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on cruising,
message to Bush
m ust
cove-, . - - - -
'"' Reagan's vice-president George. Bush arrives .this week
for talks at No. 10 onselling Gruise to the British people,
ro _hlp of bis hastil.y says SAM RU 'S'SEll
- use to i..:ross pub-
.s:ri.ke ::o:.-..- :>.Hz. at the growing anti-nulear US CatholiC Bishops conference andSaatchi advertising"CO!lltra-ct,

..ch s:::g.:::;. '.: :iun :nenc!-t moYen:ieil:t- in 'Vestern EurOpe - its trenchant who$e cost is bein:g:_carfully
LSS .he t>r<><:ets, ,.. ;;::c:c accordmg to . that 1'11r. Reagan has put his denunciation of Reagans nuclear. plus the new Tory
' 1.1mes bangs - national security_- adviser YViHini weapons build-up. Newslme monthly paper.
. .. .... \\b\ th.e n1a:n . Cl?rk-in.- -charge--0.f a special com- . B. ut in ariother indication _that Wifu that sor: of advertising
1 n S
, :! .:. -::- bu.J}.--t: lS II:!1tree_- to p_romote US Hpublic money will be -no abject -in the clout already on the payroll to
i; :.:o .--:> ;mu mmds .. drplomacy" m -the field of arms joint White House -Dowriing propagate the missile message,
:;, ;:::v ";.mber of Il>., controL _ Street .plan to bamboozle rne .the Toris' Tarzan who has now
-. ;.c:<cc .: S?
! ' .. -Th president has also public; it lias been disciose fe top_;_cif
.:::' - .:''nea com.missioned former Madison that Mrs. Thatcher has takc:-t Mrrustry tree take
e al::= .... \let threat.

Aveniieadvertising mogul Peter on -J?ar- used

.to selL the P1?-oney
- t \ - - Daile'\-. -- now ambassador to iY1ars bars when-he ran done o:n
i c:i;: ::- - sot_. Dublin, who hel:Ped- fool some i".g at Mars UK. to b_e ma1keting prol?"ganda the

Sorrh Sea
:y la::
9r rhe __ people-_ some--of d1rector for :tht Tones. Cru1se lS"- for.
wl:.o elec- _ Jllto Mr. .Reag3? m C th I' b'. h - . _ But.:the extent tC? whxch M;r:
J!" 6 in which th.!. 1980. to head :an. effort to ,"halt a 0 l'C IS 'OpS Bush.,has _mterfered:;m
...-,,_,;rr::Ent c.c: oppos1t1on to the_ de--- So _bl. . yYest_ Germanys .._1nternal affairs ..
-:::': .,." " ploymenr of the-new US nuc!ear .. presuma Y now. rnstead.o.f. .. -makin" it-.cleat,_that the US:was
. -" "'r;ons wi.c oe a missiles in Vi'estern Europe." A Mars a day, helps you work. Chancllor Kohl's right-
- BllSh_ JS to m7et ... , _. .. . .. . _ rest and play," we shall be ge.t- : ,. - .. - . .
. and \\ hate'"er_ other -produu:s -Jvlr.. tin-z:: "A Cru.ise .a dav ... ,"-or - agamst
: .::c:S P_ym -ra uy- Dailey :ay have .succeed :in wof-ds to-that- effect.- - - ... ,;; clear
- :::e vl= to s.oll th.o - dmptnl' oh gullible US .conc .For the leamed Mr. Laws0n ._warmi:g _to ..all. US allies as to
:is -plan.. s1ID.ers. Ihe-runp.ing.form of =lvlr. will: n-Ov be responsible for the: _ lS
-,: ,.::". _; the b.odragg..led Clark is hardly promising for, lie part:Y's "co=unicat\on" efforts... . ... The recent MORl IX?ll found
;;;;:z0 :, ..-.: 6.e Whlre House .. earlier failed .tci browbeat the including direct.=il, fe SaathL 'tliat 54 per. cent .. of those asked.
e fez.rs oi
NATO. 'dirty
111:1 .Jose-ph M.,\. Il !.uns.
Kc1nlf .\ 1l;fntic Tre.1tY..Orx;a111.;;.11mn.
11--\ l l tl Hrussds.
lk.ir Joseph, .::. . . _
Beli;::1um::?6June 1979
25sctting out ccrt:n rc-sults cif Qur
joint direct 2nd l:uting effect on the
trlckS' plan

