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It is a matter of honor for me to I got an opportunity to work at YAMAHA MOTORS for

my summers which instigated the idea of the project. It gae me a !rief know"edge a!out #mp"oyee
Re"ationship management. I hae compi"ed my research and is inc"uded in my o!serations. To add
spice to this dish$ I hae a"so sca"ed the practices of #mp"oyee Re"ationship management in other
This report is an honest effort to study #mp"oyee Re"ationship management as an important
too" of Human Resource Management.
Since I had undergone summer training at YAMAHA MOTORS$ gathering information was
easier compared to others. I hae found some interesting insights regarding #mp"oyee Re"ationship
management which are mentioned in the report.
So$ with due respect to my patient readers$ I we"come you to the unremitting process of
#mp"oyee Re"ationship management.
ST%&Y O' #M()OY## R#)ATIO*SHI( MA*A+#M#*T
(eop"e in organisations interact with each other during work$ forma""y and officia""y as we""
as socia""y and informa""y. &uring the course of interaction$ re"ationships dee"op$ which are
inisi!"e connecting "inks$ co"oured !y emotions of "oe$ hate$ repu"sion$ respect$ fear$ an,iety and
so on. These are usua""y mutua" !ut not necessari"y reciproca". If A hates -$ it does not fo""ow that
- hates A. It is possi!"e that - "oes A and een sympathi.es with his thoughts.
Re"ationships imp"y fee"ings for each other. They may !e positie /friend"y$ wanting to !e
c"ose0 or negatie /unfriend"y$ wanting to !e distant0. Re"ationships a"ways e,ist !etween
interacting persons. There is no neutra" point. Indifference is not neutra". Indifference tends to !e
Re"ationships inf"uence !ehaiours at work. #,pectations of each other$ perceptions of the
intentions of either$ distri!utions of assignments$ readiness to conform or to re!e"$ enthusiasm to
contri!ute$ etc.$ are to some e,tent outcomes of these re"ationships. Attitudes and motiations
inf"uence$ and are inf"uenced !y$ the nature of these re"ationships.
#mp"oyees are among an organi.ation1s most important audiences with the potentia" to !e
its most effectie am!assadors.
#mp"oyee Re"ationship management are practices or initiaties for ensuring that #mp"oyees
are happy and are productie. #mp"oyee Re"ationship management offers assistance in a ariety of
ways inc"uding emp"oyee recognition$ po"icy dee"opment and interpretation$ and a"" types of
pro!"em so"ing and dispute reso"ution.
Once there was a time when 3#mp"oyee Re"ationship management3 meant "a!or re"ations
eerywhere around the wor"d. *egotiate. Orchestrate. &ictate. HR professiona"s he"ped negotiate
co""ectie !argaining agreements. The proisions of that contract defined the re"ationship !etween
management$ unions$ and workers.
Today$ #mp"oyee Re"ationship management is a much !roader concept. It ino"es
maintaining a work enironment that satisfies the needs of indiidua" emp"oyees and management.
Improing emp"oyee mora"e$ !ui"ding company cu"ture$ coneying e,pectations
An effectie emp"oyee re"ation ino"es creating and cu"tiating a motiated and productie
workforce. (eop"e are genera""y motiated from within$ !ut what can you do to he"p foster the type
of enironment where emp"oyees thrie$ ena!"ing your company to outperform the competition
4#mp"oyee Re"ationship management5 starts with determining the type of workp"ace the
company wants. It starts !y considering what the company wants its emp"oyees to say a!out
working for the company. In a competitie market$ it is important to that emp"oyees don6t fee" that
they might !e treated more fair"y e"sewhere. After a"" retention is one of the major functions of
-y considering what the company wants emp"oyees to say a!out working for it gies shape
to the company6s cu"ture. The company cu"ture coneys organi.ation1s core a"ues to its
emp"oyees$ customers$ endors$ and community.
In addition to the workp"ace c"imate$ the company a"so considers the types of processes or
systems it wants to emp"oy within the workp"ace to support the company cu"ture and enhance the
working re"ationship that e,ists !etween the company and its workforce. Such systems cou"d
inc"ude communications$ po"icies$ training$ and dee"opment.
