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Terms and Conditions (Template)

In using this website you are deemed to have read and agreed to the following terms
and conditions:
The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice and any
or all Agreements: "Client", o!" and o!r" refers to yo!, the person accessing this we#site and accepting the
Company$s terms and conditions% "The Company", &!rselves", 'e" and "(s", refers to o!r Company% Party",
Parties", or (s", refers to #oth the Client and o!rselves, or either the Client or o!rselves% All terms refer to the offer,
acceptance and consideration of payment necessary to !nderta)e the process of o!r assistance to the Client in
the most appropriate manner, whether #y formal meetings of a fi*ed d!ration, or any other means, for the e*press
p!rpose of meeting the Client$s needs in respect of provision of the Company$s stated services+prod!cts, in
accordance with and s!#,ect to, prevailing -nglish .aw% Any !se of the a#ove terminology or other words in the
sing!lar, pl!ral, capitalisation and+or he+she or they, are ta)en as interchangea#le and therefore as referring to same%
Privacy Statement
'e are committed to protecting yo!r privacy% A!thori/ed employees within the company on a need to )now #asis only
!se any information collected from individ!al c!stomers% 'e constantly review o!r systems and data to ens!re the
#est possi#le service to o!r c!stomers% Parliament has created specific offences for !na!thorised actions against
comp!ter systems and data% 'e will investigate any s!ch actions with a view to prosec!ting and+or ta)ing civil
proceedings to recover damages against those responsi#le
'e are registered !nder the Data Protection Act 0112 and as s!ch, any information concerning the Client and their
respective Client 3ecords may #e passed to third parties% 4owever, Client records are regarded as confidential and
therefore will not #e div!lged to any third party, other than 5o!r man!fact!rer+s!pplier6s7 and8 if legally re9!ired to do
so to the appropriate a!thorities% Clients have the right to re9!est sight of, and copies of any and all Client 3ecords
we )eep, on the proviso that we are given reasona#le notice of s!ch a re9!est% Clients are re9!ested to retain copies
of any literat!re iss!ed in relation to the provision of o!r services% 'here appropriate, we shall iss!e Client$s with
appropriate written information, hando!ts or copies of records as part of an agreed contract, for the #enefit of #oth
We will not sell share or rent your personal information to any third party or use your e!mail address for
unsolicited mail" #ny emails sent by this Company will only be in connection with the provision of agreed
services and products"
%&clusions and 'imitations
The information on this we# site is provided on an "as is" #asis% To the f!llest e*tent permitted #y law, this Company:
e*cl!des all representations and warranties relating to this we#site and its contents or which is or may #e
provided #y any affiliates or any other third party, incl!ding in relation to any inacc!racies or omissions in
this we#site and+or the Company$s literat!re: and
e*cl!des all lia#ility for damages arising o!t of or in connection with yo!r !se of this we#site% This incl!des,
witho!t limitation, direct loss, loss of #!siness or profits 6whether or not the loss of s!ch profits was
foreseea#le, arose in the normal co!rse of things or yo! have advised this Company of the possi#ility of
s!ch potential loss7, damage ca!sed to yo!r comp!ter, comp!ter software, systems and programs and the
data thereon or any other direct or indirect, conse9!ential and incidental damages%
This Company does not however e*cl!de lia#ility for death or personal in,!ry ca!sed #y its negligence% The a#ove
e*cl!sions and limitations apply only to the e*tent permitted #y law% None of yo!r stat!tory rights as a cons!mer are
Cash or Personal Che9!e with ;an)ers Card, all ma,or Credit+De#it Cards, ;an)ers Draft or ;ACS Transfer are all
accepta#le methods of payment% &!r Terms are payment in f!ll within thirty days% All goods remain the property of the
Company !ntil paid for in f!ll% <onies that remain o!tstanding #y the d!e date will inc!r late payment interest at the
rate of => a#ove the prevailing ;an) of -ngland?s #ase rate on the o!tstanding #alance !ntil s!ch time as the
#alance is paid in f!ll and final settlement% 'e reserve the right to see) recovery of any monies remaining !npaid
