1he 9eanin2 an5 4on1en1 of D4onfession6 7n5er 1he
E?i5en4e 41 shall a88ly 1o 1he "'. 44or5in2 1o 1he Co7r1> a D4onfession6 has ei1her
1o 3e an eC8ress a4kno<le52e9en1 of 27il1 of 1he offen4e 4har2e5 or i1 97s1 a59i1
s73s1an1ially all 1he fa41s <hi4h 4ons1i171e 1he offen4e. "he Co7r1 97s1 ha?e a 8ro8er
4onfession 3efore i1 an5 no1 a 9erely 4ir479s1an1ial narra1i?e or infor9a1ion <hi4h
4o7l5 3e in4ri9ina1in2
. 44or5in2 1o 3o1h 1he 41s> only a 4onfession 9a5e 3efore Da
8oli4e offi4er no1 lo<er in rank 1han a S78erin1en5en1 of 8oli4e6 is ?ali5
(oluntary and #rue Confessional Statement
DHol7n1ary6 9eans 1ha1 1he a447se5 9akes 1he s1a1e9en1 Lo71 of his o<n free <ill
ins8ire5 3y 1he so7n5 of his o<n 4ons4ien4e 1o s8eak no1hin2 371 1he 1r71hLK i1 sho7l5 no1
3e 1he Lres7l1 of any 171orin2> 4o987lsion or 8ress7riBa1ion.L
On contro-er,y a, to 3/et/er t/e,e +uideline, 3ere mandatory or directory, ,ee, Lal Sin2h - S1a1e of
(7jara1, $# 2CC1 SC 747, 757K S.N. '73e - N.,. ,hoir, 82CC29 2 SCC, .. 254 ' 227.
,hara13hai - S1a1e of (7jara1, $# 2CC2 SC, .. 372C ' 3731
NaBir h9a5 ,ha11 - S1a1e of 'elhi, 82CC29 1 SCC, .. 774 ' 777.
Si9on - S1a1e of %arna1aka, 82CC49 1 SCC, .. 74, ... 21@22.
Se41ion 10 G+$ of 1he "' 41
reF7ire5 1ha1 1he L8oli4e offi4er shall no1 re4or5 s74h 4onfession 7nless
78on F7es1ionin2 1he 8erson 9akin2 i1> he has reason 1o 3elie?e 1ha1 i1 is 3ein2 9a5e ?ol7n1arily
"his 9ean1 1ha1 Se41ion *+ 5oes a<ay <i1h 1he reF7ire9en1 1ha1 a 4onfession 3e
?ol7n1aryM "he Co7r1 in 1he !O" 4ase 4leare5 any 5o731s N if 1hese e?er eCis1e5- LI1 is
se11le5 8osi1ion 1ha1 if a 4onfession <as for4i3ly eC1ra41e5> i1 is a n7lli1y in la<. Non-
in4l7sion of 1his o3?io7s an5 se11le5 8rin4i8le 5oes no1 9ake 1he Se41ion in?ali5L.

"h7s> i1 is 4lear> 1ha1 only ?ol7n1ary 4onfessions are a44e81a3le 3y la<. "his is
9an5a1e5 3y r1i4le +0 G*$ of 1he Cons1i171ion an5 Se41ion +4 of 1he E?i5en4e 41. "his
?ery 8rin4i8le <as enfor4e5 3y Se41ion 10 of 1he "' 41 rea5 alon2 <i1h R7le 10 of
1he "' R7les an5 i1s s744essor !O" reinfor4es i1 in Se41ion *+. "he <or5in2s in
"' an5 !O" 9ay ?ary> 371 1he j75i4ial 8rin4i8les en7n4ia1e5 in 1he 4ases rela1in2 1o
<ha1 4ons1i171es a ?ol7n1ary 4onfession 7n5er "' 4anno1 3e 5enie5 a88li4a1ion <hen
in1er8re1in2 !O"6s Se41ion *+. "he ri2h1 1o re9ain silen1> no1 1o 3e 4o98elle5 or
in574e5 1o 9ake a 4onfession an5 1ha1 a 4onfession 3e re4or5e5 in an a19os8here free
fro9 1hrea1 or in574e9en1 ha?e lon2 3een a44e81e5 as reF7ire9en1s of a free an5
?ol7n1ary 4onfession.
&hene?er an a447se5 4hallen2es 1ha1 his 4onfessional s1a1e9en1 is no1 ?ol7n1ary> 1he
ini1ial 37r5en is on 1he 8rose471ion 1o 8ro?e 1ha1 reF7ire9en1s <arran1e5 3y 1he
4o7n1er1erroris9 la< ha?e 3een 4o98lie5 <i1h. On4e 1he 8rose471ion has f7lfille5 i1s
ini1ial 571y 1he 37r5en shif1s 1o 1he a447se5. "hen i1 is for 1he a447se5 1o sho< an5 sa1isfy
s 4o98are5 1o 1his> !O"> 9akes no 9en1ion as 1o 1he ?ol7n1ary na17re of 1he 4onfession 371 8ro?i5es
a. "he a447se5 has a ri2h1 1o re9ain silen1 GSe4. *+ G+$ 8ro?iso$>
3. "he 8oli4e offi4er shall no1 4o98el or in574e 1he a447se5 1o 9ake any 4onfession GSe4. *+ G+$
8ro?iso$K an5
c. "/e confe,,ion ,/all 4e recorded in an atmo,./ere free from t/reat or inducement 8Sec.32 8399
s 8er R7le 10 G*$ G3$ 1he 9e9oran579 1o 3e si2ne5 an5 a11a4he5 3y 1he 8oli4e offi4er a1 1he en5 of 1he
4onfession ha5 1o> in1er alia> in4l75e5 1he s1a1e9en1 LI 3elie?e 1ha1 1his 4onfession <as 9a5e ?ol7n1arily.L
1he 4o7r1 1ha1 1he 4onfessional s1a1e9en1 <as no1 9a5e ?ol7n1arily. "he 8rose471ion is
no1 reF7ire5 1o sho< <hy 1he a447se5 <an1e5 1o 9ake 1he 4onfessional s1a1e9en1.
Ho<e?er> 1he ini1ial 37r5en on 1he 8rose471ion 5oes no1 arise on a 9ere
alle2a1ion 1ha1 reF7isi1e 8ro4e57res or safe27ar5s <ere no1 o3ser?e5> or 1ha1 1he
s1a1e9en1 <as re4or5e5 7n5er 57ress or 4oer4ion. S74h alle2a1ions <o7l5 3e of no
4onseF7en4e as 1hey 4an 3e 9a5e 3y 1he a447se5 in e?ery 4ase af1er 9akin2 a
4onfessional s1a1e9en1. .n5er Se41ion 114 of 1he In5ian E?i5en4e 41> 1here is a
s1a171ory 8res7981ion 1ha1> <hen an offi4ial a41 is 8ro?e5 1o ha?e 3een 5one> i1 <ill 3e
8res79e5 1o ha?e 3een re27larly 8erfor9e5.