A"so$ an essentia" step in !ui"ding effectie #mp"oyee Re"ationship management is to
ea"uate the human$ financia" and other resources aai"a!"e that reinforce the a"ues and guiding
princip"es the company wants echoed throughout the organi.ation. 'or e,amp"e$ what type of
superisors and managers does it !e"iee can !ring out the !est in peop"e and projects8
The company shou"d a"so make certain from the start that emp"oyees are not in counter
productie work enironments where work is more arduous than it needs to !e. Is the workp"ace
comp"iant with emp"oyment "aw8 A major source of frustration for emp"oyees is the fee"ing that
they were treated unfair"y. +ood "ia!i"ity management too"s are necessary to ensure that the
company aoids unnecessary confrontations$ time wasters and cost"y "ega" !att"es
Traditiona""y #mp"oyee Re"ationship management programs were centered around "a!or
union re"ations. Today$ #mp"oyee Re"ationship management does not necessari"y ino"e unions.
Howeer$ it does ino"e cu"tiating the "eadership sty"e and workp"ace practices that he"p make
union organi.ing actiities a "ess attractie option for emp"oyees.
#sta!"ishing workp"ace and management princip"es set the stage for fostering a successfu"
work c"imate and esta!"ishing your company1s cu"ture. #ffectie #mp"oyee Re"ationship
management is a!out esta!"ishing processes that address and nurture that cu"ture.
#mp"oyees in such organisations dee"op attitudes ery different from those in another
organisation that does not make any such distinction and is more secu"ar in its po"icies. These
different attitudes wi"" !e ref"ected in their !ehaiours outside the organisation and wi"" either
strengthen or weaken the socia" fa!ric. An organisation in which authority is high"y centra"ised and
does not a""ow its peop"e enough discretion$ wi"" dee"op among its peop"e tendencies for
dependency and ina!i"ity to take responsi!i"ity. These tendencies are handicaps in their ro"es as
parents or citi.ens. The e,tent of concern shown for the effect of working conditions on emp"oyees6
hea"th has an impact on the society$ not mere"y in terms of genera" hea"th and costs on medica"
care$ !ut a"so in terms of the kind of actiities that the mem!ers of the society participate in.
:hen an organisation is sensitie to its impact on society$ and responds to the society6s
concerns$ it is said to !e socia""y responsie. On the contrary$ if it is concerned on"y with its own
purposes and ignores the impact that it has on society$ it is said to !e socia""y not responsie
Re"ationships a"so contri!ute to stress and conf"icts at work$ which in turn$ affect ;ua"ity of
work "ife of indiidua"s as we"" as the ;ua"ity of organi.ationa" outputs$ measured in terms of
customer satisfaction$ competitie adantage$ innoation$ and so on.
3.1.1. Training and Induci!n
#ery new emp"oyee needs a company orientation$ !ut most superisors forget that
emp"oyees a"so need to !e orientated to the company1s <ISIO* in addition to "earning their
coworkers1 names$ company po"icies$ and what not to eat in the cafeteria. The company1s ision
statement te""s the emp"oyee where the company is going$ what their ro"e wi"" !e$ and how success
and achieement wi"" !e measured.
Achieing great performance in the company is a journey$ not a destination. 'or any
!usiness to succeed one must first recogni.e that the peop"e are the greatest asset$ and serice is
your most a"ua!"e product. >ontinuous improement !y training and dee"oping emp"oyees is
critica" for !usiness suria".
3.1.2 "#n#$i%
-enefits often hae a higher impact on emp"oyee recruitment and retention than
compensation. #mp"oyees who know their needs are met are a"so more "ike"y to contri!ute to a
positie mora"e.
-esides the customary A""owance "ike
'or :orkers
Attendance !onus$ Oer Time A""owance which is dou!"e the -asic$ House Rent A""owance$
#ducation A""owance$ >oneyance A""owance which is fi,ed as per ? sca"es of the workers$ and
)eae Trae" A""owance amongst others.
'or Staff
TA&A$ Attendance -onus$ (roduction Incentie$ Oer Time A""owance which is e;ua" to one and
ha"f times$ House Rent A""owance$ #ducation$ )eae Trae" A""owance$ and Annua" -onus
amongst others
>ompanies a"so proide Monetary -enefits and Medica" 'aci"ities to the workforce.
