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Republic Act No.

Published: June 1, 1992.
Republic of the Philippines
Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila
Fifth Regular Session Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-second day of July, nineteen
hundred and ninety one
REPUB!C AC" N#. 7586
AN AC" PR#$!%!N& '#R "(E E)"AB!)(MEN" AN% MANA&EMEN" #'
NA"!#NA !N"E&RA"E% PR#"EC"E% AREA) )*)"EM+ %E'!N!N& !") )C#PE
AN% C#$ERA&E+ AN% '#R #"(ER PURP#)E)
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in on!ress
S#$%&' 1. $itle ( $his )ct shall be *no+n and referred to as the ,'ational %nte!rated
Protected )reas Syste" )ct of 1992-.
S#$%&' 2. .eclaration of Policy ( o!ni/ant of the profound i"pact of "an0s activities
on all co"ponents of the natural environ"ent particularly the effect of increasin! population,
resource e1ploitation and industrial advance"ent and reco!ni/in! the critical i"portance of
protectin! and "aintainin! the natural biolo!ical and physical diversities of the environ"ent
notably on areas +ith biolo!ically uni2ue features to sustain hu"an life and develop"ent, as
+ell as plant and ani"al life, it is hereby declared the policy of the State to secure for the
3ilipino people of present and future !enerations the perpetual e1istence of all native plants and
ani"als throu!h the establish"ent of a co"prehensive syste" of inte!rated protected areas
+ithin the classification of national par* as provided for in the onstitution.
%t is hereby reco!ni/ed that these areas, althou!h distinct in features, posses co""on ecolo!ical
values that "ay be incorporated into a holistic plan representative of our natural herita!e4 that
effective ad"inistration of this area is possible only throu!h cooperation a"on! national
!overn"ent, local !overn"ent and concerned private or!ani/ations4 that the use and en5oy"ent
of these protected areas "ust be consistent +ith the principles of biolo!ical diversity and
sustainable develop"ent.
$o this end, there is hereby established a 'ational %nte!rated Protected )reas Syste" 6'%P)S7,
+hich shall enco"pass outstandin!ly re"ar*able areas and biolo!ically i"portant public lands
that are habitats of rare and endan!ered species of plants and ani"als, bio!eo!raphic /ones and
related ecosyste"s, +hether terrestrial, +etland or "arine, all of +hich shall be desi!nated as
,protected areas8.
S#$%&' 9. ate!ories ( $he follo+in! cate!ories of protected areas are hereby
a. Strict nature reserve4
b. 'atural par*4
c. 'atural "onu"ent4
d. :ildlife sanctuary4
e. Protected landscapes and seascapes4
f. Resource reserve4
!. 'atural biotic areas4 and
h. &ther cate!ories established by la+, conventions or international a!ree"ents +hich the
Philippine ;overn"ent is a si!natory.
S#$%&' <. .efinition of $er"s ( 3or purposes of this )ct, the follo+in! ter"s shall be
defined as follo+s:
1. ,'ational %nte!rated Protected )reas Syste" 6'%P)S78 is the classification and ad"inistration
of all desi!nated protected areas to "aintain essential ecolo!ical processes and life=support
syste"s, to preserve !enetic diversity, to ensure sustainable use of resources found therein, and
to "aintain their natural conditions to the !reatest e1tent possible4
2. ,Protected )rea8 refers to identified portions of land and +ater set aside by reason of their
uni2ue physical and biolo!ical si!nificance, "ana!ed to enhance biolo!ical diversity and
protected a!ainst destructive hu"an e1ploitation4
9. ,Buffer /ones8 are identified areas outside the boundaries of and i""ediately ad5acent to
desi!nated protected areas pursuant to Section > that need special develop"ent control in order
to avoid or "ini"i/e har" to the protected area4
<. ,%ndi!enous cultural co""unity8 refers to a !roup of people sharin! co""on bonds of
lan!ua!e, custo"s, traditions and other distinctive cultural traits and +ho have since ti"e
i""e"orial, occupied, possessed and utili/ed a territory4
?. ,'ational par*8 refers to a forest reservation essentially of natural +ilderness character +hich
has been +ithdra+n fro" settle"ent, occupancy or any for" of e1ploitation e1cept in confor"ity
+ith approved "ana!e"ent plan and set aside as such e1clusively to conserve the area or
preserve the scenery, the natural and historic ob5ects, +ild ani"als and plants therein and to
provide en5oy"ent of these features in such areas4
@. ,'atural "onu"ents8 is a relatively s"all area focused on protection of s"all features to
protect or preserve nationally si!nificant natural features on account of their special interest or
uni2ue characteristics4
