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Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty-Eight: Scientology Thought Police

You may not realize it staff member but there is only one small group that has hammered Dianetics and
Scientology for 18 years. We are using only legal means over the world. We dont stoop to murder and
rough house.
- Executive Directive from L. Ron Hubbard 29 November 1968 The War -
That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to
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I thought I would share with our readers here, rough drafts of a beginning organization of information into a book format.
The information I am using is gathered from the combined efforts of my wife, myself, and the 123jump authors of Scribd.
The book Scientology Roots can be viewed as an Encyclopedia of Historic Events showing what Scientology really is and
its relationship within the larger Game Plan of what we call The Slavemasters. (or Enslavers) The carrier subjects
of Dianetics and Scientology are propagating the mental, religious, and political ideas of what some have termed The New
World Order.
Here is Chapter Twenty-Eight (out of 56 so far). Complete chapter listing (with links) is available at a special page for Series
and Books.
Mike McClaughry
counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.
- Creed of the Church of Scientology
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The Catholic Church viciously attacked people who were critical of any Catholic beliefs. The Catholics tortured them, killed
them, and stole all of their possessions.
The Nazis viciously attacked people who were critical of any Nazi ideas or Nazi leaders. The Nazis put them in prison labor
camps, killed them, and stole their possessions.
The Independent Order Bnai Brith (IOBB) founded the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in the United States in October 1913.
The ADL viciously attacks people who are critical of Jewish beliefs. In modern times, the ADL is getting legislation passed in
countries all around the world to fine and put in jail anyone critical of Jewish beliefs, Jewish leaders, or Jewish literature.
The Church of Scientology viciously attacks people who are critical of Scientology or its leaders. They try to get them put into
jail and ruin the persons life in every possible way.
Scientology labels any critic of Scientology as being a Suppressive Person (SP) and they are considered to be Fair Game. Any
crime is authorized against these Fair Game targets.
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
HCO Policy Letter of 18 October 1967, Issue IV
(Applies both Orgs and Sea Org)
Suspension of pay and a dirty grey rag on left arm and day and night confinement to org premises.
Suspension of pay and deprivation of all uniforms and insignia, a black mark on left cheek and confinement on org
premises or dismissal from post and
debarment from premises.
Debarment from premises. Not to be employed. Payment of fine amounting to any sum may have cost org. Not to be
trained or processed. Not to be communicated or argue with.
SP Order. Fair game. May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any
discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.
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Copyright (c) 1967 Founder .
Even murder is allowed and even murder has been sometimes recommended and used.
In an Ethics Order dated 6 March 1968, L. Ron Hubbard says to murder a list of people.
The above Ethics Order says
are hereby declared Suppressive Persons
4. They are fair game.
7. Any Sea Org member contacting any of them is to use Auditing Process R2-45.
Auditing Process R2-45 is the use of a .45 caliber hand gun to kill a person.
The Catholic Church, the Nazis, the ADL, and the Church of Scientology are fanatics.
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All of these fanatical madmen are Thought Police. They do not allow freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or freedom of
ideas. You must accept their false ideas or be ruined.
They all use the same false idea to whitewash their crimes they are saving the world.
In each case the people are being forced to accept a tremendous number of lies that are propagated within the subjects that
these madmen peddle and none are world saviors
Policy Authorizing Criminal Acts
Ron Hubbard wrote a policy 17 March 1965 Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists The Fair Game Law
Included in the list of suppressive acts was anyone making public statements against Scientology or Scientologists. Notice
there is no qualification made as to whether the statements made were true or not. Even if the statements made against
Scientology are true, it does not matter. Any public criticism warrents the label of Suppressive Person.
HCO PL 17 March 1965 Justice, Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, The Fair Game Law -
All Scientologists must disconnect from a declared SP. The Scientologists may not give any communication to the SP and may
not receive any communication from the SP. Even if the declared SP is your spouse, child, parent, friend, employee or
employer you must disconnect. If you do not disconnect, you are declared an SP.

Ron Hubbard wrote a policy 1 March 1966 The Guardian. It established the Guardian Office, some of its bureaus were
Intelligence, Public Relations and Legal. The GO dealt with critics of Scientology and its bureaus leveled a combined assault on
targeted critics.
The Guardian Office was the vehicle for applying the Fair Game Policy, especially the Intelligence unit, which ran black
intelligence operations against critics to cost the person his job, to get him jailed, and any other way possible to ruin the critics
life completely.
The Intelligence unit has staff in Churches all around the world and their daily task is viciously attacking critics and those who
left Scientology to start their own groups.
Crimes are committed against the targets of these attacks, they are authorized by the Fair Game policy. Starting in 1966 up
until today, criminal activity by the Intelligence unit has gone unabated, and that is a lot of crime. This book is not an effort to
give all the details, I only mention enough of it so you can see what goes on, so you see the scene.

A Suppressive Person or Group becomes fair game.