&tmosphere for recording " anguage of Confession
"/ou+/ t/e ,.ecific re6uirement t/at D1he 4onfession shall 3e re4or5e5 in an
a19os8here free fro9 1hrea1 or in574e9en16 8PO"$ Section 32 8399, did not form a .art
of t/e "$%$ $ct or #ule,, it 3a, /o3e-er 4rou+/t into effect indirectly a, formin+ one
of t/e con,tituent element, of t/e o-erall conce.t of a H-oluntary confe,,ion< in (7r5ee8
Sin2h -. S1a1e G'elhi 59n.$
"' R7les ne4essi1a1e5 1ha1 1he 4onfession shall in?aria3ly 3e re4or5e5 in 1he
lan27a2e in <hi4h s74h a 4onfession is 9a5e. In 4ase 1his <as no1 8ra41i4a3le> 1here
82CCC9 1 SCC 492
n t/i, ca,e, t/e a..ellant 3a, in /andcuff, 3/ile t/e confe,,ional ,tatement 3a, recorded. "/ere 3a,
anot/er .oliceman in t/e room at ,ome di,tance from t/e a..ellant /oldin+ t/e c/ain of /i, /andcuff.
$rmed +uard, ,tood out,ide t/e room in 3/ic/ t/e confe,,ional ,tatement 3a, 4ein+ recorded. "/e Court
/ad to decide! 3/et/er t/i, ,et of circum,tance, could 4e con,trued to 4e ,uc/ a, to infer t/at t/e
confe,,ional ,tatement recorded 3a, not -oluntary.
<ere 1<o o81ions N i1 4o7l5 3e re4or5e5 ei1her in 1he lan27a2e 7se5 3y s74h 8oli4e offi4er
for offi4ial 87r8oses or in 1he lan27a2e of 1he 'esi2na1e5 Co7r1. F7r1her> i1 8ro?i5e5 1ha1
if 1he 9aker of 1he 4onfession 5i5 no1 7n5ers1an5 1he lan27a2e in <hi4h i1 <as re4or5e5>
i1 3e in1er8re1e5 1o hi9 in a lan27a2e he 7n5ers1oo5.
"o a-oid contentiou, ,ituation,, PO"$ .re,cri4e, t/at t/e confe,,ion ,/all 4e
recorded in t/e ,ame lan+ua+e in 3/ic/ t/e .er,on ma;e, it 8Section 32 8399, and lea-e,
no ot/er o.tion, a, .ro-ided 4y "$%$. t could 4e ar+ued t/at t/i, ta;e, care of any
error or mani.ulation t/at may cree. into t/e confe,,ion t/rou+/ t/e .roce,, of
inter.retation. $, t/e confe,,ion /a, to 4e recorded 4y an officer not lo3er in ran; t/an a
Su.erintendent of Police and t/e confe,,ion /a, only to 4e recorded in t/e lan+ua+e in
3/ic/ it i, made, t/i, could lead to admini,trati-e difficultie, for t/e Police a, 3ell a,
un3arranted .rolon+ed detention for t/e accu,ed.
Recording of Statement
"/e la3 .ro-ide, t/at t/e confe,,ional ,tatement ,/all 4e recorded Eeit/er in
3ritin+ or any mec/anical or electronic de-ice li;e ca,,ette,, ta.e, or ,oundtrac;, from
out of 3/ic/ ,ound or ima+e, can 4e re.roducedE 8Sec.32 819 PO"$9. "/i, i, t/e
-er4atim re.lication of t/e rele-ant .ro-i,ion in t/e "$%$ $ct 8Section 15 8199, e0ce.t
for t/e addition of t/e 3ord Helectronic<. $ccordin+ to 4ot/ t/e,e .ro-i,ion, only a .olice
officer not lo3er in ran; t/an a Su.erintendent of Police can record t/e confe,,ion.
"he Co7r1 in %ar1ar Sin2h looke5 a1 1he re4or5in2 of 1he 4onfession on a
9e4hani4al 5e?i4e ?ery s7s8i4io7sly. 2reein2 1o 1he a88ellan16s 4o7nsel 1ha1 s74h a
5e?i4e 4o7l5 3e L1a98ere5> 1ailore5> 1inkere5> e5i1e5 an5 erase5 e14.>L 1he Co7r1 sai5 L<e
s1ron2ly feel 1ha1 1here 97s1 3e so9e se?ere safe27ar5s <hi4h sho7l5 3e s4r787lo7sly
o3ser?e5 <hile re4or5in2 1he 4onfession) so 1ha1 1he 8ossi3ili1y of eC1or1in2 any false
4onfession 4an 3e 8re?en1e5 1o so9e a88re4ia3le eC1en1L.
&dmissibility) Corroboration " Con*iction of +*idence
(nli;e under t/e "$%$ $ct, Section 15 819, <herein 4on5i1ions f7lfille5> a
4onfession <as a59issi3le in a 1rial of 1he 4onfessor or 4o-a447se5> a3e11or or
4ons8ira1or> Se41ion *+ G1$ of !O" res1ri41s 1he a59issi3ili1y of s74h a 4onfession 1o
only 1he 1rial of 8erson 4onfessin2. "/e %e,i+nated Court /ad a duty to .re,ume t/at an
accu,ed /ad committed t/e offence if /i, co@accu,ed /ad, in a confe,,ion, in-ol-ed t/e
former >Section 15 819 read 3it/ 21 819?. "/i, meant t/at t/e court 3ould treat t/e
confe,,ion a, ,u4,tanti-e e-idence a+ain,t t/e former, and in t/e a4,ence of .roof to t/e
contrary, could al,o con-ict a co@accu,ed on it, 4a,i,
%ther Considerations
"/e,e .rocedural ,afe+uard, do not e0/au,t t/e .rotection offered to t/e accu,ed.
"/ou+/ cu,todial confe,,ion, are admi,,i4le in e-idence, it i, ,till for t/e court to decide
on it, acce.ta4ility or e-identiary or .ro4ati-e -alue. (nder t/e a..ro.riate
circum,tance,, /o3e-er, t/e e-identiary -alue of cu,todial confe,,ion, i, /eld to 4e
unim.eac/a4le. t 3a, often ar+ued t/at a confe,,ional ,tatement 4ein+ recorded 4y a
.olice officer i, a 3ea; ty.e of e-idence and mu,t al3ay, 4e corro4orated 4efore 4a,in+
a con-iction. n a ,erie, of ca,e,, t/e Su.reme Court /a, /eld t/at once t/e confe,,ional
,tatement i, found to 4e -oluntary and trut/ful, it 4ecome, ,u4,tanti-e e-idence and doe,
not re6uire any corro4oration, and t/e ma;er of a confe,,ion can 4e con-icted on ,uc/
uncorro4orated confe,,ion.

"/ou+/ it i, entirely for t/e court tryin+ t/e offence to decide t/e 6ue,tion of
admi,,i4ility or relia4ility of a confe,,ion in it, 1udicial 3i,dom ,trictly ad/erin+ to t/e
. Ko3e-er, in 1993, 4y an amendment 8$ct 43 of 19939 ,uc/ a .re,um.tion 3a, remo-ed 4y deletin+
Su4@Clau,e, 8c9 and 8d9 of Section 21 Clau,e 819 and Section 15 Clau,e 819 3a, amended to 4rin+ it in
conformity 3it/ Section 3C of t/e E-idence $ct. (nder PO"$, a confe,,ion to a .olice officer i, only
admi,,i4le a+ain,t it, ma;er. Po,,i4ly, 4ecau,e ,uc/ a .ro-i,ion i, an e0ce.tion to ordinary criminal la3
.rinci.le,, it, u,e /a, 4een re,tricted to t/e e,,ential minimum.
