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AP European History Essays, 1977-present

77: To what extent and in what ways may the Renaissance e re!arded as a turnin! point in the
"estern inte##ectua# and cu#tura# tradition$
%&': To what extent is the term (Renaissance) a *a#id concept +or a distinct period in ear#y
modern European history$
9,: Exp#ain the ways in which -ta#ian Renaissance humanism trans+ormed ideas aout the
indi*idua#s ro#e in society.
9/: 0iscuss how Renaissance ideas are expressed in the -ta#ian art o+ the period, re+errin! to
speci+ic wor1s and artists.
234: To what extent and in what ways did women participate in the Renaissance$
2,: Ana#y5e the in+#uence o+ humanism on the *isua# arts in the -ta#ian Renaissance. 6se at
#east THREE speci+ic wor1s to support your ana#ysis.
%294: Evaluate the changes and continuities in womens public roles during the Renaissance.
10B: Analyze the ways in which the two works above, Peruginos Christ Delivering the Keys
of the Kingdom to Saint Peter (14811483) on the left, and Michelangelos David (15011504)
on the right, represent the values of Italian Renaissance culture.
93 047: Renaissance Education
Exploration and New Monarchs
7&: "hy were Europeans a#e to achie*e economic and po#itica# contro# o*er many non-
European peop#es etween 1,'2 and 1/'2$
79: European monarchs o+ the #ate +i+teenth and ear#y sixteenth centuries are o+ten re+erred to as
the (8ew 9onarchs.) "hat was (new) aout them$ 0o their actions warrant this #ae#$
&2: Exp#ain how economic, techno#o!ica#, po#itica#, and re#i!ious +actors promoted European
exp#oration in the +i+teenth and sixteenth centuries.
&9: (-n the +i+teenth century, European society was sti## centered on the 9editerranean re!ion
ut y the end o+ the se*enteenth century, the +ocus o+ Europe had shi+ted north.) Assess the
*a#idity o+ the statement ao*e with re+erence to economic and po#itica# de*e#opments in this
9:: Ana#y5e the chan!es in the European economy +rom aout 1,'2 to 1722 rou!ht aout y
the *oya!es o+ exp#oration and co#oni5ation. ;i*e speci+ic examp#es.
97: <ocusin! on the period e+ore 1/22, descrie and ana#y5e the cu#tura# and economic
interactions etween Europe and the "estern Hemisphere as a resu#t o+ =panish and Portu!uese
exp#oration and sett#ement.
23: Exp#ain how ad*ances in #earnin! and techno#o!y in+#uenced +i+teenth- and sixteenth-
century European exp#oration and trade.
2': 6sin! examp#es +rom at #east two di++erent states, ana#y5e the 1ey +eatures o+ the (new
monarchies) and the +actors responsi#e +or their rise in the period 1,'2 to 1''2.
2/: Ana#y5e the e++ects o+ the >o#umian exchan!e ?the interchan!e o+ p#ants, anima#s, and
diseases etween the @#d "or#d and the 8ew "or#dA on the popu#ation and economy o+ Europe
in the period 1''2 to 1722.
11: Ana#y5e the +actors that contriuted to the increasin! centra#i5ation o+ =pain and the +actors
that contriuted to the continuin! +ra!mentation o+ -ta#y in the period 1,'2B1''2.
Reformation and Religious Wars
79: The cha#ice on the #e+t was used y a sixteenth-century Roman >atho#ic priest in the
ce#eration o+ the 9assC the wooden cup shown on the ri!ht is what he used to ce#erate the
Dords =upper a+ter he #e+t the >hurch and ecame a +o##ower o+ 9artin Duther. How does the
new cup re+#ect the theo#o!y and idea#s o+ the Protestant Re+ormation$
&2: How did the disinte!ration o+ the medie*a# church and the comin! o+ the Re+ormation
contriute to the de*e#opment o+ nation-states in western Europe etween 1,'2 and 1/,&$
&1: E*a#uate the re#ati*e importance o+ re#i!ious ri*a#ries and dynastic amitions that shaped
the course o+ the Thirty Eears "ar.
&3: (Duther was oth a re*o#utionary and a conser*ati*e.) E*a#uate this statement with respect
to Duthers responses to the po#itica# and socia# Fuestions o+ his day.
&': "hat were the responses o+ the >atho#ic authorities in the 1/
century to the cha##en!es
posed y the Dutheran Re+ormation$
&/: The Re+ormation was a reGection o+ the secu#ar spirit o+ the -ta#ian Renaissance. 0iscuss.
&7: (The Protestant Re+ormation was primari#y an economic e*ent.) 4y descriin! and
determinin! the re#ati*e importance o+ the economic, po#itica#, and re#i!ious causes o+ the
Protestant Re+ormation, de+end or re+ute this statement.
&&: 0escrie and ana#y5e the ways in which the de*e#opment o+ printin! a#tered oth the
cu#ture and re#i!ion o+ Europe durin! the period 1,'2-1/22.
92: -n 1'19 >har#es o+ Hasur! ecame >har#es H, Ho#y Roman Emperor. 0iscuss and
ana#y5e the po#itica#, socia#, and re#i!ious pro#ems he +aced o*er the course o+ his imperia# rei!n
91: 0escrie and ana#y5e the ways in which sixteenth-century Roman >atho#ics de+ended their
+aith a!ainst the Protestant Re+ormation.
9:: The pictures e#ow show the interiors o+ a Protestant church and a Roman >atho#ic church
as each appeared in the +irst ha#+ o+ the se*enteenth century. 6sin! these pictures as a startin!
point, exp#ain how these interiors re+#ect the di++erin! theo#o!ies and re#i!ious practices o+
Protestantism and >atho#icism at that time.
9': >ompare and contrast the attitudes o+ 9artin Duther and Iohn >a#*in toward po#itica#
authority and socia# order.
9/: Assess the extent to which the Protestant Re+ormation promoted new expectations aout
socia# ro#es in the sixteenth century. Re+er to at #east T"@ socia# !roups in your assessment.
9&: >ompare and contrast the Dutheran Re+ormation and the >atho#ic Re+ormation o+ the
sixteenth century re!ardin! the re+orm o+ oth re#i!ious doctrines and re#i!ious practices.
99: 0iscuss the re#ationship etween po#itics and re#i!ion y examinin! the wars o+ re#i!ion.
>hoose T"@ speci+ic examp#es +rom the +o##owin!: 0utch Re*o#t, <rench wars o+ re#i!ion,
En!#ish >i*i# "ar, Thirty Eears "ar.
