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1 Woodland Creatures
Vclcomc to thc rst ol our Chronicle System rclcascs,
Woodland Creatures.
Tc Chronicle System is thc namc wcvc givcn to thc mc
chanics cnginc that runs A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying.
Vhilc thc rulcs ol this systcm wcrc dcsigncd spccically
lor Gcorgc R.R. Martins Vcstcros, thcy will work just as
wcll lor any othcr sctting.
!n ordcr to lacilitatc such gamc play, wc arc dcvclop
ing a scrics ol modulcs undcr thc Chronicle System namc,
providing ncw clcmcnts and idcas lor usc with thc systcm
that might not always t into thc cstablishcd world ol A
Song of Ice and Fire. Vc lccl this will givc Narrators morc
choiccs and plcnty ol cxibility to makc thcir gamcs truly
thcir own, whcthcr thcy arc adapting thc systcm to a sct
ting ol thcir own, or simply providing thcir playcrs with
a Vcstcros that divcrgcs in somc way lrom thc acccptcd
canon. Plcasc kccp an cyc out lor ncw Chronicle System
Tis product is a bcstiary lor thc Chronicle System, dividcd
into lour scctions, locusing on somc ol thc crcaturcs onc
might nd living in and around woodland arcas.
Tc Animals scction cxpands thc gamc stats lor normal
animals, with an cmphasis on lorcstdwclling crcaturcs.
Tcsc animals arc pcrlcctly suitcd lor thc Animal Cohort
8cnct, as wcll as thosc instanccs whcrc thcy might bc
cncountcrcd, such as on hunting trips. Tis scction also cx
pands on thc rulcs lor training animals.
Tc Beasts scction locuscs on crcaturcs ol roughly animal
intclligcncc and capability, although thcy arc not lound in
our modcrn rcal world. Crcaturcs ol dirc sizc, strangc (but
plausiblc) physiology, and wcird nichcs in thcir cnviron
mcnt all lall into this catcgory.
Woodland Creatures
Te Horrors, on the other hand, are explicitly fantastic
and quite monstrous. Many of these things have the faint-
est touch of magic to them, or are otherwise far more intel-
ligent that one might expect such creatures to be. Horrors
are usually quite rare in low-magic, gritty fantasy settings,
but more common in high-magic tales.
Finally, the Legends. Tese creatures are overtly magi-
cal or otherwise fantastic. In low-magic, gritty fantasy set-
tings, they are the subjects of legends and stories, often
fearful ones. Whole bodies of superstition and myth may
crop up around them, and they may have been more com-
mon at some point in the past.
Because of the scale the Chronicle System operates on,
the terrors in this book might not just threaten individual
characters that encounter them, but also entire domains
unfortunate enough to be near or even within the wood-
lands that the creatures call home.
With the Narrators permission, players may purchase
the following Domain Drawbacks.
Woodland Domain
Purchasing a Domain Drawback grants a small pool of
points that may be directly added as bonus points to other
Resources at domain generation. Tese points may not be
added to any Resources that are penalized by the Draw-
backs, however.
Beast-Infested 2 points
Te woodland domain of choice is infested with a beast
of some kind, chosen from the Beasts chapter of this or
other Chronicle System Bestiary works. Attacks against
individuals traveling through the forest are common, and
even travel in groups is no guarantee of safety.
Gain a -1 to House Fortune rolls. Population Resource
decreases due to a House Fortunes roll are increased by 1.
Horror-Prowled 4 points
Something unwholesome and hungry haunts your woods,
chosen from the Horrors chapter of this or other Chron-
icle System Bestiary works. You lose smallfolk to it all the
time, and occasionally patrolling soldiers run afoul of the
horror as well.
Gain a -1 to House Fortune rolls. Population and Power
Resource decreases due to a House Fortunes roll are in-
creased by 1.
Legend-Haunted 6 points
Tales are told of your woodlands, and the mystical, ac-
cursed thing therein, chosen from the Legends chapter
of this or other Chronicle System Bestiary works. Your
smallfolk have generations of tales about it, and probably
a handful of superstitious protections supposed to protect
against it. So fearful are those tales, and widely spoken of,
that many merchants refuse to enter your domain.
Gain a -2 to House Fortunes rolls. Population, Power
and Wealth Resources decreases due to a House Fortunes
roll are increased by 1.
Attacking Small Targets
As a reminder, any target in combat that is signicantly smaller than its attacker gains a +2 to Combat Defense
due to the discrepancy in size. A solid majority of the creatures in the Animals section qualify for this bonus if they
are attacked by an opponent of adult human size.
Likewise, any target that is signicantly greater in size than its attacker receives a -2 penalty to Combat Defense
due to its great size. Tis generally includes creatures of horse-size or larger against an opponent of adult human
Troughout this work, we have included the modied Combat Defense for creatures ghting adult human-
sized opponents in parentheses. Tus, an eagle has a Combat Defense of 10 (12), reecting the +2 Combat De-
fense bonus it gains against larger opponents.
3 Woodland Creatures
vcn in a sctting that might bc callcd high magic, thc
woodlands arc usually populatcd mostly by normal ani
mals. Tough thcy arc usually quitc shy ol thc pcoplc who
tromp through thcir lorcst homc, it is not uncommon to
cncountcr thcsc crcaturcs, whcthcr as chancc cncountcrs,
as thc prcy ol a noblcs (or poachcrs) hunt, or cvcn scrving
at thc sidc ol thosc with thc skill to train thcm.
Tis chaptcr prcscnts a sct ol cxpandcd training rulcs lor
domcsticating and tcaching animals ol a varicty ol tricks
and rolcs, including a sct ol 8cncts lor thosc charactcrs
who spccializc in that task. !t also includcs a sct ol stats lor
normal animals that might bc lound in a woodland sctting,
adding to thc animals lound in CHAPTER 11 ol thc A Song
of Ice and Fire Roleplaying (SIFRP) corc book.
Training Rules
Training an animal to pcrlorm a singlc task or rolc rcquircs
an Animal Handling (Train) xtcndcd tcst, rcquiring a
numbcr ol succcsslul tcsts cqual to thc animals Vill mi
nus Cunning (minimum 1). ach tcst assumcs a wcck ol
rcgular training, working with thc animal lor scvcral hours
cvcry day. Tc iculty ol this roll is bascd on thc animals
Vill rating:
Animal Training Difficulties
Will 1 Routinc (6)
Will 2 Challcnging (9)
Will 3 Formidablc (12)
Will 4 Hard (15)
Will 5 \cry Hard (18)
An animal may lcarn a numbcr ol tricks cqual to its
Cunning. Altcr that, training cach additional trick incrcas
cs thc iculty ol thc task by 3, cumulativc.
Tcsc individual Tricks can oltcn bc lcarncd by a varicty ol
animals, cach pcrlorming thcm somcwhat dicrcntly lrom
onc anothcr. Commanding an animal to usc onc ol thcsc
Tricks is an Animal Handling tcst, with thc Charm Spc
cialty, unlcss othcrwisc notcd in thc Trick.
Somc animals may nd thcmsclvcs in situations whcrc
thcy may try and throw o thc training in ordcr to rc
act according to thcir instincts, c.g., a dog wanting to bark
at somcthing whcn hcs bccn ordcrcd to bc silcnt, a horsc
wishing to cc lrom rc whcn it has bccn ordcrcd to stay
and thc likc. Vhcn thc mastcr is prcscnt, it is a simplc
Animal Handling tcst against thc animals passivc Vill, il
thc mastcr is not prcscnt, it is thc animals Vill tcst against
thc mastcrs passivc Animal Handling.
Agility Tests Dogs, Horses
Tc animal is traincd to pcrlorm a varicty ol lcaping and
agility tricks. For dogs this is usually lcaping through
hoops, and lor lightcr animals, tumbling and ipping. For
horscs this is oltcn coursc navigation, lcaping lcnccs and
thc likc.
Attack Dogs, Horses, Ravens
Vith this command, thc animal will attack any individual
that is currcntly mcnacing its mastcr. Horscs traincd to
this will lash out with hoovcs, which is rarcly a natural
inclination. A ridcr giving this command lrom horscback
may usc thc Ridc Spccialty.
Bear a Rider Dogs, Horses
Tc animal is traincd to bcar a ridcr, with or without sad
dlc. Tc ridcr must bc ol a sizc and wcight that thc animal
could rcasonably bcar. No roll is ncccssary to havc thc ani
mal pcrlorm this lunction, although all commands givcn
whilc in thc saddlc usc thc Ridc Spccialty.
Bear a Burden Dogs, Horses, Ravens
Tc animal is traincd to bcar burdcns on thcir backs or
pull wayns and slcighs as appropriatc lor thcir sizc. Ravcns
traincd to this will carry mcssagcs ticd to thcir lcgs without
trying to rid thcmsclvcs ol it. All commands givcn with
this skill usc thc rivc Spccialty.
Charm Dogs, Horses
Tc animal will pcrlorm any numbcr ol traincd actions that
most pcoplc nd cntcrtaining or cndcaring: bows, counting
tricks, cliciting sympathy by drooping cars and sighing and
thc likc. Tc animal can also pcrlorm basic dancc stcps to
Woodland Creatures
music, and animals with both this trick and thc Agility Tcsts
Trick can pcrlorm quitc advanccd danccs.
Come Dogs, Horses, Raptors, Ravens
Tc animal is traincd to comc whcn callcd. ogs, horscs,
and ravcns will answcr to thcir namcs or a whistlc, raptors
usually arc traincd to a bcll or whistlc.
Fetch Dogs, Ravens
Tc animal is traincd to lctch cithcr somcthing that is
thrown by thc mastcr, or rctricvc a spccic kind ol itcm,
such as lood, shiny things, picccs ol papcr and thc likc. An
animal may bc traincd to this Trick multiplc timcs, cach
timc adding anothcr kind ol itcm it will lctch.
Guard Dogs, Horses
Tis command causcs thc animal to cithcr rcmain in onc
spot and guard it against cvcryonc it is not lamiliar with,
or to rcmain with and protcct an individual, dcsignatcd
by thc mastcr placing that pcrsons hand on thc animals
ank whilc giving thc command. An animal with this
training issucs a vocal warning to thosc gctting too ncar
to it.
Harry Dogs, Raptors
Somc animals can bc traincd to harry an opponcnt, dis
tracting thcm lrom thcir tasks. Hounds will bark and snap,
somctimcs cvcn grabbing onto limbs and pulling, whilc
raptors ap in a targcts lacc with wings and talons. An op
poncnt who is harricd is 1 on all tcsts until thc animal
is rccallcd or stoppcd.
Heel & Stay Dogs, Horses, Raptors, Ravens
Vith this command, thc animal rcmains calmly bcsidc thc
mastcr, rcmaining with him whcn cithcr walking or stand
ing still. Tc animal can also bc commandcd to rcmain in
onc placc. Raptors and ravcns will lollow a mastcr lrom thc
air, but cannot bc commandcd to stay in onc placc.
5 Woodland Creatures
Silence Dogs, Horses, Raptors
Vith this command, thc animal rclrains lrom making its
normal vocalizations. ogs and horscs with this command
also activcly cmploy thcir Stcalth to kccp lrom making un
duc noisc by thcir passagc.
Speak Ravens
Tough all ravcns pick up thc occasional word hcrc and
thcrc, this training tcachcs a ravcn a small vocabulary ol
words that it can usc to communicatc ccrtain conccpts
such as hungcr, a warning and thc likc.
Terrain Traveling Horses
Vith this training, a horsc is traincd to navigatc through
tcrrain that it would normally nd dicult, such as wct
lands or mountains. Vhcn in that tcrrain, thc horscs
movcmcnt is calculatcd as though it wcrc in onc catcgory
ol tcrrain bcttcr (cscrts, Hills and Light Voods bccomc
as Plains, and Mountains, Vctlands and cnsc Voods
arc trcatcd as though thcy wcrc cscrts, Hills, and Light
Voods). Tcrc arc no rolls involvcd in thc usc ol this kind
ol training, which bccomcs sccond naturc to thc mount.
Track Dogs
Vhcn givcn a strong sccnt to lollow, thc dog can lollow
thc trail lclt by that sccnt with a Survival tcst. ach milc
ol trail rcquircs an additional tcst. Situations that might
throw o or conlusc thc sccnt, such as moving into a hcav
ily populatcd arca, a body ol watcr or strongcr sccnts likc
rc or blood can all lorcc rctcsts as wcll, oltcn at highcr
Wear Barding Dogs, Horses
Tc animal is traincd to bcar armor that is sizcd and t
tcd lor its shapc. Tcrc arc no rolls involvcd in thc usc ol
this kind ol training, which bccomcs sccond naturc to thc
Unlikc othcr Tricks, thcsc arc a spccic lunction lor thc
animal, rathcr than an individual limitcd command. Tcsc
arc jobs, as it wcrc, training thc animal to thc numcrous
commands and situations ncccssary to lunction in this ca
pacity. ach rolc is considcrcd a singlc Trick, and cach roll
to tcach a Rolc counts as two wccks. No animal may bc
traincd to morc than onc Rolc.
Entertainer (+3 Difficulty) Dogs, Horses
Tc animal is traincd to pcrlorm in onc ol many ways: as
a show animal ol somc kind, or pcrlorming alongsidc an
cntcrtaincr. Tc animal is assumcd to know thc Agility Tcsts
and Charm Tricks, and cithcr thc Fctch or Spcak Trick.
Falconry-Trained (+3 Difficulty) Raptors, Ravens
8irds traincd thusly can bc uscd lor hunting. Hawks and
ravcns arc launchcd lrom thc st to y out and attack
gamc birds ushcd lrom thc surrounding wilds, whilc
lalcons and caglcs arc launchcd lrom an acric and lollow
thc mastcr, watching carclully lor any gamc birds or small
gamc likc rabbits that thcy can strikc. Tcsc animals arc
assumcd to know thc Attack, Fctch, and Hccl & Stay
Farmer (+0 Difficulty) Horses.
Tc animal is traincd as a larm animal, lor thc myriad pur
poscs to which horscs arc put on thc larm. Tc animal is as
sumcd to know thc 8car a Ridcr and 8car a 8urdcn Tricks.
Training Non-
Standard Animals
Fantasy is rich with animal companions, oltcn
traincd to a dcgrcc that is actually impossiblc with
such animals in thc rcal world. Tc Tricks and Rolcs
dcscribcd in this scction includc mcntion ol thc
kinds ol animals most oltcn traincd to such tasks.
Tc Narrator, ol coursc, has thc option ol adding
animals to thc lists lor any ol thcsc tasks to rccct
thc rcalitics ol hcr sctting. Additionally, il a charac
tcr wishcs to train an animal in a task not normally
availablc to an animal ol that typc, thc Narrator who
wishcs to allow it (but not makc it standard) might
incrcasc thc animals ccctivc Vill by 1 or 2 lor
thc purposc ol that training.
Gcncrally spcaking, insccts and rcptilcs (with
somc cxccptions) cannot bc traincd.
Woodland Creatures
Guard (+6 Difficulty) Dogs
Traincd as guardians, thcsc dogs arc oltcn uscd as housc
hold dclcnsc, and arc ssumcd to havc thc Attack, Comc,
Guard, and Hccl & Stay Tricks.
Herder (+3 Difficulty) Dogs
Tc animal is traincd to assist with corralling a hcrd animal
ol somc kind, patrolling thcir cdgcs to kccp thcm togcthcr
and dclcnd against prcdators. Tc animal is assumcd to
know thc Comc, Guard, and Hccl & Stay Tricks.
House (+0 Difficulty) Dogs
Tc animal is traincd to livc indoors, wcllsocializcd, quict
and tcnding to its wastcs outdoors rathcr than insidc. Tc
animal is assumcd to know thc Hccl & Stay and Silcncc
Hunter (+6 Difficulty) Dogs
ogs with this training arc taught to bc hunting compan
ions, rcmaining ncar thc mastcr until thcy arc givcn word
to ush out thc prcy. Tcy rangc outward, barking to drivc
largcr prcy back towards thc hunting party. Tc animal is
assumcd to havc thc Attack, Fctch, Hccl & Stay, and Track
Warrior (+6 Difficulty) Dogs, Horses
Tc animal with this training has bccn accustomcd to thc
chaos, blood, and pain ol battlc, and will not spook in such
situations. Such animals arc considcrcd to havc thc Attack,
Guard, Hccl & Stay, and Vcar 8arding Tricks lor dogs, or
thc Attack, 8car Ridcr, Guard, and Vcar 8arding Tricks lor
horscs. Tcsc animals qualily as wartraincd lor thc pur
posc ol thosc rulcs that rcquirc it in thc SIFRP corc systcm.
Trainer Benefits
Tc lollowing 8cncts arc lor charactcrs with a notablc
talcnt lor training animals. Such individuals may nd a
placc in any lords rctinuc as a Mastcr ol Horsc or Mas
tcr ol Kcnncls, or may undcrtakc thcir skills lor thcir own
bcnct and prot.
Master Trainer (Ability)
Your welath of experience means animals trained by
you learn their tasks quickly and efficiently.
Tc timc to train an animal is halvcd whcn you do thc
training. You gain cithcr two rolls pcr wcck to tcach Tricks,
or onc roll cvcry wcck to tcach a Rolc.
Way with Beasts (Ability)
Whether because of natural empathy, or supernatural
connection, animals seem to trust and favor you.
Your anity with animals is almost lcgcndary. Rcroll all
1s on all Animal Handling tcsts. Additionally, animals you
train arc considcrcd to havc onc additional point ol Cun
ning lor thc purposcs ol dctcrmining how many Tricks
thcy can lcarn.
Animal Traits
Tc lollowing crcaturcs arc considcrcd normal animals,
and adhcrc to thc rulcs lor such crcaturcs lrom CHAPTER
11: THE NARRATOR, in thc SIFRP corc book.
B Crcaturcs havc rank 0 in thc lollowing Abilitics:
Animal Handling, cccption, Hcaling, Languagc,
Knowlcdgc, Marksmanship, Pcrsuasion, Status, Ticv
cry, and Varlarc. Tcy can ncvcr takc tcsts rclatcd to
thcsc abilitics and automatically lail whcn callcd to do
so. Ccrtain uscs ol othcr abilitics may bc impossiblc.
