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June 23, 2014 Volume 42, Issue 21
Mission Statement: Growing Disciples of Christ by Seeking God, Sharing Love and Serving Others.
In This Issue
From Your Ministers 2-3
Strategic Planning Group Presentation 3
Guatemala Mission Trip 4
Vacation Bible School 5
In and Around WCC - Photos 6 - 7
Gratitude & Reading List 8
Announcements 9
Special Event & Sun./Wed. Classes 10
Bulletin Board 11
Upholding Our Church back cover
Small Groups
Strategic Planning
Core Values
2014 Areas of Focus
Welcome New Members!
June 15th - Chad, Elle Lucy Kate & Andrea McIntyre
June 15th - Gail & Sonny Berry
Sunday June 29
at 11:00 a.m. Worship Services
Youth Mission Trip about to board WCCs bus at 3:30 a.m.
6/21/14 headed to BNA to y to Guatemala. They arrived
safely - be sure to read their journal entries on pg 4!
The 2013-14 Final Report by the Strategic Planning
Committee is available online in audio/video format
and in DVD or hard copy by request. It is a compilation
of past, present and future needs, wants and goals
of Woodmont and outlines strategic evaluation for
our future growth. (see pg 3)


Mission Statement
Growing Disciples of Christ
by Seeking God,
Sharing Love and
Serving Others.
Follow the Guatemala Mission Trip on Twitter @WoodmontCCYouth or at www.woodmontCCyouth.com!
June 8th - RIP, Mary Ellen & Creason Clayton (not pictured)
Pg. 2
The Spire
Volume 42, Issue 21
Not long ago, I sat in the balcony of
the Grand Ole Opry. I wasnt there for
a Luke Bryan or Carrie Underwood
concert, as you might expect. Rather,
I was there for the senior graduation
ceremony of the Nashville School of the Arts. N.S.A.
is the citys arts magnet school. Its students arent only
scholars who balance equations and study history.
Teyre also talented young artistsactors, dancers,
composers, flmmakers, and morewho practice their
chosen craf.
Near the ceremonys climax, the class valedictorian strode
across stage and took the podium. Before advancing into
her very bright future, she wanted to pause and thank
some folks who had contributed to her success. To my
surprise, she mentioned my name!
Well, sort of.
Id especially like to thank Mrs. Gung, she said. Of
course, she was talking about April, my wife and the
head of the counseling department. April had not only
helped this young lady to navigate class schedules and
college applications. She had also helped this young lady
through several hardships that could have hamstrung
her progress in life.
When she mentioned the Gung name, I smiled. I was
very proud of my wife for her excellent work. I was also
appreciative. Appreciative that she had brought honor to
the Gung name. Shes a credit to my name, I thought,
more so than I am myself. What April had done in my
name, with my name, and for my name, had brought me
pride, honor, and joy.
Names are important, arent they? Names arent just
what were called; theyre also how were known. Tat
is, theyre our reputation. Some names are bywords for
crime or cruelty: Bernie Madof or Adolf Hitler. Some
names are bywords for treason or treachery: Benedict
Arnold or Judas Iscariot. Some names are bywords for
folly or futility: Te Cleveland Browns or the Chicago
Cubs. So, then, to have a name that isnt a byword, but a
blessing, is a glorious thing!
Jesus Christ knows this very well. His is the most glorious
name ever uttered. When the cosmos was formed, his
name rang from star to star. His name will echo through
all eternity. Cherubim and seraphim sing his name back
and forth to each other in praise. Demons and devils
cower at the sound of his name. Undoubtedly, what the
book of Philippians says is true: At the name of Jesus,
every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord (2:10-11).
Furthermore, we who follow Christ are called by his
name: Christ-ians. We are followers of Christ. Lovers of
Christ. Indeed, as the apostles Paul and John write, we
are the bride of Christ. In a very real way, we have taken
Christs name. As a loving groom gives his name to his
bride, Christ has given his name to us. What a gif!
But this staggering truth begs a few questions: How well
do we do with Christs name? Do we bring it honor or
dishonor? Do we make his name a byword or a blessing
to others? Jesus Christ has done nothing less than entrust
his name and reputation to us. What have we done with
them? Are we a credit to him or not?