si*ty days from the date of invoice via collection Agencies and+or thro!gh the Small Claims Co!rt in the event that the
o!tstanding #alance does not e*ceed @ABBB% Cn s!ch circ!mstances, yo! shall #e lia#le for any and all additional
administrative and+or co!rt costs% 5Amend as appropriate8
3et!rned che9!es will inc!r a @=D charge to cover #an)ing fees and administrative costs% Cn an instance of a second
3et!rned che9!e, we reserve the right to terminate the arrangement and, if agreed to, we shall insist on f!t!re cash
transactions only% Conse9!ently, all #oo)ings and+or transactions and agreements entered into will cease with
immediate effect !ntil s!ch time as any and all o!tstanding monies are recovered in f!ll%
Cancellation Policy
<inim!m =E ho!rs notice of cancellation re9!ired% Notification for instance, in person, via email, mo#ile phone Fte*t
message$ and+or fa*, or any other means will #e accepted s!#,ect to confirmation in writing% 'e reserve the right to
levy a @AB charge to cover any s!#se9!ent administrative e*penses%
Termination of #greements and (efunds Policy
;oth the Client and o!rselves have the right to terminate any Services Agreement for any reason, incl!ding the
ending of services that are already !nderway% No ref!nds shall #e offered, where a Service is deemed to have #eg!n
and is, for all intents and p!rposes, !nderway% Any monies that have #een paid to !s which constit!te payment in
respect of the provision of !n!sed Services, shall #e ref!nded%
(nless otherwise stated, the services feat!red on this we#site are only availa#le within the (nited Gingdom, or in
relation to postings from the (nited Gingdom% All advertising is intended solely for the (nited Gingdom mar)et% o!
are solely responsi#le for eval!ating the fitness for a partic!lar p!rpose of any downloads, programs and te*t
availa#le thro!gh this site% 3edistri#!tion or rep!#lication of any part of this site or its content is prohi#ited, incl!ding
s!ch #y framing or other similar or any other means, witho!t the e*press written consent of the Company% The
Company does not warrant that the service from this site will #e !ninterr!pted, timely or error free, altho!gh it is
provided to the #est a#ility% ;y !sing this service yo! there#y indemnify this Company, its employees, agents and
affiliates against any loss or damage, in whatever manner, howsoever ca!sed%
'og )iles
'e !se CP addresses to analyse trends, administer the site, trac) !ser$s movement, and gather #road demographic
information for aggregate !se% CP addresses are not lin)ed to personally identifia#le information% Additionally, for
systems administration, detecting !sage patterns and tro!#leshooting p!rposes, o!r we# servers a!tomatically log
standard access information incl!ding #rowser type, access times+open mail, (3. re9!ested, and referral (3.% This
information is not shared with third parties and is !sed only within this Company on a needHtoH)now #asis% Any
individ!ally identifia#le information related to this data will never #e !sed in any way different to that stated a#ove
witho!t yo!r e*plicit permission%
.i)e most interactive we# sites this Company$s we#site 5or CSP8 !ses coo)ies to ena#le !s to retrieve !ser details for
each visit% Coo)ies are !sed in some areas of o!r site to ena#le the f!nctionality of this area and ease of !se for
those people visiting% Some of o!r affiliate partners may also !se coo)ies% 5Cf yo! do not !se coo)ies, delete this
'in*s to this website
o! may not create a lin) to any page of this we#site witho!t o!r prior written consent% Cf yo! do create a lin) to a
page of this we#site yo! do so at yo!r own ris) and the e*cl!sions and limitations set o!t a#ove will apply to yo!r !se
of this we#site #y lin)ing to it%
'in*s from this website
'e do not monitor or review the content of other party$s we#sites which are lin)ed to from this we#site% &pinions
e*pressed or material appearing on s!ch we#sites are not necessarily shared or endorsed #y !s and sho!ld not #e
regarded as the p!#lisher of s!ch opinions or material% Please #e aware that we are not responsi#le for the privacy
practices, or content, of these sites% 'e enco!rage o!r !sers to #e aware when they leave o!r site I to read the
privacy statements of these sites% o! sho!ld eval!ate the sec!rity and tr!stworthiness of any other site connected to
this site or accessed thro!gh this site yo!rself, #efore disclosing any personal information to them% This Company will
not accept any responsi#ility for any loss or damage in whatever manner, howsoever ca!sed, res!lting from yo!r
