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Newsletter 1

St. Peter News

St. Peter Lutheran Church, Bassett, NE
Pastors John & Melody Brink jbrink-ne@hotmail.com melody_325@yahoo.com July 2014


1. Wise words from the Pastor
2. Notes/Announcements

Rain, rain, go away!
Come again another day!
Little ______ wants to play!

I remember singing this rhyme fairly often when I was
growing up. My brother and I would so often be
disappointed at the rain because we couldnt go play outside.
My mom didnt really let us watch tv, so when we were
stuck inside, we didnt like it. My mom was good at giving
us things to do and coming up with creative indoor activities,
but we just wanted to go outside and play!

We have been having quite a lot of rain lately, and some of
us may have been singing this song again. In fact, some of
us may have started to feel like we understand what Noah
and his family experienced in the never-ending rain and
water of the flood! We may feel stuck inside. We may feel
a little grey like the sky. It has been raining a LOT!

Rain is such a funny thing. Sometimes, we pray very hard
for rain to come to nourish the crops, the grass, and other
outdoor living things. Sometimes, we pray very hard for it to
stop for just a little while so that crops can be planted or
harvested. Sometimes we pray after a bad storm that
completely takes out the crops that have already been

In this world, we have seen the effects of too little water as
well as too much water. Weve seen floods ravage and kill.
Weve seen tsunamis take out entire towns and villages.
Weve seen the effects of drought on crops that have been
decimated by the brutal summer sun. Weve seen the true
damage that water, or lack of water, can do.

And yet, in our church life, we have seen the truly life-saving
power that water has. We have seen what God can do with
this earthly resource. We have seen the wonderful gifts that
God has given us through water. Baptism: it is Gods gift of
water to us.

In baptism we are given the wonderful gifts of God that help
us to grow in our faith life. We are given the gift of death
and resurrection in Christ. We are given the gift of faith.
We are given the gift of Gods love and forgiveness. We are
given the gift of everlasting life. We are given all of the
promises that we have in Christ. And we are asked to go out
and spread that good news, that gospel, to everyone we meet.

In times of too much water, or too little water, we can
remember the promises of Christ. When wed rather tell the
rain to go away, maybe we can be reminded of our baptism
and of the wonderful work weve been given to do in this
world. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord! Thanks be to

In Gods Peace and Love,
Pastor Melody

Cant make it to church every week, but still want to
give in some way? Consider our Simply Giving
program. You can sign up to automatically have
money withdrawn from your account to give to the
church. We understand you are busy and cant
always regularly make it on Sundays. But, with the
Simply Giving program, you can help to ensure the
church is always here when you need it family
weddings, funerals, baptisms, etc. Please consider
this tax deductible charitable donation!

Newsletter 2

This year's Germanfest will be held one week later than usual.
The date is Sunday, November 10, so mark your calendars and
tell you friends to save the date!
LeAnne and Ev have been working on the list for food and
supplies. It will be at the church the first Sunday in October. If
you have a large supply of something in your garden or
orchard, new recipes are still being excepted.
Last year the numbers were really down. It's important to
spread the word about this major fundraiser for our
congregation. Please sign up and plan to attend.

Like us on Facebook! Visit our page at
www.facebook.com/st.peternews for updates,
photos, newsletters and more!
Also, visit and like our BASIC Youth Groups
page as well as St. Johns page to keep up on
all of the latest news!


June July August
St. Johns 9am worship
St. Peter 10am fellowship
11am worship
Church council meeting first Tuesday of every month at 7pm.
Current council members: Lori Stolcpart, Tiffani Maurer, Carol
Friedrich, Kristy Beard, Kristie Camp, Doug Fox & Tim
Hinkhouse. Thank them for their service to our church and ask
them how you can help!


The Giving Tree Remember the tree in the
Narthex! Take a tag and help supply items
needed at our church.

Helping Our Neighbors
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 8th and Sunday,
July 13th! Tuesday will be an all-day work day, but if you
can only give a few hours, you can just arrive and leave
whenever you need to. The details for Sunday, July 13th are
still being worked out time-wise. But please mark your
calendars for one or both dates and then either comment on
the church Facebook page, email, text, or call Pastor Melody
to let her know that youre planning on attending.

The work being done will be walking fields and picking up
debris. If that is too much for you and you'd still like to come
help, there may be a chance to work putting together meals
for people. The details of kitchen help are still up in the air
but a possibility. If you have any questions, please contact
Pastor Melody.

