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Matrix No : 2012564521


1. What is the opinion of the writer?
The writer is against on the idea of death penalty. He thinks that any use of death penalty
is immoral.
By applying the death penalty to criminal, he thinks that it will lower us to the level of
the criminal over whom we claim moral superiority.
For him, no matter how cruel someones action, no one deserve to die for them.

2. Do you agree with the term an eye for an eye?
Setuju. Setiap kesalahan yang dilakukan perlulah diberikan hukuman yang setimpal. Jika
hukuman yang diberikan itu lebih ringan berbanding dengan kesalahan yang dilakukan
maka tiada keadilan disitu.
Firman Allah s.w.t. yang bermaksud:
"Dan Kami telah tetapkan atas mereka di dalam kitab Taurat itu, bahawasanya jiwa
dibalas dengan jiwa, dan mata dibalas dengan mata, dan hidung dibalas dengan hidung,
dan telinga dibalas dengan telinga, dan gigi dibalas dengan gigi, dan luka-luka juga
hendaklah dibalas (seimbang). Tetapi sesiapa yang melepaskan hak membalasnya, maka
menjadilah ia penebus dosa baginya. Dan sesiapa yang tidak menghukum dengan apa
yang telah diturunkan oleh Allah, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang zalim."
(Surah Al-Ma'idah: 45)
Al-Quran juga telah dinyatakan mengenai hukuman yang dikenakan mestilah sama
dengan kesalahan yang dilakukan. Apa hak kita sebagai manusia untuk tidak

3. Do you agree with the death penalty? Give your reason.
Setuju. Hukuman mati boleh dijadikan sebagai kayu pengukur untuk kesalahan-kesalahan
berat. Jika tiada kayu pengukur ini, kadar jenayah di dalam negara ini pasti akan
If a man has taken the life of another man then he deserves death. Some people just do
not deserve to live after they have done dangerous and crazy things. The golden rule is
that you should treat others as you would what to be treated. Thus meaning if you murder
someone you deserve death as well.

4. Which is mere inhumane; death by hanging or death by lethal injection? Give reasons.
Lethal injection. For me, lethal injection is too cruel. The criminal will not going to have
an instant death. They will let the criminal suffer first before the injection taken effect.
But for death by hanging, the criminal will have an instant death.

5. Do you think Malaysia should opt for death by lethal injection? Give reason.
Yes. I think that it should be opt in Malaysia because the crimes in Malaysia is increasing
even when there is death sentence by hanging.
Maybe Malaysia need to use a stronger way to scare the criminal to be out there so that
they feel scared with the penalty they will received when they were caught.

6. Do you think Malaysia should abolish death penalty? Gives reason.
No. The death penalty has its uses. Consider mass-murderers, serial rapists and other
criminals. These criminals are often punished with life-sentences or stays at psychiatric
wards. The death penalty, when used in conjunction with rehabilitation and other
methods of dealing with criminals, can be an effective deterrent, and can also bring peace
to victims' families. The death penalty holds an important role in the criminal justice
The death penalty is there to protect the citizen. If its abolish there is no law that can
protect or compensate the victim. Also if you never break the law why you should worry
about the death penalty.

7. Do you think death penalty can minimize the number of crimes in Malaysia? Gives reason.
Yes. I do feel that capital punishment protects the public and discourages crimes by
demonstrating a very clear and severe response to serious crimes. With so many repeat
offenders currently in prison, I feel that making capital punishment a viable result may
discourage more serious offenders from elevating their criminal activity.

8. Can we categorize death penalty as another form of taking person right to live although that
person is a convicted criminal?
Tidak. Orang yang tidak mempunyai sifat belas kasihan, seperti penjenayah tidak patut
diberi belas kasihan.
Sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah s.a.w., yang bermaksud:
Barang siapa yang tidak ada belas kasihan, janganlah diberi kasihan belas

9. In your opinion, which crimes deserve to be punished by death penalty? Give reason
Murder. If proven guilty, any murderer should be punish by death penalty.
Rape. Rape had already considered as a crime, but the punishment is not too heavy as to
punish them with death penalty. But if they raping elderly or children, they deserve the
death penalty.
Treason. Treason to the country is bad enough to be punished with the death penalty.
Last week, many news sources reported that James Holmes, the man responsible for the shooting
in an Aurora, Colorado movie theater last year, could receive the death penalty. There are many
people who support this possibility, and also many people who support the use of the death
penalty in general. Then, there are those such as myself who think that any use of the death
penalty is immoral.
Applying the death penalty to criminals lowers us to the level of the criminals over whom we
claim moral superiority. Rather than letting a criminal rot in jail as punishment, thereby giving
them time they can use to adequately reflect on their actions and potentially become a better
person, putting a criminal to death simply reinforces the medieval maxim of "an eye for an eye."
We should be past that.
Some may argue that ending the use of the death penalty would require more prison space for the
criminals who would have been executed, and thereby cost more money. Yet, executing a
criminal costs taxpayers more money than if they were sentenced to life in prison; they remain
on death row for years as their lawyers work to appeal the case or the sentence.
Besides, no matter how cruel someone's actions, no one deserves to die for them. Even if a
person was sentenced to death for killing multiple people, should they be forced to endure the
same fate as their victims? If we kill people who kill other people, we create an unending cycle
of killing. Wishing death on someone is possibly the worst thought a person could have, and if
we wish death on a murderer, what makes us better than they? I want to believe that, as a society,
we are better than that.
Hanging is no longer an option for carrying out the death penalty in most U.S. states, removed
from the list for its immorality. Why stop there? Lethal injection should be removed as well, and
the death penalty should be banned; they are both immoral, too. Not only that, but they are also
sins, according to many religions which decree that it is a sin to kill, no matter whom one is
killing and no matter what he or she has done. Killing a criminal is not an exception.

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