Crcaturcs can makc Fighting tcsts with thcir natural
wcapons only.
B Somc animals may havc acccss to a Fly spccialty in
Athlctics, thc cquivalcnt ol thc Run spccialty lor ani
mals capablc ol ight.
B Abilitics not listcd lor an animal, but not lorbiddcn,
arc assumcd to bc at a rating ol 2.
8adgcrs can bc aggrcssivcly tcrritorial, and arc cqual adcpt
at scavcnging and killing thcir own prcy.
7 Woodland Creatures
Bobcat, Lynx
A midsizcd hunting cat, bobcats arc shorttailcd with
pointcd and tultcd cars. Tcy arc bctwccn 24 lcct in
lcngth but will attack a human in sclldclcnsc.
Catamount, Puma
Tc largcst ol thc grcat cats, thc catamount can wcigh in
cxccss ol 200 pounds and grow longcr than 9 lcct. Tcy
arc stcalthy prcdators, and morc than a match lor a human
Tc stag (or hart) is a common targct in noblc hunts, and
a popular mcat on thc lcasting tablc.
Largcr and morc likcly to ght back than dccr, clk antlcrs
havc bccn known to gorc a huntcr.
xtrcmcly smart and casy to train, lalcons arc onc ol thc prc
lcrrcd hunting birds lor nobility. Tcy arc known lor thcir
Aciii:v 4 (8~i~xcv 28, oucv 28, Quicxxvss 28), A:niv:ics 4
(Cii:n 28, Ju:v 28, Rux 28, S:vvxc:n 28), Aw~vvxvss 5
(No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 3 (S:~:ix~ 18), Ficn:ixc 4,
S:v~i:n 5 (Sxv~x 18), Suvviv~i 4 (Hux: 28)
BITE 4 4 ~:~cv \icious
CLAWS 4 6 ~:~cv Powvvvui
Leaping Charge: Vhcn it chargcs, thc catamount can makc two
attacks: oncc with its bitc, and oncc with its claws.
Aciii:v 4 (oucv 28, Quicxxvss 28), A:niv:ics 4 ( Ju:v 28,
Rux 38), Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, Viii 3
ANTLERS 2 2 ~:~cv
Aciii:v 3 (oucv 28), A:niv:ics 4 ( Ju:v 28, Rux 28,
S:vvxc:n 28), Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1,
xuuv~xcv 3, Ficn:ixc 3, Viii 3
ANTLERS 3 4 ~:~cv
STOMP 3 6 ~:~cv
Knockdown: Vhcncvcr an clk gcts at lcast 2 dcgrccs ol succcss on a
Fighting tcst with its antlcrs, it can lorgo thc cxtra damagc to knock its
opponcnt to thc ground. !t may immcdiatcly makc a lollowup Stomp
attack on a lcllcd cncmy.
Stomp: Against pronc opponcnts and animals signicantly smallcr
than it (likc hunting dogs), an clk may usc its wcight to stomp rathcr
than gorc with its antlcrs. An clk must knock an opponcnt ol adult
human sizc or largcr down rst with its antlcrs.
Aciii:v 5 (Quicxxvss 38), A:niv:ics 1, Aw~vvxvss 4 (No:icv
38), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 1, Ficn:ixc 1, Suvviv~i 3 (Hux: 28)
NATURAL ARMOR: AR 0 MOVEMENT: 1 v~vu (ov Fiv 10 v~vus)
TALONS 1 1 ~:~cv
Aciii:v 3 (Cox:ov:ioxs 18, oucv 18), A:niv:ics 2
(Cii:n 18, Swi: 18), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 2 (Rvsiiivxcv 18),
Ficn:ixc 3, Suvviv~i 3 (Fov~cv 18, Hux: 18), Viii 3
BITE 3 2 ~:~cv
Tremendous Digger: 8adgcrs primarily hunt burrowing animals
and can dig with grcat spccd. A badgcr can dig through normal
soil at a ratc ol 3 yards a minutc.
Aciii:v 3 (8~i~xcv 28, oucv 18, Quicxxvss 18), A:niv:ics 3
(Cii:n 28, Ju:v 28, Rux 28, Swi: 18), Aw~vvxvss 4
(No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 3, Ficn:ixc 3,
S:v~i:n 5 (Sxv~x 28), Suvviv~i 3 (Hux: 28)
BITE 3 2 ~:~cv \icious
CLAWS 3 3 ~:~cv F~s:
Attack from above: 8obcats usc hcight to givc thcm an advantagc
that thcir small sizc might othcr prohibit. A bobcat attacking lrom
surprisc will lcap out ol a trcc to attack largcr prcy, allowing it to usc
both its claws and bitc on thc rst round ol combat.
cxccptional spccd and ability to takc down largcr birds whilc
on thc wing. Malcs may also bc known as tercels.
nc ol thc smallcst wild canincs, loxcs arc popular lor
hunting bccausc ol thcir cxccptional cunning and stcalth.
Woodland Creatures
Hawks, arc casy to train and lavorcd by nobility lor hunting
small ground animals. Vhilc not as smart as a lalcon, thcy
arc still posscsscd ol a high intcllcct and kccn cycsight.
Monitor Lizard, Arboreal
Avcraging 3 lcct in lcngth, thcrc arc scvcral spccics ol trcc
monitor and all arc common in warm woodlands. Unlikc
most rcptilcs, monitors havc high mctabolisms and cxccl at
catching and cating livc prcy. Tcy arc also vcry intclligcnt
and can bc traincd by a paticnt handlcr.
Moose, Red Elk
Tc largcst ol thc ccrvincs, moosc and rcd clk arc lormi
dablc opponcnts, and can bc aggrcssivc whcn woundcd or
dclcnding thcir hcrds.
Scldom traincd, owls arc casy to idcntily by thcir bar
rcl shapcs and widc cycs. Adaptations to thcir wing and
lcathcr structurc allow thcm to y silcntly and sncak up
on thcir prcy.
Snake, Venomous
\cnomous snakcs arc common in thc woodlands, but
scldom attack humans unlcss thrcatcncd. Tcsc statistics
can bc applicd to a widc varicty ol poisonous scrpants.
Tc largcst ol thc birds ol prcy, vulturcs arc primarily scav
cngcrs with a scnsc ol smcll as kccn as thcir cycsight. Tcy
Aciii:v 3 (Cox:ov:ioxs 18, oucv 18, Quicxxvss 18),
A:niv:ics 2 ( Ju:v 18, Rux 18, Swi: 18), Aw~vvxvss 3
(No:icv 18), Cuxxixc 2 (Mv:ovv 18), S:v~i:n 4
(8ivxuix 18, Sxv~x 28), Suvviv~i 4 (Fov~cv 18, Hux: 18)
BITE 2 2 ~:~cv
Escape Artist: !l a lox brcaks out ol combat, it docs not triggcr a lrcc
action attack.
Aciii:v 3 (Quicxxvss 28), A:niv:ics 2 (S:vvxc:n 18),
Aw~vvxvss 4 ( (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, Suvviv~i 3 (Hux: 28)
NATURAL ARMOR: AR 0 MOVEMENT: 1 v~vu (ov Fiv 6 v~vus)
BEAK 2 2 ~:~cv
TALONS 2 2 ~:~cv
Retrieve: 8ccausc ol thcir sizc and hunting stylc, hawks can bc casily
traincd to rctricvc ccrtain objccts, whcthcr its prcy or a kcy ring.
Hawks can carry an itcm ol up to 5 pounds without diculty. Largcr
prcy and itcms (up to 10 pounds) can bc bornc lor a round, but not
Aciii:v 3 (Quicxxvss 18), A:niv:ics 2 (Cii:n 18),
Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 18), Cuxxixc 1
BITE 2 2 ~:~cv
Tenacious Bite: Monitors do not likc to lct go ol prcy oncc
thcy havc scizcd it. !l a monitor scorcs 2 dcgrccs ol succcss on
a Fighting rolc, it counts as having Grabbcd its opponcnt. Tc
monitor is considcrcd to havc a Fighting 4 lor thc purposc ol
brcaking its Grab.
Aciii:v 2 (oucv 18), A:niv:ics 5 ( Ju:v 18, Rux 18,
S:vvxc:n 38), Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1,
xuuv~xcv 4 (S:~:ix~ 28), Ficn:ixc 4, Viii 3
ANTLERS 4 5 ~:~cv
STOMP 4 8 ~:~cv
Knockdown: Vhcncvcr a moosc or rcd clk gcts at lcast 2 dcgrccs
ol succcss on a Fighting tcst with its antlcrs, it can lorgo thc cxtra
damagc to knock its opponcnt to thc ground. !t may immcdiatcly
makc a lollowup Stomp attack on a lcllcd cncmy.
Stomp: Against pronc opponcnts and animals signicantly smallcr
than it (likc hunting dogs), a moosc or rcd clk may usc its wcight to
stomp rathcr than gorc with its antlcrs. Tc moosc or rcd clk must
knock an opponcnt ol adult human sizc or largcr down rst with
its antlcrs.
Persistent: Moosc and Rcd lk can takc !njurcs to rcducc damagc
to thcir Hcalth.
Aciii:v 3, Aw~vvxvss 5 (No:icv 38), Cuxxixc 1,
S:v~i:n (4 (Sxv~x 28), Suvviv~i 3 (Hux: 28)
NATURAL ARMOR: AR 0 MOVEMENT: 1 v~vu (ov Fiv 4 v~vus)
BEAK 2 2 ~:~cv
TALONS 2 3 ~:~cv
9 Woodland Creatures
havc trcmcndous cndurancc, gliding and ying long dis
tanccs to nd lrcsh carrion to consumc.
Vcascls arc small, clcvcr prcdators that can bc traincd to
pcrlorm simplc tricks. Tcsc statistics can also rcprcscnt
stoats and lcrrcts.
Tc smallcst ol thc hunting cats, this can also bc uscd to
rcprcscnt a domcstic cat.
Tc largcst natural mcmbcr ol thc wcascl lamily, wolvcr
incs arc aggrcssivc, loultcmpcrcd and ncarly lcarlcss. Tcy
rcgularly drivc wolvcs and cvcn bcars o ol kills to claim
thc mcat lor thcmsclvcs.
Aciii:v 2 (Quicxxvss 28), Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 18),
Cuxxixc 1, S:v~i:n 2 (8ivxuix 18)
BITE 2 2 ~:~cv \vxo:ous
Venomous: Snakc vcnoms act in a varicty ol lashions, but can bc
rcprcscntcd gcncrically with thc lollowing toxin:
Snake Venom Injected
VIRULENCE: (xov:~i)
TOXICITY: : (s:~ii sx~xv)
(i~vcv sx~xv)
DIAGNOSIS: Rou:ixv (6) FREQUENCY: +/nouv
Snakc vcnoms acct thc blood and ccntral ncrvous systcm ol thc
victim, causing blccding and in thc most dcadly cascs, rcspiratory
paralysis. n a succcsslul attack, thc victim takcs 1 Vound as thc
toxin sprcads and cripplcs thc victim.
Recovery: Vounds can bc rccovcrcd normally, oncc thc toxin has
run its coursc.
Aw~vvxvss 4 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 3,
Ficn:ixc 1, Suvviv~i 3 (Fov~cv 28)
NATURAL ARMOR: AR 0 MOVEMENT: 1 vu (ov Fiv 5 vus)
BEAK 1 2 ~:~cv
Aciii:v 2 (Cox:ov:ioxs 28), Cuxxixc 1,
xuuv~xcv 2 (Rvsiiivxcv 18), Ficn:ixc 2,
Suvviv~i 2 (Fov~cv 18, Hux: 18)
BITE 2 2 ~:~cv
Trainable: Vcascls arc vcry clcvcr and takc training casily. Trcat
thcm as Vill 1 lor thc purposc ol Animal Handling (Training)
Aciii:v 3 (8~i~xcv 28, oucv 18, A:niv:ics 2
(Cii:n 18, Ju:v 18, Rux 18), Aw~vvxvss 4 (No:icv 28),
Cuxxixc 1, S:v~i:n 5 (Sxv~x 38), Suvviv~i 3 (Hux: 28)
CLAWS 2 1 ~:~cv
Aciii:v 3 (Cox:ov:ioxs 18, oucv 18, Quicxxvss 18),
A:niv:ics 3 (Cii:n 18, Rux 18, S:vvxc:n 18), Aw~vvxvss 3
(No:icv 18), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 3 (Rvsiiivxcv 28,
S:~:ix~ 18), Ficn:ixc 4, Suvviv~i 3 (Fov~cv 18, Hux: 18),
Viii 3 (Couv~cv 28)
BITE 4 3 ~:~cv
CLAWS 4 4 ~:~cv Powvvvui
Implacable: Volvcrincs can takc !njurics to rcducc damagc to thcir
Woodland Creatures
!n thc contcxt ol thc Chroniclc Systcm, bcasts arc crca
turcs that do not actually cxist in our modcrn rcal world,
but arc closc cnough to rcality that thcy cithcr could cxist
or may havc cvcn oncc cxistcd. Tcsc crcaturcs arc all ol
animal intclligcncc, gcncrally occupying nichcs similar to
rcalworld animals in thcir cnvironmcnts.
Training Beasts
8ccausc thcy arc so similar to animals, bcasts may bc
traincd using thc xpandcd Training Rulcs (scc thc Ani-
mals of the Woodlands chaptcr). Tcy arc considcrcd to
havc a Vill ol onc rank highcr than thcir actual statistics
lor thc purposc ol such training.
Ant, Giant
Tc sizc ol largc cats, giant ants roam widcly through thc
lorcst lrom grcat burrows loraging lor lood. Visc huntcrs
know to stay away lrom thc gamc trails that grow widcr as
thcy ncar an ant burrow. Farmcrs scc giant ants as a banc
bccausc thcy can clcar a cld ol crops and carry away small
animals and childrcn.
Ant, Rounder
Also callcd cuttcr ants or scoop swarms, thcrc is no uni
vcrsally agrccd upon namc lor thcsc largc, vicious insccts.
!ndividually, thcy do not sccm to prcscnt much ol a mcn
acc: largc lor an inscct, roundcrs avcragc bctwccn 3 and 4
inchcs in lcngth, with a third ol thcir sizc bcing a sct ol
cnormous, lopsidcd, and razorsharp mandiblcs. !t is thcsc
mandiblcs that carn thc crcaturc its varicty ol nicknamcs:
whcn cmploycd against largcr crcaturcs, thc rcsult is a
hcmisphcrical divot roughly an inch across. Tc rcmovcd
gobbct ol mcat is takcn back to thc roundcr ncst, whcrc
thc colony can lccd on thc mold and bactcria that grow on
thc slowly putrclying csh.
cspitc thcir savagc mandiblcs and noisomc lccding hab
its, roundcrs only prcscnt a rcal thrcat in thc wakc ol spring
rains that ood thcir burrows, driving thc cntirc colony into
thc opcn. !t is undcr thcsc circumstanccs that thc insccts havc
bccn known to swarm, crcating dcnsc clouds composcd ol
hundrcds ol thousands, or cvcn millions, ol roundcrs. Tcsc
roundcr swarms ravagc vast swaths ol land as thcy scarch lor
a ncw placc to housc thc colony, and havc bccn known to
bring down dogs, horscs and cvcn humans bcncath thc tidc
ol hopping, ying chitinous horrors.
Roundcr ghting, whcrc a singlc roundcr is placcd in a
box to try and kill anothcr largc inscct (or in somc instanc
cs a small mammal) constitutcs a common pastimc lor
pcasants. xcccdingly rural tavcrns, as wcll as sccdy divcs
somctimcs cncouragc wagcring on thcsc ghts and may
havc a small ghting arca purposc built lor such matchcs.
Vhcn thc swarm swclls to a signicant sizc, it acts as a
singlc cntity, rathcr than thousands ol individuals. Tcy arc
so dcnscly packcd that hitting any onc inscct is a simplc
task, but thcy arc so numcrous that it is dicult to makc a
dcnt in thc swarms capabilitics. !t is impossiblc to kill thcm
all, but a spiritcd dclcnsc will causc thc swarm to dispcrsc.
Tc battlchorn is a crcaturc ol much dcbatc. Tcsc massivc
crcaturcs arc oltcn lound among caribou and rcindccr hcrds
but ncvcr sccm to lorm hcrds ol thcir own. !nstcad thcy ap
portion thcmsclvcs to onc pcr hcrd ol thcir lcsscr kin, com
ing togcthcr only during thc spring mating scason. Calvcs
tcnd to rcmain by thc sidcs ol thcir mothcrs until thcy rcach
maturity, at which point thc hcrd splits o into two smallcr
hcrds, cach with its own battlchorn.
11 Woodland Creatures
Beasts of the Woodlands
According to lcgcnd this is bccausc thc battlchorns arc
scnt lrom thc gods or thc spirits ol thc lorcst to prcvcnt thc
hcrds thcy guard lrom bcing ovcrhuntcd. Considcring thc
unbridlcd violcncc that battlchorns show whcn rcacting to
an attack on thcir pack, this docs not sccm implausiblc.
8attlchorns look much likc vcry largc moosc, standing
twclvc to ltccn lcct tall at thc shouldcr. Tcir antlcrs arc
cspccially largc and sharp, a rcsult ol thc battlchorns sharp
cning thcm on rocks, a grating sound that canny huntcrs
lcarn to listcn lor. As a battlchorn agcs it dcvclops growths
similar to its antlcrs on its shouldcrs, spinc, and othcr vital
arcas, growing a lorm ol organic armor ovcr many ycars.
Arrows bouncc o thc hidc ol a maturc battlchorn, mak
ing it vcry dicult lor thcm to bc climinatcd in ordcr to
makc hunting thc hcrd casicr.
Bone Ape
8onc apcs arc massivc crcaturcs, standing ncarly ninc lcct
tall whcn upright. Tcir appcarancc is much likc that ol a
silvcrback gorilla, only largcr and covcrcd in whitc or gray
lur. 8onc apcs can stand on thcir lcgs, but whcn running
tcnd to usc thcir arms lor support. Tcy arc lar morc at
homc in thc trccs than on thc ground, and can brachiatc
casily among thc branchcs ol largc, oldgrowth trccs. Tcy
arc also quitc skillcd at navigating thc straight lcngths ol
conilcrous trcc trunks.