A. ,'atural biotic area8 is an area set aside to allo+ the +ay of life of societies livin! in har"ony
+ith the environ"ent to adapt to "odern technolo!y at their pace4
>. ,'atural par*8 is a relatively lar!e area not "aterially altered by hu"an activity +here
e1tractive resource uses are not allo+ed and "aintained to protect outstandin! natural and scenic
areas of national or international si!nificance for scientific, educational and recreational use4
9. ,Protected landscapesBseascapes8 are areas of national si!nificance +hich are characteri/ed by
the har"onious interaction of "an and land +hile providin! opportunities for public en5oy"ent
throu!h the recreation and touris" +ithin the nor"al lifestyle and econo"ic activity of these
1C. ,Resource reserve8 is an e1tensive and relatively isolated and uninhabited area nor"ally +ith
difficult access desi!nated as such to protect natural resources of the area for future use and
prevent or contain develop"ent activities that could affect the resource pendin! the
establish"ent of ob5ectives +hich are based upon appropriate *no+led!e and plannin!4
11. ,Strict nature reserve8 is an area possessin! so"e outstandin! ecosyste", features andBor
species of flora and fauna of national scientific i"portance "aintained to protect nature and
"aintain processes in an undisturbed state in order to have ecolo!ically representative e1a"ples
of the natural environ"ent available for scientific study, environ"ental "onitorin!, education,
and for the "aintenance of !enetic resources in a dyna"ic and evolutionary state4
12. ,$enured "i!rant co""unities8 are co""unities +ithin protected areas +hich have actually
and continuously occupied such areas for five 6?7 years before the desi!nation of the sa"e as
protected areas in accordance +ith this )ct and are solely dependent therein for subsistence4 and
19. ,:ildlife sanctuary8 co"prises an area +hich assures the natural conditions necessary to
protect nationally si!nificant species, !roups of species, biotic co""unities or physical features
of the environ"ent +here these "ay re2uire specific hu"an "anipulations for their perpetuation.
S#$%&' ?. #stablish"ent and #1tent of the Syste" ( $he establish"ent and
operationali/ation of the Syste" shall involve the follo+in!:
1. )ll areas or islands in the Philippines proclai"ed, desi!nated or set aside, pursuant to a la+,
presidential decree, presidential procla"ation or e1ecutive order as national par*, !a"e refu!e,
bird and +ildlife sanctuary, +ilderness area, strict nature reserve, +atershed, "an!rove reserve,
fish sanctuary, natural and historical land"ar*, protected and "ana!ed landscapeBseascape as
+ell as identified vir!in forests before the effectivity of this )ct are hereby desi!nated as initial
co"ponents of the Syste". $he initial co"ponents of the Syste" shall be !overned by e1istin!
la+s, rules and re!ulations, not inconsistent +ith this )ct4
2. :ithin one 617 year fro" the effectivity of this )ct, the .#'R shall sub"it to the Senate and
the House of Representatives a "ap and le!al descriptions or natural boundaries of each
protected area initially co"prisin! the Syste". Such "aps and le!al description shall, by virtue
of this )ct, constitute the official docu"entary representation of the entire Syste", sub5ect to
such chan!es as on!ress dee"s necessary4
9. )ll .#'R records pertainin! to said protected areas, includin! "aps and le!al descriptions or
natural boundaries, copies of rules and re!ulations !overnin! the", copies of public notices of,
and reports sub"itted to on!ress re!ardin! pendin! additions, eli"inations, or "odifications
shall be "ade available to the public. $hese le!al docu"ents pertainin! to protected areas shall
also be available to the public in the respective .#'R Re!ional &ffices, Provincial #nviron"ent
and 'atural Resources &ffices 6P#'R&s7 and o""unity #nviron"ent and 'atural Resources
&ffices 6#'R&s7 +here '%P)S areas are located4
<. :ithin three 697 years fro" the effectivity of this )ct, the .#'R shall study and revie+ each
area tentatively co"posin! the Syste" as to its suitability or non=suitability for preservation as
protected area and inclusion in the Syste" accordin! to the cate!ories established in Section 9
hereof and report its findin!s to the President as soon as each study is co"pleted. $he study "ust
include in each area:
1. ) forest occupants survey4
2. )n ethno!raphic study4
9. ) protected area resource profile4
<. Dand use plans done in coordination +ith the respective Re!ional .evelop"ent ouncils4
?. Such other bac*!round studies as +ill be sufficient bases for selection.