April and I just celebrated our second wedding
anniversary. Two years ago, on the eve of our wedding,
I lay awake in bed. Tankful, prayerful, and full of love,
I reached for the Bible beside me. What better way to
prepare for marriage than to read the Bible? Flipping
through the pages, I decided to read the book of
Colossians, a short, but magnifcent book in the New
Testament. Ill always have a sof spot in my heart for
the book of Colossians as the book that I read the night
before April took my name.
In it is an of-quoted verse: Whatever you do, in word
or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him (3:17).
What a powerful exhortation! Whatever we do, by day
or night, in public or private, at work or rest or play, at
the ofce or home or golf course, let us do it in the name
of the Lord. May Christ sit in the balcony of heaven and
look down upon us. And when he sees all that we have
done in his name, with his name, and for his name, may
he beam with a wide and loving smile.
In the Name by Justin Gung
With love,
Pg. 3
The Spire
June 23, 2014
Dear Woodmont,
Research claims the degree of
happiness in our lives directly
impacts our longevity.
Happy people live longer!
I wish I had known my grandmother.
My mother always lights up when she
talks about Janie Lee Moore. Janie Lee
was a quirky artist with a sense of humor
and a noticeable limp. As a child she sufered polio that lef
her with one leg signifcantly shorter than the other. My
grandmother knew her fair share of sufering. She survived
two world wars, the Great Depression and lost her brother
and father tragically. Somewhere along the way, Janie Lee
Moore decided she would be happy. You could say she was a
glass half-full kind of gal. Her faith inspired her joy. One day
my grandmother announced that she had read through the
entire Bible and red-lined every mention of happiness. Her
conclusion: Happiness was a choice.
We live in a culture ravenous for happiness. Te
problem is most of us are going about fnding
happiness in the wrong way.
Its not brain science. Success, a vault spilling of money, the
big house, the second house, a botox injection, a new pair
of shoes, lipstick, celebrity...these are certainly beautifully
wrapped gifs, but once they are opened, the gif inside
evaporates into the ethos. Tey might cause a momentary
spike in dopamine levels, but then are lost to the bottomless
black pit of emptiness. And we move on to the next fx.
Happy people savor life. Tey seek out people and experiences
that will light them up from the inside out. Tey spend little
time dwelling on the past or fretting about the future. How
could they when there is a juicy Georgia peach to enjoy, a friend
to laugh with, a child to kiss, a yummy meal to prepare, a garden
to get dirty in, and someone, anyone, needing to be loved.
I remind you that the only thing in this world that
does not age, tarnish, or ever lose its value is ones
smile and their soul!
We believe the world owes us happiness. And that it should
come with freworks, a marching band, and a winning lottery
ticket. No wonder most of us walk this planet in a malaise
of disappointment. We have focused our lives on feeding
the ego instead of the soul. We have lost the art of savoring,
relishing, and celebrating the simple, the small, the barely
noticeable, the transcendent.
Some of the happiest people I know are the ones who have
endured the greatest sufering in their lives. You could call
them mule-stubborn, divinely-inspired, or just plain ol
grateful folk. Regardless, they know the gif of a happy soul.
You will never want for sadness, darkness, and despair in this
world. Tats a given.
Happiness is a choice. Live in Hope,
Final Report of the Strategic Planning Group
Afer months of diligent work, listening to members and
friends of WCC, and prayerful discernment, the work of
the 2013-2014 Strategic Planning Group is fnished.
Rather than a written report, weve prepared an audio/
visual presentation - 15 minutes long - which is now
available for viewing.
Tere are a few ways to access the presentation (note:
you may click any of the links below if you are reading
the e-version of Te Spire - they are live links):
Visit www.woodmontchristian.org and click on the
News and Events tab, then on the Presentations link
under the Media section of the drop down menu.
See the video by going to: http://tinyurl.com/kb9kn5q.
Visit www.woodmontchristian.org, and click on the
slideshow graphic of the presentation (it is the same
as the graphic below.)
Click the graphic below.
Supporting materials can be seen by clicking SPG Final
Report Supporting Materials I & II right below the video.
