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Different Types of Chemistry

Fundamentally, chemistry is the study of matter and change. The way that chemists study matter and change
and the types of systems that are studied varies dramatically. Traditionally, chemistry has been broken into five
main subdisciplines: Organic, Analytical, Physical, Inorganic, and Biochemistry. Over the last several years,
additional concentrations have begun to emerge, including Nuclear chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Biophysical
chemistry, Bioinorganic chemistry, Environmental chemistry, etceteras. All of these areas of chemistry are
addressed in our classes here at UW-L to some extent, and by the research interests of our faculty in the
Chemistry Department. The following descriptions of the five major subdisciplines were written by several of
our faculty members in their field of expertise. All of our faculty members would be happy to elaborate, and/or
discuss other aspects of chemistry that are not described below!
Organic chemistry is a sub-field of chemistry that involves studying the molecules of life. It is mainly
concerned with looking at the structure and behavior of these molecules, which are composed of only a few
different types of atoms: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and a few miscellaneous others. These are the
atoms used to construct the molecules that all plants and animals require for their survival. Traditional organic
chemists are concerned with synthesizing new molecules and with developing new reactions that might make
these syntheses more efficient. The kinds of molecules organic chemists synthesize include useful things like
drugs, flavorings, preservatives, fragrances, plastics (polymers), and agricultural chemicals (fertilizers and
pesticides), and sometimes include unusual molecules found in nature or ones that might simply provide a
challenge to make. Also, understanding something about organic chemistry is essential for learning about
biochemistry and molecular biology because bio-molecules such as proteins, sugars, fats, and nucleic acids
(DNA and RNA) are all organic molecules, albeit very large ones. Students who concentrate in organic
chemistry typically go on to work in pharmaceutical, food or polymer companies, do research or teach in
organic chemistry, pursue medical careers, or may pursue other related job opportunities.
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Analytical chemistry is the science of identification and quantification of materials in a mixture. Analytical
chemists may invent procedures for analysis, or they may use or modify existing ones. They also supervise,
perform, and interpret the analysis. Students concentrating in analytical chemistry often go on to work in
forensics laboratories, environmental or pharmaceutical companies, work in, manage and/or design quality
assurance procedures, pursue research, or teach in colleges and universities.
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Physical chemistry is the study of the fundamental physical principles that govern the way that atoms,
molecules, and other chemical systems behave. Physical chemists study a wide array of topics such as the rates
of reactions (kinetics), the way that light and matter interact (spectroscopy), how electrons are arranged in
atoms and molecules (quantum mechanics), and the stabilities and reactivities of different compounds and
processes (thermodynamics). In all of these cases, physical chemists try to understand what is happening on an
atomic level, and why.Students who concentrate in physical chemistry may go onto pursue careers in industry,
research or teaching.A lot of the current physical chemistry research in industry and academia combines the
techniques and ideas from several fields.For example, some chemists apply physical chemistry techniques to
investigations of the mechanisms of organic reactions (what collisions and bond rearrangements occur, how fast
are they, how many steps are there, etc.) - this type of study is called physical organic chemistry. Others apply
physical techniques to the study of biological systems (why do proteins fold into the shapes that they have, how
is structure related to function, what makes a nerve work, etc.) - this type of study is biophysical chemistry. Still
others may use physical techniques to characterize polymers or study environmental systems.
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Inorganic chemistry is commonly thought of as those areas within chemistry that do not deal with carbon.
However, carbon is very important in many inorganic compounds, and there is a whole area of study known as
organometallic chemistry that is truly a hybrid of the traditional disciplines of organic and inorganic chemistry.
Some areas of inorganic chemistry that are especially important are catalysis, materials chemistry, and
bioinorganic chemistry. Catalysts are chemical entities that increase the rate of a reaction without being
consumed, and are typically based upon transition metals (usually) organometallic complexes of transition
metals).This is an extremely important area to industry, and many of the chemists who would be identified as
inorganic or organometallic chemists work in this area. Materials Chemistry is an area concerned with the
design and synthesis of materials that allow the advance of technologies in nearly every area of society. Often,
inorganic chemists working in this area are concerned with the synthesis and characterization of solid state
compounds or inorganic polymers such as silicones. Bioinorganic chemists study the function of metal-
containing compounds within living organisms. Students who concentrate in inorganic chemistry often go on to
work in industry in polymer or materials science, do research or teach in inorganic chemistry, or pursue other
related job opportunities.
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Biochemistry is the study of the chemical principles underlying basic biological systems. Fundamentally,
biochemical research aims to characterize the link between the structure and function of biological
macromolecules. More specifically, biochemical research has provided a more comprehensive understanding in
regenerative medicine, infectious disease, organ/tissue transplantation, clinical diagnostics and genetic disease.
Students who concentrate in biochemistry go on to pursue extremely successful careers in medicine, research,
and business. Some students may go on to professional schools directly after completing their undergraduate
degrees, while others may enter academic or governmental research settings. Some students also combine their
expertise in biochemistry within a Masters of Business Administration (MBA).The combined study in
biochemistry and business provides these students with the unique ability to better weigh the cost to profit
margin during biochemical product generation. For information on the Biochemistry major, click here.

chemical reaction is a process that is usually characterized by a chemical change in which the starting materials
(reactants) are different from the products. Chemical reactions tend to involve the motion of electrons, leading
to the formation and breaking of chemical bonds. There are several different types of chemical reactions and
more than one way of classifying them. Here are some common reaction types:
Direct Combination or Synthesis Reaction
In a synthesis reaction two or more chemical species combine to form a more complex product.