Young C?rrim.unist League is mass-

___ __., t<stnbut1ng a damnmg letter by NATO leaders
iqart of its campaign to stop the sitirtg of us
Crwise missiles in Britaili -this' yar.- DAVID s
t to
WHITFIELD reports.
:: gi:\::".:::-:-:::: pro-nuclear arms
:o;=c- rl=s fa.il,: N . .\TO
.::..:,: -:::-;r.ared -=b- USe cli:ru
: -unscathed,."- siys -th?
kafier .. "'Thus .the .US, -the domi-
-_nant.force in NATO, considers
- - a scrategic _base
ir: a and if .necessary."
. ;.T 5 . .;-c:e:. lrs- pomt is-fully-, cob.firmed u1
. o.se-pii b'\" :naig. _ letter:_ "One Of Ot!!"
..., ......-- when lie- _rf:.., =- pr::-suppost:ions in- n uda:-
:.:.:: _'J79 as-Suz:-re.mc._ ;plaJ:!ning unde:r -cert".!.tn
. . ,..:\. ::r. - -.., circumstari.ces .-lik.dv ..:.:ro_ evelcp
r .: :- :::::osed ln a in in"y__
ommun ,. -_, League-- make _ .use _?f -nuclear
rtns 1n Go' :::.L.-:;:: .s:
:;s: .. Ii .::irguinent p:er:.. we?:pons .. - obv1ouslv - re-
,ombin_cd to,,bo" 7.::: ie fue:dia- 0 qurres -the_ allied
tO b,wl,d, S.UJ'P ,,, Z.':\t 2-:'C :e.:: ;-;ifu nd -alterna- - _.be an_a
Star. Tribu, :.;:._ :,J ;".:l: :..1-ie faint-hearte - its , .. US strategic

,:. .::t:-:'.if!\ _ b-e tighrened.." : -

:nent ,
ad 'fficcting., ql
:nz: gave

1 of the' Scotttl
r acth'C

ind-raisn.;. d:i
!PS to 't
tement ,
al authoritics
tr....'- '