If you have trouble with the video or documents, or
would like a photocopy or DVD, email Sara at the church
ofce at sara@woodmontcc.org or call 615.297.8563.
We appreciate the work of this dedicated committee and the
hundreds of Woodmont members and friends who have
participated in the survey, congregational meeting, and other
We are excited about the future! May God continue to
provide opportunities for us to Seek, Share, and Serve,
Cyril Stewart
Chair, 2013-2014 Strategic Planning Committee
Pg. 4
The Spire
Volume 42, Issue 21
WCCs Youth Group Mission Trip Arrived in Guatemala Saturday June 21

A different member of the group writes their nightly journal during the trip.
Glad to announce that we have arrived safe and sound at the Unbound Complex in San Lucan Toliman, Guatemala!
We had a long frst day of travel beginning at 3:30am but remarkably made it on the plane in time for an early departure.
However, we were stuck with a delay and extended 3 hour layover before the second leg of our fight. During the longer than
expected layover, everyone had a great time playing cards and getting to know each other better on the foor of the Hous-
ton airport. We truly have a remarkable group of youth on the trip!
Upon arriving in Guatemala we went through customs and boarded the very nice, new Unbound bus for a quick lunch
trip to McDonald`s in Guatemala City, where everyone was able to practice their Spanish as they ordered either pollo or
Following lunch we had a 3 hour bus ride to get to San Lucas Toliman, which was a beautifully scenic drive (although
none of the youth knew it because everyone was passed out asleep for most of the ride). We arrived at the Unbound Center
at approximately 8:00pm Nashville time to fnd that it is a safe, beautiful, sprawling complex full of gardens, a large dining
hall, a chapel, and a basketball court. The new computers and high speed internet cafe also mean we should be able to send
out a daily journal like this one to update our families.
Tomorrow we will have a half day of service in the morning, helping harvest beans and corn alongside the local
Guatemalan families. In the evening we will worship at Catholic mass (followed by our own Disciples communion back in the
compound) and then hopefully be able to catch some of the U.S. World Cup match.
Please continue to keep our group in your prayers as we do the same for each of you.
With much love and many blessings,
Trey and the WCC Youth Group
Entry #2- Sunday 6/22/2014 11:32 P.M. - Todays entry is by Victoria Manning.
Hola de Guatemala!
In the morning we woke up and had pancakes for breakfast. Then the Unbound staff did a morning refection where
they focused on the power of giving in the communication of Christ. During the rest of the morning, we spent time working in
felds for four different families, some picked tomatoes, some weeded tomatoes, and my group weeded corn. We walked up a
mountain about one mile to get to the land. On the way there and the way back, there were several kids that would walk with
us, sometimes, holding our hands. Afterwards, we headed out to a restaurant and had a delicious meal consisting of vegeta-
bles, bean dip, steak, and of course, tortillas.
Later today, we hung out watching the U.S. World Cup match until 4:30 at which time we attended a Spanish mass in
the village. When we got back to the compound we ate lasagna for dinner, and had a brief history lesson on Unbound through
the years. Following that, we went to the small chapel in the compound where Ashley, Justine, and Jocelyn led us in a devotion-
al. Today was a wonderful experience and a great frst day here. Tomorrow we will meet the sponsored families, which we are
all simultaneously nervous and excited for.
Buenos notches,
Victoria and the WCC Youth Group
Entry #1 - Saturday 6/21/2014 8:28 P.M.
Pg. 5
The Spire
June 23, 2014
Scores of individuals are making this Vacation Bible School one of the best ever.
To them, the greatest reward is the laughter of a child, a seed planted within a young heart, and the
smile of our Lord. However, wed still like to offer our deep and heartfelt gratitude. So, to the following
folks (as well as those who wish to remain nameless, even though God knows who you are!) we say:
You are Wonderful! Thank you! Thanks a ton!