$he .#'R shall:
1. 'otify the public of proposed action throu!h publication in a ne+spaper of !eneral circulation,
and such other "eans as the Syste" dee"s necessary in the area or areas in the vicinity of the
affected land thirty 69C7 days prior to the public hearin!4
i. onduct public hearin!s at the locations nearest to the area affected4
ii. )t least thirty 69C7 days prior to the date of hearin!, advise all Docal ;overn"ent Enits
6D;Es7 in the affected areas, national a!encies concerned, people0s or!ani/ations and non=
!overn"ent or!ani/ations and invite such officials to sub"it their vie+s on the proposed action
at the hearin! not later than thirty 69C7 days follo+in! the date of hearin!4 and
iii. ;ive due consideration to the reco""endations at the public hearin!4 and provide
sufficient e1planation for his reco""endations contrary to the !eneral senti"ents e1pressed in
the public hearin!4
2. Epon receipt of the reco""endations of the .#'R, the President shall issue a presidential
procla"ation desi!natin! the reco""ended areas as protected areas and providin! for "easures
for their protection until such ti"e +hen on!ress shall have enacted a la+ finally declarin!
such reco""ended areas as part of the inte!rated protected area syste"s4 and
9. $hereafter, the President shall send to the Senate and the House of Representatives his
reco""endations +ith respect to the desi!nations as protected areas or reclassification of each
area on +hich revie+ has been co"pleted, to!ether +ith "aps and le!al description of
boundaries. $he President, in his reco""endation, "ay propose the alteration of e1istin!
boundaries of any or all proclai"ed protected areas, addition of any conti!uous area of public
land of predo"inant physical and biolo!ical value. 'othin! contained herein shall li"it the
President to propose, as part of his reco""endation to on!ress, additional areas +hich have not
been desi!nated, proclai"ed or set aside by la+, presidential decree, procla"ation or e1ecutive
orders as protected areaBs.
S#$%&' @. )dditional )reas to be %nte!rated to the Syste". ( 'ot+ithstandin! the
establish"ent of the initial co"ponent of the additional areas +ith outstandin! physical features,
anthropolo!ical si!nificance and biolo!ical diversity in accordance +ith the provisions of
Section ?d.
S#$%&' A. .isestablish"ent as Protected )rea. ( :hen in the opinion of the .#'R a
certain protected area should be +ithdra+n or disestablished, or its boundaries "odified as
+arranted by a study and sanctioned by the "a5ority of the "e"bers of the respective boards for
the protected area as herein established in Section 11, it shall, in turn, advice on!ress.
.isestablish"ent of a protected area under the Syste" or "odification of its boundary shall ta*e
effect pursuant to an act of on!ress. $hereafter, said area shall revert to the cate!ory of public
forests unless other+ise classified by on!ress: Provided ho+ever, that after disestablish"ent by
on!ress, the Secretary "ay reco""end the transfer of such disestablished area to other
!overn"ent a!encies to serve other priority pro!ra"s of national interest.
S#$%&' >. Buffer Fones. ( 3or each protected area, there shall be established peripheral
buffer /ones +hen necessary, in the sa"e "anner as on!ress establishes the protected area, to
protect the sa"e fro" activities that +ill directly and indirectly har" it. Such buffer /ones shall
be included in the individual protected area "ana!e"ent plan that shall prepared for each
protected area. $he .#'R shall e1ercise its authority over protected areas as provided in this )ct
on such area and desi!nated as buffer /ones.