By FAIR GAME is meant, without rights for self, possessions or position, and no Scientologist may be
brought before a Committee of Evidence or punished for any action taken against a Suppressive Person
or Group
no Committee of Evidence may be called to punish any Scientologist or person for any offenses of any
kind against the suppressive person
The homes, property, places and abodes of persons who have been active in attempting to suppress
Scientology or Scientologists are all beyond any protection of Scientology justice
A truly Suppressive Person or group has no rights of any kind and actions taken against them are not
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The Public Relations bureau also has a role in attacking critics.
Confidential Public Relations Series issue 24 of 30 May 1974 -
The Legal bureau also has a role in attacking critics
Ability March 1955, page 151 of the new Tech Volume II -
Following this policy, the Legal Bureau filed multiple lawsuits against a targeted person.
Hubbard told the Intelligence unit that every critic of Scientology had numerous crimes.It was standard operating procedure to
find a crime the critic had committed and have them put in jail. It is not true that every critic has crimes, and failing to find a
crime on a targeted person, the intelligence unit would run a black intelligence operation to set the critic up for a crime they
actually did not commit. Planting drugs and then calling the police to get the critic arrested for possession of illegal drugs, is
only one example of this.
I find it fascinating that Hubbard accused critics of having crimes, when the intelligence unit was reeking with crimes from their
application of Hubbards Fair Game policy that authorized criminal activity against critics.
They have far more crimes than the person they were attacking, most critics had none.
Here are some quotes from directives issued to the Intelligence bureau staff
HCO Policy Letter 25 April 1968 Intelligence Actions -
HCO Policy Letter of 25 February 1966 Attacks On Scientology -

It is my intention that by the use of professional PR tactics any opposition be not only dulled but
permanently eradicated. If there will be a long-term threat, you are to immediately evaluate and originate
a black PR campaign to destroy the persons repute and to discredit them so thoroughly that they will be
The law can be used very easily to harass, and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on the
thin edge anyway will generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If possible, of course,
ruin him utterly.
The standard actions of Intelligence are:
1. Predict the trouble before it occurs by filing, cross-indexing, investigation of areas, statistics and other
2. Investigate for crimes, the individuals who are creating trouble.
3. Prosecute.
Reason is, it is only those people that have crimes that will attack us, and they will soon back off for fear
of being found out when attacked back.
This is correct procedure:
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Extracts from an LRH Communication, 14 June 1970 -
Hubbards policy on critics of Scientology -
1. get them jailed (even if you have to frame them for a crime they did not commit)
2. cost them their source of income
3. run a black Public Relations campaign to destroy the persons repute
4. harass the person by filing lawsuits on them
5. do anything you want to them, commit any crimes, until they are ruined utterly

People who leave the official Church of Scientology and start their own group that practices pure Scientology or an altered
version of Scientology, are also labeled as Suppressive Persons and are viciously attacked as Fair Game targets.
HCO Executive Letter 27 September 1965 AMPRINISTICS -
Under freedom of religion, people have a Constitutional right to practice the religion of their choice. They have a right to
practice pure Scientology or to mix it with their own ideas, and they do not need sanction from any official Church to do so.
But the people who started their own Scientology group have been treated as Fair Game.
Fair Game Targets
Here is one example of a person under attack by the Scientology Thought Police.

(1) Spot who is attacking us.

