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Guess Whos Coming to Dinner

(Drama/Comedy) (1967)
2000 by aymond Wes!h"er
#a$or Chara!ters
John Wade PrenticeSidney Portier
A very accomplished and sweet black doctor who works for the
United Nations World Health r!ani"ation# John falls in love with
Joey$ his first relationship since his wife and child were killed in an
accident ei!ht years earlier#
Joey %Joanna& 'rayton#(atherine Ho)!hton
A sweet and innocent yo)n! white woman who lives in San *rancisco$
who meets and falls in love with John while on vacation in Hawaii#
+att 'raytonSpencer ,racy
Joeys father$ who is a wealthy and very liberal San *rancisco newspaper
p)blisher$ and who has spoken o)t for racial e-)ality and civil ri!hts all of
his ad)lt life#
.hristina 'rayton##(atherine Hepb)rn
Joeys mother$ who owns a small art !allery$ and who has also
been a s)pporter of civil ri!hts all of her life#
+onsi!nor /yan##.ecil (ellaway
A .atholic priest$ who has been a dear family friend of the 'raytons$
who is also an e0tremely liberal and tolerant person %A 1monsi!nor2
is a word for an official of the ch)rch&#
,illie %+iss +atilda 3anks&###4sabel Sanford
,he 'raytons black ho)sekeeper$ who has been a part of the family for
over 55 years$ and who helped raise Joey from when she was a baby#
+r# Prentice/oy 6# 7lenn Sr#
Johns father$ a retired mailman who lives in 8os An!eles#
+rs# Prentice##3eah /ichards
Johns e0tremely sweet and tho)!htf)l mother#
Hillary St# 7eor!e#9ir!inia .hristine
An assistant to .hristina who works in her art !allery#
Plot Summary
,his film is the classic story of a Joanna$ a yo)n!$ charmin! and innocent woman$
who falls in love with$ and decides to marry$ John$ a wonderf)l black doctor#
+ore specifically$ it is the story of how the people aro)nd them$ incl)din! their
parents$ friends and others$ react to the news of a possible marria!e between a
black man and a white woman#
Joanna had been convinced that her parents wo)ld have no problem with the
sit)ation$ beca)se they had always raised her to believe that blacks and whites
were e-)al$ and that that any kind of racial intolerance was )nacceptable#
However$ when her mother learns of the marria!e plans$ she is at first more
shocked than happy$ and when her father finds o)t$ he finds himself )nable to
s)pport what his da)!hter was abo)t to do# Soon after$ +rs# 'rayton comes to
f)lly embrace the marria!e$ b)t +r# 'rayton m)st come face to face with the fact
that he has tro)ble acceptin! his own liberal philosophy when it is applied so
dramatically to his own life#
ver the co)rse of the day$ vario)s other people face the news with !reatly
varied reactions$ from +onsi!nor /yan$ who is e0tremely happy for the yo)n!
co)ple$ to ,illie$ who seems as opposed to the idea of an interracial co)ple as the
most conservative white people# ,hat afternoon$ Johns parents fly )p to San
*rancisco$ and when they discover that Joanna is white$ they too m)st face their
own fears and pre;)dices# 6vent)ally tho)!h$ it is +r# 'rayton who m)st
emotionally str)!!le the most$ and who m)st come to reali"e that a tr)ly liberal
and pro!ressive person cant oppose their marria!e simply beca)se other people
in the world co)ld make their lives diffic)lt#
Some 3rief Words on the 8e!al and Social Sit)ation .oncernin! 3iracial .o)ples
in :<=>s America? Guess Whos Coming to Dinner came o)t in :<=@$ which was
also the year that the United States S)preme .o)rt r)led in a case called Loving
v. Virginia that all laws which banned interracial marria!es violated the United
States .onstit)tion# 4n fact$ )ntil that year$ over :A states still had stat)tes which
prohibited a black and white person from !ettin! marriedB ,he Loving case
reflected the !reat social chan!es that were occ)rrin! within the United States at
the time$ most specifically beca)se of the lon! and often violently opposed .ivil
/i!hts +ovement# And as this film showed$ even amon! socially liberal people
who lived in s)ch cities as San *rancisco$ the idea of a black and white person
!ettin! married was still shockin!# 4ndeed$ in many parts of the co)ntry$ it
probably still is#
%ome Words and &'(ressions that )ou may not *no+
John and Joanna return to San Francisco, so that she can
introduce him to her wonderful and liberal parents.