Aciii:v 2 (8~i~xcv 28), A:niv:ics 2 (Cii:n 18, S:vvxc:n 38),
Aw~vvxvss 1, Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 4, Suvviv~i 3,
Viii 2 (Coovuix~:v 18)
BITE 2 2 u~:~cv Gv~n
A:niv:ics 1 (Cii:n 18), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 1,
Suvviv~i 2 (Fov~cv 18)
NATURAL ARMOR: AR 0 MOVEMENT: 2 v~vus ov Fiv 1 v~vu
BITE 2 1 u~:~cv Pivvcixc 2
A:niv:ics 4 (Cii:n 18), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 6
(Rvsiiivxcv 38), Ficn:ixc 4, Suvviv~i 3 (Fov~cv 28)
NATURAL ARMOR: AR 1 MOVEMENT: 2 v~vus ov Fiv 1 v~vu
SWARMING BITE 4 4 ~:~cv Pivvcixc 3
Swarm Body: Tc body ol thc swarm is casy to hit but dicult
to injurc. Picrcing and slashing wcapons losc thrcc dcgrccs ol
succcss lor thc purposc ol inicting damagc. 8ludgconing wcapons
losc two dcgrccs ol succcss lor thc purposc ol inicting damagc.
Additionally, thc swarm can takc both !njurics and Vounds as part
ol normal combat, rcprcscnting thc loss in ccctivcncss that comcs
ol individual roundcrs dying.
Vulnerable to Fire: Likc all swarms, thc tightly packcd roundcrs in a
swarm arc cxcccdingly vulncrablc to rc. Flaming oil and othcr rc
bascd attacks scorc an automatic additional dcgrcc ol succcss.
Disguring Marks: Tc victim ol a roundcr swarm is lucky to survivc
thc cxpcricncc, and thosc who do arc oltcn lclt pcrmancntly scarrcd
by thc cncountcr. A charactcr that takcs 2 or morc Vounds lrom a
Roundcr swarm also rcccivcs thc drawback Markcd to rcprcscnt thc
myriad circular divots that scar his or hcr lacc and arms.
A:niv:ics 5 ( Ju:v 28, Rux 38, S:vvxc:n 28), Aw~vvxvss 3,
Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 6 (S:~:ix~ 28), Ficn:ixc 4,
Suvviv~i 4 (Fov~cixc 28), Viii 4
GORE 4 7 u~:~cv Powvvvui
Charge: Givcn at lcast a 6yard distancc to thcir targct, battlchorns
can chargc thcir targct as a grcatcr action. Tis grants thcm 1
Fighting, 2 damagc, and thc attack gains thc Staggcring and
\icious qualitics.
Defending the Herd: Vhcn dclcnding othcr moosc, caribou,
rcindccr, or similar crcaturcs, thc battlchorn gains 18 on Fighting,
Awarcncss, and Athlctics chccks.
Ferocious: A battlchorn can takc !njurics to rcducc damagc to its
Stubborn: 8attlchorns rcducc all pcnaltics duc to !njurics by 1.
Aciii:v 4 (Acvon~:ics 28, oucv 18, Quicxxvss 18),
A:niv:ics 5 (Cii:n 48, Ju:v 28, S:vvxc:n 28), Aw~vvxvss 3
(No:icv 18), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 4 (S:~:ix~ 18), Ficn:ixc 5,
S:v~i:n 3 (Sxv~x 18), Suvviv~i 4 (Hux: 28, Tv~cx 18), Viii 3
STRIKE 5 5 u~:~cv Powvvvui, Gv~n
BITE 5 4 u~:~cv \icious
Attack From Above: !l a bonc apc is at lcast 3 yards highcr than its
targct, it may lcap down and makc a strikc attack, gaining a 28 to
its attack roll and 2 damagc. Rcgardlcss ol whcthcr thc attack hits,
thc bonc apc takcs rcgular lalling damagc but can rcducc it with an
Agility (Acrobatics) tcst as normal.
Camouage: A bonc apc gains 2 on Stcalth tcsts madc in snowy
Woodland Creatures
Beasts of the Woodlands
Tcsc rarc primatcs arc lound in morc northcrn climcs
whcrc snow is prcscnt lor much ol thc ycar. Largcly soli
tary, thcsc omnivorcs spcnd most ol thcir timc hunting lor
thc lood ncccssary to sustain thcir massivc bodics. To that
cnd thcy cat a widc varicty ol bcrrics and tubcrs, but prclcr
mcat whcn it is availablc. According to lolklorc, thcy show
a spccial londncss lor human csh and will oltcn scck it out
in prclcrcncc to othcr options. 8onc apcs arc widcly said to
bc tcrriblc, crucl bcings that brutally murdcr lonc huntcrs
or thosc who gct lost in thc woods. !n thc rcgions thcy arc
known to haunt, lcw darc to vcnturc into thc woods alonc
and many a missing huntcr is ascribcd to thcm.
8onc apcs arc cxccllcnt at conccaling thcmsclvcs in thc
snowy trccs ol thc lorcst, lcaping down to ambush victims,
striking with thc lorcc ol thcir cntirc body. Tcy prclcr
attacking solitary targcts, but will attack largcr groups ol
humans il hungry or thcy lccl thcir tcrritory is thrcatcncd.
8onc apcs arc vcry intclligcnt, ambushing individuals who
lcavc thcir group, cvcn crcating divcrsions and traps to cn
couragc such bchavior. Vhilc bonc apcs consumc most ol
thcir kills, thcy oltcn rcturn boncs and othcr unconsumcd
parts to thc vicinity ol thc victims lcllows out ol somc kind
ol tcrritorymarking bchavior.
Butcher Bird
A grisly display ol scvcrcd limbs and bloody mcat is oltcn
thc rst and last indicator that anothcr victim has walkcd
into a rcgion ol woods claimcd by a butchcr bird. Standing
ovcr ninc lcct tall, thcsc ightlcss birds boast a hcavy, curvcd
bcak that is idcally suitcd lor slicing through mcat and bonc.
Tis lcnds itscll wcll to thc crcaturcs primary mcthod ol
lood storagc. Rathcr than risk that lood might not bc avail
ablc lor its matc or chicks, thc butchcr bird will aggrcssivcly
attack anything it considcrs prcy. Vhat it cannot cat immc
diatcly is cut into picccs and carricd back to thc ncsting arca,
whcrc it hangs thc rcmains in trcc lorks and on sharp limbs
as a kind ol lardcr to which it can rcturn whcn prcy is scarcc.
Tc bcak is only onc part ol this birds arscnal. !ts strong,
hardcncd lcgs can dclivcr a powcrlul dclcnsivc kick to any
onc loolish cnough to gct too closc. 8utchcr birds primar
ily hunt in thc daytimc, rclying on thcir kccn cycsight to
locatc targcts. cspitc thcir sizc and (in thc spring at lcast)
amboyant color pattcrns, thcsc giant birds can rcmain
hiddcn by standing cxtrcmcly still. !n thc dapplcd lcavcs
ol thc lorcst, thc pattcrns ol black, grccn, and ycllow blcnd
into thcir surroundings, allowing thc bird to ambush prcy
whcn thcy nd it.
8utchcr birds do not rcly solcly on stcalth whcn hunt
ing, howcvcr. Rathcr it allows thcm to gct closc to a targct,
altcr which thcy burst out ol thc growth in a trcmcndous
display ol spccd. 8utchcr birds havc bccn rccordcd chasing
down horscs and dccr ovcr short distanccs, and havc no
diculty running down human prcy.
Aciii:v 3 (oucv 28, Quicxxvss 28), A:niv:ics 5
(Rux 28, S:vvxc:n 28), Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 28),
Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 3, Ficn:ixc 5, S:v~i:n 3
(8ivxu!x 28), Suvviv~i 4 (Hux: 38)
BEAK 5 7 ~:~cv Powvvvui, \icious
KICK 5 5 ~:~cv S:~ccvvixc
Sever Limb: Tc butchcr birds bcak is a brutal wcapon, dcsigncd
to hack o limbs and brcak down bodics. !l a butchcr bird scorcs
lour dcgrccs ol succcss in a bcak attack against a charactcr, thc
charactcr also rcccivcs thc drawback Maimcd as it rips o an arm
or part ol a lcg.
13 Woodland Creatures
Beasts of the Woodlands
arc pcrlcctly capablc ol killing small groups ol humans
though, and will do so givcn thc chancc.
A singlc ock ol clawwing lizards can dcvastatc an arca
il it grows largc cnough, killing cvcry animal it can nd
to lccd thc ocks rabid hungcr. Luckily clawwings hi
bcrnatc through thc wintcr, hiding in logs, in mud, and in
hollow trccs to survivc thc cold. Tcy also cxhibit this hi
bcrnation bchavior whcn lully satcd altcr gorging on lood.
Tis givcs othcr crcaturcs timc to rccovcr lrom thc prcda
tions ol thc clawwing ock and to kill thc clawwings in
a morc vulncrablc statc.
!n thc rcgions whcrc clawwing lizards arc common, lo
cal larmcrs and huntcrs oltcn spcnd much ol thcir wintcr
months hunting down thc hibcrnating lizards and killing
thcm in ordcr to sparc thcir hcrds and gamc lor thc com
ing ycar. Tcy arc univcrsally sccn as a blight to bc wipcd
out to thc cxtcnt that a small numbcr ol clawwing hunt
crs havc appcarcd in rcccnt ycars, ocring thcir scrviccs to
smokc out and kill clawwings, using a varicty ol spccial
tools and tactics.
Corpse Owl
Corpsc owls arc most commonly lound in northcrn lor
cstcd arcas, but thcy can also bc lound in lowlying lor
csts ncar watcr whcrc hcavy log is a common condition.
Corpsc owls arc largc, rcaching a wingspan ol up to 10
lcct, with a whitc, gray, and black coloration schcmc. Tis
coloration allows thcm to casily blcnd in during snowy or
loggy conditions, but also givcs thcm thc appcarancc ol
a skclctal lacc and limbs. ltcn in particularly dcnsc log
or snow corpsc owls look to bc ying skclctons, hunting
8utchcr birds arc cxtrcmcly tcrritorial and arc known
to kill rivals that invadc thcir arca. At thc samc timc, thcy
arc monogamous and protcctivc, il grucsomc, parcnts.
8oth thc malc and thc lcmalc sharc thc task ol raising
chicks, and takc turns stocking thc lardcr whilc thc othcr
protccts thc ncst. !l thc ncst is attackcd, thc alarm call ol
thc parcnt will bring thc othcr running, and thc unlor
tunatc transgrcssor will soon bc lacing two angry parcnts
instcad ol onc. For somc, howcvcr, thc risk is worth it, as
thc chicks arc intclligcnt and casy to train, making thcm
highly sought altcr as guard animals and in somc rcgions
as cxotic mounts.
Claw-Wing Lizard
Found primarily in morc southcrn climcs, clawwing liz
ards arc houndsizcd rcptillian carnivorcs that roam in
ocks that numbcr up to dozcns. Tcsc coldbloodcd crca
turcs arc cating machincs, constantly on thc hunt to kccp
thcir hungcr satiatcd. Clawwing lizards will attack any
prcy, but lcar rc and avoid largc groups ol humans. Tcy
Aciii:v 4 (oucv 28, Quicxxvss 28), A:niv:ics 3,
Aw~vvxvss 4 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 3, Ficn:ixc
3, S:v~i:n 4 (Sxv~x 18), Suvviv~i 4 (Hux: 28, Tv~cx 28)
NATURAL ARMOR: AR 0 MOVEMENT: 1 v~vu ov Fiv 8 v~vus
TALONS 3 3 u~:~cv \icious
Corpse Cry: Tc cry ol a corpsc owl sounds much likc that ol a
woundcd pcrson. !t rcquircs a Challenging (9) Survival (Hunt) tcst
to tcll a corpsc owl cry lrom that ol a woundcd pcrson.
Hidden Attack: As a grcatcr action, thc corpsc owl may makc movc
up to hall its Fly movcmcnt, attack a targct, and movc at lcast hall its
Fly movcmcnt again bclorc making a Stcalth chcck. Tis can only bc
pcrlormcd whcn visibility is at lcast Shadowy and in lorcstcd tcrrain.
Creature of the Night: Corpsc owls sucr no pcnaltics duc to
darkncss. Tcy gain 1 to Stcalth tcsts in darkncss.
Aciii:v 5 (Acvon~:ics 18, 8~i~xcv 18, oucv 18,
Quicxxvss 18), A:niv:ics 3 (Cii:n 28, Ju:v 18),
Aw~vvxvss 4 (No:icv 18), Cuxxixc 1 , Ficn:ixc 3,
S:v~i:n 3 (Sxv~x 28), Suvviv~i 4 (Hux: 28)
NATURAL ARMOR: AR 0 MOVEMENT: 3 v~vus ov Giiuv 6 v~vus
CLAW 3 3 u~:~cv \icious
Flocks: Clawwing lizards attack in ocks, usually numbcring 8
to 10 mcmbcrs. Tcy arc vcry adcpt at targcting a singlc victim,
rcpcatcdly attacking it until it can no longcr ght back. Vhcn a
clawwing lizard gains two dcgrccs ol succcss on an attack any othcr
clawwing lizards attacking that samc targct bclorc thc victims turn
comcs again, thcy gain 18 to thcir attack rolls. Tis is cumulativc
across multiplc attacks.
Glide: Clawwing lizards cannot y, but can glidc whcn lcaping
lrom a hcight. For cach yard ol hcight thcy lcap lrom, thcy can
glidc 2 yards. Tcy can try to cxtcnd this rangc cach round with a
lcsscr action, making an Routine (6) Agility (Acrobatics). Succcss
dccrcascs thc hcight lost that round by 1 yard, with cach dcgrcc
dccrcasing it anothcr yard, c.g., a clawwing that lcaps lrom a trcc,
spcnds a lcsscr action to stay alolt larthcr, and rolls a 12 on its
Agility (Acrobatics) tcst will rcducc any hcight lost by two yards
lor that round.
Dive Attack: As a grcatcr action thc clawwing lizard may makc
movc up to hall its Glidc movcmcnt, attack a targct, and movc at lcast
hall its Glidc movcmcnt again.
Camouage: A clawwing lizard gains 2 on Stcalth tcst madc in
lorcstcd tcrrain.
Woodland Creatures
Beasts of the Woodlands
through thc boughs ol thc lorcst lor lrcsh souls.
!ndccd many locals bclicvcs this to bc thcir task, collcct
ing thc souls ol thc dcad, particularly thosc who havc cs
capcd dcath onc timc too many. Tcy arc avoidcd and kill
ing thcm is oltcn considcrcd bad luck, cvcn though corpsc
owls will rcadily attack humans il hungry or thrcatcncd.
Furthcring its unscttling naturc, thc cry ol thc corpsc
owl sounds much likc that ol a woundcd pcrson crying out
in pain. Tcy havc bccn known in timcs ol slim hunting
to usc this cry to lurc pcoplc into thc woods and thcn kill
thcm. A skillcd woodsman can tcll thc dicrcncc bctwccn
thc cry ol a corpsc owl and a man, but it is not casy.
A largc, shorttailcd wcascl than can grow to bc as big
as an ox. cvourcrs hunt anything and cvcrything that
cross thcir path, cvcn clawing thcir way into stonc barns
in scarch ol prcy. cvourcrs havc brown hair with darkcr
hair around thcir laccs and paws. ltcn thcy havc palc
markings in whitc or tan around thcir laccs and along
thcir sidcs. Tcy havc a strong sccnt that can causc panic
in othcr animals.
Dire Wolverine (Glutton)
Rcgional namcs vary lor thcsc insatiablc cating machincs,
but thc most common nicknamc invokcs thcir ravcnous ap
pctitcs. Gluttons arc broad and muscular, standing wcll in
cxccss ol vc lcct at thc shouldcr. Supcrcially, thcy rcscm
blc largc wolvcrincs, with a broad hcad and powcrlul jaws.
Tcy also cxhibit grcat strcngth in thcir shouldcrs and lorc
lcgs, and arc pcrlcctly capablc ol ripping opcn hiding placcs
to gct at prcy within. Likc thcir smallcr cousins, dirc wol
vcrincs arc cxtrcmcly cxiblc, capablc ol winding through
or around surprisingly small arcasan arca big cnough to
allow its hcad is widc cnough to admit thc cntirc animal.
Tc dirc wolvcrincs spccd and powcr givcs thc crcaturc
its incrcdiblc appctitc. Vhilc thcy prclcr mcat, gluttons
havc bccn obscrvcd cating bcrrics, lruit, and insccts, as wcll
as traditionally incdiblc objccts likc bonc or lcathcr (in
cluding, in onc instancc, a saddlc). 8ccausc ol thc constant
nccd to supply itscll with lood, thcy arc habitual wandcrcrs
with a tcrritory oltcn in cxccss ol a lcaguc.
Vithin that tcrritory, thc glutton will providc lor it
scll primarily by stcaling thc kills ol othcr prcdators. Tcy
havc no particular lcar ol othcr animals, and will kill il
thc prcdator rcluscs to stcp down. Gluttons rcgularly drivc
o wolvcs and largc bcars, and on scvcral occasions havc
bccn sccn driving o dircwolvcs and othcr largcr prcda
tors. Tcy also havc no problcm ripping opcn lrcsh gravcs
to lcast on thc corpsc buricd within.
8ccausc ol thcir sizc and lcrocity, thc glutton is somctimcs
sccn in lamily hcraldic crcsts. Such lamilics tcnd to ovcrlook
thc gluttons lcss social aspccts in lavor ol its tcnacious atti
tudc, though somc arc mcrcly indicrcnt to thc comparison.
Aciii:v 3 (Quicxxvss 18), A:niv:ics 5 (S:vvxc:n 18),
Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 4
(Rvsiiivxcv 28, S:~:ix~ 28), Ficn:ixc 4, S:v~i:n 4,
Suvviv~i 5 (Fov~cv 38, Hux: 28)
BITE 4 5 u~:~cv Powvvvui
CLAWS 4 4 u~:~cv Pivvcixc 1
Panic-Inducing Musk: Normal animals that smcll thc dcvourcr
will attcmpt to cc. A traincd animal may bc calmcd by making a
Challenging (9) Animal Handling (Charm) tcst. Tis incrcascs to
a Formidable (12) tcst il thc animal is attackcd by thc dcvourcr, or
somconc thc animal is carrying is attackcd. For thc purposcs ol this
ccct, an Animal Cohort is not considcrcd a normal animal.