(2) Start investigating them promptly for FELONIES or worse
(4) Start feeding lurid, blood, sex, crime actual evidence on the attackers to the press.
Make it rough, rough on attackers all the way. There has never been an attacker who was not reeking
with crime.
I have a new system worked out to knock them out no matter what they do.
We started telling them to investigate newspaper reporters who wrote against us
They have a vulnerability already worked several guys have lost their jobs over this. How could they be
hurt all you have to do is spot it, figure out how to cost them their jobs and make them lose it.
We have some trouble getting the real background dope on these guys but they do pick up what the
guy is doing in present time. So we change the procedure to spot it and cost them their jobs every time.
Over the past 15 years we have seen a lot of groups splinter off from Scientology
We call them squirrels
They are each fair game, can be sued or harrassed.
Any meeting held by them should be torn up. Harass these person in any possible way.
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Paulette Cooper wrote a book The Scandal of Scientology.
The town of Clearwater, Florida held public hearings into Scientology in May 1982. Paulette Cooper was one person who
testified. She wrote her first article on Scientology in 1968. She received a flood of death threats and smear letters; her phone
was bugged; lawsuits were filed against her; attempts were made to break into her apartment; and she was framed for a
bomb threat.
In late 1972, the Deputy Guardian for Intelligence United States (DGI US) Terry Milner was busy framing Paulette Cooper for
bomb threats. Terry wanted to find ways to destroy Paulette, preferably to have her put in jail for her crimes.
Scientology intelligence operatives covertly got access to Paulette Coopers apartment. This gave them access to blank pieces
of paper with Paulettes fingerprints on them and access to her typewriter.
Several bomb threats against the New York Church of Scientology were typed out, using Paulettes typewriter and pieces of
paper with Paulettes fingerprints on them. It appeared that the bomb threats were done by Paulette, but in truth, she was
being framed by Terry Milner, head of Intelligence Operations in the United States, on behalf of the Hubbards and the Church
of Scientology.
In December 1972 the New York Church of Scientology received the first two bomb threats from Paulette Cooper. Milner
and one of his cut-outs promptly contacted the FBI regarding bomb threats against a Church.
1972 8 December NY Church receives first bomb threat.
13 December NY Church receives second bomb threat.
15 December Cooper moves to new apartment at 300 E. 42nd St. The FBI questions Cooper about the bomb threats.
When the first two bomb threat letters failed to produce a satisfactory result, Milner, Bob Thomas, and others, planned
a new death threat letter to Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger.
By May of 1973, Paulette Cooper was indicted for bomb threats and perjury by a Federal Grand Jury.
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They put out libelous publications about her; sent letters saying that she was soon to be imprisoned. They sent false reports
about her to the Justice Department, the District Attorneys Office, the IRS.
At one point Cooper moved, and her cousin Joy, of rather similar appearance, took over her old apartment. Soon afterwards,
before the cousin had even changed the name plate on the door, someone called with flowers. When Joy opened the door to
get the flowers, he unwrapped the gun he took the gun and he put it at Joys temple and he cocked the gun, and we dont
know whether it misfired, whether it was a scare technique somehow the gun did not go off he started choking her, and
she was able to break away and she started to scream. And the person ran away.
Many of the 300 tenants in her new apartment building were sent copies of a smear letter, saying that Paulette Cooper had
venereal disease and sexually molested children.
They made calls to her family, they knew a way to get to her was to harass her parents.
Scientology filed 18 lawsuits against her and stole her book from all the public libraries.
Cooper developed insomnia, sleeping for only two to four hours a night, and wandered around in a daze of exhaustion. At this
point, she met Jerry Levin, who took pity on her terrible situation. At last she had a friend and confidant who would listen to
everything. And having listened, she later discovered, Levin would file his report with the Guardians Office. His real name was
Don Alverzo, he worked for the Scientology intelligence unit.
Terry Milner was the senior handler for Don Alverzo. Don told me (after the fact) that he had been tasked to infiltrate
Paulette Cooper by becoming her boyfriend under the false name Jerry Levin.
Two other covert operations they ran on Paulette, was an attempt to have her committed to a mental institution and an
attempt to have her commit suicide. Mitchell Hermann told me about that some years later, when he was working at USGO
intelligence under the cover name of Mike Cooper. I dont believe that these have previously been exposed by anyone before
The covert operations against Paulette Cooper, were code-named Operation Freak Out named as such by Bob Thomas
and Terry Milner.
Terrys Operation Freakout took a toll on Paulette, she provided pictures of herself before the Black Operations run by Terry,
and one after.

*See also Mike McClaughry Video 8 Operation Snow White Corrected Transcript for other information
concerning Don Alverzo.
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In 1977 the FBI raided the Scientology intelligence unit in Los Angeles and they obtained truckloads of evidence that proved
Scientology black intelligence operations against a great many critics of Scientology.
Paulette Cooper was completely exonerated after the FBI found the GO Orders for the Operations against her. The bomb
threat charges against Cooper were dropped.
There are lots and lots of people Scientology attacked like that, sometimes even worse.
In addition, Hubbard policy required Scientologists to disconnect from anyone declared by the Church. It did not matter if the
person was your spouse, parent, child, or friend. You had to have no further association or communication with them or you
got declared.
Fair Game attacks on critics are used to terrify people outside of the Church. Enforced disconnection is used to terrify people
inside the Church. So, Hubbard is also a terrorist.
Terrorizing people inside and outside the Church makes Scientology extremely repulsive.
HCO Policy Letter 16 February 1969 Battle Tactics