S#$%&' 9. Gana!e"ent Plans. ( $here shall be a !eneral "ana!e"ent plannin! strate!y
to serve as !uide in for"ulatin! individual plans for each protected area. $he "ana!e"ent
plannin! strate!y shall, at the "ini"u", pro"ote the adoption and i"ple"entation of innovative
"ana!e"ent techni2ues includin! if necessary, the concept of /onin!, buffer /one "ana!e"ent
for "ultiple use and protection, habitat conservation and rehabilitation, diversity "ana!e"ent,
co""unity or!ani/in!, socioecono"ic and scientific researches, site=specific policy
develop"ent, pest "ana!e"ent, and fire control. $he "ana!e"ent plannin! strate!y shall also
provide !uidelines for the protection of indi!enous cultural co""unities, other tenured "i!rant
co""unities and sites for close coordination bet+een and a"on! local a!encies of the
;overn"ent as +ell as the private sector.
#ach co"ponent area of the Syste" shall be planned and ad"inistered to further protect and
enhance the per"anent preservation of its natural conditions. ) "ana!e"ent "anual shall be
for"ulated and developed +hich "ust contain the follo+in!: an individual "ana!e"ent plan
prepared by three 697 e1perts, basic bac*!round infor"ation, field inventory of the resources
+ithin the area, an assess"ent of assets and li"itations, re!ional interrelationships, particular
ob5ectives for "ana!in! the area, appropriate division of the area into "ana!e"ent /ones, a
revie+ of the boundaries of the area, and a desi!n of the "ana!e"ent pro!ra"s.
S#$%&' 1C. )d"inistration and Gana!e"ent of the Syste". ( $he 'ational %nte!rated
Protected )reas Syste" is hereby placed under the control and ad"inistration of the .epart"ent
of #nviron"ent and 'atural Resources. 3or this purpose, there is hereby created a division in the
re!ional offices of the .epart"ent to be called the Protected )reas and :ildlife .ivision in
re!ions +here protected areas have been established, +hich shall be under the supervision of a
Re!ional $echnical .irector, and shall include subordinate officers, cler*s, and e"ployees as
"ay be proposed by the Secretary, duly approved by the .epart"ent of Bud!et and
Gana!e"ent, and appropriated by the on!ress. $he Service thus established shall "ana!e
protected areas and pro"ote the per"anent preservation, to the !reatest e1tent possible of their
natural conditions.
$o carry out the "andate of this )ct, the Secretary of the .#'R is e"po+ered to perfor" any
and all of the follo+in! acts:
a. $o conduct studies on various characteristic features and conditions of the different
protected areas, usin! co""onalities in their characteristics, classify and define the" into
cate!ories and prescribe per"issible or prohibited hu"an activities in each cate!ory in the
b. $o adopt and enforce a land use sche"e and /onin! plan in ad5oinin! areas for the
preservation and control of activities that "ay threaten the ecolo!ical balance in the protected
c. $o cause the preparation of and e1ercise the po+er to revie+ all plans and proposals for
the "ana!e"ent of protected areas4
d. $o pro"ul!ate rules and re!ulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this )ct4
e. $o deputi/e field officers and dele!ate any of his po+ers under this )ct and other la+s to
e1pedite its i"ple"entation and enforce"ent4
f. $o fi1 and prescribe reasonable '%P)S fees to be collected fro" !overn"ent a!encies or
any person, fir" or corporation derivin! benefits fro" the protected areas4
!. $o e1act ad"inistrative fees and fines as authori/ed in Section 21 for violation of
!uidelines, rules and re!ulations of this )ct as +ould endan!er the viability of protected areas4
h. $o enter into contracts andBor a!ree"ents +ith private entities or public a!encies as "ay
be necessary to carry out the purposes of this )ct4
i. $o accept in the na"e of the Philippine ;overn"ent and in behalf of '%P)S funds, !ifts
or be2uests of "oney for i""ediate disburse"ents or other property in the interest of the
'%P)S, its activities or its services4
5. $o call on any a!ency or instru"entality of the ;overn"ent as +ell as acade"ic
institutions, non=!overn"ent or!ani/ations and the private sector as "ay be necessary to
acco"plish the ob5ectives and activities of the Syste"4
*. $o sub"it an annual report to the President of the Philippines and to on!ress on the
status of protected areas in the country4
l. $o establish a unifor" "ar*er of the Syste", includin! an appropriate and distinctive
sy"bol for each cate!ory in the Syste", in consultation +ith appropriate !overn"ent a!encies
and public and private or!ani/ations4
". $o deter"ine the specification of the class, type and style of buildin!s and other
structures to be constructed in protected areas and the "aterials to be used4
n. ontrol the construction, operation and "aintenance of roads, trails, +ater+or*s,
se+era!e, fire protection, and sanitation syste"s and other public utilities +ithin the protected
o. ontrol occupancy of suitable portions of the protected area and resettle outside of said
area forest occupants therein, +ith the e1ception of the "e"bers of indi!enous co""unities
area4 and
p. $o perfor" such other functions as "ay be directed by the President of the Philippines,
and to do such acts as "ay be necessary or incidental to the acco"plish"ent of the purpose and
ob5ectives of the Syste".
