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See www.routerboard.com for more information. Contact support@mikrotik.com for support questions.

kouter8CAkD Groove Snn
!"#$% '()"* +"#,( -., /-00-.)1 2.3405-)#4.

1he 8ouLer8CA8u Groove Snn comes prelnsLalled ln an ouLdoor case, wlLh a bullL-ln 3CPz
802.11a/n wlreless, an n-Male anLenna connecLor, and one 10/100 LLherneL connecLor whlch
supporLs Mul-x auLo deLecLlon. 1he devlce ls packaged wlLh a 24v power adapLer, a oL ln[ecLor and
Lwo mounLlng loops. noLe: AnoLher model, Lhe Groove A-Snn ls an A verslon of Lhls devlce, and
lncludes a Level4 8ouLerCS llcense for wlreless access polnL mode supporL.
6#07) "7(
1. ConnecL Lhe anLenna Lo Lhe n-Male connecLor
2. 1wlsL Lo open Lhe Croove case, connecL an LLherneL cable Lo Lhe LLherneL porL
3. use Lhe provlded rubber lnsulaLor Lo puL on Lhe LLherneL cable, and push lL lnLo Lhe case
openlng, so LhaL Lhe openlng ls LlghLly closed
4. 1he Croove accepLs 8-30v asslve oL from a oL ln[ecLor
3. 1he defaulL l address from LLher1 ls for conflguraLlon
username ls adm|n and Lhere ls no password
6. uependlng on Lhe anLenna used, you musL seL lL's galn ln Lhe 8ouLerCS sofLware Lo ensure
LhaL Ll8 meeLs Lhe llmlL seL by auLhorlLles. 1hls ls done ln Lhe Wlreless menu.
1he board accepLs powerlng from Lhe LLherneL porL (asslve oL):
LLherneL porL accepLs passlve ower over LLherneL 8-30v uC. ackage conLalns a 24v
adapLer and a oL ln[ecLor.
Maxlmum power consumpLlon of Lhe devlce ls 4W.
;44)#.: *04$(77
lnlLlal connecLlon has Lo be done vla Lhe LLherneL cable. Cpen ln your web browser, and choose Webflg" for
browser based conflguraLlon or Wlnbox" for a Wlndows uLlllLy wlLh Lhe same funcLlons. username ls adm|n and Lhere ls no
password. ln case l connecLlon ls noL avallable, Wlnbox can be used Lo connecL Lo Lhe MAC address of Lhe devlce. More
lnformaLlon here: http:]]w|k|.m|krot|k.com]w|k|]I|rst_t|me_startup
ln case you wlsh Lo booL Lhe devlce from neLwork, for example Lo use Mlkro1lk neLlnsLall, hold Lhe 8LSL1 buLLon of Lhe
devlce when sLarLlng lL unLll Lhe LLu llghL Lurns off, and MeLal wlll sLarL Lo look for neLlnsLall servers.
1he Croove ls Lo be mounLed verLlcally, so LhaL Lhe LLherneL cable polnLs downwards.
lf you wlsh Lo LlghLen Lhe Croove Lo a pole, you can do lL wlLh Lhe provlded mounLlng loops. 1he Croove comes bundled wlLh
Lwo mounLlng loops - gulde Lhe loops around Lhe Croove Lhough Lhe provlded edge marklngs, and around Lhe pole where lL
wlll be mounLed. ?ou should avold connecLlng a loose LLherneL cable Lo Lhe LLherneL porL, secure Lhe cable Lo a wall or Lhe
pole, so LhaL Lhe cable welghL ls noL pulllng Lhe porL. lL ls recommended Lo secure Lhe LLherneL cable less Lhan 2m from Lhe
Croove devlce. 1hls ls Lo ensure LhaL Lhe cable doesn'L damage Lhe porL by lL's welghL, or doesn'L fall ouL.

