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An Examination of Governments Strategies for Adopting Computer Use for e-Learning

Implementation in Nigeria
!ora"e En#elim N#a$un#ene
%e"em$er& '()(
*a$le of Contents
Title Page .. .. .. 1
Table of Contents .. .. .. 2
Abstract .. .. .. 3
1.0 Introduction .. .. .. 4
2.0 Literature Review .. .. .. 4
2.1 Conceptual Framework .. .. .. 4
2.2 Theoretical Framework .. .. .. 5
2.3 Trends in e-Learning in Nigeria .. .. .. 5
2.4 Nigerias e-Learning Technologies .. .. .. !
2.5 "o#ernments $trategies %or e-Learning &mplementation in
Nigeria' (sing the Computer .. .. .. )
3.0 indings! Anal"sis and #iscussion .. .. .. $
4.0 Conclusion .. .. .. %
&.0 Reco''endations .. .. .. %
(ibliogra)*" .. .. .. +
A))endices .. .. .. 13
T*is review is a secondar" researc*,based e-a'ination of t*ose strategies w*ic* t*e
.igerian govern'ent *as ta/en towards ensuring t*at co')uters are used for e,learning in t*e
countr". It s*ows t*at in bot* t*e )rivate and )ublic sectors! govern'ent *as 'ade its i')act and
*as ado)ted strategies for i')le'enting e,learning. 0overn'ent *as )artnered wit* Intel
Cor)oration! for e-a')le! to )rovide co')uters to sc*ools! but it observes t*at 'ost of t*e
strategies of govern'ent! are not )ro)erl" i')le'ented. It 'aintains t*at govern'ent can do better!
if it can re,strategise! and s)ecificall" do first t*ings! first! and last t*ings! last.
+ey#ords e,learning! e,collaboration! ICTs! govern'ent! )ublic sector! )rivate sector.
),( Introdu"tion
T*e focus of ever" govern'ent! is t*e )rovision of t*e essential needs of its citi1ens
2#ea/ins et al! 20103. T*is is )re'ised on t*e fact t*at! fro' education 2Cordoba,Pac*on 4 5rr!
200+3! to infrastructural develo)'ent 25* 4 Teo! 20103! *ealt* 26uang! 200+3! and social services
2Previtali 4 (of! 200+3! a'ong ot*ers! govern'ent is co''itted to its citi1ens. A)art fro'
)roviding for its 'ass citi1ens! govern'ent sustains t*e )rovisions 27auff'an 4 7u'ar! 200%3! and
ensures t*at t*e" 'eet wit* evolving trends! globall" 2Linna! et al! 20108 Pre'a11i et al! 20103. In
essence! education! t*erefore! *as continued to evolve fro' analogue 2Cordoba,Pac*on 4 5rr!
200+3! to digital 2Adcroft et al! 20103.
It is t*e )ur)ose of t*is review! to e-a'ine t*e strategies of t*e .igerian govern'ent in
furt*ering t*e develo)'ent of e,learning! using co')uters 2A9adi et al! 200%8 Adcroft et al! 20103. It
t*erefore! e-a'ines related literature t*roug* t*eir conce)ts and t*eories! assesses trends in e,
learning in .igeria! understands certain e,learning tec*nologies in .igeria! and reviews t*e
strategies of t*e .igerian govern'ent! for t*e )rocess. inall"! it )resents its findings! anal"sis!
discussion and conclusion! w*ile 'a/ing a))licable reco''endations.
',( Literature -evie#
T*is review is underta/en using secondar" data fro' )eer,reviewed 9ournal articles and
',) Con"eptual .rame#or/
T*e *arnessing of t*e diverse innate )otentials of individuals! is seen b" (*atnagar 4 Rao
220103! as t*e )ri'ar" )reoccu)ation of e,services and e,a))lications! and a))licabl"! e,learning. It
is suggested t*at t*e introduction of infor'ation and co''unication tec*nologies 2ICTs3! in t*e
i')artation of /nowledge 2C1erniewic1! 200$3! is an ade:uate definition for t*e conce)t! and
Loebbec/e et al 220103! *ave e:uall" suggested t*at for all electronic a))lications and services! t*e
underl"ing content is ICT.
