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- Hi. My names Jane. Whats yours?

- Hola. Mi nombre es Jane. Cul es el tuyo?

- My names Ann.
- Me llamo Ann.

- What a nice name!
- Qu nombre tan bonito!
- Thank you.
- Gracias.
- It was nice meeting you.
- Fue un placer conocerte.
- Same here!
- Igualmente!
- Can you tell me whats
the date today?
- Puedes decirme qu da es hoy?

- Its Sunday, the 8th of March.
- Es domingo, 8 de marzo.
- I dont think English is easy.
- No creo que el ingls sea fcil.

- Why do you think so?
- Por qu piensas eso?

- Creo que deberas ver algunas pelculas
en ingls. Es divertido!
- Porque tengo que trabajar duro.
- Because I have to work hard.
- I think you should watch some
English movies. Its fun!
- Supongo que tienes razn!
Vamos a ver una pelcula ahora mismo!
- I guess youre right!
Lets watch a movie right now!

- Hi! Wherere you going?
- Im going to work.
- Me voy a trabajar.
- Hola! Dnde vas?

- Why so early? Its only 6am.
- Thats right, but today
I start at 7am.
- Por qu tan pronto? Son slo las 6 de la maana.
- As es, pero hoy empiezo
a las 7 de la maana.
- Ana, podras darme ese libro?
- Ann, can you please
give me that book?
- Aqu tienes.
- Here you are.
- Gracias.
- Thank you.
- No hay de qu!
- Youre welcome!

- My bag, please.
- Which one is it?
- Mi bolso por favor.
Cul es?

- Its one of those, there.
- This one?
- Es uno de esos, all.
- Este?
- No, not that one.
- No, ese no.

- What colour?
- Its red Yes. Thats it. Thank you.
- Que color?
- Es de color rojo Si. Es ese. Gracias.
- Youre welcome!
- No hay de qu!
- Hola, me alegro de verte!
- Hi, glad to see you!
- Yo tambin.
- Hi, so am I.
Todays your birthday, isnt it?
- Hoy es tu cumpleaos, no es as?
- As es. Que amable por tu parte recordarlo.
- Bueno, muchas felicidades ! Aqu tienes un regalo.
- Well, many happy returns of the day.
Heres a present for you.
- Thats right. Its kind of you to remember.
Oh, gracias ! Que flores tan bonitas !
- Oh, thank you. What beautiful flowers!

- What shall we have for breakfast?
- How about some bread
and butter, two eggs and a cup of tea?
- Qu desayunamos ?
- Qu te parece un poco de pan
y mantequilla, dos huevos y una taza de t?

- Well, thats fine with me,
but I'd like to add some biscuits too.
- Would you like some chocolate biscuits?
- Bueno, me parece bien, pero me
gustara aadir algunas galletas tambin.
- Te gustaran unas galletas de chocolate?
- Of course! Theyre my favorite!
- Por supuesto! Son mis favoritas!
- Qu ests mirando?
- What are you looking at?
- Estoy mirando ese libro.
- I am looking at that book.
- Which one? Point to it.
- Cul? Sealalo.
- Aquel de all.
- That one, there.
- Oh, s. Es hermoso, no es as?
- Oh, yes. Beautiful one, isn't it?
- S, lo es. Ojal lo tuviera.
- Yes, it is. I wish I had it.
- Yo tambin.
- So do I.

- How about closing the window?
- No, I dont want to.
- No, no quiero.
- Qu te parece cerrar la ventana?
- Arent you cold?
- Es que no tienes fro?

- Not really.
- Well, I am.
- No realmente.
- Pues yo si.

- In that case you should
close it yourself.
- En ese caso, deberas cerrarla tu misma.
-Disculpe, puede ayudarme, por favor?
- Excuse me.
Could you help me, please?
- Lo intentar. Cmo puedo ayudarle?
- I'll try. How can I help you?
- Something's wrong with my alarm-clock.
- Algo le pasa a mi despertador.
- Djeme ver ...
Lo siento, pero no puedo ayudar.
- Let me see ...
Sorry, but I can't help.
You'd better get it repaired.
Ser mejor que lo lleve para que lo reparen..

- This is my new dress.
What do you think of it?
- It's absolutely gorgeous.
- Este es mi nuevo vestido. Qu te parece?
- Es absolutamente precioso.

- Where did you get it?
- Ive bought it in London.
- Dnde lo has comprado?
- Lo compr en Londres.
- Wow, you are so lucky!
- Vaya, que afortunada eres!
- Qu es lo que te pasa?
- What's the matter with you?
- No me encuentro muy bien hoy.
- I'm not feeling very well today.
- Do you have a headache?
- Te duele la cabeza?
- S, y tambin tengo un dolor de garganta.
- Yes, and a sore throat, too.
- Bueno, en ese caso, es mejor que te quedes en casa.
- Well, in that case, you'd better stay at home.
- I guess I'll have to.
- Supongo que tendr que hacerlo.

- Whats the matter with you?
- I'm not feeling very well, doctor.
- Qu es lo que le pasa?
- No me encuentro muy bien, doctor.

- What exactly is the trouble?
- I've got an awful headache.
- Cul es exactamente el problema?
- Tengo un terrible dolor de cabeza.