tbc )iorm
r nc ,'ne"-
cd al tbe
Co rumuni
a P
Star ,
500 b; inc e
::f S:ruations-.
: ' "' -:c ;:s d eeme<l
,.:o:iv:nce thefu.-
:cos::s lie."
:: !" ca!!s for
l t!ffcctive actiori
Beth men
discussed tb.e
r-i Haig con-
::?.fr.!atlY en-
:: -..:bseTice of dis-
" ".'1.'.:1 us .xegarding
:::.:; is now ex-US
a..:.; -c;1,.ell as
.:k Commander.
at OYer - 70 is-
;.f:cr more thari
..: \. 1-cttcr was in
Joint plans
And ri.:rni.-12 fo -the of
-the Euro-pe-an peace -move:nencs-
Haig con rinues: :"'\Ve-- wil! never-
be. able - ta puf into cffect otir
joint in __ -this -ari::a
unless. quite ex:ceptional :-efforts
are made to check European
rendencies - toward -neurralism,
pacifism and uniJ.ateralism."
Haig- got::s- pn call- !o_r an
cmphasis on the the-me tlf
nuclear balancc0 --=- parricularly
in the European theatre."
"We should constant!\ bear
in mind.'" he adds,c "the. neces-
sty o! "contilluously -directing
attention ta the Soviet- mlitary
threat -and of -further acfr ...ising
our collaboration with the-mass
- formuLuion :ind:re:..f:r.tdn,of-the 2Iti"cd dcfense prOgram. For my p2rt, l
htghly :ind hope you are equ2lly sati.sfied.
On lnving the:pait.o(Supreme Allkd Comm2ndcr in Europe. 1 fcd it 1s
my duty Lo stre-l-S once <lg:tin.ccrt:un" asp-ects of :lilied str.itegy whkh dem2nd
our further :ittCntion:1lnd
_ :\s you know, Oltr,presuppos1tions in :-;udeu plmning is
undcr ceriiiri:Circumsu.ncS likcly to dco;elop in Europe. we may be forced
tO of nude2r we2pons. This obviowly requires th2I the 2.llcd
ncle:u- dete:-ent be stre!lgthencd .md its links with m2jor US :s.tntegic
S"l,'Stcms be tightened. MOrco ...cr, it s vit2l to spccd up 211d finalise currcnt
projects for.the limhcdusc of US lrnde2r forces in Europe 2nd for othcr
;,_iliury nic:u:ures atour dSpos;i.l ;:r. pouible emergency. This stratcgy
wi:I be m"OrC rc2list1c 2nd effective if 2 decison on the modcmis2tion of
a.lbcd tacttc::d nuclc2r-furces-is taken.
With your hcip, .J gre:.t dc':tl of prngrcss h:U bcen made reccntly"l.owud
J strcngtbenmg the Yct. in m:' "-icw, pi:z.nning dcploymcnt
::md use t\f--modcrnsed riuck.ir forces in Europe c20 be adcquatcly
::iccomphs11cd onl: unierst:i.ndtng 2nd co-opcntion -ue :a.chievcd. Il
ts ther.:forc ne:ccss:i.f:' to-.prcp2lOC system:itic:i.lly 2nd pcN1stc-ntly :;i b:zsis for
- m;i.\.:m,:: :i s:uccess_ 1..f tlie TO Council meeting m Dcccmbcr, bcaring m
m1ml-pnm1nly. the cr:s1sinsd"e the Alliance over de
- plo:':"rJ1ent. t:.ver.,,. effort sbould be made to counter :a.ny tCsit2tion or
v:r.ccfation :tmong the-alhe-d nations during de-eision-rT2king meelings.
Wit wlll ne ....e-r be .able to put into cffcet nur JOn.t pbms'in this .,..t<\I arc::i
unkss qutie cxccptiona[ efforts .:ire m:ide to chcd. F..uropean tcndi:ncic:/ '
tow:r.rd.ncutr:i.!ism. pacfism. :lnd un1b.ter:ilism. To ac.hicve thts.
l fcd. toemphasisethe thi:me th3l tht:- nude:i.r wcapons b:ibnce:. 'P3rticu-
tar1y m the Europan thc::iter. has eh:LI"lKCd.sh:r..rply in l2vour of tl!! E2St.
Wc".should:const3ntly be:tr in mind the nccessity of contlnuously 4trc-cting
_ 2ttCntion to the So\iet mili1My thre:r.t .:ind of funhcr :i.cthismg out.eol12bor.t
- tiO-n wh the lT'.:U,S media_ . .. 4
If aiguri"lent._p<rsu:r.sionand 1mpacting the medi.:i fai1,:.we are lcf.1: with no
:r.ltern:ll\"C" but 'u1 JOlt the- .f.li.Jnthe::ined in Europe throtigh the creatjon of
situ1t1m1s. cctJntrv ln _contn as dce-med nccc-ssuy. :o"con...-mce them
whC'rc the1r 1riferc:sts l1. This.vwuld call for .t.ppropri:ue :ind effective 2ction
-of a nature wh1<.h wc ha..:c frequently discussed.:r.nd 1 bcen
encour::igc:d bv the :sbscncc- of dis:zgreeme:nt btweCti us reg:irding
prioritics. Back m the States. 1 shall inH cc.a.se to monitcii the .uropc:m
situ:iuon in ;z.ny rolc 1 m.n be c:kd uj'.fo'ntoplay :i.nd hopc to 1..Ullti'nuc uur
hith"'erli.dru1-1ful ex-change <lf\:icws. The cUUrs-es WC" ha.ve in
mnd m;i,\ become the nh sure mc:.tns nf seeuri:ng the inicrC-sts.of..thc West
- " . .
Sinccreh .\l.EX.\:\IH-.:R M IL\IC .J R
Geuc-r.tf l'mie<l StJ.lcs .\rrrt\
Surcmt .. \llied
The text of the lette.- from. NATO secretary-general joseph
Luns to Gen. Alexanler Haig in 1979, which is published,
together with a reproduction of the original letter, in the
YCL pamphlet.
are opposed to the deployment
of Cruise missiles iti Britain,
while no Jess than 93 per cent -
said that if they were. deployed
they wanted joint Anglo-"
iA.merican controL
Labour Party: -leader Michael
Foot declared rently: "We are
opposed to :Cr.uise missiles be-
cause they would intensify the
arms race ,and.-make a clisarma-
ment agreement more difficult .
"But ;the presence of these
_on the ter.ms accepred
ov -:the ..-government,."means that
sovereign ty :over: _th '"'con trol of
thesei''highly. darigerous: weapons
ihas ' 15e-en . :handed-" over" _ by ._.the
Prime-:.M.iiiister ro =.the. US Prsi-
dent; ....'he added.
Mars 'bar
The use of such a comy-"propa-
ganda ploy as the Open Letter:-
to the People of Europe, .pro-
duced by Mr. Bush like a-rabb:t ..
out of a hat before an audience
of well-fed West Berlin dignit-
.aries, is indica.tive of the des-
peration of the Reagan ganl!: to
make us swallow this poisoned
missile,Mars bar.
It was ob,ious from the mom-
ent it was read out, that here
was no serious intention to neg-
otiate any reduction or limit-
ation of the dead.Jy new nuclear
weapons which the Pentagol
maniacs are proposing to plant
a,t Greenham Common.
From the moment it \'las
launched the letter received tbe
raspberr.Y it deserved as the sort
of second-rate Hollywood style
stunt to be expected from a
second-rate Hollywood B-filtn
Apart from the letter. the
Bush bull has concentnited on
the daim that Reagans cqually
phoney "zero option" somehow
places the US and its
gandists in la strong moral
and this daim has
been durifolly parotted by Mrs.
Thatcher on innumerable occa-
sions in the of Commons.
Before the '_hapless Bush hit
Europe, US hacks wer)O puttinl'
around the idea that be was
coming to show that the R.oagan
gang were going to
and able to respond to the series
of Soviet sugegstions for lower-
ing tension .and obtaining,_ real
. ieductions in nuclear weapons
on both sides. in accordance
with the principles . of equality
and . .equal security.
Since his arrival .howe.i:er.-"he
has had ro admit rhat: ...
nothing ne,w ro offer ext:Pt.-;the
tiresome reiteration of the zero
option''_ that is now
accepted to be totally unreal1Snc
as it conceals . a deadh ioker
which would enabJe ...NATO, to
ha"''"e t,._.ice as many dcliVery
vehicles and three . .rimes as manv
nuclear warheads as the Soviet
A.bsolute zero
The Soviet Union :has suggested
on a number of Occasions thar