22: (Deadership determines the +ate o+ a country.) E*a#uate this Fuotation in terms o+ =pains
experience under Phi#ip --.
21: Assess the po#itica# and socia# conseFuences o+ the Protestant Re+ormation in the +irst ha#+
o+ the sixteenth century.
2:: >ompare and contrast the re#i!ious po#icies o+ T"@ o+ the +o##owin!: E#i5aeth - o+
En!#and, >atherine de 9Jdicis o+ <rance, -sae##a - o+ =pain.
%2:4: To what extent did po#itica# authorities in+#uence the course o+ the Protestant Re+ormation
in the sixteenth century$
2': >ompare and contrast the moti*es and actions o+ 9artin Duther in the ;erman states and
Kin! Henry H--- in En!#and in rin!in! aout re#i!ious chan!e durin! the Re+ormation.
2/: Ana#y5e the aims, methods, and de!ree o+ success o+ the >atho#ic Re+ormation ?>ounter-
Re+ormationA in the sixteenth century.
%2/4: How and to what extent did the methods and idea o+ Renaissance humanism contriute to
the Protestant Re+ormation$
%274: E*a#uate the in+#uence o+ Renaissance humanism on >atho#ic re+orms and the Protestant
%2&4: Ana#y5e the reasons +or the dec#ine o+ the Ho#y Roman Empire as a +orce in European
po#itics in the period 1'17 to 1/,&.
29: Analyze various ways in which the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) represented a turning
point in European history.
09B: Analyze the impacts of the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Reformation (Counter
Reformation) on the social order of sixteenth-century Europe.
10: Analyze the various Protestant views of the relationship between church and state in the
period circa 15001700.
11B: Contrast Renaissance Florence with Reformation Geneva with respect to religion,
government, and everyday life.
047 %2,4: Pi#!rima!e o+ ;race in En!#and
047 11: E#i5aeth - and !ender issues
Early Modern Society
2:: Ana#y5e at #east T"@ +actors that account +or the rise and T"@ +actors that exp#ain the
dec#ine o+ witchcra+t persecution and tria#s in the period +rom 1'&2 to 17'2.
2'4: Account +or the !rowth and dec#ine o+ European witch hunts in the period 1'22 to 1/'2.
%2&4: Ana#y5e the impact o+ T"@ cu#tura# andLor techno#o!ica# de*e#opments on European
education in the period 1,'2 to 1/'2.
&2 047: "itchcra+t
9' 047: P#a!ue +rom the +i+teenth to ei!hteenth centuries
22 047: <esti*a#s and ritua#s in traditiona# European #i+e
2, 047: Attitudes toward the poor +rom 1,'2 to 1&22
27 047: Assumptions aout chi#dren and chi#d-rearin! practices in ear#y modern Europe
2& 047: ;erman Peasants Re*o#t
Absolutism and the Commercial Revolution
7&: 4y 1722 it had ecome e*ident that western and eastern Europe were mo*in! in opposite
directions in terms o+ their asic socia# structures. 0iscuss.
&:: -n the se*enteenth century, what po#itica# conditions accounted +or the increased power o+
oth the Par#iament in En!#and and the monarch in <rance$
&': -n se*enteenth-century En!#and the aristocracy #ost its pri*i#e!es ut retained its powerC in
se*enteenth-century <rance the aristocracy retained its pri*i#e!es ut #ost its power. Ana#y5e the
reasons +or these de*e#opments.
&/: -n the se*enteenth century, how did En!#and and the 0utch Repu#ic compete success+u##y
with <rance and =pain +or contro# o+ o*erseas territory and trade$
&7: Ana#y5e the ways in which oth the theory and practice o+ monarchy e*o#*ed in En!#and
+rom 1/23 ?accession o+ =tuartsA to 1/&&-&9 ?;#orious Re*o#utionA.
&&: Phi#ip -- o+ =pain ?1''/-1'9&A ui#t the Escoria# and Douis M-H o+ <rance ?1/,3-171'A o+
<rance ui#t Hersai##es. =tartin! with the pictures o+ these pa#aces, ana#y5e the simi#arities and
di++erences in the conception and practice o+ monarchy o+ these two 1in!s.
&9: Ana#y5e the maGor ways throu!h which Tsar Peter the ;reat ?1/&9-17:'A sou!ht to re+orm
his society and institutions in order to stren!then Russia and its position in Europe.
91: Ana#y5e the mi#itary, po#itica#, and socia# +actors that account +or the rise o+ Prussia
etween 1/,2 and 17&/.
93: 0escrie and ana#y5e the chan!es in the ro#e o+ Par#iament in En!#ish po#itics etween the
succession o+ Iames - and the ;#orious Re*o#ution.
93: -n 1,92 there was no such country as =pain, yet within a century it had ecome the most
power+u# nation in Europe and within another had sun1 to the status o+ third-rate power.
0escrie and ana#y5e the maGor socia#, economic, and po#itica# reasons +or =pains rise and +a##.
9,: 4etween 1,'2 and 1&22, many women !ained power as ru#ers, some as rei!nin! Fueens,
others as re!ents. -denti+y two such power+u# women and discuss how issues o+ !ender, such as
marria!e and reproduction, in+#uenced their ai#ity to otain and exercise power.
9': Ana#y5e the in+#uence o+ the theory o+ mercanti#ism on the domestic and +orei!n po#icies o+
<rance, 1/22-171'.
99: 9achia*e##i su!!ested that ru#er shou#d eha*e oth (#i1e a #ion) and (#i1e a +ox.) Ana#y5e
the po#icies o+ T"@ o+ the +o##owin! European ru#ers, indicatin! the de!ree to which they
success+u##y +o##owed 9achia*e##is su!!estion: E#i5aeth - o+ En!#and, Henry -H o+ <rance,
>atherine the ;reat o+ Russia, <rederic1 -- o+ Prussia.
99: Ana#y5e the ways in which the contrastin! sty#es o+ these two paintin!s re+#ect the di++erent
economic *a#ues and socia# structures o+ <rance and the 8ether#ands in the se*enteenth century.
21: 0escrie and ana#y5e how o*erseas expansion y European states a++ected !#oa# trade and
internationa# re#ations +rom 1/22 to 171'.
2:: -n what ways and to what extent did aso#utism a++ect the power and status o+ the European
noi#ity in the period 1/'2 to 17'2$ 6se examp#es +rom at #east T"@ countries.