3.1.3 Sa$#&
Hea"th and safety risks may arise from physica""y dangerous work$ such as work with
ha.ardous machinery or re"ate to "ess immediate"y isi!"e factors such as e,posure to po""ution.
Accidents and i"" hea"th may ruin or serious"y impair the "ies of emp"oyees and their
dependents. An emp"oyer must encompass necessary safety measures for the trust from the
3.1.' Car##r D#(#)!*+#n and ,!- !**!runii#%
>areer (aths are constructed in order to determine the optimum moement and uti"i.ation of
peop"e in the organisation. Therefore$ due care shou"d !e gien to arious e"ements of the position
@ inc"uding jo! ana"ysis and the competency re;uirements at each stage.
3.1.. Sr#%% +anag#+#n and R#cr#ai!n $aci)ii#%
A :orking Hours and Ho"idays need to ref"ect an ade;uate !a"ance of the ;ua"ity of work "ife
of a"" emp"oyees. It is recogni.ed that for certain categories of emp"oyees !usiness re"ated work
may transcend the routine office timingsB whi"st for other categories !usiness may !e pure"y
confined to the work hours and timings. The ;uotation 4a"" work and no p"ay can make jack a du""
!oy5 is apt for the company to understand the importance of recreation faci"ities.
3.1./ C!))#ci(# *r!-)#+ %!)(ing
It is the duty of the HR to find ways of reso"ing issues !etween emp"oyees on one hand and
emp"oyees and Management on the other. As "ong as there are human !eings at the work p"ace
there wou"d a"ways !e need for ar!itration amongst them.
It is at this time that HR shou"d use the 3grape ine channe"3 to its adantage and ca""
officers to a round ta!"e for reconci"iation and if it is !etween workers and Management shou"d
ways of !rokering peace. A"though the trade unions are e,pected to on"y dea" with matters
concerning workers$ it can !e argued that eerything that happens within a company$ inc"uding
product dee"opment and !usiness strategies$ affect workers one way or other and trade unions
hae gradua""y sought to e,tend their areas of concerns. The management6s attempts to contest
such e,pansions on the ground of 4management prerogatie5 hae !y and "arge not succeeded.
These actiities ino"e a num!er of ski""s crucia" to human resource managers. HR
specia"ists are a"so ino"ed in issues which are considera!"y "egis"ated and touch on home "ife and
hea"th as we"" as more fami"iar workp"ace topics such as discip"ine and conf"ict.
3.1.0 In(!)(#+#n and Engag#+#n
(articipation of emp"oyees has !een a su!ject of discussion since the DE7Fs when #"ton
Mayo6s e,periments "ed to the dee"opment of the human re"ations schoo". (articipation can !e and
has !een proided in the structure of the organisations. (articipatie management ino"es
associating emp"oyees at eery "ee" in the decision making process. (articipation may !e at the
!oard "ee"$ co""ectie !argaining$ jo! en"argement$ jo! enrichment$ suggestion schemes$ ;ua"ity
circ"es$ and empowered teams. (articipatie management is a"so ca""ed #mp"oyee ino"ement.
The Industria" &isputes Act proided for participation in the management of the shop f"oor.
Representaties of the workers wou"d !e appointed to arious committees to decide upon matters
affecting the worker at the shop f"oor.
The rationa"e !ehind the concept of ino"ing workers in !odies that decide on matters
concerning them is that the princip"e of democracy
The "esson is that the adantages from the practice of participation cannot !e deried from
creating appropriate structures a"one. The nature of the processes within the structures$ are
At the !asic "ee"$ ca""ing for suggestions is participation. In terms of Hert.!erg6s
motiationHhygiene theory$ participation in decision making is a powerfu" motiator$ !ecause in
that process$ there is recognition and achieement$ a sense of !eing wanted$ of !eing important.
#mp"oyees may a"so reduce turnoer and a!sences when they !egin to fee" that working
conditions are satisfactory and that they are !ecoming more successfu" in their jo!s. They identify
themse"es with the work and this "eads to an improed performance.
3.1.1 R#2ard% and R#c!gnii!n
The purpose of an emp"oyee recognition and reward program is to e,press the emp"oyer6s
appreciation for a jo! we"" done. #mp"oyee recognition and rewards can take many forms$ from a
simp"e thank you note to cash to an e,traagant awards ceremony$ just to name a few.