We will tell the next generation of the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power,
and the wonders that he has done. Psalm 78:4
Christi Williams
Sarah Drury
Rellie McLaurine
Tami Buchanan
Angie McLaurine
Emily Carpenter
Bonnie Burks
Kate Drury
Macie Walker
Debbi Whittington
Doris Dark
Elaine Markland
Catie Pratt
Lisa Collins
Joy Jackson
Judy Davis
Gloria Jackson
Gracie Sinks
Blair Walden
Andrea Richardson
Melinda Norris-Munro
Paula Walker
Rebecca DiNapoli
Sarah Kunkel
Virginia Dinker
Abbie Giompoletti
Allison Schaufele
Laura Dovan
Anne-Marie Farmer
Taylor Groom
Landon Brown
Pam Richardson
Cindy Walker
Amber Hardin
Jessica Hardin
Pam Hardin
Abby McLean
Lisa Pitts
Joan Rich
Nancy Holmes
Chris Lott
Sara Koppelman
Rebecca Vaughan
Christen Tribbitt
Garrison Walker
Gail Reese
Sarah-Anne Hopper
Carol Hankla
Barbara Sullivan
Charlie Mason
Kirsten Lowe
Martha Galyon
Jessica White
Kristen Gallimore
Hilary Radakovich
Sam Marsh
Beverly Honeycutt
Shirley Taylor
Stephen Austin
Linda Whitson
Justin Gung
Pg. 6
The Spire
Volume 42, Issue 21 June 23, 2014
Pg. 7
The Spire
Fathers Day, Wed. Evenings Potluck & Sing A Long, Morning Worship Services and More! Photos by Alan Nelson
Volume 42, Issue 21
Pg. 8
The Spire
STAFF PICKS Summer Reading *available in Spire Books!
*Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World by John Shelby Spong
Evolution of the Word by Marcus Borg
Putting Away Childish Things, A Tale of Modern Faith by Marcus Borg
Misquoting Jesus by Bart D. Ehrman
The Next 100 Years by George Friedman
The Essential Wisdom of the Saints by Carol Kelly-Gangied
* Tattoos on the Heart by Father Greg Boyle
Toxic Charity by Robert Lupton
Art of the Commonplace by Wendell Berry
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by
Michelle Alexander
What Does God Look Like by Lawrence and Karen Kushner
*The Truth About God by Stanley Hauerwas and Will Willimon
Making Sense of the Bible by Adam Hamilton
American Gospel by Jon Meacham
Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Charles Marsh
Leadership Without Easy Answers by Ronald Heifetz
*The Meaning of Jesus by Marcus Borg and N.T. Wright
Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Bread of Angels by Barbara Brown Taylor
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
Take This Bread by Sara Miles
Bach - Music in the Castle of Heaven by John Eliot Gardiner
Broken Alleluia -The Life of Leonard Cohen by Liel Leibovitz
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupry
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
*Simple Church by Thom Ranier
The Angel and the Raven by Farrell Mason
Brim by Andra Moran
Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
*Craddock Stories by Fred Craddock
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Living the Questions by Jeff Procter-Murphy
The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg
Tales of the Hasidim by Martin Buber
With Gratitude... Thank Yous from organizations we serve through our outreach and generosity
Woodmont supports The Nashville Food
Project in many ways and attended
NOURISH, a fundraiser on June 17th.
Pg. 9
The Spire
June 23, 2014
The WCC Book Club is taking the summer off from
meeting, but not from reading. Stay in; stay cool, and
enjoy reading THE BOYS IN THE BOAT by Daniel James
Brown. Our next meeting will be September 16th at
10:30 in Room 107. Virginia Lewis will be our discussion
leader. Everyone is invited!
Seeking, Sharing, Serving
Wednesdays Led by Clay Stauffer and
Our Ministerial Staff
Sept 10 Seeking
Sept 17 Sharing
Sept 24 Serving
more details coming soon!
Center your spirit in the SILENCE of the beauty at St. Mary's Sewanee.
Grow in your ability to SURRENDER your life to God, as you engage with
others in deep reection and rich discussion about God's presence in
your life. Embrace SIMPLICITY as you design the holy space in your life
in all its dimensions. Cost is $300 per person, which includes a double
occupancy room, meals and materials. We will start with dinner Friday
night and nish late Sunday morning.
Reserve your spot today by sending a $100 deposit. You can do that
online at https://www.woodmontchristian.org/OnlineGiving.aspx and
chosing Women's Fall Retreat as the category.