- Are you working hard
and getting too little rest?
- Est trabajando duro y est
descansando muy poco?

- Yes, Im afraid so.
- Now, you stay in bed
until you're well.
- Si, me temo que si.
- Ahora, ser mejor que
descanse hasta que se mejore.
Tienes algn plan para
el prximo fin de semana?
-Do you have any plans
for next weekend?
- Not really.
-No realmente.
- Te gustara ir de viaje?
- How would you like
to go on a trip?
- Where to?
- A dnde?
- A Londres.
- To London.
- Oh, yes, I'd be glad to!
- Oh, s, me encantara!

- I need to go to
the Railway station.
- What for?
- Tengo que ir a la estacin de tren.
Para qu ?

- To meet a friend of mine.
How do I get there?
- He quedado con un amigo.
Cmo llego all ?

- Catch a bus. It's
the quickest way, I think.
- Coge un autobs.
Es lo ms rpido, creo.
- Puedo ayudarle?
May I help you?
- Oh, yes, please.
I want some shoes.
- Oh, s, por favor. Quiero comprar unos zapatos.
- De qu tamao, color?
- What size, colour?
- 40, black, please.
- 40, negro, por favor.
- Here you are.
- Aqu tiene.
- Gracias. Puedo probrmelos?
- Thanks.
May I try them on?
- Do, please.
- Si por supuesto.
- Estn bien. Cunto cuestan?
- They're all right.
How much are they?
- 50 dollars please.
- 50 dlares, por favor.

- Can I help you?
- Yes, I want a large box of
chocolates for a present, please.
- Puedo ayudarte?
- S, quiero una gran caja de
bombones para un regalo, por favor.

- How about this one?
- Oh, yes. It'll do. How much is it?
- Qu tal esta?
- Ah, s. Esta vale. Cunto cuesta?

- 7 pounds, please. Anything else?
- Nothing else. Thank you.
- 7 libras, por favor. Algo ms?
- Nada ms. Gracias.
- Vas a ir de compras hoy?
- Will you be going shopping today?
- Why do you ask?
- Por qu lo preguntas?
- Me gustara pedirte un favor.
- I'd like to ask you a favour.
- En que puedo ayudarte?
- What can I do for you?
- Would you get
me some oranges?
- Me compraras unas naranjas?
- Claro, si me das algo de dinero.
Estoy pasando por algunos apuros.
- Sure, if you give me some
money. I'm very short.

- What's her telephone number?
- It slipped my memory.
I know it, but I can't think of it.
- Cul es su nmero de telfono?
- Se me fue de la cabeza.
- Me lo s, pero no me viene ahora mismo a la cabeza.

- Neither can I.
- Well, it'll come
back to me in a minute.
- Ni a mi tampoco.
- Bueno, lo recordar dentro de un minuto.
- Cmo se llama esa chica?
- Whats that girls name?
- Do you mean the
one in the red coat?
- Te refieres a la del abrigo de color rojo?
- Oh, s, esa.
- Oh, yes, thats the one.
- Its just slipped my mind.
- Se me olvid.
- Think hard, will you?
- Pinsalo bien, quieres?
Lo tengo en la punta de la lengua.
- Its just on the tip of my tongue.
- You must remember.
- Debes recordarlo.
- Ive got it at last! Caroline!
- Ya lo tengo por fin! Caroline!

- What luck running into you!
How are you getting on?
- Thanks. Everythings
all right. Im quite well.
- Qu suerte toparme contigo! Cmo te va?
- Gracias. Todo va bien. Estoy bastante bien.

- You see, I was ill last week.
- What was the matter with you?
- Vers, yo estaba enfermo la semana pasada.
- Qu te pas?
- I had a cold, high
temperature and a headache.
- Tuve un resfriado, fiebre alta y dolor de cabeza.

- Poor you! You had
an awful time I should think.
- Youre right.
- Pobre! Seguramente tienes
que haberlo pasado muy mal.
- Tienes razn.
- Hoy hace buen tiempo verdad?
- The weathers fine today, isnt it?
- Yes it is. The suns shining
brightly in the blue sky.
- S, es cierto. El sol brilla en el cielo azul.
- Hace calor en la calle, me pregunto?
- Is it warm in the street, I wonder?
- I dont think so.
Were in November now.
- No lo creo. Estamos en noviembre.
- Debera ponerme un abrigo?
- Should I put a coat on?
- I think it might
be a good idea.
Creo que podra ser una buena idea.

- How long shall we
have to wait for her?
- Cunto tiempo
tendremos que esperar por ella?
- I am afraid Ive no idea.
- Me temo que no tengo ni idea.

- Well, I hope she
won't be too long.
- Bueno, espero que no tarde demasiado.
I hope so too.
- Yo tambin.

- How about
ringing her up?
- Qu tal si la llamas?
- That's a good idea!
- Que buena idea!
- Voy a hacer una fiesta el sbado. Puedes venir?
- Im going to have a party on
Saturday. Can you come?
- Yes, thank you for the invitation.
What time shall I come?
- S, gracias por la invitacin. A qu hora tengo que ir?
- A las 9 de la tarde, por favor.
- At 9 pm, please.
- Ok. That suits me.
- Ok me viene bien.
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