15 Woodland Creatures
Beasts of the Woodlands
Emperor Stag
Also known as thc lord ol thc lorcst, thc cmpcror stag is a
majcstic whitc hart that stands tallcr than a pallrcy. !t is said
that thcrc can bc only onc cmpcror stag in a lorcst at a timc
and that it is crowncd by magniccnt antlcrs that arc as hard
as iron and as sharp as swords. Vhcn born, an cmpcror stag
rcscmblcs othcr lawns. As it grows, though, instcad ol losing
its spots, its spots grow until its coat is almost complctcly
whitc. Tc hidc ol an cmpcror stag is highly prizcd.
Large Spider
Tc smallcst ol thc grcat spidcrs arc still quitc largc,
with an avcragc sizc ol 23 lcct across. Tcy prcy pri
marily on small vcrtcbratcs, but arc not abovc attacking
largcr prcy il thcy havc thc advantagc, or arc dclcnding
thcir tcrritory.
Aciii:v 4 (8~i~xcv 18, Cox:ov:ioxs 28, oucv 18, Quicxxvss
18), A:niv:ics 4 (Cii:n 28, Rux 28, S:vvxc:n 28, Swi: 18),
Aw~vvxvss 4 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 4 (Rvsiiivxcv
38, S:~:ix~ 18), Ficn:ixc 5, Suvviv~i 4 (Fov~cv 28, Hux: 28,
Tv~cx 18), Viii 4 (Couv~cv 28)
BITE 5 6 u~:~cv Powvvvui
CLAWS 5 4 u~:~cv F~s:
Vicious Wound: irc wolvcrincs arc skillcd at crippling thcir targcts,
and thcn allowing thc crcaturc to blccd to dcath rathcr than cxpcnd
thc cncrgy nccdcd to kill thcir prcy outright. !l a glutton scorcs 3 or
morc dcgrccs ol succcss on a ghting tcst, it dclivcrs a vicious wound
that will continuc to blccd at a ratc ol 1 hcalth pcr round unlcss thc
charactcr (or a hcalcr) succccds at a Challenging (9) Hcaling (Trcat
!njury) tcst.
Scent Marker: Gluttons arc notorious lor thcir pungcnt aroma, and
thc rst sign that onc has visitcd thc arca is thc thick musky ordcr that
surrounds thcm and lingcrs altcr thcyvc gonc. For charactcrs with a
working scnsc ol smcll, it is a Routine (6) Awarcncss (Noticc) tcst to
noticc that a dirc wolvcrinc has bccn in thc arca in thc last 4 hours.
Aciii:v 4 (8~i~xcv 28, oucv 18, Quicxxvss 28), A:niv:ics
4 ( Ju:v 28, Rux 28), Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 28), xuuv~xcv 4,
Ficn:ixc 4, S:v~i:n 3 (Sxv~x 18), Suvviv~i 3
Coxna+ vvvNsv: 11 (9) Hvai+n: 12
ANTLERS 3 4 ~:~cv Pivvcixc 1
HOOVES 2 4 ~:~cv
Aciii:v 2 (oucv 18), A:niv:ics 3 (Rux 18),
Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, S:v~i:n 3
(Sxv~x 28), Suvviv~i 3 (Hux: 28)
BITE 2 3 u~:~cv Sviuvv \vxo: (svv siuvn~v)
Poison: Tc vcnom injcctcd by a spidcrs bitc is actually thc animals
digcstivc cnzymcs, dcsigncd to liqucly thcir prcys innards bclorc cating.
Spider Venom

(Sviuvvs A:niv:ics)+
uviivvvvu ox ~ wv~vox.
Failurc to rcsist thc toxins cccts causc thc victim to sucr 1
on Athlctics and ndurancc lor cach lailurc. !l cithcr attributc is
rcduccd to 0, thc victim dics.
Tc toxin brcaks down quickly in air, but can bc storcd in glass
jars lor up to a wcck. !n this casc, thc typical mcthod ol dclivcry
is coating thc point ol a wcapon, as thc toxin must rcach thc
bloodstrcam to bc ccctivc.
Recovery: Tc victim rccovcrs 1 point ol ndurancc pcr day altcr
thc toxin has run its coursc.
Woodland Creatures
Beasts of the Woodlands
!n thc dccp woodlands, things can somctimcs grow bcyond all cxpcctation. Tc diminutivc spidcr is a com
mon cxamplc ol this, and talcs arc oltcn sprcad to warn childrcn that il thcy go too dccp into thc lorcst, thcn thc
spidcrs will gct thcm. Vhilc thcy ncvcr approach thc monstrous sizc rcportcd in somc lablcs, thcsc arachnids
can still grow to bc much largcr than most pcoplc prclcr.
Tc dclault spidcr prcscntcd hunts through prowling its tcrritory lor prcy. Tcsc arc lar lrom thc only typcs
ol spidcrs, howcvcr. Tc ncxt most common typc ol spidcr in thc woodlands is thc wcavcr, which strctchcs its
wcb bctwccn two trccs and waits paticntly lor prcy to comc to it. To crcatc a wcavcr lrom thc cxamplc, rcplacc
thc Sncak Spccialty ol Stcalth with an cqual amount ol 8lcndin. Tcsc spidcrs usc thcir wcbs rst, to trap thcir
prcy, thcn attack oncc it is cntanglcd.
Ambush spidcrs crcatc a burrow lor thcmsclvcs, cappcd with a piccc ol wcbbing coatcd with dirt and sticks.
xtrcmcly scnsitivc to vibration, this prcdator chargcs out ol its burrow and drags its prcy back down with it.
As a rcsult, it prcys on smallcr animals than its morc ambitious cousins. To crcatc an ambush spidcr lrom thc
basc cxamplc, rcplacc thc Sncak spccialty ol Stcalth with an cqual amount ol 8lcndin, and incrcasc Awarcncss
by 1. Rcmovc odgc, as thcsc spidcrs tcnd to bc tightly packcd in thcir burrow and dont movc wcll.
Tc nal spidcr typc, and pcrhaps thc most lcarlcss, arc thc jumping spidcrs. Tcsc aggrcssivc prcdators will
attack ncarly anything, and havc thc ability to takc down most prcy thcy cncountcr. Tcir standard hunting
tactic is to sncak within pouncing distancc ol thcir prcy, thcn lcap and drag thc targct to thc ground whilc in
jccting it with vcnom. To crcatc a jumping spidcr lrom thc tcmplatc, add thc Athlctics spccialty ol Jump cqual
to hall thc spidcrs Agility (round up), to rcprcscnt thcir tcnacity, jumping spidcrs can takc injurics to rcducc
damagc to Hcalth.
17 Woodland Creatures
Beasts of the Woodlands
Enormous Spider
normous spidcrs can rcach 5 lcct across, though most
arc in thc 34 loot rangc. asily capablc ol bringing down
loxcs and othcr mcdium to small vcrtcbratcs, thcy havc
littlc lcar ol man. Tcy arc also thc rst with wcbs strong
cnough to hold up a pcrson.
Giant Spider
Mastcrs ol thc lorcst, giant spidcrs can rcach 7 or 8 lcct
across, and vicw anything thcy can catch as prcy.
Wasp, Giant
Largc pcsts that can havc a wingspan ol a loot or morc.
Tcy dwcll in towcrs ol mud built against clis and largc
trccs. Giant wasps dislikc dircct sunlight and arc morc ol
tcn lound in thc dark ol thc woods.
Aciii:v 3 (oucv 28), A:niv:ics 4 (Rux 18),
Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 3,
Ficn:ixc 3, S:v~i:n 3 (Sxv~x 28), Suvviv~i 3 (Hux: 28)
BITE 3 4 ~:~cv Sviuvv \vxo: (svv siuvn~v)
WEB 3 0 ~:~cv x:~xciixc
Poison: Scc thc Iarge Spider lor dctails.
Harvesting Poisons
Many ol thc crcaturcs that inhabit this book wicld poisons as part ol thcir dcadly prowcss. A charactcr look
ing to takc advantagc ol that in a dclcatcd crcaturc might look to harvcst poison lrom thc crcaturc itscll. Tis is a
thrccstcp proccss: Undcrstanding thc Crcaturc, Harvcsting thc Rcmains, Prcscrving thc \cnom.
B Understanding the Creature: To undcrstand what must bc donc in ordcr to harvcst thc vcnom, a charactcr
must succccd at a Knowlcdgc tcst. Tis is a ROUTINE (6) tcst lor Animals, CHALLENGING (9) tcst lor 8casts,
FORMIDABLE (12) tcst lor Horrors and HARD (15) lor Lcgcnds. A charactcr may usc thc Rcscarch Spccialty il
shc managcs to nd a good library or othcr writtcn works that could hclp rcvcal such lorc.
B Harvesting the Remains: Cutting into thc crcaturc and rctricving thc poison sacs, vcnom glands or whatcvcr
clsc it is that gcncratcs thc toxin in qucstion rcquircs cithcr a Hcaling or Survival tcst. Tis is a FORMIDABLE
(12) tcst, but thc iculty is rcduccd by onc stcp lor cach dcgrcc ol succcss past thc rst on thc Undcrstand
ing thc Crcaturc tcst.
B Preserving the Venom: Vith a CHALLENGING (9) Knowlcdgc or Hcaling tcst, and ingrcdicnts costing 20 silvcr, a
charactcr can prcscrvc thc vcnom lor usc on wcapons and thc likc latcr. Altcrnatcly, a charactcr may bring thc har
vcstcd matcrial back to an apothccary or othcr similarly lcarncd individual, and havc thcm prcscrvc it lor 50 silvcr.
Aciii:v 4 (oucv 28), A:niv:ics 5 (Rux 28), Aw~vvxvss 4
(No:icv 38), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 4, Ficn:ixc 5, S:v~i:n 3
(Sxv~x 28), Suvviv~i 4 (Hux: 28)
BITE 5 5 ~:~cv Sviuvv \vxo: (svv siuvn~v)
WEB 5 0 ~:~cv x:~xciixc
Poison: Scc thc Iarge Spider lor dctails.
Aciii:v 4 (Acvon~:ics 18, oucv 28, Quicxxvss 28),
A:niv:ics 3, Cuxxixc 1, Ficn:ixc 3
NATURAL ARMOR: AR 0 MOVEMENT: 1 v~vu ov Fiv 6 v~vus
STING 38 1 ~:~cv Poisox
Poison: Tc vcnom injcctcd by a giant wasp is paralytic and nccrotizing,
causing musclcs to scizc and tissuc to quickly blackcn and lcstcr. :
Giant Wasp Venom

uviivvvvu ox ~ wv~vox.
FREQUENCY: +/vouxu
Failurc to rcsist thc toxins cccts causc thc victim to sucr 1 on
Agility and Athlctics lor cach lailurc. !l cithcr attributc is rcduccd
to 0, thc victim lalls down paralyzcd.
Recovery: Tc victim rccovcrs 1 point ol Agility and Athlctics pcr
day altcr thc toxin has run its coursc.
Woodland Creatures
groups but showing no lcar ol rc. 8arghcsts sccm to havc
an uncanny knack lor rccognizing truly vulncrablc prcy:
traps laid lor thcm in thc lorm ol dcccptivcly wcaklook
ing travclcrs havc not workcd. \ictims ol thc barghcst who
survivc rcport bcing stalkcd by a massivc black dog with
glowing cycs that sccms to bring thc log with its howl.
Tosc who do not survivc arc lound rippcd to shrcds, thcir
rcmains lclt in a promincnt placc along thc road, a warning
to othcr travclcrs.
According to lcgcnd, barghcsts cannot cross running
watcr and cannot cntcr holy ground. Tcy arc also known
to bc highly rcsistant to most wcapons. Killing onc is a
major lcat and most rcgions tormcntcd by a barghcst havc
hclty outstanding bountics lor its dcath.
Black Web
Tc black wcb is a lungus that livcs in thc carth, scnd
ing dark strands up through ncarby plants, slowly corrupt
ing thcm and taking thcm ovcr. An arca inlcstcd by black
wcb is covcrcd by dark strands ol lungus, absorbing thc
light and stilling thc lilc ol all within thc arca. A bcast
!n thc contcxt ol thc Chroniclc Systcm, horrors arc crca
turcs ol strangc supcrnatural provcnancc, or simply crca
turcs that do not and could not cxist in our world lor somc
rcason. Most such crcaturcs arc roughly ol animal intcl
ligcncc, though many show a low, lcarlul cunning to thcir
actions, somc othcrs arc morc intclligcnt still.
Training Horrors
Tough many horrors arc ol animal intclligcncc, thcir in
stincts and rcactions arc not likc normal crcaturcs. Tcy tcnd
to bc drivcn by urgcs that mcn cannot anticipatc or curb,
making thcm impossiblc to train.
Tcsc largc black dogs arc thc subjcct ol much lcgcnd
and gossip, lurking on thc cdgcs ol thc tcrritory man has
claimcd lor himscll. 8arghcsts arc rcportcd mostly ncar
roads through dark lorcsts or bogs, mcnacing travclcrs
on particularly loggy or dark nights. Tcy usually stalk
lonc travclcrs or small groups, avoiding largc, wcllarmcd
Aciii:v 4 (oucv 18, Quicxxvss 18), A:niv:ics 3
(Cii:n 18, Ju:v 28, Rux 38, S:vvxc:n 18), Aw~vvxvss 4
(No:icv 18), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 4 (Rvsiiivxcv 28,
S:~:ix~ 28), Ficn:ixc 4, Pvvsu~siox 2 (!x:i:iu~:v 28),
S:v~i:n 3 (8ivxu !x 18, Sxv~x 28), Suvviv~i 3, Viii 4
CLAW 4 3 u~:~cv \icious
BITE 4 4 u~:~cv \icious, Siow
Howl: Tc howl ol a barghcst can summon log in a 1milc radius.
Tis takcs scvcral minutcs, and thcrc must bc conditions conducivc
to thc lormation ol log. Tc log rcduccs Lit conditions to Shadowy
conditions in thc acctcd rcgion. Tis is not somcthing barghcsts
usc in combat, but should instcad bc uscd to lorcshadow thc
appcarancc ol a barghcst.
Born to Darkness: 8arghcsts arc complctcly at homc in darkncss
and sucr no pcnaltics duc to it. Tcy do sucr a 1 pcnalty to all
tcsts in Lit conditions. 8arghcsts gain a 2 bonus to Stcalth tcsts
madc in shadowy or darkncss conditions.
Unholy Hide: Vhcn attackcd by wcapons that arc not holy, havc
not bccn blcsscd, or arc not madc ol silvcr, barghcsts gain 6 points
ol armor.
Wards: Vards cannot cross running watcr or cntcr holy ground.
!l lorccd to do so thcy sucr onc injury cach round thcy arc in thc
proscribcd arca.
19 Woodland Creatures
Horrors of the Woodlands
or man that blundcrs into a patch ol black wcb brcathcs
in its sporcs and bccomc stupccd, standing still as thc
black wcb movcs through thcir body until thcy collapsc
and arc drawn down into thc ground. Tc black wcb can
grow quickly, clutching at a charactcrs lcct.
Cocoon Tree
Cocoon trccs, somctimcs callcd hangmans trcc or
snakcvinc (incorrcctly) is a largc, dcciduous trcc, with
thick, ropy acrial roots that hang down lrom thc canopy,
and vclobcd lcavcs that vary lrom solt ycllowgrccn to a
brilliant orangc. Tcy rcprcscnt thc oppositc stratcgy lrom
plants likc Skullwort (pagc 23)rathcr than wait lor prcy
to succumb ncarby, cocoon trccs activcly prcy on crcaturcs
that comc too closc.
Tc trccs various namcs arisc lrom how it kills its
victims. Crcaturcs who comc within rcach ol, or worsc,
brush up against onc ol thc trccs acrial roots prompt a
rapid, surprising rcsponsc lrom thc plant. Tc roots will
twist about rapidly in an attcmpt to wind around thc
targct. !l thc victim is grabbcd in thcsc carly stagcs, thc
trcc will rctract its roots into thc canopy, pulling thc vic
tim o thc ground, rcducing thc victims ability to ght
back. thcr, ncarby roots will also loop about thc hclplcss
targct, and rccxivcly, thc trcc will bcgin to constrict its
victim. ach timc its prcy cxhalcs, thc roots gct tightcr,
until thc victim can no longcr inhalc and thc prcssurc on
thc hcart and organs bccomcs latal. A typical cocoon trcc
can hold and consumc 3 victims at a timc. A cocooncd
victim can bc lrccd lrom outsidc by attacking thc roots
that hold thcm, which is oltcn casicr than attcmpting to
kill thc wholc trcc.
ncc it has subducd its targct, thc rootcncascd vic
tim hangs within thc canopy, whilc lccdcr systcms lrom
thc acrial roots pcnctratc thc csh and cxtract thc nu
tricnts. Vhcn ncarly all usablc matcrial has bccn ab
sorbcd, thc roots rclax and thc dcsiccatcd rcmains drop
to thc basc ol thc trcc, whcrc thcy nish dccaying, and
nourish thc broadcr ccosystcm at thc trccs basc. Tis
habit makcs thc trccs a tcmpting targct lor ovcrcon
dcnt cutpurscs, as coins and othcr mctals oltcn cnd
up around thc basc ol thc trcc. Most arc not prcparcd
lor how quickly thc trcc can movc whcn it attacks, and
quickly mcct thc samc latc as thosc whosc posscssions
thcy camc to collcct.
Tnv ni~cx wvn uovs xo: n~vv Aniii:ivs, vvv sv.
!xs:v~u i: vv~c:s :o :nosv wno niuxuvv ix:o ~vv~s i:
ixvvs:s. As sucn, i: uovs vossvss uvvivvu Co:n~: s:~:is:ics.