Co) !o find yo)r folks#
A somewhat oldDfashioned word for parents or people#
4ts called a kinetic sc)lpt)re#
4f somethin! is 1kinetic$2 it is )s)ally in motion# A rarely )sed word#
.hristines l)nchin! with +r# .al"ent# 4f yo) like$ 4 can rin! her )p #
,o l)nch2 with someone is a dated verb %better to say to have l)nch&$
and to 1rin! )p2 someone is now less common than 1to phone#2
'o yo) live in San *rancisco$ doctorE ?? No$ 4m ;)st passin! thro)!h #
4f yo) are 1passin! thro)!h2 a town$ yo)re ;)st there a day or two#
4ts Hillary who r)ns the !allery now#
1,o r)n2 a store or b)siness is to mana!e it# A 1!allery2 is a small
b)siness where paintin! and other art is shown and sold to the p)blic#
Her idea of fillin! hotel rooms with ori!inal art is bri""iant #
3rilliant2 is a powerf)l ad;ective meanin! very smart# 4t is more
common in 6n!land$ where it also means sensational or !reat#
,he hotel !ets free dFcor #
A word to describe ob;ects s)ch as paintin!s or
vases that help to decorate the inside of a ho)se#
,he painter !ets a chance to make a sale and mom !ets her !ommission#
An important word in b)siness$ referrin! to the percenta!e
of the sellin! price that a person !ets for sellin! a prod)ct#
4snt that !"e,erE
A nice little ad;ective meanin! smart$ intellect)ally -)ick or witty#
,welve bu!-s$ ri!htE
A very common slan! word for dollars#
Co) still aint tell me why yo) come home early#
Note the )se of 1aint2 where 1isnt2 sho)ld be# ,his is very incorrect
6n!lish that yo) sho)ld avoid$ altho)!h it isnt that )ncommon#
Well have it on the terrace#
Another word for an o)tdoor patio$ or a flat livin! area ne0t to a ho)se#
,hats 'orothy# 4snt she a knocko)t E
A dated b)t still f)n word to describe a bea)tif)l or very se0y person
%Her bea)ty is so !reat that$ ;)st like a bo0er$ she knocks yo) o)t&#
Which daysE ?? .e,er mindB
An important e0pression that yo) )se when yo) want to imply
that what was ;)st said or disc)ssed is act)ally not important#
A city in Swit"erland$ and head-)arters of the
United Nations World Health r!ani"ation#
8os An!eles$ please# Area code 5:G#
,his refers to the three n)mbers that yo) m)st dial to !et a partic)lar area
of the co)ntry$ before dialin! a specific phone n)mber#
,he toll and char!es #
,wo words that refer to the costs of a lon!Ddistance telephone call#
4 dont like seein! a member of my own race !ettin! above hisself#
ne of ,illies more memorable lines# ,he correct word is 1himself#2
Come onH ;)st the t)rtle so)p and to)rnedos#
,he !reatest and most versatile phrasal verb in 6n!lish$ often takin! on
the meanin! of whatever words that follow it# Here$ it means please
%1,o)rnedos2 is a c)t of beef$ b)t this is never )sed&#
4 ran! the !allery to tell Hillary that .a"alet a!reed to o)r scheme #
1Scheme2 is an interestin! word that means a plan of action$
b)t note that it often connotes somethin! secretive or tricky#
4m so happy$ 4m ;)st## ?? 3)rstin!# 4 can see that#
1,o b)rst2 is a powerf)l verb meanin! to e0plode
or break wide open$ in this case with happiness#
4 think 4 mi!ht$ if yo) wo)ld pipe down lon! eno)!h to tell me#
1Pipe down2 is a f)n imperative %command&
phrasal verb meanin! sh)t )p or keep -)iet#
+ary$ what the hell difference does that makeE
,his is a common addition to Wh -)estions$ which are
)sed to show added emotion$ s)ch as an!er or conf)sion#
Co) reckon to marry the !irl$ sonE
A very oldDfashioned way of sayin! to think$ or consider#
He doesnt have any tensions in him#
An important word referrin! to de!ree of nervo)sness or
emotional an0iety# /arely )sed as a pl)ral no)n$ b)t there it isB
He was married before and had a son# 4t was so tragi!#
4f somethin! is 1tra!ic$2 it is filled with !reat s)fferin! and sadness#
4snt that a "o,e"y nameE
Another word for pretty# +ore common in 6n!land than the US#
Mrs. Drayton meets John, and soon find herself in shock.
4 take it Joannas already b)sted o)t with the bi! newsE
4n this case$ 1to b)st o)t2 with the bi! news is to reveal
and talk abo)t it in a -)ick and e0cited manner#
Shes only known me for :> days and so she cant tell yo) when 4m bl)shin! #
1,o bl)sh2 is to become red in the cheeks from embarrassment
%4ts obvio)sly harder to see when a black person is bl)shin!&#
4 hope yo) wont think it (resum(tuous if 4
say that yo) o)!ht to sit down before yo) fall down#
4f someone is 1pres)mpt)o)s$2 they are bein!
too forward$ confident or even arro!ant#
He thinks yo)re !onna /aint beca)se hes a Ne!ro#
1,o faint2 is to lose conscio)sness$ often beca)se of emotional shock#
Ne!ro2 is the very dated word for a black person$ which -)ickly died o)t
in the years immediately followin! the release of this movie
%Note that in rapid speech$ 1!oin! to2DDDDDJ2!onna2&#
4t wo)ld be all ri!ht if 4 say 1+y !oodness$2 wo)ldnt itE
1+y !oodness2 is a conservative way of
e0pressin! s)rprise or other emotion#
What did they say when yo) told them that 4 wasnt a colored !irlE
1.olored$2 like 1Ne!ro$2 is a very dated way to refer to black people#
After all$ a lot of people will think were a shockin! pair #
Note that a 1pair2 can refer to two of anythin!$ from socks to people#
John was invited to lect)re at Hawaii University
and we met at this bi! party at the 'eans#
,he 1dean2 of a University is the person at the top who mana!es it#
,hats mar,e"ous #
Another !ood alternative to wonderf)l$ !reat or fantastic#
And thats the whole sit)ation$ in a n)tshell #
,o tell abo)t somethin! 1in a n)tshell2 is to
!ive a s)mmary$ with ;)st the most important details#
4 told him <@ times it wo)ldnt make the
sli!htest bit of difference to yo) or dad#
4f somethin! 1doesnt make a difference$2 its )nimportant#
4 told her not to sprin! all this on yo) so s)ddenly#
4n this case$ to 1sprin! this on2 a person is to tell them all
at once$ witho)t !ivin! them time to absorb the news#
Co) co)ld !ive her half an ho)r to !et ad;)sted #
4n this case$ 1to !et ad;)sted2 means to !et )sed
to the idea of Joanna bein! with a black man#
All hells done broke loose#
,illies way of sayin! 1All hell has broken loose$2
or that there is now lots of tro)ble in the ho)se#
4s the waste disposal out a!ainE
A 1waste disposal$2 more commonly called the !arba!e disposal$ is a
device in kitchen sinks that dissolves food so that it can be washed down
the kitchen pipes# 4f a machine is 1o)t$2 its not workin!#
Mr. Drayton meets John, and soon
finds himself emotionally overwhelmed.