weapons . _in. Europe. - .neirhc:r
mediumMi-ange. nor -taetical on
the .. Soviet cor .NATO sides.
This \tould provie an "ab-
solute :zeron -for both.sides. The
- bath
si des ,fould redce their medium-
irange weaPons. missiles an
planes carrying nuclear weapons.
by more than two-thrds.
ln this case there would be
no confrontation 0.f Sovlet and

President George Bush.
US missiles in Europe a! aH.
while the So,iet Union would
only as many rnissiJes as
Britain and France:. ha\ e bet'-1.el!n
rhem, currem:h- estirnaied. .a::
A further indication has been
gi\cn in th-e past weck of the
"total hypo..:risy of .:\tr. Bush"s
..strong. morJ.l Position"' b. the,
official "1nnounccmL'n:. 0 :hc .
billion doll::ir riSI! !n
cxpcndi:.urc bci"ng. :.'t;..:;:;:_ct-..: ,-,...,r
b\" th:: ;:!OYt.'rnm.:ra.
brint:lng the ::oral to J. hol rtfii.:.
million dotlo.rs. -whik
securin: ser.._:1ces <::.re
s:lasbcd .. ..,.: n!Eo!1
unrnnlo::cd. -
EYers trnc s Dcfon<:e
Sccretaiy C::ispar \Veinbe-rJ,:.er
opens his ja\,s be
mak.:s i::: that the. -admin-
stratior.."s am is :o ..
supcroritv oYir _the. 5o\ie ...
Union whateYer _ th0 c-ost and
"rhatc\'t!r the ir brin.J!S
to t.h.e ?eopk ..
Thrs :s tlie r;:'.aln. bt:hind :h;::
"zero option 3'nd - moraJ
stand"" of rhc Reilgan- :::,a11g and
of his mealy-mourhed eD.1iss.an.
George B:.ish. -
So lr ls not su:-prS:in_g rhat
rhe Open Lt::tter ro rht:: Peork
of Europe, for from _
Eurol)cans. bas ID3;dt! .-thetli C\cn
more worrie. becJ.usi:: - :hcir
doubts about the . sinccr:t...: o!
US intt:ntiofis to Coricludc an
agreement on the elirnination
of J;round-launched medium-
ran_ge missiles hav-e be en
How we.11-fou...ded th.ose
tloubts are has been :furrher
ekcida ted rhe oubts e-x-
pressed by rhree former high-
rankin_g US nu.clear arr:is con-
:ro: offi.cia1s ior seYe..i.""2.1 pas:
Dcm0c:atic and a-
Gera:-d Smith.
R.3\1110nd G..ir-rhcff and Suu:---
Keenr:: ';,
a ..:u::::rencc
1:-y :hi:: t:S Arros: Car:-