CONTACT SANDY AT 615 414 5000 OR BETH AT 615 460 0141
Pg. 10
The Spire
Volume 42, Issue 21
July 2, 2014:
5:30 pm Sing-A-Long with David Regen and the Wednesday Evening Wailers in Rm 105.
6:15 pm Potluck Supper (DH) - Please bring one dish: salad, meat, vegetable or dessert.
Woodmont Adult Sunday School
9:30 a.m. Classes
Disciples Class Led by Roy Staufer - Rm. 105
Challenge Class Led by Bob Herrick - Rm. 200
Young Adult Class Led by Rob Quinn - BR
Spiritual Journeys Class for Women
Led by Rev Anne Staufer - The Bay
11:00 a.m. Classes
Hr. Spiritual Journeys - Open to Men - Led by Rev Anne Staufer - The Bay
Refections - Rm. 200
Points of View Discussion Group - Rm. 105
College & University-Aged Young Adults Led by Thom Schuyler - Rm. 107
Pathways Class for Parents - BR
Woodmont Kids Sunday School
9:30 a.m. Classes
ChristQuest - Ronda Hirst
Stars (2 Yrs) - Jane Clay and Porter Meadors - Lesson: Good Samaritan
Pandas (3 Yrs) - Christi Williams, Becky Grifth - Lesson: Jonah
Frogs (4 Yrs) - Joy Jackson, Sarah Drury - Lesson: Jesus and the Storm
Monkeys (5 Yrs/K) - Laurie Cooper
11:00 a.m. Classes
Childrens Church - Sarah Drury
4th/5th Grade Class - Topher Endress
June 29
- Kids & Adults
Speci al Pre I ndependence Day Holi day Show
Wednesday July 2nd Featuri ng
Cowboy Ji m Batson and hi s I magi nary Bi g Band
The Holiday show is following the Potluck Supper in
Drowota Hall and features western, oldies, gospel
and patriotic songs we all like to sing!
Lets get ready for the 4th of July!
Note: Bible Study will not be held but David Regens
Wednesday Evening Wailers Sing-A-Long is still on
the books in Room 105 at 5:30 p.m.
Pg. 11
The Spire
June 23, 2014
Thursday, June 26 Library Workday
9:00 a.m. Vacation Bible School
Sunday, June 29
9:30 a.m. Worship Service (Sanc)
11:00 a.m. Worship & Installation/Ordination
Service (Sanc)
9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Reception (GH)
4:00 p.m. Tele-Connect Meeting (BR)
Deacon Training (Sanc)
5:15 p.m.* The Bridge Worship Service (DH)
Monday, June 30
4:00 p.m. The Geezers (BR)
4:30 p.m. Spiritual Director Peer Group (CS)
Tuesday, July 1
9:00 a.m. Womens Prayer Group (C/S)
Wednesday, July 2
6:15 a.m. Mens Small Group 107)
7:00 a.m. Mens Bible Study (105)
Younger Mens Bible Study (BR)
5:15 p.m. Wed. Night Sing-A-Long (105)
6:00 p.m. Potluck Dinner followed by a Special
Performance - Cowboy Jim Batson
and His Imaginary Big Band (DH)
Note - NO Bible Study
Thursday June 3 Library Workday
Opportunities at Woodmont
New Concerns:
Jim and Denese Grifn, Rockville MD, sister and brother-in-law of Karen
Continuing Concerns:
Wayne Puckett
Debbie McPherson, daughter of Rita Baldwin
Dorothy Forlidas, mother of Nick Forlidas
John Crowe, godson of Glenn & Mary Kiger
Mike Stewart
Ellen Anderson
Penny Stelling
Gary Musick
Maddie Murphy
Jeannette Miller, Claiborne-Hughes Health Center Room 114
Sympathy To:
Marion, David and Ann-Walker Greenlee and family on the death of
Marions father, Jim Adams. Mr. Adams passed away Sunday, June
22. Visitation will be at the Greenlees home, 3418 Golf Club Lane,
on Wednesday from 4:00 7:00 p.m. Services will be on Thursday,
June 26 at 11:00, City Road Chapel UMC with visitation one hour prior.