'octor$ where are yo) practicin!E
Note that a doctor 1practices2 medicine$ ;)st like a lawyer practices law#
4m in tropical medicine $ mostly in Africa#
,he area of medicine that deals with diseases like malaria and cholera#
4 m)st not keep the +onsi!nor waitin!H 4m late as it is#
An interestin! !rammatical constr)ction which
in this case simply means 1already#2
What the hell is !oin! on hereE
Note that 1the hell2 is added to Wh -)estions
to show stron! emotion s)ch as an!er or conf)sion#
4 can e0plain itB ?? Well$ lets have it#
,his is +atts way of sayin! 1!o ahead#2
We flew backto see if yo) or +rs# 'rayton
wo)ld have any ob$e!tions if we !ot married#
An 1ob;ection2 is a statement of disapproval$ or a reservation#
4 had the st)pid idea that there was some way to break this !ently#
1,o break2 a piece of news is to disclose or reveal it#
4t never occ)rred to me that 4 mi!ht fall in love with a Ne!ro$
b)t 4 did$ and nothin! in the world is !oin! to chan!e that#
,his is another way of sayin! that 14 never tho)!ht that#2
4 wo)ldnt leave him !o now$ even if yo) were the !overnor of Alabama#
A reference to 7eor!e Wallace$ the racist !overnor of Alabama in the
:<=>s who was nationally known for opposin! black civil ri!hts#
4f yo)re e0pectin! any sensible statements from
me$ yo)ll have to !ive me some more time#
A )sef)l word meanin! reasonable or rational#
What the hell is all the r)shEB
1Why are yo) in s)ch a h)rryEB2
We want yo) to state that when we do !et married$ well have yo)r blessin!#
A formal word that means official approval or enco)ra!ement#
Are yo) !oin! to play !olfE ?? No$ 4ll ;)st !a"" it o// #
1,o call off2 somethin! is to cancel it#
When he p)ts on his American 6a!le face$
nobody can tell what hes thinkin!#
,he American 6a!le$ the national bird of the United States$ has a very
serio)s and pro)d look# ,his is Joannas way of sayin! that when her
father looks very serio)s$ yo) never know what he is thinkin!#
,ell him somethin! has come )p $ somethin! personal at home#
4f somethin! 1comes )p$2 it )ne0pectedly happens#
Mr. And Mrs. Drayton learn more about John, and soon discover
that there will be no marriage without their approval.
.all the library and see if they !ot any dope on a John Wayne Prentice#
4n this case$ 1dope2 is a way of referrin! to !eneral information$
partic)larly ne!ative information abo)t a person# 1'ope2 is more
commonly )sed to refer to ille!al dr)!s s)ch as mari;)ana#
How do yo) feel abo)t itE ?? 4 was shaken at first# 4 still am$ 4 s)ppose#
,o be 1shaken2 is to be !reatly s)rprised or )pset#
4f 4m not intr)din! #
,o intr)de2 means to enter a room or conversation when not wanted# 4t
stron!ly connotes the violation of other peoples privacy#
Joanna thinks that she is committed$ and that o)r whole f)t)re is settled #
4f somethin! is 1settled$2 it means that everyone is in a!reement
abo)t what sho)ld happen$ in this case abo)t their lives to!ether#
Joanna said that yo)re !oin! to be married
no matter what we mi!ht think abo)t it#
A !rammatically interestin! alternative to 1whatever#2
Unless yo) two approve$ and witho)t any
restrictions at all$ there wont be any marria!e#
Another word for limitations$ or perhaps set conditions#
4m ;)st as start"ed as yo) m)st be#
A !ood word meanin! scared or st)nned$ )s)ally by a s)dden s)rprise#
,wo weeks a!o 4 wo)ld have sad s)ch a thin! was inconceivable#
An interestin! way of sayin! not possible#
4ts almost in the form of an )ltimat)m#
An 1)ltimat)m2 is a powerf)l word meanin! a demand
that is made )nder the threat of force or violence#
Well$ thats where its at # ,hank yo) for this opport)nity to speak my piece#
1,hats where its at2 is a slan!y way of sayin! 1thats the sit)ation#2
4f a person !ets the chance 1to speak his piece$2 he is !iven the
opport)nity to say what he is really feelin!#
Shes 5G#and she is e0actly the way we bro)!ht her )p to be#
1,o brin! )p2 a child is to take care of them )ntil they are an ad)lt#
We told her that it was wron! to believe that the
white people were essentially s)perior to black people#
16ssentially2 is a )sef)l word meanin! basically#
Hes an important !)y!rad)ated +a0ima .)m 8a)de $ Johns Hopkins AI#
,his is a 8atin term meanin! with e0cellent !rades and class standin!#
%Johns Hopkins is a ma;or University$ as it was back in :<AI&#
,wo te0t books and a list of medical society honors as lon! as yo)r arm#
ne way of sayin! how accomplished John is in his profession#
He made a call to 8os An!elesH 4 !)ess he doesnt b)m free phone calls either#
1,o b)m2 is a 3ritish slan! term meanin! to borrow$
with no real intention of ever payin! back#
He loves me$ he loves me not#
,his is e0actly what a person says when pickin! the petals of a flower$