If you uniformly apply the tactics and strategy of battle to the rows we get into, press or legal or public
confrontation, you will win.
If we and they are considered as two hostile and opposing nations at war, then a huge array of tactics
and strategy become visible.
We must ourselves fight on a basis of total attrition of the enemy. Just go all the way in and obliterate
One cuts off enemy communications, funds, connections. He takes over enemy territory. He raids and
The only safe public opinion to head for is they love us and are in a frenzy of hate against the enemy, this
means standard wartime propaganda is what one is doing
You preserve the image or increase it of your own troops and degrade the image of the enemy to beast
Treat all skirmishes like wars.
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In 1973 Ron Hubbard wrote a programme for the Guardian Office (GO) to do. He called it Snow White. The GO was to get
the files on Scientology held by every government agency. The intelligence unit committed numerous crimes in getting these
files, breaking and entering was done, lock picks were used, and agents were sent in to get jobs at some government
One such spy was Gerald Wolfe who got a job at the IRS in Washington D.C. At night, Wolfe and his handler, Michael
Meisner, would enter government buildings such as the Department of Justice, and copy their files on Scientology.
30 Jun 1976 Gerald Wolfe is arrested in the main IRS building by FBI Special Agent Christine Hansen. Wolfe is initially
charged with the use and possession of a forged official pass of the United States.
Michael Meisner, a member of the GO intelligence unit, was being sought by the FBI, so he was ordered to Los Angeles to
hide out. Then he wanted to turn himself in and he was held against his will for months, locked in a house with guards 24
hours a day. Two more crimes were committed, harboring a fugitive from justice and illegal detainment. Holding people
against their will is something that has been done frequently by Scientologists, when the person represents some kind of bad
public relations threat to the Church.
8 July 1977 The arrest of Wolfe led to an FBI raid of the United States Guardian Office in Los Angeles. They confiscated
truckloads of GO intelligence files. Those files proved the great number of black intelligence operations run by Scientology
intelligence staff. Mary Sue Hubbard and ten other top GO staff were later convicted and went to jail.
Mary Sue Hubbard arrest
Right after the FBI raid, L. Ron Hubbard went into hiding.
Mary Sue Hubbard had cut a deal with the FBI, the GO staff would not argue against the governments evidence against
them, in exchange for not putting L. Ron Hubbard in jail. Ron Hubbard escaped jail that way he was an unindicted co-
conspirator in the charges.
In addition to the criminal charges, there was the threat of many civil lawsuits being filed against Ron Hubbard and the Church
by the people who had been the targets of the Fair Game policies. Over thirty civil lawsuits were filed when the confiscated
intelligence files were made public by the court.
Paulette Cooper was found guilty of a bomb threat against the Church by a grand jury. She had pleaded innocent to the
charges but the grand jury did not believe her, thus she was facing being put in jail. The FBI raid found the Church intelligence
files that proved Paulette Cooper was innocent she had been framed by Church intelligence staff.
Paulette Cooper was just one of many people the Church had targeted like that for years.
Washington Post article 28 April 1978 by Ron Shaffer -

Effort to Silence Critics Seen in Scientology Data

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In 1981, the name of the Guardian Office is changed to the Office of Special Affairs. Some of the old GO staff are dismissed
and replaced with new staff.
The excuse given was that the GO had committed crimes. That was not the real reason because OSA was a change in
name only and what the GO had been doing was continued by OSA, including running black intelligence operations on
Scientology critics. Further crimes were committed, such as hiring The Minutemen, who acted as thugs and went around
physically beating up declared SPs and other perceived enemies of Scientology.
These are the three top Scientology executives who ran the Office of Special Affairs.
The atrocities committed by OSA staff have been disclosed in sworn affidavits filed in court cases. The Church offered to pay
them to shut up and some accepted the money.
Vicki Aznaran affidavit -
Church of Scientology documents seized by the FBI indicate that the church has been waging an
extensive, sophisticated campaign to identify, attack and discredit its enemies, including Justice
Department investigators, other public officials and inquiring journalists.
The attack and destroy campaign carried out by the Church of Scientologys Guardians Office to
silence critics has involved illegal surveillance, burglaries, forgeries and many forms of harassment,
according to sources close to an intensive federal investigation of the Scientologists activities. Sources
said the covert operations were documented in the Scientologists own internal memoranda and
directives, which were seized by the FBI under court subpoena last July .
FBI agents seized truckloads of Scientology documents in simultaneous raids on church headquarters
here and in Los Angeles last July 8.
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Vicki Aznaran says throughout her Presidency of RTC, that fair game actions against critics were commonplace. Fair game
activities included burglaries, assaults, disruption of businesses owned by enemies, spying, harassing investigations and
litigation, abuse of confidential communications in parishioner files, destruction of evidence, etc. The dismantling of the
Guardian Office did not bring about a cessation of criminal activity. Vicki said the Office of Special Affairs continued
the criminal activities, day in and day out.
In March 1983 Jesse Prince is promoted to Deputy Inspector General RTC. His only senior is David Miscavige. Scientologys
intelligence network is run by RTC. Jesse Prince was now the head of this. Prince took direct orders from David Miscavige on
intelligence actions. After Jesse left the Church, he began revealing his personal knowledge of the criminal activities being
conducted by Miscavige and RTC.

I, Vicki J. Aznaran, of Mesquite, Texas, do herewith depose and swear:

1. That from the approximate dates of 1984 until 1987 I held the positions of President and Chairman of
the Board of Directors in the Scientology organization called the Religious Technology Center (RTC)
6. That also, to my certain knowledge, David Miscavige conceived, planned and ordered the
implementation of the basic strategic and tactical actions of the church against those whom he
considered to be causing legal or public relations conflicts against any church or against his personal and
absolute control of Scientology. He also ordered the allocation of and made available funding for the
financing of these actions, which included the declaring of those whom he considered to be his enemies
as Suppressive Persons, the implementation of the policies known as Fair Game against these persons
once so declared, the infiltration of private and governmental environments which he deemed hostile to
his absolute control over Scientology, the organization of vigilante groups within the organizations of
Scientology to be used against those individuals whom he deemed to be his enemies.
7. That following Miscaviges orders, I transferred monies to Spain, and witnessed briefings by Miscavige
concerning covert operations taking place in Spain against former Scientologists
8. That during this same period and as part of these same operations, a plan was formulated to destroy
the reform movement in europe by completely eliminating the leaders of this reform movement, William
Robertson, John Caban and others, by any means possible.
9. That additional orders were given to institute any action necessary including false denunciations,
assaults by covert agents apparently in bad standing with the church, to infiltrate, offset and attack
those leaders of the reform movement
10. That the policies known as Fair Game are, as described in the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, ethics
policies, and other organizational policies are in fact continued as originally written by Hubbard, and that
it is the purpose of the RTC to see that all of his policies are followed exactly as intended.
11. That the organization known as the Guardians Office, while apparently abandoned, in fact was
moved from the position as a separate organization or network, and incorporated within the
organizational structure of Scientology, and all of the purposes and most of the Guardian personnel have
remained the same.
(Vicki Aznaran affidavit dated 27 January 1992)
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Prince says from time to time, based on orders from Miscavige, he would order others to engage in illegal activities against
perceived enemies of Scientology. These activities included, but are not limited to, wire-tapping, planting illegal drugs on
enemies to set them up for being arrested, and destruction of documents that contained evidence of illegal activities. They
also commonly went through parishioners confessional records looking for confessional material that could be used for
blackmail or extortion.

1985 A black operation is begun to physically attack witnesses for government litigation against the Church, and other
enemies. The operatives have the code name The Minutemen. David Miscavige and Marty Rathbun would say to Eugene
Ingram, wouldnt it be nice if so and so got beat up. Ingram would assign one or two of his operatives to do it.
In 1986, one such vigilante was sent to attack expelled Scientologist, Bent Corydon.
A big man went to where Corydon was working, and failing to find Corydon, he beat up one of Corydons assistants. The
assailant said Since Corydon is not here, youll do. He then yelled You are standing in the way of Rons bridge! and
proceeded to punch the assistant in the face and knock him around.
In addition, obscene and threatening phone calls were often made to Corydons wife.
A Mexican Scientologist was also severely beaten up. There are many others.
June 1986 Jesse Prince was in the room when Miscavige, Rathbun and Gene Ingram were planning a black intelligence
operation to physically beat up Charles OReilly. He was also in the room a few days later when they were celebrating having
pulled it off.
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July 1986 A Los Angeles jury awards Larry Wollersheim $30 million in damages. The court found the Church guilty of
practicing Fair Game against him (they destroyed his business) and awarded damages. One of the intelligence black
operations run on him by Miscavige, Rathbun and Ingram, was a fake bomb placed on the doorsteps of his parents. Another
was approaching his sister in a supermarket and telling her that Larry will not live to collect any money. Another was physically
beating up his attorney, Charles OReilly.
Vicky Aznaran hired attorney Joseph Yanny, in 1984, to represent RTC in copyright litigation. While representing RTC, he
witnesses a lot of RTCs criminal activities.
Therefore he stopped representing them in November 1987 and he and his associates were then subjected to covert black
intelligence operations and physical assaults by The Minutemen.
LA Times article June 29, 1990
A Lawyer Learns What Its Like to Fight the Church : Joseph Yanny represented the
movement until a falling out. Now he says lengthy litigation and mysterious harassment
indicate hes become Public Enemy No. 1.

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He made an affidavit about his knowledge of RTCs criminal acts:

Los Angeles attorney Joseph Yanny was driving through rural Ohio in the pre-dawn hours in 1988 when
he was pulled over by police, who had received a tip that he was carrying a cache of cocaine and guns in
his rental car.
A telephone caller had supplied authorities in Ohio with Yannys name, the cars description and license
number, and the route he would be traveling to his sisters house after a rock concert by one of his
clients, the Grateful Dead.
Yanny was frisked and the vehicle was searched. No drugs or firearms were found, and he was released.
Police later concluded that the tipster had given a false name, leading them to speculate that Yanny had
been set up for harassment.
And Yanny, though he cant prove it, is certain he knows by whom: his former client, the Church of
I am, he said with some pride, probably Public Enemy No. 1 as far as they are concerned.
Today, Yanny and Scientology are locked in bitter litigation. Their dispute illustrates how battles with the
Church of Scientology often degenerate into nasty, costly wars of retribution and endurance.
Yanny worked for the church from 1983 to 1987, earning, by his estimate, $1.8 million in legal fees.
His chief job was to represent Scientology in a suit it brought against a former top church executive
accused of conspiring to steal the churchs secret teachings. In 1986, Yanny scored a major victory for
the church during a pretrial hearing.
But then Yanny and Scientology had a falling out. He says he severed ties because he disagreed with the
tactics the group uses against its critics. Scientology says Yanny was dismissed because his performance
was inadequate. They call him an anti-church demagogue.
Scientology lawyers sued Yanny, accusing him of switching allegiances and of violating the canons of his
profession. They say he fed confidential church information to former members locked in legal battles
with Scientology. He denies the accusation.
They further accused him of submitting extremely inflated bills and of working while intoxicated, an
allegation that was subsequently dropped.
Since the litigation began, Yanny says, he and his friends have been the target of harassment.
He says that his Century City law firm was burglarized four times and that Scientology-related
documents turned up missing; that he has been spied upon by a church plant working as a secretary in
his office; and that private investigators have camped outside his Hermosa Beach residence and
shadowed him when he left.
Jon J. Gaw, a Riverside-area private investigator who has handled a number of Scientology-related
probes in recent years, said in a deposition that he used as many as seven or eight investigators to
conduct surveillance of Yanny between June, 1988 and March, 1989. Two of his operatives took up
residence on a nearby street, Gaw said, and tailed Yanny whenever he ventured outside.
Gaw said he later learned that private detectives for another agency hired by Scientology lawyers had
been spying on Yanny at the same time. That agency employed a woman to live next door to him.
The woman, Michelle Washburn, said in a deposition that she was hired by Al Bei, a former Los Angeles
police officer who has worked as a private investigator on Scientology-related cases.
Joseph Yanny affidavit 13 July 1988 -
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Yanny was also informed of a group of vigilantes known as The Minutemen who were to go beat up dissidents and had in
fact done so.
Executive Directive from L. Ron Hubbard 29 November 1968 The War -