Jaya<an1 'a11a1ray S7ryarao - S1a1e of Maharash1ra, $# 2CC2 SC, .. 143 ' 175: Ra?in5er Sin2h -
S1a1e of Maharash1ra $# 2CC2 SC, .. 2241K S1a1e - Nalini 819999 5 SC, .. 253.
la3, it mu,t, 3/ile ,o decidin+ t/e 6ue,tion, ,ati,fy it,elf t/at t/ere 3a, no tra., and no
im.ortune ,ee;in+ of e-idence durin+ t/e cu,todial interro+ation and all condition,
re6uired are fulfilled.
One ar279en1 raise5 a2ains1 !O"> <hi4h 5oes a88ly 1o 47s1o5ial 4onfessions as
<ell> is 1ha1 i1 is o8en 1o 9is7se or a37se.L Once le+i,lation i, .a,,ed t/e Mo-ernment /a,
an o4li+ation to e0erci,e all a-aila4le o.tion, to .re-ent terrori,m 3it/in t/e 4ound, of
t/e Con,titutionE. "/i, did not mean t/at t/e Court /a, +i-en a free /and to t/e .olice in
,uc/ ca,e,. $+ain,t di,cardin+ t/e e-idence of .olice official, merely on t/e +round t/at
t/ey 4elon+ to t/e .olice force and t/u, are eit/er intere,ted in t/e in-e,ti+ation or t/e
.ro,ecutin+ a+ency, t/e Court 3arned, EGt/eir e-idence need, to 4e ,u41ected to ,trict
,crutiny and a, far a, .o,,i4le corro4oration of t/eir e-idence in material .articular,
,/ould 4e ,ou+/t.E
Suc/ e-idence /a, to in,.ire confidence and in t/e a4,ence t/ereof,
con-iction cannot 4e ,u,tained
"/e Court, in ,ilal h9e5 %aloo, ruled Et/ere i, no 6ue,tion of loo;in+ into t/e
confe,,ional ,tatement G muc/ le,, relyin+ on it ,ince /e 3a, ac6uitted of all offence,
under "$%$E.
"/e lo+ic .ut for3ard 3a, E$ny confe,,ion made to a .olice officer i,
inadmi,,i4le in e-idence a, for t/e,e offence, and /enceG t/e ,aid 4an 3ould not 3ane
off in re,.ect of offence, under t/e Penal Code merely 4ecau,e t/e trial 3a, /eld 4y t/e
%e,i+nated Court for Offence, under "$%$ a, 3ell.E
Ko3e-er, in a later ca,e, t/e
Court, 3it/out referrin+ to t/e a4o-e ca,e ruled, EAe /a-eG a4,olutely no dou4t t/at a
confe,,ion, if u,a4le under Section 15 of t/e "$%$, 3ould not 4ecome unu,a4le merely
4ecau,e t/e ca,e i, different or t/e crime i, different.E
"/e Court dre3 ,tren+t/ from t/e
!ra5ee8 N. Ma52aonkar - S1a1e of Maharash1ra, 819959 4 SCC, .. 255 ' 271. $l,o, ,ee %al8na1h Rai -
S1a1e G1hro72h C,I$, 819979 2 SCC, .. 732 ' 757.
Sahi3 Sin2h ' &ariya9 Sin2h for Hrelated< or Hintere,ted< 3itne,,e,.
,ilal h9e5 %aloo - S1a1e of .!, 819779 7 SCC, .. 431 ' 434.
S1a1e of (7jara1 - Moha99e5 1ik, 819249 4 SCC, .. 351 ' 354.
fact t/at t/ere 3a, Eno ,tatutory in/i4itionE
a+ain,t ,uc/ u,e a, 3ell a, t/e rulin+ in
S1a1e of Rajas1han - ,h78 Sin2h
, 3/ere a ,imilar o41ection 3a, rai,ed in t/e conte0t of
t/e admi,,i4ility of a confe,,ional ,tatement under Section 27 of t/e E-idence $ct. "/e
matter 3a, une6ui-ocally laid to re,t 3/en t/e Court ,.ecifically o-erruled ,ilal h9e5
%aloo in S1a1e - Nalini
, 3/ere t/e Court .ointed out t/at t/e former ca,e /ad not ta;en
into con,ideration t/e im.lication, of Section 12 ?is-O-?is Section 15 of "$%$ 3/ile
dealin+ 3it/ t/e i,,ue. t ruled t/at t/e ,ilal h9e5 %aloo did not lay do3n t/e correct
la3 and t/at a duly recorded confe,,ional ,tatement 3ould continue to remain admi,,i4le
for ot/er offence, under any ot/er la3 3/ic/ 3ere tried alon+ 3it/ t/e "$%$ offence,,
e-en if t/e accu,ed 3a, ac6uitted of offence, under "$%$ in t/at trial
. Ne-ert/ele,,,
t/e +/o,t of ,ilal h9e5 %aloo6s deci,ion ,eem, to ,till /aunt t/e Court<, corridor,. n
(7r8ri1 Sin2h ?s. S1a1e of !7nja3, .o,,i4ly 4y o-er,i+/t, t/e Court, once a+ain relyin+ on
t/e ca,e, ruled t/at confe,,ional ,tatement, recorded durin+ in-e,ti+ation in "$%$
cannot 4e u,ed for con-ictin+ an accu,ed for any offence under t/e ndian Penal Code.
, "/e .re,ent Mo-ernment a..ear, to 4e o4li-iou, of t/e e,,ential, of t/e de4ate.
Ait/ t/e re.eal of PO"$ and t/e enactment of t/e diluted .nla<f7l 41i?i1ies
G!re?en1ion$ 9en59en1 41 , it /a, lo,t out on t/e ad-anta+e ,o .ainfully ac/ie-ed o-er
t/e .a,t year,.
n many a ca,e, it /a, emer+ed in t/e criminal 1uri,.rudence EE-en t/e intelli+ent
and educated layman /a, ,mall and ,ometime, no ,;ill in t/e ,cience of la3. f c/ar+ed
3it/ crime, /e i, inca.a4le, +enerally, of determinin+ for /im,elf 3/et/er t/e indictment
i, +ood or 4ad. Ke i, unfamiliar 3it/ t/e rule, of e-idence. &eft 3it/out t/e aid of
coun,el, /e may 4e .ut on trial 3it/out a .ro.er c/ar+e and con-icted on im.ro.er
e-idence. Ke re6uire, t/e +uidin+ /and of coun,el at e-ery ,te. in t/e .roceedin+,
819779 1C SCC, .. 775 cited in S1a1e of (7jara1> .. 355.
819959 5 SCC, .. 253.
n ,.ite of t/e fact t/at all t/ree Nud+e, on t/e Benc/ 3rote t/eir o3n 1ud+ment and differed on many
i,,ue, in t/i, ca,e, t/ey concurred on t/i, i,,ue. S1a1e - Nalini, .. 3C4 8"/oma,, N.9, 4C1 8Aad/3a, N.9, 57C
8Ouadri, N.9.
a+ain,t /im. Ait/out it, t/ou+/ /e 4e not +uilty, /e face, t/e dan+er of con-iction
4ecau,e /e doe, not ;no3 /o3 to e,ta4li,/ /i, innocence. f t/at 4e true of man of
intelli+ence /o3 muc/ more true i, it of t/e i+norant and illiterate, or t/o,e of fee4le
n Miran5a -. riBona
t/e Court cate+orically /eld t/at it 3a, o4li+atory u.on
t/e .olice to 3arn t/e accu,ed of /i, ri+/t to remain ,ilent, 3/ic/ mu,t 4e accom.anied
4y t/e e0.lanation t/at anyt/in+ ,aid could and 3ould 4e u,ed a+ain,t t/e indi-idual in a
court of la3. C/ief Nu,tice Aarren ca,t a con,titutional o4li+ation u.on t/e aut/oritie, to
inform t/e ,u,.ect of /i, ri+/t to coun,el and ruled!