%2:4: >ompare and contrast the !oa#s and maGor po#icies o+ Peter the ;reat o+ Russia ?ru#ed
1/&:-17:'A with those o+ <rederic1 the ;reat o+ Prussia ?ru#ed 17,2-17&/A.
23: Douis M-H dec#ared his !oa# was (one 1in!, one #aw, one +aith.) Ana#y5e the methods the
1in! used to achie*e this oGecti*e and discuss the extent to which he was success+u#.
%234: Exp#ain why Europe saw no #astin! peace in the period etween the Peace o+ "estpha#ia
in 1/,& and the Peace o+ Paris in 17/3.
%2,4: Exp#ain the reasons +or the rise o+ the 8ether#ands as a #eadin! commercia# power in the
period 1''2-1/'2.
2': Ana#y5e the economic, techno#o!ica#, and institutiona# +actors responsi#e +or western
Europes domination o+ wor#d trade +rom 1/'2 to 1&22.
%2'4: 0iscuss the economic po#icies and institutions that characteri5ed mercanti#ist systems
+rom 1/22 to 1&22.
%2/4: How and to what extent did the >ommercia# Re*o#ution trans+orm the European economy
and dip#omatic a#ance o+ power in the period +rom 1/'2 to 17/3$
27: Ana#y5e the +actors that pre*ented the de*e#opment o+ a uni+ied ;erman state in the
sixteenth and se*enteenth centuries.
27: 4ritain and <rance were en!a!ed in a !eopo#itica# and economic ri*a#ry durin! the
ei!hteenth century. -denti+y the +actors that contriuted to this ri*a#ry, and assess the resu#ts +or
oth countries o*er the period 1/&9 to 17&9.
%274: 6sin! the two 0utch paintin!s ao*e and your historica# 1now#ed!e o+ the period, discuss
how the paintin!s re+#ect the economy and cu#ture o+ the 8ether#ands in the se*enteenth century.
2&: Ana#y5e the methods and de!rees o+ success o+ Russian po#itica# and socia# re+orm +rom the
period o+ Peter the ;reat ?1/&9B17:'A throu!h >atherine the ;reat ?17/:B179/A.
%2&4: >ompare and contrast the po#itica# ideas o+ Hoes and Doc1e.
29: >ompare and contrast the economic +actors responsi#e +or the dec#ine o+ =pain with the
economic +actors responsi#e +or the dec#ine o+ the 0utch Repu#ic y the end o+ the se*enteenth
29: Analyze the extent to which Frederick the Great of Prussia and Joseph II of Austria
advanced and did not advance Enlightenment ideals during their reigns.
09B: Analyze the impact of the major developments of the Commercial Revolution on
Europes economy and society in the period 1650 to 1789.
10: Analyze the ways in which European monarchs used both the arts and the sciences to
enhance state power in the period circa 15001800.
10: Analyze the various effects of the expansion of the Atlantic trade on the economy of
Western Europe in the period circa 14501700.
10B: Compare and contrast the economic and social development of Russia with that of the
Netherlands in the period 16001725.
11B: Describe the challenges to royal authority in eastern Europe in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries and evaluate the effectiveness of those challenges.
9/ 047: >ha##en!es to 0utch security, unity, and prosperity
%274 047: >oncepts o+ noi#ity in <rance +rom #ate 1/
to #ate 1&
Scientific Revolution
7&: (8ature and natures #aws #ay hid in the ni!ht, ;od said, %Det 8ewton e and a## was
#i!ht.) The coup#et ao*e was A#exander Popes way o+ expressin! the re#ationship etween the
=cienti+ic Re*o#ution and >hristianity. "hat was the e++ect o+ se*enteenth-century science on
>hristianity, and how did each react to the other$
&,: How did the de*e#opments in scienti+ic thou!ht +rom >opernicus to 8ewton create a new
conception o+ the uni*erse and humanitys p#ace within it$
91: 0escrie the new astronomy o+ the sixteenth and se*enteenth centuries and ana#y5e the
ways in which it chan!ed scienti+ic thou!ht and methods.
22: Exp#ain the de*e#opment o+ the scienti+ic method in the se*enteenth century and the impact
o+ scienti+ic thin1in! on traditiona# sources o+ authority.
2,: Assess the impact o+ the =cienti+ic Re*o#ution on re#i!ion and phi#osophy in the period
1''2 to 17'2.
29: Analyze how Galileo, Descartes, and Newton altered traditional interpretations of nature and
challenged traditional sources of knowledge.
97 047: "omen and the =cienti+ic Re*o#ution
2'4 047: -n+#uences on scientists in sixteenth and se*enteenth centuries
Enlightenment and !
"Century Society
77: Trace the e*o#ution o+ re#i!ious to#eration as a po#itica# practice and assess the +actors
ehind its de*e#opment +rom the Re+ormation throu!h the En#i!htenment.
&2: How did socia# and po#itica# conditions in ei!hteenth-century western Europe prior to 17&&
in+#uence the ideas o+ the En#i!htenment$
&:: >ompare and contrast the cu#tura# *a#ues o+ the En#i!htenment with those o+ the sixteenth-
century Renaissance.
&3: -n what ways did En#i!htenment thin1ers ui#d on or ma1e use o+ the ideas o+ 8ewton and
&,: >ompare and contrast the *iews o+ 9achia*e##i and Rousseau on human nature and the
re#ationship etween !o*ernment and the !o*erned.
&&: (-n the ei!hteenth century, peop#e turned to the new science +or a etter understandin! o+
the socia# and economic pro#ems o+ the day.) Assess the *a#idity o+ this statement y usin!
speci+ic examp#es +rom the En#i!htenment era.
92: Ana#y5e the ways in which speci+ic inte##ectua# and scienti+ic de*e#opments o+ the
se*enteenth and ei!hteenth centuries contriuted to the emer!ence o+ the re#i!ious out#oo1
1nown as (0eism.)
9,: Ana#y5e the ways in which En#i!htenment thou!ht addressed re#i!ious e#ie+s and socia#
issues in the ei!hteenth century.
9': To what extent did the En#i!htenment express optimistic ideas in ei!hteenth-century
Europe$ -##ustrate your answer with re+erences to speci+ic indi*idua#s and their wor1s.
%2:4: >ompare and contrast two theories o+ !o*ernment introduced in the period +rom 1/,2 to
%2:4: 4oth Iean-4aptiste >o#ert ?1/19-1/&3A and Adam =mith ?17:3-1792A sou!ht to increase
the wea#th o+ their respecti*e countries. How did their recommendations di++er$
23: -denti+y the +eatures o+ the ei!hteenth-century A!ricu#tura# Re*o#ution and ana#y5e its
socia# and economic e++ects.