T*ere is a relativel" close lin/ between education and ICT! because! e,learning is furt*ered
w*en co')uters are )ut to use in t*e teac*ing and learning )rocess. According to 7eating et al
2200+3! t*ere is an obvious connection a'ong t*e various e,services and a))lications! and t*is is
because! eac* of t*e activities! are su))orted b" ICT. 6owever! t*is 'a" not be t*e sa'e for all e,
services and a))lications! because ;*a 2200+3! argues t*at! )rior to t*e advent of t*e electronic
s"ste' in businesses! several s"ste's! and notabl" financial activities! were done wit*out ICTs. It is
seriousl" dis)uted b" Previtali 4 (of 2200+3! w*o argue t*at! an" a))lication or service t*at does
not entail t*e use of ICT! is not e,based! because! t*at! according to t*e'! is t*e essence of t*e
electronic conce)t. It is furt*er stated b" <rig*t 4 Pande" 2200+3! t*at! t*e a))lication of electronic
s"ste's in t*e )ublic sector 2and as it a))lies! in education and learning3! is t*e tool needed for
transfor'ing t*e sector. According to t*e'! t*e structure of t*e organisation and its s"ste's! are )ut
in )ro)er s*a)e! wit* t*e introduction of ICTs in ad'inistration.
It goes to s*ow t*at! e,learning! 9ust li/e ot*er e,services and a))lications! are in e-istence!
because! ICT! w*ic*! according to Peng and <oodloc/ 2200+3! are electronic,based tec*nologies
for en*ancing infor'ation and co''unication! is t*e base for its o)eration and a))lication.
',' *0eoreti"al .rame#or/
T*ere are )ers)ectives in relation to t*e t*eoretical fra'ewor/ for t*is review and in
ado)ting t*eir =ar/et Acce)tabilit" =odel! 6ou and (lodgett 220103! insist t*at! in ever" 'ar/et!
t*ere are bu"ers to t*e e-tre'e left! and sellers! to t*e e-tre'e rig*t. T*e" 'aintain t*at bu"ers
'ust not alwa"s acce)t sellers> offers! 9ust as sellers 'ust not alwa"s 'a/e goods available to
bu"ers. In a))lication! t*is indicates t*at in e,learning and t*e )rovision of e,services! t*ere are two
sides and )ersonalities involved. T*ese )ersonalities! according to ;ing* et al 220103! are t*e
)roviders and t*e users.
In anot*er vein! Lo)e1,.icolas 4 =erono,Cerdan 2200+3! introduce t*eir T*eoretical =odel
2igure 13! w*ic* see/s to align ICT! wit* its use for 7nowledge =anage'ent! in t*e organisation.
T*e" sub'it t*at ever" organisation *as its uni:ue clan! 'ar/et! *ierarc*"! as well as ad*ocrac"!
and state t*at! if ICT 'ust 'eet t*e /nowledge 'anage'ent need of t*e organisation! it 'ust be
codified and )ersonalised. T*eir )osition see's a))licable to e,learning in organisations! es)eciall"
w*en it is considered t*at! ever" e,learning strateg"! 'ust be tailored in suc* a wa" t*at t*e" fit into
t*e s)ecific culture and nor's 26wang! 200+3! of t*e various organisations.
',1 *rends in e-Learning in Nigeria
T*e abilit" of e,learning to t*rive and wa- stronger! is attributed to its acce)tabilit" and use
2Tan et al! 20103! b" its various sta/e*olders. It *as 'aintained its a))lication! bot* in business
2Rie'er! 4 Le*r/e! 200+3! and in )ublic sector education institutions 20ruber et al! 20103. It *as
e:uall" ado)ted ter'inologies! fro' tec*nolog",su))orted learning 2Intel! 200$a3! to distance
learning! online learning! web,based training! and e,learning 2Intel! 200$b3. In effect! t*e )aradig'
s*ift is regarding t*e transition of t*e conce)t! to suit s)ecific )ur)oses! as t*e" evolved.