His associate, Karen McRae, was severely beaten by two assailants in Dallas, Texas.
Rick Aznaran, while under surveillance by Church intelligence agents, was the object of a hit and run
accident in the State of Texas.
(Note This is a common black operation by Scientology operatives a car accident.)
His fiancee, Ms. Wilske, was the object of a hit and run auto accident involving the collision of the front
and rear of her vehicle, destroying the car and injuring her.
While under surveillance by Church intelligence agents, he was stopped by 4 police cars and the officers
got out and called him by name. They had information that he was in possession of firearms and cocaine.
Yanny allowed them to search his car and nothing was found by the police. The police then interrogated
the two intelligence agents and found them to be hired by a law firm that represents the church, Williams
& Connolly.
Since he stopped representing the church, his offices had been broken into 3 times, once with a crow
bar, and numerous documents related to the Church were taken.
You may not realize it staff member but there is only one small group that has hammered Dianetics and
Scientology for 18 years. We are using only legal means over the world. We dont stoop to murder and
rough house.
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Note -
More lies told by Ron Hubbard. Crimes were being committed by Church intelligence in their daily running of black intelligence
operations on critics. Sometimes even physical violence was used and there are several cases of suspicious deaths where
murder is likely.

Here is another confidential Policy Letter by L. Ron Hubbard
HCO Policy Letter 28 March 1972 Counter Attack Tactics
D. Where A and C fail, use B.
(a) Wherever an attack is in progress (and even when being held off by counter-propaganda from PR or actions from Legal)
at once swiftly draw up a precise program using Intelligence principles and cross filing to isolate the attacker.
(b) Identify the instigator.
(c) When identified or even suspected as the instigator, draw up a project which includes at least three channels to cost him
his job.
(d) Draw up a second project at once to survey and discover what the person really is defending and threaten it effectively.
(e) Execute the projects rapidly.
(f) On achieving success inform PR so that PR can call off the PR counterattack and capitalize on any information gained if it
does not expose Intelligence.
(g) Inform Legal so Legal can replan and utilize the information also gained to mop up.
NOTE: Intelligence in these regards is not feeding PR and Legal as the only fruit of its endeavors. It is OPERATING
INDEPENDENTLY of these two functions with ITS OWN PRODUCT: I.E. A DISMISSED ATTACKER or its secondary product:
a totally restrained and muzzled attacker.
I (Mike McClaughry) worked for the Church of Scientology intelligence bureau for 8 years. I know of another secret directive
to intelligence bureau staff that gave instructions on how to design covert black intelligence operations.
We were to find the Love, Hate and Protect buttons of the attacker and his associates. These were then used to design
covert black intelligence operations against the critic.
Example of using the Love button The critic loves his wife so design a covert black intelligence operation to get her to leave
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Example of using the Hate button The critics boss hates homosexuals. So design a covert black intelligence operation that
makes the boss think the critic is homosexual. Have a homosexual go into the critics work place and act like the critic is his
Example of using the Protect button The critic is protecting his automobile so design covert black intelligence operations that
cause harm to the automobile.

The intelligence bureau does a full investigation into the critic and all of his associates. They get the critics telephone bill and
find every person associated in any capacity, his relatives, friends, co-workers and even people who provide services such as
his barber.
They then send in covert agents on those people who go to work trying to drive a wedge between the critic and his
associates. They attempt to cut off every person that likes or lends support to the critic. They will spend years and millions of
dollars on this action.
Kennan Dandar was an attorney who was suing the Church. Here is a deposition of Marty Rathbun wherein he talks about this
tactic being used against Kennan Dandar.
Marty I spent six years and 28, 30 million dollars, um, defending that case
Mr. Dandar Was any of that 30 million spent on the private investigators that came after me?
Marty Yes. I can tell you that there were a number of private investigators who went to virtually all of your clients your
former clients who could be found, who talked them up you know, try to buddy up to them, try to get them to detest
or criticize you, and if they could get if they could drive a wedge, theyd work it out over months and years
to get them to turn on you.
I can tell you this, too. sure we got your phone records. Because Im, thats a thats an automatic. Um, but thats done
as a matter of course with somebody with an enemy of your stature. We find out everybody who youre calling. Okay?
And then a whole investigation is done into all those people.
Its like you find every single potential person who knows anything about the person, and then you check every public record
or every record thats thats obtainable.
Then you have covert data collection, and, yes, that involves infiltration. They do that quite quite often.