%234: 0escrie and ana#y5e the in+#uence o+ the En#i!htenment on oth e#ite cu#ture and popu#ar
cu#ture in the ei!hteenth century.
2/4: Ana#y5e the inte##ectua# +oundations o+ re#i!ious to#eration in ei!hteenth-century Europe.
2&: 0escrie and ana#y5e the chan!es that #ed to Europes rapid popu#ation !rowth in the
ei!hteenth century.
%124: Ana#y5e the ways in which the ideas o+ se*enteenth-century thin1ers Iohn Doc1e and
-saac 8ewton contriuted to the ideas o+ ei!hteenth-century En#i!htenment thin1ers.
7& 047: Education o+ women +rom Renaissance to En#i!htenment
&: 047: >hi#d-rearin! attitudes and practices +rom sixteenth to ei!hteenth centuries in En!#and
&7 047: Diteracy in @#d Re!ime <rance
&& 047: ;in Act in En!#and
21 047: ;ree1 stru!!#e +or independence and phi#he##enic mo*ement
#rench Revolution and Napoleon
&1: 8apo#eon - is sometimes ca##ed the !reatest en#i!htened despot. E*a#uate this assessment in
terms o+ 8apo#eon -s po#icies and accomp#ishments. 4e sure to inc#ude a de+inition o+
en#i!htened despotism in your answer.
&,: (The essentia# cause o+ the <rench Re*o#ution was the co##ision etween a power+u#, risin!
our!eoisie and an entrenched aristocracy de+endin! its pri*i#e!es.) Assess the *a#idity o+ this
statement as an exp#anation o+ the e*ents #eadin! up to the <rench Re*o#ution o+ 17&9.
&/: To what extent and in what ways was the <rench Re*o#ution durin! the period 17&9
throu!h the Rei!n o+ Terror ?179,A an attempt to create a !o*ernment ased on En#i!htenment
&9: (Po#itica# #eaders committed to radica# or extremist !oa#s o+ten exert authoritarian contro# in
the name o+ hi!her *a#ues.) =upport or re+ute this statement with re+erence to the po#itica# and
cu#tura# po#icies o+ Roespierre durin! the <rench Re*o#ution.
9:: (8apo#eon was a chi#d o+ the En#i!htenment.) Assess the *a#idity o+ this statement. 6se
examp#es +rom oth the En#i!htenment and 8apo#eons attitudes and po#icies.
9/: -denti+y the maGor socia# !roups in <rance on the e*e o+ the 17&9 Re*o#ution. Assess the
extent to which their aspirations were achie*ed in the period +rom the meetin! o+ the Estates-
;enera# ?9ay 17&9A to the dec#aration o+ the repu#ic ?=eptemer 179:A.
23: How and to what extent did En#i!htenment ideas aout re#i!ion and society shape the
po#icies o+ the <rench Re*o#ution in the period 17&9 to 1799$
27: -denti+y the !rie*ances o+ the !roups that made up the Third Estate in <rance on the e*e o+
the <rench Re*o#ution, and ana#y5e the extent to which @8E o+ these !roups was a#e to address
its !rie*ances in the period 17&9 to 1799.
2&: Ana#y5e the ways in which the e*ents o+ the <rench Re*o#utionary and 8apo#eonic period
?17&9B1&1'A #ed peop#e to cha##en!e En#i!htenment *iews o+ society, po#itics, and human nature.
%124: Assess the ways in which women participated in and influenced TWO of the following:
The Renaissance, The Reformation, The French Revolution.
11: Analyze how the political and economic problems of the English and French monarchies
led to the English Civil War and the French Revolution.
11B: Describe and analyze the impact of the rise of Russia on international relations in Europe
in the period from 1685 to 1815.
79 047: Rei!n o+ Terror
91 047: =#a*ery durin! En#i!htenment and <rench Re*o#ution
%2&4 047: <rench Re*o#utionary ca#endar
$ndustrial Revolution and Age of $deologies
77: There were a numer o+ +actors that de#ayed the industria#i5ation o+ eastern Europe.
0iscuss them and then compare them with the +actors that encoura!ed the ear#ier
industria#i5ation o+ western Europe.
79: 0iscuss the extent to which nineteenth century Romanticism was or was not a conser*ati*e
cu#tura# and inte##ectua# mo*ement.
&2: >ontrast the ways in which European s1i##ed cra+tsmen o+ the mid-ei!hteenth century and
European +actory wor1ers o+ the ear#y nineteenth century di++ered in their wor1 eha*ior and in
their attitudes toward wor1.
&:: -denti+y and exp#ain the simi#arities and di++erences etween socia#ism and #iera#ism in
nineteenth-century Europe.
&3: -denti+y the socia# and economic +actors in preindustria# En!#and that exp#ain why En!#and
was the +irst country to industria#i5e.
&9: 4etween 17'2 and 1&'2 more and more western Europeans were emp#oyed in cotta!e
industry and in +actory production. Ana#y5e how these two types o+ emp#oyment a++ected
emp#oyer-emp#oyee re#ations, wor1in! conditions, +ami#y re#ations, and the standard o+ #i*in!
durin! this period.
92: -n <eruary 1&,&, the midd#e c#asses and wor1ers in <rance Goined to o*erthrow the
!o*ernment o+ Douis Phi#ippe. 4y Iune the two !roups were at odds in their po#itica#, economic,
and socia# thin1in!. Ana#y5e what transpired to di*ide the !roups and descrie the conseFuences
+or <rench po#itics.
91: 4etween 1&1' and 1&,& the condition o+ the #aorin! c#asses and the pro#em o+ po#itica#
stai#ity were critica# issues in En!#and. 0escrie and ana#y5e the re+orms that socia# critics and
po#iticians o+ this period proposed to reso#*e these pro#ems.
9:: 0escrie and ana#y5e the issues and ideas in the deate in Europe etween 17'2 and 1&,/
o*er the proper ro#e o+ !o*ernment in the economy. ;i*e speci+ic examp#es.
93: 0escrie the ways in which conser*ati*e po#itica# and socia# *iews shaped the peace
sett#ement o+ the >on!ress o+ Hienna. Exp#ain the conseFuences o+ the peace sett#ement +or the
period 1&1' to 1&,&.
97: 0escrie and ana#y5e the economic, cu#tura#, and socia# chan!es that #ed to and sustained
Europes rapid popu#ation !rowth in the period +rom 17:2 to 1&'2.