See www.routerboard.com for more information. Contact support@mikrotik.com for support questions. 31-May-2012
=>*-.7#4. '?4)7 -., 840)7
8ullL ln 3CPz 802.11a/n wlreless, 1x1 MlMC, sLaLlon mode (!" $%&' (%) *)%%+' !,-./)
Cne 10/100 LLherneL porL, supporLlng auLomaLlc cross/sLralghL cable correcLlon (AuLo Mul/x), so you can use elLher
sLralghL or cross-over cable for connecLlng Lo oLher neLwork devlces. 1he LLherneL porL accepLs 8-30v uC powerlng
from a passlve oL ln[ecLor.
;"))4.7 -., @"5*(07
8ouLerCS reseL [umper hole (no dlrecL access, board has removed from case) - reseLs 8ouLerCS sofLware Lo
defaulLs. MusL shorL clrculL Lhe meLalllc sldes of Lhe hole (wlLh a screwdrlver, for example) and booL Lhe devlce. Pold
screwdrlver ln place unLll 8ouLerCS conflguraLlon ls cleared.
8ouLer8CC1 reseL buLLon (access Lhrough Lhe plasLlc door) has Lwo funcLlons:
o Pold Lhls buLLon durlng booL Llme unLll LLu llghL sLarLs flashlng,
release Lhe buLLon Lo reset kouterCS conf|gurat|on (same resulL as wlLh reseL hole)
o Pold Lhls buLLon durlng booL Llme longer, unLll LLu Lurns off,
Lhen release lL Lo make Lhe devlce |ook for Net|nsta|| servers.
A*(0-)#.: '17)(5 '"**40)
CurrenLly LesLed operaLlng sysLem ls Mlkro1lk 8ouLerCS (sLarLlng from verslon v3.0).
B4*10#:C) -., D0-,(5-0%7E
CopyrlghL Mlkro1lkls SlA. 1hls manual conLalns lnformaLlon proLecLed by copyrlghL law. no parL of lL may be reproduced or
LransmlLLed ln any form wlLhouL prlor wrlLLen permlsslon from Lhe copyrlghL holder. 8ouLer8CA8u, 8ouLerCS, 8ouLer8CC1
and Mlkro1lk are Lrademarks of Mlkro1lkls SlA. All Lrademarks and reglsLered Lrademarks appearlng ln Lhls manual are Lhe
properLy of Lhelr respecLlve holders.
nardware. Mlkro1lk warranLs all 8ouLer8CA8u serles equlpmenL for Lhe Lerm of flfLeen (13) monLhs from Lhe shlpplng daLe
Lo be free of defecLs ln maLerlals and workmanshlp under normal use and servlce, excepL ln case of damage caused by
mechanlcal, elecLrlcal or oLher accldenLal or lnLended damages caused by lmproper use or due Lo wlnd, raln, flre or oLher acLs
of naLure.
1o reLurn falled unlLs Lo Mlkro1lk, you musL perform Lhe followlng 8MA (8eLurn Merchandlse AuLhorlzaLlon) procedure.
lollow Lhe lnsLrucLlons below Lo save Llme, efforLs, avold cosLs, and lmprove Lhe speed of Lhe 8MA process.
1. lf you have purchased your producL from a Mlkro1lk 8eseller, please conLacL Lhe 8eseller company regardlng all
warranLy and repalr lssues, Lhe followlng lnsLrucLlons apply CnL? lf you purchased your equlpmenL dlrecLly from
Mlkro1lk ln LaLvla.
2. We do noL offer repalrs for producLs LhaL are noL covered by warranLy. LxcepLlons can be made for 881000, 881100
and 881200.
3. CuL-of-warranLy devlces and devlces noL covered by warranLy senL Lo MlkroLlkls wlll be reLurned Lo Lhe sender aL
sender's cosL.
8MA lnsLrucLlons are locaLed on our webpage here: http:]]rma.m|krot|k.com
Manua|. 1hls manual ls provlded as ls" wlLhouL a warranLy of any klnd, expressed or lmplled, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo,
Lhe lmplled warranLy of merchanLablllLy and flLness for a parLlcular purpose. 1he manufacLurer has made every efforL Lo
ensure Lhe accuracy of Lhe conLenLs of Lhls manual, however, lL ls posslble LhaL lL may conLaln Lechnlcal lnaccuracles,
Lypographlcal or oLher errors. no llablllLy ls assumed for any lnaccuracy found ln Lhls publlcaLlon, nor for dlrecL or lndlrecL,
lncldenLal, consequenLlal or oLher damages LhaL may resulL from such an lnaccuracy, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, loss of daLa
or proflLs. lease reporL any lnaccuracles found Lo supporL[mlkroLlk.com

See www.routerboard.com for more information. Contact support@mikrotik.com for support questions. 31-May-2012
6(,(0-? B455".#$-)#4. B455#77#4. 2.)(03(0(.$( ')-)(5(.)

