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june~l, 2006il

Mr. Jolin P. CI~rk

Deput§ Assistant Secretary
U.S. Immigration and Customs ffrtt~~Ill(!nt .....
425 I Street NW, Room 7000
Washington,O:C. 2053b ...c
Dear Deputy A1\sistant Sectetal) Clark:

I am writing to i:~queSl participatioll in ,he legation of Authority Program pur5u~nt to 1'87 (g) of m.e
Immigration an4 }l.;aturaHzation ACT. l'he ship wHl ena\;lk us to better s..::rve and meet the needs, of
fill.:: resi~<:nts ofBulJer C'<mllfY. Ohki.

I have heen an advocate for local law ertforc:went agencie.S to become authorized to work in partnership'
with ICE to crt~ll~al illegal aHem, ami have spoken nation-wide on thi:;, topic. My office has al~o
been in .. ,... Agent i Britlll MQ..<iqu.ettc from your DetrQit ot1ice, Res~>l1t
your Kentueky otYke and R.esldent Agent in Charg_
Witb their advice, I am proposing the fOllowing: - (J;Xj~
• Establisinnenr Identiilcattoll Review Oftict'r III our Butler County JtliL Tbis is our cenw.ll ~
ptocessing and deteutiail facility tor Butler County. and negotiatitlllS are CI1Ilr.e'lltly underway lor
our facility to become a n~gional housing fadlilY for ICE.
e Tl!'<lin (1m of my Sher~ffs De-puties who have passed a backgFOul1~ck acceptabk to
• A training facility is availabt~ at t~ Butler Coanty Sltertff'sOftlce iustructors c~n utilir.e
computer training aids, vkleo~<; al:lO atty other maleril1ls rnay ne~d,

nls program will ann\-\,. us to onter intQ a anrlumof Understanding with lC~"~hat\viU ¢~bfc ~ny
~rsmll1el to work in partnef$hip w!th!CE to ntifY criminal aliens w1l0 may pose ~ risk to tfu:i citi.;1.ens of
Btltler COUllty. I look I'(lrward to your speedy endQrsemem of til is request :;;0 we- can move forward a!i t,lIls
program will benefit all of us involved.

Mr. Richard K. Jones

705 Hanover Street
Hamilton. OhiQ 45011

Dear Sheriff Jones:

Thank you fat your JUn'e a1•2~,letter regarding your request for p~rtitipation in ttr~
287(9) Deleg$titnr ~f:AUU1()dtyProSJram.

On AU91J$f3,(~~Oe,tha \J"S\«lmmi€Jration and Customs Enforeemen;t.'s ~ICI.,~~rn . .

Manager for the 281(g) DelegatiQh of Authority forwarded your reqtre~t for ......'.. . ..
particip.ation in the 28\7(9) program to the Resident Agent .n Charge (~Gl Cfrtdnnati
Office. Additionally, a 2.87(9) questionnaire and supplemental information were
forwarded the RAC Cincinnati and the Office of Deportation and Removal
Operations for completion. At this time, the 287(g} Program Manager is w_itingfor the
completion of the questionnaire by all parties in order to proceed with thet:eqriEJst.

interest in IC~. If we Gan be of further assistanee, plea$e Galt >me at


Mr" R.i~'hat~}f,? .{Sn~i!.;0;
105 H~n()~;er SL" ,i )
Hamilfti)t\, Ohio 450 J {

Dear Sherif}' .lones,

This tetter is to notit} yQU that Julio L My¢1'$, A:ssistant Secretary fl;n:tn¢ D~a,rtmel'tt ()f Home.land
Security {DHS}, Immigration and Ct!stbrn.s Enthrc..;Jtnent (ICE) appf(}ved YQ,ur request for 287(~)
Delegation ()f Authority Training for th~ Butlet COUllty Sheriff's Offke (SeSO). The letter also serves
as a Jlotice of intent w negotiate all MOA betwet;lll the DHS/tCE. and the BCSO.

(}HSJICE is looking rorwal'd to the partnership and the SlICCess offhis joint venture. The 2~'1{g)
program has pl'tldu(:ed s()mt~ very good successes in other locatimls and I have no doubt it will be
successful in Butler County,

James A, Plitt
Acting ()ep,u1y.~~Q£.••.•••..
Inve~tigative Selvic~$.J)ivisipn " .
Department nfHouteland S~~u~if'y
Immigration and CustQn-ls f5rttbrcernen1

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