Ann and Paul Rising and family on the death of Pauls step-mother,
Marian Rising. Mrs. Rising passed away on Saturday, June 21.
Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, July 1st in Philadelphia, PA.
Military Prayer List:
Dan King & wife, Ashley King, brother and sister-in-law of
Stephen Daniel King
Richie Mercado, Afghanistan, son-in-law of Barbara and
Doug Schoerke
Dave Albritton, nephew of Dave and Pat Malone
Those Serving Abroad:
Jesse Garrison, Peace Corp in Armenia
Courtney Valk, Peace Corp in Republic of Georgia
Guatemala Youth Mission Group in Guatemala
Sarah Stewart and Craig France who were married at Woodmont on
June 21 by Rev. Clay Staufer. Sarah is the daughter of Cyril and
Fran Stewart.
Adam Long and Robyn Laurent who were married at Woodmont on
June 14 by Rev. Clay Staufer.
Give Thanks:
Jordan Henderson, friend of Alan & Beth Sowell who is home from
Prayers for our Church Family
Elders Prayer Corner
Woodmont elders request you join them in prayer for:
-safe travel for our youth and adults who are in Guatemala this week
-healing and peace for members and friends who are sick or grieving
-our VBS children as they imagine and build with Godthis week
-Gods guidance as the church moves into a new year of leadership and ministry
-all of us to take our Christian life seriously every day in every circumstance
Communion Prep: Pam Hardin
Service Coordinator: 9:30 -Seth Norman
11:00 - Nick Small
5:15 - Mart Sesler
Video Camera: 9:30 - Paul Hardin
11:00 - Adam Sloan
June 29, 2014
9:30 a.m.
Bill Heyne
Richmond Williams
11:00 a.m.
Emmie Thomas
Gene Regen
Anne Mitchell - Hospital
5:15 p.m.
Mart Sesler
Date Sunday School Total Atd. Operating
June 1 284 756 $52,745
June 8 216 682 $29,759
June 15 281 769 $29,520
June 22 249 768 $73,310
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Clay Staufer, Preaching
Title: Led to Follow
Scripture: I Cor 12:4-11, 14-26
5:15 p.m. - The Bridge
Trey Flowers, Preaching
Title: Laughing in the Face of God
Scripture: Genesis 17:1-8, 15-17
Pleasants Christian Church, Rossville
Rev. Clay Staufer, Senior Minister

Michael Graham, Director of Music Ministry Topher Endress, Ministerial Intern Anne Mitchell, Interim Director of Preschool
Sarah Hufman, Accompanist Mary Clare Pyron, Parish Nurse &Small Groups Coordinator Linda Whitson, Staf Administrator
Sara Koppelman, Communications Director Rebecca Vaughan, Receptionist Steven Austin, Housekeeping
Chris Beck, Finance Manager Beverly Honeycutt, Housekeeping Shirley Taylor, Housekeeping
Sam Marsh, Property Manager - Housekeeping Supervisor
9:30 a.m.
David Reynolds
Cathy Williams
Talbott Ottinger
Jennifer Ottinger
Scott Holley
Honey Hetzel
Milly Moore
Liz Holley
11:00 a.m.
Dennis Beck
Cynthia Beck
Cathy Williams
Monte Good
Teri Diamond
Stuart Lackey
Jennifer Lackey
Don Mitchell
5:15 p.m.
Jay Everett
Rebecca Everett
Jeremiah Weeden-Wright
Stephanie Weeden-Wright
Dr. C. Roy Staufer, Minister of Adult Education & Church Life
Rev. Justin Gung, Minister of Children & Congregational Care
Farrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care
Carla CJ Schooler, Minister of Jr. High Youth
Rev. Trey Flowers, Minister of Youth & The Bridge
Thom Schuyler, Director of College, Young Adults, Missions & Outreach
Andra Moran & Stephen Daniel King, Creative Directors for The Bridge
Tallu Quinn, Director of TNFP
Sunday June 29
at 11:00 a.m. Worship Services
Woodmont Christian Church
3601 Hillsboro Rd. Nashville, TN 37215
A Beacon and A Bridge
The Spire
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