Spores: Crcaturcs moving through thc black wcb stir up its poisonous
sporcs. Scc thc sidcbar 8lack Vcb Sporcs lor its poison statistics.
Tosc covcring thcir mouths and noscs with cloths or similar
prccautions gain a 18 to thc rcsistancc tcsts. 8lack wcb sporcs
stupcly any who inhalc thcm, slowing thc lunction ol thc mind.
Tosc who lall undcr its inucncc simply stop moving and stand
still, cnabling thc sporcs to grow on and insidc thc stupccd victim,
drawing nutricnts lrom thc body ol thc victim itscll.
Black Web Spores

Rou+:Nv (6)
+/vouxu ~xu +/u~v
Tc rst ccct is on thc victims mind, taking placc immcdiatcly
upon inhaling thc sporcs. n a succcsslul attack, thc victim
rcccivcs a 1 pcnalty to Vill and Cunning, plus anothcr 1
pcr dcgrcc. !l this rcduccs thc victims Vill to 0, hc stops moving
and simply stands still. Tcsc attacks continuc cach round until
thc victim rcsists damagc complctcly and is no longcr in an arca
ol sporc inlcstation.
ncc thc sporcs bcgin to grow, thc sporcs kill by growing rapidly
in thc victims body and consuming him lor nutricnts. ach day,
thc sporcs makc an attack. Tis inicts 1 Vound on a succcsslul
attack, plus anothcr lor cach dcgrcc. Vhcn thc victim takcs a
Vound, hc must also immcdiatcly rcsolvc an attack on his Vill
and Cunning, as abovc.
Recovery: Vill and Cunning rcturn at a ratc ol onc ol cach pcr
day ol bcd rcst. nly oncc all Vill and Cunning damagc has bccn
hcalcd can Vounds sustaincd lrom sporc consumption bc hcalcd,
as normal.
Hard to Kill: Tc black wcb is dccply rootcd in thc carth and thc
wood ol trccs. !t may bc subducd, but to truly kill it, thc ground must
bc turncd ovcr and stcrilizcd so that it docs not rcturn.
Vulnerable to Fire: nly rc attacks causc any damagc to black wcb.
All othcr attacks simply rcsult in clouds ol sporcs, subjccting thosc
making thc attacks to inhalation.
A:niv:ics 3 (S:vvxc:n 28), Aw~vvxvss 4 (No:icv 28),
Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 6, Ficn:ixc 4
HEALTH: 18 (Vnoiv :vvv) ov 6 (Roo: :vxuvii)
ROOT 4 3 ~:~cv Gv~n
Constrict: 4, 3 amagc, only uscd against grabbcd opponcnts
(rcmcmbcr that grabbcd opponcnts arc 5 to Combat clcnsc,
minimum 1)
Woodland Creatures
Horrors of the Woodlands
Corpsccallcr is thc gcncric namc lor a broad varicty ol
carnivorous animals that thrivc in thc dark, marshy un
dcrgrowth and dccp woodlands. thcr namcs includc
ghostlamps, lalscrc, and Childinthcark, all ol
which dcscribc thc dicrcnt mcthods by which thc crca
turcs lurc victims within rangc ol thcir morc lcthal attacks.
Ghostlamps arc thc most common, and arc rccognizablc
by thc bright glowing ball ol tissuc that is suspcndcd ncar
thc crcaturcs mouth. Tis lamp appcars to bc hovcring
without support in thc dark ol night, and thc crcaturc will
bob and movc thc cxtcndcd lurc in such a way that mimics
a lantcrn or othcr distant sourcc ol light. Falscrcs havc a
similar stratcgy, though thcy lorgo thc suspcndcd lurc in
lavor ol a small sct ol glowing organs that ickcr and dim
in a passing impcrsonation ol rclight. !n both cascs, thc
light is uscd to draw prcy closcr, so that it can attack lrom
surprisc with its vicious jaws.
Tc Childinthcark uscs no lights at all, prclcrring to
rcmain complctcly hiddcn lrom vicw. !nstcad, it rclics upon
sound to attract its prcy, pushing air through a thin bladdcr
to producc a sound vcry similar to a human child in distrcss
(it has also bccn comparcd to a pcacocks call). ncc thc
sound has lurcd a victim into rangc, howcvcr, thc outcomc is
thc samc. Tc jaws snap shut, and thc unsuspccting victim is
lorccd to ght lor its lilc against a hungry prcdator.
8ccausc ol thc naturc ol thcir hunting stylc, corpsccall
crs tcnd to bc highly tcrritorial and will lorcc out othcr
corpsccallcrs within thcir arca. Tc cxccptions to this arc
ghostlamps, which can somctimcs group togcthcr in thc
low dozcns, crcating thc appcarancc ol an cntirc army
marching in thc distant woods. Tis grcgarious naturc
is abandoncd as soon as prcy arrivcs, howcvcr, and thc
ghostlamps will oltcn ght amongst thcmsclvcs lor thc
right to consumc thc prcy that onc has caught.
Forest Lanterns
Tcsc crcaturcs appcar as lantcrnlikc lights sccn in thc
lorcst at night. Travclcrs tcmptcd into lollowing thcm
A:niv:ics 2 (S:vvxc:n 18), Aw~vvxvss 3
(No:icv 18), Cuxxixc 1, Ficn:ixc 3, S:v~i:n 4
(8ivxu!x 28), Suvviv~i 2 (Hux: 18)
BITE 3 3 ~:~cv
Gifted Mimic: !t is a Formidable (12) Awarcncss (Noticc) tcst to
rccognizc that thc light or sound is a corpsccallcr, rathcr than a morc
obvious sourcc. Tis is rcduccd to Routine (6) oncc thc charactcr is
within 4 yards ol thc corpsccallcr, but by thcn it is oltcn too latc.
Aciii:v 3 (oucv 28, Quicxxvss 28), Cuxxixc 1,
vcvv:iox 4, xuuv~xcv 3, S:v~i:n 3
SPARK 3 4 ~:~cv Pivvcixc 5
Flash: Vith this attack, all crcaturcs within 2 yards ol thc lorcst
lantcrn must succccd on a Challenging (9) Agility tcst or bc blindcd
lor 1d31 rounds. Charactcrs that succccd on thc tcst arc blindcd
lor only onc round. Altcr ashing, a lorcst lantcrn must succccd on a
Challenging (9) ndurancc tcst bclorc it may ash again. For cach
minutc that passcs, thc diculty ol this ndurancc tcst is rcduccd
by onc rank.
Shine Forth: Vhilc thcy arc known lor blinking on and o, it is
dicult lor a lorcst lantcrn to rcmain unlit lor long. To go dark,
a lorcst lantcrn must succccd on an Easy (3) Vill tcst. Howcvcr,
thc diculty incrcascs by 1 lor cach additional round thc lantcrn
rcmains dark.
Aciii:v 5 (8~i~xcv 18, oucv 18, Quicxxvss 38), A:niv:ics 4
(Cii:n 18, Ju:v 28, Rux 38, S:vvxc:n 28), Aw~vvxvss 5
(No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 4 (Rvsiiivxcv 18,
S:~:ix~ 28), Ficn:ixc 4, S:v~i:n 4 (Sxv~x 18), Suvviv~i 5
(Hux: 38, Tv~cx 28), Viii 4 (vuic~:iox 28)
CLAWS 4 4 u~:~cv \icious
BITE 4 5 u~:~cv \icious
Ghost Sight: Ghost takcrs can scc spirits, ghosts, and othcr
insubstantial bcings that may bc conccalcd lrom thc mortal cyc. Tcir
claws can damagc such crcaturcs as il thcy wcrc csh and blood.
Pounce: !l attacking lrom surprisc, such as lrom hiding, thc ghost
takcr gains 1 to its Fighting and can makc two claw and onc bitc
attacks as a grcatcr action.
Spectral Form: Vhcn out ol sight lrom mortal cycs, such as whcn
hiddcn on a succcsslul Stcalth chcck, thc ghost takcr shilts to a
partially spcctral lorm. !t gains 2 to Stcalth chccks and can pass
through sold objccts no morc than a yard thick, but cannot pass
through living things or iron. !l sccn, thc ghost takcr immcdiatcly
shilts back to normal, il in thc middlc ol a physical objcct whilc doing
so thc ghost takcr takcs a wound, and is immcdiatcly movcd out ol thc
objcct in thc dircction it was travcling whcn spottcd, lcaving a splash
ol blood on thc surlacc ol thc objcct.
Spirit Collector: Any bcing killcd by a ghost takcr cannot bc turncd
into any manncr ol ghost or undcad.
21 Woodland Creatures
Horrors of the Woodlands
can bc lcd astray lar lrom lamiliar paths and into thickcts
and bogs. Vhcn not lit, lorcst lantcrns arc dicult to scc.
Tcy rcscmblc a hollow ball or pinc conc. uring thc
day, lorcst lantcrns rcst in trccs. A pcrson that vcnturcs
too closc to a lorcst lantcrn may bc blindcd by a ash or
rcccivc a shock.
Ghost Taker
A rarc brccd ol lorcst cat, ghost takcrs look much likc
graylurrcd pumas. Tcsc crcaturcs arc sccn by many prim
itivc tribcs as holy crcaturcs that arc to bc honorcdand
avoidcd. According to thcsc tribcs, thc ghost takcrs arc thc
guardians against thc spirit world, working to kccp it lrom
intruding in thc world ol mortals. !n thc lcgcnds ol thcsc
tribcs, ghost takcrs arc gilts lrom thc gods or agcnts ol thc
lorcst, ablc to track and slay thosc spirits ol thc dcad who
somchow rcturn to thc land ol thc living. Unlortunatcly
lor thc living, this docs not makc thc ghost takcrs any morc
wcll inclincd towards thcm.
Ghost takcrs arc huntcrs and arc morc than happy to
hunt humans whcn thc opportunity prcscnts itscll, though
thcy do not scck humans out and will avoid largc groups
or rc. Among thc tribcs that honor thcm, thosc killcd
by ghost takcrs arc sccn as bcing posscsscd and rightlully
killcd by thc ghost takcr, but morc civilizcd lolk rarcly ac
ccpt such cxplanations. Ghost takcrs havc shown a partic
ular hatrcd lor magicians, cspccially thosc who trac in or
with thc dcad. To slay such individuals, ghost takcrs havc
bccn known to risk cntcring villagcs and camps, braving
rc and crowds to gct thcir prcy.
Majcstic bcasts with thc hcad and lorclimbs ol a bird and
thc torso and hindquartcrs ol a lion. Tcy arc rclcntlcss
huntcrs. Tc smallcst and only nocturnal gryphon is thc
lorcst gryphon, which has thc hcad ol an owl and thc body
ol lynx. Slightly largcr is thc brown gryphon, which has thc
hcad ol a hawk and thc body ol a panthcr. 8rown gryphons
arc lound in a varicty ol arcas including plains, hills, and
Gryphon, Greater
Largcr cvcn than thc brown gryphons arc thc two grcatcr
gryphons. Tc sca gryphons havc thc hcad and lorclimbs
ol an osprcy and thc torso and hindquartcrs ol a lion. Sca
gryphons arc lound along coasts and tidal rivcrs. Largcst
ol all arc thc mountain gryphons, which havc thc hcad and
lorclimbs ol an caglc and thc torso and hindquartcrs ol a
lion. Tc grcatcr gryphons can rangc lar lrom thcir ncsts
whilc hunting lor lood. Mountain gryphons arc known lor
bcing partial to horsccsh.
Scavengers Rot
Scavcngcrs rot is a discasc that brcaks out among thc
wildlilc in dccpcr parts ol thc lorcst, somctimcs surviving
Aciii:v 3 (Quicxxvss 18), A:niv:ics 4 (Fiv 28, Ju:v 28,
S:vvxc:n 18), Aw~vvxvss 5 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1,
xuuv~xcv 4, Ficn:ixc 4, S:v~i:n 3,
Suvviv~i 4 (Hux: 28, vivx:~:iox 18)
NATURAL ARMOR: AR 0 MOVEMENT: 1 v~vu ov Fiv 8 v~vus
BEAK 4 3 ~:~cv Pivvcixc 1
FORE TALONS 4 5 ~:~cv Gv~n
REAR CLAWS 4 5 ~:~cv
Rake: !l a gryphon succccds in grabbing its opponcnt in its lorc talons,
it may makc an additional attack with its rcar claws.
Swoop: A gryphon can swoop down upon its targct, moving up to
twicc its ight Movcmcnt in combination with an attack. Tc attack
is at 1 and at 2 damagc lor thc round.
Trainable: Gryphons arc considcrcd bcasts lor thc purposcs ol
training thcm, but thcir crccly wild naturc is hardcr to tamc, thcir
Vill considcrcd onc rank highcr lor training rolls.
Aciii:v 3 (Quicxxvss 28), A:niv:ics 4 (Fiv 18, Ju:v 28),
Aw~vvxvss 4 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 3, Ficn:ixc 4,
S:v~i:n 4 (Sxv~x 28), Suvviv~i 4 (Hux: 18)
NATURAL ARMOR: AR 0 MOVEMENT: 1 v~vu ov Fiv 6 v~vus
BEAK 4 2 ~:~cv
FORE TALONS 4 4 ~:~cv Gv~n
REAR CLAWS 4 4 ~:~cv
Rake: !l a gryphon succccds in grabbing its opponcnt in its lorc
talons, it may makc an additional attack with its rcar claws.
Swoop: A gryphon can swoop down upon its targct, moving up to
twicc its ight Movcmcnt in combination with an attack. Tc attack
is at 1 and at 2 damagc lor thc round.
Sneaky: A lorcst gryphon gains 1 on Stcalth tcsts at night.
Trainable: Gryphons arc considcrcd bcasts lor thc purposcs ol
training thcm, but thcir crccly wild naturc is hardcr to tamc, thcir
Vill considcrcd onc rank highcr lor training rolls.
Woodland Creatures
Horrors of the Woodlands
long cnough to bc transmittcd to human hosts. Vhilc su
pcrstitious lolk blamc thc rot on a lcgcndarily capricious
lorcst spirit, somc morc lorwardthinking alchcmists and
sagcs bclicvc it is instcad thc rcsult ol thc consumption ol
ccrtain mushroom and lungi lound only in ccrtain por
tions ol thc lorcst. Vhatcvcr thc causc, scavcngcrs rot is
a tcrriblc, dcadly discasc that incitcs lcar any timc it ap
pcars. Luckily it can only bc transmittcd by bodily uids,
but not cvcryonc is cognizant ol that. Any timc a crcaturc
inlcctcd with scavcngcrs rot is discovcrcd, panic is likcly
to lollow, possibly including a witch hunt to nd who has
ocndcd thc lorcst spirit.
Tc carly stagcs ol scavcngcrs rot is littlc morc than a
lcvcr, conlusion, and blood blistcrs lorming on thc vic
tims skin altcr a lcw days. Tc latcr stagcs arc horric
though, as thc victim docs not dic quickly but instcad
slowly sucrs through thcir body bcing shut down ovcr
scvcral wccks. uring this timc thc victim loscs thcir
mind, bccoming locuscd only on nding sustcnancc to
try and shorc up thcir crumbling organs. Such poor souls
prclcr mcat ol any varicty, with a widc outbrcak ol scav
cngcrs rot lcading to shambling, mindlcss pcoplc willing
to do anything to ll thcir continually cmpty stomachs.
Tis imagc is what drivcs pcoplc to lcar it so much. Such
individuals arc commonly callcd rottcrs, and arc usually
killcd on sight, although lrom a distancc. Luckily lor thc
uninlcctcd, victims ol scavcngcrs rot usually dic within a
lcw wccks duc to malnutrition and organ shutdown, so
il thosc inlcctcd can bc kcpt isolatcd thc inlcction will
dic out.
Scavcngcrs rot uscs thc rulcs lor Plaguc (scc CHAPTER
11: THE NARRATOR ol A Song of Ice & Fire Roleplaying corc
rulcs), cxccpt thc iculty lor all ndurancc and Hcal
ing tcsts arc FORMIDABLE (12). As soon as thc victim is
inlcctcd with scavcngcrs rot, by consuming lungi in thc
dccp lorcst or sucring an injury or wound lrom thc natu
ral wcapon ol an inlcctcd crcaturc, thcy bccomc a carricr,
passing thc inlcction along via any bodily uid. ncc a
victim has sucrcd a numbcr ol wounds cqual to thcir n
durancc, thcy havc progrcsscd to thc nal stagc ol scavcn
gcrs rot, bccoming a ncarly mindlcss plaguc carricr. Such
individuals no longcr sucr a pcnalty lrom thcir wounds
but can think only ol cating in an cort to lccd thc illncss
within thcm, thcy do not carc much as to what thcy con
sumc. Such individuals usually dic within a lcw wccks, but
il thcy arc kcpt wclllcd, consuming at lcast tcn pounds
ol mcat cach day, thcy can bc sustaincd indcnitcly. Tcrc
is no known curc lor thc unlortunatc who rcach thc nal
stagc ol scavcngcrs rot.
!l a charactcr sucrs any injurics or wounds lrom a
crcaturc inlcctcd with scavcngcrs rot using natural wcap
ons or unarmcd attacks, at thc cnd ol thc combat thcy
must makc tcsts as il thcy had bccn cxposcd to Plaguc. !l
thcy havc sucrcd a wound, thcy sucr 1 pcnalty on
thcsc tcsts.
Vhcn a human or animal rcachcs thc nal stagc ol scav
cngcrs rot apply thc lollowing changcs:
B Losc all spccialtics cxccpt odgc, Quickncss, Strcngth,
Run, Rcsilicncc, and Stamina.
B Losc all cstiny Points.
Aciii:v 1, Axi:~i H~xuiixc 1, A:niv:ics 2,
Aw~vvxvss 1, Cuxxixc 1, vcvv:iox 1, xuuv~xcv 3,
Ficn:ixc 2, Hv~iixc 1, Kxowivucv 1, M~vxs:~xsniv 1,
Pvvsu~siox 1,S:v~i:n 2, Suvviv~i 1, Tnivvvvv 1,
V~vv~vv 1, Viii 1
CLAW 2 2 u~:~cv Gv~n
23 Woodland Creatures
Horrors of the Woodlands
B Losc all bcncts cxccpt Massivc and Tough, though
rctain physical aws, il any.
