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Posted on October 16, 2013 by Maxim Peptide

Clomiphene is a peptide that is classified as a selective estrogen
receptor modulator (SERM). It is sometimes referred to as
Clomiphene Citrate, Clomifene, Clomid, Milophene, Serophene, or
Mechanics of Clomiphene
According to scientific research conducted on animal test su!ects,
Clomiphene "or#s $ increasing the production of gonadotropins% the
protein hormones secreted $ gonadotrope cells (that is, endocrine
cells) of the anterior pituitar$. &hese secretions include follicle'
stimulating hormone ((S)) and luteini*ing hormone (+)). &hese
secretions are essential to endocrine s$stem,s regulation of the
gro"th, sexual development, and reproductive functions of animal
test su!ects. &he increase in production of these secretions is
caused $ loc#ing negative feedac# on the h$pothalamus% the
section of the rain that lin#s the endocrine s$stem to the central
nervous s$stem.
&his process, in turn, promotes the up'regulation of the h$pothalamic'pituitar$'gonadal axis. &his leads to the
acceleration of certain functional processes that are associated "ith the axis, such as the induction of ovulation in
female animal test su!ects. &he overall functionalit$ of Clomiphiene has led to some researchers to compare its
-ualities to that of estrogen in female animal test su!ects.
&heoretical .enefits of Clomiphene
Scientific research conducted on animal test su!ects in relation to Clomiphene has determined that the peptide
could provide several theoretical enefits.
&he primar$ enefit that the peptide could provide is related to the regulation and promotion of ovulation. Scientific
studies ased on female animal test su!ects have determined that the peptide,s capailit$ to up'regulate an
organism,s h$pothalamic'pituitar$'gonadal axis can lead to a more predictale c$cle of ovulation. /hat,s more, the
peptide,s properties can theoreticall$ used to comat various disorders related to the ovaries and the menstrual
c$cle. &hese disorders include0
Polymenorrhea 1 Menstrual c$cles "ith intervals of 23 da$s or less.
Irregular menstruation &his is classified as a condition in "hich there is variation in menstrual c$cle length
lasting more than approximatel$ eight da$s.
Metrorhagia &his condition is in reference to an irregular menstruation that occurs et"een anticipated
menstrual c$cles.
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Oligomenorrhea Infre-uent menstrual periods that feature intervals that last greater than 45 da$s. &his
condition is oftentimes mar#ed $ light menstrual periods.
Amenorrhea &his is classified as the asence of a menstrual period in a female animal test su!ect of
reproductive age.
Hypomenorrhea &hat is, anormall$ light menstrual periods.
Menorrhagia &his condition is in reference to an anormall$ heav$ and prolonged period of menstruation.
6ther theoretical enefits in relation to this peptide ased on scientific research on animal test su!ects include the
treatment of persistent reast mil# production and firoc$stic reasts% a condition mar#ed $ noncancerous reast
lumps that can sometimes e accompanied $ discomfort.
Potential Negative Side Effects of Clomiphene
/hile scientific research conducted on animal test su!ects have determined several theoretical enefits in relation
to Clomiphene, there have also een a fe" potential negative side effects that have een associated "ith the
Some of the more serious potential negative side effects that have een associated "ith Clomiphene include the
Shortness of reath
.lurred vision
Stomach pain
/eight gain
Stomach s"elling
It should e noted that some of these negative side effects can present as s$mptoms of an overarching condition
#no"n as ovarian h$perstimulation s$ndrome, or 6)SS.
+ess common or milder side effects that have een associated "ith Clomiphene include the follo"ing0
7pset stomach
Anormal vaginal leeding
&hic# cervical mucus 1 this effect has the potential to e thic# enough to "here the sperm of male animal test
su!ects ma$ not e ale to penetrate.
Enlargement of ovaries 1 this ma$ present itself in the form of adominal or pelvic pain, tenderness, pressure,
or s"elling
Additionall$, some scientific research ased on animal test su!ects has concluded that the long'term usage of the
peptide ma$ increase the ris# of the development of ovarian cancer over a certain period of time.
or Scientific !se Only
/hile there have een several scientific studies conducted on animal test su!ects in order to determine
Clomiphene,s range of operational mechanics, theoretical enefits, and negative side effects, it should e noted
that an$ and all findings that are associated "ith the peptide are still considered to e the product of current
laorator$ research. .ecause Clomiphene l is currentl$ in the research phase, an$ stud$ or usage relating to the
mechanics, operations, enefits, and side effects of the peptide should solel$ e contained to the restrictions of a
strictl$ controlled environment such as a medical research facilit$ or a laorator$.

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