while tryin! to find o)t if an ob;ect of their affection really loves them#
4ve been nervo)s$ not abo)t what theyd
u"timate"y feel$ b)t ;)st their first reaction#
,his is an important word meanin! in the end$ or when all is done#
4 tho)!ht it was possible that they mi!ht "et me do+n for the first half ho)r#
1,o let down2 someone is to disappoint them#
Co)re a bi! (honyB
A 1phony2 is a person who is not what they claim to be$ or perhaps a liar$
imposter or hypocrite# A phony piece of art is fake$ or not !en)ine#
4 feel !lad that Joey is Joey#
A )sef)l alternative to happy#
Havin! a streak fry$ h)hE
A very dated way of referrin! to a barbec)e#
Co) want to !ive me a lift to +arket StreetE Save me a cab#
A sli!htly more 3ritish way of sayin! a ride %in a car&#
Co) know it$ dollB
A very :<=>s way of sayin! 1Co)re ri!ht#2
4 hope this is better than the last one we had$ hotshot #
A 1hotshot2 is a slan!y way of referrin! to a person
who thinks they are very talented$ accomplished or cool#
4 deliver itH 4 dont r)stle the cattle#
1,o r)stle cattle2 is simply to steal cows# Not partic)larly )sef)lB
.ivil ri!hts is one thin!$ b)t this here is somethin! else#
A reference to the civil ri!hts movement of the :<A>s and =>s$ in which
people fo)!ht for the ri!hts of blacks to be e-)al members of US society#
4 think he tho)!ht 4 was$ yo) know$ attra!ti,e#
Still a !reat ad;ective for sayin! pretty or handsome$ or ;)st pleasant#
'o yo) mean have we been to bed to!etherE
,oday$ when speakin! of se0$ one is more likely say 1slept to!ether#2
Are yo) sayin! they dont have any sense of rhythmE
,his refers to the re!)lar$ repeated so)nds of m)sic or speech#
Co) can do the Wat)si $ b)t we are the Wat)si#
A type of dance that was pop)lar in the :<=>s#
Willy +ays co)ld be elected mayor of San *rancisco#
A !reat baseball star who played with the San *rancisco 7iants#
4 own a newspaper$ b)t 4 co)ldnt be elected do! catcher #
A do! catcher is what yo) think he is$ b)t for some reason$ this is said
whenever a person wants to e0press how )npop)lar someone is#
0ran-"y$ 4 think yo)r da)!hter is a bit optimistic#
A !ood way for the speaker to warn that hes abo)t to !ive a completely
honest opinion$ even if it mi!ht be offensive or )ncomfortable#
4d settle for Secretary of State#
4n the US$ this is the e-)ivalent of a *orei!n +inister#
Wo)ld yo) think it some kind of cowardice that no
matter how confident yo) two are$ 4m ;)st a little bit scared#
An ed)cated word for fear or lack of co)ra!e#
She said 1+y dad is a lifelon! fi!htin! liberal who loathes race pre;)dice#2
4n the :<=>s$ those who were politically liberal were the ones who worked
for civil ri!hts# 1,o loath2 is to hate or detest$ and 1race pre;)dice2 is a
dated way of referrin! to racism#
Hi dad$ whats )p$ man E
A slan!y and still common way of !reetin!$ or sayin! hi to someone#
Stop b)ttin! inB
1,o b)tt into2 a persons b)siness or life is to start investi!atin!
it$ when they wo)ld prefer to keep it private#
Co)r mother says she is pleased #
A sli!htly dated and weak word for satisfied$ or perhaps happy#
Why do yo) keep tryin! to dramati"e everythin!E
1,o dramati"e2 somethin! is to make it seem
dramatic$ tense$ or hi!hly emotional#
4ts the damndest thin! yo) ever heard of#
4n this conte0t$ a f)nny little ad;ective meanin! ama"in! or c)rio)s#
,hey pick )p the bri!htest native kids and they p)t them
thro)!h co)rses $ ;)st like they do in the US Army corpsman#
13ri!htest2 is smartest$ 1co)rses2 are classes %in this case$ in medicine&#
,hey are all specialists trained to do one special task$ like
sewin! )p a wo)nd or deliverin! a baby$ or what have yo)#
A 1task2 is another word for a ;ob or assi!nment# A 1wo)nd2
is an in;)ry$ and often a hole or tear in the skin#
*or every tho)sand kids they train$ they can save a million lives a year#
1,o train2 a person is to teach them a partic)lar skill#
He !ot the best breaks beca)se everybody he met didnt
want him to think that they were pre;)diced a!ainst him#
4n this case$ 1breaks2 are little opport)nities or advanta!es#
4n this conte0t$ a 1pre;)diced2 person is racist or biased#
4 wo)ldnt know how to fa)lt him#
1,o fa)lt2 a person is to blame them$ or in this case$
to find somethin! ne!ative abo)t them#
Were bein! press)ri"ed B Co) know that$ dont yo)E
Here$ +att creatively )ses this word as a way of meanin! to p)t )nder
e0treme social press)re to conform$ tho)!h its never )sed like this#
L'oorbell /in!MDDDDDDJ 1"" !et it$ ,illie#
Placed here to remind yo) that when answerin! a door or phone$
the only correct verb tense is the immediate 1prono)n N ll2 f)t)re$
contraction$ so stop sayin! 14 will !et it2B
Monsignor yan meets John, and then forces Matt Drayton
to face the meaning of being true to one!s principles.