S#$%&' 11. Protected )rea Gana!e"ent Board. ( ) Protected )rea Gana!e"ent Board
for each of the established protected area shall be created and shall be co"posed of the
follo+in!: $he Re!ional #1ecutive .irector under +hose 5urisdiction the protected area is
located4 one 617 representative fro" the autono"ous re!ional !overn"ent, if applicable4 the
Provincial .evelop"ent &fficer4 one 617 representative fro" the "unicipal !overn"ent4 one 617
representative fro" each baran!ay coverin! the protected area4 one 617 representative fro" each
tribal co""unity, if applicable4 and, at least three 697 representatives fro" non=!overn"ent
or!ani/ationsBlocal co""unity or!ani/ations, and if necessary, one 617 representative fro" other
depart"ents or national !overn"ent a!encies involved in protected area "ana!e"ent.
$he Board shall, by a "a5ority vote, decide the allocations for bud!et, approve proposals for
fundin!, decide "atters relatin! to plannin!, peripheral protection and !eneral ad"inistration of
the area in accordance +ith the !eneral "ana!e"ent strate!y. $he "e"bers of the Board shall
serve for a ter" of five 6?7 years +ithout co"pensation, e1cept for actual and necessary travelin!
and subsistence e1penses incurred in the perfor"ance of their duties. $hey shall be appointed by
the Secretary of the .#'R as follo+s:
a. ) "e"ber +ho shall be appointed to represent each local !overn"ent do+n to baran!ay
level +hose territory or portion is included in the protected area. #ach appointee shall be the
person desi!nated by the head of such D;E, e1cept for the Provincial .evelop"ent &fficer +ho
shall serve e1 officio4
b. ) "e"ber fro" non=!overn"ent or!ani/ations +ho shall be endorsed by heads of
or!ani/ations +hich are preferably based in the area or +hich have established and reco!ni/ed
interest in protected areas4
c. $he R#.Bs in the re!ionBs +here such protected area lies shall sit as e1 officio "e"ber of
the Board and shall serve as adviserBs in "atters related to the technical aspect of "ana!e"ent of
the area4 and
d. $he R#. shall act as chair"an of the Board. :hen there are t+o 627 or "ore R#.s in the
Board, the Secretary shall desi!nate one 617 of the" to be the hair"an. Hacancies shall be filled
in the sa"e "anner as the ori!inal appoint"ent.
S#$%&' 12. #nviron"ental %"pact )ssess"ent. ( Proposals for activities +hich are
outside the scope of the "ana!e"ent plan for protected areas shall be sub5ect to an
environ"ental i"pact assess"ent as re2uired by la+ before they are adopted, and the results
thereof shall be ta*en into consideration in the decision="a*in! process.
'o actual i"ple"entation of such activities shall be allo+ed +ithout the re2uired #nviron"ental
o"pliance ertificate 6#7 under the Philippine #nviron"ental %"pact )ssess"ent 6#%)7
syste". %n instances +here such activities are allo+ed to be underta*en, the proponent shall plan
and carry the" out in such "anner as +ill "ini"i/e any adverse effects and ta*e preventive and
re"edial action +hen appropriate. $he proponent shall be liable for any da"a!e due to lac* of
caution or indiscretion.