ne_::.ori:i:or o rhe first
Arms Li:r.ir.:rricr:: Tre.1-::'> ($Al 1-
1 1 in s_J.!d .\ir: Rea;a-r:
to arrns contro1
secondary priorlry to -re-
Boorneranged .
He .:i.rs0 .i.sputed .:.tr.
d;iim of Soviet n:.:dear
and t "a -pernl-
wus :-ict10n r0 start a negori:::.-
t!l'ln on the baSis rha:t we: :ire
- Eve-n bdore he s.c-t foot Qn
ou:- everything points 1L'
the ra that i\1r. bull ha ...
on hirn.-
Tomorrow on. - \\-eekend
\\-oriJ: Bri.:m \\"alden is to aS$ess
-\.. I'..t."':J:e: rmssiles will be
de;-h.."t\. .:.d- :n .Britain and othe-r
- counrri.es selec- -
ri 1 - l."S-for rhis doubtful
. it remains to b:::
:\ hcthcr we. a tG be_
L' :mcrher dose cr
L)71.:- thrig ls. eataln. 1f the
\\i..':-:t.i"s weekends are ro "be pro
i. ..:...: :.:d the plans of
mani3.cs onk
mtensifiL""::ltton. of th.::: c.::i.rri-
for . nudear diS;;!.rmam.e-nt
i:Jn do H Th.It is why- the
riLln....; _ fr .:i chain
Ccn1mon .and
.'.lt will reM
tht:: mass supp..,m

;g of Mo
on 1
fgumcn,t, m
li' branch 10
,as v. :U

bnline' a ';\-1orn
L , , , , i:,; dJ,,
-!::.;:iondence !rom
rr.t:ant to ustress
'".ta!n aspects of
. which demarid
: -., and effort." Working for peace,. not war
ithc paclml
Cor, Ton.Y ,Ch

niitg J,OOO
:widc' as an un
:an be'. Tcali,scd
c party, J1l
' bcfo,re ro ,go
lcainpaign ll'I
..: lt.:tt:r was- w:t-
. -:t'.. of . the mass
Europe ag'aiD:St
., which forced
' to back down
, -.:b devdopme!rt.
The Jeaf:ler. iS being disiribured
as the Tory government is under-
1takirig. a major propaganda ctrive
particularly against CND but hlso
against the who1e _British peace
movement. :As well as a f:l mil-
lion advrtising budget, :rriinisters
such 'as Peter. Blaker have in
"recent ,\eeks been quierlY "acti-
Vising- close, cOllaboration \vith
.the mass iriedia" -=-- to_ use Hig's
EAST and West have joined
iorces to save lives by launching
satellites that circle the globe
to locate plane crashes and ship-
l"W"recks with pinpoint accuracy.
A satellite rescue network cou Id .sa:ve countfess lives
and m,lions of dollars a year,writes PAUL MAJENDIE
ro con rend , .. Rescuc
h.:ivc to deal with a sraggerinl:
htg_h 96 p-cr cent false alarm rate.
vill build
::i press ahead
n dcvclonmi.!n
South \\.'.1ks.
th'" for
ttro!.' tbc coni
A ri:d
wH he a It:g:il
n and 1.0011 hi
be crl!atcd dU1
peak in cons
und 1985.
;1" NATO think-
Haig has Ilot
Explaining why the London.
YCL has produced the Jeafler-
now, Calvin Tucker of the leader-
collective sa.id: "We think
. _ lt is crucial to our work for
c:i." r. "--d bv the London peac.e to put the blame for the
p. , f il.!:.. campaig,n to ar.m.s race firmly where it be-
,:;.''.'-" of Cruse mis- longs, in the hands of the war-
In { liller this,_ycar. mangers the Pentagon and
'"' rnc London YCL NATO, and to expose the US
in_,. ... ,)::tteme:nt is clearly refusal to negotiate on arms
:hc Icttr. which reduction and in particular their
j'(: YCL says "speaks horrifie plans for a fi:rs_t str!ke.
nn comments are .. 'ThEr Thatcher adm1n1strat10n.
J>jh actions.." .of .cou.:;:e,' gives full support.
'r!'t. ATu ... :uims its nuclear -, 'jThEf Soviet Union, however;
,u dcrcrrent against has consistently wo:kedfor peace
'"I::_. r ... t .1._1Jtarv thrcat." says and detente making_ ov_er 100
,;i. '
fle:. "Jn reality NATO peace proposals for disarmament

