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A.Y. 2011-2012
tldilean M. Gatapia
Senior Executive
nrrA-lor A\\T.lio tqlic"ol
I t,t itjrtiiA;iili.l
Buteeu oi Elerrentary Eilucrrion
Ma. Yda Angelica P- Cabangbang
Executive Secreiary
Ariane R. Catamora
Rome Augusta Joyce R. Lo
Juniqr Executive
Ruby Mae Clariss M. Borlongan
The Society ot Applled Mqlhdmolica of lhe UniveBity of the
8offos (SAM-UP), o duly-recognized universily-bosed orgonizolion with the
objectives ot
promoling the relevonce of Applied Molhemoiics, ond con,
iributing to lhe odvoncemenl of the Philippine Society lhrough the oppre-
ciolion ond wider opplicoiion of Applied Molhernolics ond olher reloled
fields, is celebroling its 27rh yeor
of existence. ln conneciion io this, SAM-Up
wiJl be hoving o series of events promoling leodership, excellence, lnity
ond service omong its members ond the Philippine Sociely. One of these
events is lhe onnuol INTER-ELEMENTARY MATH QUIZ 2012.
lnter Elemenlqry Moth Quiz 2012 or IEMQ is o molhernoiics quiz
open lo oll elemenlory schools in CALABARZON ond Metro Monito oreos.
The contesi oims lo lop students' molhemoticol skills ond polenJiols,
ond to
further expose lhem to o heollhy
compe tive oimosphere,The evenl is
scheduled on.ronutry 16, 2012 (Mondoyj.
ln line wiih this, SAM-LP wouid like io osk for your
ossistonce in promoing
lnler-Elemenlory Molh Quiz 2012 1o differenl schools in CALABARZON ond
Melro Monilo. Your suppod would be very voluoble for this evenl. We ore
looking forword lo your fovoroble response- Thonk you very much ond
more power!
Merryl R. Canlas
Serceant at Arms
Joana Sarah a de Grano
Spods and Socials
- -
Cominittee Head
.toono sdLn {- ae c'ono
r{to HEAD
",q&"1.## Juniod/Advi5er, SAM-UP
Mr. Jonathan B. Mamplata
Mr. Jeric S. Alcala
Adviser, SAM-IJP
llEPn,Rl V:ll
:: Eiiucr'.1
Respectfully y9urs,
Inter-Elementary Math
lnter ElementarY Math Q!i7 Contest 2012, also knovvn as IEMQ, ;s an annu'l mathematLcs q! :
to tap students' mathernatlcaL skills and potentials, and to furiher expose them to a heahhy,
competitiv atroosPhere.
Rules and Regulaiions:
L Ruleslorjoining
A. Thls contest is open to all elementary schoo s within CALABARZoN
(Cavjte, LaBuna, 8at'ngai
Rlzal, and Que2on) and Metro Manila area At most tlvo (2) teams rnay represPnt each school
Each team muit consist of strictlV three
(3) representatives
(rnust be bona iide pL-rpils of ihe
participatinB school) together with one
(1) alternate ParticipatinB pupils can be of ary
level. Llpon reglstration, each should
pre!ent a va id lD and a certification attest ng lhat he/ihe
, ls a bona fide studeni of tlie school he/she is representing The
rnust .l!' have a membet
of the school's facultY who wi1 serve as the team coach
B. lnlerested schoolshould.corfirm
partlcipation on or before lanuary 9, 2012 to avail dlscorQt in
. the registration fee, Conflrmaiion can be nade
through Sl\4S, call, or e meil in any ol the conta'L
. lnforfiralion within this letter. The names of the participants .nd of the coach m!st be
C. Complete y filled-out.app ication forms mLrst be s!bmitted lo any SAM UP memher on the
evert. A reglstration fee of Php 450.00
(for lhose who have confirmed on or b_'for ianuary 9'
2012) or Php 600.0o
(for those who have nol confirmed on or before ihe specifred datel {r1!sl
be pard upon re8istrat on App ication forrns wil be available at lhe reglstrallon hooih in the
venue(to be afnouncedlon the day of the event Registrat on ls on y from 7:30 a m to 8r30
a.m. on L1e d", of r e e"'t,_
tl. Contest Sch;dule
7:30 8:30
1:00 5:00
Eliminaiion Phase
I nter- E I e m e ntarY Math
lll. Scope of the Qui!
q uiz contest wiJl covr eLementary-ievel
percentage)' factorilS nunibers'
greats! commori divisor' least conLnon nuiiples'
number ordering, and ratio and
angle anrl its measure'
area and
perimeter' triangle'
quadrarlg e'
parallelogram, trapezoid'
parallelepiped nets' syrnmetrY'
r'fectlon irnd
rotation, and similarity and
lV. Mechanics
of the QLriz
There will be two phass in the
q!iz proper' the elimination
phase and the flnal pha5e
A. the Elimlnation Phase
1. No calclrlators
\,vlLl be allowed d!ring ihe exanr'
2. The elimination roLrnd is a torty
questlon written exam nation
gciod for ninetY
3. The three'representatives
of each team shall take the exsrnination
faci itaiors
4. Any form ol cheating
ls strictlY
prohiblted Violation oi this rule
of the whole team
5. The top fifteen (15) teams v/lth ihe highest accumuLated score
flnal phase The top fifien ieanrs wilL be announced at the start of
in the room desjgnated
le3d 1. d iiq ljal fi.rtion
be competing in tle
the {in.1
ph ase
The Final Phase
1 No calculators v/l I be a lowed during the contest
2. Thefinal
(2) rounds the tulentr'
Buzzer. There wil be 10
questions every round' Each ro!rnd
to the level of dlfficulty of each
Mental Round:
20 5econds
' Pen ancl PaPer:
45 seconds
o0 -"
vlen!al Round
Pen and P.per and I Po
has different
tlrrre lim t\ re alive
wlll be ten
(10) questions for this rorrnd'
*i,, ," iead twice' Th'e
padlcipants a'e-allowed
\'lrrlie lheir answer onl'/
after the quiz master says
"Time starts now
elr solution or rnake hand
geslures in the alr ot on
lii. Participanls are noi allowed
to write th.