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Scientology seeks to control people through terror both externally and internally.
The attacks on declared SPs are designed to terrorize people into not publically voicing anything negative about Scientology or
its leaders. Enforced disconnection strikes terror into the people in the Church. They are afraid to voice anything negative
about Church leaders or about Scientology. And they shy away from those that make such statements, even when the
statements are true.
The product of the Guardian Office was acceptances of Scientology. Running black intelligence operations on critics
is not just evil, it is stupid. When you harass them and ruin their life, now he hates Scientology with a passion, it does the
opposite of making him accept Scientology.
So, these Fair Game attacks are not being done out of workability, they are done out of viciousness, desire for monopoly,
and to keep control over church members by threat.
The Fair Game policies and practices do the opposite of the so-called aims of Scientology a world without criminality, insanity
and war. The Fair Game policies and practices make the Church staff members who apply Fair Game criminal, insane and
at war.
You end up with a lunatic criminal who is at war attacking the people who expose them.
The top executives of Scientology are proof of what kind of person Scientology makes.

The Church of Scientology is allied with the Anti-Defamation League in getting laws passed. The ADL is getting legislation
passed to fine and put in jail anyone critical of Jewish beliefs, Jewish leaders, or Jewish literature. Just like what Scientology
Birds of a feather, flock together.

Scientology does not stand for freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. As bad as that is there is
something far worse that shows just how sick it is.
Scientology does not stand for truth. And that goes for the practice of it by any of the groups calling themselves
Scientologists, or using the technology in any way. Of all the things wrong with Scientology, that one stands out as being the
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most important. If a member of the Church, or any person at all, goes around stating truths about Scientology, Ron
Hubbard, the Church, the leadership they will declare you a Suppressive Person and viciously attack you, or in some cases,
try to kill or incapacitate you.
If you state truths, such as Ron Hubbard lied about his background, or that he covertly received Church money, or any other
derogatory truth about him they declare you.
Marty Rathbun of the Independent Scientologists, calls you a Scientology-Hater which is his softened-up term
for the same idea.
The same goes for any other truth the Church leadership or Outside Scientologists do not want known. If you went around
saying David Miscavige altered Scientology issues, or that Miscavige commits crimes they would declare you an SP and
apply Fair Game.
To declare people suppressive and then viciously attack them because they told the truth illuminates how insane, evil, and
sick Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology are.
The Cloak of Nice-Sounding Words
The Creed of the Church is true to form of all slavemaster groups. They seek to hide their dark character behind flowery,
nice-sounding words words like, love, harmony, peace, freedom. Their actions in life are the exact opposite of their nice-
sounding words.
Flowery words are the sheepskin they put over their wolf body to hide they are a wolf.
Creed of the Church of Scientology -

