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Daily Devotional

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Romans 12:2

Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you
inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of
Godwhat is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect. (GNT)


Daily Devotional

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How to Journal Your Daily Devotions

Spend the first few minutes praying, asking God to speak uniquely and specifically to
your heart for that day. Begin by thanking Him for the day and the opportunity to hear
from Him. This is the key to making the most of your journaling time. Ask God for your
daily bread, and then allow Him to open your ears to His Word.

Spend the first 20 minutes reading the daily assigned portion of scriptures and read for
one thought. Read for you. Dont think about others and how your reading might apply
to someone else. Be selfish during your devotional time; focus on hearing what God has
for you. Ask God for one thought and as you are reading; be open to God causing a
single verse to really be your focal point for that day. God will no doubt show you many
insights as you read, but read for the one main thought God has for you that day. Be
open to God speaking uniquely to your present circumstances. Often we approach God
with an idea of what we think we need to hear from Him, when in fact God will often
speak to another issue that may be even deeper than we realize.

Allow the Holy Spirit to mentor you through the men and women of Gods Word as you
read. Dont become overly focused on coming up with an idea of what to journal. Just
relax and enjoy the presence of God as you read. Sometimes the first verse you read
may be your thought for the day, but keep reading and be open to God showing you
other truths.

Often I have felt as though a certain verse and thought was going to be my focal point
for the day, but as I read, God changed it and gave me another even deep insight in
another area. God know exactly what you need today, and He promises to meet you
every day as you seek Him. Trust Him, knowing that He desires to equip you and
empower you each day. Do not beat yourself up if something doesnt come quickly.
Just prayerfully seek the Lord as to what He would like for you to know. If the regular
reading is too large for you to finish in 20 minutes consider the lighter reading schedule.
It is better to read and understand.

Spend the next 20 minutes journaling on that one thought that God is speaking to your
heart about for that day. Use the acronym S.O.A.P.

Give your devotional a title

End your journal daily bible journaling with 20 minutes of prayer, and then share it with

Be sure to record the Date, Scripture, Title & Page number in your Table of Contents in
the front of your journal.

Daily Devotional

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S for Scripture

Open your Bible to the reading found under todays date of your reading schedule. Take
time to read and allow God to speak to you. Read straight through only highlighting
specific verses that stand out to you, but be careful not to get caught up reading
footnotes and cross references. When you are done, look back at what stood out to you
and then begin to look for a specific verse that spoke to you that day, and write the
book, chapter and verse in your journal. There may be more than one, but prayerfully
ask the Lord what He desires for you to focus in on.

O for Observation

Paraphrase and write this scripture down in your own works, in your journal. You are
just observing right now what the verse (s) is saying and what it means or a general
idea of what is going on. Observe who, what, when, why and where, actions, reactions
and write down your thoughts but be careful not to apply it just yet. (Who, What, Where,
When, Why?)

A for Application

Personalize what you have read, by asking yourself how it applies to you and your life
right now. Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, revelation of a new promise, or
corrections for a particular area of your life. Write how this scripture can apply to you
today or believe God is showing you through the lives and situations, both bad and
good in the text. Ask yourself what does God want me to do with what I have just

P for Prayer

This can be as simple as asking God to help you use this scripture, or it may be a
greater insight on what He may be revealing to you. Remember, prayer is a two way
conversation, so be sure to listen to what God has to say! Now, write it out.

Daily Devotional

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Table of Contents

Date Scripture Topic Page

6/28/14 Matthew 18:7 Overcoming Temptations 5

Daily Devotional

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June 28, 2014


Matthew 18:7

"Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must
come, but woe to the man through whom they come!


Temptations are everywhere. It finds easy way to get your trust and then breaks you.
But it is only when we give in that we give Satan the permission to bind us with his evil


The world has lots to offer, offers which seems very enticing, making you dwell
and go for it. These worldly things draw us away from Gods love; every moment
youre engaged to it means a step away from His loving presence. When you
start to step on Satans shoes, little by little, it gets bigger and bigger making you
prone to his evil temptations. Dont let Satan overcome you, you have the power
choice, choose Gods grace; He provides.

Sometimes we already know how to respond to the situations in our life, but we
turn those perfect moments to doubts because we let something influence our
decisions. Our actions depend on how we react, how we decide, and how we
want things done. And most of the time, we rather choose the things what we
want than what God would want us to be. Let Gods will be done.

Sometimes the answer is right before us but we detour to things exactly opposite
to Gods will. At first, we think its the best, but as time flies, we realize its
disastrous effect. Its the effect of our decisions. Not with Satans temptation but
on how easy we give in to his offers.


Lord God, I need your loving presence. Show me what You want in my life Lord. I pray
for the strength to overcome lifes trials and temptations. May You always show me
whats right Lord when everything falls apart. Grant me peace and wisdom for my
everyday struggles. I commend all my thoughts on You Lord.

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Daily Devotional

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