In .igeria! t*e trend is si'ilar to w*at obtains elsew*ere! but Lin 4 (*attac*er9ee 2200%3!
believe t*at a ver" i')ortant trend in e,learning! is its a))lication as a business strateg". T*e" )osit
t*at e,learning! for businesses serves t*e function of en*ancing t*e co')etenc" of t*e organisation!
a'ong ot*ers. urt*er'ore! t*e" identif" anot*er trend of e,learning as *aving suites! w*ic* are
integrated! and are broadl"! in suc* categories as content! services and tec*nolog". T*is )osition is
accorded so'e credence b" =unteanu et al 220103! w*o feel t*at t*e trend of e,learning! is its
blending of traditional and conte')orar" for's.
In a si'ilar vein! Ledden 4 7alafatis! 220103! state t*at t*e learning 'anage'ent s"ste'>s
disa))earance fro' t*e scene of businesses! is a re'ar/able trend! because! it *as o)ened u)
awareness to t*e effect t*at! no one strateg" is good enoug* for 'anaging t*e business learning
)rocess. T*us! it i')lies t*at e,learning! w*ic* see's li/e t*e current strongest lin/ for
transfor'ing businesses 2<rig*t 4 Pande"! 200+3! cannot be an all,enco')assing strateg" after all.
',2 Nigerias e-Learning *e"0nologies
According to =ul*e'! 2200+3 4 <ulf 4 ?arne/ow 220103! e,learning tec*nologies go
be"ond identif"ing ICTs! as t*e 'ain tec*nologies! to include s)ecific distribution 'et*ods for t*e
tec*nologies. T*ese include C#.,based distribution! )eer,to,)eer distribution! centralised internet
*osting! as well as direct *o'ing.
In contrast! rancesc*i et al! 2200+3 4 5ti' 4 0rover 220103! believe t*at a line s*ould be
drawn between t*e co')uter and ICT. T*e" insist t*at ICT is an all,enco')assing ter'inolog" for
several tec*nologies for furt*ering electronic infor'ation and co''unication! including t*e
co')uter! but t*at t*e co')uter alone! does not include ot*er tec*nologies. T*us! ICT s*ould be a
'ore general ter'! w*en reference is 'ade to! or about t*e a))lication of several tec*nologies for
electronic infor'ation and co''unication use 27eller! 200+8 Peng 4 <oodloc/! 200+8 Rie'er et
al! 200+3.
In addition! Rie'er et al 2200+38 Alter 220103 4 #uan 220103! identif" e,collaboration! as an
essential constituent of e,learning tec*nologies! and believe t*at t*e strengt* of e,collaboration!
w*ic*! for t*e'! is t*e tendenc" to wor/ toget*er! using ICTs! is *inged on its trend! w*ic* drives
its e'ergence 2igure 23. It is generall" understood t*at e,learning tec*nologies! are e'erging! and
evolving! so t*at! 9ust li/e ot*er e,a))lications! t*ere are bound to be variations and differences
2Andrews et al! 200$8 9er'estad 4 Ro'ano! 200%8 Previtalli 4 (of! 200+3.
T*e .igerian case is not different fro' w*at obtains globall". @,learning tec*nologies are
evolving in .igeria! and alt*oug* t*e co')uter and its a))lications are )redo'inantl" useful in
bot* )ublic and )rivate organisations 2Ag"e'an! 200$3! 'ore tec*nologies are e-)ected to co'e u)
and aid t*e e,learning )rocess in .igeria.
',3 Governments Strategies for e-Learning Implementation in Nigeria& Using t0e
T*e strategies of t*e .igerian govern'ent for i')le'enting e,learning! using t*e co')uter!
are e-a'ined fro' a grou)ing of t*e sectors as bot* )ublic and )rivate 2C*ea 4 Luo! 200%3. T*e
govern'ent of .igeria *as invested *uge su's of 'one" for training its )ractitioners to understand
and atte')t to i')le'ent t*e various evolutionar" c*anges in e,learning! globall" 2Ag"e'an! 200$8
Intel! 200$b3. In effect! t*e strengt* of govern'ent>s strategies! lies in understanding t*at t*e
structure and foundation for e,services and e,a))lications! 'ust be well,laid! for success 20eng et
al! 200+3.