97: 0iscuss some o+ the ways in which Romantic artists, musicians, and writers responded to
the po#itica# and socioeconomic conditions in the period 1&22-1&'2. 0ocument your response
with speci+ic examp#es +rom discussions o+ at #east T"@ o+ the three discip#ines: *isua# arts,
music, and #iterature.
22: 0iscuss three de*e#opments that ena#ed ;reat 4ritain to achie*e a dominant economic
position etween 1722 and 1&32.
2:4: 0escrie and ana#y5e the di++erences in the ways in which artists and writers portrayed the
indi*idua# durin! the -ta#ian Renaissance and the Romantic era o+ the #ate ei!hteenth and ear#y
nineteenth centuries.
%234: >ompare and contrast po#itica# #iera#ism with po#itica# conser*atism in the +irst ha#+ o+
the nineteenth century in Europe.
23: Ana#y5e three examp#es o+ the re#ationship etween Romanticism and nationa#ism e+ore
%2,4: Ana#y5e the shi+ts in the European a#ance o+ power in the period etween 17/3 and
%2,4: To what extent did Romanticism cha##en!e En#i!htenment *iews o+ human ein!s and o+
the natura# wor#d$
%2'4: >ompare and contrast En#i!htenment and Romantic *iews o+ the re#ationship etween
;od and the indi*idua#.
2': Ana#y5e how economic and socia# de*e#opments a++ected women in En!#and in the period
+rom 1722 to 1&'2.
%2/4: 0iscuss how the two structures shown ao*e re+#ect the societies and cu#tures that
produced them.
Arch o+ Triumph, Paris, 1&2/-1&3/ >rysta# Pa#ace, Dondon, 1&'2-1&'1
%274: Re+errin! to speci+ic indi*idua#s or wor1s, discuss the ways in which T"@ o+ the
+o##owin! expressed the concept o+ nationa#ism in the nineteenth century: artists, composers,
%294: Analyze artistic and literary responses to industrialization over the course of the
nineteenth century.
11: Compare and contrast Enlightenment and Romantic views of nature, with reference to
specific individuals and their works.
11B: Analyze the extent to which conservatives in continental Europe were successful in
achieving their goals in the years between 1815 and 1851. Draw your examples from at least two
&1 047: 9idd#e-c#ass and wor1in!-c#ass attitudes toward industria#i5ation
&3 047: <#emin!s and "a##oons in 8ether#andsL4e#!ium
9& 047: =ocia#, economic, and po#itica# issues in ;ermany e+ore re*o#utions o+ 1&,&
2: 047: Pro#ems and responses to !rowth o+ 9anchester
Nationalism and $mperialism
&:: >ompare and contrast the moti*es +or European o*erseas expansion durin! the A!e o+
0isco*ery ?+i+teenth and sixteenth centuriesA and durin! the A!e o+ 8ew -mperia#ism ?nineteenth
and ear#y twentieth centuriesA.
&9: Ana#y5e and compare the e++ects o+ nationa#ism on -ta#ian and Austro-Hun!arian po#itics
etween 1&1' and 191,.
92: How and in what ways were economic and po#itica# +actors responsi#e +or intensi+yin!
European imperia#ist acti*ity in A+rica +rom the mid-nineteenth century to the e!innin! o+ the
<irst "or#d "ar$
9': Ana#y5e the 1ey de*e#opments that characteri5ed the European economy in the second ha#+
o+ the nineteenth century.
97: Ana#y5e the po#icies o+ THREE European co#onia# powers re!ardin! A+rica etween 1&71
and 191,.
2:: >ompare and contrast the +orei!n po#icy !oa#s and achie*ements o+ 9etternich ?1&1'-1&,&A
and 4ismarc1 ?1&/:-1&92A.
2,: >ontrast the impact o+ nationa#ism in ;ermany and the Austrian Empire +rom 1&,& to 191,.
2/: -n the period 1&1'-1922, po#itica# #iera#i5ation pro!ressed much +urther in western Europe
than in Russia. Ana#y5e the socia# and economic reasons +or this di++erence.
%274: To what extent did the Russian !o*ernment and society a++ect its economic de*e#opment
in the ei!hteenth and nineteenth century$
2&4: Ana#y5e the simi#arities and di++erences in the methods used y >a*our and 4ismarc1 to
rin! aout the uni+ication o+ -ta#y and o+ ;ermany, respecti*e#y.
%294: Analyze the effects of nationalism on the Austrian Empire in the period 1815 to 1914.
10: Compare and contrast how TWO of the following states attempted to hold together their
empires in the period circa 1850 to 1914: Austria-Hungary, Russia, Ottoman Empire.
&/ 047: ;reat 4ritain and =udan >risis
9: 047: Pan-=#a*ism
9, 047: -rish 7uestion, 1&22-191,
124 047: -ta#ian identity and unity, 1&32-1&72
Crisis of Modernism
77: 0iscuss the dec#ine o+ the aristocracy in western Europe. "hen did the dec#ine occur, what
+orms did it ta1e, and what +actors caused it$
77: 0iscuss the ori!ins and e*o#ution o+ European #iera#ism as a po#itica# mo*ement durin! the
nineteenth century.
7&: 4y 1922 the artist had either to e a critic o+ his time or de*e#op art +or arts sa1e. 0iscuss.
79: "hat po#itica# and socia# chan!es in western and centra# Europe account +or the *irtua#
disappearance o+ re*o#utionary outrea1s in the ha#+-century +o##owin! 1&,&$
&,: 0escrie the steps ta1en etween 1&3: and 191& to extend the su++ra!e in En!#and. "hat
!roups and mo*ements contriuted to the extension o+ the *ote$
&,: To what extent and in what ways did inte##ectua# de*e#opments in Europe in the period
1&&2-191, undermine con+idence in human rationa#ity and in a we##-ordered, dependa#e
&': To what extent did 9arx and <reud each cha##en!e the nineteenth-century #iera# e#ie+ in
rationa#ity and pro!ress$
&': E*a#uate the e++ecti*eness o+ co##ecti*e responses y wor1ers to industria#i5ation in
"estern Europe durin! the course o+ the nineteenth century.
&7: How and in what ways did the writin!s o+ Kar# 9arx draw on En#i!htenment concepts o+
pro!ress, natura# #aw, and reason$
&7: These two pictures su!!est techno#o!ica# and uran trans+ormations characteristic o+
modern Europe. 6sin! the pictures as a startin! point, descrie the extent o+ these chan!es and
their e++ects on wor1in!- and midd#e-c#ass Europeans in the second ha#+ o+ the nineteenth
&&: 0escrie and compare the di++erences amon! utopian socia#ists, Kar# 9arx, and re*isionist
socia#ists in their critiFues o+ nineteenth-century European economy and society.
