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Aditiya Yudha,
Siti Romadoni,
Renny Triwijayanti
Prodi DIII Nursing STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang

Rest is feeling mentally relaxed, free from anxiety and physical calm. Sleep is a
change of status consciousness repeatedly at a certain period. Difficulty falling asleep,
frequent waking at night, it's hard to go back to sleep, and wake up early and feel refreshed
when you wake up in the morning is the symptoms experienced by patients with insomnia.
Stress is a force that compels a person to change, grow, struggle, adapt or benefit. This study
aims to determine the relationship between stress levels with the incidence of insomnia in
student dormitories STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang by using analytic survey research
design to analyze the dynamics of inter-correlation between the phenomenon and the effect
factors. The samples are 75 student dormitories STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang on
March 10 until March 14, 2014. Study using simple random sampling technique. Research
instrument using kuesinoer. The level of stress that most of the respondents in this study was
49.3% and the incidence of insomnia among respondents who did not experience as much
disturbance and mild insomnia 72.0% of respondents. From the analysis there is a significant
relationship between stress levels with the incidence of insomnia in student dormitories (95%
CI: 2.447 p = 0.000; = 0.05 level). Students can recognize stress experienced and looking
for a solution in dealing with stress and use time off as possible, enforced hours of sleep and
no dormitory facilities such as television and wifi can be turned off at eleven o'clock then
freshmen and sophomores have to sleep and there was no longer any activity, as well as
providing activities - activities that have benefits like things to watch together, making this
art, and others - others that there is no saturation dormitory.
Keywords: Students, Boarding, Stress, Insomnia
Rest is feeling mentally relaxed,
free from anxiety and physical calm. Rest
does not always bebaring in bed. However
it can be reading a book, watching
television. Age break, mentally and
physically refreshed. Sleep is a change of
status consciousness repeatedly at a certain
period. Sleep is when the body's repair and
recovery systems. Nurses help clients
develop the behaviors conducive to rest
and relaxation (Saryono & Anggriyana,
Difficulty falling asleep, frequent
waking at night, it's hard to go back to
sleep, and wake up early and feel refreshed
when you wake up in the morning is the
symptoms experienced by patients with
insomnia. The conditions experienced by
28 million people in Indonesia. The data is
based on international research conducted
U.S. Census Bureau, International Data
Base of 2004 as reported from

Cureresearch, Saturday (1/5/2010). When
the population of Indonesia in 2004
amounted to 238.452 million, there were
28.053 million people were affected
Indonesia insomnia or approximately
11.7%. This data is only indicative in
general do not take into account genetic
factors, cultural, environmental, social,
and racial. This number could continue to
grow along with lifestyle changes (Putra,
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is
most often complained. Research
conducted in the United States (Amerika
Serikat) indicate that approximately one
third of adults have suffered from
insomnia each year. Sleep disorders can
affect work, social activities and health
status of patients. Nurmiati Amir,
psychiatric specialists from the Faculty of
Medicine, University of Indonesia Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital, said that
insomnia attack 10% of the total
population in Indonesia or around 28
million people. The total incidence of
insomnia 10-15% of chronic insomnia is a
symptom. A person can experience
transient insomnia due to stress situational
issues such as family, work or school, jet
lag, illness, or the loss of a loved one
(Meiliana, 2011).
Sufferers of insomnia is quite
large. Based on the data in the U.S.
reaching 25% of insomnia cases up to 35%
of the population for the type of transient
insomnia, chronic insomnia was to reach
10% to 15%. Warwick Medical School
survey results from the England to
countries in Africa and Asia gained about
150 million adults experience sleep
disturbances. Average of 16.6% of cases
of insomnia are among the countries
surveyed. This figure is closer to western
countries is about 20% (Meiliana, 2011).
Temporary insomnia due to
stressful situations can cause chronic
difficulties to get enough sleep, it may be
caused by anxiety, stress, and anxiety.
Sleep disorders are common: 40% of
population has trouble sleeping over the
last year, 10% could be diagnosed as
insomnia, and 3-4% had a diagnosis of
hypersomnia (Tarwoto & Wartonah,
A person's emotional state will
affect the activity of the body. Feelings of
depression, anxiety, and depression can
lower a person's motivation for activity.
This condition is characterized by
decreased appetite, feelings of listlessness,
and eventually alone (Hidayat, 2007).
Patients with stress now more and
more, about 1.33 million inhabitants of
Jakarta is estimated to have a mental
health disorder or stress. Stress disorder
was caused by a variety of things, mainly
because of the problem of work and poor
urban planning in Jakarta. This figure
reaches 14% of the total population with
acute stress levels (stress severe) reaches
1-3%. Data of Population and Civil
Registration Jakarta shows the population
of Jakarta has reached 9.5 million people.
The population of the stress reached 1.33
million (14% of 9.5 million), while stress
reaches 95000-285000 people (1-3% of
9.5 million) (Ulumuddin, 2011).
However, the stress experienced by
the students have a level of mild stress,
moderate stress and severe stress. This is
supported by the results of the study
Destanti, Handy, Widyastuti & Yanuarista
(2011) of the 41 students showed that no