According to Liao et al 220103! t*ere are stages for t*e i')le'entation of all e,related tas/s!
suc* as conce)tion! i')le'entation 'onitoring and evaluation. It is e-)ected t*at t*ese stages are
also! followed b" t*e .igerian govern'ent! for e,learning i')le'entation. T*is is not t*e case!
because! t*e .igerian govern'ent! alt*oug* see'ingl" investing *ugel" in e,learning )ro9ects
2Intel! 200$b3! *as s/i))ed stages and done certain first t*ings last! and so'e ot*er last t*ings! first
2C1erniewic1! 200$8 A9adi et al! 200%3! for e-a')le! .igerian govern'ent! ventured into bu"ing
co')uters and installing t*e'! wit*out t*e necessar" infrastructures and training for )ersonnel on
ground 2A9adi et al! 200%3.
#es)ite t*ese inefficiencies! t*e govern'ent *as )artnered wit* )ublic and )rivate sector
)la"ers in ICT! and Intel Cor)oration! for e-a')le! is )roviding )ersonal co')uters to sc*ool )u)ils
and students! across .igeria 2Intel! 200$a8 Intel! 200$b8 Intel! 200%33. In addition! t*e govern'ent
)lans to e')ower t*e various =inistries and Parastatals! including involving t*e )rivate sector! to
activel" )artici)ate in creating awareness! and develo)ing e,learning in .igeria 2Intel! 200$b3.
In t*e case of awareness creation! govern'ent *as reall" 'ade i')acts t*roug* t*e 'edia
2)rint and electronic3! and ot*er avenues! but *as not reall" ado)ted ot*er strategies! suc* as 'obile
advertising 27olsa/er 4 #ra/atos! 200+3! for t*is )ur)ose. According to ;ing* et al 220103! t*e
i')rove'ent of e,govern'ent 2and b" i')lication! e,learning3! 'ust entail bringing it to t*e
attention of t*e )eo)le continuall".
1,( .indings& Analysis and %is"ussion
T*is review *as revealed t*at govern'ent>s e,learning strategies in .igeria! involves bot*
t*e )rivate and )ublic sector! and *as evolved and /ee)s evolving! to include t*e introduction of
T*e .igerian govern'ent *as deliberatel" e'bar/ed on several 'oves to ensure t*at it is
full" i')le'ented in .igeria! and *as! conse:uentl"! strategi1ed b" )rocuring co')uters! to
acco''odate its evolution. 0overn'ent *as )artnered wit* several organisations! notabl"! Intel
Cor)oration! to )rovide PCs! and )rovide training for its use and a))lication.
T*e )rovision of PCs and ot*er a))lications or accessories! is not enoug*. T*ese PCs 'ust
be )ut to use! and infrastructures for *ousing t*e'! 'ust be )ut in )lace. T*us! govern'ent>s
strategies for t*e i')le'entation of e,learning in .igeria co'e under serious scrutin"! and re,
2,( Con"lusion
.igeria as a nation! is co'ing of age in t*e ado)tion of e,learning in all :uarters. T*e
govern'ent is seriousl" atte')ting to institute t*e a))lication of e,learning in .igeria! but efforts at
t*is are 'et wit* series of inefficiencies and uncoordinated 'oves b" its re)resentatives.
It is e-)edient to observe! t*at! e,learning is 'ainl" i')le'ented in t*e )ri'ar" and
secondar" sc*ools! "et! wit*out structures on ground.
Its ga) is on t*e fact t*at it enco')asses e,learning in bot* t*e )rivate and )ublic sectors!
and it is e-)ected t*at future review will focus on e-a'ining suc* strategies! as t*e" )ertain! eit*er
to t*e )ublic sector! or t*e )rivate sector.
3,( -e"ommendations
It is reco''ended t*at t*e govern'ent of .igeria! s*ould re,strategise and focus on ta/ing
se:uential ste)s for i')le'enting t*e strategies for t*e use of co')uters for e,learning.
Also! all e,learning )ro9ects! s*ould nor'all" be for its target users! and not for an" ot*er
)erson or grou).
urt*er'ore! t*e e,learning )ro9ect in .igeria! 'ust be 'onitored and evaluated! w*et*er
wit*in )rivate or )ublic sector :uarters! so t*at as 'uc* as )ossible! la)ses are alwa"s identified!
and t*en! of course! corrected.
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Figure 1: Theoretical Model
Source: o!e"#$icolas % Merono#&erdan '())*+
Figure (: Trends in e#&ollaboration
Source: Riemer et al '())*+

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