B Modily thc crcaturcs abilitics as lollows:
Rcducc Agility, Awarcncss, Cunning, cccption,
Knowlcdgc, Pcrsuasion, Marksmanship, Survival,
Ticvcry, Varlarc, and Vill by 2 ranks (minimum 1).
Rcducc Languagc and Status to 0 rank.
B CLAWS AND TEETH: Rottcrs usc thcir hands and tccth
to attack. Unlcss othcrwisc notcd with thc crcaturcs
abilitics, thcsc attacks dcal Athlctics 1 damagc and
havc a chancc to inlcct thc targct with scavcngcrs rot.
For human rottcrs, thcsc attacks also havc thc Grab
B Crcaturcs gain thc Hordc ability. Vhcn multiplc rot
tcrs attack thc samc targct, lor cach additional rottcr
thcy all gain 1 to thcir attack rolls.
B LETHARGIC: Rottcrs may only takc a singlc action cach
B SWARMER: Rottcrs tcnd to clustcr around singular locs,
cxcitcdly grasping and biting. Rottcrs unconsciously
usc thc Assistancc rulcs (scc CHAPTER 2: GAME RULES
in A Song of Ice & Fire Roleplaying) in normal combat.
!n such situations, thc rottcrs who arc assisting lcnd
thcir lull Fighting rating (instcad ol hall thcir rating)
as a bonus to thc attack roll ol thc main attackcr, as
wcll as to thc opposcd Fighting tcst to cscapc lrom
thc Grab.
Usc thc lollowing statistics lor typical human rottcrs.
Rotter Swarms
Rottcrs congrcgatc into largc groups ol shambling horrors.
Tcy can bc rccctcd bcst using thc prcscntcd statistics.
Plants cvolvc numcrous ways to survivc, cspccially in thc
oltcn nutricntchallcngcd soil ol marshy woodlands. Tc
skullwort, somctimcs callcd slccpwort, is onc cxtrcmc to
which somc plants will go to cnrich thcir soil, whilc thc
cocoon trcc (pagc 19) rcprcscnts thc oppositc cxtrcmc.
Skullwort is a low plant, with broad, slightly swol
lcn lcavcs that surround scvcral cupshapcd owcrs. Tc
owcrs bloom lrom spring through rst lrost, whcn
thc plant gocs dormant lor thc wintcr, and producc a
dclicatc smcll that has bccn comparcd to lrcshly bakcd
brcad or various othcr appcaling sccnts. Vhilc thc ow
crs contain thc pollcn that carns thc plant its namc, it
is thc lcavcs that scal its dcadly rcputation. !l any sig
nicant wcight is placcd on onc ol thc lcavcs, thc plant
will rccxivcly rclcasc a cloud ol pollcn lrom onc ol thc
owcrs, accting cvcryonc within 1 yard. As thc victim
stumblcs and lalls, howcvcr, thcy arc likcly to hit morc
lcavcs, incrcasing thc dosagc ol thc pollcn and quickly
ovcrwhclming cvcn largc prcy. (Scc thc statistics lor
morc inlormation.)
ncc thc prcy has succumbcd to thc toxin, thc lcavcs
slowly covcr thc body. Tc undcrsidc ol cach lcal rclcascs
a cocktail ol digcstivc cnzymcs that accclcratc thc brcak
down ol thc body and allowing thc waiting roots to gathcr
up thc nutricnts as thcy arc rclcascd.
xuuv~xcv , A:niv:ics :, Ficn:ixc :
Mindless Horde: Rottcr hordcs only carry out a singlc ordcr cach
round, which must bc sclcctcd lrom Attack, Chargc, and Movc. Tc
unit must attack or movc towards thc closcst nonrottcr unit. Rottcrs
will ncvcr movc away lrom thcir attackcr whcn routcd. Any unit
damagcd by a Rottcr hordc sucrs a 1 pcnalty to thc Casualty roll
altcr thc battlc.
Aii Aniii:ivs ~: + (ov o wnvvv svx:ivxcv is vvguivvu)
Skullwort pollcn is an inhalcd poison that accts thc targcts
coordination and mcntal lacultics, causing clumsincss, drowsincss,
and in cascs ol cxtcnsivc cxposurc, dcath. ach owcr is ablc to rclcasc
a singlc dosc ol thc pollcn, accting any targct within 1 yard.
Skullwort Pollen

:acNos:s: ~sv () ov
Iovx:oaniv (+:) iv :nv
vi~x: is xo: ~vv~vvx:.
FREQUENCY: +/vouxu (nu:
:ui:iviv viowvvs c~x
~::~cx, ~xu s:~cx vvsui:s)
Should thc poison ovcrwhclm thc targct, thc victim sucrs 1 to
Agility and 1 to Cunning. !l Cunning is rcduccd to 0, thc targct
lalls unconscious, whcrc it may yct bc cxposcd to thc poison. !l thc
targcts Cunning lalls bclow 0, hc or shc dics.
RECOVERY: Tc victim rccovcrs 1 point ol Cunning and 1 point ol
Agility pcr day altcr thc toxin has run its coursc.
Woodland Creatures
Horrors of the Woodlands
Tc skullwort is a mostly immobilc plant, and it attacks
all thc animals around it by rccx, rathcr than through
planncd action. As a rcsult it has no notablc attributcs
it can bc dcstroycd as any plant can, cspccially il its only
wcapon, its pollcn, has alrcady bccn cxhaustcd. For this
rcason, thcy oltcn grow in broad patchcs, so that thcy
both protcct cach othcr and rcap thc bcncts ol cach
plants succcss. Altcr a skullwort has rclcascd all ol its
pollcn, thc plant rcquircs 48 hours to producc anothcr
round ol doscs.
Tc casc ol dclivcry makc this poison a lavoritc lor as
sassins, who carclully scal thc pollcn up in cmpty cggshclls
with wax, thcn throw thc rcsulting poison bomb at thcir
ccp in thc hcart ol thc lorcst arc primal placcs whcrc
man was not mcant to trcad nor disturb. Tcsc arc plac
cs whcrc civilization mcans nothing and thc untouchcd
powcr ol thc wilds rcigns suprcmc. Most mortals know
instinctivcly to avoid such placcs, lccling thcm holy or
tcrrilying, but not cvcryonc is so alcrt. !l by accidcnt or
conscious cort mortals spcnd too long in such placcs,
thcy bccomc inlcctcd with thc powcr ol thc lorcstor
at lcast thats what thc lcgcnds say. 8ut no onc knows lor
surc whcrc cxactly thc wcirdlings comc lrom, or cvcn how
thcy camc to bc, whcn thcy burst lorth lrom thc dcpths
ol thc lorcst, drcsscd in tattcrcd skins and carrying only
thc crudcst wcapons, scrcaming thcir wild, bloodchilling
battlc crics.
Somcthing happcns to a wcirdling whcn it is acct
cd by thc powcr ol thc lorcst, it lorgcts thc things ol
civilization. Languagc, tools, and similar knowlcdgc arc
just lost. !nstcad thcy bccomc animalistic and primitivc,
conccrncd with littlc morc than lood, watcr, and rcpro
duction. Tcy bccomc crccly tcrritorial, attacking any
onc who vcnturcs ncar to thcir tcrritory, and oltcn raid
scttlcmcnts on thc cdgcs ol thc lorcst. Vhy thcy do so
is unknown as thcy sccm to placc no valuc on thc trap
pings ol civilization.
8cings bccomc wcirdlings by spcnding too long in thc
primal hcart ol thc lorcst, lorgctting civilization and thc
world outsidc in lavor ol thc ancicnt trccs and ways ol
bcasts. For animals this changc makcs thcm largcr, hcalth
icr, and morc lcral. For mcn it makcs thcm as bcasts, wcar
ing skins (il thcy wcar anything at all), lorgctting all con
ccpt ol hygicnc, ordcr, socicty, or cralt asidc lrom thc most
basic tools. For cach day a bcing spcnds in onc ol thcsc
primal locations thcy must makc a Vill (cdication) tcst.
Tis bcgins at asy, but cach day thc diculty incrcascs
by onc. ach lailcd tcst inicts onc point ol Composurc
damagc on thc victim. Tough a victim may takc Frus
tration to mitigatc this damagc, il thc victim runs out ol
Composurc hc bccomcs a wcirdling. Composurc damagc
and Frustration accrucd in this manncr cannot bc rcstorcd
until thcy lcavc thc hcart ol thc primal lorcst. Most crca
turcs do not noticc this proccss until thcy arc out ol Com
posurc, though humans and scnticnt bcings arc likcly to
noticc carlicr as thcy grow short ol tcmpcr, lcss locuscd,
and morc bcstial whilc thc lorcst wcars down thcir scnsc
ol humanity and civilization.
A bcing can conccivably bc curcd ol thc wcirdling
taint, but doing so rcquircs lorcibly rcmoving thcm lrom
thc lorcst, taking thcm to a scttlcmcnt ol somc sort, and
rcstraining thcm lrom cscapinggctting back to thc lor
cst will bc all that consumcs thcm. For cach day away
lrom thc lorcst, thc wcirdling sucrs onc point ol Com
posurc damagc, whcn out ol Composurc thc wcirdling
sucrs onc Frustration pcr day. !l thc wcirdling sucrs
morc Frustration than it has Vill, it dics, losing its con
ncction to thc lorcst. ach day thc wcirdling may makc
25 Woodland Creatures
Horrors of the Woodlands
a FORMIDABLE (12) WILL tcst, il succcsslul it sucrs no
Composurc damagc or Frustration that day. Altcr thrcc
such succcsslul tcsts thc wcirdling has lought itscll lrcc
ol thc call ol thc lorcst and rcturns to normal, but thcsc
Vill tcsts can only bc madc il thc wcirdling is prcscntcd
with cncouragcmcnt to rcsist thc lorcst, such as lamily
mcmbcrs bcgging it to rcturn, cnjoying thc lruits ol civi
lization, and thc likc.
Vhcncvcr a human or animal is translormcd into a
wcirdling, apply thc lollowing changcs:
B Losc all spccialtics in cxccpt thosc in Agility, Athlctics,
Awarcncss, ndurancc, Stcalth, Survival, and Vill.
B Losc all bcncts savc thc lollowing: Animal Cohort,
8castlricnd, 8crscrkcr, 8ludgcon Mastcr, 8rawlcr, an
gcr Scnsc, cxtcrous, Fast, Fury, Giltcd Athlctc, Grcat
Huntcr, Hardy, all Hcritagc qualitics, Kccn Scnscs, Lucky,
Night ycs, Sinistcr, Tcrrain Spccialist, and Tough.
B Losc all Fighting spccialtics cxccpt 8ludgcons, 8rawl
ing, and Spcars.
B !ncrcasc Agility, Animal Handling, Athlctics, ndur
ancc, Stcalth, and Survival by 1 rank.
B Rcducc Cunning, cccption, Hcaling, Knowlcdgc,
Languagc, Marksmanship, Pcrsuasion, Ticvcry, and
Varlarc by 1 rank (minimum 1).
B Rcducc Status to 0.
B WEAPONS AND ARMOR: Vcirdlings usc simplc clubs,
quartcrstavcs, thrown rocks, and spcars. Tcsc wcapons
lunction as normal but havc thc Fragilc quality duc
Aciii:v 3 (oucv 18, Quicxxvss 18), Axi:~i H~xuiixc 3
(Cn~v: 28), A:niv:ics 4 (Cii:n 18, Ju:v 18, Rux 28,
S:vvxc:n 18, Swi: 18), Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 18),
Cuxxixc 1, vcvv:iox 1, xuuv~xcv 4 (S:~:ix~ 18),
Ficn:ixc 3 (8iuucvoxs 28, 8v~wiixc 18, Svv~vs 18),
Hv~iixc 1, L~xcu~cv 1, Kxowivucv 1, M~vxs:~xsniv 1,
Pvvsu~siox 1, S:~:us 0, S:v~i:n 3 (Sxv~x 18),
Suvviv~i 3 (Hux: 28, Tv~cx 18), Tnivvvvv 1, V~vv~vv 1
ARMOR: Sov: Lv~:nvv (AR 2, AP 1) MOVEMENT: 5 v~vus
QUARTERTAFF 328 4 u~:~cv F~s:, TwoH~xuvu
CLUB 328 3 u~:~cv vvH~xu 1
THROWN ROCK 4 3 u~:~cv Ciosv R~xcv
SPEAR 318 4 u~:~cv F~s:, Fv~ciiv
xuuv~xcv , A:niv:ics , Ficn:ixc
to poor workmanship. !l thcy wcar armor at all, it is
lcathcr, hidc, bonc, or wood.
Usc thc statistics prcscntcd lor typical human wcirdlings.
Weirdling Mobs
Longstanding placcs ol powcr in thc lorcsts can somc
timcs havc dozcns ol wcirdlings who will dic to dclcnd thc
placc. Tc statistics prcscntcd can bc uscd to simulatc that
using thc Varlarc rulcs.
Woodland Creatures
!n thc contcxt ol thc Chroniclc Systcm, lcgcnds arc
strangc crcaturcs almost too tcrriblc to bc rcal. Tcy dcly
what mcn undcrstand about thc world, suggcsting thc
cxistcncc ol tcrriblc things bcyond what mortal crcaturcs
can know. Tcsc crcaturcs may not cvcn actually cxist in
thc world, and may indccd just bc lcgcnds, storics told to
lrightcn or tcach lcssons.
Common lolk know to bc wary ol a lonc horsc in a pasturc,
or onc happcncd upon in a woodland clcaring. Tc wisc
know bcttcr than to try to ridc a ncw horsc until thcyvc
sccn it slccp, and horscthicvcs may nd morc than thcy
bargaincd lor whcn thcir mark sccms too good to bc truc.
Vhilc disguiscd, a corpschorsc looks likc a horsc ol
cxccllcnt quality, cvcn to thc traincd cyc. Vhcn mountcd,
howcvcr, a tcrriblc translormation takcs placc. Flcshy
pscudopods crupt lrom thc bcasts sidcs, gripping thc
victim by thc lcgs, prcvcnting him or hcr lrom jumping
clcar ol thc bcast. Tc hcad, in actuality anothcr pscudo
pod, swings back in unnatural arcs likc a club to bludgcon
thc ridcr. Tc othcrwisc usclcss tccth gnash and snap, bit
ing and rcnding as thc hcad bcats at its haplcss ridcr.
Not contcnt to stop thcrc, thc corpschorsc chargcs into
watcr, dccp mud, or cvcn quicksand, and rolls onto its back
to pin thc victim bcncath thc surlacc. ncc thc victim is
drowncd and dcad, thc corpschorsc rclcascs thc body. nly
thcn docs thc corpschorsc rcvcal its vulncrablc mouth, as
thc monstcrs barrcl chcst opcns likc a owcr to wrap about
thc corpsc, pulling it into thc cmpty spacc so it can digcst
its prizc.
Vhilc thcir mimicry is cxccllcnt, natural horscs can
scnsc thc inhcrcnt othcrncss ol a corpschorsc, and will not
allow it into a hcrd. !n somc cascs it can still stand on thc
cdgc, making it morc likcly to bc singlcd out, but morc
oltcn thc natural horscs will avoid it altogcthcr.
Crossroads Guardian
Tc crossroads guardian appcars to travclcrs at crossroads
or rivcr crossings. Hc appcars as cithcr a wizcncd old man,
or a rakish young lcllow in clothcs worn lrom travcl. !n
cithcr guisc, hc has a pcnchant lor riddlcs and qucstions,
and hiddcn bcncath his hat hc has thc horns ol a goat.
Tc crossroads guardian will ask travclcrs lor dircctions,
and thcn cngagc thcm in an intriguc that may lcavc thcm
conluscd as to whcrc thcyrc going or cvcn whcrc thcyvc
comc lrom (bjcctivc: cccit, Tcchniquc: Charm, Con
vincc, or Scducc). Tc crossroads guardian may also ocr a
charactcr a boon as thanks lor stopping to ocr aid. How
cvcr, thc boon comcs with a pricc:
B A Stroke of Luck: Tc chaactcr rcccivcs 2 bonus dicc
in onc spccialty ol thcir choicc. !l thc charactcr suc
cccds in a bargain with thc crossroads guardian, thc
charactcr will rcccivc 3 bonus dicc in a spccialty ol
thcir choicc.
B Crossroads Compulsion: !n cxchangc lor thc boon,
thc crossroads guardian will compcl thc charactcr to
scrvc him by cngaging in intrigucs to chcat, incitc, or
scducc othcrs. At rst, thc charactcr will bc ablc to sat
isly thc compulsion by doing this oncc a month. !l thc
charactcr lails to do so, hc will sucr 1 pcnalty dic on
all actions until thc compulsion is satiscd. !l thc char
actcr lails to lulll thc compulsion morc than oncc, it
will incrcasc so that it must bc lulllcd oncc a wcck.
Truly unlortunatc arc thosc who must satisly it daily
and ncarly all who dcal with thc crossroads guardian
rcach that stagc cvcntually.
B Crossroads Trall: Tc charactcr is susccptiblc to thc
crossroads guardians words. All luturc succcsslul in
triguc tcsts by thc crossroads guardian will gain onc
additional dcgrcc ol succcss.
!l dclcatcd in an intriguc, thc crossroads guardian will
grant thc boon ol a prophccy. Tc prophccy will bc in
Aciii:v 3 (Quicxxvss 28), A:niv:ics 5 (Rux 28, S:vvxc:n 28,
Swi: 28), Cuxxixc 1, xuuv~xcv 4 (Rvsiiivxcv 28,
S:~:ix~ 28), Ficn:ixc 4, S:v~i:n 4 (8ivxu!x 38), Viii 3
HEAD-CLUB 4 6 ~:~cv
Enveloping Attack: Tc corpschorsc attacks by surprisc, its
pscudopods crupting around thc haplcss victim who mounts it. !l thc
corpschorsc wins initiativc against its ridcr, it will cnvclop thc victims
lcgs, pinning thcm to thc crcaturcs back. !t is a Formidable (12)
Athlctics (Strcngth) tcst to brcak lrcc ol this cshy prison.
