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Welcome to the Daily Message

... may you take away something of value today.

Who We Are; What We Do

It is with great pleasure we greet our beloved human friends on this new
day as we are called forward to participate with each one of you in the
sharing of perspectives. Who is this ‘we’ that is speaking? ‘We’ are a group
of guides and non-physical aspects who work together to enrich the
experience of the physical journey. The nature of this journey is changing
as our beloved human friends call in their multi-dimensional aspects in
greater and greater awareness. Each of you is learning to shift in your
awareness from a relationship with what appears to be solid into a
relationship with frequency and potential, and the best way we know to
support you in this exploration is to guide you into your emotions, which
are frequency-based, and into your imagination which is also frequency-

We are encouraging each of you to gain expertise in the span of your

emotions, to recognize what fear feels like and to be able to choose new
thoughts that lift up how you feel without negating or attempting to negate
your fear. It is allowing the fear that will eventually loosen its stranglehold
upon your creative style. Struggling with fear is a full-time job with a back-
breaking load of overtime. You can recognize fear, say ‘‘Hi!’’ and practice
your skills of feeling better all at the same time. It actually feels pretty good
over time to cease and desist in your struggle with your own fear. This
position frees up the most creative energy for your life.

As your guides and nonphysical aspects we are able to emerge into

physical experience with you as the energies support the strengthening of
your heart centers. These experiences are wonderfully unique for us and
we are moving slowly, with great care, as your heart opens up to our
presence. As we have stated before, we seek to strengthen your awareness
of your personal frequency signature and we also seek to help you
understand those challenges that are habitual to your personality and to
recognize them so that you will not be tempted to project them outside of
yourself. There is nothing wrong with having habitual challenges related to
your personality, they are normal and eventually as they are transmuted
they will fall away.

We would like to refresh your memory that ‘allowing’ and ‘accepting’ your
challenges while you also practice your new skills is the formula for
eventual transmutation. In the practice of your new skills of choosing
appreciation, compassion, immersing your awareness in the beauty of the
natural world and recalling the frequency experience of deeply aligning
with the One, you become increasingly aware of your personal frequency
signature and that aspect of yourself continues to evolve.

Please be patient with yourself as you do this work, for it is work that must
be done in painstaking detail and done correctly to support evolution.
Remember that your habitual challenges will involve avoidance, denial,
projection, and combativeness, to name a few. Again, there is nothing
wrong with such challenges, but they can be a source of great emotional
pain if you are not able to become aware of your defenses. In the practice
of accepting and allowing fear, you are much less triggered into your
defenses and you can learn to ‘feel’ the difference between ‘allowing’ and
‘defending’. If you can ‘allow’ fear for even a moment or two at a time in the
beginning, you are practicing a new skill. Sometimes it truly does help to
talk to your fear, and to monitor your position with your fear as you do so.
Let fear know what you’re doing. ‘‘Hi fear. I am practicing allowing and
accepting you for just what you are, so you don’t need to feel
unappreciated. Thank you for all the times you’ve helped me in my life.
Thank you for reflecting me to me.’’ Choosing to appreciate fear certainly
diffuses any residual charge that might build up around it. Plain old fear
isn’t nearly as bad as the contorted expression of fear that one experiences
when lost in defensiveness.

As your guides we did not recognize how much we would be advocating

for fear in these times. It seems counter-intuitive does it not? We are
somewhat surprised at how deep into fear we must go with you in order to
support your transmutation process. As you are compassionate with your
challenges and yourself, we can work at every level of your being with you
for the level of transmutation you desire. As your guides and nonphysical
aspects we hold great love and respect for what you have brought forward
for alchemy in these new frequencies. And so it is.

Daily Energy Intention:

I am grateful for all that has been given me, I seek freedom from past
limitations and I commit to knowing myself, for today I am empowered in all
I do.

Galactic Tone: 5 --- Empowering

Sacred Sun Sign: Seed

Your Heart Knows

We greet our beloved friends in this energy of completion as it relates to
your deepening understanding of your own wisdom. There is an air of well-
being that supports the consecration of your ability to trust your intuition
when your knowledge does not suffice. Of course this is the way of a shift
of large magnitude. How can you already know the unknown? You must
move to your intuition to guide you through. The coming times usher in an
era of compassion, appreciation and focus on higher ideals, and the
flowering phase of this galactic event begins in days you can count on
your fingers and toes. Regardless of the destruction going on all around
you, there is reason for great hope. Your intuition about how to move
forward on behalf of your planetary mother in her galactic progression will
serve you well. Look to the ways you can serve life on this planet with an
eye towards sustainability, deep respect and creative solutions and you
will easily be supported and find your path. Your dynamic wisdom is gently
trying to capture your attention. How can you find ways to listen?