S#$%&' 19. )ncestral Dands and Ri!hts &ver $he". ( )ncestral lands and custo"ary
ri!hts and interest arisin! shall be accorded due reco!nition. $he .#'R shall prescribe rules and
re!ulations to !overn ancestral lands +ithin protected areas: Provided, that the .#'R shall have
so po+er to evict indi!enous co""unities fro" their present occupancy nor resettle the" to
another area +ithout their consent: Provided, ho+ever, $hat all rules and re!ulations, +hether
adversely affectin! said co""unities or not, shall be sub5ected to notice and hearin! to be
participated in by "e"bers of concerned indi!enous co""unity.
S#$%&' 1<. Survey for #ner!y Resources. ( onsistent +ith the policies declared in
Section 2 hereof, protected areas, e1cept strict nature reserves and natural par*s, "ay be
sub5ected to e1ploration only for the purpose of !atherin! infor"ation on ener!y resources and
only if such activity is carried out +ith the least da"a!e to surroundin! areas. Surveys shall be
conducted only in accordance +ith a pro!ra" approved by the .#'R, and the result of such
surveys shall be "ade available to the public and sub"itted to the President for reco""endation
to on!ress. )ny e1ploitation and utili/ation of ener!y resources found +ithin '%P)S areas
shall be allo+ed only throu!h a la+ passed by on!ress.
S#$%&' 1?. )reas Ender the Gana!e"ent of &ther .epart"ents and ;overn"ent
%nstru"entalities. ( Should there be protected areas, or portions thereof, under the 5urisdiction of
!overn"ent instru"entalities other than the .#'R, such 5urisdiction shall, prior to the passa!e
of this )ct, re"ain in the said depart"ent or !overn"ent instru"entality4 Provided, $hat the
depart"ent or !overn"ent instru"entality e1ercisin! ad"inistrative 5urisdiction over said
protected area or a portion thereof shall coordinate +ith the .#'R in the preparation of its
"ana!e"ent plans, upon the effectivity of this )ct.
S#$%&' 1@. %nte!rated Protected )reas 3und. ( $here is hereby established a trust fund to
be *no+n as %nte!rated Protected )reas 6%P)S7 3und for purposes of financin! pro5ects of the
Syste". $he %P)S "ay solicit and receive donations, endo+"ents, and !rants in the for" of
contributions, and such endo+"ent shall be e1e"pted fro" inco"e or !ift ta1es and all other
ta1es, char!es or fees i"posed by the ;overn"ent or any political subdivision or instru"entality
)ll inco"es !enerated fro" the operation of the Syste" or "ana!e"ent of +ild flora and fauna
shall accrue to the 3und and "ay be utili/ed directly by the .#'R for the above purpose. $hese
inco"es shall be derived fro":
a. $a1es fro" the per"itted sale and e1port of flora and fauna and other resources fro"
protected areas4
b. Proceeds fro" lease of "ultiple use areas4
c. ontributions fro" industries and facilities directly benefitin! fro" the protected area4
d. Such other fees and inco"es derived fro" the operation of the protected area.
.isburse"ents fro" the 3unds shall be "ade solely for the protection, "aintenance,
ad"inistration, and "ana!e"ent of the Syste", and duly approved pro5ects endorsed by the
P)GBs, in the a"ounts authori/ed by the .#'R.
S#$%&' 1A. )nnual Report to on!ress. ( )t the openin! of each session of on!ress, the
.#'R shall report to the President, for trans"ission to on!ress, on the status of the Syste",
re!ulation in force and other pertinent infor"ation, to!ether +ith reco""endations.
S#$%&' 1>. 3ield &fficers. ( )ll officials, technical personnel and forest !uards e"ployed
in the inte!rated protected area service or all persons deputi/ed by the .#'R, upon
reco""endation of the Gana!e"ent Board shall be considered as field officers and shall have
the authority to investi!ate and search pre"ises and buildin!s and "a*e arrests in accordance
+ith the rules on cri"inal procedure for the violation of la+s and re!ulations relatin! to the
protected areas. Persons arrested shall be brou!ht to the nearest police precinct for investi!ation.
