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After having debulked, certain issues have been preserved for greater scrutiny; additional levity

again precedes heady problems created and perpetuated by BHO [Best Final Jeopardy Answer Ever and
awkward-mothers-day-photos]. Key-concerns in the prior Blast e-mail merit recapitulation because
they may have been buried in hyperlinks that corroborated prior views; consider:

Regarding Illegals:
Obama to redirect immigration enforcement to border, conceding defeat on overhaul
Saving the Border When the Cavalry Isn't Coming - As tens of thousands of so-called
unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crash our southern border, we are undergoing a
war against the existence, the concept of the USA as a nation-state, and this is why
SHERIFF JOE said BHO should DEPLOY THE MILITARY!; Nancy Pelosi at the Border: Influx
of Illegal Immigrants an Opportunity, Not a Crisis and Nancy Pelosis Daughter:
Theres No Way You Can Secure The Border and 'This is a community with border going
through it'; MOTHER: GET ACROSS, YOU STAY and 'Cheat Sheet' Found and OBAMA IS
Helicopter Entered US and Shot at Border Patrol Agents; Gallup: Only 22% of Americans
Favor Increased Immigration; SHOCK STUDY: All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went
to Immigrants and SHOCK STUDY: FEW JOBS AMERICANS WONT DO and Dems block
measure to stop illegals from getting jobs, benefits in USA; Backlog of 360,000 cases and
90% of illegals skipped court appearances; Only 110 of 12,670 Guatemalan Minors
Deported Under Obama.
A federal employment ad posted in January showing that 65,000 unaccompanied minors
will enter the U.S. illegally shows that the administration expected this cross-border
child abuse and encouraged it.

Regarding Other Issues:
Liberal Law Professor characterized Obama as The Very Danger The Constitution Was
Designed To Avoid
Half The Nation is Calling For a Convention of the States To Stop Obama
Rush Limbaugh Was Right; For Liberals In And Out Of Media, It's The Ideology, Stupid
Sen. Joe Scarnati is determined to boot elected state officials out of pension system
Recognition of Jewish indigenous rights to Eretz Yisrael
Three kidnapped Israeli teenagers found dead
The Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) called for Congressional
hearings regarding the unwillingness of the Department of Justice to
prosecute Palestinian-Arab terrorists who killed/harmed Americans.
Netanyahu vowed 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found
Obama Administration Openly Funding Murderers of 3 kidnapped Israeli Children
Israeli Arab boys are looking for safety after having supporting the teenagers
The Presbyterian Church's Israel Divestment Is A Lot Uglier Than You Think
Texan pig farmer vs. his Muslim neighbors constituted one mans Islamic protest
Out with Keystone XL, In with Enbridge Northern Gateway - Claiming it could no
longer abide the Obama administration's five-year refusal to approve construction of
the Keystone XL pipeline designed to bring 830,000 barrels a day of much-needed
Alberta shale oil to U.S. refineries, the Canadian government recently approved plans
for a huge new pipeline and port project to ship that oil to Asia instead.
New Judge May Seek Special Prosecutor in IRS Scandal
White House Report Admitted 'Corrosive Culture' at Veterans Affairs

The issues probed herein encompass the LGBTQ-Movement in PA and Culture-Wars, Kurdistan, the
Mandatory Holocaust Education Law, Joe Paterno, Sports, and Racism. Foreign Affairs arent ignored,
noting that this summary from Foreign Policy corroborates points made in the immediately-prior
Blast e-mail; Iraq/Syria is a wreck, al-Maliki is trying to regain lost territoryand Russia is everywhere:

Top News: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and
al-Sham (ISIS), declared himself caliph of the entire Muslim world, claiming a centuries-old title
that has fallen out of use. "He is the imam and caliph for Muslims everywhere," a spokesman for
the group said in an online statement. The last living caliph was the last Ottoman sultan, whose
position was abolished in 1922.
In the audio statement that the group posted online, ISIS said it would now be known simply as
the Islamic State. The move comes after ISIS announced last month that it has erased the border
between Syria and Iraq. The Islamic State stretches from Aleppo in Syria's north to Diyala in
eastern Iraq and the group said that the new state has courts and will collect taxes.
Meanwhile, the Iraqi government continued to fight ISIS militants who have made major
advances in recent weeks. The Iraqi army is struggling to retake the city of Tikrit, a major Sunni-
majority city some 100 miles north of Baghdad. Russian military advisors arrived in Iraq on
Sunday to help train the Iraqi military in the use of 12 Russian fighter planes. Russia sent the
planes in an apparent rebuke of the United States, which Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki
accused of being too slow in sending military aid.
Ukraine: Ukraine's president and his Russian counterpart talked with EU leaders to discuss a
settlement to the crisis in Ukraine's east as clashes between separatists and government forces
continue. Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko had declared ceasefire last week but many of
the rebel groups ignored it and five Ukrainian soldiers have been killed. A Russian journalist was
shot while filming a pro-separatist protest near the city of Donetsk

Also, know that the SCOTUS sided with home health care workers in Illinois who want out of a union,
but stopped short of a sweeping decision that could have decimated union finances and membership
[by disallowing the only growing union-movement in America, the public workers, a concept that FDR
had eschewed]. In Harris v. Quinn, the justices declined to reverse a precedent, set in 1977, that held
states could compel public-sector employees to pay union dues. Laws mandating such payments exist in
26 states and will remain intact, in a major victory for organized labor. Justice Samuel Alito, writing for a
5-4 majority, called the precedent "questionable," signaling an openness to revisit it in future cases.

In local news, a Jenkintown burglar made coffee before committing his crime.

Sultan Knish Daniel Greenberg observed that America seems to be run by a single giant corporation
whose leadership is very complicated and competitive, but whose leaders come from a common culture
and who call on the consensus for their ideas; such observations animate efforts by the Heritage Action
group, including those of Mike Henry [who just started hosting a half-hour radio-show, aired @ 8:30
a.m. on Mondays [http://www.1180wfyl.com/programs.html].

LGBTQ-Movement in PA & Culture-Wars

Todays hot-news, obviously, is the SCOTUS 5-4 decision to Exempt Private "closely held" Firms From
ObamaDontCares Contraception Rule on religious grounds; perhaps, in conjunction with last years
tacit approval of gay-marriage, these vexing social-issues can be more easily perceived as secondary to
the major governmental concerns facing Americans. The larger issue raised in the Culture Wars is the
alleged-conflict between Government and the Family, a concept that I explored by critiquing the most
passionate/potent essay available that seemed to suggest the Family Unit has been shortchanged;
because it is somewhat lengthy [even after having been pared-down, particularly because annotation
was added], the Blast e-mail received this past Friday from Jonah-Goldberg has been uploaded. Thus,
even when taking into account the definition of marriage and how Justina Pelletier was abused
[separated from her family] by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, it seems that
distrust in governmenttrending within other issues, such as ObamaDontCaremay be growing.

World Vision, recovering from gay policy shift, tried to shore up its evangelical base by
testing evangelical boundaries three months ago when it announced it would allow its
employees to be in same-sex marriages; the policy of this relief-group was reversed
within 48 hours after supporters threatened to pull donations. {This is reminiscent of
what happened when the Susan G. Komen Foundation defunded Planned Parenthood
due to its performing abortions; donations dropped (and my cousins report that
participation in the annual Mothers Day Marathon has dropped precipitously.}
Israeli Education Minister Piron was defend by his Lesbian Sister After he uttered Anti-Gay Comments
[claiming the Jewish states right, perhaps its duty, is to say to homosexual couples that decide to live
their lives that way, that this is not a family, nevertheless retaining other interactional rights
[economic, paying a mortgage, exerting parental rights]. Piron later backed off the remarks [I am
grievously convinced that such remarks are contemptible; it is not up to me to decide what is a family
and what is not]. In my view, tolerance will assuage differences; in the process, it is advisable that
gays stay classy [disclaiming Gay marriage supporters who mocked a conservative dads son and then
blamed him for posting photo. Flamboyance may be overwrought and counterproductive; yet,
Sponsorship of gay pride parades is on the rise. Curiously, Bill Mahar SLAMMED Libs Over Gay Marriage,
lambasting the people who become outraged [and call for people to be fired as a result] over comments
others may have made in the past; he has experience in this realm, post-9/11. Of far greater concern to
social-scientists is The New Divorce 'Italian Style': Don't get Married in the First Place. {Curiously,
'Domestic Violence [allegedly] Increased When England Exited the World Cup'.}

