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City of Phoenix


February 27, 2007

Mr. John P. Clark

Deputy Assistant Secretary
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
425 I Street NW Room 700
Washington, DC 20536

Dear Mr. Clark:

I am writing to request participation in the Delegation of Authority Program pursuant to 287(g) of

the Immigration and Naturalization Act. Given our past relationship with U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE), this partnership will enable us to better serve and meet the needs
of the residents of Phoenix, Arizona.

I have been in communication with your office in Phoenix. Special Agent in Charge Alonzo
PeJia has been very helpful, supportive, and encouraging as our agencies continue to work
together in making our community safe of all of our residents. Under SAC PeJia's leadership,
we have partnered to address the affects that the violent criminal illegal alien has on our

With his advice, we are requesting 287(g) training for the following units within the Phoenix
Police Department:

Six Phoenix Police Department detectives and one sergeant who will be assigned to the
Arizona Department of Public Safety's Gang Intelligence Immigration Team Enforcement
Mission (GIITEM) Unit that will be conducting investigations involving criminal illegal

Three Phoenix Police Department detectiV'es assigned to the Homicide Unit whose focus
is to work with the Mexican government in securing extradition and criminal prosecution
of suspects who have committed homicides in Phoenix and are Mexican citizens.

By participating in this training program. our Department will be allowed to enter into a
Memorandum of Understanding that will enable us to partiCipate with ICE in identifying criminal
illegal aliens who possess a risk to the residents of Phoenix. I look forward to your speedy
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Jack F. Harris
Public Safety Manager

KmA48371:\Kathy\Harris to ICE for 287(g) training.doc

620 West Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003 602-262-6747

Recycled Paper
City of Phoenix

February 27, 2007

Mr. John P. Clark

Deputy Assistant Secretary
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
425 I Street NW Room 700
Washington, DC 20536

Dear Mr. Clark:

Delegation of Authority Program pursuant to 287(g) of

the Immigration and Naturalization Act. Given our past relationship with U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) , this partnership will enable us to better serve and meet the needs
of the residents of Phoenix, Arizona .

I have been in communication with your office in Phoenix. Special Agent in Charge Alonzo
Pena has been very helpful, supportive, and encouraging as our agencies continue to work
together in making OUf community safe of all of our residents. Under SAC Peria's leadership,
we have partnered to address the affects that the violent criminal illegal alien has on our

With his advice, we are requesting 287(g) training for the following units within the Phoenix
Police Department:

Six Phoenix Police Department detectives and one sergeant who will be assigned to the
Arizona Department of Public Safety's Gang Intelligence Immigration Team Enforcement
Mission (GI ITEM) Unit that will be conducting investigations involving criminal illegal

Three Phoenix Police Department detectives assigned to the Homicide Unit whose focus
is to work with the Mexican government in securing extradition and criminal prosecution
of suspects who have committed homicides in Phoenix and are Mexican citizens .

By participating in this training program, our Department will be allowed to enter into a
Memorandum of Understanding that will enable us to participate with ICE in identifying criminal
illegal aliens who possess a risk to the residents of Phoenix. I look forward to your speedy
endorsement of this request and moving forward with this program for the benefit of all.


Jack F. Harris
Public Safety Manager

KmA48371:\Kalhy\Ha rris 10 ICE for 287(g) training.doc

620 Wesl Wastung ton Street, PhoenIX, Anzona 85003 602-262-6747

u.s. ".'.. rtm.~~~"""""
42' I
Washington. DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

MAR 0 5 2007

Public Service Manager Jack F. Harris

City of Phoenix
620 West Washington St
Phoenix, AZ 602·262·6747

Dear Public Service Manager Harris:

Thank you for your interest in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority program. This letter is to
notify you that the Office of the Assistant Secretary for U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) has received your request for 287(g) Delegation of Authority training for
the City ofPhocnix.

On March I, 2007, the Program Manager for 287(g) Delegation of Authority at ICE
Headquarters forwarded your request for participation in the 287(g) program to the Special
Agent in Charge Phoenix office. The Special Agent in Charge (SAC), ICE Detention and
Removal, Field Office Director (FOD), and the City of Phoenix will need to conduct ajoint
assessment project. After completion, the assessment will be provided to ICE Headquarters,
for review by Assistant Secretary Julie L. Myers.

City of Phoenixis in the ICE, Special Agent in Charge Phoenix area of responsibility (AOR).
The local ICE point of contact is Deputy Special Agent in Charge, who will oversee the 287(g)
program for the SAC Chicago office. DSAC Troy Henely can be reached at 602·514·7392.

Jesus R.
287 (g) nit Chie
Office of Investigations
;;- vtl/lnlftllligdtna

U~ ftetMrt..... oI ......... Seeurity


MAtff"i "7

PlIb!ic Service Mapger Jack F. Harris

CityofPhoenh~ ,
620 west W~ St
Phoenix, AZ 662:'262-6747

Dear Public Service Manager Harris:

Thank you for your in. . . in the 287(&) Delegation. of Authority prograpt. This tetter ~ to
notify you that the Oftlee,of.dte Assistant Secretary for U.S. Immigration 8nd Customs
Enforcement (ICE) has received your request for 281(g) Delegation of Authority trainirlg fir
the C~ of Phoenix.

On MarCh 1, 2007, the Program Manager for 287(g) Delegation of Authority at ICE
Headquarters forwarded your request for participation in the 287(g) pro~ to the Specitd
Agent in Charge Phoenix office. The Special Agent in Charge (SAC), ICE Detention and
Removal, Field Office Director (POD), and the City ofPheenix will need to conduct ajoint
assessment project. After completion, the assessment will be provided to ICE HeadquarteJS,
for review by Assistant Secretary Julie L. Myers.

City of Phoonixis in the ICE, Special Apnt in C~ Pho~ area of responsibility (AOR).
The local ICE point of contact is Deputy Special Agent in Chqe, who will q~~ the 287(&)
program for the SAC Chicago office. D S A C _ ca4 be reached ~

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