What is the problem that ca)sed yo)r father to chicken o)t on !olfE
1,o chicken o)t2 on somethin! is to become too scared to do it#
Co)re a remarkable fellow$ John#
/emarkable2 is a stron! ad;ective meanin! !reatly noticeable
or ama"in!# A 1fellow2 is a 3ritish alternative to !)y#
8ittle Joey is nothin! less than radiant #
4f someone is radiant$ they are shinin! with love or happiness#
Co) do have bea)tif)l tho)!htsB ?? ,hats my trade $ yo) know#
A 1trade2 can be an alternative word for b)siness or profession#
Co) know$ this man is -)ite a famo)s fellow in his own ri!ht #
An interestin! way of sayin! 1himself#2
Hes done incredible work in Asia and some a+/u" place in Africa#
1Awf)l2 is a powerf)l ad;ective meanin! horrible or terrible#
60press some more bea)tif)l tho)!hts to the lad there#
A 3ritish word for boy or !)y#
4 hope yo) wont think that 4m pryin! $ doctor#
1,o pry2 is to try and learn abo)t thin!s that
other people mi!ht think sho)ld remain private#
Joey tells me con!rat)lations are in order $ and that yo) dont even know#
A formal way of sayin! that there is !reat news to celebrate#
4 knew somethin! was u( when 4 came to the !allery#
4f 1somethin! is )p$2 this means that somethin! stran!e$ odd or
mysterio)s is happenin!# 9ery common collo-)ial speech#
4ts so )nlike Joey to do anythin! so appallin!ly st)pidB
1Appallin!2 is a powerf)l ad;ective meanin! shockin! or terrible
%,ho)!h note here that it is )sed as an adverb&#
7o into the office and make o)t a check for cash for the s)m of OA$>>>#
Note that if yo) write 1cash2 in the 1Pay to the order of2 line on
a check$ that check is considered ;)st like cash#
,hen remove anythin! that mi!ht s)bse-)ently
remind me that yo) had ever been there
1S)bse-)ently2 means later in time#
# incl)din! the yellow thin! with the bl)e
b)lbs that yo) have s)ch an affection for#
13)lbs2 are a shortened way of referrin! to li!ht b)lbs#
,hen take that OA$>>> and !et permanently lost #
17et lost2 is a harsh and very direct way of tellin! someone to leave#
Were not really the sort of people that yo) can afford to be associated with#
.hristinas way of sayin! that Hillary wo)ld be embarrassed$ if she were
seen with people whose da)!hter was involved with a black man#
4f he had played his cards ri!ht $ yo) wo)ld never even
had met me$ b)t he fell for some !irl from Pomona#
1,o play ones cards ri!ht2 is to make the most of an opport)nity
or sit)ation$ in this case concernin! a possible romance# 1,o fall2
for somebody is to become !reatly attracted to them#
2hat +i"" tea!h him3
A common e0pression which means that hopef)lly
this person will learn from their st)pid mistake#
She has a -)ite r)thless streak#
/)thless2 is a powerf)l word meanin! very cr)el or br)tal$ and if a
person has a 1r)thless streak$2 they can on occasion act very cr)elly#
No$ dont b)d!e $ please#
1,o b)d!e2 is to move or to ca)se to move ;)st a little#
4f they know what lies in store for them#
Another way of sayin! 1what the f)t)re will brin!#2
Co)re really thrashin! abo)t #
1,o thrash abo)t2 is to !reatly str)!!le$ like a fish o)t of water#
4ts ama"in! to see a broken down phony old
liberal come face to face with his principles#
A person who is 1broken down2 is emotionally or physically e0ha)sted$
or wiped o)t# ,his is /yans way of tellin! +att that he is not actin! as if
he really believed all the talk he has made over the years abo)t the
importance of racial e-)ality#
4ve always known that behind that fi!htin! liberal faPade there
m)st be some sort of reactionary bi!ot tryin! to !et o)t#
A 1faPade2 is a face$ or perhaps s)rface# A 1reactionary bi!ot2
is !enerally a politically conservative or ri!ht win! racist#
h$ !o to hellB Co) and yo)r !ro)p are still preachin! hell$ arent yo)E
7o to hell2 is one of the classic reli!io)sly oriented ins)lts$ both less
common and less v)l!ar than 1f)ck yo)#2 ,his is +atts reference to the
fact that many .hristians still talk of heaven and hell after death
%1,o preach2 is to !ive a reli!io)s talk or sermon$ )s)ally in a ch)rch&#
Well$ 4m off#
A very common way of sayin! 14m leavin!#2
4 may be able to save a few so)ls before s)pper #
A 1so)l2 is the spirit)al or nonDphysical part of a person that many think
s)rvives after death# 1S)pper2 is a dated word for dinner#
What was that 3eatles son!E 1We can work it o)t B2
1,o work o)t2 a problem is to a!ree how to solve it
%1We can work it o)t2 is also a famo)s 3eatles son!&#
4t looks a little !rim$ doesnt itE
17rim2 is an e0cellent word meanin! )nhappy or
perhaps threatenin!$ severe or )ninvitin!#
4 hope yo) dont mind$ b)t 4 ;)st wran!led an invitation to dinner#
4n this case$ 1to wran!le2 means to win by pers)asion or ar!)ment#
#ar,e"ous H 4m deli!hted yo)re comin!#
1+arvelo)s2 is a nice alternative to wonderf)l or !reat#
1'eli!hted2 is a sweet way of sayin! very happy#
4ll tell ,illie# 4f yo) listen$ yo)ll hear her !o thro)!h the roof#
4f somebody 1!oes thro)!h the roof$2 they are probably very an!ry#
4 bro)!ht yo) the latest b)lletin#
A 1b)lletin2 is an official anno)ncement or declaration of news#
Matt and "hristina struggle with the world and race,
as #illie makes clear what she thinks of John#
Whatever happened to whatsDhisDname E
A common way to refer to a person whose name yo) have for!otten#
4t was only last .hristmas that she said that Homer had the inside track#
4f a person has 1the inside track2 in a race %in this case
for the love of a !irl&$ they are the most likely to win#
'ai-)iri iceE Honeycomb candyE .oca cocon)tE Jamoca almond f)d!eE
Pean)t 3)tter and JellyE .innamon 3anana mintE
,hese are all types of ice cream flavors# None of them are that important$
tho)!h yo) sho)ld know that Pean)t 3)tter and Jelly sandwiches are a
!reat contrib)tion to American c)isine#
*resh re!on 3oysenberry sherbet #
1Sherbet2 is a healthier$ less fattenin! dessert than ice cream
%re!on is a Northwestern State$ and boysenberry is a !reat fr)it&#
4 !ot somethin! to say to yo)$ boy#
J)st what e0actly are yo) tryin! to p)ll hereE
1,o p)ll2 is to do somethin! so discretely or -)ietly that yo) hope
nobody will ob;ect or try to prevent yo) from doin! it %Note that
1to p)ll off2 somethin! is simply to accomplish it&#
h$ yo) make with witticisms and all$ h)hE
A 1witticism2 is a fancy word for a ;oke %A 1witty2 person is f)nny&#
Co)re one of them smooth talkin! smart ass ni!!ers $ ;)st o)t for all yo)