Efforts are moving-along rapidly to create a chapter of the Log Cabin [gay] Republicans
in Pennsylvania, although its unclear whether initial efforts will include an immediate
sub-chapter in MontCo and/or Philly; what is of particular interest is what one individual
[who wrote he would be happy to be President or Treasurer] wrote in response to a
non-directive query: I would like to see the group focus on small-business expansion,
PSERS [Pennsylvania Public School Employees' Retirement] resolutions, educational
funding, oil/natural gas development, and reduction of business taxes. Noted is the
precise emphasis on issues that are of-concern to all citizens, rather than just those who
are in the gay community. Im told Rep. Mike Vereb [who is also MCRC chair] raised this
issue last week before the area-leaders of the local GOP [MontCo], and was praised.
{Also, I joined, to illustrate solidarity with this effort, although Im assuredly not gay.}

The embodiment of resistance to such efforts is the Papacy, but a New Document Reinforced Catholic
Church Teachings on Hot Button Issues; this working-document in preparation for the global Synod of
Bishops doused the hopes of many Church progressives that core Church teachings on controversial
issues would change. The Pope said communists are closet Christians and that 'Communists have stolen
our flag'; despite the Churchs opposition to gay-rights, advocates claim Jesus would have supported gay
marriage and even Elton John [who is gay] called Francis 'wonderful.' {True to form, an Italian Mayor
Announced Mandatory Crucifixes for every Public Office and School.}

Quoting Bill Maher as a model-lib is sometimes instructive [such as when he opts to
expose liberal-hypocrish, but he completely and uncouthly disrespects The Constitution.

Finally, the New York Times Finally Figured-Out 'Cool Kids' Have Problems Later, reporting that young
teenagers in the cool crowd who tried to grow up too fast by hanging out with older teens, wearing
makeup, or drinking beer and stealing condoms often had problems later in life. [Regarding sex-roles,
"Always" Produced an ad that highlighted stereotypes governing What It Means To Throw Like A Girl.]

Finally, the Army's Apache helecopter-name is under assault, as the PC police call
helicopter name racist; in response, Veterans arent happy with a recent WaPo op-ed
which charged that the Apache, Comanche, Chinook, Lakota, Cheyenne and Kiowa
military vehicles were a greater symbolic injustice than the NFLs Washington
Redskins name. {Go Figure.} Regarding the Redskins controversy, a column in the Inqy
claimed that Neshaminy officials overreacted when high-school journalists wanted to
boycott this word, which happens to be the name of the school mascot, as well.


Dr. Sherkoh Abbas [with whom Ive written a few op-eds] is now receiving greater publicity; he was
recently interviewed regarding the Kurdish Engine of Middle Eastern Democracy [with the translation
into English pending regarding another interview, ;- ].
Overall, Kurds See a Silver Lining in Iraq Cataclysm, for at least the Kurds in Northern Iraq are fighting
ISIS! The Kurds know they are screwed if ISIS takes over completely and know they cannot depend on
the Iraqi Army in the slightest to defend them. The Kurds have eked out an existence in the region for
centuries and they are not about to give up now. Thats why a Kurdish unit [which appears pretty well
trained and using what looks like U.S. equipment] took-out an ISIS position in Kirkuk during a night raid.
In contrasting actions, Obama backed U.S. military training for Syrian rebels [not mentioning the Kurds],
as Bibi announced support for Kurdish independence in Northern Iraq [the gravamen of our essays].

Pennsylvanias New Mandatory Holocaust Education LAW

Before delving into what has transpired during the past three days, it is desirable to emphasize the
importance of oversighting the process of educating youth; critics are worried, both with regard to
public education [American students learn about Hamas and Hezbollah without being told they are
terrorist entities and college [rot of intolerance at Swarthmore]; how this is happening has been detailed
in the book by Dinesh DSouza on America which, specifically elucidates how Bill Ayers became an
educator, observations that are particularly relevant tonight [after Former Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers
was interviewed by Megyn Kelly] when one tries to appreciate how very anti-American BHO has been.