Expert Mimic: Tc corpschorsc cxccls at looking likc a paragon ol its
choscn brccd. 8clorc it has rcvcalcd itscll, a corpschorsc can only bc
noticcd il thc obscrvcr succccds at a Hard (15) Awarcncss (Noticc)
tcst. !l discovcrcd, thc corpschorsc will cc rathcr than attack without
thc bcnct ol surprisc.
27 Woodland Creatures
Legends of the Woodlands
thc lorm a gcncral answcr to a qucstion lrom thc char
actcr, providing thc charactcr with inlormation that was
not othcrwisc rcadily availablc or casily obtainablc. Tc
prophccy can dcscribc whcrc somcthing or somconc may
bc lound or it may dcscribc thc motivations and allianccs
ol thosc working against thc charactcr. A prophccy will
always bc opcn to intcrprctation, such as what you scck
lics a wcck to thc north in a towcr ol sh among thc rccds.
Tc charactcr will also rcccivc 2 bonus dicc that may bc
applicd to onc or morc spccialtics rclcvant to thc subjcct ol
thc prophccy. Tc charactcr will cnjoy thc bcnct ol thosc
bonus dicc until shc lullls thc prophccy by obtaining thc
sought altcr pcrson or objcct.
Cult of the Hunt
Tcrc arc many powcrlul cntitics in thc dcpths ol thc lor
cst, and whilc most havc littlc conccrn in thc world out
sidc, somc havc dcmonstratcd a kccn intcrcst in thc aairs
ol mankind. nc ol thcsc was a lorcst spirit known as thc
Lord ol thc Hunt, thc primal mastcr ol thc art ol hunting
that oncc callcd thc lorcsts his own. Tc Lord ol thc Hunt
disappcarcd long ago but his inucncc rcmains in thc Cult
ol thc Hunt, an organization ol huntcrs, woodsmcn, and
othcrs who livc bcncath thc trccs, all sccking to grasp somc
small aspcct ol his ancicnt puissancc through ritual hunts.
Tc Cult ol thc Hunt is lound in morc rcmotc scttlc
mcnts lound on thc lronticr ol thc uncxplorcd wildcrncss.
Tcy arc rarcly lound in civilizcd arcas, and thosc that arc
oltcn conccalcd among thc uppcr classcs as sporting clubs.
Tc lcadcr ol thc cult, known as thc Huntmastcr, is cho
scn by ritual challcngc and dons a mask during ccrcmonics
that mimics thc antlcrcd visagc ol thc Lord ol thc Hunt.
Such individuals arc mastcr huntcrs and manipulators,
ablc to kccp thcir lollowcrs in thrall.
Aciii:v 4 (oucv 28, Quicxxvss 28), Aw~vvxvss 4
(:v~:nv 28), Cuxxixc 6 (Locic 28), vcvv:iox 6 (8iuvv 28,
Cnv~: 18), xuuv~xcv 4, Ficn:ixc 4, Kxowivucv 4,
Pvvsu~siox 5 (8~vc~ix 28, Cn~v: 18, Coxvixcv 18,
Svuucv 18), S:~:us 6, S:v~i:n 4, Tnivvvvv 4
(Sivicn: ov H~xu 28), Viii 4
QUARTERSTAFF 4 2 ~:~cv F~s:, Twon~xuvu
Guardian Might: 8lows lrom a crossroads guardian can bc
surprisingly powcrlul. All attacks havc thc Staggcring quality.
Woodland Creatures
Legends of the Woodlands
Cult lollowcrs livc and work daytoday, just likc cvcry
onc clsc in thcir communitics. n important datcs, likc
solsticcs and harvcst lcstivals, thc Cult throws o thcir dis
guiscs, donning thc skins and bloodmarkings ol thcir lord,
and takc to thc lorcsts to worship his powcr through thc
hunt. n such occasions thc Cult oltcn pursucs particularly
dangcrous bcasts and horrors, such as ghost takcrs or bonc
apcssomctimcs cvcn going so lar as to import such crca
turcs that havc bccn caught clscwhcrc. Many cults, howcvcr,
soon grow tircd ol such mundanc larc and instcad turn to
hunting thcir lcllow man. Tcy will kidnap victims lrom thc
surrounding rcgion, rclcasc thcm into thc lorcsts, and hunt
thcm down in crucl and sadistic lashion. Cults likc thcsc arc
thc scourgc ol thc rcgion whcrc thcy arc lound, rcvilcd by
honcst mcn. Noncthclcss, thcy do run rampant bccausc no
onc can know who its mcmbcrs arc with surcty.
Drowning Lady
Stray too close to the watery blue,
And the drowning lady will come for you.
Traditional Rhymc
A subjcct ol countlcss warnings givcn to childrcn across
thc land, thc things known as drowning ladics havc prcycd
upon thc unwary sincc timc lor mankind bcgan. Tcsc
aquatic spirits livc bcncath thc surlacc ol still ponds and
lakcs across thc countrysidc. Vhilc callcd by dicrcnt
namcs throughout thc world, dcscriptions ol thcm arc thc
samc: thcir hair cntanglcd with duckwccd and algac, thcir
blank whitc cycs covcrcd with a cloudy lm, with impos
sibly long, bony arms that cnd in tcrriblc claws, and a widc,
gaping mouth llcd with nccdlcsharp tccth. Tcir rubbcry
skin turns away cvcn thc surcst ol blows, and thc grasp ol
thcir skclctal arms is inhumanly strong.
!n thcir most traditional rolc, a drowning lady lurks bc
ncath thc surlacc closc to shorc, waiting lor thosc to comc
ncar, whcthcr to ll a watcrskin or, cspccially, gazc upon
thcir rccction in thc still watcrindccd, many ol thc old
cst pocms caution against indulging oncs vanity at thc wa
tcrs cdgc. Somc childrcn tcll ol talking with thc woman
bcncath thc watcr, though thc words ol childrcn arc usu
ally not trustcd. Rcgardlcss ol thc prcludc, oncc shc has
choscn a victim, hcr arms lash out to cnsnarc thcm, drag
ging thcm bcncath thc wavcs, whcrc thc lack ol air and thc
ladys vicious tccth makc short work ol thc unlortunatc.
Tcsc malcvolcnt spirits cngagc in othcr sinistcr traps to
lurc thcir prcy. nc might masqucradc as a washcrwom
an, knccling in thc watcr ncar thc shorc, whiling away at
hcr chorcs. Vhcn approachcd by any looking to ask hcr
a qucstion or cvcn ocring to hclp, hcr disguisc drops as
Aciii:v 2 (Quicxxvss 18) Axi:~i H~xuiixc 3
(Cn~v: 18, Riuv 18), A:niv:ics 3 (Cii:n 18, Rux 28, Swi:
18), Aw~vvxvss 2 (No:icv 18), xuuv~xcv 3 (S:~:ix~ 18),
Ficn:ixc 3 (Svv~v 18), M~vxs:~xsniv 3 (8ow 18),
S:~:us 1, S:v~i:n 3, Suvviv~i 3 (Hux: 28)
ARMOR: H~vu Lv~:nvv (AR 3, Av:ov Pvx~i:v 2)
MOVEMENT: 4 v~vus
SPEAR 318, 3 u~:~cv F~s:, TwoH~xuvu
HUNTING BOW 318, 3 u~:~cv
Loxc R~xcv, Two
Call of the Hunt: Vhcn ritually prcparcd lor thc hunt, a proccss that
takcs an hour ol chanting, cating strangc hcrbs, and painting oncscll
with blood, thc Huntsman gains 1 to Agility, Athlctics, Awarcncss,
ndurancc, and Survival. Tis also incrcascs thc Huntsmans damagc,
dclcnscs, and Hcalth appropriatcly. Tcsc bonuscs last until thc ncxt
sunrisc, at which point thc Huntsman sucrs a 1 pcnalty to thc
samc abilitics until hc has a good nights rcst. Tis wcakncss is oltcn
a givcaway to othcrs on thc morning altcr a hunt that thc cxhaustcd
pcrson is a cult lollowcr.
Aciii:v 4 (oucv 18, Quicxxvss 18), Axi:~i H~xuiixc 5
(Cn~v: 28, Riuv 18, Tv~ix 18), A:niv:ics 4 (Cii:n 18,
Rux 28, S:vvxc:n 18, Swi: 18), Aw~vvxvss 4 (No:icv
28), xuuv~xcv 3 (S:~:ix~ 28), Ficn:ixc 4 (Svv~v 28),
M~vxs:~xsniv 4 (8ow 38), S:v~i:n 4 (Sxv~x 18),
Suvviv~i 5 (Hux: 38), Viii 3 (vuic~:iox 28)
ARMOR: Hiuv (AR 5, Av:ov Pvx~i:v 2) MOVEMENT: 4 vus
BOAR SPEAR 428 6 u~:~cv
!:v~iv, Powvvvui,
Siow, TwoH~xuvu
LONGBOW 438 6 u~:~cv
Loxc R~xcv, Pivvcixc 1,
TwoH~xuv, Uxwiviuv
Call of the Hunt: Vhcn ritually prcparcd lor thc hunt, a proccss
that takcs an hour ol chanting, cating strangc hcrbs, and painting
oncscll with blood, thc Huntmastcr gains 1 to Agility, Athlctics,
Awarcncss, ndurancc, and Survival. Tis docs incrcasc thc
Huntsmastcrs damagc, dclcnscs, and Hcalth appropriatcly. Tcsc
bonuscs last until thc ncxt sunrisc, at his point thc Huntsmastcr
sucrs a 1 pcnalty to thc samc abilitics until hc has a good nights
rcst. Tis wcakncss is oltcn a givcaway to othcrs on thc morning altcr
a hunt that thc cxhaustcd pcrson is a cult lollowcr.
Master of the Pack: Tc Huntmastcr gains 18 whcn cngagcd in
intrigucs against lollowcrs ol thc cult hc lcads, and to Villpowcr
(Coordination) chccks madc in support ol thc cults activitics.
Vhcn ritually prcparcd and hunting with cult lollowcrs, both thc
Huntmastcr and thc Huntsmcn gain 18 to Survival, Fighting,
Stcalth, and Marksmanship chccks.
29 Woodland Creatures
Legends of the Woodlands
shc rcachcs out to drag thc haplcss victim into thc watcr
to thcir doom. Most insidious and grucsomc ol all, in
stcad ol cating thcir catch, somc ladics rcst in thc middlc
ol thc watcrs, manipulating thcir most rcccnt victim likc
an grisly puppct, ailing thcm about as somconc in thc
throcs ol drowning. Vhocvcr jumps in to savc thcm usu
ally nd thcmsclvcs in thc ladys undcrwatcr lardcr as hcr
ncxt mcal, oncc shc dcvours hcr original catch.
rowning ladics havc bccn known to grant boons to
thosc who aid thcm, and in somc rural communitics, thc
spirit is thc subjcct ol worship rathcr than lcar. Strangcrs,
or a child dctcrmincd by thc drawing ol lots, arc takcn to
thc lakcsidc and drowncd, and lclt lor thc spirit to nd.
!n rcturn, thc drowning lady agrccs to not prcy on thc
villagcs childrcn, and/or villagcrs to takc watcr lor thcir
nccds. Tcsc dcgcncratc villagcs invariably lramc this un
holy bargain in tcrms ol thc grcatcr good, rathcr than scc
it as thc cvil dcal it truly is.
Hag of the Dark Woods
!n onc ol thc lcsstravclcd portions ol thc lorcst stands a
dark and twistcd oak trcc, its lcavcs ctcrnally rcd and its
bark as black as pitch. Lcgcnds say this massivc old trcc
was oncc homc to a dryad, strickcn by gricl whcn hcr lovcr
Aciii:v 3 (oucv 28, Quicxxvss 38), Axi:~i H~xuiixc 5
(Cn~v: 28), Aw~vvxvss 5 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 4, xuuv~xcv 2
(Rvsiiivxcv 38, S:~:ix~ 28), Ficn:ixc 3, Hv~iixc 5, L~xcu~cv
4, Kxowivucv 5, M~vxs:~xsniv 3, Pvvsu~siox 4, S:v~i:n 3,
Suvviv~i 3, Tnivvvvv 4, Viii 5
COMBAT DEFENSE: 10/11 w/u~ccvv HEALTH: 6
ARMOR: Sov: Lv~:nvvs (AR 2, Av:ov Pvx~i:v 1)
MOVEMENT: 3 v~vus
DAGGER 3 1 u~:~cv
vvvxsivv 1, vvn~xu
QUARTERSTAFF 3 2 u~:~cv F~s:, TwoH~xuvu
Goodly Neighbor: Vhilc thc Hag ol thc ark Voods has bccn
twistcd by thc blood powcr shc has absorbcd, shc still rctains
many ol thc powcrs ol hcr othcrworldly kin. Tc Hag docs not
agc and gains 28 to rcsist all mortal lorms ol discasc or poison.
All attacks madc with iron wcapons that hit thc Hag gain onc
additional dcgrcc ol succcss, or shc takcs onc point ol Hcalth
damagc il shc comcs into contact with any iron objcct. !l thc Hag
takcs damagc in cxccss ol hcr Hcalth lrom an iron wcapon shc is
immcdiatcly slain.
Hags Curse: Tc Hag can lay a tcrriblc cursc on othcrs, but only
in ccrtain circumstanccs. Shc must cithcr havc bccn insultcd or
injurcd by thc targct ol thc cursc, or a supplicant must havc
ocrcd a sacricc ol blood or othcr objcct ol symbolic powcr
in cxchangc lor thc cursc. Placing thc cursc rcquircs thc Hag
to cithcr put a physical itcm on thc targct, or gcts thc targct
to cat somc sort ol ocrcd lood, such as an applc or a loal ol
brcad. Assuming thc cursc is dclivcrcd, thc targct sucrs cithcr
a spccic pcnalty, such as all thc targcts cows giving nothing
but spoilcd milk, or a gcncral 1 pcnalty to all skill chccks.
Tc cursc can only bc rcmovcd by thc will ol thc Hag or upon
hcr dcath.
Forest Home: Tc Hag can movc in lorcstcd trcachcrous tcrrain,
or lrom branch to branch, as il it wcrc normal tcrrain. Tc Hag
gains 2 to Stcalth in lorcstcd tcrrain.
Blood-Tree Bond: Tc Hag is a lorcst spirit, bound to a massivc
trcc at thc hcart ol thc lorcst, twistcd by ccnturics ol blood
sacricc. !l thc Hag is slain, shc grows a ncw body at hcr trcc ovcr
thc coursc ol thc ncxt month. Shc can only bc pcrmancntly slain
by cutting down and burning thc trcc to which shc is bound.
Blood Oath: Tc Hag can cmpowcr oaths sworn in hcr prcscncc
il madc with an ocring ol blood, inicting onc point ol Hcalth
damagc on all involvcd. !l any party brcaks thc word ol thc oath,
thcy immcdiatcly sucr onc wound. Altcrnativcly, brcaking thc
oath may activatc thc Hags Cursc (scc abovc).
Poisons: Tc Hag has rcady acccss to a widc array ol poisons,
hcrbal rcmcdics, and othcr alchcmical products.
Shapechanging: Tc Hag can changc hcr lorm into any mundanc
animal commonly lound in a lorcst. Changing lorm takcs onc
round, during which shc is considcrcd a hclplcss targct. Shc docs
takc any clothcs or cquipmcnt with hcr whcn changing lorm.
Aciii:v 4 (Quicxxvss 28), A:niv:ics 5 (S:vvxc:n 28),
Cuxxixc 2, vcvv:iox 4, iscuisv 28), xuuv~xcv 3,
Ficn:ixc 4, S:v~i:n 4, Viii 3
CLAWS 4 3 ~:~cv Gv~n
BITE 4 5 ~:~cv
C~x oxiv nv usvu ~c~ixs:
~ cv~nnvu vic:i:
Horric Visage: Tc appcarancc ol a drowning lady can chill thc
most hardcncd ol souls. Sccing onc in hcr natural statc (rathcr than
in disguisc) is causc lor a Challenging (9) Vill (Couragc) tcst. Tosc
who lail arc 1 on all tcsts, and must tcst again thc ncxt round.
Critical lailurc causcs thc victim to scrcam and attcmpt to cc, both
ol which can bc dangcrous il alrcady undcrwatcr.
Grisly Puppet: A drowning lady can hold thc lcgs ol a victim to
opcratc thc corpsc likc a puppct, mimicking thc actions ol lilc. !t
is a Challenging (9) Awarcncss (Noticc) tcst to rccognizc that thc
puppct is not alivc.
Waterbound: Vhilc long ol arm, a drowning lady cannot lcavc thc
body ol watcr shc inhabits. !l not in contact with hcr watcry homc,
a drowning lady sucrs 1 to all tcsts. !l draggcd morc than 100
yards lrom thc watcr, shc sucrs 2 and takc 1 damagc to Hcalth
cvcry round.
Woodland Creatures
Legends of the Woodlands
was killcd by thc local nobility lor poaching as hc climbcd
thc branchcs ol thc trcc. Tc talc holds that on that day,
thc onccmirthlul lorcst spirit bccamc somcthing dark and
twistcd, hcr trcchomc translorming to match hcr pain and
hatrcd. Tc noblcs rcsponsiblc lor thc dcath ol hcr lovcr all
dicd in mystcrious circumstanccs ovcr thc coming scason,
lollowcd by all thc mcnatarms and rctaincrs who wcrc
prcscnt. 8y thc timc thc slaughtcr was ovcr thc namc ol
thc Hag was on thc lips ol thc pcasants as somcthing not
to bc tricd with, and givcn widc bcrth.
!n thc ycars sincc, thc Hag has bccomc both a rcvcrcd and
lcarcd gurc. !l onc is bravc cnough to nd hcr in thc ark
Voods, shc will ocr hcr assistancc lor a pricc, usually col
lcctcd latcr. Hcr lavors run lrom lovc potions and curscs to
outright murdcrs, but arc ncvcr truly bcnccial to any rc
gardlcss. Hcr priccs rangc lrom blood and mcmorics all thc
way up to rstborns and thc cvcn bargaincrs lilc. Shc always
lollows through on hcr promiscs in onc way or anothcr, but
thosc supplicants who pay hcr pricc arc ncvcr happy with thc
rcsults. Hcr dcals arc thc vcry dcnition ol bc carclul what
you wish lor, bccausc it just might comc truc.