for . a fiist -.ince. 1945, and has unilateraily

.. "- a l1mjtcd nuclear prorrused not to Qe the fi.rst to
in. 1:.u:-,,p.! while the US use nuclear weapons."
The space technology, whch
could revoiutionise international
air and sea rescue and save hun-
dreds of lives ever:y year, was
developed jointly .by the Soviet
Union, the US, and
The Polar-orbiting satellites are
sent up specifically to lh;ten for
d.istress signals fr.am ships and
These are then bounced back
to earth. where control com-
puters can narrow the site of an
accident down to a 12-rnile
(20kml radius within three
Canadian Defence Minister
Gilles Lamontagne, watching a
demonstration of the satellites'
performance at a rescue co-
ordination centre in Ontario.
praised the four partkipating
countries for rheir spirit of inter-
national co-operation-:-
The sate.J1ite network "is proof
that when life is ac' stake, we
can work together,': he told
reporte't"s. ..
The satellite netwqrk is now
on a 15-monrh rnal run: and
alre;:idy Soviet -tt::chn,ology has
saved Canadian and.' American
lives. -.
Altog,e-thcr five saii:-e1htes --
two !rom tht: E.asr three
from the "\Vest - will be
launched into space on the Jook-
cut for sailors and. pIots in
trouble. :.;
The honour of staging the
maiden ftigbt to' the Sovjet
Union whose firs:t sat.llite, .with-
1n nine, days of launched
last ) une, helped to . save the
['Ve$ of three Canadians who
crashed 1n the wooded outb'3.ck
of British Columbia. ',
Since that rescue, }be Soviet
satcllit has track<:d down a
plane crash 'Sur\rivor iil a Quebec
forcSt and helped to sav::! eight
Amcricans from boJ:ts off Bos-
ton and Puerto Rico.
In Iv1arch. the fi.rst ,.,.cstern
lifesaver-French and Cana.dian
equipment a ride on a
US meteorological satellite -
will be j6ining its -Soviet coun-
terpart. Others \Vill follow
rhroughout the year.
Experts from East and West
did not technolog-y but
agreed on specifications. went
away to thcir respective drawing
boards and came up with a
system that bas interchangeable.
mutuallv understan-dable signals.
Canada spends 112 million US
do1Jars a year checkng out about-
600 accidents involving _planes
and ships. Its -rcsearch scintists
spent about 12 million dollars
devdoping. . the sJ.te!Ilte tccbm..il..:
O!\' thar could '<lVI.! coun:-!css
The US contrbuti.:-d appr:.>xi-
mardv 30 million do_l!ar' and
Franc-t: third of thar sum. The
Sovit!r contribution -not bccn
- 1\1ajor-Gi.:n. Paul .7\lanson. L"X-
pfaimng__ to- )tow in-
valuablc the S\Stem_ could be-.
said: "Canada Probnbly has the
1l.1ost d1fficu\t air and ..sca
task in the world.
.. :'v\uch of the countn- is total
wilcerncss - "Jnd the cfimati.: L"'
ver\ \Ve have an
rnoS 1:1m6unt of aircraft mg
vcr our tt::rritor.}: and thou..<;ands.
of boats: out at sca." ,he
addcd. - . -
But Cana<la's
dnatc i"lnd terrnin are 1iot th!;!
only problcms its rcscuers h:;we
Gen. :i.l il n son. expla.incd:
'"Peork !cave- thetr distrcss sig.-
nals on by mistake wben they
park: piane. \Ve had the
track clown one that
h::td hccn ::tccidcnta.Uy trg!"!.ered
Cltl in a_ parce! and w-.i.s traced to
a L\lontrea.1 post offict!."
Re-porrers and t
ministers wcrc invid here for
:t dcmonstraticin of the satcllite's
!-k!L Uummy ground bcacons
wcre scr off the SoYict craft"s
orbit took it over Canadn.
The- satelljte nnd con-
rrol computer zcroed in on tW\.\
of the bl'acons_ and a printou.r
qickly .gave locations.
Th1:n _an, official interrupr.cd
Iuneh afterwards to sav: "Wcll.
that's _the Canadian ,..rintcr for
vent. \V c have -iust discdvcred
ihat the . third bt::acon ru n-
over acc1dcntallv bv a snow
plouj!h:: -

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