92: Ana#y5e what the di++erences in #eisure acti*ities shown in the two paintin!s re+#ect aout
the socia# #i+e o+ peasants in the sixteenth century and o+ uran dwe##ers in the nineteenth
91: 0escrie and ana#y5e the ways in which 9arxism, <reudianism, and the womens
mo*ement cha##en!ed traditiona# European e#ie+s e+ore the <irst "or#d "ar.
93: 0iscuss the e++ects o+ the industria# economy on western European peasant women and
wor1in!-c#ass women +rom 1&32 to 191,.
9': 0iscuss the ways in which European Iews were a++ected y and responded to #iera#ism,
nationa#ism, and anti-=emitism in the nineteenth century.
9/: 0escrie the physica# trans+ormation o+ European cities in the second ha#+ o+ the nineteenth
century and ana#y5e the socia# conseFuences o+ this trans+ormation.
9&: >ompare and contrast the ro#es o+ 4ritish wor1in! women in the preindustria# economy
?e+ore 17'2A with their ro#es in the era 1&'2-19:2.
99: >ontrast how a 9arxist and a =ocia# 0arwinist wou#d account +or the di++erences in the
conditions o+ these two mid-nineteenth century +ami#ies.
22: (9an +or +ie#d and woman +or the hearth: 9an +or the sword and +or the need#e she: 9an
with head and women +rom the heart: 9an to command and woman to oey.) How accurate#y
do the #ines o+ poetry ao*e re+#ect !ender ro#es +or European men and women in the #ate
nineteenth century$
22: E*a#uate how the ideas o+ >har#es 0arwin and =i!mund <reud cha##en!ed En#i!htenment
assumptions aout human eha*ior and the ro#e o+ reason.
21: Ana#y5e how and why western European attitudes toward chi#dren and chi#d rearin!
chan!ed in the period +rom 17'2 to 1922.
%234: 0escrie and ana#y5e responses to industria#i5ation y the wor1in! c#ass etween 1&'2
and 191,.
%2,4: >ontrast the ways in which the paintin!s shown e#ow express the artistic and inte##ectua#
concerns o+ the eras in which the wor1s were created.
Raphae#, School of Athens, 1'29-1'11 Picasso, Les Demoiselles dAvignon, 1927
2': Historians spea1 o+ the rise o+ mass po#itics in the period +rom 1&&2 to 191,. 0e+ine this
phenomenon and ana#y5e its e++ects on European po#itics in this period.
%2'4: 0iscuss the impact o+ industria#i5ation and urani5ation on wor1in!-c#ass +ami#ies +rom
17'2 to 1922.
2/: >ompare and contrast the re#ationship etween the artist and society in the
RenaissanceLRe+ormation period to the re#ationship etween the artist and society in the #ate
nineteenth century.
27: Ana#y5e the pro#ems and opportunities associated with the rapid urani5ation o+ western
Europe in the nineteenth century.
%274: (-n the second ha#+ o+ the nineteenth century, most European !o*ernments were
conser*ati*e.) To what extent is the Fuotation ao*e an accurate statement$ 6se speci+ic
examp#es +rom at #east T"@ countries.
2&: European womens #i*es chan!ed in the course o+ the nineteenth century po#itica##y,
economica##y, and socia##y. -denti+y and exp#ain the reasons +or those chan!es.
2&: Ana#y5e the maGor +actors responsi#e +or the rise o+ anti-=emitism in nineteenth-century
%2&4: Ana#y5e the ways in which T"@ o+ the +o##owin! !roups cha##en!ed 4ritish #iera#ism
etween 1&&2 and 191,: <eminists, -rish nationa#ists, =ocia#ists.
%124: Ana#y5e the de*e#opment o+ the *arious +orms o+ European socia#ism in the 1&22s.
11: Ana#y5e how industria#i5ation and imperia#ism contriuted to the de*e#opment o+ consumer
cu#ture in the period 1&'2B191,.
%114: -n the #ate nineteenth century, mi##ions o+ wor1ers and inte##ectua#s proc#aimed themse#*es
socia#ists, yet +ew wor1ed toward the *io#ent re*o#ution predicted y Kar# 9arx. Ana#y5e the
maGor +actors that account +or this phenomenon.
%114: Ana#y5e the impact o+ science and techno#o!y on European society in the period +rom
1&22 to 1922.
&' 047: Iu*eni#e de#inFuency in nineteenth-century 4ritain
&9 047: "omens =u++ra!e
2/ 047: Rise o+ or!ani5ed sports, 1&/2-19,2
#irst World War and Russian Revolution
&2: "hat aspects o+ Russian society and institutions were most chan!ed and what aspects #east
chan!ed y the 4o#she*i1 Re*o#ution o+ 1917$ Dimit your discussion to the +irst ten years
?1917-19:7A o+ the new re!ime and account +or the chan!es your note.
&1: Ana#y5e the maGor socia#, po#itica#, and techno#o!ica# chan!es that too1 p#ace in European
war+are etween 17&9 and 191&.
&3: -n what ways and why did Denin a#ter 9arxism$
&,: To what extent did the emancipation o+ Russian ser+s and other re+orms in the nineteenth
century contriute to the moderni5ation o+ Russia e+ore the <irst "or#d "ar$
&': >ompare and contrast the ro#es o+ the peasantry and o+ uran wor1ers in the <rench
Re*o#ution to those o+ the peasantry and or uran wor1ers in the Russian Re*o#ution.
&7: (The tsarist re!ime +e## in 1917 ecause it had permitted tremendous chan!e and pro!ress in
some areas whi#e tryin! to maintain a po#itica# order that had out#i*ed its time.) Assess the
*a#idity o+ this statement as an exp#anation o+ the adication o+ 8icho#as -- in 1917.
&&: Assess the extent to which the <irst "or#d "ar acce#erated European socia# chan!e in
wor1, sex ro#es, and !o*ernment in*o#*ement in e*eryday #i+e.
9,: 0escrie and ana#y5e the #on!-term socia# and economic trends in the period 1&/2 to 1917
that prepared the !round +or re*o#ution in Russia.