Et i, nece,,ary to 3arn /im not only /e /a, t/e ri+/t to con,ult 3it/ an attorney,
4ut al,o t/at if /e i, indi+ent a la3yer 3ill 4e a..ointed to re.re,ent /im. Ait/out t/i,
additional 3arnin+, t/e admini,tration of t/e ri+/t to con,ult 3it/ coun,el 3ould often 4e
under,tood a, meanin+ only t/at /e can con,ult 3it/ a la3yer if /e /a, one or /a, t/e
fund, to o4tain one.
"/e Su.reme Court of ndia al,o reco+niIed t/e ri+/t to coun,el in R.M. &asa<a
and d3elt on t/e 6uality of le+al a,,i,tance to 4e made a-aila4le to t/e accu,ed ,o
t/at mi,a..ro.riation of confe,,ional ,tatement for t/e .ur.o,e, of t/e e-idence ,/all not
occur. "/e 3ay and manner in 3/ic/ confe,,ion i, 4rou+/t out of a layman, t/e
manneri,m in 3/ic/ it i, inter.reted and u,ed for or a+ain,t t/e confe,,ionary i,
im.ortant to realiIe /o3 im.ortant i, t/e .ro.er iteration and adducin+ of t/e confe,,ion
for t/e .ur.o,e, of con-iction of t/e .er,on. "/e need of t/e ,ame i, furt/er a++ra-ated
in ca,e or matter of indi+ent and .oor 3/o are 4latantly una3are of t/e tactic, and t/e
+rit of ma;in+ t/e confe,,ional ,tatement.
On t/e recommendation of t/e &a3 Commi,,ion of ndia in it, 42t/ #e.ort of
ne3 Section 3C4 3a, introduced in t/e Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 ,ti.ulatin+ t/at
Ein a trial 4efore t/e Court of Se,,ion, 1he a447se5 is no1 re8resen1e5 3y a 8lea5er> an5
324 (S 437 819779
Infra Foo1no1e 00.
<here i1 a88ears 1o 1he 4o7r1 1ha1 1he a447se5 has no1 s7ffi4ien1 9eans 1o en2a2e a
8lea5er> 1he 4o7r1 shall assi2n a 8lea5er for his 5efen4e a1 1he eC8ense of 1he S1a1e.E

"/e Su.reme Court of ndia al,o reco+niIed t/e ri+/t to coun,el in #.M. &asa<a
and d3elt on t/e 6uality of le+al a,,i,tance to 4e made a-aila4le to t/e accu,ed ,o
t/at 9isa88ro8ria1ion of 4onfessional s1a1e9en1 for 1he 87r8oses of 1he e?i5en4e shall no1
o447r. "/e 3ay and manner in 3/ic/ confe,,ion i, 4rou+/t out of a layman, t/e
manneri,m in 3/ic/ it i, inter.reted and u,ed for or a+ain,t t/e confe,,ionary i,
im.ortant to realiIe /o3 im.ortant i, t/e .ro.er iteration and adducin+ of t/e confe,,ion
for t/e .ur.o,e, of con-iction of t/e .er,on. "/e need of t/e ,ame i, furt/er a++ra-ated
in ca,e or matter of indi+ent and .oor 3/o are 4latantly una3are of t/e tactic, and t/e
+rit of ma;in+ t/e confe,,ional ,tatement.
"/e Su.reme Court of ndia in H7ssainara %ha1oon -. Ho9e Se4y.> S1a1e of
/eld t/at a duty 3a, ca,t on t/e *a+i,trate or t/e Se,,ion, Nud+e to inform t/e
accu,ed 3/o i, indi+ent t/at /e i, entitled to o4tain free le+al ,er-ice, at t/e co,t of t/e
State and f7r1her 1he 2ri1 an5 1he infor9a1ion as re2ar5s 1o 1he <ay an5 1he 9anneris9 of
9akin2 a 4onfessional s1a1e9en1 shall also 3e 8ro?i5e5 ?ia Le2al i5 1o 1he9. "/i, 3a,
reiterated in Ranjan '<i?e5i -. .nion of In5ia
#etraction of ,tatement, i, ,omet/in+ t/at /a..en, in mo,t criminal ca,e,. "/e rea,on
4e/ind t/e ,ame may 4e t/e inade6uate .olice .rotection or t/e ill de-elo.ed mec/ani,m
for 3itne,, .rotection or t/e in/erent ,ecuritie, of t/e 3itne,,e, or t/e accu,ed under
influence of t/e ,tatu, of t/e o..o,in+ .arty, a, /a..en, in almo,t all t/e /i+/ .rofile
Ran4ho5 Ma1h7r &asa<a -. S1a1e of (7jara1, 819749 3 SCC 521
8192C9 1 SCC 1C2
819239 3 SCC 3C7
"/i, increa,e, t/e difficulty le-el of t/e te,t of t/e in-e,ti+ator,D ,;ill, a, t/ey
3ill /a-e to +et corro4orati-e e-idence to nail t/e accu,ed.
Ko3e-er, t/i, doe, not mean t/at t/e .ro,ecutionD, ca,e colla.,e,. "/e onu, no3 fall, on
t/e defence to ,/o3 t/at t/e ,tatement, +i-en 4y t/e accu,ed 3ere o4tained t/rou+/
Pro,ecution can ,till ar+ue t/at t/e retraction 3a, an aftert/ou+/t on t/e .art of
t/e accu,ed and t/ey re,orted to it under le+al ad-ice. "/e ca,e of t/e .olice doe, 4ecome
3ea;er 4ut t/e onu, i, ,till on t/e defence to .ro-e t/at t/e confe,,ion 3a, com.letely
in-oluntary. ,71 1he irony of 1he en1ire si17a1ion re9ains 1ha1 1he se?eral j7529en1s of
1he S78re9e Co7r1 1ha1 say 1ha1 e?en a re1ra41e5 4onfession is a59issi3le as e?i5en4e in
"/i, can 4e elucidated 4y t/e 1993 ,erial 4la,t, ca,e, for t/e -erdict, 3/ic/ 3a,
recently dictated in a de,i+nated "ada court, re1ra41e5 4onfessions /a-e 4een u,ed a+ain,t
,e-eral accu,ed to .ronounce t/em +uilty. "/e court furt/er laid ,trict +uideline, t/at t/i,
doe, not e0onerate t/e .olice from .erformin+ t/eir duty and 4rin+ corro4orati-e
e-idence 4efore a 1ud+e to ,/o3 t/at t/ere i, ,ome merit in t/e confe,,ion. *oreo-er,
under t/e *COC$ e-en a confe,,ion +i-en 4efore a .olice officer of t/e ran; of %CP
and a4o-e i, admi,,i4le in court e-en if it i, later retracted 4efore a 1udicial aut/ority.
"/e ,ame .rinci.le 3a, u,ed to con-ict Moha99e5 froBe, arre,ted in connection 3it/
t/e 9=11 attac;,, la,t year.