can !et with yo)r black power $ and all that tro)ble makin! nonsense#
,he first e0pression is ,illies way of referrin! to ed)cated black people
who sho)ld not be tr)sted %And note that 1ni!!er2 is an e0tremely
racist word for a black person$ tho)!h some blacks will often )se
it amon! themselves&# 13lack Power2 refers to the movement amon! some
blacks in the :<=>s who demanded radical political chan!e$ b)t in fact
John was probably not the type of person who wo)ld have been involved
in the 3lack Power movement#
4 bro)!ht )p that child from a baby in her cradle and
aint nobody !oin! to harm her none while 4m watchin!#
A 1cradle2 is a little bed for babies# ,ry to avoid the
aint and do)ble ne!atives that ,illie often )ses#
'o yo) read me boyE
1,o read2 someone is a collo-)ial way of sayin! to )nderstand them#
And f)rthermore $ yo) aint even all that !ood lookin!B
1*)rthermore2 is an alternative way of sayin! 1in addition#2
17ood lookin!2 is a common way of sayin! pretty or handsome
Co) st)pid idiotB
A widely )sed ins)lt no)n$ meanin! a very st)pid or d)mb person#
Who cares abo)t yo)r lo)sy ins)ranceE
18o)sy2 is a !ood word for bad or )seless#
Co) o)!ht to be p)t away in a home or somethin!#
4n this conte0t$ 1a home2 refers to a sanitari)m or old
persons home$ where senior citi"ens often live to!ether#
Some of these old !)ys$ theyre senile#
A person who is 1senile2 has lost m)ch of their ability to remember#
LSon!MDDD,hats the !lory of love#
A powerf)l word meanin! !reat honor$ fame or s)ccess#
+att 'rayton really stands for somethin! in this town#
,o stand for2 somethin! is to be a symbol of it# 4n this case$ +att is a
symbol of liberal thinkin!$ and the co)ra!e to say what he thinks#
,heres never been a sin!le p)blic iss)e on which +att didnt take a stand #
1,o take a stand2 on an iss)e is to declare a specific opinion#
4ts the silliest thin! 4ve ever heard of#
1Silly2 is a nice little word meanin! ridic)lo)s or )nimportant#
4m thinkin! only of Joeys welfare#
4n this case$ another word for well bein!$ or perhaps happiness#
4 happen to know that theyll both !et their brains knocked o)t #
,o 1knock o)t2 a person is to hit them so hard they lose conscio)sness#
,his is +atts way of sayin! that hes worried that society will not accept a
black man married to a white woman#
Co)re so wrapped )p in Joeys e0citement over the
whole thin! that yo)re not behavin! in her best interest #
1,o be wrapped )p2 in somethin! is to be obsessed by$ or completely
foc)sed on# ,o do somethin! in a persons 1best interest2 is to do what
will be best for their f)t)re#
Mr. And Mrs. $ard arrive from %os Angeles,
and soon discover the shocking news that Joanna isn!t black,
as Matt Drayton still struggles with the logic of Father yan.
,hey look like awf)lly nice people#
Note that 1awf)l2 means horrible$ b)t as
an adverb$ 1awf)lly2 means only 1very#2
Co) have ba!sE
A clever and s)btle play on wordsH 13a!s2 are$ of co)rse$ one way to refer
to l)!!a!e or s)itcases$ b)t be aware that a person carryin! a lot of
1ba!!a!e2 has certain psycholo!ical problems# 4n this case$ perhaps
related to race relations#
2hats out o/ the 4uestion3
A common e0pression meanin! that somethin! is simply not possible#
4 think yo)re !oin! to re!ret it with more bitterness for as lon! as yo) live#
A powerf)l no)n referrin! to an!er and resentment#
,he most obvio)s mistake yo)re makin!
is in )nderestimatin! yo)r own da)!hter#
1,o )nderestimate2 a person is to not reali"e
how m)ch that person can do or accomplish#
*or what it may be worth $ 4m !oin! to be on her side#
An e0pression that means 1to the e0tent that yo) think this is important#2
ften )sed when its )nclear what the listener is thinkin!#
,hey were shaken $ all ri!ht#
4f a person is 1shaken$2 they are )pset or !reatly dist)rbed#
4 cant blame them for bein! st)nned by it all#
Another word that means shocked or perhaps overwhelmed#
,he two of yo) are behavin! like a co)ple of escaped l)natics#
A l)natic is a !reat and somewhat f)nny word for a cra"y person#
Co) know$ there is a kind of envy that is in no way sinf)l #
16nvy2 can be a stron! desire to have what somebody else has#
4f somethin! is 1sinf)l$2 it is shamef)l$ wron!$ or literally$
somethin! of which 7od wo)ld disapprove#
A pop)lar type of hard li-)or#
Whats the matter5
A very common way to ask somebody what is wron!#
Where is +attE ?? He is )pstairs chan!in! #
Note that hes chan!in! clothes$ b)t 1to chan!e2
does not re-)ire the direct ob;ect#
Are yo) !onna p)t a stop to this damn nonsense foolishness E
Note that in rapid speech$ 1!oin! to2DDDDJ2!onna#2
4n this case$ 1foolishness2 is ridic)lo)s or st)pid behavior#
1Nobody )nderstands nothin! no more#2
,illies charmin! way of speakin!$ filled with
do)ble ne!atives that Co) sho)ld definitely avoid#
,heyve bo0ed me into a hell of a corner here#
1,o bo0 someone into a corner2 is to trap them so that
they have no !ood choices in a diffic)lt sit)ation#
h$ for !ods sakeB
A common way of lettin! o)t an!er and fr)stration#
.hristina has more respect for Joeys ;)d!ement# ?? h$ !ome o// itB
An e0cellent e0pression that people )se when they think that the listener
is sayin! lies or nonsense# 1Stop sayin! s)ch ridic)lo)s thin!s#2
When were yo) so an!ryE When yo) took < shots on the @
A reference to 7olf$ of which 4 know little#
Co)re an!ry with yo)rselfB ?? Co)re a pontificatin! old poop #
A f)nny ins)lt# 1,o pontificate2 is to preach with !reat a)thority$
like a Pope# 1Poop2 is a relatively !ood and !entle word for shit#
4n a sin!le day$ yo)ve been thrown # Co)re off balance#
,o be 1thrown off2 is to be made !reatly conf)sed$ tho)!h note here that
/yan drops the preposition# 4f a person is 1off balance$2 they are
conf)sed and )ns)re of how to act or move forward#
,hey wo)ldnt have a do!s chance$ not in the whole stinkin! world #
A f)nny way to describe a world that is filled with racism
and violence and so on# 1,o stink2 is to smell horrible#
4f 4 were :> years yo)n!er$ 4 wo)ld wrestle yo) to the floor#
Note the be!innin! of the sentence$ with the honorable s)b;)nctive verb
tense %and not 14f 4 was2&# 1,o wrestle2 someone is to en!a!e them in
hand to hand fi!htin!$ ;)st as in the sport of wrestlin!#
#he &rentices arrive for dinner, and soon it is clear
that the mothers accept what the fathers still cannot.