That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to
counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.
That all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their performance.
That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support their own organizations,
churches and governments.
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Those are just words, the Church of Scientology does not practice those words at all.
Freedom of religion includes the right to not believe it. Freedom of speech includes the right to state in public what you do not
believe. Thus Scientology critics have a right to state in public their disagreements with Scientology. But Scientology policy calls
for viciously attacking them for doing so, with the intent to completely ruin the critics life.
If the critic was telling a lie, then show that he lied. That is all the Church needs to do.
It is a madman who ruins peoples lives because they exercised rights and spoke truth.
Scientology Thought Police actions have put the icing on the cake of Scientology evil.
Slavemasters Are Intolerant of Human Rights
In the Fair Game policies Hubbard says those declared by the Church have no rights.
What type of person has no rights? Slaves! Slaves have no rights of any kind!
The Scientology Thought Police are here to trick and force us into being proper slaves.
The freedom to make up your own mind as to what you believe and do not believe and to publically state what you believe
and do not believe is not objected to by anyone except the slavemasters.
It is the slavemasters who are intolerant of freedom of ideas, speech and religion. They demand that all others accept their
false ideas and use force against those who do not.
Fair Game actions against critics and enforced disconnection are slavemaster tactics.
Scientologists are not facing up to just how much their thoughts and actions have been transformed by their participation in
Scientology. They think and act like slavemasters they are robotohumans who allow Scientology datums to dictate their
ideas and behavior.
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Prior to Scientology, very few of them would have acted the way they do after being in Scientology. They would not have
viciously attacked people who publically stated their disagreements with any religion. They would not have forced people to
disconnect from their family and friends just because they expressed their disagreement with any religion.
It is a happy day when you leave any slavemaster group and you go back to being you.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
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Due to false advertising inside the Church, Scientologists believe they will regain (as if they lost them somewheres) all of their
spiritual abilities, like telepathy and ability to leave their body with full perception.
Those who did all the levels in Scientology did not achieve anything close to any of that from doing Scientology.
Scientologists are on a hamster wheel, it is always the next higher level that will deliver the promised goods. They just
keep paying for the next higher level but they never arrive.
The Good
The only thing even vaguely good about Scientology is a Public Relations item only (they dont really live by this) and that is
the idea that You are more.
And, if that were all that Scientology presented to the world it would be fine.
But, that is not all that Scientology is doing in the world.
The Bad
Throughout history there is a repeated phenomena that occurs when a certain fanatical faction deems itself the savior of the
Examples of the phenomena are the Crusades, the Catholic Inquisition, and the Nazis.
Considering itself to have some kind of superior truth to other men it then sets out to enforce its truth upon the rest of
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the world through the use of unjust force. This is an element of fascism.
Fascism is a type of government wherein a dictator maintains his position of power (which he should not have) through the
use of rigid censorship, and forcible suppression of correct opposition.
As leader of his National Fascist Party, Mussolini presented himself as the strong-armed savior of Italy. He made use of a
party militia the Black Shirts to unjustly crush opposition and to maintain his undeserved power.
Fascism sounds like an exact description of the Office of Special Affairs, wherein its intelligence operatives use force to
silence just and accurate criticism of Scientology.
The Church criminal Intelligence bureau can be likened to Mussolinis Black Shirts. Through the Fair Game Law these secret
police have been given a license to kill.
One has to wonder about a truth that can only be spread by bats and clubs, force and propaganda.
Man can be handled by reason alone is one of many falsely idealistic principles, which are preached but not practiced, by
Scientology organizations.
All men have an inalienable right to speak freely, write freely and counter or utter upon the opinion of others part of the
Creed of the Church.
Scientology also promotes itself as the road to truth and the road to total freedom.
Yet individuals and units exist that work to suppress communication, truth and freedoms.
These movements always have the same justifier the glorious end justifies the means.
The Catholic Inquisition was going to rid the world of heretics.
Hitler was going to save the world from the people with bad genes.
Scientology, whether as individuals or as groups and organizations, aim to create a world without insanity, criminality, and
war, where the able can prosper.
Able according to their standards of behavior? What a horrible world that would be and so it is
The Church and individual Scientologists are going make a world without insanity, criminality and war by using fascist units
that are insane, criminal, and at war!
We do not believe Scientology in any form can make a world without insanity, criminality, and war because it bears
within it the seeds of evil from the men that have made the world the way that it is.
These fanatical movements always have the same justifier for their fascist crimes
some admirable goal to whitewash their heinous crimes against humanity.
The truth is no admirable goal will ever make their fascist crimes anything but what they are WRONG.
And that is an inalienable, and integral factor built into the foundations of Scientology it is one of the key things that makes
Scientology bad.
The Ugly
Scientology has violated its senior policy to deliver what was promised.
The promised results from Scientology are:
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Theta Clear
Cleared Theta Clear
Free Spiritual Being
No Theta Clears have been produced.
No Cleared Theta Clears have been produced.
No Free Spiritual Beings have been produced.
That Scientology can produce these last three states is simply a belief (without proof) that Scientologists have.
So, all the harm that is being leveled upon individuals by the Church is based on a belief.
But, even if Scientology could produce these states and people were achieving them that is still no excuse for fascist
crimes against others.
But, worse yet, the promised goods, supposedly justifying these heinous deeds, are not even theirs to give!
Now we have a group that preys upon mans yearning for freedom and all that is decent.
By dangling this carrot in front of him, he continually makes great sacrifices, financial and otherwise but the carrot is always
held out of his reach. Its always the next level that will give him what he came for. He never arrives! He just keeps making
more and more sacrifices for a hope that never comes true.
A group that takes advantage of men by offering hope for things it does not deliver is
And that is what is Ugly about Scientology.
1. Circuit Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Hillsborough County, State of Florida Case No. 97-01235 Jesse Prince
affidavit dated August 1999
2. United States District Court Central District of California, Michael Pattinson vs RTC Case No. 98-3985CAS (SHx)
3. Jesse Prince declaration
4. Stacy Young affidavit, Jesse Prince declaration
5. Letter from Bob Thomas to Terry Milner Bomb threat letters Documents of the United States District Court, District of
Columbia, Washington, DC 20001. Criminal Case Number 78-401. United States of America vs Mary Sue Hubbard, Jane
Kember, and Morris Budlong Paulette Cooper Timeline
6. Inside Scientology by Robert Kaufman
7. Joyce Stephenson declaration, Jesse Prince tape # 2, Vicki Aznaran affidavit, Vaughn Young affidavit
*You can also peruse a complete listing of available Scientology Roots chapters.
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