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about duphaston and why is it used for ? answers...

i found the answer in an other website... may be useful for others...

In short if you are TTc it helps to retain the pregnancy.
"In women, progesterone is responsible for the development of a healthy womb lining (endometrium)
that is necessary for pregnancy. The body produces progesterone at certain times of the menstrual
cycle, causing the womb lining to flourish. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the womb lining by the
end of the monthly menstrual cycle, the levels of progesterone in the body decrease. This causes the
body to shed the womb lining (a menstrual period). If a fertilized egg successfully attaches to the
womb lining by the end of the monthly cycle, progesterone levels in the body remain high. This helps
maintain a healthy womb lining for the ongoing pregnancy.As dydrogesterone helps regulate the
healthy growth and normal shedding of the womb lining, it may be used in the treatment of menstrual
disorders such as absent, irregular or painful menstrual periods, infertility, premenstrual syndrome
and endometriosis. It may also be used to minimise the overgrowth of the womb lining due to
oestrogen (the main female sex hormone) in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) following
menopause. By maintaining the womb lining, dydrogesterone is also useful in helping prevent
miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) in women who have suffered repeated miscarriages or who may

Duphaston general information
What is Duphaston used for?
Duphaston tablets 10mg are used to treat several conditions that are the result of a lack of progesterone including
menstrual disorders like, secondary amenorrhoea (menstrual periods that have stopped, are absent or irregular),
dysmenorrhoea or painful periods, premenstrual syndrome and abnormal uterine bleeding, which occurs during the
menstrual cycle instead of at the end. Duphaston tablets 10mg are also used to treat endometriosis (growth of
endometrial tissue outside the uterus causing pain and bleeding), infertility and spontaneous abortion (miscarriage);
and are to counteract the stimulating effect of oestrogen on the endometrium, therefore reducing the risk of
endometrial cancer, which can develop in response to oestrogen in women taking hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) for menopausal symptoms. Adding a progestogen with an oestrogen is thought to help the feminisation
process for male to female transsexuals and Duphaston 10 is used as a component of transgender hormone therapy,
to help stimulate breast development and reduce the production of testosterone.

How does Duphaston work?
Duphaston tablets 10mg contain dydrogesterone, a synthetic derivative of the female sex hormone progesterone,
which means that its chemical structure closely resembles that of naturally produced progesterone and it therefore
works in a similar way. Endogenous (naturally produced) progesterone is produced by the ovaries during the second
phase of the menstrual cycle. It acts on the endometrium (lining of the uterus) converting the proliferating phase to
the secretory phase. This causes the endometrium, which has thickened in response to oestrogen during the first half
of the cycle, to stop growing and start secreting hormones and other proteins needed to maintain a pregnancy, if
conception occurs; if not, levels of oestrogen and progesterone fall and the endometrium is shed (menstruation). The
action of dydrogesterone in Duphaston 10helps re-establish a regular menstrual cycle in conditions where a lack of
endogenous progesterone causes menstrual problems, such as in secondary amenorrhoea and abnormal uterine
bleeding; and helps in the treatment of infertility and spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) by stimulating the
endometrium to prepare for a pregnancy and protect an existing pregnancy. Duphaston tablets 10mg act on the
endometrium in all its locations to stop it growing, which alleviates symptoms of endometriosis including pain and

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