+ay 4 have some sherry pleaseE
A pop)lar type of sweet wine#
John$ wo)ld yo) be a !ood bartender #
,he person who serves the drinks while workin! behind a bar#
Co) have s)ch a magni/i!ent view#
A !ood word for fantastic$ wonderf)l or even fab)lo)s#
,he view of the s)nset was breathta-ing#
Another word meanin! bea)tif)l$ ma!nificent or perhaps !or!eo)s#
.omin! UpB
What a bartender or waiter says when theyre abo)t to brin! a drink#
4ts only when yo)re elopin! that yo) keep it a secret#
1,o elope2 is a c)rio)s verb meanin! to
r)n away secretly in order to !et married#
*or!ive my bein! so abr)pt and so direct#
1Abr)pt2 means s)dden$ impolite and perhaps too assertive#
4f yo)ll e0c)se me$ 4ll !o )p and throw a few thin!s to!ether #
Another way to say pack ones ba!s$ or possibly or!ani"e them#
4 wo)ldnt want to offend yo)$ b)t are yo) some kind of a nutE
A f)nny and common slan! word for a cra"y person#
4m nothin! b)t a pensioned Doff mailman$ b)t yo) are ri!ht o)t of yo)r mind #
A 1pension2 is a retirement acco)nt that yo)r employer pays yo) after
yo) are no lon!er workin!# 4f someone is 1o)t of their mind$2 they are
cra"y or !reatly dist)rbed#
4 was sorry to hear that yo) intend to withdraw from
the sit)ation if yo) enco)nter any opposition#
,o withdraw2 is to p)ll back or retreat$ in this case from a commitment
to !et married# 1,o enco)nter2 is to meet or face#
,his is a messH Wheres JoeyE
A 1mess2 is a state of physical disorder or )ntidiness %s)ch as in a messy
room&$ b)t as in this case$ it also refers to ridic)lo)sly comple0 and
diffic)lt sit)ations#
4 set the terms $ mama#
4n this case$ the conditions or re-)irements#
Co) know that yo)re nothin! b)t a so)rce of pride for me and yo)r mother#
What parents think of their children when
they !row )p to make them pro)d#
4n := of :@ states$ yo)d be breakin! the lawB
,his is a reference to the fact that at the time$ many states o)tlawed
marria!es between blacks and whites %See plot s)mmary above&#
*or a man who never p)t a wron! foot anywhere$ yo)re way o)t of line#
,o !et off on the wron! foot2 is to start off the day badly$ or perhaps to
make a lot of mistakes$ b)t 4ve never heard the wordin! )sed above#
4f someone is 1o)t of line$2 they are sayin! or doin! somethin! that
is inappropriate or )nacceptable# .ommon and )sef)l#
Co) know 4ve worked my ass off to b)y yo) all the chances yo) had#
1,o work yo)r ass off2 is a cr)de b)t widely )sed way of sayin! that
yo) have worked very serio)sly$ often over a lon! period of time#
+owin! lawns in the dark so yo) wo)ldnt have to be
stokin! f)rnaces $ and yo) co)ld bear down on the books #
1,o mow lawns2 is to c)t !rass with a lawn mower$ which is
a machine that is fo)nd in the homes of all American s)b)rbs#
1,o stoke a f)rnace2 is to feed the fire within the f)rnace$ which is a
type of home heater# 1,o bear down on the books2 is to st)dy serio)sly#
Not fancy thin!s$ a decent coat# A lo)sy coat#
'ecent2 is a !ood ad;ective meanin! acceptable or of fairly !ood -)ality#
18o)sy2 means of poor condition$ b)t as in this case$ is )sed
to mean )nimportant or simple#
Co) and my h)sband$ yo) mi!ht as well be blind men #
A !rammatically interestin! way of sayin!