As we have stated already in this trecena, your heart center is the new
wisdom center in the flowering frequency shift. When we say the frequency
is shifting, by the way, we do not mean you will never have 3rd dimensional
frequency again. We mean that a powerful new level of frequency is being
added to 3rd dimensional frequency and that the new frequency addition,
then changes everything and how everything is approached and managed.
The coming age is defined by the development and use of an empowered
heart center. The good news is you do not have to empower your own heart
center from the solar plexus center whose primary tool for evaluation has
been fear. It would never work that way. The incoming energy awakens the
heart center and empowers it. This is why 'the path with heart in it' seems
so compelling to you now. You will find that gains you make in this energy
mix related to greater compassion, fluid wisdom and experiential
participation are much more consistent and repeatable than they were five,
ten or twenty years ago. It is becoming the new way. It is an age of hope for
things deeply longed for. Your longing has brought you here. This is a time
of creative solutions that spring from hope rather than from fear. It is a time
of applying yourself in new ways.
Star energy is an apt and intentional culmination of the wisdom trecena. A
star is a source of energy in and of itself. It is a true 'energizer bunny' in the
world of energy and frequency. Such is the nature of heart-centered
wisdom. It may never know 'what' to do exactly, but it always knows 'who' it
is and that is more than enough in the moment. It shines and it illuminates
the situation at hand. This type of wisdom does not 'fix' or 'repair', it adds
light into the equation and allows things to settle into what they will be in
the presence of the light. All your life your heart has 'known', now its light
can shine consistently in your life. Will this change you? This will change
you and your world. Do not 'give' of yourself; 'be' yourself. Be the gift. Be
your own star, and let your knowing heart be your touchstone for every
opportunity that this energy shift provides. If this teaching offers material
according to your desires and gentle wisdom, we consecrate its availability
and usefulness to you. And so it is.

Daily Energy Intention:

In the energy of completion and preparation for the next steps forward, I
remember that my wisdom is flexible, fortunate and luminous and that I
have been well prepared to offer myself to life in gratitude, appreciation
and service.

Galactic Tone: 13 - Fruition, Completion & Ascension

Sacred Sun Sign: Star (Lamat)

Heart-Centered Discernment
We greet our beloved friends on this day of action and communication
related to discernment that is moving into wisdom. As we have indicated
the nature of wisdom is shifting in the energetic changes that are upon
you. Wisdom has traditionally been considered a mental faculty in 3rd
dimensional expression and it is moving to a heart-based intuitive dynamic
that considers the mental faculties as a part of its resource pool. Each
world builds upon the one that came before it. In such a shift, the nature
and function of discernment likewise shift. Discernment as a sort-and-
discard function is no longer energetically supported. Discernment that is
able to see deeper into the heart and truth of a person or situation is
developing and is oriented to be conserving of the individuals and the work
that has been done. It becomes then a process of inclusion, whereby the
truth and value of individuals and situations are discovered, accepted and
included rather than rejected and discarded. This dynamic reflects the
nature of the heart center.
You can expect to experience many changes internally as this energy
moves into your perceptions of daily reality. In an interesting way you may
notice that you are defensive in situations that unexpectedly include you
and appreciate you. It is as if your ego has a position that doesn't seem to
materialize. In the presence of inclusion and being valued the ego begins to
understand how profoundly its applications are shifting. The level at which
individuals are beginning to appreciate each other and move towards
others rather than away from them has increased on the average of 30%,
and in certain cases it is much higher. Your new energy has arrived and
your systems are attempting to adjust to it. There is an energy coercion
that continues to favor the heart center over other evaluative methods. The
ego will soon be addressing its learning curve related to helping keep your
bodies healthy as you consciously embrace the heart center's discernment
and energy.

Today you have the opportunity to take action related to your emerging
abilities to discern, value and include. In this energy you can practice new
behaviors that reflect the energetic base of the heart center and that do not
acquiesce to fear. It is the new way that is flowering upon your planet and it
is possible to participate even now. You will enjoy this experience as you
are led to value and include. We hold you in love and great respect and if
you desire to practice heart-centered discernment as a demonstration of
wisdom you can and will be able to do so.

Daily Energy Intention:

In the energy of movement and communication I remember to apply my

discernment in ways that align with my heart center so that my ability to be
wise in the face of the unknown will continue dynamically.

Galactic Tone: 3 - Action

Sacred Sun Sign: Flint (Etznab)

Having Once Been In the Dark

We greet our beloved friends on this day of initiating the new trecena
energy cycle related to wisdom that emerges from the successful ability to
bring dark material into the light. Without this process there would be no
wisdom at all, only all knowing or omniscience. As each of our dear friends
is on the same journey - the journey home - we predict you will be able to
understand that wisdom is a by-product of not knowing. Whether you
gather wisdom like the vulture, who floats on the air currents waiting for
her next meal to present itself to her olfactory, or like the owl who
compensates for perceived deficits by a stealthy approach to living prey,
you can appreciate that wisdom is for those in the 3rd dimensional
experience like bread crumbs that mark the path home. Wisdom dearly
gained is wisdom seldom lost. It is treasured and remembered.

