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... through Bertha Dudde

Gods special care for His labourers ....
! special lo"e a#d care is gra#ted to all those of !ou $ho are
acti"e o# ! behalf% $ho $or& for e a#d ! &i#gdo'. (his
assura#ce should eli'i#ate all the $orries !ou are occasio#all!
pro#e to $he# !ou thi#& of $hat is a$aiti#g !ou.
(he ti'e !ou are approachi#g $ill be difficult a#d !et% $ith the
'easure of stre#gth !ou recei"e% !ou $ill #ot fi#d it as hard as
!our fello$ hu'a# bei#gs $hose co#tact $ith e is #ot as
heartfelt as !ours a#d $ho $ill therefore be so $ea& that the!
$ill be i# da#ger of bei#g o"er$hel'ed b! the e"e#ts.
)ach hu'a# desti#! is &#o$# to e si#ce * !self i'pose it upo#
e"er! i#di"idual perso#% a#d si#ce * certai#l! also &#o$ its
co#se+ue#ces ! help $ill be correspo#di#gl!. ,o% regardless of
$hat happe#s to !ou% turn to Me at all times, take hold of My
hand and let yourselves be guided and, truly, you will be
able to overcome everything with ease and inner calm. For
e"e# the# !ou shall still ser"e e as proclai'ers of ! Word ....
-#d duri#g the ti'e of ad"ersit! it is particularl! #ecessar! that
!ou i#for' !our fello$ hu'a# bei#gs of ! $or&i#g i# !ou% of
$hat is about to happe# a#d of the Fathers lo"e for His
childre# ....
(he! shall beco'e co#"i#ced that * -' a God of lo"e% the# the!
$ill ta&e the path to e i# their ad"ersit! a#d * ca# clearl!
pro"ide the' $ith help .... for if !ou ca# co#"i#ce the' that *
-' a God of lo"e% the! $ill pra! to e i# their heart $he# the!
appeal to e for help. (he# * $ill be able to help the' $ithout
compelling the' to belie"e ....
But ti'e a#d agai# * assure !ou% ! ser"a#ts% that * $ill #ot let
go of !our ha#d% that !ou $ill #ot be threate#ed b! a#!thi#g
$hich see's to go be!o#d !our stre#gth .... .ou should o#l! e"er
belie"e i# ! lo"e% $isdo' a#d po$er a#d% trul!% this faith $ill be
!our stre#gth a#d $ill also e#able !ou to spea& o# ! behalf to
!our fello$ hu'a# bei#gs .... (he# !ou $ill ser"e e a#d * $ill
re$ard !our ser"ice a#d protect !ou i# e"er! $a! ....
* $ill also gra#t !ou ph!sical stre#gth $he# !our $or& for e is
re+uired% co#se+ue#tl! !ou ca# approach the forthco'i#g e"e#ts
$ithout $orries a#d &#o$ that !ou $ill al$a!s be guarded b! a
lo"i#g Father to Who' #othi#g is i'possible if He $a#ts to help
His childre# i# their ad"ersit!. (he stro#ger this faith is a#d the
'ore !ou e#trust !oursel"es to e% the less $ill !ou be affected
b! that $hich causes fear a#d trepidatio# i# !our fello$ hu'a#
bei#gs .... Remember that everything is good, regardless of
what happens, even if it does not look that way ....
-#d e"er!o#e $ho liste#s to !ou $ill e/perie#ce ! protectio#
$he# !ou i#for' the' of ! Word% $he# !ou proclai' the
Gospel of lo"e to the' .... for e"er!o#e $ill suffer ad"ersit! i#
the co'i#g ti'e a#d o#l! the stre#gth of their faith $ill lead
the' through all tribulatio#s .... (he!% too% $ill be sei0ed b! !
lo"e a#d be helped because the! possess a li"i#g faith a#d thus
pra! to e i# spirit a#d i# truth ....
O#l! a close bo#d $ith e $ill help e"er! perso# to e#dure their
fate% for the# the! $ill faithfull! e#trust the'sel"es to e a#d #o
lo#ger i'pose li'its to ! po$er .... (he#% a#d depe#di#g o# the
depth of their faith% * $ill be able $or& i# e/traordi#ar! $a!s.
(herefore% do #ot allo$ !oursel"es to beco'e depressed b!
thoughts that !ou 'ight succu'b to !our $ea&#ess .... What
seems impossible to you today, you may experience
yourselves in the form of remarkable help at the time of
great adversity ....
! ad"ersar!s acti"it! $ill assu'e e/ceptio#al proportio#s1 he
$ill achie"e i#co#cei"able thi#gs a#d thereb! pro'pt e+ual
cou#ter'easures o# ! part. But * $ill e/pose hi' a#d ope#
!our ears a#d e!es% ! ser"a#ts% so that !ou $ill clearl!
recog#ise the artful tric&er! of the o#e $ho $a#ts to corrupt
!ou .... -#d !ou% too% $ill be suitabl! e+uipped for !our
e#cou#ter $ith hi' ....
.ou $ill destro! his $eb of lies $ith the s$ord of !our 'outh1
!ou $ill publicl! de#ou#ce hi' a#d be protected b! e agai#st
his i#ter"e#tio#s .... for he $ill pursue !ou $here"er possible.
(he sig#s for the #ear e#d $ill beco'e progressi"el! 'ore
disti#ct% 2ust as ! lo"e $ill e/press itself co#siste#tl! 'ore
ob"iousl!% because a#!o#e $ho belo#gs to e #eed trul! #ot be
afraid of a#!thi#g. But a#!o#e $ithout a li"i#g faith $ill fall pre!
to ! ad"ersar! a#d his decepti"e $or&% he $ill let hi'self be
'isled a#d #ot recog#ise the da#ger he is i#. 3or $ill he ta&e a#!
'easures to co'e out of it a#d o#l! great ad"ersit! ca# teach
hi' to thi#& differe#tl! ....
.et the perso# $ho utterl! belo#gs to ! ad"ersar! alread! $ill
recei"e stre#gth fro' his side. (his perso# $ill also 'aster the
ad"ersit! $ith his support but i#stead totall! lose his soul to hi'%
$ho $ill #ot set it free a#!'ore a#d thus his follo$ers $ill be
bou#d at the sa'e ti'e as hi' $he# the da! of the e#d
co'es ....
4ublished b! frie#ds of #e$ re"elatio#s of God 5*#for'atio#%
do$#load of all tra#slated re"elatio#s% the'e6boo&lets at7


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