disclos!re to third parties of personal information%
Copyright +otice
Copyright and other relevant intellect!al property rights e*ists on all te*t relating to the Company$s services and the
f!ll content of this we#site%
This Company$s logo is a registered trademar) of this Company in the (nited Gingdom and other co!ntries% The
#rand names and specific services of this Company feat!red on this we# site are trade mar)ed 5delete this
paragraphed cla!se if no registered trademar) e*ists8%
'e have several different eHmail addresses for different 9!eries% These, I other contact information, can #e fo!nd on
o!r Contact ,s lin) on o!r we#site or via Company literat!re or via the Company$s stated telephone, facsimile or
mo#ile telephone n!m#ers%
This company is registered in -ngland and 'ales, N!m#er 00000000, registered office 0=A Any Street, Anytown A;=
ACD% 5&nly need to state this if .imited Company, otherwise proprietors$+partners$ home+trading address m!st #e
shown, witho!t !se of the term: registered8
)orce -a.eure
Neither party shall #e lia#le to the other for any fail!re to perform any o#ligation !nder any Agreement which is d!e to
an event #eyond the control of s!ch party incl!ding #!t not limited to any Act of Jod, terrorism, war, Political
ins!rgence, ins!rrection, riot, civil !nrest, act of civil or military a!thority, !prising, earth9!a)e, flood or any other
nat!ral or man made event!ality o!tside of o!r control, which ca!ses the termination of an agreement or contract
entered into, nor which co!ld have #een reasona#ly foreseen% Any Party affected #y s!ch event shall forthwith inform
the other Party of the same and shall !se all reasona#le endeavo!rs to comply with the terms and conditions of any
Agreement contained herein%
Kail!re of either Party to insist !pon strict performance of any provision of this or any Agreement or the fail!re of
either Party to e*ercise any right or remedy to which it, he or they are entitled here!nder shall not constit!te a waiver
thereof and shall not ca!se a dimin!tion of the o#ligations !nder this or any Agreement% No waiver of any of the
provisions of this or any Agreement shall #e effective !nless it is e*pressly stated to #e s!ch and signed #y #oth
The laws of -ngland and 'ales govern these terms and conditions% ;y accessing this we#site 5and !sing o!r
services+#!ying o!r prod!cts8 yo! consent to these terms and conditions and to the e*cl!sive ,!risdiction of the
-nglish co!rts in all disp!tes arising o!t of s!ch access% Cf any of these terms are deemed invalid or !nenforcea#le
for any reason 6incl!ding, #!t not limited to the e*cl!sions and limitations set o!t a#ove7, then the invalid or
!nenforcea#le provision will #e severed from these terms and the remaining terms will contin!e to apply% Kail!re of
the Company to enforce any of the provisions set o!t in these Terms and Conditions and any Agreement, or fail!re to
e*ercise any option to terminate, shall not #e constr!ed as waiver of s!ch provisions and shall not affect the validity
of these Terms and Conditions or of any Agreement or any part thereof, or the right thereafter to enforce each and
every provision% These Terms and Conditions shall not #e amended, modified, varied or s!pplemented e*cept in
writing and signed #y d!ly a!thorised representatives of the Company%
+otification of Changes
The Company reserves the right to change these conditions from time to time as it sees fit and yo!r contin!ed !se of
the site will signify yo!r acceptance of any ad,!stment to these terms% Cf there are any changes to o!r privacy policy,
we will anno!nce that these changes have #een made on o!r home page and on other )ey pages on o!r site% Cf there
are any changes in how we !se o!r site c!stomers$ Personally Cdentifia#le Cnformation, notification #y eHmail or postal
mail will #e made to those affected #y this change% Any changes to o!r privacy policy will #e posted on o!r we# site
AB days prior to these changes ta)ing place% o! are therefore advised to reHread this statement on a reg!lar #asis
These terms and conditions form part of the #greement between the Client and ourselves" 0our accessing of
this website and1or underta*ing of a boo*ing or #greement indicates your understanding agreement to and
acceptance of the $isclaimer +otice and the full Terms and Conditions contained herein" 0our statutory
Consumer (ights are unaffected"
L Company Name =BBA All 3ights 3eserved

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