+enera""y$ recognition and rewards can !e distinguished in two categories.
At a"" these companies$ recognition is distinguished as a pat on the !ack or a word of praise$
growth prospects and competent superision amongst others. A"ternatie monetary rewards inc"ude
incenties$ !onuses$ and commissions. In addition$ emp"oyees put a great a"ue on !enefits such as
"ife insurance$ disa!i"ity insurance$ hea"th andIor retirement !enefits$ and perks.
Top performing companies hae !egun documenting 3!est practices3 which show a direct
re"ationship !etween emp"oyee mora"e and productiity$ profita!i"ity$ turnoer and retention$ thus
measuring the a"ue of human resource
3.2.1 F##d-ac3
It is the jo! of the superisor to guide the emp"oyee into understanding which of their ideas
for change wi"" !e he"pfu" in meeting the company1s goa"s. A good superisor a"so guides each of
their emp"oyees different"y !ecause simi"ar to (okJmon$ each emp"oyee offers uni;ue ta"ents and
wi"" eo"e into different forms of adanced emp"oyees
Most managers say they want to pay for performance$ !ut few sit down and conduct a
performance reiew with an emp"oyee. Raises$ >areer paths$ training p"ans$ and departmenta"
productiity are impacted !y an emp"oyee6s performance.
In addition$ a we""Hdesigned$ effectie"y imp"emented appraisa" system can proide so"id
documentation of performance accomp"ishments or pro!"ems that the superisor can use to justify
or defend a wide range of personne" actions or decisions.
3.3.2 4#)$ar# aci(ii#%
The o!jectie of proiding we"fare faci"ities is to ensure that emp"oyee attention is not
dierted from work to maintenance actiities. It a"so aims to proide a caring enironment that
enhances the satisfaction of the emp"oyee with working conditions
The +a""up Organi.ation pu!"ished research proed that a more engaged emp"oyee is a"so a
more productie emp"oyee. The research a"so proed$ that a more engaged emp"oyee is a"so a more
profita!"e emp"oyee$ a more customerHfocused emp"oyee$ a safer emp"oyee$ and an emp"oyee who
is more "ike"y to withstand temptations to jump ship and in turn it is a"so true that the "onger
emp"oyees stay with an organi.ation$ the "ess engaged they !ecome.
'o""owing are the adantages of maintaining good re"ations with the emp"oyees.
1. R#duc#d A-%#n##i%+
One reason$ outside of i""ness$ that emp"oyees are a!sent is stress$ and the num!er one
reason emp"oyees are stressed has to do with their re"ationship with their managerIsuperisor.
Management sty"es that are too authoritarian tend to promote high "ee"s of a!senteeism among
emp"oyees a"so increase turnoer$ jo! !urnout$ and emp"oyee hea"th pro!"ems such as !ackaches
and headaches. #mp"oyees may a"so reduce turnoer and a!sences when they !egin to fee" that
working conditions are satisfactory and that they are !ecoming more successfu" in their jo!s
A!senteeism rate at YAMAHA MOTORS is around D7HD9 K on an aerage !ut a "itt"e high
during summer ho"idays.
In addition$ these programs he"p reduce turnoer there!y reducing your training$ recruiting$
and administratie human resource e,penses.
2. I+*r!(#d M!ra)# 6 M!i(ai!n.
The secret of creating a motiating emp"oyee reiew "ies in the re"ationship !etween
accuracy and money. The right com!ination proides with a high"y motiated emp"oyee.
Maintaining good #mp"oyee Re"ationship management creates an enironment of trust and
increases mora"e. This improes the motiation of the emp"oyee. A motiated emp"oyee is
contagious and is !eneficia" for the growth of the company
3. Har+!n& in 7# !rgani%ai!n
Increase in the "ee" of jo! satisfaction has a direct re"ation with the smooth workf"ow.
There wi"" !e "esser arguments and more discussions. #mp"oyees wi"" !e ready to share information
and he"p each other out.
A good re"ation with the emp"oyee a"so incu"cates discip"ine. Thus harmony is maintained.
'. L#%%#r arii!n 8 r#duc#d c!% !n raining9 )#%% c!% !$ r##ni!n
A reduced attrition rate wi"" reduce the cost of training and induction. *o new emp"oyees
wi"" need to start afresh. The company can sae on getting to know new emp"oyees.