student is experiencing severe stress,
whether working or not working.
Meanwhile, students who do not work
more mild stress compared to the work
that is as much as 83.3% of respondents.
However, students who do not work less
stress on the work being of as much as
16.7% of respondents (Wulandari, 2012).
Stress also called mental illness. In
the mild stage, stress does not cause
chronic physical illness can arise. This is
because the immune system is reduced and
hormone imbalances in people
experiencing stress. And one of the
diseases that are caused by stress insomnia
or difficulty sleeping (Mumpuni, 2010).
Stressors faced by students not
only cause stress but also a range of
students to experience a range of sleep
disorders. This was confirmed by the
results of the study Gaultney (2010) to
1845 27% of students who mentioned
experiencing at least one type of sleep
disorder and most often experienced is the
kind of narcolepsy, hypersomnia, obstuktif
stopping breathing during sleep, and
insomnia. The results of another study
conducted by Kushida, Simon, Grauke,
Hyde & Dement (2000) of 1254
respondents who experience sleep
disruption stated that the three types of
common disorders are insomnia, stopping
breathing during sleep syndrome, and
restlessness during sleep syndrome
(Wulandari, 2012).
Stress and insomnia can disrupt
ongoing student and student to achieve
academic success. This is supported by the
results of the study Robotham (2008) who
noted that individuals who experience
stress will feel the negative effects of
stress such as difficulty concentrating,
forgetfulness, depression, headaches, and
negative behavior, such as drinking
alcoholic beverages. Insomnia resulting
cognitive changes, perdepsi, attention,
mood, and increased risk of accidents
(Cabrera & Schub, 2011). Insomnia affects
the learning process, such as a decrease in
concentration, motivation to learn,
physical health, critical thinking ability, or
the ability to interact with individuals in
the campus environment and a decrease in
the ability to complete a task (Wulandari,
The results of this preliminary
study carried out in the dorm STIKes
Muhammadiyah Palembang, the 10
respondents showed 50% male and 50%
female with 80% incidence of moderate
stress, stress 20% lighter and 80% of the
stress being experienced by women is
50%, while Male only 30%. Incidence of
insomnia is 60% male and 40% female
with 60% incidence of moderate insomnia,
40% and 60% mild insomnia insomnia
was experienced by men.
Based on the background above,
the researcher is interested to further
investigate these issues in a study entitled
"Relationship stress levels with the
incidence of insomnia in student
dormitories STIKes Muhammadiyah
Palembang in 2014.
This type of research is both
analytical survey is a survey or research
that tries to identify how and why the
health phenomenon occurs. Then
analyzing the correlation between the
dynamics of the phenomenon, either
between the risk of the effect, among the
risk factors, and between factors effect.

The definition of a factor effect is a result
of the presence of risk factors, whereas
risk factors is a phenomenon that led to the
Test used in this study is a
statistical test Chi Square with = 0.05
level. If the probability value (p value) less
than or equal to (0:05), means that there
is a relationship between the dependent
and independent variables, while a
univariate analysis using frequency and
1. Overview Stress Levels in Student
The level of stress in this study were
categorized into three levels of stress,
namely mild stress, moderate stress and
high stress. Distribution of respondents
stress levels in this study are presented in
Table 1.
Table 1. Distribution of Stress Level on
Student Dormitory STIKes
Muhammadiyah Palembang March
2014 (


Lightweight 33 44
Medium 37 49.3
High 5 6.7
Number 75 100
Based on table 5.4 above stress
level overview of the respondents in this
study were 33 (44%) of respondents
experiencing mild stress, 37 (49.3%) of
respondents experienced moderate stress,
and 5 (6.7%) of the respondents
experienced hight stress.
2. Insomnia Preview incident in Student
Incidence of insomnia in this study
were categorized into four levels of
insomnia, ie no disturbances and mild
insomnia: if the correct answer while the
median moderate insomnia, and severe
insomnia: if the answer is median (2.00).
The distribution of the incidence of
insomnia in the respondents in this study
are presented in Table 2.
Table 2 Distribution of Frequency of
Occurrence Insomnia in the Student
Dormitory STIKes Muhammadiyah
Palembang March 2014 (


and light
54 72
Medium 17 22.7
Weight 4 5.3
Number 75 100
Based on table 5.5 above picture
incidence of insomnia among respondents
in this study were 54 (72.0%) of
respondents did not experience insomnia
disorder and mild, 17 (22.7%) experienced
moderate insomnia and 4 (5.3%) of the
respondents experienced severe insomnia.
3. Relationships With Genesis Insomnia
Stress Levels
The following is an analysis of the
correlation between the incidence of stress
with insomnia.