A hidcous undcad monstrosity, hcadhuntcrs arc not crca
turcs that hunt lor hcads, but rathcr unnatural horrors that
are hcads, hunting lor bodics in which to dwcll, moving
lrom onc to anothcr in much thc samc way as a hcrmit
crab changcs its shcll.
Vhcn attachcd onto a body, thc hcadhuntcr looks likc a
normal pcrson, though thc attcntivc obscrvcr might noticc
an unusual stincss in thc ncck or a dicrcncc in skin color
bctwccn hands and lacc. 8ccausc ol this, hcadhuntcrs prclcr
to stay in rcmotc or outolthcway placcs, rcplacing woods
mcn and croltcrs, thosc with whom othcrs havc littlc contact.
Upon nding a prospcctivc ncw host, thc hcadhuntcr
will attcmpt to smothcr or poison thc victim. !l drivcn to
violcncc, it will strikc lor thc hcad, rathcr than risk harm
ing a body that it dcsircs. Altcr ovcrcoming its victim, thc
hcadhuntcr rcmovcs thc hcad and ncck, thcn rcachcs into
thc opcning and rcmovcs any visccra. ncc thc ncw host
is prcparcd, thc hcadhuntcr dctachcs lrom its old host, its
natural lorm simply that ol a hcad, on lour spindly lcgs,
trailing a gorcsoakcd mass ol its own visccra. !t carclully
inscrts itscll into thc ncw host body through thc opcning,
scttling itscll on thc stump ol thc ncck at last. Altcr thc
cxhausting cort, it rcplcnishcs its strcngth by consuming
thc brain and organs ol its ncw host.
Aciii:v 3 ( oucv 18), A:niv:ics 4, Aw~vvxvss 3
(:v~:nv 18, No:icv 28), Cuxxixc 3, xuuv~xcv 3,
Ficn:ixc 4, (Axvs 28, 8iuucvoxs 28), S:v~i:n 4 (8ivxu!x 28)
ARMOR: v~vivs, uvvvxuixc ox ~v:ov wovx (0)
MOVEMENT: 3 v~vus (2 v~vus)
AXE 428 5 u~:~cv Twon~xuvu
CLUB 428 3 u~:~cv vvH~xu 1
BITE 2 1 u~:~cv
Nightmare Creature: Sccing a hcadhuntcr pull itscll lrcc lrom its
host body is an cvcnt that can damagc cvcn thc toughcst psychc.
Such an unlortunatc must immcdiatcly succccd at a Hard (15)
Vill (Couragc) tcst. !l lailcd, thc victim is 2 to all tcsts, and ccs
Horric Vanity: Hcadhuntcrs can bc distractcd by mirrors,
lascinatcd by thcir own appcarancc within thcm, and thc look ol thcir
host body. Showing a hcadhuntcr a mirror will causc thc crcaturc to
go into a luguc statc lor scvcral minutcs, or until attackcd.
Dreadful Host: Hcadhuntcrs opcratc thcir host bodics as though
thc wcrc thcir own, inscrting thcir spindly lcgs into thc spinal column
to takc control ol all its lunctions. As a rcsult, unlcss thc ncck injury
is visiblc, it is a Challenging (9) Awarcncss (Noticc) tcst to dctcct a
hcadhuntcr is morc than thc addlcd pcasant it appcars to bc.
31 Woodland Creatures
Legends of the Woodlands
Hcadhuntcrs arc capablc ol intcracting with humans,
spcaking, and cvcn cating and drinking, though thcy gain
nourishmcnt only lrom human csh. Most hidc thc grisly
wound in thcir nccks bcncath a scarl or a high collar, ap
pcaring mostly normal as thcy visit with thcir prcy. Hcad
huntcrs oltcn kccp barrcls ol salt in thcir houscs, a dcsic
cant thcy usc to shrink thcir organs down cnough to t
into a smallcr host body.
Attributcs in parcnthcscs rcprcscnt thc crcaturcs abili
tics whcn not in a host body.
Headless Knight
Tcrc arc talcs ol a knight lound riding along loncly lorcst
paths or guarding a bridgc. Tc knight wcars dark armor,
ridcs a dark horsc, and carrics a black shicld with a skull in
rcd as his coatolarms. Somc say that thc knight himscll
has no hcad. thcrs say that his hclmct appcars cmpty or
tcll ol knocking o his hclmct only to nd nothing bcncath.
Tcrc arc cvcn talcs ol how hc lrightcns travclcrs by rcmov
ing his hcad and hurling it at thcm. 8ards sing ol how thc
knight travcls thc roads sccking his bctrothcd, who lclt him
at thc altar to run away with anothcr knight. Tc loss ol
his hcad has not impaircd thc hcadlcss knights ability to
scnsc and strikc at his locs. Tc lcgcnds ncvcr agrcc why thc
knight is missing his hcad. Tc cxact story changcs lrom
placc to placc, dcpcnding on that placcs own history.
Jumping Jack
Tc tall, gangly crcaturc known as Jumping Jack is a mis
chicvous lcllow. Standing tallcr than a mountcd knight, hc
bounds through thc lorcst on long lcgs with grcat spring
ing stcps, covcring scvcral lcagucs a day. !t is said that hc
can jump ovcr cottagcs and small trccs with casc. Hc is
lond ol stcaling things lrom larmcrs: pumpkins, pigs, pics,
and kisscs (or morc) lrom thcir daughtcrs.
xactly what thc arrival ol thc Jumping Jack portcnds lor
a scttlcmcnt is largcly unknown, although any with a history
ol having sccn thcm cach havc thcir lcgcnds. Tc Jumping
Jack almost ncvcr appcars alonc, thoughhis appcarancc is
always a bad portcnt: whcthcr disastrous wcathcr, grcat trag
cdy, or a warning ol somcthing truly tcrriblc to comc.
River Warden
A giant turtlc with a back as largc as a lords dining tablc,
thc rivcr wardcn spcnds much ol its timc sunning along
thc bank, oating in calm watcr, or rcsting just bclow thc
surlacc ol thc watcr. Travclcrs somctimcs tcll ol sitting
along a rivcr bank only to nd thc bank sliding out into
thc middlc ol thc rivcr. Plants, shrubs, and cvcn small
trccs grow on thc back ol a rivcr wardcn, lurthcring thc
Aciii:v 3 (Quicxxvss 18), Axi:~i H~xuiixc 3
(Riuv 28), A:niv:ics 3, Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 18), xuuv~xcv
4, Ficn:ixc 5 (Loxc 8i~uvs 28, Snivius 18), S:v~i:n 3 (Sxv~x
18), Suvviv~i 2 (Tv~cx 28)
COMBAT DEFENSE: 9 (5 ix Av:ov, 2 w/ sniviu) HEALTH: 12
ARMOR: 8vic~xuixv (AR 8, AP 4, 8uix 3) MOVEMENT: 2 vus
LONGSWORD 528 4 ~:~cv Pivvcixc 3
Aura of Fear: Tc sight ol thc knight without his hcad can strikc lcar
in cvcn thc bravcst. All living crcaturcs that start thcir turn within
10 yards ol thc hcadlcss knight must succccd on a Challenging (9)
Vill tcst or takc 1 on all tcsts. Tosc who lail must cc cach round
until thcy succccd on anothcr Vill savc. Animals that lail thcir tcsts
bccomc panickcd and cc.
Courser: Tc hcadlcss knight usually appcars mountcd on a black
courscr. !l thc hcadlcss knight is dclcatcd, thc courscr will run away
into thc lorcst or othcrwisc disappcar.
Aciii:v 4 (Acvon~:ics 18, 8~i~xcv 28, oucv 18,
Quicxxvss 18), A:niv:ics 4 ( Ju:v 38, Rux 18),
Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 18), Cuxxixc 3, vcvv:iox 3
(8iuvv 18), xuuv~xcv 4 (S:~:ix~ 18), Ficn:ixc 3,
Pvvsu~siox 3 (Cn~v: 28, Coxvixcv 18, Svuucv 28,
T~ux: 18), S:v~i:n 4 (Sxv~x 28), Tnivvvvv 3 (S:v~i 18)
ARMOR: Sov: Lv~:nvv (AR 2, AP 1) MOVEMENT: 7 v~vus
QUARTERSTAFF 3 4 ~:~cv F~s:, Twon~xuvu
Great Leap: Jumping Jacks lcaps arc rcduccd in diculty by two
dcgrccs (what would bc Formidablc lor somconc clsc is Routinc
lor him).
A:niv:ics 8 (S:vvxc:n 88, Swi: 58), Aw~vvxvss 3
(No:icv 18), Cuxxixc 4, xuuv~xcv 8, Ficn:ixc 6,
Kxowivucv 4, S:v~i:n 3 (Sxv~x 18)
MOVEMENT: 1 v~vu ov Swi: 8 v~vus
BITE 6 18 u~:~cv Powvvvui, \icious
Long Neck: A rivcr wardcn has a long ncck it uscs to rapidly lungc
out at its prcy, cxtcnding to thc surlacc ol thc watcr whilc it rcsts on
thc bottom. !ts ncck can cxtcnd out almost as lar as its shcll is long,
about 35 yards, but with AR 0.
Woodland Creatures
Legends of the Woodlands
illusion that thcir shclls arc part ol thc bank or an is
land. Truly old rivcr wardcnscallcd rivcr lords in thc
storicscan bc told by thc sizc ol thc trccs growing on
its back. Somc who livc ncar rivcrs arc said to sacricc
small childrcn so that thc wardcn will lct thcm livc in
pcacc. Rivcr wardcns prcy on anything vcnturing closc
to thc watcr and particularly dclight in capsizing boats.
Tcir jaws arc sharp, strong cnough to takc o a mans
arm or lcg, or cvcn snap his torso in twain, in onc bitc.
8ccausc thcy livc such long livcs, somc a ccntury or cvcn
morc, rivcr wardcns arc said to know historics and lcg
cnds lorgottcn by thc pcoplc along thc rivcr, though it
takcs ancicnt magics to spcak with thcm.
Rock Giant
Crcaturcs ol a timc bclorc man walkcd thc carth, rock gi
ants arc lrom an agc whcrc magic was a major lorcc in thc
world. At somc point, thc rock giants who survivcd thc an
cicnt conicts and cataclysms lound thcy tcndcd to slccp
longcr and morc, as thc magic in thc world ladcd. Soon
thcy lound a suitablc placc and laid down thcir hugc bod
ics to slccp lor countlcss millcnia. !n timc, thcir slccping
lorms bccamc rocky outcroppings and hills, holy placcs,
and somc wcrc cvcn mincd lor thcir high quality stonc,
slowly killing thc rock giant without mcn cvcr know
ing what thcy did. Tc rock giants slcpt through all this
noncthclcss, nothing ablc to stir thcm lrom thc dccpcst ol
ccasionally somc unusual magical cvcnt, such as a sol
sticc, planctary alignmcnt, or a lcy linc convcrgcncc will
locus cnough magical powcr around or at a rock giant to
awakcn it. Tis happcns only oncc cvcry lcw ccnturics
but thc dcstruction that lollows is cnough to cnsurc thc
talc is rcmcmbcrcd lrom onc waking to thc ncxt. Rock gi
ants that awakc arc conluscd by all thcsc tiny, lastmoving
bcings around thcir lcct who cannot spcak intclligibly , rc
acting with shouting and lcar.
Rock giants tcnd to rcact violcntly to this, striking
out at anything bclow thcir lcct or in thcir path. uc to
thcir strcngth and sizc, thcy arc capablc ol lcvcling cn
tirc villagcs. !t oltcn takcs sicgc cngincs or a small army
to stop a rock giant, though il somconc could somchow
drain thc magic that wokc it might also provc a lcasiblc
mcans to rcturn it to slumbcr. Tcsc wakclul pcriods usu
ally only last a lcw days bclorc thc rock giant rcturns to
slccp, whcrcvcr it originally awokc or whcrcvcr it might
bc takcn down.
33 Woodland Creatures
Legends of the Woodlands
Tall Man
Tc Tall Man is a rarc lorm ol rcstlcss spirit, spokcn ol in
whispcrs and bcdsidc talcs passcd on to warn thc young ol
thc lolly ol rushing to judgmcnt. Tc lcgcnds say only onc
Tall Man walks thc mortal world at a timc, but that may just
bc wishlul thinking givcn thc judgmcntal naturc ol man.
A Tall Man is crcatcd whcn an man or woman is cx
ccutcd, by hanging lrom a trcc, lor a crimc thcy did not
commit. Tc angry spirit ol such individual oltcn cannot
pass on duc to such injusticc, and it is thcsc spirits that
lorm a Tall Man: lrom thc wood ol thc trcc that cndcd
thcir lilc, thcsc spirits stridc thc carth, sccking vcngcancc
lor thcir undcscrvcd dcath.
Aciii:v 1, A:niv:ics 5 (S:vvxc:n 58, Tnvowx 28),
xuuv~xcv 8 (Rvsiiivxcv 28, S:~:ix~ 28), Ficn:ixc 6
(8iuucvox 28, 8v~wiixc 38), Suvviv~i 3 (vivx:~:iox 28),
Tnivvvvv 1, Viii 3 (Couv~cv 18, vuic~:iox 18)
SLAM 4 5 u~:~cv Gv~n
CLUB 428 10 u~:~cv
Powvvvui, Siow
THROWN ROCK 528 4 u~:~cv
TRAMPLE 5 5 u~:~cv
Grab: A humansizcd targct hit by thc giants slam attack and grabbcd
is pickcd up. Tc targct cannot movc at all without succccding in a
\cry Hard (18) Athlctics (Strcngth) or Agility (Contortionist) tcst.
Vhilc thc victim is grabbcd, thc giants grab damagc against that
charavtcr incrcascs to 20. A giant may havc up to two victims grabbcd
at thc samc timc, but doing so mcans it can makc no attacks othcr
than tramplc attacks, unlcss it rclcascs onc ol thc grabbcd victims.
Heavy: uc to thcir immcnsc wcight, rock giants cannot cross
bridgcs, stand on buildings without crushing thcm, and so on. Mud
or swampy cnvironmcnts arc considcrcd trcachcrous tcrrain lor thcm.
Huge: Stonc giants arc at lcast 10 yards tall. Any attacks against
thcm gain 1. Tcy trcat most trcachcrous tcrrain as normal,
passing ovcr any obstruction lcss than 5 yards tall without diculty.
Stone Heart: Rock giants arc immunc to all mortal lorms ol discasc
and poison.
Trample: Any crcaturc lcss than 3 yards tall in thc path ol thc giant
is automatically targctcd by a tramplc attack as a lrcc action, il thc
giant wishcs.
Valuable Minerals: Tc body ol a rock giant has numcrous valuablc
mincrals insidc it. !l a housc wcrc to claim thcsc it would boost thc
houscs Vcalth rating by 5.
Warfare: Rock giants stats arc thc samc lor warlarclcvcl conict.
Aciii:v 4 (oucv 28, Quicxxvss 18),
Axi:~i H~xuiixc 1, A:niv:ics 4 (Cii:n 28,
S:vvxc:n 38, Tnvowx 28), Aw~vvxvss 3 (No:icv 28), Cuxxixc
4, xuuv~xcv 6 (Rvsiiivxcv 28, S:~:ix~ 48), Ficn:ixc 5,
Hv~iixc 1, S:v~i:n 5 (Sxv~x 18),
Tnivvvvv 3, Viii 4 (vuic~:iox 28)
CLAWS 4 5 u~:~cv \icious, Gv~n
NOOSE 428 2 u~:~cv
Rv~cn, x:~xciixc,
S:v~xciixc (svv nviow)
As to a Tree: Tc long, branch likc body ol thc Tall Man looks much
likc that ol a spindly trcc. !t gains 2 Stcalth whcn in lorcstcd
Creature of the Night: Tall Mcn sucr 1 to all actions in Lit
conditions, but sucr no pcnaltics in Shadowy or arkncss conditions.
Scent of the Guilty: Tc Tall Man gains 2 to any Awarcncss
chccks madc to dctcct thosc guilty souls it hunts.
Strangling: Any targct hit by thc Tall Mans noosc with two
dcgrccs ol succcss is grabbcd and slowly stranglcd. Until thc targct
cscapcs lrom bcing cntanglcd by thc noosc, thc nooscs damagc
incrcascs to 10.
Unstoppable: !l dcstroycd, thc Tall Man will rcgrow cach sunsct
at thc trcc whcrc its lormcr human scll was was hung, as long as
any ol thosc guilty still livc. Tc only ways to pcrmancntly dcstroy
thc Tall Man arc to punish all thc guilty partics, or to dcstroy thc
trcc that spawns thc tall man. Attcmpts to dcstroy thc trcc will
causc it to immcdiatcly spawn a Tall Man to dclcnd itscll, il thc
attcmpt is madc at night. cstroying thc trcc will not dcstroy any
Tall Man alrcady spawncd, but punishing all thc guilty partics will
immcdiatcly dispcl any activc Tall Man.
Vulnerable to Fire: All rc attacks that hit a Tall Man gain onc
additional dcgrcc ol succcss. A Tall Man that takcs damagc in cxccss
ol its Hcalth lrom rc is immcdiatcly slain.
A Tall Man rcsmcblcs a gaunt vcrsion ol thc spirit moti
vating it, only tallcr, thinncr, and madc ol twistcd, gnarlcd
wood. A Tall Man usually stands 10 to 12 lcct high, with
ccrily thin arms that can rcach up to 8 lcct. Tc Tall Mans
appcarancc is horric, all thc morc so lor thc casc with
which it can conccal itscll among trccs, casily blcnding in
with othcr gnarlcd silhoucttcs shaking in thc brcczc. Tc
only surc way to nd it is to look lor thc noosc that rcmains
tocd around it, thc samc noosc that cndcd its human lilc.
A Tall Man is intclligcnt, cunning, dcvious, crucl, and
unrclcnting. !t carcs nothing lor collatcral damagc, or lor
any who may sucr as it sccks its vcngcancc. vcn il dc
stroycd, it will rcgrow and stridc again unlcss thc guilty arc
nally punishcd, or thc trcc that birthcd thc Tall Man is

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