A + B AB

The combination of iron and sulfur to form iron (II) sulfide is an example of a synthesis reaction:

8 Fe + S
8 FeS
Chemical Decomposition or Analysis Reaction
In a decomposition reaction a compound is broken into smaller chemical species.

AB A + B

The electrolysis of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas is an example of a decomposition reaction:

2 H
O 2 H
+ O

Single Displacement or Substitution Reaction
A substitution or single displacement reaction is characterized by one element being displaced from a
compound by another element.

A + BC AC + B

An example of a substitution reaction occurs when zinc combines with hydrochloric acid. The zinc
replaces the hydrogen:

Zn + 2 HCl ZnCl
+ H

Metathesis or Double Displacement Reaction
In a double displacement or metathesis reaction two compounds exchange bonds or ions in order to form
different compounds.


An example of a double displacement reaction occurs between sodium chloride and silver nitrate to form
sodium nitrate and silver chloride.

NaCl(aq) + AgNO
(aq) NaNO
(aq) + AgCl(s)
Acid-Base Reaction
An acid-base reaction is type of double displacement reaction that occurs between an acid and a base.
The H
ion in the acid reacts with the OH
ion in the base to form water and an ionic salt:

O + BA

The reaction between hydrobromic acid (HBr) and sodium hydroxide is an example of an acid-base

HBr + NaOH NaBr + H
Oxidation-Reduction or Redox Reaction
In a redox reaction the oxidation numbers of atoms are changed. Redox reactions may involve the
transfer of electrons between chemical species.

The reaction that occurs when In which I
is reduced to I
and S
(thiosulfate anion) is oxidized to
provides an example of a redox reaction:

2 S
(aq) + I
(aq) S
(aq) + 2 I

A combustion reaction is a type of redox reaction in which a combustible material combines with an
oxidizer to form oxidized products and generate heat (exothermic reaction). Usually in a combustion
reaction oxygencombines with another compound to form carbon dioxide and water. An example of a
combustion reaction is the burning of naphthalene:

+ 12 O
10 CO
+ 4 H
In an isomerization reaction, the stuctural arrangement of a compound is changed but its net atomic
composition remains the same.
Hydrolysis Reaction
A hydrolysis reaction involves water. The general form for a hydrolysis reaction is:

(aq) + H
O(l) <--> HX(aq) + OH

What is Chemistry ?

Chemistry is defined as the study of matter and its properties. Matter is defined as everything that has mass and
occupies space. Although these definitions are acceptable, they do not explain why one needs to know
chemistry. The answer to that query is that the world in which we live is a chemical world. Your own body is a
complex chemical factory that uses chemical processes to change the food you eat and the air you breathe into
bones, muscle, blood, and tissue and even into the energy that you use in your daily living. When illness
prevents some part of these processes from functioning correctly, the doctor may prescribe as a medicine a
chemical compound, either isolated from nature or prepared in a chemical laboratory by a chemist.
The Kinds of Matter

Chemistry is defined as the study of matter. In this introductory text we will not study all types of matter.
Rather, we will concentrate on simple substances, the properties that identify them, and the changes they

Pure Substances
A pure substance consists of a single kind of matter. It always has the same composition and the same set of
properties. For example, baking soda is a single kind of matter, known chemically as sodium hydrogen

Baking Soda
A sample of pure baking soda, regardless of its source or size, will be a white solid containing 57.1% sodium,
1.2% hydrogen, 14.3% carbon, and 27.4% oxygen. The sample will dissolve in water. When heated to 270C
the sample will decompose, giving off carbon dioxide and water vapor and leaving a residue of sodium
carbonate. Thus, by definition, baking soda is a pure substance because it has a constant composition and a
unique set of properties, some of which we have listed. The properties we have described hold true for any
sample of baking soda. These properties are the kinds in which we are interested.

The Properties of Matter

Each kind of matter possesses a number of properties by which it can be identified. In Section 1.2A , we listed
some of the properties by which the pure substance baking soda can be identified. These properties fall into two
large categories (1) physical properties, those that can be observed without changing the composition of the
sample, and (2) chemical properties, those whose observation involves a change in composition.