As usual, central to these concerns is Common Core [Oklahoma GOP Rep. claimed
Common Core Is Indoctrinating Kids With Socialism; National Association of State Boards
of Education Sued OK Over Common Core Repeal; Battle Continued Between Louisiana
Gov. Jindal and State Superintendent over Common Core Exit; Connecticut Gov. Malloy
Moved Forward with Common Core, Saying Teachers Support Initiative; Common Core
CALIFORNIA!; and a Common Core Sample Lesson Teaches 'Evolving Nature of the

The phrase Have you no shame? was first uttered six decades ago to expose McCarthyism, but
applicability to events that transpired over the weekend seems apt; in an unprecedented editorial move,
a Comment by Laura Goldman was supplanted after I exposed its pervasive errors, parsing it line-by-line.
Indeed, her second posting was also in-error; there is no button offered to the public to alter what
he/she had posted, let alone remove it. Thus, she must have received the connivance of a powerful
member of the editorial staff of the Jewish Exponent; it would seem the goal was to rescue the actions
of the Federation [and its Harrisburg lobbyist] from being exposed as being rankly hypocritical.

{Because the letters are printed with the most-recent atop its predecessors, I wrote a
series of comments separately, and then posted them in reverse-chronological order;
this allows the reader to read down the page, rather than having to skip-around.}

This is what she initially posted:

Federation's Robin Schatz and the Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition's Hank Butler deserve
all the credit for successful passage of this bill. They worked tirelessly despite opposition
and abuse from overzealous pro mandate activists that would have rather a Holocaust
Education bill die than compromise. This bill is historic despite it not having a mandate.
It is the first time the words Holocaust education are enshrined in Pennsylvania statue.
The law calls for a survey which will tell us which school districts are teaching the
curriculum. It also calls for an advisory panel to advise the Pa Department of Education
on appropriate Holocaust curriculum.

This is what I posted in-reply:

Every sentence in the entry by Ms. Goldman is in-error; I cant figure-out which is worse,
her narrative or the journalistic deficiencies of Mr. Berger.

I painstakingly explained what transpired in two dozen entries, uploaded previously;
they are replete with hyperlinks that elaborate upon the blow-by-blow which occurred
during the past - year.

Although I had resolved to depend upon others to correct the record, I have been
prevailed upon to recapitulate key-clarifications that are necessary to weighand then
to consider the implications of the mendacity that has been evinced.

In the process of parsing the entry of Ms. Goldman, errors in the piece by Mr. Berger will
become glaring.


Federation's Robin Schatz and the Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition's Hank Butler deserve
all the credit for successful passage of this bill.

Had these individuals not been aggressively and tenaciously opposed by Ms. Rhonda
Fink-Whitman and Mr. Chuck Feldman [and myself], a bill would have been passed that
would not have included a [delayed] mandate.

Thats right, absent from both this piece and this comment is SPECIFIC reference to the
fact that a mandate will be triggered if at least 90% of the schools do not voluntarily
comply within two years.

What is particularly appalling is that both know better; I spoke extensively with Ms.
Goldman in January regarding this particular concern; also, I spoke forcefully [nose-to-
nose] with Mr. Berger a few weeks ago @ the Federation, prompting him to correct the
aforementioned articlewhich he had to compose thrice before it approximated the


They worked tirelessly despite opposition and abuse from overzealous pro mandate
activists that would have rather a Holocaust Education bill die than compromise.

Ms. Goldman attempts to perpetuate the fiction that we were abusive while
communicating with Harrisburg legislators, absent any documentation; indeed, Mr.
Berger was confronted when he wrote of this accusation but, sadly, he not only could
not provide specifics, but he also did not wish to attempt to research this issue.

Essentially, Ms. Goldman is issuing an accusation that Mr. Berger has, journalistically,
refused to scrutinize; it is most decidedly falseand they know it.

The proof that we were not overzealous is in the pudding because of the inclusion
of the [delayed] mandate. We refused to compromise on our principles, but we had
no problem with the final language because it found common-ground.


They worked tirelessly despite opposition and abuse from overzealous pro mandate
activists that would have rather a Holocaust Education bill die than compromise.

Ms. Goldman doesnt recognize the irony embedded within her assertion, because our
fear was that the Federation lobbyists preferred not having a bill passed [anticipating a
Democrat governor in 15] than having an immediate mandate included; this is proven
by noting what Mr. Butler wrote and said.