YAMAHA MOTORS spends around Rs.= )akhs on training eery year with the attrition
rate !eing "ess than 2 K.
.. Arac g!!d a)#n
Attracting the most ;ua"ified emp"oyees and matching them to the jo!s for which they are
!est suited is important for the success of any organi.ation. A good company with good #mp"oyee
Re"ationship management wi"" !e ta"ked a!out. There is a !rand image created in the mind of the
emp"oyees which attracts them to the company "ike a drop of honey.
)ike for e,amp"e there are companies "ike TATA$ H))$ -ir"as$ or Infosys where peop"e
wou"d !e g"ad to work. TAL wants to create an image where$ if DF emp"oyees are interiewed and D
gets se"ected$ then the rest shou"d fee" sorry$ not for !eing unemp"oyed !ut for "osing a wonderfu"
opportunity to work for TAL
Mnow"edge a!out satisfying work p"aces with comforta!"e working conditions and friend"y
work cu"ture and transparency in the organisation are a"ways passed through the grapeine and thus
attract emp"oyees. )ater it6s the jo! of the recruitment ce"" to hire emp"oyees as per the
/. R#%*!n%i-)# $!r incr#a%# in *r!duci(i&.
As the saying goes$ a happy worker is a productie worker. Thus a satisfied worker wi""
take "esser !reaks$ spend "esser time in the canteen gossiping and more time working for the
company. There wi"" !e +reater commitment which means ;ua"ity output.
There wi"" !e "oya"ty and "ess wastage of company resources. The emp"oyee wi"" seek for
opportunities for intensifying the !usiness and "ook out for new chances of e,panding the company.
They identify themse"es with the work and this "eads to an improed performance. 'ina""y$ the act
of participation in itse"f esta!"ishes !etter communication$ as peop"e mutua""y discuss work
A-!u India Ya+a7a M!!r P(. Ld.
Yamaha made its initia" foray into India in DEG=. Su!se;uent"y$ it entered into a =FN=F jointHenture
with the #scorts +roup in DEE?. Howeer$ in August 2FFD$ Yamaha ac;uired its remaining stake
!ecoming a DFFK su!sidiary of Yamaha Motor >o.$ )td$ Lapan /YM>0. In 2FFG$ Mitsui O >o.$
)td. entered into an agreement with YM> to !ecome a joint inestor in the motorcyc"e
manufacturing company 3India Yamaha Motor (riate )imited /IYM03.
IYM operates from its stateHofHtheHartHmanufacturing units at Surajpur in %ttar (radesh and
'arida!ad in Haryana and produces motorcyc"es !oth for domestic and e,port markets. :ith a
strong workforce of more than 2$FFF emp"oyees$ IYM is high"y customerHdrien and has a
countrywide network of oer 9FF dea"ers. (resent"y$ its product portfo"io inc"udes <MAP
/D$?CEcc0$ MTFD /D$?CFcc0$ YQ'HRD /EEGcc0$ 'a.er /D=7cc0$ 'QHS /D=7cc0$ 'QD? /D=7cc0$ YQ'H
RD= /D=Fcc0$ +"adiator Type SS O RS /D2=cc0$ +"adiator +raffiti /D2=cc0$ += /DF?cc0$ A"!a
/DF?cc0 and >ru, /DF?cc0.
IYM wi"" esta!"ish YAMAHA as the 3e,c"usie O trusted !rand3 of customers !y 3creating
Mando3 /touching their hearts0 H the first time and eery time with wor"d c"ass products O serices
de"iered !y peop"e haing 3passion for customers3.
IYM i% c!++i#d !:
-e the #,c"usie O Trusted -rand renowned for marketing and manufacturing of YAMAHA
products$ focusing on sering our customer where IYM can !ui"d "ong term re"ationships !y raising
their "ifesty"e through performance e,ce""ence$ proactie design O innoatie techno"ogy. IYM
innoatie so"utions wi"" a"ways e,ceed the changing needs of our customers and proide a"ue
added ehic"es.
-ui"d the :inning Team with capa!i"ities for success$ thriing in a c"imate for action and
de"iering resu"ts. IYM emp"oyees are the most a"ua!"e assets and IYM intend to dee"op them to
achiee internationa" "ee" of professiona"ism with progressie career dee"opment. As a good
corporate citi.en$ IYM wi"" conduct their !usiness ethica""y and socia""y in a responsi!"e manner
with concerns for the enironment.
