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A. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer. (2

1. Which system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen
and carbon dioxide between the air and the cells?
a. Circulatory c. excretory
b. Digestive d. respiratory
2. Which organ serves to filter and warm the air entering it?
a. Air sacs c. diaphragm
b. Bronchus d. nasal cavity
3. Where does exchange of gases take place?
a. Alveoli c. bronchioles
b. Bronchi d. diaphragm
4. The chemical process in which oxygen and carbon dioxide
are exchanged between the outside air and the cells is
a. Breathing c. exhaling
b. Inhaling d. respiration
5. The function of the respiratory system includes which of
the following?
I. Bringing air containing oxygen into the body
II. Releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
III. Exchanging oxygen with carbon dioxide in blood cells
IV. Transporting oxygen to cells throughout the body
a. I only c. I, II, and III
b. I and II d. I, II, III, and IV
6. Inhaling
a. Occurs when the diaphragm contracts
b. Occurs when the diaphragm relaxes
c. Is the exchange of gas between blood cells and the
d. Is when oxygen in the air is drawn into the body and
carbon dioxide is released from the body
7. Ventilation or breathing involves which organs?
a. The larynx, pharynx, and trachea
b. The lungs, larynx, pharynx, and trachea
c. The heart and lungs, larynx, pharynx, and trachea
d. The heart, blood and lungs, larynx, pharynx, and
8. Gas exchange occurs
a. In the lungs, between the blood and the air
b. In the alveoli of the lungs, between the peripheral
capillaries and the lung cells
c. In the alveoli of the lungs, between the peripheral
capillaries and the body cells
d. All of the above
9. Emphysema
a. Results in less gas can be exchanged in the lungs
b. Is caused by smoking and is irreversible
c. Cause shortness of breath
d. All of the above
10. Asthma occurs when the
a. Some of the alveoli of the lungs fill with fluids so gas
cannot occur
b. Air passages of the lungs periodically become too
narrow, often with excessive mucus production
c. Walls of the alveoli break down so less gas can be
exchanged in the lungs
d. All of the above
11. Breathing is controlled by the
a. Diaphragm
b. Respiratory centers in the brain
c. Level of carbon dioxide in the blood
d. All three of the above
12. The lungs are enclosed in a set of double membranes
known as the
a. Pericardium c. pleural sac
b. Periosteum d. peritoneum
13. Which of the following sites would be the most lethal if
obstructed by a foreign body?
a. Right bronchus c. left bronchus
b. Alveoli d. trachea
14. How will you describe the pathway of oxygen in the
breathing system?
a. Oxygen travels to the trachea
b. Air goes to the bronchi and bronchioles
c. From nose and mouth to the alveoli
d. From the nose and mouth, oxygen travels to the
trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and then into the

15. How does the movement of the diaphragm cause air to go
in and out of the lungs?
a. Movement of the diaphragm affects the air pressure
inside the chest
b. By either decreasing or increasing the space of the
chest cavity allowing air to go in and out of the lungs
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
16. The medical assistant working for a general practitioner is
taking the medical history of a new patient. The patient
states, Even after sleeping 8 to 9 hours, I still feel really
tired. The patients spouse states, Well, you sure snore
loud, as if the sleep is so good. Which of the following is a
possible cause for the excessive fatigue?
a. Depression
b. Sleep apnea
c. Tuberculosis
d. Emphysema
17. Describe what happens to carbon dioxide in the blood.
A. Carbon dioxide can combine with haemoglobin and
form carboxyhemoglobin.
B. Most reacts with water in plasma to form carbonic
C. The carbonic acid ionizes and releases hydrogen and
bicarbonate ions.
D. The bicarbonate ions then attach to haemoglobin and
are exhaled as a waste product from the lungs.
a. A only c. A, B, and C only
b. A and B only d. all of the above

B. Study the illustration of the respiratory system very well.
Identify the parts as numbered. (3 pts)

C. Write I if the statement refers to inhalation or E if it is
exhalation. (3 pts)
_____1. The intercostal muscles lower the ribs.
_____2. The intercostal muscles raise the ribs.
_____3. The diaphragm contracts or flattens
_____4. Air rich in O2 enters the lungs from the
_____5. The diaphragm relaxes
_____6. Air rich in CO2 exits the lungs

D. Respiration Process. Create a mental picture of the
respiratory system. Using the words in column A write the
correct sequence in column B. (3 pts)

Column A Column B
air sacs/alveoli 1. _______
bronchioles 2. _______
nose 3. _______
trachea 4. _______
pharynx 5. _______
bronchi 6. _______
larynx 7. _______

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