Mr. Butler sent to all Senators [after we had prevailed upon the Senate Appropriations
Committee to do-the-right-thing] in which he strongly advised our efforts be reversed.
Also, Mr. Butler repeatedly was quoted in the Exponent issuing [unreferenced]
predictions that a mandate wouldnt be passed.

He was banking upon people depending upon his lobbying experience; we were
depending upon the legislators to recognize the urgency of this concern.

This bill is historic despite it not having a mandate; it is the first time the words
Holocaust education are enshrined in Pennsylvania statue.

This bill HAS a mandate [as detailed earlier] and its historic nature is based upon the
fact that a fragmented statute has now been codified, for the unit of holocaust,
genocide and human rights violations will be ensconced within the curriculum.

Educating the legislators regarding this fact was complicated by the fact that two staff-
people [perhaps due to the prior lobbying of Mr. Butler] generated and refused to
correct a staff-memo regarding this issue; all members of the House Education
Committee had been informed falsely that this topic had already been covered in a
cursory fashion. Specifically, Messrs. Transue [who wrote the memo] and Miskin [who
refused to correct it] perpetuated a fiction that served the nefarious goals of Mr. Butler,
namely, to confuse the legislators.

We were forced to play whack-a-mole as the Federation lobbyists keep conjuring
roadblocks, the most notorious of which was that we were allegedly advocating an
unfunded mandate; this accusation was taylor-made for a GOP-controlled Assembly,
and undoing the damage constituted an ongoing task.

The law calls for a survey which will tell us which school districts are teaching the
curriculum; it also calls for an advisory panel to advise the Pa Department of Education
on appropriate Holocaust curriculum.

Ms. Goldman failed to explain the rationale for the survey, namely, to discern if there
has been sufficient compliance [and to scrutinize the lesson-plans employed]; again, this
is a key-feature to what has been enacted for, if there is insufficient voluntary
compliance [a concept that Mr. Berger totally ignored], the mandate kicks-in.

THEREFORE, if any further clarifications are desired, please feel free to call me @

This is what I wrote earlier today:


Someone in authority @ the Exponent had to have been complicit [over the weekend!]
in replacing the "before" Comment by Ms. Goldman" [to be reprinted infra] with the
"after" Comment [which couldn't have been written before I had blown-up her
credibility in subsequent [segmented] Comments [which can be read in descending-


Laura Goldman
Federation's Robin Schatz and the Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition's Hank Butler deserve
all the credit for successful passage of this bill. They worked tirelessly despite opposition
and abuse from overzealous pro mandate activists that would have rather a Holocaust
Education bill die than compromise. This bill is historic despite it not having a mandate.
It is the first time the words Holocaust education are enshrined in Pennsylvania statue.
The law calls for a survey which will tell us which school districts are teaching the
curriculum. It also calls for an advisory panel to advise the Pa Department of Education
on appropriate Holocaust curriculum.

Perhaps now that the Exponent has seen the necessity to revise a reader's Comment,
perhaps it will now appreciate the wisdom in fixing its blatantly one-sided "news"-

The below-comment by Ms. Goldman was ALTERED [despite the fact that there is no
such alternative available when posting a Comment on this website]; thus, in the
interest of proper journalism [and so that my subsequent parsing makes sense, you are
provided the opportunity to read the "before" and the "after" [which explains why the
"after" version could not have been composed BEFORE I had completely trashed her
initial input].

Here is her current comment:

Laura Goldman
HB1424 on Holocaust Education is not a mandate. Some of the commentators are
misinformed. The bill requires school districts to offer Holocaust education if a
statewide survey finds that less than 90% of the schools are not teaching about the
Holocaust and genocide,. The school district is required to offer a course. Students are
not required to take the course to graduate.

And this is what I wrote later-on today:

Ms. Goldman continues to upload lies onto this website.

She wrote [falsely]: "Students are not required to take the course to graduate."

The text of the bill states otherwise [emphasis added]:

"Section 1554. Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Violations Instruction.--(a) (1)
Beginning with school year 2015-2016, each school entity may offer instruction in the
Holocaust, genocide and human rights violations to students. The instruction shall be
integrated within the social studies and language arts courses of study required in
accordance with State Board of Education regulations. Instruction may also be
integrated into other appropriate courses of study."