9&: To what extent and in what ways did nationa#ist tensions in the 4a#1ans etween 1&72 and
191, contriute to the outrea1 o+ the <irst "or#d "ar$
2,: >ompare and contrast the extent to which the <rench Re*o#ution ?17&9-1799A and the
Russian Re*o#ution ?1917-19:,A chan!ed the status o+ women.
%294: Compare and contrast the crises in state authority that precipitated the French Revolution in 1789
and the February and October Revolutions in Russia in 1917.
&, 047: ;erman aircra+t industry durin! <irst "or#d "ar
99 047: Russian peasants +rom 1&/1 to 191,
23 047: >i*i# peace in ;ermany durin! <irst "or#d "ar
%2/4 047: A#sace-Dorraine nationa# identity +rom 1&72 to 1919
$nterwar and Second World War
7&: (E*ery success+u# re*o#ution puts on in time the roe o+ the tyrant it has deposed.)
E*a#uate this statement with re!ard to the En!#ish Re*o#ution ?1/,2-1//2A, the <rench
Re*o#ution ?17&9-1&1'A, and the Russian Re*o#ution ?1917-193&A.
79: (E*ery war creates i##usions and is conducted in the name o+ unrea#i5a#e idea#s.) E*a#uate
this statement y comparin! the !oa#s +or which the <irst "or#d "ar was +ou!ht and those +or
which the =econd "or#d "ar was +ou!ht.
&2: The cu#ture o+ the years etween the two wor#d wars ?191&-1939A was mar1ed y
experimentation and an interest in the irrationa#. =e#ect any two European wor1s o+ art or
#iterature +rom this period and descrie their si!ni+icance in terms o+ these characteristics.
&1: (191,-191& mar1s a turnin! point in the inte##ectua# and cu#tura# history o+ Europe.)
0e+end, re+ute, or modi+y this statement with re+erence to the !eneration e+ore and the
!eneration a+ter the <irst "or#d "ar.
&1: >ompare the economic ro#es o+ the state under se*enteenth-century mercanti#ism and
twentieth-century communism. -##ustrate your answer with re+erence to the economic system o+
<rance durin! Douis M-Hs rei!n under >o#ert and o+ the =o*iet 6nion under =ta#in.
&:: "hat po#icies o+ the =ta#inist !o*ernment perpetuated the essentia# +eatures o+ the tsarist
re!ime under 8icho#as -- ?1&9,-1917A$
&:: "hy did ;ermanys experiment with par#iamentary democracy etween 1919 and 1939
&3: >ompare the rise to power o+ +ascism in -ta#y and in ;ermany.
&,: >ompare and contrast the ways in which the wor1s o+ art reproduced e#ow express the
artistic sty#es and po#itica# issues o+ their times.
&/: To what extent and in what ways has twentieth-century physics cha##en!ed the 8ewtonian
*iew o+ the uni*erse and society$
&7: >ompare and contrast the e++orts to ensure European co##ecti*e security that were made y
the *ictorious powers etween 1&1' and 1&32 ?a+ter the 8apo#eonic "arsA with those made y
the *ictorious powers etween 191& and 1933 ?a+ter the <irst "or#d "arA.
&9: How and in what ways did European paintin! or #iterature re+#ect the disi##usionment in
society etween 1919 and 1939. =upport your answer with speci+ic artistic or #iterary examp#es.
9:: >ontrast European dip#omacy in the periods 1&92 to 191, and 191& to 1939, respecti*e#y.
-nc#ude in your ana#ysis !oa#s, practices, and resu#ts.
93: (0ictators in twentieth-century Europe ha*e had much !reater contro# o*er cu#ture and
society than had di*ine ri!ht monarchs o+ ear#ier centuries.) Assess the *a#idity o+ this
statement, usin! speci+ic examp#es +rom each era to support your position.
9,: 0iscuss and ana#y5e the po#itica# and economic reasons +or the +ai#ure o+ par#iamentary
democracy in ;ermany a+ter <irst "or#d "ar.
9': >ompare and contrast the extent to which >atherine the ;reat and Ioseph =ta#in were
9/: >ompare and contrast the re#ationships etween the !reat powers and Po#and in the periods
177:-1&1' and 191&-1939.
9/: >ompare and contrast the patrona!e o+ the arts y the -ta#ian Renaissance ru#ers with that
y dictators o+ the 1932s.
97: Account +or the responses o+ the European democracies to the mi#itary a!!ression y -ta#y
and ;ermany durin! the 1932s.
99: >ompare and contrast the de!ree o+ success o+ treaties ne!otiated in Hienna ?1&1,-1&1'A
and Hersai##es ?1919A in achie*in! European stai#ity.
21: How did new theories in physics and psycho#o!y in the period +rom 1922 to 1939 cha##en!e
existin! ideas aout the indi*idua# and society$
2:: Ana#y5e the impact o+ the <irst "or#d "ar on European cu#ture and society in the interwar
period, 1919-1939.
2,: Ana#y5e the ways in which techno#o!y and mass cu#ture contriuted to the success o+
dictators in the 19:2s and 1932s.
%2,4: Ana#y5e the participation o+ European women in the economy and in po#itics +rom 191,
to 1939. 6se examp#es +rom at #east T"@ countries.
%2,4: >ompare and contrast the ways that se*enteenth-century aso#ute monarchs and
twentieth-century dictators !ained and maintained their power.
2': Assess the extent to which the economic and po#itica# idea#s o+ Kar# 9arx were rea#i5ed in
post-re*o#utionary Russia in the period +rom 1917 to 1939.
2/: >onsiderin! the period 1933 to 19,', ana#y5e the economic, dip#omatic, and mi#itary
reasons +or ;ermanys de+eat in the =econd "or#d "ar.
%2/4: Ana#y5e anti-=emitism in Europe +rom the 0rey+us A++air in the 1&92s to 1939.
27: Ana#y5e the impact o+ the rise o+ mi#itarism and the =econd "or#d "ar on the #i*es o+
European women. -n your answer consider the period 1932 to 19'2.
%274: Ana#y5e how the 4a#1an crises +rom 1923 to 191, and the crises in centra# and eastern
Europe +rom 193' to 1939 threatened Europes a#ance o+ power.
29: >onsiderin! the period 191& to 19,&, ana#y5e the po#itica# and dip#omatic pro#ems +aced
y T"@ o+ the +o##owin! new#y created Eastern European states: Austria, >5echos#o*a1ia,
Hun!ary, Po#and.