'othin! herein "entioned shall be construed as preventin! re!ular la+ enforcers and police
officers fro" arrestin! any person in the act of violatin! said la+s and re!ulations.
S#$%&' 19. Special Prosecutors. ( $he .epart"ent of Justice shall desi!nate special
prosecutors to prosecute violations of la+s, rules and re!ulations in protected areas.
S#$%&' 2C. Prohibited )cts. ( #1cept as "ay be allo+ed by the nature of their cate!ories
and pursuant to rules and re!ulations !overnin! the sa"e, the follo+in! acts are prohibited
+ithin protected areas:
a. Huntin!, destroyin!, disturbin!, or "ere possession of any plants or ani"als or products
derived therefro" +ithout a per"it fro" the Gana!e"ent Board4
b. .u"pin! of any +aste products detri"ental to the protected area, or to the plants and
ani"als or inhabitants therein4
c. Ese of any "otori/ed e2uip"ent +ithout a per"it fro" the Gana!e"ent Board4
d. Gutilatin!, defacin! or destroyin! ob5ects of natural beauty, or ob5ects of interest to
cultural co""unities 6of scenic value74
e. .a"a!in! and leavin! roads and trails in a da"a!ed condition4
f. S2uattin!, "ineral locatin!, or other+ise occupyin! any land4
!. onstructin! or "aintainin! any *ind of structure, fence or enclosures, conductin! any
business enterprise +ithout a per"it4
h. Deavin! in e1posed or unsanitary conditions refuse or debris, or depositin! in !round or
in bodies of +ater4 and
i. )lterin!, re"ovin! destroyin! or defacin! boundary "ar*s or si!ns.
S#$%&' 21. Penalties. ( :hoever violates this )ct or any rules and re!ulations issued by
the .epart"ent pursuant to this )ct or +hoever is found !uilty by a co"petent court of 5ustice of
any of the offenses in the precedin! section shall be fined in the a"ount of not less than 3ive
thousand pesos 6P?,CCC7 nor "ore than 3ive hundred thousand pesos 6P?CC,CCC7, e1clusive of
the value of the thin! da"a!ed or i"prison"ent for not less than one 617 year but not "ore than
si1 6@7 years, or both, as deter"ined by the court: Provided, that, if the area re2uires
rehabilitation or restoration as deter"ined by the court, the offender shall be re2uired to restore
or co"pensate for the restoration to the da"a!es: Provided, further, that court shall order the
eviction of the offender fro" the land and the forfeiture in favor of the ;overn"ent of all
"inerals, ti"ber or any species collected or re"oved includin! all e2uip"ent, devices and
firear"s used in connection there+ith, and any construction or i"prove"ent "ade thereon by the
offender. %f the offender is an association or corporation, the president or "ana!er shall be
directly responsible for the act of his e"ployees and laborers: Provided, finally, that the .#'R
"ay i"pose ad"inistrative fines and penalties consistent +ith this )ct.
S#$%&' 22. Separability lause. ( %f any part or section of this )ct is declared
unconstitutional, such declaration shall not affect the other parts or sections of this )ct.
S#$%&' 29. Repealin! lause. ( )ll la+s, presidential decrees, e1ecutive orders, rules and
re!ulations inconsistent +ith any provisions of this )ct shall be dee"ed repealed or "odified
S#$%&' 2<. #ffectivity lause. ( $his )ct shall ta*e effect fifteen 61?7 days after its
co"plete publication in t+o 627 ne+spapers of !eneral circulation.
,)g-.. NEP"A! A. &#N/AE)
President of the Senate
,)g-.. RAM#N $. M!"RA
Spea*er of the House of Representative
$his )ct +hich is a consolidation of House Bill 'o. 9<@9@ and Senate Bill 'o. 191< +as finally
passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on 3ebruary @, 1992.
,)g-.. ANACE"# %. BA%#*+ 0R.
Secretary of the Senate
,)g-.. CAM!# . )AB!#
Secretary ;eneral
House of Representatives
)pproved: June C1 1992
,)g-.. C#RA/#N C. A1U!N#
President of the Philippines

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