Specifically, this unit SHALL be integrated within courses REQUIRED by the PDE.

Ms. Goldman would be best-advised [after having had her prior letter deleted over the
weekend] to follow the infamous adage advising someone who has embarrassed herself
to "stop digging."


In my view, my having assiduously functioned as a truth-squad has resulted in the revelation of the fact
that the Emperors and Empresses are sporting no clothingand know it. The intensity of the effort of
Federation to portray itself as having won was what drove posting of Ms. Goldmans initial Comment
andafter it had been promptly debunkedwas what prompted her incorrect posting this-a.m. Thus,
inexcusable it was [after so many prior errors] for a climactic news-article to eschew mentioning the
Delayed-Mandate that we had fought so hard to achieveand against which Federation had adopted an
unyielding posture. Thus, the Exponent had sacrificed its independence by becoming a PR-organ.

Joe Paterno

Regarding AG-Kanes report on the Sandusky investigation by Corbett, the fact that she misspoke
regarding whether the delay allowed the perpetrator to abuse more kids is tangential, for the major
concern is whether the delay was justified in conjunction with having so few investigators assigned;
indeed, its desirable to note the Mystery tip that broke Sandusky case, but its far more important to
gauge the accuracy of Corbetts incorrect claim [Gov: I've never condemned Paterno, 'never will'].
Therefore, I blogged heavily and repeatedly on the politics pa website detailing corbetts alleged refusal
to attack JoePa; the interested-observer is invited to read the comments in ascending order.

Of personal interest also, are Details of UPMC-Highmark deal; it may be recalled that I
tried legally to preclude the creation of Highmark, more than 15 years ago, only to be
rebuffed by AG-Corbett [during his first stint] after he reversed the decision of his
antitrust division; when I inquired of him regarding this issue during his gubernatorial
campaign [while he attended a picnic hosted by Rep. Curt Schroder], he said he did not
recall the details of the events [that, then, were a decade remote]. It is also worthy of
note that PinnacleHealth-Penn State Hershey is the new giant in PA.

After the budget has been signed-off, the only way Corbett can improve his polling [which dropped
precipitously from 2010 to 2012] will be to demonstrate legislative achievements that can be viewed as
fulfilling his campaign promises.


With the Phillies floundering and the Eagles not yet in-training, its necessary to note
why the Sixers drafted Embiid, then traded for a Croatian forward and Why LeBron
James signing with the Sixers is gaining traction; it is also desirable to weigh Philadelphia
Flyers 2014 NHL Draft Picks: Grades, Results and Analysis. It is also gratifying to note
achievements in more obscure sports [116 MPH World Record Breaking Lacrosse Shot]
and the emotionalism that prompted the NBA to Draft Isaiah Austin, the College
Basketball Star Who Was Diagnosed With a [Career-Ending] Marfans Syndrome.


The GOP is the Party of Civil Rights, a fact that is lost after a half-century of media-indoctrination;
inasmuch as Blacks havent emerged from inner-city poverty, it has been posited that liberals should
stop trying to help black Americans. Part of this ongoing obfuscation is when three examples of
reverse-racism are noted, just in the past week: Typical-Liberal Whoopi Goldberg felt she could Silence
a Guest by Spouting [reverse] Racism; Charlie Rangel claimed the Tea Party Is 'Same Group' Of 'White
Crackers' Who Fought Civil Rights; and Spike Lee said America is addicted to violence fomented by the
NRA, Video-Games and John Wayne.

Disappointing when one recalls how he made-his-mark in City Council campaigning
against tobacco, Philadelphias Mayor claimed Young Black Men Are Not Responsible
For Their Actions; this contradicted sages such as Ben Carson, M.D. and Bill Cosby. Thus,
a commentator wrote: Michael Nutter is well, a nutter, which is Brit-slang for a crazy
person. Hey, at least he has that truth in labeling thing going for him. He penned a
piece for theHuffington Post today in which he exposes myths that are keeping young
black men from succeeding. Not only doesnt he disprove any myths, he essentially says
that black men are not responsible for their own actions and their only saving grace is
massive government intervention. Like I said: a nutter.

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