Co) behave as if yo) were blind men#2
,hey for!et what tr)e (assion is#
An important word meanin! a deep and stron!
emotion$ often related to love$ se0 and even an!er#
4 dont care what yo)r mother saysH +aybe shes !one haywire too#
1Haywire2 is a dated word that means violently cra"y or insane#
,his is between yo) and me# ?? ,hats e0actly where its at B
1Co) are e0actly ri!ht#2
4 owe yo) nothin!$ if yo) carried that ba! a million miles# Co) did
what yo) were s)pposed do beca)se yo) bro)!ht me into this world#
Johns philosophy of the responsibilities of bein! a parent#
And not )nit yo)r whole !eneration has lain down
and died will the dead wei!ht of yo) be off o)r backs#
Note the )se of the present perfect of the verb 1to lay down#2
4n reality$ few people say 1lain down$2 since they prefer laid down#
Co)ve !ot to talk Johns parents into flyin! over with yo)#
1,o talk someone into2 doin! somethin!
is to try and convince them to do it#
4snt this thrillin! E
A !ood little word that means very e0citin!#
,here are a h)ndred clichF phrases of comfort for every h)man condition#
A 1clichF2 is a an e0pression that is repeated so often that everyone knows
it$ s)ch as 14f yo)ve !ot yo)r health$ yo)ve !ot everythin!#2
4n the midst of this heartbreakin! distress $ 4m completely st)mped #
,o be 1in the midst of2 somethin! is to be in the middle of it$ or
completely s)rro)nded by it# 1'istress2 is !reat pain or s)fferin!# 4f yo)
are 1st)mped$2 yo) are conf)sed$ baffled$ or )nable to find a sol)tion to a
diffic)lt problem#
4ll be a sonDofDaDbitch#
A c)rio)s e0pression that people will say when they s)ddenly reali"e the
answer to a diffic)lt problem# A 1sonDofDaDbitch2 is cr)de term for a mean$
cr)el or ab)sive person#
Co) didnt have the !)ts to tell me face to face#
1,he !)ts2 is a common slan! term for co)ra!e %as well as the
medical term for intestines$ fo)nd in the h)man stomach&#
Joanna$ yo) know 4m completely sympathetic$ dont yo)E
4n this case$ a somewhat dated word for emotionally s)pportive$
or perhaps showin! sympathy and compassion#
Matt comes to reali'e the importance of following what you believe(.
At some preliminary !)essin!$ at which 4 was never very !ood
1Preliminary2 is another word for preparatory$ or perhaps initial#
4n a word$ 4 was flabber!asted #
An interestin! ad;ective which means ama"ed$ shocked or baffled#
,hen$ the ne0t rather startlin! development occ)rred when yo) walked in#
4f somethin! is 1startlin!$2 it is st)nnin! or shockin!#
+y wife decided to i!nore every practical aspect of the sit)ation$
and was carried away in some kind of romantic ha"e
1Ha"e2 is a li!ht smoke or mist that
makes thin!s diffic)lt to see clearly#
#which made her inaccessible to anythin! in the way of reason #
1/eason2 is an important word meanin! lo!ic#
4 have not referred to his reverence $ who be!an forcin! his
way into the sit)ation by mo)thin! G>> platit)des #
His reverence2 is a very formal way to refer to a priest or other reli!io)s
fi!)re# 1Platit)des2 are statements that are tr)e$ b)t so over)sed that they
are not ori!inal or helpf)l#
And +rs# Prentice says that like her h)sband$
4m a b)rntD o)t old shell of a man#
13)rntD o)t2 is a common collo-)ial ad;ective to describe
a person who is e0ha)sted of all ener!y and vitality#
Stran!e as it seems$ that is the first statement made
all day with which 4 am prepared to take iss)e#
1,o take iss)e2 with a statement is to ar!)e a!ainst it#
,he memories are still thereH .lear$ intact and indestr)ctible#
4f somethin! is 1intact$2 it is still whole$ with no parts missin!#
Anythin! that is 1indestr)ctible2 can not be destroyed#
4n the final analysis$ it doesnt matter a damn what we think#
14t is completely )nimportant2
When .hristina and 4 and yo)r mother have some time
to work on him$ yo)ll have no problem with yo)r father#
4n this conte0t$ 1to work on2 somebody is to try and convince
them to chan!e their mind abo)t an important iss)e#
,heyll be :>>$>>>$>>> people ri!ht here in this co)ntry
who will be shocked$ offended and appalled at the two of yo)#
A powerf)l ad;ective meanin! deeply )pset and an!ry#
And the two of yo) will ;)st have to ride that o)t #
1,o ride o)t2 an )npleasant sit)ation is to
learn to s)rvive and deal with it over time#
Co)ll ;)st have to clin! ti!ht to each other$ and say screw all those people #
,o clin! ti!ht2 to a person is to hold them ti!htly# 4f yo) tell a person to
1screw them$2 yo)re tellin! them to i!nore what they think or say#
Anybody can make a case a!ainst yo)r !ettin! married#
1,o make a case2 a!ainst somethin! is to
present lo!ical ar!)ments a!ainst it#
Co) two wonderf)l people$ who happened to fall
in love$ and happen to have a pi!mentation problem#
1Pi!mentation2 is a medical word relatin! to the color of h)man skin#
No matter what case some bastard can make a!ainst yo) !ettin! married##
there wo)ld only be one thin! worse$ and thats if yo) didnt !et married#
A 1bastard2 is a cr)de slan! term for a mean$ cr)el or ab)sive man#
Guess Whos Coming to Dinner
%ome 6otentia" 7uestions /or &%8 C"ass Dis!ussion
:# How m)ch have thin!s chan!ed since :<=@E Wo)ld a marria!e between a
black and a white person still be shockin! in the United StatesE What abo)t yo)r
5# +att 'rayton wasnt personally racist$ b)t he was very concerned abo)t how
diffic)lt it wo)ld be for John and Joanna$ !iven how many racist people there
were in the worldH 4s this a le!itimate concernE 6no)!h to be opposed to the
marria!e$ on those !ro)nds aloneE
G# 4s the !ay desire to have society accept their marria!es today similar to what
biracial co)ples went thro)!h I> years a!oE 'o you think its the sameE
HowE How is it differentE
I# Was it s)rprisin! to yo) that vario)s black characters
were as opposed to the marria!e as some of the whitesE
A# Were there other reasons to be opposed to the
marria!e that had nothin! to do with raceE
=## Was John ri!ht to tell Joannas parents that he wo)ldnt marry her
)nless they completely approvedE 4snt that a little too conservativeE
@# Wo)ld Joanna and John make a !ood co)pleE
K# Has this film a!ed wellE Why or why notE

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