Also, invite everyone you know. They do not need to be
members of our church or even affiliated with a church at all.
We can all work together to help out our neighbors! Thank

Church Calendar
July 1
: St. Peter Council Meeting 7pm
Text Study 10am, St. Peter, Bassett
July 2
: Pastor John in Bassett
July 3
: Pastor John in Atkinson
July 4
: Pastors Day Off
July 7
: Pastor Melody in Atkinson in PM
July 8
: Pilger/Stanton/Wakefield Area Work
July 9
: Pastor John Leads Good Sam Worship,
July 11
: Pastor John Leads Parkside Service,
July 11
: Pastors Day Off
July 13
: Pilger/Stanton/Wakefield Area Work
July 14
: Pastor Melody in Atkinson
July 15
: Pastor Melody in Bassett
July 16
: Pastor John in Bassett
July 17
: Pastor John in Atkinson
July 18
: Pastors Day Off
July 20
: Youth Mission Trip
July 21
: Pastor Melody in Atkinson
July 22
: Pastor Melody in Bassett
July 23
: Pastor John on Mission Trip
July 24
: Pastor John on Mission Trip
July 25
: Pastors Day Off
July 27
July 28
: Pastor Melody in Atkinson
July 29
: Pastor Melody in Bassett
St. Johns Council Meeting

Every year Camp Carol Joy Holling in Ashland, NE
does a quilt auction as a fundraiser for their
camp. Here is the link to a pdf document
outlining the details of this fundraiser. Check it
Newsletter 3

One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation. Satan
had just come from the Garden of Eden, and he was
gloating and boasting. "Yes, sir, I just caught a world full of
people down there. Set me a trap, used bait I knew they
couldn't resist. Got 'em all!" "What are you going to do with
them?" Jesus asked. Satan replied, "Oh, I'm gonna have fun!
I'm gonna teach them how to marry and divorce each
other, how to hate and abuse each other, how to drink and
smoke and curse. I'm gonna teach them how to invent guns
and bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun!"
"And what will you do when you are done with them?"
Jesus asked. "Oh, I'll kill 'em," Satan glared proudly.
"How much do you want for them?" Jesus asked.
"Oh, you don't want those people. They ain't no good. Why,
you'll take them and they'll just hate you. They'll spit on you,
curse you and kill you. You don't want those people!!"
"How much? He asked again.
Satan looked at Jesus and sneered, "All your blood, tears
and your life." Jesus said, "DONE!" Then He paid the price.
The pastor picked up the cage and walked from the


Without God
Our Week Would Be


7 Days Without God Makes One WEAK

Shared by Ev Armstrong:

When youre
drowning in lifes
situations, dont worry.
Your lifeguard walks on

Gods Grace Shared by Di McNutt
There once was a man named George Thomas, pastor in a
small New England town. One Easter Sunday morning he came
to the Church carrying a rusty, bent, old bird cage, and set it
by the pulpit. Eyebrows were raised and, as if in response,
Pastor Thomas began to speak. "I was walking through town
yesterday when I saw a young boy coming toward me
swinging this bird cage. On the bottom of the cage were
three little wild birds, shivering with cold and fright.
I stopped the lad and asked, "What do you have there, son?"
"Just some old birds," came the reply. "What are you going to
do with them?" I asked. "Take 'em home and have fun with
'em," he answered. "I'm gonna tease 'em and pull out their
feathers to make 'em fight. I'm gonna have a real good time."
"But you'll get tired of those birds sooner or later. What will
you do then?" "Oh, I got some cats," said the little boy. "They
like birds. I'll take 'em to them." The pastor was silent for a
moment. "How much do you want for those birds, son?"
"Huh?? !!! Why, you don't want them birds, mister. They're just
plain old field birds. They don't sing. They ain't even pretty!"
"How much?" the pastor asked again. The boy sized up the
pastor as if he were crazy and said, "$10?" The pastor
reached in his pocket and took out a ten dollar bill. He placed
it in the boy's hand. In a flash, the boy was gone. The pastor
picked up the cage and gently carried it to the end of the
alley where there was a tree and a grassy spot. Setting the
cage down, he opened the door, and by softly tapping the
bars persuaded the birds out, setting them free. Well, that
explained the empty bird cage on the pulpit, and then the
pastor began to tell this story:

Newsletter 4
June 6, 2014
The St. Peter Lutheran Church Council met on Tuesday June 6, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Members present were:
Tim Hinkhouse, Carol Friedrich, Lori Stolcpart, Kristy Beard, Doug Fox, and Kristie Camp.
The meeting was opened with discussion of St. Peters involvement in the community.
Minutes from the May board meeting were read by Kristie. Kristy B. made a motion and Lori 2
approve the minutes as read.
Carol presented the treasurers report. Motion by Kristie and seconded by Tim to approve the treasurers
report as read. A card was read from Shirley Anderson. She has given $100 in memory of Conrad to the
Kitchen Committee. She would like to see this money used to purchase new table coverings for the
fellowship hall. The council will look into the purchase of them and get them bought.
Committee Reports: Education
Committee: Kristy has contacted Mona Davis about joining the Methodist church for bible school.
Building and Grounds Committee: Tim reported that there was no rain in the basement after the last
rain. There was some water by the west door of the fellowship hall. Tim said there is no threshold on the
entry. Activities Committee: A confirmation
reception was held for Ben Beard, Walker Shaw, Rhegan Shankland, Jadyn Bussinger, and Whitten Giles.
Old Business:
Pastor is waiting to hear from the Photo Directory. The directories should be here soon.
Committee duties were discussed. Kristie and Carol asked for suggestions on the worship
committee responsibilities. Committees are working on their assigned duties.
Lenten offering to the Philippines Hurricane, Baskets of Promise was discussed.
Kristie will contact Pastor Melody about getting these baskets put together and sent.

New Business:
Bill & Di McNutt presented an estimate from Rossman Sales and Service to go through and
make repairs on the furnace and air conditioner units. The estimate was $637.50 for the air
conditioner and $565.00 for the furnaces. Bill and Di proposed to the council that they will
pay for the estimated quotes, if the council would agree to pay for any parts or materials
needed. Doug made a motion to accept Bill & Dis proposal and Kristy made the 2
. Motion
carried. Thank you Bill and Di!!!
Discussion was had on what to do with the $15,504 CD that was up for renewal. Kristie
made a motion to put $10,000 into a Mission Investment Fund. The proposal was to put
$8,000 into a 6-year fund at 2.28% and to put $2,000 into a 2- year fund at 1.0%. Lori 2
Motion carried. The rest of the money will remain in the Savings.
Carol said the bank needed a second person on a signature card for CDs. It was decided Tim
would be put on this card along with Carol.
Kristie made a motion to adjourn. Kristy 2
the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 with the Lords
Respectfully submitted,
Kristie Camp, Secretary
Newsletter 5
Birthdays & Anniversaries Have a Blessed Day!

Jake E. Maurer 1-Jul
Betty Haynes 3-Jul
Leanne Fox 4-Jul
Kari Anderson 6-Jul
Ben Shaw 8-Jul
Blaine Frizzell 8-Jul
Daunitta Buoy 9-Jul
Austin Beard 11-Jul
Kyle Jackman 13-Jul
Tyler Decker 13-Jul
Janet Connery 13-Jul
Nola Hansen 15-Jul
Bradd Bussinger 15-Jul
Staci Ellermeier 16-Jul
Lucas Fischer 16-Jul
Steve Camp 20-Jul
Duane Keim 21-Jul
Mart Hollenbeck 22-Jul
Bob Wegener 24-Jul
Amy Frerichs 24-Jul
Deb Fischer 25-Jul
Jim Frizzell 25-Jul
Shirley Anderson 27-Jul
Dee Hollenbeck 31-Jul
Nickie Ebert 31-Jul

Prayer Concerns
Please keep the following people in your prayers
Those who are battling cancer Rick Lingenfelter, Virginia
Aulner, Mona Mangum, Megan Huss, Doris Greenfield,
Eleanor Nielsen, Briea Ryan, Kelli Dannenbring, Jeanie
Shankland, Doug Laue, Jimmy Hopson, Janna Gubser
Gwen Peterson who is recovering from heart surgery
Ryan Austin who has Hunter Syndrome
Rick Stocpart who has Parkinsons
Shirley Hickman
Doug Fox recovering from surgery

Military Men & Women:
Chris & Jenn Magnussen, Matt Magnussen, Kelly Peterson,
Doug Harlan, Nick Brooks, Pat Brooks, Monica Olson, Corey
Novotny, Paul Carpenter, Tim Dodge, John Brink Jr, Matt
Brink, Spencer Jenkins, Justin Imm, Austin Beard

Lay Worker Schedule

Date Reader Ushers Acolyte Communion Server
7/6/2014 Jim Arnholt Bill B. & Norma L. Payton Ebert Tim Hinkhouse
7/13/2014 Shelly Herrington Herrington Family Gage Herrington
7/20/2014 JT Shaw Danita S & Leah H Mason Hagan Jim Shaw
7/27/2014 Nancy Carley Kelly & Jen Corman Adrianna Shaw

8/3/2014 Gary B Jim & Ella Shaw Jeff Reynolds Rod Stolcpart
8/10/2014 Rod Stolcpart Jim & Nancy Carley Walker Shaw
8/17/2014 Kristie Camp Al A. & Rod S. Eddie Reynolds Larry Fischer
8/24/2014 Doug Fox Larry F & Jim A Payton Ebert
8/31/2014 Leah Hagan Bernie & Cheryl Hart Mason Hagan

Jamie & Carol Turpin 24-Jul
Larry & Nickie Ebert 29-Jul

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