819979 1 SCC 417
A/ile e0aminin+ certain ;ey .ro-i,ion, of t/e recommendation, of t/e *alimat/
Committee, one lacunae emer+e, ,tri;in+ly -i,i4le, t/i, i, t/e Committee<, failure to ta;e
into account international /uman ri+/t, ,tandard, 3/ic/ e,ta4li,/ a frame3or; of /uman
ri+/t, for criminal 1u,tice ,y,tem, t/rou+/out t/e 3orld, a, al,o a di,re+ard for t/o,e
/uman ri+/t, ,tandard, to 3/ic/ ndia i, a .arty and 3/ic/ it i, t/erefore 4ound to
u./old. (nder t/e ,ame fall, t/e H,tandard, met/od, of o4tainin+, a..reciation and
admi,,i4ility of confe,,ion<. "/i, i, coined in follo3in+ fe3 .oint,!
Increasing (ulnerability to Custodial #orture
$, a ,i+natory to t/e Con-ention a+ain,t "orture and Ot/er Cruel, n/uman or
%e+radin+ "reatment or Puni,/ment, ndia /a, committed to not do anyt/in+ t/at i,
incon,i,tent 3it/ it, o41ect and .ur.o,e. "/e .ro/i4ition of torture i, a4,olute and may
not 4e ,u,.ended no matter /o3 /einou, t/e crime for 3/ic/ ,omeone /a, 4een arre,ted,
e-en in ,ituation, of emer+ency.
Ko3e-er t/ere i, little dou4t t/at torture and ot/er cruel, in/uman and de+radin+
treatment continue to 4e endemic t/rou+/out ndia. Su.reme Court order,, NK#C
+uideline, and official ,anction, /a-e not deterred official, from inflictin+ torture on
indi-idual, in t/eir cu,tody. "/e *alimat/ Committee<, recommendation, di,cu,,ed
4elo3 may furt/er increa,e -ulnera4ility to torture.
Increase in periods of custody
Section 177 of t/e Code of Criminal Procedure 8CrPC9 currently .ro-ide, t/at a
.er,on can 4e /eld in .olice cu,tody for u. to 15 day, if ordered 4y t/e neare,t 1udicial
ma+i,trate. "/e *alimat/ Committee recommend, t/at t/e .eriod of .olice remand 4e
e0tended from 15 to 3C day, for +ra-e offence,, lea-in+ detainee, more -ulnera4le to
torture or ill@treatment. "/e Committee i+nore, a ,i+nificant 4ody of e-idence Gin4l75in2
1he 1@@1h> 1:01h re8or1 of 1he La< Co99ission an5 1hose of 1he Na1ional !oli4e
Co99ission$> 3/ic/ indicate, t/at .olice routinely a4u,e t/eir .o3er, of arre,t and
,a-ing confessions admissible as e*idence

"/e Committee recommend, t/at ,ection 25 of t/e ndian E-idence $ct ,/ould 4e
amended on t/e line, of Section 32 of t/e Pre-ention of "errori,m $ct 8PO"$9 8no3
re.ealed and re.laced 4y ($P$9 1o allo< a 4onfession> re4or5e5 3y a S78erin1en5en1 of
!oli4e Gor offi4er a3o?e hi9$ <hi4h is also a75io or ?i5eo-re4or5e5> a59issi3le in In5ian
4o7r1s as e?i5en4e, ,u41ect to t/e condition t/at t/e accu,ed 3a, informed of /i, ri+/t to
con,ult a la3yer.
Furt/ermore, ,ection 32 of PO"$ i, ,imilar to t/e ,ection 15 of t/e no3 la.,ed
"errori,t and %i,ru.ti-e $cti-itie, 8Pre-ention9 $ct >"$%$?. n %ar1ar Sin2h ?. S1a1e of
, 3/ile t/e ma1ority of t/e 1ud+e, u./eld t/e con,titutionality of ,ection 15, t/ey
reco+niIed t/e dan+er in/erent in t/i, ,ection of "$%$ notin+ t/e e0i,tence of Po-er
Iealou, .olice officer, re,ortin+ to in/uman, .ara4olic, arc/aic, and dra,tic met/od, of
treatin+ t/e ,u,.ect, in t/eir an0iety to collect e-idence 4y /oo; or croo; and 3renc/in+
a deci,ion in t/eir fa-ourGL
#he right to silence
"/e *alimat/ Committee ma;e, a /i+/ly contro-er,ial recommendion t/at P1he
4o7r1 sho7l5 ha?e 1he free5o9 1o F7es1ion 1he a447se5 1o eli4i1 1he rele?an1 infor9a1ion
an5 if he ref7ses 1o ans<er> 1o 5ra< a5?erse inferen4e a2ains1 1he a447se5J. "/e
Committee o.ined t/at if t/i, 6ue,tionin+ i, done I<i1ho71 57ressL, t/e ri+/t to ,ilence
a-aila4le to t/e accu,ed under $rticle 2C839 of t/e Con,titution of ndia 3ould 4e
re,.ected a, 3ould t/e .rocedural .ro-i,ion in t/e CrPC 8,ection 1718299. "/e
Committee ,tate, t/at t/e dra3in+ of ad-er,e inference on ,ilence doe, not offend t/e
ri+/t +ranted 4y $rticle 2C839, a, Pi1 5oes no1 in?ol?e 1es1i9onial 4o987lsion.L But t/i,
81994 3 SCC 5799
-iolate, t/e ndia<, Commitment, to international /umanitarian con-ention, to 3/ic/ it i,
a ,tate .arty
and al,o t/e directi-e, of nternational Or+aniIation,
Furt/er an im.ortant 6ue,tion 3it/ re+ard, to t/e HConfessional S1a1e9en1s F7a
1he 4o987lsion6 a, a c/allen+e t/e con,titutional ri+/t, t/e i,,ue t/u, remain, a, to
3/at con,titute, com.ul,ion. "/e .re,ent .o,ition t/at 5ra<in2 a5?erse inferen4e
3/en t/e accu,ed remain, ,ilent i, not Pcom.ul,ionL i+nore, t/e o41ect of t/e
ri+/t and undermine, t/e ,.irit of t/e fundamental ri+/t to ,ilence
under $rticle

Comin+ out of t/e traditional ,/ell of E-idence under ,ection 24@ 27 of t/e ndian
E-idence $ct, Section 171@ 177 of t/e Code for Criminal Procedure. $lt/ou+/ narco@
analy,i, te,t, are yet to 4e acce.ted a, e-idence in a court of la3, t/ey can /el.
in-e,ti+ator, crac; t/e 3or,t of ca,e,. t<, called ,odium .entot/al. (,ed traditionally in
$rticle 148398+9 nternational Co-enant on Ci-il and Political #i+/t, ' "/e (N Body of Princi.le, for
t/e Protection of $ll Per,on, and under t/e #ome Statute of t/e nternational Criminal Court! referrin+ to
-ariou, Pminimum +uarantee,L and ,tate, t/at e-eryone /a, a ri+/t not to 4e com.elled to te,tify a+ain,t
/im,elf or to confe,, +uilt.