While ignorance truly is bliss, it is difficult to remain entirely ignorant in the

energies of these times. Many of our friends are suspended somewhere
between wisdom and the recognition they are ignorant without any idea of
how to move into wisdom from where they 'hang'. This is perhaps the worst
place to be in regards to becoming wiser. It feels as if you have been hung
out to dry out behind the ears no matter what your age. We would
recommend the following orientation to your predicament if you feel as if
you are only partially to wisdom regarding any topic:

1. Recognize you are where you are, and don't pretend you are anywhere

2. Accept the discomfort of your partial awareness.

3. Say the emotions you feel to yourself. Try to identify them with the best
words you can and continue until you feel you have really spoken to every
feeling you have.

4. Allow all your emotions without trying to run, hide, fix, pretend or
otherwise demonstrate discomfort with your emotions.

5. Allow yourself a little appreciation that you are able to be present for
yourself emotionally; recognize how important that is.

6. Give yourself a warm little hug of tenderness and compassion.

This we would have you know: wisdom is not wisdom without a full
emotional presence. That is why wisdom is seldom fully gained. Your
cultures are not yet amenable to your emotional presence and therefore as
individuals you often remain emotionally immature. This is nobody's fault
and everybody's condition to be addressed. We anticipate a rich trecena of
expansion into appreciation of your current wisdom and some greater ease
in the realization you are not yet completely wise. Because for many of our
friends, emotional wisdom is underdeveloped in your acquisitions we will
continue to encourage your development into deeper levels of emotional
awareness. If you find yourself desiring the nature of these teachings they
can and will become a part of your wisdom. And so it is.

Daily Energy Intention:

On this day of new beginnings, I remember the wisdom that comes from
having once been in the dark.
Galactic Tone: 1 - Initiating
Sacred Sun Sign: Vulture/Owl/Wisdom

Divide and Conquer No More

We greet our beloved friends on this day of energy culmination that spills
naturally into new beginnings. This trecena has seen the darkness open up
for you and you have walked through that which you have feared whether
or not you are aware of your accomplishments. In these last thirteen days,
your hearthstone has formed and become much more substantial in the
core of your being. It is this symbol, the hearthstone, that will lend you
courage, capabilities and a sense of grounding in the challenges ahead of
you. It takes form in you as you remember yourself as a being of
compassion towards yourself and others. In this compassionate way you
can move easily back to this warm base in the heart of you to review your
procession through life, your values and your deep desires. When this
center has withstood the onslaught of darkness, it has become tempered
and true in you. You know by now that you can bring pieces of the
darkness as they present themselves in you and around you to this center
in you to be examined at leisure in the light of your own warm fire. This is a
place of transmutation, not of sorting and disposing.

Compassion is the great recycling tool of the heart center. The splitting
agents that have ruled through the minds and actions of those they could
possess are being channeled back into their own realms in the dimensions.
Perhaps at one time that is who you thought you were - one who split and
sorted all of life, destroying that which you could not control. This is not
your true nature but an overlay of energy that has held dominion on your
planet for a long time. It has gained tremendously in strength through fear-
mongering thereby insuring its on-going success. When you feel this
energy completely lift from you it will be an odd sensation and will affect
your self-definition in powerful, evolutionary ways.

As the eagle flies with his spirit far above the earth, his heart is ever on the
ground where his source of life-force resides. That which has previously
challenged you now becomes a fountain of renewal and strength for you,
because you recognize where your heart resides. Even the eagles' hearts
beat as one with Mother Earth as they soar into the very center of Spirit. To
walk through the darkness with compassion creates a great kinship with
eagle energy, providing eagle with a deeper understanding of the alignment
of eagle's heart. The completion of this trecena marks the powerful
awakening of the masculine alignment with his Mother. He now knows
where he belongs and as a result the Mother can turn his head towards her
needs where his strength and gifts can be well utilized. Each of you will
notice a greater sense of relationship with this planet that is source of your
physical life as this dynamic plays out in your own personal, masculine
aspects. It is always a very great and powerful moment when the masculine
aspect truly knows his own heart. As you will see, it changes everything.
And thus we mark the energetic shift of the masculine from split to
wholeness. We would remind you that each of you, regardless of gender,
carries the masculine energy as an aspect of your being. To the extent you
desire to embody these teachings, it can and will be so for you, and so it is.

Daily Energy Intention:

In the energy of completion and in the rolling over of my successes while

walking in darkness, I remember that the rich dimensions extend in both
directions - inward and outward - and I open my heart to serve the
individual aspects of the One as I encounter each one.

Galactic Tone: 13 - Fruition, Completion and Ascension

Sacred Sun Sign: Eagle (Men)

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