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Bursitis of the knee joint

Around the knee there are at least eight bursae (bags), which are divided into the internal and
external collateral ligament, the tendon of the biceps femoris of anserine (tendons of the sartorius,
gracilis, and semimembranosus) , prepatellar and superficial and deep beneath the medial head of
the gastrocnemius infrapatellar. Any of these bursae can become inflamed by the action of an acute
trauma, overuse syndromes, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
The prepatellar bursitis is caused by friction between the skin and the patella. Is manifested by pain
in the front of the knee, with functional limitation to kneel, and walk flexoextension. If the
inflammation is chronic, the bag is distended at the expense of the liquid and forms a swelling
above the knee.
This condition is also known as "knee Housewife" by occur in people who kneel often.
The superficial infrapatellar bursitis or subcutaneous, for being so superficial, as it is located
between the skin and the patellar tendon is almost always inflamed by direct trauma to the tendon
or tibial tuberosity. Edema occurs on the proximal end of the tibia, this area causing pain and
functional limitation of the knee. Also known as the "knee of priest" for his frequent genuflection.
The deep infrapatellar presents as an inflammation of the anterior part of the knee, causing edema
between the patellar ligament and the tibia above the tibial tuberosity. Produce a "disappearance" of
depression that exists on both sides of the patella above the tibial tuberosity, causing much pain
and functional limitation on flexion and extension of the joint, kneeling and walking.
Treatment of uncomplicated bursitis is conservative and consists of applying cold locally, avoiding
triggers inflammatory and trauma. If conservative treatment fails, fluid aspiration and steroid
injection may be necessary.
Rol del Kinesilogo
El tratamiento de la bursitis de rodilla ir encaminado a reducir el dolor y la inflamacin.
Generalmente remite con reposo y fisioterapia pero en casos crnicos puede ser necesario incluso
la ciruga.
Dentro de la fisioterapia aplicada en pacientes con bursitis de rodilla esta la aplicacin local de
compresas fras para ayudar a disminuir el dolor inicial y tambin reducir la inflamacin. Si el dolor
ya se encuentra en estado crnico (EVA 8), ser necesaria la aplicacin de otras compresas, pero
esta vez deben ser hmedas y calientes.
Una vez ya calmado el dolor producido en la articulacin, se le deben realizar ejercicios de
movilizacin para recuperar la movilidad de la rodilla.

- Keith L. Moore, Arthur F. Dalley II; Anatoma con Orientacin Clnica; ed.
Panamericana; 5ta edicin; 2008.
- Sociedad Espaola de Reumatologa; Artrosis: Fisiopatologa, diagnostico y
tratamiento; ed. Panamericana; 2010.

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