$mne,ty nternational O.en letter to e0@ &a3 *ini,ter Jana %rishna97r1hy a4out t/e t/en fort/comin+
trial of $4dul #e/man Meelani and t/ree ot/er,. &etter num4ered! $ nde0! $S$ 2C=C1C=2CC2! 2 Nuly
"/e &a3 Commi,,ion of ndia 12C
#e.ort i,,ued in *ay 2CC2 e6ui-ocally ,tated t/at any mo-e to
amend t/e .ro-i,ion, of Cr.P.C, 3ould 4e P(ltra -ire, of $rticle 2C839 and $rticle 21 of t/e Con,titution of
ndia.L. "o dra3 an ad-er,e inference from t/e refu,al to te,tify i, indeed to .uni,/ a .er,on 3/o ,ee;, to
e0erci,e /i, ri+/t under $rticle 2C839.
o.eratin+ t/eatre, acro,, t/e 3orld, an ade6uate do,e of t/e 4ar4iturate /el., induce
+eneral ane,t/e,ia 4efore ,ur+ery and i, ,o .otent t/at it ta;e, le,, t/an a minute to 4rin+
a4out t/e on,et of uncon,ciou,ne,, in a .er,on. A/en admini,tered in a lo3er do,e,
/o3e-er, t/e dru+ doe,n<t ;noc; one off, 4ut ne-ert/ele,, +enerate, a ,tate of ,tu.or. t<,
a trance@li;e ./a,e, e0.ert, ,ay, 3/ere a .er,on<, in/i4ition, are lo3ered to t/e e0tent of
ma;in+ /im ,.ill fact, t/at 3ould ot/er3i,e /a-e 4een ,u..re,,ed 4y /i, con,ciou, ,elf.
"/at<, 3/en medical ,cience +i-e, 3ay to foren,ic,.
"/e u,e of t/i, tec/ni6ue of DNar4o nalysis 1es16 3a, a4ated in .o.ularly ;no3n
DS1a98 !a8er S4a9< 3/ere t/e .rime 37 %ari9 "el2i, 3a, admini,tered trut/ ,erum
durin+ a narco@analy,i, te,t, under t/e effect of 3/ic/ trut/ a, re+ard, to t/e ca,e 3a,
e0tracted out of /im. #ecently, in Fe4ruary, 2CC7, t/e notoriou, 9as1er-ser?an1 57o
accu,ed in t/e Nit/ari ;illin+, 3a, ,u41ected to t/e ,ame analy,i, Q t/ey al,o under3ent
anot/er te,t called 3rain 9a88in2, 4y Noida .olice .er,onnel.
"he In5ian J75i4iary has a59i11e5 1he res7l1s of 1hese 1es1s>
Ho<e?er> eC8er1s
say 1hey 4an61 e?en 3e referre5 1o in a 4o7r1 of la<. Nonet/ele,,, t/ey 3ere conducted to
aid in-e,ti+ator, in crac;in+ t/e ca,e,. "/e le+al e0.ert, o.ine t/at Pf a .er,on accu,ed
of murder re-eal, durin+ ,uc/ a te,t t/at /e /a, /idden /i, 3ea.on in a .articular .lace, it
may /el. t/e .olice in trac;in+ do3n t/e 3ea.on. H&hile 1he 4o7r1 9ay no1 re4o2niBe 1he
1es1> i1 9ay 4onsi5er 1he <ea8on> if fo7n5> as e?i5en4e<, it mean, t/at t/e information a,
o4tained form t/e ,u41ect, under t/e effect of t/e "rut/ Serum ,/all furt/er 4e utiliIed for
t/e .ur.o,e, of corro4oration of t/e ot/er a-aila4le e-idence, or ,ay for t/e .ur.o,e, of
collection of e-idence,
I1 see9s 1ha1 1he nar4o-analysis an5 3rain 9a88in2 are 3e11er al1erna1i?es 1o
ol5er 8ro4esses s74h as 1he 8oly2ra8h> 4o99only kno<n as 1he lie detector. A/ile t/e
.oly+ra./ 3a, u,ed on .eo.le in full control of t/eir con,ciou,ne,,, narco@analy,i, and
4rain ma..in+ are te,t, tar+eted at t/e ,u4con,ciou, /uman mind and im.ul,e, in t/e
/uman 4rain, re,.ecti-ely P,rain 9a88in2> on 1he o1her han5> <orks on 1he 8rin4i8le of
Nit/ati Rillin+, main accu,ed *oninder Sin+/ Ro/li and Stam. Pa.er ,cam ;in+.in $4dul Rarim "el+i
$, .er t/e mandate of Section 27 of t/e ndian E-idence $ct, 1272.
8ro?i5in2 a 8erson <i1h e.ternal stimuli s74h as 8i417res or so7n5 4li8s an5 1hen
s4annin2 1he 3rain for 4orres8on5in2 res8onses.J
In 1he Ni1hari 4ase, for e0am.le, t/e accu,ed 3ere ,/o3n .icture, of t/e mi,,in+
c/ildren durin+ 4rain ma..in+. Pf t/e accu,ed /ad ,een t/e c/ildren 4efore, t/eir 4rain,
3ould re,.ond to t/o,e .icture, 3it/ familiarity, and t/o,e im.ul,e, 3ould 4e recorded
4y t/e rece.tor,.
"ec/nically, it all ,ound, fine. /ut 0uestions still abound about the
dependability of these processes. Of1en 1he D1ardened criminals may not respond to
narco-analysis as easily as first-time offenders) a person !ith a criminal bent of mind
may remain silent e*en under the effect of the truth serum2. /ut the legal fact !hich
remains unabated is that a narco- analysis test is not an e,ta4li,/ed met/od of
Cri1i4ally s8eakin2> nar4o-1es1s are only a 9ore refine5 <ay of 2e11in2 8eo8le 1o
4onfess 1han ol5er 4onfession 1e4hniF7es s74h as third degree torture. $nd eit/er 3ay,
3e are left 3it/ an inefficient in-e,ti+ati-e a+ency t/at can<t follo3 u. a ca,e on it, o3n
a4ilitie, and /a, to de.end on 3/at t/e accu,ed tell it and t/i, ma;e, ,uc/ ne3
re-olutionary tec/ni6ue, redundant for .ur.o,e, of e-idential record, 4efore t/e court,.
$not/er a,.ect of t/e,e te,t, 3/ic/ /a, dra3n fla; i, t/eir ,elf@incriminatin+ nature,
3/ic/ come, in direct conflict 3it/ t/e con,titutional ri+/t of ndian citiIen, a,
+uaranteed 4y $rticle 2C of t/e ndian Con,titution. PNo 8erson a447se5 of any offen4e
shall 3e 4o98elle5 1o 3e a <i1ness a2ains1 hi9self>L
n t/at li+/t, it tec/nically 4ecome, mandatory for in-e,ti+ati-e aut/oritie, to
o4tain t/e 3ritten .ermi,,ion of an accu,ed 4efore conductin+ ,uc/ te,t, on /im
or /er. "/i, i, 3/ere ,e-eral /uman ri+/t, la3yer, ,mell a rat. n many a ca,e,
3/ere ,uc/ in-e,ti+ation i, conducted t/e in-e,ti+ator, often +o a/ead 3it/ t/e,e
analy,e, 3it/out t/e 3ritten con,ent of t/e accu,ed to under+o ,uc/ a te,t.
Furt/er it often ,o /a..en, t/at t/e in-e,ti+atin+ team, conductin+ t/e,e te,t, lea;
t/e re,ult, to t/e media, only to mi,lead t/e .u4lic a4out t/e in-e,ti+ati-e .roce,,,
3/ic/ furt/er -iolate, t/e ri+/t, of t/e accu,ed a, under t/e Con,titution of ndia.
