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Dear Friends and Family, July 2014, Volume VI, Issue II

It has been a while since we have had a chance to write. Even though we have been slow on our
correspondence, life here in Stonyford has been quite the contrary. The Lord has blessed these past few months.
You may have already noticed this with our regular updates at Stonyford Community Church Facebook Page.
These months have been filled with some exciting times, challenging times, and victorious times.

Earlier this spring, it was an honor to baptize two believers --one of whom has been a believer for a long time
and the other a very new believer. Please pray for them as they continue to seek and grow in the Lord.

We also had the opportunity to support our Woman's Friend Pregnancy
Resource Clinic. The ladies in our church have supported Woman's Friend
for many, many years. We joined them in the Walk for Life on May 24th.
With our three little ones, it is not hard for us to make a statement in
support of this life saving ministry.

Another man from our community graduated from the Salvation Army Rehab last Wednesday. He is now
praying about going into a further 2 year program to help him continue rehabilitation. This will be a very
difficult time for him, because he won't be able to see or correspond with his family until late in the program.
Pray for the Lords guidance and continued spiritual growth. As mentioned in our previous newsletters, Keith
graduated back in March. He has been difficult for him to say no to pressures since coming back home. Pray for
continued victory for him.

Each Friday morning, we continue our discipleship class. Each lesson stirs us more into learning more of our
Savior. It is an encouragement that
many of our church family come and
participate so faithfully.

I (Kevin) recently started a new
curriculum in our Sunday School hour.
We had a great start with 20 people
attending -- that's over half of our
congregation! We are going through
Charles Spurgeons Catechism. We
are continually amazed that something
so simple can be so powerful for
spiritual growth. Everyone has been
encouraged and challenged by the
verses and the concepts.

Our family had the opportunity to go to the Village Missions Summer Connection the first week of June. There
were activities for the children and videos messages for the adults. The adults went through a wonderful series
of messages by Paul David Tripp on The Dangerous Calling." Paul told us to put our relationship with the
Lord first over all things and to make sure that our awe of the Lord does not wane. He spoke about how we
Testimony from a dear lady at our church:
"As a Catholic, for many years, I would put my request before
the Lord, and then light a candle and ask the Holy Mother to
intercede for me with her Son, making my request stronger.

We are involved in a disciple class as the Community Church I
now attend; and, as always, I asked the Holy Spirit to open my
mind and my heart to better understand the Scriptures.

That lesson happened to be on idol worship, and something I
thought I had never done. As I began to read a very strong
feeling came over me and I realized I had been in a form of idol
worship for many years. Sadness came over me and I felt tears
on my face. The Holy Spirit had taken that time to reveal this
truth to me. I was very shocked when I realized it and couldn't
take it in for a few minutes, I felt a great loss, as though a close
friend had past away. I knew I could not pray again.
Immediately I prayed for forgiveness and the sadness was
gone!" - Jo
should never tire of looking to the awesomeness of our Savior. It was encouraging and enlightening, and
something that will continue to help us as we serve the Lord here in Stonyford.

Vacation Bible School was a blast - literally!
Our day's theme was based on Psalm 139:13-
14: "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou
hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will
praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully
made: marvelous are thy works; and that my
soul knoweth right well." We began the day
making thumbody special crafts, using our
unique thumb prints to show how no one print
is ever a like. We learned how we are One of
a Kind with the Ten Unchangeables song. Our favorite song was The Bubble Song. By the end of the day, we
were surprised how well the children had mastered the songs, especially since the average age was five years
old. We had ten little ones show up. We had hoped for more, but the children who were there made up for
quantity with the quality of their spiritual devotion. A lot of our church members showed up to help, and their
enthusiasm poured a lot of joy into the lives of the children. The love and hard work that everyone was so
willing to give was impressive. We were also thankful that Kevin's sister, Emily, was able to fly up and serve
alongside us, primarily playing the piano. We felt the Lord's anointing upon the whole event, and we are so
thankful for the opportunity to be a witness and a testimony in these precious little lives.

We look forward to sharing more with you in our next update! Thank you for praying faithfully for us!

In the Service of our Lord,
Kevin & Darleen Weston with Addie, William, and Philip

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