Baking soda dissolves readily in water. If water is evaporated from a solution of baking soda, the baking soda is
recovered unchanged; thus, solubility is a physical property. The decomposition of baking soda on heating is a
chemical property. You can observe the decomposition of baking soda, but, after you make this observation,
you no longer have baking soda. Instead you have carbon dioxide, water, and sodium carbonate. A physical
change alters only physical properties, such as size and shape. A chemical change alters chemical properties,
such as composition (see Figure 1.3).

Physical Change Chemical Change
FIGURE 1.3 Physical and chemical properties of matter. Breaking a stick physically changes its size but not its
composition. Burning wood changes it chemically, turning it into other substances.

This discussion of properties points to another difference between pure substances and mixtures. A mixture can
be separated into its components by differences in their physical properties. A mixture of salt and sand can be
separated because salt dissolves in water but sand does not. If we add water to a salt-sand mixture, the salt will
dissolve, leaving the sand at the bottom of the container. If we pour off the water, the sand will remain. If we
boil off the water from the salt solution, we will get the salt by itself. We have separated the two components of
the mixture by a difference in their ability to dissolve in water. Solubility is a physical property.

Pure substances, on the other hand, can be separated into their components only by chemical changes. When
added to water, the pure substance sodium bicarbonate does not separate into sodium, hydrogen, carbon, and
oxygen, although these components of sodium bicarbonate differ greatly in their solubilities in water.

One of the important physical properties of a substance is its physical state at room temperature. The three
physical states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. Most kinds of matter can exist in all three states. You are
familiar with water as a solid (ice), a liquid, and a gas (steam) (Figure 1.4). You have seen wax as a solid at
room temperature and a liquid when heated. You have probably seen carbon dioxide as a solid (dry ice) and
been aware of it as a colorless gas at higher temperatures. The temperatures at which a given kind of matter
changes from a solid to a liquid (its melting point) or from a liquid to a gas (its boiling point) are physical
properties. For example, the melting point of ice (0C) and the boiling point of water (100C) are physical
properties of the substance water.

Solid Water (ice) Liquid Water Gaseous Water (steam)
The Law of Conservation of Mass

The Law of Conservation of Mass states that matter can be changed from one form into another, mixtures can
be separated or made, and pure substances can be decomposed, but the total amount of mass remains constant.
We can state this important law in another way. The total mass of the universe is constant within measurable
limits; whenever matter undergoes a change, the total mass of the products of the change is, within measurable
limits, the same as the total mass of the reactants.

The formulation of this law near the end of the eighteenth century marked the beginning of modern chemistry.
By that time many elements had been isolated and identified, most notably oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. It
was also known that, when a pure metal was heated in air, it became what was then called a calx (which we now
call an oxide) and that this change was accompanied by an increase in mass. The reverse of this reaction was
also known: Many calxes on heating lost mass and returned to pure metals. Many imaginative explanations of
these mass changes were proposed. Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794), a French nobleman later guillotined in the
revolution, was an amateur chemist with a remarkably analytical mind. He considered the properties of metals
and then carried out a series of experiments designed to allow him to measure not just the mass of the metal and
the calx but also the mass of the air surrounding the reaction. His results showed that the mass gained by the
metal in forming the calx was equal to the mass lost by the surrounding air.

Energy and the Law of Conservation of Energy

A study of the properties of matter must include a study of energy. Energy, defined as the capacity to do work,
has many forms. Potential energy is stored energy; it may be due to composition (the composition of a battery
determines the energy it can release), to position (a rock at the top of a cliff will release energy if it falls to
lower ground), or to condition (a hot stone will release heat energy if it is moved to a cooler place). Kinetic
energy is energy of motion. You are undoubtedly aware that the faster a car is moving, the more damage it does
on crashing into an object. Because it is moving faster, it has more kinetic energy and has a greater capacity to
do work (in this case, damage).

One of the characteristics of energy is that one form of energy can be converted to another. When wood is
burned, some of its potential energy is changed to radiant energy(heat and light). Some is changed to kinetic
energy as the water and carbon dioxide formed move away from the burning log. Some remains as potential
energy in the composition of the water and carbon dioxide produced by the burning. Throughout all these
changes, the total amount of energy remains constant. All changes must obey the Law of Conservation of
Energy, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. An alternative statement is that the total
amount of energy in the universe remains constant.

The Law of Conservation of Mass and the Law of Conservation of Energy are interrelated principles. Mass can
be changed into energy and energy into mass according to the equation:

where E = energy change

m = mass change (in grams)

c = speed of light (3.00 X 10
m/sec, or 186,000 mi/sec)

This relationship allows us to state the two laws as a single law, called the Law of Conservation of
Mass/Energy: Energy and mass may be interconvert, but together they are conserved. This law was first stated
by Albert Einstein (1879-1955). In most changes, the amount of matter converted to energy is much too small to
be detected by even the most sensitive apparatus, and we can say "in this change both mass and energy are
separately conserved." It is nevertheless important to be aware of this relationship between mass and energy,
because nuclear energy is obtained by just such a conversion of mass to energy.

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