Table 3. Relationship with Genesis Insomnia Stress Levels in Student Dormitory
STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang 2014
Category Insomnia
Total P
OR 95 %
No interference and
Medium +
n % N % n %
32 97 1 3 33 100
0.000 2.447
Stress Medium
+ Hight
26 61.9 16 38.1 42 100
Number 58 77.3 17 22.7 75 100

Table 3. Shows that there is a
significant relationship between the level
of stress in the incidence of insomnia in
student dormitories STIKes
Muhammadiyah Palembang. Based on
these results that students who experience
mild stress with no interference and mild
insomnia obtained a total of 32
respondents (97.0%), while those with
mild stress and severe insomnia were
obtained 1 respondent (3.0%). And
students who experience moderate and
high stress with no interference and mild
insomnia obtained were 58 respondents
(61.9%), while the medium and high stress
with moderate and severe insomnia gained
as much as 16 respondents (38.1%).
The results of statistical tests
obtained p value = 000 (p Value 0:05),
so the hypothesis failed to be rejected
means there is a significant relationship
between the level of stress in the incidence
of insomnia. Based on the analysis,
obtained also the value of OR (odds ratio)
stress level of 2,447. OR can be inferred
from the value at risk of the incidence of
insomnia due to stress levels 2,447 times.
Stress is a force that compels a
person to change, grow, struggle, adapt or
benefit. All events in life, even that is
positive also cause stress (Judith, 2006).
Stress is the body's reaction to the
situation shape that looks dangerous or
difficult. This will create a state of stress
the body produces adrenaline that serves to
defend themselves. When excessive
hormone, causing the sufferer prone to
physical illness, according to the physical
condition, in accordance with the
conditions of each - each (Mumpuni,
According Mumpuni (2010), also
called stress with mental illness. In the
light phase of stress will not cause a
chronic physical illness can arise. This is
because the body is reduced and becomes
a hormone imbalance in people who are
experiencing stress, and is one of the
diseases caused by stress are insomnia or
difficulty sleeping. Stress people usually
have trouble sleeping. Although their
conditions were very tired and working all
day, but those that stress can not go to
sleep soundly. Even if you can sleep,

usually they will have nightmares, sleep
disturbances in, breath conscious of when
to sleep and often wake up suddenly.
According Tarwoto & Wartonah
(2010), Rest is a condition in which
physical activity decreases resulting in the
body become more fresh. Sleep is a state
of relative tranquility without full
conscious activity is a sequence without
repeating cycle and each phase states and
physical activity of different brain. In this
case there is some kind of sleep disorder is
insomnia, Narcolepsy, Hypersomnia,
Parasomnias, Somnabulisme, sleep apnea
and Delirious.
Temporary insomnia due to
stressful situations can cause chronic
difficulties to get enough sleep, it may be
caused by anxiety, stress, and anxiety.
Sleep disorders often occur 40% of the
population has trouble sleeping selaam
past year, 10% could be diagnosed as
insomnia, 3-4% mempuyai diagnosis of
The results are consistent or
appropriate to be done by Ulumuddin
(2011) also showed that students who
menglami stress mild, moderate and
severe, while some are experiencing
insomnia. This study aims to determine the
relationship between stress and the
incidence of insomnia in Nursing Science
student of Diponegoro University. This
study used a descriptive correlation study
design using cross sectional approach. The
samples in this study were students of
Nursing Science, Diponegoro University
class of 2009 and 2010 met the inclusion
criteria and study as many as 145
Based on the research results, the
above concepts, the discovery of the
majority of researchers assume that the
state of stress of respondents categorized
as mild stress but there are also medium
and high stress showed the discovery of an
association with the incidence of insomnia
is a serious problem, which given the
student must take adequate rest and sleep
is enough to do the repairs, the incidence
of these events will add to the stress
students because it is difficult to sleep or
rest. So better do a follow-up so that
nothing is so stressful and rest enough and
can be lowered.
Students can recognize stress
experienced and looking for a solution in
dealing with stress and use time off as
possible, enforced hours of sleep and no
dormitory facilities such as television and
wifi can be turned off at eleven o'clock
then freshmen and sophomores have to
sleep and there was no longer any activity,
and provide activities that have benefits
like things to watch together, making this
art, and the other so that no saturation
Based on the results of research
conducted data collection in the dorm
STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang on
March 10 until March 14, 2014 with a
sample of 75 respondents. Then the
conclusions in this study as follows :
1. The stress level of most respondents
in this study was 49.3% of
respondents experienced moderate
2. An occurrence of insomnia in the
most respondents in this study was

72.0% of respondents are not impaired
and mild insomnia.
3. There is a significant relationship
between the level of stress in the
incidence of insomnia in student
dormitories STIKes Muhammadiyah
Palembang 2014 with p value = 0.000.
Associated with the solution given
to the results of this study will be the
advice given is as follows:
1. Those educational institutions are
expected to be enforced hours of sleep
and no dormitory facilities such as
television and wifi can diimatikan at
eleven o'clock then freshmen and
sophomores have to sleep and there
was no longer any activity, as well as
provide activities that have benefits
like thing to watch together, making it
art, and the other so that no saturation
2. For further research in order to dig
deeper into the conduct of research on
the relationship of stress levels with
the incidence of insomnia. In addition
it should further develop and refine
this research, such as looking for a
new variable to the method with
different designs and sample size even
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