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Texte 2

8 October 2013
UK firm seeks to market world's first malaria vaccine
British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is seeking regulator a!!ro"al #or the $orld%s #irst
malaria "accine a#ter trial data sho$ed that it had cut the number o# cases in &#rican children'
(x!erts sa that the are o!timistic about this !ossibilit'
)alaria* a mos+uito,borne !arasitic disease* kills hundreds o# thousands o# !eo!le $orld$ide
e"er ear' Scientists sa an e##ecti"e "accine is ke to attem!ts to eradicate it'
-he "accine kno$n as .-S*S $as #ound to ha"e almost hal"ed the number o# malaria cases
in oung children and b about 2/0 in in#ants in the trial' 1Based on these data* GSK no$
intends to submit* in 2012* a regulator a!!lication to the (uro!ean )edicines &genc
(()&)*1 GSK said in a statement'
GlaxoSmithKline is de"elo!ing .-S*S $ith the non,!ro#it 3ath )alaria 4accine 5nitiati"e
()45)* su!!orted b #unding #rom the Bill 6 )elinda Gates 7oundation' -he com!an has
been de"elo!ing the "accine #or three decades' 8'''9
1)an millions o# malaria cases #ill the $ards o# our hos!itals*1 said :alidou -into* a lead
in"estigator on the .-S*S trial #rom Burkina 7aso' 13rogress is being made $ith bed nets
and other measures* but $e need more tools to battle this terrible disease'1
-he malaria trial $as &#rica%s largest,e"er clinical trial in"ol"ing almost 1/*/00 children in
se"en countries' -he #indings $ere !resented at a medical meeting in ;urban* South &#rica'
(2<1 mots)
Texte 2
8 octobre 2013
La compagnie pharmaceutique GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) demande
lapprobation rglementaire pour lintroduction du premier !accin contre la
malaria (paludi"me) # une maladie para"itaire tran"mi"e par la piq$re d%un
mou"tique qui tue de" millier" de per"onne" dan" le monde&
Le" donne" de la priode de""ai ont dmontr" une diminution de" ca"
che' le" en(ant" a(ricain"& Le" expert" di"ent )tre optimi"te" quant * cette
po""ibilit& +n !accin e((icace e"t la cl pour tenter dradiquer la maladie&
Le !accin# ,-S#S "a!.re a!oir coup de moiti le nombre de ca" de
malaria che' le" /eune" en(ant" et den!iron 201 che' le" nou!eau2n"&
3 Se ba"ant "ur ce" donne"# GSK peut maintenant tenter de "oumettre
en 2014# une application rglementaire * l5gence europenne de"
mdicament" (6765)# 8 explique lentrepri"e dan" un communiqu&
GlaxoSmithKline d!eloppe ce !accin depui" pr." de troi" dcennie" a!ec
laide de l9:;L l%<nitiati!e =accin contre le paludi"me de >5-? (7=<)
"upport (inanci.rement par la @ondation :ill A 7elinda Gate"&
3 >lu"ieur" million" de ca" de malaria rempli""ent le" "alle" de no"
hBpitaux# 8'''9 Ce" progr." "ont (ait" a!ec le" (ilet" de lit" et autre"
me"ure" mai" nou" a!on" be"oin de plu" doutil" pour combattre cette
Texte 2
maladie terrible&8 rapporte ?alidou -into# un in!e"tigateur principal "ur
le""ai du ,-S#S au :urDina @a"o&
Lopration (ut le plu" grand e""ai clinique de l5(rique# impliquant pr." de
10 000 en(ant" dan" E paF"& Le" r"ultat" ont t" pr"ent" dan" une
rencontre mdicale * Curban en 5(rique du Sud&

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