+row through continuous"y innoating their !usiness processes for creating a"ue and know"edge
across their customers there!y earning the "oya"ty of our partners O increasing our stakeho"der
D. To identify the factors causing dissatisfaction among the emp"oyees.
2. To study how emp"oyee re"ationship management he"p in reducing the conf"icts in the
7. To study whether emp"oyee re"ation he"p in dee"oping a hea"th re"ation with other
emp"oyees and superiors.
9. To see that how emp"oyee re"ations he"p in enhancing emp"oyee participation.
=. To find that emp"oyees re"ation he"p in enhancing emp"oyee productiity or not.
According to, the Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English
A careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of
Sa+*)# Si;# <samp"e si.e for this study is DFF respondents who are approached through
structured ;uestionnaire.
Sa+*)# Ar#a @This research study has !een conducted in Tech Mahindra Office $*ew &e"hi
S!urc#% !$ daa
Pri+ar& daa: c!))#c#d 7r!ug7 =u#%i!nnair#
S#>O*&ARY &ATA has !een co""ected chief"y from the fo""owing sourcesN
N#2%*a*#r and +aga;in#%
Daa c!))#ci!n !!)%8C!n(#ni#n %a+*)ing
D. &oes your organi.ation is in support of emp"oyee re"ationship management8
Yes *o
Yes 75
No 5
support of ERM
Most of the emp"oyees are in faour of #mp"oyee re"ationship management.
2. &o you think emp"oyee re"ations he"p you maintaining good re"ationship in organi.ation8
Yes *o
Yes !"
No #"
maintaining good relationships
Most emp"oyee are in faour of #RM he"ps In maintaining good re"ationship
re"ationships in organi.ation.
7. :hat are the main causes of poor emp"oyee re"ations in the organi.ation8
a0 )ack of we"fare schemes
!0 Sa"ary "ee"s
c0 &ispute pending
d0 )ack of e,tra curricu"ar actiities
e0 A"" the a!oe
)ack of we"fare schemes #5
Sa"ary "ee"s 5"
&ispute pending #"
)ack of e,tra curricu"ar actiities "
a"" the a!oe 5
causes of poor employee relation
$ack of welfare
&alary levels
'ispute pending
$ack of e(tra curricular
all the above
The major cause of poor emp"oyee re"ations is sa"ary "ee"s.
9. &oes your managerIsuperior inform you a!out new po"icyIprocedures in the work on time8
Yes *o
yes )"
no *"
information to employees
Most emp"oyers are informed !y managers or superiors a!out po"icies and procedures on
=. &o they proide hea"thy and peacefu" enironment at workp"ace8
Yes *O
yes *"
no )"
healthy and peaceful environment at workplace
?F K emp"oyees are not satisfied with enironment proided at workp"ace.
?. &oes the organi.ation proide an atmosphere of participatie management8
Yes *O
yes *7
no 5+
atmosphere of participative management
=7K of emp"oyees are not proided with participatie atmosphere.
C. How wou"d you rate the grieance hand"ing mechanism of the organi.ation8
+ood -ad Aerage :orst
good #"
bad #"
average )7
worst #+
grievance handling mechanism
Most emp"oyees think that organi.ation has aerage grieance hand"ing mechanism.
G. &o they reso"e dispute in a proper manner as soon as possi!"e8
Yes *o
yes +
no 77
resolution of dispute
Most emp"oyees are not satisfied with dispute reso"ution process.
E. Are you satisfied with the "ee" of sa"ary and we"fare schemes the organi.ation is offering
Yes *o
yes "
no ,"
satisfaction levels of salary and welfare scheme
Most emp"oyees are not satisfied with "ee" of sa"ary and we"fare schemes of the organi.ation.
DF. Are you satisfied with your emp"oyee re"ationship programme 8
Yes *o *ot sure.
yes #5
No #5
not sure 7"
satisfaction with -./
not sure
Most emp"oyees are not sure a!out their satisfaction with emp"oyee re"ationship program.
Most of the employees are in favour of Employee relationship management.
Most employee are in favour of ERM helps In maintaining good relationship in
The major cause of poor employee relations is salary levels.