12: Ana#y5e the ways in which the theories o+ oth 0arwin and <reud cha##en!ed traditiona#
European ways o+ thin1in! aout re#i!ion, mora#ity, and human eha*ior in the period circa
11: Ana#y5e the ways in which the po#icies o+ Ioseph =ta#in trans+ormed the po#icies o+
H#adimir Denin.
77 047: Pur!e o+ =.A. in 8a5i ;ermany
92 047: =panish >i*i# "ar
%2:4 047: "omen and -ta#ian <ascism
%234 047: 9arsha# Petain and Hichy <rance
12 047: "eimar Repu#ic
%ost"&'( Europe
77: (E*ery a!e proGects its own ima!e o+ man onto its art.) Assess the *a#idity o+ this statement
with re+erence to two representati*e twentieth-century European wor1s in either the *isua# or
#iterary arts.
&1: >ompare the ways in which the two wor1s o+ art reproduced e#ow express the artistic,
phi#osophica#, and cu#tura# *a#ues o+ their times.
9iche#an!e#o, David, 1'2, ;iacametti, Man Pointing, 19,7
&/: Assess the stren!ths and wea1nesses o+ the economic re*i*a# o+ "estern Europe etween
19,' and 1972.
&7: Ana#y5e the ways in which the >o#d "ar a++ected the po#itica# de*e#opment o+ European
nations +rom the end o+ the =econd "or#d "ar in 19,' to the construction o+ the 4er#in "a## in
91: 0escrie and ana#y5e the chan!in! re#ationships etween the =o*iet 6nion and Eastern
European countries +rom 19,' to 1972.
91: Ana#y5e the ways in which techno#o!y was an issue in European socia# acti*ism etween
19,' and 1972. 4e sure to inc#ude THREE o+ the +o##owin!: en*ironmenta#ism, peace
mo*ements, student protests, womens mo*ements, wor1ers mo*ements.
9:: Ana#y5e criticism o+ European society presented y European authors in the period 19,2 to
1972. 4e sure to discuss at #east two wor1s.
93: >ompare and contrast the attitudes toward science and techno#o!y he#d y En#i!htenment
thin1ers with the *arious attitudes he#d y European artists and inte##ectua#s in the twentieth
9,: Ana#y5e the common po#itica# and economic pro#ems +acin! "estern European nations in
the period 19,'-19/2 and discuss their responses to these pro#ems.
9': -denti+y +our speci+ic chan!es in science and techno#o!y, and exp#ain their e++ects on
"estern European +ami#y and pri*ate #i+e etween 191& and 1972.
9/: >ompare and contrast the womens su++ra!e mo*ements o+ the #ate nineteenth and ear#y
twentieth centuries with the European +eminist mo*ements o+ the 19/2s and 1972s.
97: 0escrie and ana#y5e resistance to =o*iet authority in the Eastern #oc +rom the end o+ the
=econd "or#d "ar throu!h 19&9. 4e sure to inc#ude examp#es +rom at #east T"@ =o*iet
sate##ite countries.
9&: 6sin! speci+ic examp#es +rom Eastern and "estern Europe, discuss economic de*e#opment
durin! the period 19,' to the present, +ocusin! on @8E o+ the +o##owin!: AA Economic reco*ery
and inte!ration, 4A 0e*e#opment o+ the we#+are state and its suseFuent dec#ine.
99: >ontrast the historica# context, e#ie+s, and eha*ior o+ European youth represented y
these two photo!raphs.
22: >ompare and contrast the po#itica# and economic po#icies o+ Ioseph =ta#in in period e+ore
the =econd "or#d "ar and those o+ 9i1hai# ;orache* ?19&'-1991A.
21: >ompare and contrast the po#itica# and economic e++ects o+ the >o#d "ar ?19,'-1991A on
"estern Europe with the e++ects on Eastern Europe.
2:: 9any historians ha*e su!!ested that since 19,', nationa#ism has een on the dec#ine in
Europe. 6sin! oth po#itica# and economic examp#es +rom the period 19,' to :222, e*a#uate the
*a#idity o+ this interpretation.
%2:4: 4etween 19,' and 1972, *irtua##y a## European co#onies achie*ed independence. 0iscuss
the chan!es within Europe that contriuted to this de*e#opment.
23: Ana#y5e three reasons +or the end o+ =o*iet domination o*er Eastern Europe.
%234: >ompare and contrast the re#ationship etween artists and society in the 4aroFue era and
in the twentieth century. -##ustrate your essay with re+erences to at #east T"@ examp#es +or each
2,: Ana#y5e the +actors wor1in! +or and a!ainst European unity +rom 19,' to :222.
%2'4: >ompare and contrast the *ictorious A##ied powers treatment o+ ;ermany a+ter the <irst
"or#d "ar with their treatment o+ ;ermany a+ter the =econd "or#d "ar. Ana#y5e the reasons
+or the simi#arities and di++erences.
%2'4: Ana#y5e the +actors responsi#e +or deco#oni5ation since the =econd "or#d "ar.
2/: >ompare and contrast the socia# and economic ro#es o+ the state in se*enteenth- and
ei!hteenth-century Europe ?e+ore 17&9A to the socia# and economic ro#es o+ the state in Europe
a+ter the =econd "or#d "ar.
%2/4: 0escrie and ana#y5e economic po#icies in Eastern and "estern Europe a+ter 19,'.
27: >onsiderin! the period 19'3 to 1991, ana#y5e the pro#ems within the =o*iet 6nion that
contriuted to the e*entua# co##apse o+ the =o*iet system.
2&: Ana#y5e the economic and socia# cha##en!es +aced y "estern Europe in the period +rom
19,' to 19&9.
%2&4: >ontrast #ate-nineteenth-century European attitudes and po#icies aout race to those a+ter
29: Ana#y5e the #on!-term and short-term +actors responsi#e +or the disinte!ration o+
communist ru#e in T"@ o+ the +o##owin! states: >5echos#o*a1ia, East ;ermany, Hun!ary,
12: >ompare and contrast the !oa#s and achie*ements o+ the +eminist mo*ement in the period
circa 1&'2B19:2 with those o+ the +eminist mo*ement in the period 19,' to the present.
%124: Ana#y5e the po#itica# and economic e++ects o+ chan!in! popu#ation patterns in "estern
Europe in the period circa 19'2 to the present. >ite speci+ic examp#es +rom at #east T"@
11: Ana#y5e the ways in which "estern European nations ha*e pursued European economic
and po#itica# inte!ration +rom 19,' to the present, re+errin! to at #east two nations.
2' 047: European unity, 19,/-19&9
%114 047: Post-19,' immi!ration to Europe

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