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CJC-1295 How it works

Posted on October 2, 2013 by Maxim Peptide

CJC-1295 is a 30-amino acid peptide that has the ability to
bioconj!ate within the !loblar protein serm albmin" #n other
words$ it has the capability to join a pair o% bimolecles to!ether &ia a
chemical bond"
How CJC-1295 'orks
(he component that allows CJC-1295 to %nction as it does is %ond
within the peptide chain )H*H1-29" (he dischar!e o% the peptide is
related to the ne!ati&e %eedback loop that is part o% the !rowth
hormone a+is %ond in animal test sbjects, this a+is re!lates the
prodction o% the animal-s !rowth hormone %or homeostatic
prposes" (he isse with this component is its rapid hal%-li%e$ which
lasts %ewer than se&en mintes" Howe&er$ stdies on animal test
sbjects ha&e shown that CJC-1295 boosts the hal%-li%e o% )H*H1-
29$ as well as its bioa&ailability" (his in trn enables )H*H-1 to ha&e
an e+tended e%%ect on animal test sbjects" .ccordin! to scienti%ic
stdy$ this boost has been dramatic$ as it has been shown to e+tend
the hal%-li%e to o&er se&en days"
#n addition to creatin! a more stable peptide$ CJC-1295 enhances bioacti&ity$ blocks methionine o+idation$ and
decreases aspara!ines rearran!ement or amide hydrolysis to asparatic acid" (hese mechanics essentially case
the !rowth hormone a+is in animal test sbjects to stay acti&e in %or a si!ni%icantly lon!er time"
CJC-1295-s capacity to e+tend )H*H1-29-s hal%-li%e is linked to the relati&ely new technolo!y o% bioconj!ation"
(his process can take a reacti&e !rop and attach it to a peptide$ which in trn reacts with a ncleophilic nit %ond
in an animal test sbject-s bloodstream to %orm a bond that is more stable" (his peptide has a hi!h bindin! a%%inity
%or albmin$ and this a%%inity blocks natral de!radation$ which cases an e+tension o% the peptide-s hal%-li%e and
Benefits of CJC-1295
0cienti%ic stdies on animal test sbjects ha&e led researchers to belie&e that CJC-1295 cold ha&e the %ollowin!
The boosting of protein synthesis. CJC-1295 is tho!ht to increase the amont o% proteins that an animal test
sbject can !enerate by blockin! natral celllar de!radation"
Reduction of body fat CJC-1295-s mechanics ha&e been shown to promote lipolysis$ otherwise known as the
process where lipids !et broken down" (his de!radation o% lipids$ in trn$ makes body %at to decrease"
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Improved deep sleep 0cienti%ic stdies on animal test sbjects ha&e determined that CJC-1295 has enabled
the sbjects to maintain a deep sleep on a more consistent basis" 0tdies theori2e that this kind o% beha&ior is
linked with the peptide-s abilities to promote mscle !rowth and memory retention" (hese stdies also show that
this particlar bene%it tends to dissipate o&er time"
Growth of muscle tissue. (he increase o% proteins translates into a boost in mscle cells" (his has led to an
ampli%ication in the mass and si2e o% mscles %ond within animal test sbjects"
Increased bone density 0cienti%ic stdies per%ormed on animal test sbjects ha&e determined that CJC-1295-s
sa!e o&er a speci%ied amont o% time can case the !eneration o% a bone-s mineral matter per s3are
centimeter to boost" (his enhanced process enables bones to be stron!er and less &lnerable to %ractres and
other bone-related injries"
Expedited injury recovery (he boost in protein prodction translates to a more e%%icient healin! process within
animal test sbjects.
tronger immune system #ncreased protein prodction has also been shown to impro&e animal test sbjects-
capability to %i!ht o%% sickness more e%%iciently.
#t shold be noted that e&en tho!h positi&e determinations are bein! chronicled$ these percei&ed bene%its are still
bein! &eri%ied %or prposes o% consistency"
Potential Side Effects
'hile scienti%ic research on animal test sbjects has led to the determination o% se&eral positi&e bene%its in relation
to CJC-1295$ there are also a %ew ne!ati&e side e%%ects that ha&e been recorded" (hese side e%%ects inclde1
Retention of water
Temporary numbness of extremities
0tdies ha&e ths %ar determined that the recorded cases o% ne!ati&e side e%%ects are %ar less than the positi&e
e%%ects that ha&e been marked" .dditionally$ some o% these stdies ha&e determined that the ne!ati&e side e%%ects
tend to skew toward bein! inherently mild"
#t shold be noted that$ mch like the positi&e bene%its$ the ne!ati&e side e%%ects are still bein! &eri%ied thro!h
scienti%ic stdy to determine their consistent mani%estation"
#t shold also be noted that becase the bene%its$ e%%ects$ and o&erall mechanics and %nctionality relatin! to CJC-
1295 are still bein! determined$ the se o% the peptide is still contained to laboratories" (here%ore$ it is not %it %or se
otside o% a controlled research en&ironment$ where it can be sed %or scienti%ic research on animal test sbjects"

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