n"; ,t,,i
q.e5t or
rr_ oL.r I
I nter-El ementary Math
lv. Each q!estion has corresponding
points depending on the level of dii'ficuLiY. A correci
an$ver may earn 3, 2, or 1 point.redit. A wron8 afswer and a no answer wi lgt llo
v Partlclpant5 have twenty (20) seconds to answer each q!estion
vl. Al fina answers must be written on the provided answer sheet and mL-lst be enc raled
and to be
to the proctors assigned for the groLrp after the glven ljrne has ended
Otherwise, th team gujty ol the offnse wil be considered to have no ansv/er ior th.i
vii. Five (5) teams will be eliminated from this round
Pen and Paper Round
L There wi be len (10) qrestlons for ihis ro!fd.
Li. Everyquestionwi I be read twlce. The
partlcipants are allowed to soLve the problerfl on
after the quiz master says "Time starts now".
ili. Each questlon has correspondlng
poifts dependinB on the leve of dilil.u ty A .osect
answer may earn 7,5, or 3 point credjt A wrong ansv?er wlllget a 3 point deduct of ard
no arswer w I get no deduction
iv. Participants hav-. forty-five
(45) second5 to a nswer each question
v. ALI final answers must be eni irc ed and to be glven to the proctors assigned ior the grorrp
after the given trrne has ended Otherwise, the team guilty of the olfense w I be
corisidered to have no ans\,!er for that que5ticn.
vi. Another flve (5) teams wil be elirr1inaleC iro'i rhis round.
leopardy Buzzer Roufld
l. Five (5) teams.wlll be competing for rhjs ro!nd
li There wil be a tota of 10 questions: 9 questiorts srbdivided into i catego'ies plLrs r
BOOtvl Qlrestion.
The categories are Arithmelic, Geornetry, and Statistlcs
il. The quiz ma5ter wi lreadeachq!estloft!vice,afterwhichthecontestantswl
\e, d
.orresponding iime limit to hit the buzler. Contestants .an hlt the b!zler as soon a5 th.l
O-P tO rc
iv. The team that has hit the buzzer f rst !,il be given the thance to te I ts ans'r'/er. The leil
can give lts answer only after the quiz rnastsr has cilled ihe schoo nane ot the te,rm
ve seconds wlll be
given to the team to grve its answer.
v. ln case where n a tearn has a .ddV hlt the b!zzer e!en lf the readiJrg of the qrlest c i5
not yet linished, the qujz master !vil stop reading the rlt estLon and rhe t.r n hr
, rt rfleon
ot rne rst lodni-.o e t,?p. nt
r- fl d_ Fd- O.
poinl wl I be given to the tearn and the question will be read again once lor the
remaining teams. The flrst among the reinainrrg tearns tofili the buzler w ll be gi!en the
chance to te I its answer. A
point wlll be given to the team iJ the answer is correct,
otherrvise, no
point wi I be glven.
, Vii. As soon as the participants hit the buzzer, the team's timer will be stopped The teani's
computation time.will determine their score for this round- lf their answer ls correct their
score will be sixtv seconds rninus the time they took fo. computing the answer, else the
team's score wili be zeto-
viii. Participants have sixq
seconds to answer each question'
ix The score of the participanis can be multiplied to x1, x2 and
depending on the leve of
difficulty of the question.
x. The BOOM question will serveasthe bonus questlon-The pafticipantswiJ get20points
if they answer the q{restlon correctly else no
point will be added.
3. Coachine frorn the aLldience is strictly
prohibited. Violailon of this ru e nullifies the question
4. Ciarifications, protests and other questions regarding th qoestlons shou d be addr_"sscd to the
Board of Judges lmmedlately after the answer ls revealed and before the next qLrestion s reedl
otherwise, the question will not be entertained. The decislon oJ the Board of ludges is final.
5. ln ;ase of ties, a series of
questions will be asked The team who first
the advanta8e over
the other(s) will be declared winner for the position
6. The three winning.teams will be
given as specifiedi
First Place: Php 8,000 + gold medals + lrophy + gift ae.tiilcates
Second Place: Php 5,000
+ silver medals + trophy + gift certiticates
Third Place: Php 3,000 + bronze medals + trophy + gift cerl;ficates
7. The individual hiehst scorer ln the Elimination
phase wlll also tre glven Php 1,000 00 and a gold
meda l-
8. All
parliclpating teams will be
given cerhficate5 of pJrtLcrpatiorr'
For more information, feel free to contact us in anY of these contact information:
Joana Sarah A. de Grano
Chrlsangel B. Mendo?a
Jso l oL Facebool page MJlnQ_a't 10l',,
Inter- Elementary Math

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