1hls equlpmenL has been LesLed and found Lo comply wlLh Lhe llmlLs for a Class 8 dlglLal devlce, pursuanL Lo arL 13 of Lhe lCC 8ules. 1hese
llmlLs are deslgned Lo provlde reasonable proLecLlon agalnsL harmful lnLerference ln a resldenLlal lnsLallaLlon. 1hls equlpmenL generaLes,
uses and can radlaLe radlo frequency energy and, lf noL lnsLalled and used ln accordance wlLh Lhe lnsLrucLlons, may cause harmful
lnLerference Lo radlo communlcaLlons. Powever, Lhere ls no guaranLee LhaL lnLerference wlll noL occur ln a parLlcular lnsLallaLlon.
lf Lhls equlpmenL does cause harmful lnLerference Lo radlo or Lelevlslon recepLlon, whlch can be deLermlned by Lurnlng Lhe equlpmenL off
and on, Lhe user ls encouraged Lo Lry Lo correcL Lhe lnLerference by one of Lhe followlng measures:
8eorlenL or relocaLe Lhe recelvlng anLenna.
lncrease Lhe separaLlon beLween Lhe equlpmenL and recelver
ConnecL Lhe equlpmenL lnLo an ouLleL on a clrculL dlfferenL from LhaL Lo whlch Lhe recelver ls connecLed
ConsulL Lhe dealer or an experlenced radlo/1v Lechnlclan for help
ICC Caut|on: Any changes or modlflcaLlons noL expressly approved by Lhe parLy responslble for compllance could vold Lhe user's auLhorlLy
Lo operaLe Lhls equlpmenL.
1hls devlce complles wlLh arL 13 of Lhe lCC 8ules. CperaLlon ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng Lwo condlLlons: (1) 1hls devlce may noL cause
harmful lnLerference, and (2) Lhls devlce musL accepL any lnLerference recelved, lncludlng lnLerference LhaL may cause undeslred
operaLlon. 1hls devlce and lLs anLenna musL noL be co-locaLed or operaLlon ln con[uncLlon wlLh any oLher anLenna or LransmlLLer.
IMCk1AN1: Lxposure Lo 8adlo lrequency 8adlaLlon. 20 cm mlnlmum dlsLance has Lo be malnLalned beLween Lhe anLenna and Lhe
occupaLlonal user and 43 cm Lo general publlc. under such conflguraLlon, Lhe lCC radlaLlon exposure llmlLs seL forLh for an
populaLlon/unconLrolled envlronmenL can be saLlsfled.
MCDIIICA1ICNS: 1he lCC requlres Lhe user Lo be noLlfled LhaL any changes or modlflcaLlons Lo Lhls devlce LhaL are noL expressly approved
by Lhe manufacLurer may vold Lhe user's auLhorlLy Lo operaLe Lhe equlpmenL. 1he correcLlon of lnLerference caused by unauLhorlzed
modlflcaLlon, subsLlLuLlon or aLLachmenL wlll be Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe user. 1he manufacLurer and lLs auLhorlzed resellers or dlsLrlbuLors
are noL llable for any damage or vlolaLlon of governmenL regulaLlons LhaL may arlse from falllng Lo comply wlLh Lhese guldellnes.
kCIILSICNAL INS1ALLA1ICN A11LS1A1ICN: Mlk8C1lkLS SlA addresses Lhe followlng lLems Lo ensure LhaL Lhe above referenced
equlpmenL ls professlonally lnsLalled:
1he 1v7C8CCvL-3Pn wlll only be sold by Mlk8C1lkLS SlA or one of lLs auLhorlzed dealers. Mlk8C1lkLS SlA and lLs auLhorlzed dealers wlll
be under sLrlcL markeLlng conLrol and wlll only markeL and sell Lhe 1v7C8CCvL-3Pn Lo professlonals.
rofesslonal lnsLallaLlon ls requlred for Lhe 1v7C8CCvL-3Pn and wlll be performed only by someone knowledgeable of lLs use.
Mlk8C1lkLS SlA wlll ensure LhaL Lhe 1v7C8CCvL-3Pn ls only markeLed and sold Lo professlonals.
1he 1v7C8CCvL-3Pn ls noL sold Lo Lhe general publlc and ls sold only for lndusLrlal or commerclal use by professlonal lnsLallers.
8.3 d8l Cmnl M1l Wlreless M1-482016nA
24 d8l anel aclflc Wlreless A38-24
32 d8l ulsh aclflc Wlreless PuuA3W-32-u
AnLennas of same Lype and lower galn Lhan Lhose llsLed above may be used ln compllance wlLh cerLlflcaLlon.

B= G($?-0-)#4. 43 B4.3405#)1
Pereby Mlkro1lk declares LhaL Lhls producL ls ln compllance wlLh Lhe essenLlal requlremenLs and oLher
relevanL provlslons of ulrecLlve 1999/3/LC. 1he ueclaraLlon of ConformlLy may
be obLalned by conLacLlng sales[mlkroLlk.com.

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