/R&I3 4I35+RPRI3#I356666emerging techni0ue to e.tract confessions
Far3ell Brain Fin+er.rintin+
i, 4a,ed on t/e .rinci.le t/at t/e 4rain i, central to
all /uman act,. n a criminal act, t/ere may or may not 4e many ;ind, of .eri./eral
e-idence, 4ut t/e 4rain i, al3ay, t/ere, .lannin+, e0ecutin+, and recordin+ t/e crime. "/e
fundamental difference 4et3een a .er.etrator and a fal,ely accu,ed, innocent .er,on i,
t/at t/e .er.etrator, /a-in+ committed t/e crime, /a, t/e detail, of t/e crime ,tored in /i,
4rain, and t/e innocent ,u,.ect doe, not.
,atching e*idence from a crime scene !ith e*idence on the perpetrator
Far3ell Brain Fin+er.rintin+ matc/e, e-idence from a crime ,cene 3it/ e-idence
,tored in t/e 4rain of t/e .er.etrator, ,imilarly to t/e 3ay con-entional fin+er.rintin+
matc/e, fin+er.rint, at t/e crime ,cene 3it/ t/e fin+er, of t/e .er.etrator, and %N$
fin+er.rintin+ matc/e, 4iolo+ical ,am.le, from t/e crime ,cene 3it/ t/e %N$ in t/e
4ody of t/e .er.etrator.
"/e .ro.a+ator, 3/o ad-ocate t/e u,e of t/e,e emer+in+ ,cientific tec/ni6ue, for
t/e .ur.o,e, of e0tractin+ confe,,ion and t/en adducin+ t/em a, e-idence, in t/e court of
la3 after t/e re6ui,ite corro4oration, ,tre,, on t/e .oint t/at ,uc/ tec/ni6ue, and t/e
Far3ell Brain Fin+er.rintin+ 3or;, a, follo3,. Aord, or .icture, rele-ant to a crime are fla,/ed on a
com.uter ,creen, alon+ 3it/ ot/er, irrele-ant 3ord, or .icture,. Electrical 4rain re,.on,e, are mea,ured
non@in-a,i-ely t/rou+/ a .atented /ead4and e6ui..ed 3it/ ,en,or,. %r. Far3ell /a, di,co-ered t/at a
,.ecific 4rain@3a-e re,.on,e called a *E#*E# 8memory and encodin+ related multifaceted
electroence./alo+ra./ic re,.on,e9 i, elicited 3/en t/e 4rain .roce,,e, note3ort/y information it
reco+niIe,. "/u,, 3/en detail, of t/e crime t/at only t/e .er.etrator 3ould ;no3 are .re,ented, a
*E#*E# i, emitted 4y t/e 4rain of a .er.etrator, 4ut not 4y t/e 4rain of an innocent ,u,.ect. n Far3ell
Brain Fin+er.rintin+, a com.uter analyIe, t/e 4rain re,.on,e to detect t/e *E#*E#, and t/u, determine,
,cientifically 3/et/er or not t/e ,.ecific crime@rele-ant information i, ,tored in t/e 4rain of t/e ,u,.ect.
confe,,ional information arri-ed at from t/e findin+, of ,uc/ e0.eriment, are not
-iolati-e of #i+/t to Silence under $rticle 2C839 and li4erty under $rticle 21 of t/e
Con,titution of ndia. "/e rea,on t/ey +i-e for ,uc/ a ,uccinct comment i, t/at! Hall t/e
information and t/e confe,,ionary ,tatement, t/at are arri-ed at or collected a, t/e
re,ultant findin+, of t/e,e e0.eriment, i, already e0i,tent in a .er,on<, 8.ro,.ecti-e
criminal or t/e .re,ent accu,ed9 mind, it no3/ere, 4y any mean, or any ,tretc/ of
ima+ination 3ould amount to .re,,urin+ or allurin+ or e0tortin+ ,omeone to ,ay ,elf
incriminatory ,tatement,. "/e,e mean, and tec/ni6ue, are 1u,t mec/ani,m to find out t/e
true information 3/ic/ i, already e0i,tent and ,/all +o /el.ful in a lon+ 3ay in ,ol-in+
t/e 1udicial dilemma, in criminal ca,e,.
C%34+SSI%3 73'+R ,+'I& #R&I
A/ile ,/eddin+ t/e tattered old 4lan;et of accountin+ e-idence t/e Court, in
ndia /a-e -ery recently ,tarted reco+niIin+ t/e im.ortance of confe,,ional ,tatement,
made in media. "/e Su.reme Court added a ne3, and ,i+nificant, c/a.ter to t/e
con,er-ati-e criminal 1uri,.rudence and +i-en a role to t/e media in criminal trial, 4y
rulin+ t/at inter-ie3, +i-en 4y an accu,ed to "F c/annel, could 4e con,idered e-idence
4y court,. "he 4o7n1ryPs 4ri9inal j7ris8r75en4e> <hi4h 8res79es inno4en4e in fa?o7r of
1he a447se5 an5 2oes 3y 1he 8rin4i8le 1ha1 a 100 27il1y 4o7l5 es4a8e 1he 4l714hes of la<
371 no1 a sin2le inno4en1 sho7l5 3e 87nishe5> ha5 no1 re4o2niBe5 role of 9e5ia in a 1rial
sin4e re4en1 an5 1his is <ha1 9akes 1he Cr!C re57n5an1 in 1hese iss7es.
"/i, recent de-elo.ment can 4e traced in t/e li+/t of, t/e a.e0 courtD, Nanuary
22 order 4y a Benc/ com.ri,in+ Nu,tice, $ri1it Pa,ayat and SK Ra.adia 3/ile t/ey
di,mi,,ed Sa1id4e+ $,if4e+ *irIaD, 8accu,ed9 .etition ,ayin+, E"here is no 9eri1 in i1E
and t/at t/e trial court could con,ider admi,,i4ility of ,tatement, +i-en 4y an accu,ed to
media. "/i, /a, .ro-ed not only a ,i+nificant lea. in la3 4ut al,o a trend@,etter. "/i, /a,
3ide im.lication, for ,tin+ o.eration,, t/e recent Eentra.mentE of *P, ,ee;in+ 4ri4e, for
local area de-elo.ment contract, 4ein+ a ca,e in .oint, a, ,uc/ inter-ie3, may 4ecome
;ey e-idence in corru.tion trial,.
Furt/er t/e tele-i,ed confe,,ion of #a-inder Prad/an to t/e murder of *eerut lecturer
Ra-ita in 2CC3 3ould no3 /a-e a different connotation.
"/e fact, of t/e ca,e in 3/ic/ t/e H1udicially ,cintillatin+< order /a, 4een .a,,ed are!
"/e .roce,, 4e+an ri+/t at t/e trial court ,ta+e in Mu1arat 3/en in t/e murder
incident of 2CCC, t/e accu,ed Sa1id4e+ $,if4e+ *irIa 3a, alle+edly 4eaten u. 4y
.olice durin+ /i, cu,todial interro+ation. A/en *irIa 3a, admitted to a /o,.ital
in Surat, a local "F c/annel inter-ie3ed /im.
$, 3/at /e ,aid in t/e inter-ie3, 4ein+ rele-ant to .ro-e /i, +uilt, t/e .ro,ecution
mo-ed trial court re6ue,tin+ it to ,ummon t/e -ideo+ra./er a, 3itne,, to .ro-e
content, of t/e inter-ie3.
"/e accu,ed and /i, coun,el o41ected ,ayin+ eC1ra-j75i4ial 4onfessions 4efore
media cannot 4e cited a, e-idence durin+ t/e trial in a criminal ca,e. "/e trial
court did not a+ree 3it/ t/i, .lea and ,ummoned t/e -ideo+ra./er to de.o,e
4efore it a, a 3itne,,.