Most employers are informed by managers or superiors about policies and procedures on
Most of employees are not provided with participative atmosphere.
Most employees think that organization has average grievance handling mechanism.
Parici*an% 2#r# n! $##)ing $r## ! #>*r#%% 7#r# *#rc#*i!n c!nc#rning
7# !rgani;ai!n.
Ti+# i% 7# !n# c!n%rain $!r 7# %ur(#&
P#!*)# ar# )#%% in#r#%#d in $i))ing u* 7# =u#%i!nnair#.
N!n c!8!*#rai(# -#7a(i!r !$ 7# r#%*!nd#n%.
T7# daa +ig7 n! r#*r#%#n 7# #nir# *!*u)ai!n.
A#+* S7!u)d "# Mad# T! Ma3# 4!r3 En(ir!n+#n M!r# H#a)7& And P#ac#$u)
T7#r# %7!u)d -# a**r!*ria# *r!(i%i!n% $!r 7and)ing gri#(anc#% in 7# !rgani;ai!n%
A#+*% %7!u)d -# +ad# ! r#duc# c!n$)ic% !r di%*u#.
A#+*% %7!u)d -# +ad# ! +a3# 2!r3 #n(ir!n+#n +!r# *arici*ai(#.
>ompany that I studied had a different modus operandi. 'rom a p"ant factory to the
hospita"ity sector a ery important too" of #mp"oyee Re"ationship management is communication.
It p"ays a crucia" ro"e in #mp"oyee Re"ationship management. It is important to motiate the
emp"oyee and make him aware of the po"icies.
#mp"oyee Re"ationship management is necessary in an organisation as sa"t to food. As one can6t
imagine eating food without sa"t$ a company cannot run without maintaining #mp"oyee
Re"ationship management.
I noticed that interna" recruitment p"ays a ery important ro"e in #mp"oyee Re"ationship
management. Interna" recruitment is when the company recruits someone from within the
organisation to fi"" the acancies$ as opposed to e,terna" recruiting i.e. recruiting from the open
market. Interna" recruitment he"ps with the industria" re"ations since e,terna" recruitment can !e
seen as depriing the workforce of opportunity.

D#ar r#%*!nd#n9
I a+ c!nducing a %ur(#& !n 7# !*ic @A %ud& !n E+*)!&## r#)ai!n%7i*
Y!ur c!8!*#rai!n i% n##d#d ! $u)$i) 7# =u#%i!n% gi(#n 7# =u#%i!nnair#. T7#
in$!r+ai!n *r!(id#d -& &!u 2i)) -# c!n$id#nia). T7i% i% *ur#)& $!r acad#+ic *ur*!%#.
C!nduc#d -& S7a)ini Agra2a)
Na+# < Ag#8
Occu*ai!n8 G#nd#r8
D0 &oes your organi.ation is in support of emp"oyee re"ationship management8
Yes *o
20 &o you think emp"oyee re"ations he"p you maintaining good re"ationship in organi.ation8
Yes *o
70 :hat are the main causes of poor emp"oyee re"ations in the organi.ation8
a. )ack of we"fare schemes
!. Sa"ary "ee"s
c. &ispute pending
d. )ack of e,tra curricu"ar actiities
e. A"" the a!oe
90 &oes your managerIsuperior inform you a!out new po"icyIprocedures in the work on time8
Yes *o
=0 &o they proide hea"thy and peacefu" enironment at workp"ace8
Yes *O
?0 &oes the organi.ation proide an atmosphere of participatie management8
Yes *O
C0 How wou"d you rate the grieance hand"ing mechanism of the organi.ation8
+ood -ad Aerage :orst
G0 &o they reso"e dispute in a proper manner as soon as possi!"e8
Yes *o
E0 Are you satisfied with the "ee" of sa"ary and we"fare schemes the organi.ation is offering
Yes *o
DF0 Are you satisfied with your emp"oyee re"ationship programme 8
Yes *o *ot sure.
www.cios.orgIencyc"opediaI ERM Iinde,.htm
www.a""!usiness.comI...I 2!r3 forceH +anag#+#n Hc!n$)ic ...ID22?FHD.htm"
M * MishraHH%MA* R#SO%R># MA*A+#M#*T
7an3% $!r &!ur c!8!*#rai!n.

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