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Small Group Teaching Plan

Session 84: Heaven

Key Question: What is heaven like and what will I do there?
Biblical Truth: Heaven is the place where believers will receive their reward and will be forever in God’s presence.

(Note: Questions or activities that are more appropriate for younger youth or for older youth are marked by “YY” or
“OY” respectively.”)

Preparation: Preview the video for this session. (See clip on this CD.) Read John 14:2-3; 1 Corinthians 2:9;
Hebrews 4:9-11; 1 Peter 1:3-7; Revelation 21:1-8,22-27; 22:1-5; and the “Background for the Bible Passages, Session

After the Video:

1. Ask:
 How do you think the students of Garden Parks picture heaven? When you think about heaven, how do you
picture it?
 If you got your “theology” about heaven from the media or from your friends, what would you believe?
 Of all the things you’ve heard about heaven, what do you not believe to be true?
2. Instruct students to take out their “Heaven and Hell” handouts from the last session. Provide extra copies for students
who do not have one. Review what students recorded on this handout about hell. Distribute “Session 84 Outline.” Ask:
What do you believe are some of the most significant differences between heaven and hell?
3. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Read John 14:2-3. Ask:
 What is Jesus currently doing in heaven?
 What promise does Jesus offer? How should this promise change the way you live your life?
4. Call on a volunteer to read aloud 1 Corinthians 2:9. Ask:
 When applied to heaven, what does this verse indicate? For whom has God prepared such things?
 Are you included in these preparations?
5. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Hebrews 4:9-11. Ask:
 What is this “rest” promised by God? Why will being in God’s eternal presence bring you rest?
 What should you be striving to do?
6. Call on a volunteer to read aloud 1 Peter 1:3-7. Ask:
 What is your “living hope”? What kind of inheritance do you have and how is it protected?
 How should your living hope and your eternal inheritance affect your daily life?
7. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Revelation 21:1-8. Ask:
 What place is described in these verses? How is it described?
 Who will inherit a place in this Holy City? Who will not have a place there?
 What will it be like to live without fear, pain, or death, and with the continual presence of God?
8. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Revelation 21:22-27. Ask:
 What gives light to the city?
 Why are the gates of the city always open? What does this mean? (It is a place of complete safety and security.)
 What will never enter the city? Who has the right to be in the city?
8. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Revelation 22:1-5. Ask:
 What is the significance of the river of life and the tree of life? What will the servants of the city spend their
days doing?
 How long will God and the inhabitants of the city reign?
9. Ask: How has your view of heaven changed as a result of this study? Review the “Eternal Questions” handout with
students from Session 81. Provide extra copies of this handout to students who do not have one. Ask: Did you find
additional answers to any of the questions you recorded on this handout? Discuss student responses. Remind
students that God is in control of eternity and that the most important question they each need to answer is: Where will
I spend eternity?

1. Using the same media sources from the hell session (magazines, television clips, movie clips, songs), bring images of
heaven for students to review. Discuss the various depictions of heaven and how they differ from the biblical view.
Ask: Do any of these images depict the true blessing of heaven, which is living eternally in the presence of God?
2. Lead students in a time of worship that focuses on the hope of heaven. Utilize songs that have messages about heaven.
© 2007 LifeWay Press®. Fuel2: Owning Your Faith, Volume 7. Permission granted to reproduce this item for church use only. Published in the United States of America.
(For example: I Can Only Imagine, by MercyMe.) Close in a time of prayer. Guide students to thank God for their
eternal inheritance.

Hand out copies of the “Exploring the Bible Daily 84.” Encourage students to read the passages for today’s session.
Direct students as they read to write questions or insights.

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