"/e accu,ed mo-ed Mu1arat Ki+/ Court to a..eal t/e ,ummonin+ order and cited
t/e SC 1ud+ment in t/e Parliament attac; ca,e, 3/ic/ narrated t/at Senior
Coun,el #am Net/malani, a..earin+ for S$# Meelani, /ad cited a "F inter-ie3
+i-en 4y *o/ammed $fIal Muru to a "F c/annel .ur.ortedly confe,,in+ to /i,
+uilt 4ut a4,ol-in+ Meelani.
"/e KC ,aid t/e a.e0 court, in t/e Parliament attac; ca,e, /ad re1ected t/e
admi,,i4ility of $fIalD, ,tatement to t/e "F c/annel a, it 4ecame a..arent t/at t/e
inter-ie3 3a, arran+ed 4y t/e .olice and recorded in t/eir .re,ence.
"/e KC, a+reein+ 3it/ t/e trial court, /eld t/at t/e SC /a, not laid do3n any
.rinci.le a4out admi,,i4ility of confe,,ional ,tatement 4y an accu,ed to media, if
it 3ere +i-en ,uo@motu and 3it/out any .re,,ure from t/e .olice. *irIa carried
/i, a..eal to t/e Su.reme Court.
$ di-i,ion 4enc/ com.ri,in+ t/e a4o-e named 1ud+e, di,mi,,ed *irIaD, .etition
,ayin+, E"/ere i, no merit in itL, and layin+ +uideline, t/at Et +oe, 3it/out
,ayin+ t/at t/e rele-ance and admi,,i4ility of t/e ,tatement, if any, +i-en 4y t/e
accu,ed 4efore t/e media.er,on, ,/all 4e con,idered at t/e a..ro.riate ,tate in t/e
"/i, i, a re-olutionary ,tart and lea-e, ,co.e for future e0.ectation, for t/e admi,,i4ility
of trial and confe,,ion, 4efore media to 4e admitted a, $dmi,,i4le .iece of E-idence
under t/e ndian E-idence $ct, 1272.
On a concludin+ note it 3ould 4e a.t to ,tate t/at t/e im.ortance of confe,,ion
can ne-er 4e undermined for t/e .ur.o,e, of a criminal trial. Confe,,ion under t/e
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 /a, many facet, to it. t /a, a ;ey -alue in t/e Criminal
Nu,tice Sy,tem, and t/erefore t/e ,anctity of t/e aut/enticity of confe,,ionary ,tatement,
4e maintained and t/e con,tant .roce,, of e-ol-ement of ne3 form, and mec/ani,m, of
retracin+ confe,,ionary e-idence, ,/all 3ell 4e ali+ned in t/e main,tream .ro-i,ion, of
t/e e0i,tin+ Procedural la3, and t/e entire e-idential 1uri,.rudence in t/e country. n
ndia, t/e im.ortance and t/e ,acro,anct of t/e confe,,ion i, all t/e more im.ortant for
t/e rea,on t/at t/e &a3 enforcin+ a+ency i, t/e ,ame a, t/e in-e,ti+atin+ a+ency i, 4ot/
-e,ted in t/e .olice. So at time, t/e o-er ent/u,ia,m and t/e an0iety of t/e .olice a+ency
i, reflected in t/eir infliction of forceful mean, and re,ortin+ to t/e u,e of t/ird de+ree
-iolence for t/e .ur.o,e, of t/e retractin+ and 4rin+in+ out t/e confe,,ion out of t/e
accu,ed .er,on, in cu,tody or t/e one<, ta;en on .olice remand.
"/e Criminal 1u,tice ,y,tem in ndia in t/e recent time, i, reflectin+ ,tance, of
tran,ition and c/an+e 3/ere many ne3 tec/ni6ue, and ,cientific tool, for t/e .ur.o,e, of
e0tractin+ t/e e0clu,i-e information ,tored in t/e mind, of t/e accu,ed in relation to t/e
commi,,ion of t/e crime i, traced 4y t/e u,e of ne3 tec/ni6ue, li;e ,rain Ma88in2> 7se
of lie 5e1e41ors> 1r71h ser79s> 'N Fin2er8rin1in2 and al,o t/e /i+/ly de4ated
Confe,,ional Statement under t/e media or t/e .o.ularly called t/e *edia "rial. "/i,
rai,e, t/e -ery o4-iou, concern, of t/e -an+uard of t/e Con,titutional Pro-i,ion, and
,afe+uard, a, under r1i4les +0G*$> +1> 14 and ot/er,. "/e im.ortant .ertinent 6ue,tion
4efore t/e -ariou, learned Ki+/ Court, and t/e Kon<4le Su.reme Court in ndia i, t/at
3/at 3ould 4e t/e le+al ,tatu, of t/e confe,,ion ,tatement ari,in+ out of t/e tec/ni6ue,
a4o-e mentioned, 3/en t/e .er,on /a, no control o-er 3/at /e i, ,ayin+ and t/ou+/ t/e
u,e of unfailin+, accurate tec/nolo+ie, t/e 4rain and t/e related information i, read
t/rou+/. "/i, al,o arou,e, t/e o4-iou, 1udicial concern, of t/e E-identiary .ro-i,ion,
and t/e le-el or de+ree of corro4oration for ma;in+ t/e confe,,ion, a, o4tained a4o-e to
4e a4le to 4e admitted for t/e .ur.o,e, of le+ally acce.ta4le and admi,,i4le .iece of
e-idence in t/e court,.
"/e court /a, ta;en a ,trictly clear ,tand on t/e .oint t/at t/e ,tandard, of
Hconfe,,ion,< /a-e to 4e ;e.t a, uniform for all t/e criminal,, 4e t/ey t/e ordinary
criminal, or t/e recidi-i,t, under t/e .o.ular counter terrori,m la3,, t/e met/od, mode
and t/e ,tandard, of t/e Confe,,ion collection and confe,,ion a..reciation cannot 4e
different for criminal,, 3/ic/ i, 3ell reflected in t/e re.ealin+ of !O" and "' a, an
aftermat/ of deli4eration, and de4ate,.
t ,eem, t/at t/e 4oundarie, and t/e ,co.e of t/e E-idence and more im.ortantly
t/e -alue of Confessions> 4e it t/at of t/e accu,ed or t/e ,tar 3itne,,e,, co@ accu,ed etc
/a-e 4ecome /i+/ly im.ortant in order to .re-ent t/e mi,u,e and t/e mi,carria+e of t/e
1u,tice under t/e .re,ent, rele-ant .ro-i,ion, of t/e In5ian E?i5en4e 41> 1:@+, li;e
/a..ened in t/e in,tance of #aheera Sheik, a .rime 3itne,, in ,es1 ,akery Case and t/at
of ,har1i /a5a? in t/e Ni1ish %a1ara6s 4ase 3/ere t/e retraction in t/e confe,,ion, of t/e
.rime 3itne,,e, reflected t/e +ro,, -iolation and underminin+ of t/e .ro-i,ion, of t/e
Cri9inal !ro4e57re Co5e 1E@* and /a-e reflected /o3 t/e .ro-i,ion, of t/e,e
traditionally enacted .rocedural la3, 3ill lea-e t/e entire PConfe,,ionL and it, im.act of
t/e Criminal Nu,tice Sy,tem a, redundant, if t/e ne3 emer+in+ trend, and .ro-i,ion, are
not a,,imilated and incor.orated in t/e .re,ent E-idence $..reciation a, under t/e
Criminal Procedural &a3, of t/e Country.

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